The Improver 2021

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CMSS Improver 2021



CMSS Improver 2021

The Improver 2021 The official breed journal of the Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society

Advertising Index: Ashtonia Herd 31 AMSS 28 Cotonhall 39 John Haggett (Sun Life) 30 Kolson 34 Lady Grove 30 Laralor 35 Laughlin 43 Lynmark 2 Oceanbrae 29 Prinsville 35 Prosperous Acres Inc. 13 Richford 40 Semex 36, 64 Shorthorn Society UK 63 Spruce Briar 34 Topshelf (Lee/Upchurch) 27 Westside 32, 33

CMSS Improver 2021

Table of Contents: CMSS Office and Directors President’s Report Secretary-Manager Report Rapport du secrétaire 2020 Class Leaders 2020 Production Awards 2020 Very Good Two Year Olds 2020 Excellent Cows Top 20 LPI Sires Top 20 Active LPI Cows Quebec Cow Sets New Record Vache de Quebec - nouveau record Proposed Bylaw Amendment Change to Classification Scorecard Top Sires by Trait 2020 Virtual National Show Report Country Report: Australia CMSS Launches Embryo Program Country Report: USA Country Report: UK Available Sires Classification x Sire 2020 Production Records Member Directory Fee Schedule Rapport du President All Time Champions

4 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 37 41 42 44 46 49 50 56 60 61 66 3

Secretary-Manager: Ryan Barrett 6A Barrett Street, Kensington, PEI C0B 1M0 Tel: (902) 439-9386 Email: Web: President:

John Eccles, Dromore, ON (Term ends 2022) Tel: (519) 334-3440 | Email:

Vice-President: Janet Edwards, Cobden, ON (Term ends 2023) Tel: (613) 646-7934 | Email: Exec. Member: Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON (Term ends 2021) Tel: (519) 349-2707 | Email: Directors:

Diane Naylor, Kleefeld, MB (Term ends 2021) Tel: (204) 433-7982 | Email:

William Roy-Dubuc, St-Camille, QC (Term ends 2023) Tel: (819) 828-0042 | Email:

Irene Vietinghoff, Norwood, ON (Term ends 2021) Tel: (705) 639-1414 | Email:

Fred Barrett, Miscouche, PE (Term ends 2022) Tel: (902) 436-7881 | Email:

/milkingshorthorn 4

@CanMShorthorn CMSS Improver 2021

President’s Report by John Eccles, CMSS President Greetings to all you Milking Shorthorn Friends on behalf of the CMSS Board of Directors. I hope this finds you all happy and healthy. The year 2021 is well upon us now and the adventure that 2020 brought us has continued, but shown glimpses of some resolution. Hopefully, sooner than later, we will be able to get together in person again on a late July day for food, fellowship and Shorthorns. However, this year we will again be meeting virtually for our AGM. At the moment, there are still plans for a National Show in Lindsay. I hope that many of you can join us and participate in these events. Thank you to all who made our altered programming in 2020 a success. In our relatively small breed we have needed “all hands on deck” and you have not disappointed. I would also like to commend our members who come up with new ideas to promote and grow the breed. Hopefully the seeds that you have planted will grow and propagate into new opportunities to demonstrate the value of our Canadian Milking Shorthorn in an ever changing marketplace. In a society and industry that asks for efficiency, sustainability and a nutritious product, we have the answer! That is why it is so good to own the Red, White and Roan!

CMSS Improver 2021


Secretary-Manager Report 2021 by Ryan Barrett To use a somewhat overused turn of phrase, the last fifteen months have been “unprecedented” for everyone. All of us have seen everyday life change in a number of ways to control the spread of COVID-19. Many farmers have remarked that things haven’t changed too much on the farm…cows still need to be milked, crops still need to be planted and harvested. Nonetheless, we’ve seen major disruptions to our social lives, the market for milk products, cattle and beef pricing, availability of supplies, and even things like service calls that now have an extra layer of complexity. When we are finally past this immediate crisis, I sense that there will be a collective sigh of relief if not a surge in social activities to help make up for lost time. In the Milking Shorthorn breed, we’ve tried to soldier on the best that we can. The Board of Directors chose to enact a moratorium on overage registrations for the second half of 2020 and first two months of 2021 in an effort to ensure that breeders were caught up on registrations. We had a number of herds take advantage of this initiative, resulting in 2020 being our best year for registrations in a decade. We have also added a number of new members and new prefix registrations in recent months, which is always encouraging. While the market for replacement heifers has been quite stagnant for some time now due to oversupply in the industry, we are still seeing first time buyers seeking out Milking Shorthorns. Part of the feedback that I’ve received over the years is that there are dairy producers across Canada who are interested in Milking Shorthorns, but they’re not really sure how to start with the breed. Some farms have closed herds and don’t like to bring in outside animals. Others are in provinces or regions where Milking Shorthorns are harder to come by. Others don’t want to start with just any quality of cattle 6

CMSS Improver 2021

but would like to invest in genetics that should start a good foundation family for their herd. As a result, the Society has developed the new Embryo Expansion Program that was launched in May, and applications are due at the end of June. Additional details on this program are outlined later in the Improver, but I would encourage any new or prospective Milking Shorthorn breeders to consider applying to this program. I can think of no better way to establish a Milking Shorthorn component to your herd! Through COVID-19, the Society has had to adjust on the fly in the past year. Our AGM moved online in 2020, and we will do the same this summer on July 17th. I encourage all members to log on and participate in our AGM this year and hear about the work that the CMSS is doing. Last year, we also launched a new Virtual National Show for the first time, and we had participation from a number of breeders across the country, including some farms that don’t normally show at our National Show in Lindsay. For 2021, we are planning to have an inperson National Show at Lindsay on September 18th. I hope that conditions will be such that many members will be able to participate or simply attend the show. In closing, I invite all CMSS members and Milking Shorthorn fans to find a way to help us continue growing the breed, both in population size as well as in quality. This could be something as direct as participating in breed improvement programs that improve genetic evaluations, particularly for sire proofs. It could be talking to your neighbour about why Milking Shorthorns have a place in your herd. It could be growing the size of your small herd by a few heifers from one of the herds advertising in this annual journal. It could be as simple as taking some interesting photos of your Milking Shorthorns and sharing them with me to use for breed promotion. All members can play a part in the development and enhancement of our breed, and many small efforts can lead to significant results.

CMSS Improver 2021


Rapport du secrétaire 2021 par Ryan Barrett, Secrétaire, SCSL Pour utiliser une tournure de phrase quelque peu surutilisée, les quinze derniers mois ont été «sans précédent» pour tout le monde. Nous avons tous vu la vie quotidienne changer de plusieurs façons pour contrôler la propagation du COVID-19. De nombreux agriculteurs ont remarqué que les choses n’avaient pas trop changé à la ferme… les vaches doivent être traites, les cultures doivent être plantées et récoltées. Néanmoins, nous avons constaté des perturbations majeures dans notre vie sociale, le marché des produits laitiers, les prix du bétail et du bœuf, la disponibilité des approvisionnements et même des choses comme les appels de service qui ont maintenant une couche supplémentaire de complexité. Lorsque nous aurons enfin passé cette crise immédiate, je sens qu’il y aura un soupir collectif de soulagement, sinon une vague d’activités sociales pour aider à rattraper le temps perdu. Dans la race Shorthorn Laitier, nous avons essayé de faire de notre mieux. Le conseil d’administration a choisi de décréter un moratoire sur les enregistrements des animaux plus âgées our la seconde moitié de 2020 et les deux premiers mois de 2021 afin de s’assurer que les éleveurs soient rattrapés par les enregistrements. Un certain nombre de troupeaux ont profité de cette initiative, ce qui fait de 2020 notre meilleure année pour les inscriptions depuis une décennie. Nous avons également ajouté un certain nombre de nouveaux membres et de nouvelles inscriptions de préfixes ces derniers mois, ce qui est toujours encourageant. Bien que le marché des génisses de remplacement stagne depuis un certain temps maintenant en raison de l’offre excédentaire dans l’industrie, nous voyons toujours des acheteurs pour la première fois chercher des Shorthorns Laitier. Une partie des commentaires que j’ai reçus au fil des ans est qu’il y a des producteurs laitiers à travers le Canada qui s’intéressent des Shorthorns Laitier, mais ils ne savent pas vraiment par où commencer avec la race. Certaines fermes ont fermé des troupeaux et n’aiment pas faire entrer des animaux à l’extérieur. D’autres se trouvent dans des provinces ou des régions où les Shorthorns est plus difficile à trouver. D’autres ne 8

CMSS Improver 2021

veulent pas commencer avec n’importe quelle qualité de bétail, mais aimeraient investir dans la génétique qui devrait fonder une bonne famille de base pour leur troupeau. En conséquence, la Société a développé le nouveau programme d’expansion des embryons qui a été lancé en mai et les candidatures doivent être déposées à la fin du mois de juin. Des détails supplémentaires sur ce programme sont décrits plus loin dans Improver, mais j’encourage tout éleveur de Shorthorn Laitier nouveau ou potentiel à envisager de postuler à ce programme. Je ne peux penser à aucune meilleure façon d’établir un élément de Shorthorn Laitier dans votre troupeau! Grâce au COVID-19, la Société a dû s’adapter à la volée au cours de la dernière année. Notre AGA a été mise en ligne en 2020 et nous ferons de même cet été le 17 juillet. J’encourage tous les membres à ouvrir une session et à participer à notre AGA cette année et à entendre parler du travail que fait la SCSL. L’année dernière, nous avons également lancé une nouvelle exposition nationale virtuelle pour la première fois, et nous avons eu la participation d’un certain nombre d’éleveurs à travers le pays, y compris certaines fermes qui ne sont normalement pas présentées à notre exposition nationale à Lindsay. Pour 2021, nous prévoyons d’organiser une exposition nationale en personne à Lindsay le 18 septembre. J’espère que les conditions seront telles que de nombreux membres pourront participer ou simplement assister au salon. En terminant, j’invite tous les membres de la SCSL et les fans de Shorthorn Laitier à trouver un moyen de nous aider à continuer de cultiver la race, tant en taille de population qu’en qualité. Cela pourrait être quelque chose d’aussi direct que de participer à des programmes d’amélioration de la race qui améliorent les évaluations génétiques, en particulier pour les preuves génétiques. Cela pourrait être de parler à votre voisin de la raison pour laquelle les Shorthorns Laitier ont une place dans votre troupeau. Cela pourrait être l’augmentation de la taille de votre petit troupeau par quelques génisses de l’un des troupeaux qui font la publicité dans ce journal annuel. Cela pourrait être aussi simple que de prendre des photos intéressantes de vos Shorthorns Laitier et de les partager avec moi pour les utiliser pour la promotion de la race. Tous les membres peuvent jouer un rôle dans le développement et l’amélioration de notre race, et de nombreux petits efforts peuvent conduire à des résultats significatifs. CMSS Improver 2021


2020 CLASS LEADERS Based on Composite BCA in 305 days. Records completed by December 31st, 2020 Only includes animals 75% purity or greater. Basé sur le MCR composite en 305 jours. Les lactations terminés au 31 décembre 2020. Comprend uniquement les animaux d’une pureté de 75% ou plus.

Milking Yearling / Un An en lait Koopycrest Zumba Ali Addie 1-9 8962 337 3.8 272 3.0 394-362-368 Koopycrest, ON Junior Two Year Old / Deux Ans Junior Oceanbrae Pingerly Berry ET 2-2 8971 365 4.1 298 3.3 365-365-373 Oceanbrae, PE Senior Two Year Old / Deux Ans Senior Koopycrest Equasion Ali Anna 2-8 9272 385 4.2 303 3.3 368-374-370 Koopycrest, ON Junior Three Year Old / Trois Ans Junior Prinsville Ace Starla 3-4 9349 460 4.9 333 3.6 329-400-358 Prinsville, ON Senior Three Year Old / Trois Ans Senior Oceanbrae B Bessie Joe 63rd 3-6 11706 534 4.6 361 3.1 408-464-388 Oceanbrae, PE Four Year Old / Quatre Ans Koopycrest P Per Ali Ariel ET

4-10 11839 473 4.0 379 3.2 392-391-383 Koopycrest, ON

Five Year Old / Cinq Ans Serol Dutch Abrielle

5-2 15652 781 5.0 545 3.5 525-656-562 Britannia, QC

Mature Cow / Vache Adulte Camflat Inforcer Mary

6-1 12762 549 4.3 421 3.3 419-450-425 Camflat, ON

Superior Production Awards / Prix de production supérieure Cows completing a record in 2020 that is 200 Composite BCA points above breed average (=> 990) Vaches ayant terminé un record en 2020 de 200 points BCA composites au-dessus de la moyenne de la race See pages 50 to 55. Records shaded in grey / Voir pages 50 à 55, ombrées en gris


CMSS Improver 2021

2020 Production awards Records completed by December 31st, 2020. Only includes animals 75% purity or greater.

Knottview Farm Award: (highest kgs of Fat in 305 days) Serol Dutch Abrielle - 781 kgs of Fat owned by Ferme Britannia, St-Valerien, QC

Joseph Sullivan Award: (highest kgs of Protein in 305 days) Serol Dutch Abrielle - 545 kgs of Protein owned by Ferme Britannia, St-Valerien, QC

Highest Milk Producing Cow: (highest kgs of Milk in 305 days) Serol Dutch Abrielle - 15652 kgs of Milk owned by Ferme Britannia, St-Valerien, QC

Dreymaur Award: (highest 3 year average milk yield) Koopycrest Logic Ali Anne - average of 11,881 kgs of Milk (4th, 5th and 6th lact) owned by Shawn Koopmans, Picton, ON

Lifetime Production Award Level 1: (40,000 + kgs M) in 6 lact or fewer): Prinsville Liriano Ima Star VG Lynmark NP Clarabella EX Oceanbrae PE Fantasy VG Richford Zumba Sam VG Koopycrest P Per Ali Ariel VG Oceanbrae Ironman Ginger EX Oceanbrae Adventure Jo VG Laughlin K Betty GP Lady Grove BJ K Betty 9 F Oceanbrae Logic Optima VG Lynmark KR Regina EX Oceanbrae Pingerly Betty EX Oceanbrae Ironman Julie EX Oceanbrae Logic Poppy VG Lady Grove Mocha Alice 10 VG

CMSS Improver 2021

6 lact. 6 lact. 6 lact. 5 lact. 5 lact. 5 lact. 6 lact. 6 lact. 5 lact. 6 lact. 5 lact. 5 lact. 5 lact. 5 lact. 6 lact.

50,789M 50,500M 49,929M 45,747M 45,338M 43,780M 43,526M 43,303M 43,299M 43,033M 42,835M 42,595M 42160M 40,480M 40,333M

1925F 1905F 2156F 1802F 1865F 2227F 2014F 1645F 1419F 1993F 1685F 1924F 1871F 1695F 1646F

1672P 1737P 1673P 1510P 1429P 1699P 1499P 1501P 1472P 1487P 1400P 1481P 1445P 1323P 1310P

Prinsville Dairy Farms, ON Lynmark Farms, ON Oceanbrae Farms, PE Oceanbrae Farms, PE Shawn Koopmans, ON Oceanbrae Farms, PE Sam Freeze, NB Laughlin Farms, ON I & D Naylor, MB Oceanbrae Farms, PE Lynmark Farms, ON Oceanbrae Farms, PE Oceanbrae Farms, PE Oceanbrae Farms, PE I & D Naylor, MB


Lifetime Production Award Level 2: (60,000 + kgs M): Koopycrest Logic Ali Anne VG 7 lact. 65,912M 2990F 2166P Oceanbrae Pepper Lorelei EX 8 lact. 60,491M 2528F 1849P Lady Grove Aramis Cherie VG 7 lact. 60,115M 2464F 1960P

Shawn Koopmans, ON Oceanbrae Farms, PE I & D Naylor, MB

Lifetime Production Award Level 3: (80,000 + kgs M): Lynmark Diamond Chloe VG

8 lact. 82,871M 3355F 2773P

Lynmark Farms, ON

top herd averages 2020 Clydagh Trophy

Highest Herd Average BCA with 10 or more completed lactations:

Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PEI 58 records 7826M 332F 286P BCA: 286-301-297 Comp BCA: 884

Semper Trophy 2nd Highest Herd Average BCA with 10 or more completed lactations:

Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON 19 records 7783M 318F 264P BCA: 284-288-297 Comp BCA: 869

2020 Very Good Two Year Olds Name



Camflat Patriot Marriette



John Campsall, Woodville, ON

Headacher Royalty Dandelion



Maughlin Farms, Rockwood, ON

Kolson Royal Leaf



Lynmark/Wherry, Norwood, ON

Oceanbrae Andrew Fallyn


K Andrew

Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE

Oceanbrae Pepper Tequila



Antrim Farms, Springhill, NS

Oceanbrae Pingerly Jewel



Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE

Prinsville Justice Echo



Prinsville Farms, Bloomfield, ON

Prinsville Justice Fashion



Prinsville Farms, Bloomfield, ON

Richford Candyman Samy


Spruce Briar St Clare Elsie


St Clare

Westside Ironman Riley





R Candyman Don Richardson, St Marys, ON A & A Bromley, Westmeath, ON Westside Farms, New Hamburg, ON CMSS Improver 2021

2020 Excellent Cows Name


Camflat Inforcer Mary Lynmark NYS Rosina Camflat Patriot Melody Oceanbrae Pepper Lorelei Lynmark Logic Sunny Kolson Nitro EXP Lexie Oceanbrae Pete Idealistic Richford Ironman Iceland Oceanbrae Mocha Sydney Lynmark Bolero Mollie

EX-94-3E EX-93-2E EX-92 EX-91-7E EX-91 EX-90-4E EX-90-3E EX-90-2E EX-90-2E EX-90

Oceanbrae M Nature-P Oceanbrae Turbo Perrin Prinsville Pingerly Star Prinsville Snoopy Fashion

EX-90 EX-90 EX-90 EX-90



Inforcer Now You See Patriot Logic Logic Nitro O Jurist Pete Ironman Mocha Bolero

John Campsall, Woodville, ON Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON John Campsall, Woodville, ON Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON S & J Edwards, Cobden, ON Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON Leckbrook Farms, Brookfield, NS Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON

Mocha O Turbo Pingerly Snoopy

Amos Kuepfer, Cardigan, PE Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE Prinsville Farms, Bloomfield, ON Prinsville Farms, Bloomfield, ON

2020 Excellent Bulls Name



Oceanbrae Foster




Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE

We would like to say thank you to everyone that purchased animals from us or at the dispersal sale hosted at Carson Auctions or who purchased cattle from us directly over the past year. We hope that your purchases are working for your farm. We look forward to seeing each of you in the future.

Prosperous Acres Inc. ~ The Snyder Family 70641 Shipka Line, Dashwood, ON N0M 1N0 (519) 237-3294

CMSS Improver 2021


Top 20 LPI Sires - April 2021 LPI











































Rel. Milk



Fat %

Treeton Pingerly




-0.19 +0.08 111 +14 +15

B Jurist




+0.33 +0.22 107






+0.76 +0.26 103



-212 14


+0.40 +0.17 106










+0.59 +0.00




-194 16


+0.42 +0.23 102






+0.02 -0.01




-255 10


+0.36 +0.04


+11 +9




+0.11 -0.05




























-139 -12


-0.10 +0.09 100






+0.22 +0.10 106



Vinra Frost Ted




+0.11 -0.11








+0.04 -0.10


















+7 +11




-0.02 +0.02 100

Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace Lady Grove Conrad Lynmark St Clare Kundes Golden Logic Adventure Oceanbrae Ironman-P Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty GMC Rebel Logic Springville Logic Premium Innisfail Prince of Diamonds Oceanbrae Diamond Jack Oceanbrae Idol Wildwood DG Lady’s Lance Innisfail Prime Time

Bar-D Cindy’s Clay Clarefield Mocha Koopycrest Anecdote-P

Prot %



Conf MS

109 +10 +11



CMSS Improver 2021

Top 20 Active LPI Cows - April 2021 LPI





Fat %



Oceanbrae Pingerly Betty




+0.03 +0.02 108 +12



Oceanbrae Pingerly Berry







Lady Grove TP Courtney




+0.43 +0.16 109 +10



Oceanbrae TP Lauren




-0.12 +0.23 109 +11



Lynmark SC Scout




+0.59 +0.36 102




Lady Grove A Shiraz




+0.44 +0.14




Prinsville Pingerly Star




+0.06 +0.04 108 +11



Richford Pingerly Saffron




-0.29 +0.20 106 +13



Lady Grove A. Christie




+0.70 +0.15 104



1899 Oceanbrae Ironman Ginger




+0.52 +0.35 102




Lynmark SC Cristee




+0.76 +0.32 105




Koopycrest P Per Ali Ariel




+0.14 -0.08





Lady Grove Cody Chloe




+0.24 +0.03





Oceanbrae Pepper Trinity









Oceanbrae Pingerly Jewel




-0.09 +0.09 106 +11



Oceanbrae Pepper Becca




+0.17 -0.15





Richford Ironman Iceland




+0.44 +0.27




1786 Lady Grove Conrad Dancer










Lady Grove PP Angel




+0.41 +0.20





Oceanbrae Royal Betty




+0.16 -0.04



CMSS Improver 2021

Prot %









Quebec Cow Sets New Single Lactation Breed Record for Protein Production The Milking Shorthorn breed is currently experiencing increased interest in the province of Quebec, and one of those Quebecois cows has just set a new breed record for single lactation protein production! Serol Dutch Abrielle VG-88 recently completed her third lactation, producing 545 kg of protein in 305 days. She also produced an outstanding 15,652 kg of milk (third highest total all-time) and 781 kg fat (second highest total all-time) in the same lactation! Abrielle is owned by Ferme Britannia S.E.N.C. of St-Valerien-deMilton, Quebec. She was purchased in 2016 as a two year old heifer in the herd dispersal of the Serol herd of Roxton Falls, Quebec. Ferme Britannia is owned and operated by Dominique Petit & Linda Provost and their son Yan-Éric Petit and his wife Marie-Eve Maher. Abrielle is the first Milking Shorthorn to be added to their mixed herd primarily composed of award-winning Canadienne cattle. (continued on page 57)

Photo: Emy, Léa, Dominique, Yan-Eric Petit, Marie-Eve Maher, Linda Provost, Éric and Mia Petit of Ferme Britannia with Serol Dutch Abrielle VG-88 16

CMSS Improver 2021

Vache de Québec établit un nouveau record de la race pour la production de protéines La race Shorthorn Laitier connaît actuellement un intérêt accru au Québec, et l’une de ces vaches québécoises vient d’établir un nouveau record de race pour la production de protéines en une seule lactation ! Serol Dutch Abrielle TB-88 a récemment terminé sa troisième lactation, produisant 545 kg de protéines en 305 jours. Elle a également produit 15 652 kg de lait (troisième plus haut total de tous les temps) et 781 kg de matières grasses (deuxième plus grand total de tous les temps) dans la même lactation! Abrielle appartient à la Ferme Britannia S.E.N.C. de St-Valérien-deMilton, Québec. Elle a été achetée en 2016 comme génisse de deux ans dans la dispersion du troupeau de la Ferme Serol de Roxton Falls, Québec. La Ferme Britannia est détenue et exploitée par Dominique Petit et Linda Provost et leur fils Yan-Éric Petit et son épouse Marie-Eve Maher. Abrielle est la première Shorthorn Laitier à être ajoutée à leur troupeau mixte composé principalement de vaches Canadiennes. Yan-Éric remarque qu’Abrielle s’intègre très bien dans leur troupeau. «Elle est de taille moyenne, a été très productive avec des composantes élevées et s’est reproduite facilement en troisième lactation malgré une production si intense. Elle est de nouveau fraîche pour sa quatrième lactation. Abrielle est née du taureau américain Sunshine Moneys Dutch. Sa mère TB-86 par Blissful Diamond Sam était également une productrice de haute composante pour Serge Girard et Carole Beauregard de la Ferme Serol. La grand-mère maternelle, Quality Ina TB-87, était également une productrice constante et a été jugée Mention Honorable de l’Expo Nationale en 2008. Félicitations à la Ferme Britannia pour leur succès avec Abrielle. Un formidable exemple du potentiel de production des Shorthorns Laitier modernes au Canada!

CMSS Improver 2021


Proposed Bylaw Amendment: The following amendment to the CMSS bylaws will be presented and discussed at the CMSS AGM on Saturday, July 17th via Zoom. Current section: 20.3. To be registered as purebred, animals must have colours consistent with the Milking Shorthorn breed: red, white, red and white, red with white markings, roan, light roan, or dark roan. Animals with off-colours not consistent with the breed will be registered at a maximum percentage of 50%. These colours include black, black and white, and blue roan. Animals with some amount of black hairs are eligible to be registered at their appropriate percentage by ancestry as long as the primary colour pattern is one of the approved colour designations. Proposed amendment: 20.3. Colours considered approved by the Milking Shorthorn breed are: red, white, red and white, red with white markings, roan, light roan, or dark roan. Animals registered with a colour other than these approved colours will be considered as “off-colour,” which will be denoted on the registration paper and in the herdbook with the code “OC.” Examples of off-colours include black, black and white, and blue roan. Animals with some amount of black hairs (less than 20% of hair) are eligible to be registered without an off-colour code as long as the primary colour pattern is one of the approved colour designations. 20.4. Animals registered as “off-colour” are not eligible to be exhibited in Society-sanctioned Milking Shorthorn shows. Members with any questions about this proposed amendment are welcome to contact any of the CMSS directors or myself in advance of the AGM.


CMSS Improver 2021

CMSS Annual General Meeting Assemblée général annuelle de la SCSL Saturday, July 17th, 2021 samedi le 17 juillet 2021 The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom videoconference/ La réunion se tiendra virtuellement par vidéoconférence Zoom. Link: Meeting ID: 841 3152 7680 Passcode: shorthorn To join by phone / Pour rejoindre par téléphone: (587) 328 1099 or (647) 374 4685 Meeting ID: 841 3152 7680 Passcode: 894974321 All CMSS members, Milking Shorthorn breeders, and industry partners are invited to attend! Tous les membres de la SCSL, éleveurs de Shorthorn Laitier et partenaires de l’industrie sont invités à participer! Congratulations to William Roy-Dubuc and Noémie Massé of Groupe Fleur-du-Lys, St-Camille, QC on the recent birth of their son, Laurent! Laurent was born on January 22nd, arriving at 8.2 pounds and 20 inches long. A new little brother for Emma. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Félicitations à William Roy-Dubuc et Noémie Massé du Groupe Fleur-du-Lys, St-Camille, QC pour la naissance récente de leur fils, Laurent! Laurent est né le 22 janvier, atteignant 8,2 livres et 20 pouces de long. Un nouveau petit frère pour Emma! CMSS Improver 2021


Changes to Milking Shorthorn Classification Scorecard The CMSS Board of Directors has approved some changes to the classification scorecard for the Milking Shorthorn breed, effective in early 2021. These changes were made necessary by the decision of Holstein Canada to divide the Feet & Legs section of the scorecard into Mobility and Foot sections. In addition, the traits Front Legs View and Locomotion will now be included in the Mobility section for free-stall/loose housing herds. Locomotion will not be included for tie-stall herds. The revised scorecard weightings are listed below.

Mammary System (40%) Udder Floor (4%)

ideal codes: 5,6

Udder Depth (8%)

ideal codes: 5,6

Udder Texture (16%)

ideal codes: 9

Median Suspensory (16%)

ideal codes: 9

Fore Attachment (16%)

ideal codes: 9

Front Teat Placement (6%)

ideal codes: 6

Rear Attachment Height (12%)

ideal codes: 9

Rear Attachment Width (12%)

ideal codes: 9

Rear Teat Placement (6%)

ideal codes: 5,6

Teat Length (4%)

ideal codes: 5

Rump (10%) Rump Angle (35%) Pin Width (25%)

ideal codes: 5,6 ideal codes: 9

Loin Strength (25%)

ideal codes: 9

Thurl Placement (15%)

ideal codes: 6


CMSS Improver 2021

Foot (8%) Foot Angle (40%) Heel Depth (60%)

ideal codes: 7 ideal codes: 7,8,9

Dairy Strength (24%) Stature (9%)

ideal codes: 7,8,9

Height at Front End (5%)

ideal codes: 5,6,7

Chest Width (22%)

ideal codes: 6,7

Body Depth (21%)

ideal codes: 7

Dairy Capacity (26%)

ideal codes: 9

Body Condition Score (4%)

ideal codes: 5,6,7

Udder Texture (7%)

ideal codes: 9

Loin Strength (6%)

ideal codes: 9

Mobility (18%) Bone Quality (5%) Rear Legs Side View (20% LH, 30% TS) Rear Legs Rear View (25% LH, 35% TS) Front Legs View (10% LH, 15% TS)

ideal codes: 8,9 ideal codes: 5 ideal codes: 9 ideal codes: 7

Locomotion (25% LH, 0% TS)

ideal codes: 9

Thurl Placement (15%)

ideal codes: 6

Summary of Changes: • • • •

Weighting increased on Thurl Placement in Rump Section Weighting increased for Rear Attachment Width and Height (1% each), taken from Udder Depth Weighting increased for Dairy Capacity and Body Depth (1% each), taken from Stature Division of Feet & Legs into Mobility and Foot Sections

CMSS Improver 2021


Top Sires by Trait April 2021 Genetic Evaluations for bulls born after Jan 1, 2000. Milk 1. Treeton Pingerly 2. Oceanbrae Pepper Poseidon 3. Oceanbrae Idol 4. Oceanbrae Diamond Jack 5. Innisfail Prince of Diamonds

+715 +617 +491 +392 +366

Fat 1. Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace 2. Kundes Golden Logic Adventure 3. Oceanbrae Pepper’s Poseidon 4. Treeton Pingerly 5. Oceanbrae Ironman-P

+44 +41 +21 +19 +16

Fat % 1. Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace 2. Kundes Golden Logic Adventure 2. Strickley True Perfection 4. Kulp-Gen OK Acdmy Adam-P 5. Oceanbrae Logic’s Plato

+0.76 +0.59 +0.59 +0.53 +0.44

Protein 1. Treeton Pingerly 2. Oceanbrae Pepper’s Poseidon 3. Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace 4. Vinra Peerless Frolic 5. Oceanbrae Diamond Jack

+23 +12 +10 +9 +8

Protein % 1. Strickley True Perfection 2. Kulp-Gen OK Acdmy Adam-P 3. Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace 4. Mapleton Vly MSTR JP 5. Oceanbrae Ironman-P

+0.33 +0.27 +0.26 +0.24 +0.23

Somatic Cell Score 1. Treeton Pingerly 2. Strickley True Perfection 3. Lynmark St Clare 4. Oceanbrae Diamond Jack 5. Lady Grove Conrad 22

111 110 109 108 106

Conformation 1. Treeton Pingerly 2. GMC Rebel Logic 3. Lynmark St Clare 4. Kulp-Gen OK Acdmy Adam-P 5. Springville Logic Premium

+14 +11 +10 +8 +7

Mammary System 1. Treeton Pingerly 2. Lynmark St Clare 2. Clarefield Mocha 4. GMC Rebel Logic 5. Springville Logic Premium

+15 +11 +11 +9 +6

Feet & Legs 1. GMC Rebel Logic 2. Kulp-Gen OK Acdmy Adam-P 3. Springville Logic Premium 4. Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty 5. Kunde’s Golden Logic Adventure

+11 +10 +8 +7 +6

Dairy Strength 1. Treeton Pingerly 2. Lynmark St Clare 2. Clarefield Mocha 4. GMC Rebel Logic 4. Koopycrest Anecdote-P

+14 +9 +9 +8 +8

Rump 1. Oceanbrae Ironman-P 2. GMC Rebel Logic 2. Koopycrest Anecdote-P 4. Lady Grove Conrad 5. Kunde’s Golden Logic Adventure

+12 +10 +10 +8 +6

Herd Life 1. Lady Grove Conrad 2. Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty 3. Innisfail Prince of Diamonds 4. Vinra Frost Ted 5. Springville Logic Premium

111 109 107 106 105

CMSS Improver 2021

Lactation Persistency 1. Vinra Peerless Frolic 2. Lady Grove Conrad 3. Springville Logic Premium 4. Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace 5. Cate’s Tangerine Perles Titan

112 111 110 108 107

Calving Ability 1. Oceanbrae Diamond Jack 2. Clarefield Mocha 3. Lynmark St Clare 4. Innisfail Prince of Diamonds 5. Oceanbrae Idol

111 110 107 105 103

Daughter Fertility 1. Mapleton Vly J Zumba 2. GMC Rebel Logic 2. Oceanbrae Diamond Jack 2. Clarefield Mocha 2. Oceanbrae Logic’s Plato

108 105 105 105 105

Daughter Calving Ability 1. Mapleton Vly J Zumba 2. Gold Mine Frost Kourt 3. Clarefield Mocha 4. Lynmark St Clare 5. Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty

109 107 105 102 102

Temperament 1. Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty 2. Lynmark St Clare 3. Oceanbrae Diamond Jack 4. Treeton Pingerly 4. Kunde’s Golden Logic Adventure

113 107 106 105 105

Milking Speed 1. Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty 2. Clarefield Mocha 3. Northend Edward’s Bertie 4. Oceanbrae Diamond Jack 4. Lady Grove Conrad

109 106 106 105 104


Ferme Carl Bergevin, St-Urbain-Premier, QC Celtic Isle Genetics, Kensington, PE Ferme Claudor SENC, St. Adrien D’Irlande, QC Cranston Farms & Richard Wood, Ancaster, ON Ferme Des Chamois, Farnham, QC Dunkeld Jersey Farms, Walkerton, ON James & Margaret Kuepfer, Cardigan, PE Ferme Espoir, Fortierville, QC Plum Hollow Shorthorns, Athens, ON Amos Kuepfer, Cardigan, PE Jesse Quinlan, Orford, QC Les Cornes-Muses Inc., Ste-Marguerite-de-Dorchester, QC Van Der Schaar Farm, Upper Stewiacke, NS Unique Stock Farm, Rochester, AB Ferme Guylain Ouellette, Ferme-Neuve, QC 23

2020 VIRTUAL NATIONAL SHOW Judge: Rob Kite, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Judge’s Comments: “I would like to thank all the exhibitors for taking the time to enter and putting the time in to turning the cattle out in fine form. It’s been a pleasure to view the photos and videos submitted. So congratulations to all! Thank you for asking me to judge your National Show - it’s a big honour and I’ve really enjoyed the task. I hope one day soon I can visit and see a number of these cattle in the flesh. Well done to all the organizers for putting on the virtual show in these testing times for the Canadian breeders to still display their cattle. Thank you to all involved!” Junior and Intermediate Calves: (sponsored by RBC) 1. Oceanbrae Lass Ballerina (Bentley) – Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PEI 2. Lynmark B Roxy (Blaine) – Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON 3. Boadewine Hoeve Cherry Blossom (Foster) – Frans Cornelissen, Williamstown, ON 4. Celtic Foster Emily (Foster) – Celtic Isle Genetics, Kensington, PEI 5. Ashtonia Bentley Easter (Bentley) – Ashtonia Milking Shorthorns, Port Perry, ON 6. Oceanbrae Applejack Lena (Bentley) – Belding Hill Farm, Lower Norton, NB Senior Calves and Summer Yearlings: (sponsored by Belisle Nutrition) 1. Kolson Bentley Legacy (Bentley) – Kolson Milking Shorthorns, Cobden, ON 2. Oceanbrae Bentley Fontana (Bentley) – Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PEI 3. Lyndale Now U C Tuesday (Now You See) – Lynmark Farms & Doug Wherry, Norwood, ON 4. Richford Ice Cap (Patriot) – Richford Farms, St. Mary’s, ON Junior/Intermediate/Senior Yearlings: (sponsored by Farm Credit Canada) 1. Lynmark STC Fresca (St Clare) – Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON 2. Richford Bolero Shazam (Bolero) – Richford Farms, St. Mary’s, ON 3. Lynmark AD Fantasia (Adventure) – Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON 4. Richford Patriot Ignite (Patriot) – Richford Farms, St. Mary’s, ON 5. Oceanbrae Irons Little Willow-P (Ironman-P) – Belding Hill Farm, Lower Norton, NB 6. Ash Lawn Logic Jeanetflix (Logic) – Ash Lawn Farms, Ayr, ON 7. Oceanbrae Pepper Trillium (Finnegan) – Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PEI 8. Oceanbrae Twisted Eleanor Rose (Ironman-P) – Belding Hill Farm, Lower Norton, NB Junior Champion (sponsored by Oceanbrae Farms): Kolson Bentley Legacy (Bentley) – Kolson Milking Shorthorns, Cobden, ON Reserve Junior Champion: Lynmark STC Fresca (St Clare) – Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON 24

CMSS Improver 2021

HM Junior Champion: Oceanbrae Lass Ballerina (Bentley) – Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PEI First Lactation Cows: (sponsored by The Hitching Post - Shur-Gain) 1. Westside Ironman Riley (Ironman-P) – Westside Farms, New Hamburg, ON 2. Richford St Clare Imogen (St Clare) – Richford Farms, St. Mary’s, ON 3. Oceanbrae Andrew Fallyn (K Andrew) – Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PEI 2nd & 3rd Lactation Cows: (sponsored by Lynmark Farms) Oceanbrae Pepper Trinity (Logic) – Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PEI 2. Ashtonia Logic Ellen (Logic) – Ashtonia Milking Shorthorns, Port Perry, ON 4th and Greater Lactation Cows: (sponsored by Richford Farms) 1. Oceanbrae Ironman Ginger (Ironman-P) – Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PEI 2. Richford Ironman Iceland (Ironman-P) – Richford Farms, St. Mary’s, ON 3. Lynmark NYS Rosina (Now You See) – Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON Grand Champion (sponsored by Semex Alliance): Westside Ironman Riley (Ironman-P) – Westside Farms, New Hamburg, ON Reserve Grand Champion: Oceanbrae Ironman Ginger (Ironman-P) – Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PEI HM Grand Champion: Richford Ironman Iceland (Ironman-P) – Richford Farms, St. Mary’s, ON

Westside Ironman Riley VG-86-2yr

1st First Lactation Cow and Grand Champion, 2020 Virtual National Show CMSS Improver 2021


Kolson Bentley Legacy

Junior Champion Virtual National Show 2020

Lynmark STC Fresca

Reserve Junior Champion Virtual National Show 2020

Oceanbrae Ironman Ginger Reserve Grand Champion Virtual National Show 2020

Photos and Judge’s Comments are available on the CMSS Facebook page.


CMSS Improver 2021

CMSS Improver 2021



CMSS Improver 2021

CMSS Improver 2021


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CMSS Improver 2021

CMSS Improver 2021



CMSS Improver 2021

CMSS Improver 2021



CMSS Improver 2021

CMSS Improver 2021





FOSTER is the #1 index young sire in Canada, sired by the top Australian proven sire, Treeton Pingerly, out of an EX-92-2E dam with high fat and protein production from the “Ali Accent” cow family. FOSTER daughters are impressing all over the world, including a number of top-selling heifers in recent spring sales. +2058 LPI +463 Milk +12 Conf Source: Lactanet GPA 21*APR


PATRIOT X IRONMAN-P ICON combines the size, strength and milk production of Patriot with the component percentages and show-winning credentials of his EX Ironman dam, who was twice the Grand Champion at the Canadian National Show. ICON’s dam (Iceland EX-90-2E) has a lifetime protein percentage of 3.7%! He also has a full sister classified VG-85 in first lactation, making a great record.



CMSS Improver 2021

Country Report: Australia by Michael Tuhan, Illawarra Cattle Society of Australia With COVID restrictions in place for the past year, there is little to report from a shows point of view. The cancellation of International Dairy Week (IDW) in particular significantly restricted the ability to showcase the Illawarra breed to the public. Despite this, sales of Illawarra cattle have been met with extremely strong demand, with first time purchasers and relatively newer breeders tending to be more dominant at sales than established breeders. This is a great sign for the breed. The challenge for the Illawarra Cattle Society is to now convert these buyers into registered members. Daughters of Oceanbrae Royal Bentley, Kuszmar Stroker Ace, and Glenbrook Queens Prince (sired by the UK bull Rodway Moses) are now calving in and we wait eagerly to see how these bulls perform under Australian conditions. Luckystrike-PP is another bull with daughters calved in that will be followed with interest given that the frequency of the polled gene within the Illawarra population is quite low. Gorbro BT Sunsupreme, the Pingerly son of IDW Supreme Champion Wallumlands Sunstorm 8, is another young sire that now has milking daughters and early reports suggest that we can expect him to be an udder improver. Agrigene recently added his brother Storm Hunter (by Myrtleholme Hunt) to their team of bulls. There is also a Pixie’s Treble son currently under consideration for A.I. With high components and super udders being a feature of the maternal line, this bull will be one to watch out for in the near future. Sales of both Ovensdale Jenny’s Tribute and Treeton Scarlet Zumba (A2A2) have been tremendous since they entered collection in 2020, indicating a definite high level of demand for these higher purity sires. Scarlet Zumba being owned by ST Genetics has also opened up more extensive export opportunities. While the prospect of genomic evaluations for Illawarras still appears to be some ways off, the breed is working toward starting to establish a genetic database. Working with ST we have plans in place to start genotyping select individuals, commencing with dams of bulls in AI and groups of daughters sired by proven bulls with high reliability. CMSS Improver 2021


This will at least allow us to be in a reasonable position to capitalise on any advances in genomics for minor breeds that may eventuate. It was pleasing to be involved in a constructive Zoom meeting initiated by Ryan Barrett, involving representatives involved in Milking Shorthorn related breeds from around the globe. Collaboration is likely to be our best chance at achieving useful genomic information and continuing this dialogue amongst breed societies will give us the best chance of success.

Riversleigh Pixie Belle, daughter of Ovensdale Pixie’s Treble, Australian Illawarra sire that has progeny in Canada


Belisle Nutrition


Farm Credit Canada

Oceanbrae Farms

Semex Alliance

Lynmark Farms


Richford Farms CMSS Improver 2021

CMSS Improver 2021



CMSS Improver 2021

CMSS launches Embryo Expansion Program The Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society is excited to unveil its new Embryo Expansion Program in an effort to make high-quality Milking Shorthorn genetics available to interested producers across Canada. In this program, Canadian dairy producers will be invited to apply to the CMSS for an opportunity to purchase high-calibre Milking Shorthorn embryos sourced from leading herds at a subsidized cost. In the first year of the program, three producers will be selected (one producer each from Ontario, Quebec, and the rest of Canada) to purchase a group of four embryos at a subsidized price of $250/embryo direct from the Society. In addition, these successful applicants will also receive a free membership to the Society and 5 doses of semen on a CMSS Syndicates/ Semex sire. Successful applicants will be chosen based on criteria including participation in breed improvement programs and interest in the Milking Shorthorn breed. Preference will be given to producers that do not currently have Milking Shorthorn cattle or that are very new to the breed. According to CMSS President John Eccles, “the Embryo Expansion Program provides a unique opportunity for dairy producers who are interested in the Milking Shorthorn breed but unsure of where to start in terms of accessing high quality genetics. I want to thank CMSS Director William Roy-Dubuc for sparking the idea to develop this program. William is a relatively new Milking Shorthorn breeder and had a great idea to develop a program to encourage breed expansion.” Application forms are available on the CMSS website or from the CMSS office. The deadline for entries is July 1st, 2021 and can be submitted to the CMSS office at For more information on this program, please contact Ryan Barrett, Secretary-Manager of the Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society. CMSS Improver 2021


Country Report: United States by Brenda Damrow Gudex, AMSS Executive Secretary

Lands-Brook Chippewa EX-93-4E 2020 AMSS Cow of the Year and Brood Cow of the Year Not many positive things come to mind when I think of what many of us have gone through during the past year. The American Milking Shorthorn Society has had its share of hardships. We cancelled the 2020 National Convention as well as all National Show status for our five national shows due to COVID-19. While the struggles were at the forefront of all our minds, there were bright spots that ensured the resilience of the red, white and roan. Overall output of registrations ended 2020 on a high note. More than 2,600 animals were registered, due in large part to the AMSS Board decision to hold a moratorium on overage registrations. Transfers remained steady even without the typical show and sale schedule. The AMSS Board of Directors has also approved the Society’s move to the ABRI registry database. This decision was made to assist our breeders with more of their information needs as well as ease of registrations and efficiency of the program for our small office. Many regions had shows planned by breeders. Large numbers were present, with the new Wisconsin State/Midwest Regional Show boasting numbers of over 100 head. The quality of these shows was evident with record numbers entered in the 2020 All American 42

CMSS Improver 2021

Contest. The high demand for Milking Shorthorns has been evident with the spring sale successes. AMSS sponsored an online sale with the top prices between $4,000-$5,000 for great quality show calves. Sales in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin boasted sale toppers over $7,000. The high demand for quality show heifers is a great outlook for the fall show season. AMSS continues to utilize USLGE funding through different projects. With international travel deferred due to covid restrictions, the society will focus on international advertising this year. The 2021 Sire Catalog is also possible with the utilization of USLGE funding. Wisconsin will host the 2021 National Milking Shorthorn Convention in June, marking the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Milking Shorthorn Society. There is much excitement as we host an in person event, complete with National Junior Heifer Show and National Sale. We wish the best for our Milking Shorthorn friends in Canada as we all navigate challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to resuming travel and future collaboration between our two Societies.

CMSS Improver 2021


Country Report: United Kingdom Ros Rimmer, Secretary, Shorthorn Society of the UK & Ireland 2020, it has been the year of highs and lows for many of us, the show season had no sooner begun then it had ended, but how many of us thought it would continue until the end of the year and into 2021. The social side of the agricultural shows have been missed intensely by many in the industry, it has always been a time to catch up with old friends and make news ones, I hope we will see them return in 2021 in some format. On a positive note, the society team have remained positive and passionate and keep seeking opportunities to promote the breed as and when they can. With great relief I can report that the finances were very stable in 2019, and it is looking like the 2020 financials will be another stable year. As I write this report registrations continue to remain 20% up on last year, and new members are up three-fold on the previous year, new members have joined throughout the country from Argyll to Devon. It is great to see that the breed is having a resurgence, long may it continue, I believe a lot of it is due the Shorthorns sustainable and environmental benefits, as well as the strong attributes required for grazing-based systems. This years AGM was a virtual one where Seimon Thomas handed over the presidency to Mr Dennis Craig and Mr David Winnington accepted the role of Vice President. Seimon has been a pleasure to work with and I thank him for all his support, I look forward to working with Dennis and David going forward. The Collins Family had an outstanding achievement as Churchroyd Heather 50 out of Churchroyd Heather 29 both classified EX97 – never in any breed has a 97 point cow been bred by a 97 point cow – what an amazing result for the breed. Cotonhall Tuck Clarissa was Champion at UK Dairy Expo back in March 2020, it was exhibitor Rob Kites first time of showing at UK Dairy Expo and he took home Champion, Reserve and Junior Championship. The shows are such a great shop window for the breed and I hope we can 44

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get back out showing in the not too distant future! Our sister company Shorthorn Sires UK Ltd remains the best choice for Dairy Shorthorn genetics in the UK. Sexed semen has been hugely popular again this year, Bushmills Jazz, out of Marleycote Princess Jill 31 EX95, sold out like hotcakes and has been hugely popular in conventional straws after the first batch of calves hit the ground. Churchroyd Pure Class, out of the EX97 Churchroyd Heather 50 is also proving popular for type and is a sexed bull selling extremely well. Our latest sexed bull Oxton Fever is already selling fast thanks to his sire`s high proof for type combined with his dam’s high production and milk solids, she is currently milking in her tenth lactation on an organic system. The committee are always looking for the next top genetics so watch this space for our latest news and new arrivals! The big supermarket Morrisons Dairy Beef Scheme continues to grow, and we appreciate Morrison’s assistance in helping us to source the required Beef Semen for us to sell. Plans for the 2022 World Conference continue to take shape as the committee eagerly wait to see how COVID situation pans out before finalising details. We hope to see many of you in attendance for what looks to be a fantastic Shorthorn tour.

Churchroyd Heather 50 EX-97 One of the first two EX-97 Dairy Shorthorn cows in the UK CMSS Improver 2021



(519) 821-5060

Proven Sires: Koopycrest Anecdote-P


Ironman-P x Logic x Mocha

CAN: +1257 LPI -125M -6F -0.02% -3P +0.02% +6 Conf

Lady Grove Conrad


Ace x Logic x Prophet (HO)

CAN: +1701 LPI -212M +14F +0.40% +2P +0.17% +5 Conf

Lynmark St Clare


Mocha x Ruler x H North Star

CAN: +1666 LPI +207M +2F -0.12% +5P -0.01% +10 Conf

Mapleton Vly J Zumba


Julius x Koyote x Rebel 9th

CAN: +1126 LPI +26M -3F -0.07% -4P -0.10% +3 Conf

Oceanbrae Ironman-P


Adam-P x Thor x Architect

CAN: +1602 LPI -194M +16F +0.42% +5P +0.23% +6 Conf


86.4% purity


81.3% purity


90.7% purity


100% purity


80.3% purity

Young Sires: Oceanbrae Foster


Pingerly x Logic x C.D.

CAN PA: +2058 LPI +463M +27F +0.10% +16P +0.08% +12 Conf

Oceanbrae Royal Bentley


Royalty x Jurist x H Notary

CAN PA: +1752 LPI +209M +21F +0.18% +6P +0.01% +5 Conf

Richford Icon


Patriot x Ironman-P x POD

CAN PA: +1469 LPI +98M +4F -0.01% +6P +0.07% +6 Conf

Select Sires Canada


77.9% purity


86.4% purity


(613) 258-3800

75.3% purity

Young Sires: GE Gold Mine Presto Gianni



51.5% purity

Presto x Destry (HO) x Mocha GI2 Gold Mine MD Justice



46.0% purity

Megadeth x Destry (HO) x Tribute (HO) MACE: +512M -25F -0.64% +6P -0.15% Gold Mine RG Bender EXP



65.3% purity


91.4% purity

Galileo x St Clare x Redman (HO) Lands-Brook Comanche


Zumba x Julius x Mocha 46

CMSS Improver 2021

ST-Gen Canada

(450) 771-6664

Young Sires: Cor-Bloo Ricochet (sexed) Showtime x Rebel x Othello Henkeseen Cyride (sexed) Cyclone x Perfect Storm x M Cyclone Treeton Scarlet Zumba (sexed) Zumba x Pimp x O Marcel Genex Canada Proven Sires: Echo Farm Ted McCoy Ted x Frolic x Contender Rocking WS Kourts Fredrick Kourt x Outlaw x HO

076MS00501 MSUSAM68316692 MACE: -299M -42F -0.45% -14P -0.06% 551MS00505 MSUSAM3149932697

77.8% purity


79.7% purity

(519) 766-4622

(902) 439-9386

Young Sires: Oxton Fever (sexed) Clarity x Zebedee x My Joy

CMSS Improver 2021


71.8% purity

001MS00543 MSUSAM467909 86.4% purity MACE: +1321 PA LPI +332M +1F -0.16% +13P +0.03% 001MS00545 MSUSAM68302824 76.6% purity MACE: +1015 PA LPI +95M -21F -0.35% +3P 0.00%

Young Sires: Kundes Golden Badger Fantasy-EXP 001MS00548 Badger x Kourt x Outlaw GMC Treble Hershey 001MS00549 Treble x Fido x Ted CMSS Office


66.5% purity


68.0% purity


100% purity


La Société Canadienne de Shorthorn Laitier lance un programme d’expansion des embryons La Société Canadienne de Shorthorn Laitier est ravie de dévoiler son nouveau programme d’expansion d’embryons dans le but de mettre à la disposition des producteurs intéressés du Canada des génétiques de Shorthorn Laitier de haute qualité. Dans le cadre de ce programme, les producteurs laitiers canadiens seront invités à présenter une demande à la Société pour avoir la possibilité d’acheter des embryons de Shorthorn Laitier de haut calibre provenant de troupeaux de premier plan à un coût subventionné. Au cours de la première année du programme, trois producteurs seront sélectionnés (un producteur chacun de l’Ontario, du Québec et du reste du Canada) pour acheter un groupe de quatre embryons à un prix subventionné de 250 $ / embryon directement de la Société. De plus, ces candidats retenus recevront également une adhésion gratuite à la Société et 5 doses de semence sur un taureau CMSS Syndicates / Semex. Les candidats retenus seront choisis en fonction de critères tels que la participation à des programmes d’amélioration de la race et l’intérêt pour la race Shorthorn Laitier. La préférence sera donnée aux producteurs qui n’ont pas actuellement de bovins Shorthorns Laitier ou qui sont très nouveaux dans la race. Selon le président de la Société, John Eccles, « le programme d’expansion des embryons offre une opportunité unique aux producteurs laitiers qui s’intéressent à la race Shorthorn Laitier mais ne savent pas par où commencer pour accéder à des génétiques de haute qualité. Je tiens à remercier le directeur de la SCSL, William Roy-Dubuc, d’avoir suscité l’idée de développer ce programme. William est un éleveur relativement nouveau et a eu une excellente idée de développer un programme pour encourager l’expansion de la race. » Les formulaires de demande sont maintenant disponibles sur le site Web de la Société. La date limite pour les inscriptions est le 1er juillet 2021 et peut être soumise au bureau de la SCSL à Pour plus d’informations sur ce programme, veuillez contacter Ryan Barrett, secrétaire-gérant de la Société Canadienne de Shorthorn Laitier. 48

CMSS Improver 2021

Classification x Sire Bull B Jurist Blissful Diamond Sam Blissful Ted’s Spurgeon Clarefield Mocha Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty Echo Farm Ted McCoy GMC Rebel Logic Hard Core Othello Snoopy Koopycrest Anecdote-P Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace Kulp-Gen OK Acdmy Adam-P Kundes Golden Logic Adventure Lady Grove Conrad Lynmark St Clare Mapleton Vly J Zumba Mysha-WO Robin Nitro-EXP North Stars Famous Patriot EXP Oceanbrae Bennett Oceanbrae Diamond Jack Oceanbrae Ironman-P Oceanbrae Logic’s Plato Oceanbrae Turbo Panorama Aramis Pell-Pers Prinsville Equity’s Adamson-P Rocking WS Kourts Fredrick Rovin Ali Cowboy Cody EXP Rovin Bolero EXP Rovin Sue KSR Stanley EXP SAK Kourt Taser Springville Logic Premium Spungold-R Frolic Poker Treeton Pingerly Vinra Bar-D Famous CMSS Improver 2021

EX 7 1 0 4 2 0 13 2 0 1 3 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 2 6 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 1

(Updated April 1, 2021) VG 7 13 2 29 13 0 35 1 2 11 16 3 10 10 15 4 3 4 12 20 15 6 10 2 3 1 0 5 1 1 6 2 17 4

GP 13 31 4 40 10 2 32 1 10 21 25 7 23 19 49 5 5 5 32 36 45 4 11 2 4 10 5 6 3 3 7 2 15 19

G 9 15 3 15 4 4 8 1 5 12 9 2 11 1 17 6 2 1 27 14 30 1 11 1 1 2 1 3 5 5 1 4 5 6

F 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Proof +3 +3 -+7 +4 -+11 -+6 +1 +8 +6 +5 +10 +3 -8 ---2 +6 -2 -+3 -------+7 -+14 +5 49

2020 Production Records Records completed between Jan 1 and Dec 31, 2020 with a Composite BCA greater than 875 and purity 75% or greater. Records shaded gray are Superior Production Award winners.

Age Name M Milking Yearlings 1-9 Koopycrest Zumba Ali Addie G-77 3x 8962 Sire: Mapleton Vly J Zumba Owner: 1-11 Richford Roylty Charlee 7342 Sire: Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty Owner: 1-11 Serol Ace Scarlett ET GP-82 7173 Sire: Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace Owner: 1-10 Sugar Hill Blaine LA Eclipse GP-81 7082 Sire: Eichlers Liriano Blaine EXP Owner: 1-9 Green Acres MR Firecracker VG-86 7365 Sire: SWAG Mega Mr Right Owner:

337 3.8 272 3.0 394-362-368 1124 Shawn Koopmans, Picton, ON 323 4.4 256 3.5 337-367-361 1065 Cranston Farms & Richard Wood, Ancaster, ON 340 4.7 236 3.3 324-374-328 1026 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 269 3.8 217 3.1 331-309-310 950 Robert Howe, Embro, ON 249 3.4 230 3.1 324-268-311 903 Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON

Junior Two Year Olds 2-2 Oceanbrae Pingerly Berry ET GP-82 Sire: Treeton Pingerly 2-1 Lady Grove Anec Capri Sire: Koopycrest Anecdote-P 2-3 Oceanbrae TP Lauren VG-85 Sire: Treeton Pingerly 2-2 Oceanbrae Lass Constance GP-81 Sire: Lady Grove Conrad 2-1 Camflat Patriot Marriette VG-85 Sire: North Stars Famous Patriot EXP 2-5 Lynmark St Clare Simone GP-83 Sire: Lynmark St Clare 2-3 Oceanbrae Bessie Joe 62nd Sire: Oceanbrae Bennett 2-3 Lyndale Me Right Now VG-85 Sire: SWAG Mega Mr Right 2-1 Oceanbrae DJ Macy Sire: Oceanbrae Diamond Jack

365 4.1 298 3.3 365-365-373 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 297 4.2 258 3.7 313-326-353 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 318 4.2 261 3.4 315-324-330 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 284 3.3 270 3.2 346-284-338 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 248 2.7 253 2.7 387-256-324 John Campsall, Woodville, ON 300 3.6 267 3.2 333-300-330 Lynmark/Wherry, Norwood, ON 303 4.4 249 3.6 298-319-328 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 297 3.9 231 3.1 324-313-304 Lynmark/Wherry, Norwood, ON 282 3.7 258 3.4 316-288-331 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE


8971 Owner: 7030 Owner: 7618 Owner: 8503 Owner: 9248 Owner: 8253 Owner: 6913 Owner: 7555 Owner: 7601 Owner:



P % BCA:


1103 992 969 968 967 963 945 941 935

CMSS Improver 2021

2-2 Sire: 2-2 Sire: 2-2 Sire: 2-2 Sire: 2-1 Sire:

Headacher Mocha Danica GP-81 Clarefield Mocha Oceanbrae Royal Elizabeth VG-85 Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty Prinsville Ace’s Superstar ET VG-87 Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace Oceanbrae Aussie Lass Ovensdale Pixie’s Treble Lady Grove Royal Alice 30 Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty

6591 Owner: 7238 Owner: 7079 Owner: 6534 Owner: 7159 Owner:

284 4.3 244 3.7 288-302-325 Lynmark/Wherry, Norwood, ON 288 4.0 235 3.2 307-300-305 Celtic Isle Genetics, Kensington, PE 280 4.0 231 3.3 304-295-304 Prinsville Dairy Farms, Bloomfield, ON 288 4.4 244 3.7 274-294-313 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 229 3.2 240 3.4 313-246-319 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB

Senior Two Year Old: 2-8 Koopycrest Equasion Ali Anna VG-87 3x 9272 385 4.2 303 3.3 368-374-370 Sire: Prinsville Star Equasion Owner: Shawn Koopmans, Picton, ON 2-6 Ashtonia Clare Elvira GP-81 3x 8116 329 4.0 257 3.2 317-316-306 Sire: Lynmark St Clare Owner: Robert Ashton, Port Perry, ON 2-11 Oceanbrae Ironman Crystal VG-87 6656 367 5.5 236 3.5 260-353-284 Sire: Oceanbrae Ironman-P Owner: Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 2-8 Lynmark LC Cristee VG-85 6648 328 4.9 258 3.9 264-318-315 Sire: Lady Grove Conrad Owner: Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON Junior Three Year Old: 3-4 Prinsville Ace Starla VG-87 Sire: Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace 3-4 Lady Grove Zumba Avril Sire: Mapleton Vly J Zumba 3-5 Oceanbrae OPT Talia Sire: Ovensdale Pixie’s Treble 3-3 Lady Grove Royal Alice 29 Sire: Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty 3-3 Prinsville Bolero Elegance VG-85 Sire: Rovin Bolero EXP 3-1 Oceanbrae Bennett Lara GP-84 Sire: Oceanbrae Bennett 3-5 Lynmark LC Smore G-78 Sire: Lady Grove Conrad 3-4 Richford Logic Muire GP-83 Sire: GMC Rebel Logic CMSS Improver 2021

9349 Owner: 9803 Owner: 9442 Owner: 8574 Owner: 8746 Owner: 8212 Owner: 7912 Owner: 8717 Owner:

460 4.9 333 3.6 329-400-358 Prinsville Dairy Farms, Bloomfield, ON 414 4.2 352 3.6 343-360-378 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 379 4.0 311 3.3 335-335-338 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 332 3.9 308 3.6 326-310-358 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 361 4.1 270 3.1 316-322-300 Prinsville Dairy Farms, Bloomfield, ON 313 3.8 274 3.3 315-295-322 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 404 5.1 279 3.5 276-348-300 Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON 294 3.4 268 3.1 329-275-312 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON

915 912 903 881 878

1112 939 897 897

1087 1081 1008 994 938 932 924 916


Senior Three Year Old: 3-6 Oceanbrae B Bessie Joe 63rd VG-85 Sire: Oceanbrae Bennett 3-11 Oceanbrae T Jordan VG-85 Sire: Oceanbrae Turbo 3-6 Oceanbrae Pepper Becca VG-85 Sire: Oceanbrae Bennett 3-8 Lady Grove Conrad K Betty 14 Sire: Lady Grove Conrad

11706 Owner: 9435 Owner: 8876 Owner: 8056 Owner:

Four Year Old: 4-10 Koopycrest P Per Ali Ariel ET VG-85 3x 11839 Sire: Pell-Pers Owner: 4-5 Rovin AB Barb Bella GP-81 11552 Sire: Rovin Mega Ali Abner-P Owner: 4-10 Oceanbrae Pepper Tierney VG-87 11188 Sire: Treeton Pingerly Owner: 4-4 Serol Morris Angel GP-83 10295 Sire: Serol Adventure Morris Owner: 4-0 Lady Grove Royal Blossom GP-80 10395 Sire: Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty Owner: 4-5 Lady Grove Conrad Dancer GP-81 10050 Sire: Lady Grove Conrad Owner: 4-2 Serol Ace Zapline GP-80 8326 Sire: Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace Owner: 4-0 Oceanbrae Pepper Trinity ET VG-88 9204 Sire: GMC Rebel Logic Owner: 4-1 Richford Ironman Darby GP-82 9517 Sire: Oceanbrae Ironman-P Owner: 4-5 Oceanbrae TP Mischa ET GP-80 9578 Sire: Treeton Pingerly Owner: 4-10 Koopycrest Royalty Ali Ashley ET VG-87 9278 Sire: Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty Owner: 4-9 Oceanbrae Spur Gemstone-P VG-87 8357 Sire: Blissful Teds Spurgeon Owner: 4-2 Richford Pingerly Valentine VG-87 8384 Sire: Treeton Pingerly Owner: 4-8 Merrittview Lilyman Norma VG-85 8375 Sire: Merrittview Lilyman K-P Owner: 52

534 4.6 361 3.1 408-464-388 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 403 4.3 317 3.4 340-360-348 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 376 4.2 294 3.3 311-324-316 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 338 4.2 307 3.8 279-289-327 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB

1260 1048 951 895

473 4.0 379 3.2 392-391-383 1166 Shawn Koopmans, Picton, ON 458 4.0 370 3.2 376-369-370 1115 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 503 4.5 351 3.1 359-406-344 1109 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 468 4.5 341 3.3 351-397-355 1103 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 356 3.4 342 3.3 351-297-352 1000 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 332 3.3 338 3.4 347-286-360 993 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 425 5.1 291 3.5 292-370-313 975 Ferm Guylaine Ouellette, Ferme Neuve, QC 384 4.2 293 3.2 320-328-312 960 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 333 3.5 323 3.4 320-275-333 928 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON 355 3.7 319 3.3 313-291-319 923 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 364 3.9 317 3.4 294-289-308 891 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 378 4.5 294 3.5 278-312-300 890 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 322 3.8 287 3.4 294-280-309 883 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 388 4.6 284 3.4 274-318-284 876 Bruce Goudy, Markdale, ON CMSS Improver 2021

Five Year Old: 5-2 Serol Dutch Abrielle VG-88 Sire: Sunshine Moneys Dutch 5-5 Lady Grove Royalty L. Nancy 12 VG-86 Sire: Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty 5-0 Lady Grove PP Angel G-72 Sire: Pell-Pers 5-3 Richford Diamond Jack Lydia VG-85 Sire: Oceanbrae Diamond Jack 5-5 Lynmark Otis Siesta EX-90 Sire: Lynmark KAO Otis 5-6 Lynmark KR Regina EX-91 Sire: Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty 5-7 Oceanbrae Pingerly Betty EX-90 Sire: Treeton Pingerly Mature Cow: 6-1 Camflat Inforcer Mary EX-94 Sire: Quality Inforcer 8-0 Koopycrest Logic Ali Anne VG-87 Sire: GMC Rebel Logic 6-1 North Star Jacks Dorito EX-91 Sire: North Star Parti Jack 6-0 Lady Grove RL Alise 2 Sire: GMC Rebel Logic 6-6 Rippleview Miss Molly GP-81 Sire: Clarefield Mocha 6-7 Lady Grove A Shiraz ET GP-80 Sire: Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace 6-5 Lady Grove BJ Cherry VG-86 Sire: B Jurist 7-0 Richford Zumba Sam VG-87 Sire: Mapleton Vly J Zumba 6-6 Oceanbrae Ironman Julie EX-90 Sire: Oceanbrae Ironman-P 6-0 Onaknoll Ironman Evarose VG-88 Sire: Oceanbrae Ironman-P 6-3 Oceanbrae Logic Poppy ET VG-86 Sire: GMC Rebel Logic CMSS Improver 2021

15652 Owner: 9718 Owner: 8264 Owner: 9918 Owner: 9523 Owner: 9633 Owner: 8659 Owner:

781 5.0 545 3.5 525-656-562 Ferme Britannia Senc, St-Valerien, QC 439 4.5 332 3.4 301-343-316 Glenda Mutrie, Thorsby, AB 388 4.7 323 3.9 281-332-336 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 366 3.7 316 3.2 326-300-320 Bernard Plante, St-Bruno, QC 345 3.6 300 3.1 317-288-306 Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON 368 3.8 309 3.2 302-290-297 Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON 408 4.7 296 3.4 271-321-285 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE


12762 Owner: 3x 10808 Owner: 3x 9932 Owner: 9347 Owner: 11272 Owner: 9439 Owner: 8539 Owner: 10404 Owner: 9220 Owner: 9264 Owner: 8753 Owner:

549 4.3 421 3.3 419-450-425 John Campsall, Woodville, ON 485 4.5 359 3.3 331-376-336 Shawn Koopmans, Picton, ON 394 4.0 350 3.5 330-328-357 Robert Ashton, Port Perry, ON 417 4.5 341 3.6 311-348-348 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 361 3.2 261 3.2 360-287-354 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON 389 4.1 347 3.7 312-322-351 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 439 5.1 316 3.7 271-351-307 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 369 3.5 345 3.3 318-286-323 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 403 4.4 325 3.5 284-315-307 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 408 4.4 311 3.4 287-319-296 Dwayne Palmer, Bruce Mines, ON 387 4.4 301 3.4 281-309-295 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE


960 949 946 911 889 877

1043 1015 1007 1001 985 929 927 906 902 885 53

6-9 Sire: 8-2 Sire:

Lady Grove A. Christie ET VG-88 Kulp-Gen Jurist Ace Camflat Inforcer Joan VG-88 Quality Inforcer

9046 Owner: 10439 Owner:

398 4.4 313 3.5 277-306-295 Richford/Oceanbrae, St. Marys, ON 331 3.2 318 3.0 320-256-300 John Campsall, Woodville, ON

878 876

2020 GE Production Records Records completed by cows less than 75% purity between Jan 1 and Dec 31, 2020 with a Composite BCA greater than 950 or fat + protein kgs equal or greater than 600 if no BCA. Milking Yearlings 1-10 Boadewine Hoeve Lucinda Sire: Koopycrest Anecdote-P 1-11 Richford St Clare Nanette GP-81 Sire: Lynmark St Clare 1-10 Clifton Zumba Rosy G-78 Sire: Mapleton Vly J Zumba

8343 Owner: 8065 Owner: 9496 Owner:

324 3.9 273 3.3 387-368-390 Frans Cornelissen, Williamstown, ON 287 3.6 251 3.1 360-312-344 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON 382 4.0 286 3.0 no BCA Bidalosy Farms, Beaver Bank, NS


Junior Two Year Olds: 2-0 Oceanbrae Jurist Arctic Sire: B Jurist

7596 300 4.0 265 3.5 333-322-358 Owner: Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE


Senior Two Year Olds: 2-11 Lady Grove Cody Alice-P ET GP-82 Sire: Rovin Ali Cowboy Cody EXP 2-7 Lynmark SC Scout VG-87 Sire: Lynmark St Clare 2-9 Prinsville Aptitute Blackie GP-83 Sire: Koopycrest Ali Aptitude

11901 Owner: 7432 Owner: 9440 Owner:

477 4.0 367 3.1 465-459-442 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 351 4.7 282 3.8 294-341-344 Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON 318 3.4 286 3.0 no BCA Prinsville Dairy Farms, Bloomfield, ON


10381 Owner: 9137 Owner: 9591 Owner: 3x 14043 Owner:

415 4.0 340 3.3 361-361-362 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 375 4.1 321 3.5 341-347-369 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 391 4.1 335 3.5 339-340-364 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 540 3.9 427 3.0 no BCA Shawn Koopmans, Picton, ON


Junior Three Year Olds: 3-5 Lady Grove Allegra Sire: Holstein 3-4 Lady Grove TP Chantelle Sire: Treeton Pingerly 3-5 Oceanbrae Bennett Bev VG-85 Sire: Oceanbrae Bennett 3-0 Koopycrest P Per Kailyn VG-85 Sire: Pell Pers 54



1057 1043

CMSS Improver 2021

Senior Three Year Olds: 3-8 Lady Grove A. Jax P. Pearl GP-80 Sire: Hahncrest Appl Jax-P-Red (HO) 3-10 Richford Ironman Els GP-82 Sire: Oceanbrae Ironman-P 3-7 Lady Grove Cody Chloe ET GP-82 Sire: Rovin Ali Cowboy Cody EXP

13002 Owner: 10981 Owner: 9169 Owner:

444 3.4 405 3.1 445-376-426 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 341 3.1 342 3.1 375-291-360 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON 378 4.1 309 3.4 328-338-340 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB


Four Year Olds: 4-9 Richford Royality Sydney VG-85 Sire: Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty 4-11 Lady Grove Anemone Sire: Kleehaven Salton (HO) 4-5 Richford Mocha Montoya VG-87 Sire: Clarefield Mocha 4-11 Lynmark Dual Miss Mini EX-90 Sire: Lirr Special Dual PP-Red (HO)

13086 Owner: 10663 Owner: 11581 Owner: 8522 Owner:

392 3.0 386 3.0 425-316-386 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON 441 4.1 394 3.7 339-350-386 I & D Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 368 3.2 356 3.1 380-302-360 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON 320 3.8 295 3.5 No BCA Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON


Five Year Olds: 5-11 Richford Famous Mozy GP-83 Sire: Vinra Bar-D Famous 5-5 Prinsville Starbuck Summer EX-90 Sire: Prinsville VRR Starbuck 5-7 Richford Diamond Jack Lolly II G-78 Sire: Oceanbrae Diamond Jack

11561 Owner: 10397 Owner: 11298 Owner:

392 3.4 380 3.3 358-309-362 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON 370 3.6 324 3.1 350-311-334 Prinsville Dairy Farms, Bloomfield, ON 345 3.0 348 3.1 356-272-338 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON


Mature Cows: 7-1 Richford Jack Frost Misty GP-84 Sire: Oceanbrae Jack Frost 8-8 Lady Grove Amazered Princess 5 VG-86 Sire: Sure-View SS Amaze-Red (HO) 6-7 Oceanbrae Belmont Zoe EX-91 Sire: Oceanbrae DJ Belmont 7-9 Richford Jack Frost Raindrop G-78 Sire: Oceanbrae Jack Frost 7-10 Lynmark GA Scottie EX-92 Sire: Greenlea Artie-Red (HO)

11086 Owner: 10570 Owner: 10091 Owner: 11013 Owner: 10830 Owner:

498 4.5 338 3.0 339-389-319 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON 408 3.9 358 3.4 343-337-354 Ivan & Diane Naylor, Kleefeld, MB 445 4.4 328 3.2 320-356-319 Oceanbrae Farms, Miscouche, PE 390 3.5 348 3.2 342-307-331 Don Richardson, St. Marys, ON 402 3.7 346 3.2 No BCA Lynmark Farms, Norwood, ON


CMSS Improver 2021

1026 1006

1075 1042

995 966

1034 995 980


2021 CMSS Directory

Annual Members of the Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society

Atlantic Canada Auchinleck Farms Ltd. (Auchinleck) 29 Auchinleck Rd, Bedeque, PE C0B 1C0

(902) 887-2597

Barrett, Fred (Oceanbrae)

1081 Belmont Rd, Miscouche, PE C0B 1T0

(902) 436-7881

Bidalosy Farms Ltd (Clifton)

2408 Hwy 236, Beaver Brook, NS B6L 1H4

(902) 895-0142

Bovidae Farms Inc. (Bovidae)

128 Castle Frederick Rd, Falmouth, NS B0P 1L0

(902) 798-3794

Cole, Sandy (Eloc)

RR#3, Middle Musquodoboit, NS B0N 1X0

(902) 384-2517

Freeze, Sam (Freelane)

43 Taylor Rd, Newtown, NB E4G 1N9

(506) 433-6709

Knoydart Farm Ltd (Shoreview)

7037 Route 245, Merigomish, NS B0K 1G0

(902) 867-1305

Kuepfer, Amos (Poplarview)

4371 Annandale Rd, Cardigan, PE C0A 1G0

(902) 583-2527

Kuepfer, James & Margaret (JMK) 4691 Annandale Rd, Cardigan, PE C0A 1G0

(902) 583-2406

Van Der Schaar, Neno (Tzum)

415 Ridge Road, Upper Stewiacke, NS (902) 671-2720

Honourary Life Members Barrett, Keith (Oceanbrae)

11 Kenmoore Ave, Summerside, PE C1N 5S7

Knott, James H (Knottview)

356689 Blue Mountains Townline, Clarksburg, ON (519) 537-0520

Sullivan, Michael (Maple Inn)

2417 Dillon Rd, Otonabee, ON K9J 6X9


(902) 436-6204 (705) 745-0830

CMSS Improver 2021

Quebec Aubuchon, Dominic (Bonaventure) 1651 rang St. Pierre, Ste-Elisabeth, QC J0K 2J0

(450) 917-2694

Desmarais, Charles (Desmarac)

100 Chemin St-Felix, Danville, QC J0A 1A0

(819) 839-1960

Ferme Carl Bergevin (Carmely)

9 rang Double, St-Urbain-Premier, QC J0S 1Y0

(450) 427-3489

Ferme Dante Inc. (Durham Castle) 121 route Rivieres des Vases, Isle-Verte, QC G0L 1K0 (418) 898-6215 Roy-Dubuc, William & Noémié Massé (Du-Lys)

197 rue Miquelon, St-Camille, QC J0A 1G0

(450) 502-8118

Ferme R & G Ferland (Ducrystal)

1555 ch. Dewey, Stanstead, QC J0B 3E1

(819) 678-7216

Heer Inc. (Heer)

617 2e rang, St-Narcisse, QC G0X 2Y0

(418) 328-4028

Prefontaine, Alain & Roger (St-Yves) 640 St-Yves, St-Aime, QC J0G 1K0

(450) 494-0107

Quinlan, Jesse (Quinlan)

(450) 427-3489

362 Ch de la Grande-Ligne, Orford, QC J1X 6X8

New Protein Champion (continued from page 16) Yan-Éric remarks that Abrielle has fit in very well in their herd. “She is a moderate size, has been very productive with high components, and bred back easily in third lactation despite milking so heavily. She is now milking again in fourth lactation.” Abrielle is sired by the American bull Sunshine Moneys Dutch. Her Very Good 86 point dam by Blissful Diamond Sam was also a high component producer for Serge Girard and Carole Beauregard of Ferme Serol. The maternal grand-dam, Quality Ina VG-87, was also a consistent producer and was Honourable Mention Grand Champion at the National Show in 2008. Congratulations to Ferme Britannia on their success with Abrielle. A tremendous example of the production potential of modern Canadian Milking Shorthorns! CMSS Improver 2021


Eastern Ontario Bromley, Andrew, Anne & Tanner (Spruce Briar)

2326 Bromley Line, Westmeath, ON K0J 2L0

(613) 587-4517

Edwards, S & J (Kolson)

Box 397, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0

(613) 646-7934

Ferme M. Dicaire (Elmleaf)

405 Conc. 3, St-Eugene, ON K0B 1P0

(613) 674-5375

Haggett, John (Fieldcrest)

10034 County Rd 29, Addison, ON K0E 1A0

(613) 924-9502

Laughlin Farms Ltd. (Laughlin)

5450 Carp Rd, Kinburn, ON K0A 2H0

(613) 832-3245

National Museum of Science & Technology (Showcase)

PO Box 9724 Stn T, Ottawa, ON K1G 5A3

(613) 947-2440

Plum Hollow Shorthorns (Plum Hollow)

810 Plum Hollow Road, Athens, ON K0E 1B0

Straathof, Tony & Adrian (Whitewater)

RR#1, Westmeath, ON K0J 2L0

(613) 587-4343

Welch, William & Carol (Cambraelyn)

186 Sweets Corners Rd, Lyndhurst, ON K0E 1N0

(613) 387-2389

Central and Northern Ontario Ashton, Robert (Ashtonia)

125 Medd Rd, Port Perry, ON L9L 1B2

(905) 852-2388

Kiezebrink, Jim (Keemuse)

RR#1, Cannington, ON L0E 1E0

(705) 432-2174

Kippen, Jenna (Headacher)

837023 4th Line East, Mulmur, ON L9V 0J3

(647) 212-4407

Koopmans, Shawn (Koopycrest)

2300 County Rd 8, Picton, ON K0K 2T0

(613) 961-9558

Lynmark Farms (Lynmark)

2019 12th Line Asphodel, Norwood, ON K0L 2V0 (705) 639-1414

Palmer, Dwayne (Onaknoll)

504 McPhail Rd, Bruce Mines, ON P0R 1C0

(705) 785-3837

Prinzen, David (Prinsville)

Box 14, 126 Main St, Bloomfield, ON K0K 1G0

(613) 393-5087

South, Paul (Southdale)

785 Durham Rd 10, Sunderland, ON L0C 1H0

(705) 357-2615


CMSS Improver 2021

Western Ontario Alpat Milking Shorthorns (Alpat)

39576 Clinton Line, St. Thomas, ON N5P 3T2

(519) 857-4528

Ash Lawn Farms (Ash Lawn)

488 Brant-Oxford Rd, Ayr, ON N0B 1E0

(519) 632-7602

Eccles, Johnathan (Laralor)

224072 Southgate SR 22, Holstein, ON N0G 2A0

(519) 344-3440

Goudy, Bruce (Merrittview)

635389 Euphrasia-Holland Townline, Markdale, ON (519) 986-4446 N0C 1H0

Goudy, Wayne & David (Goudyview) 795113 East Back Line, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0

(519) 986-2841

Howe, Bob & Jon (Sugar Hill)

RR#5, Embro, ON N0J 1J0

(519) 475-4244

Maughlin Farms Inc. (Maughlin)

5193 7th Line, Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0

(226) 979-9736

Martin, Allen (Mallard Creek)

7522 Sideroad 3E, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0

Richardson, Don (Richford)

137147 13th Line, St. Marys, ON N4X 1C7

(519) 349-2707

Shoemaker, Daryl (Cedar Creek)

6730 Eighth Line W, Elora, ON N0B 1S0

(519) 846-5292

Prosperous Acres Inc. (Prosperous Acres)

70641 Shipka Line, Dashwood, ON N0M 1N0

(519) 237-3294

Unruh, Paul & Audra (Restless Acres)

RR1, Elmwood, ON N0G 1S0

(519) 364-5034

Manitoba and Saskatchewan Naylor, Diane (Lady Grove)

Box 38, Kleefeld, MB R0A 0V0

Van Den Bosch, Arthur (Swanhill) Box 185, Swan Lake, MB R0G 2S0

(204) 433-7982 (204) 836-2030

Alberta and British Columbia Cupples, B & B (Northend)

Box 754, Errington, BC V0R 1V0

(250) 586-6157

Goudy, Dale & Cindy (DCG)

Site 1, PO Box 6, Olds, AB T4H 1P4

(306) 209-1160

Mutrie, Glenda (Deerhaven)

Box 620, Thorsby, AB T0C 2P0

(780) 789-4165

CMSS Improver 2021


Fee Schedule Horaire des prix Effective January 1st, 2019

Membership / Cotisation: Annual Membership / Cotisation annuelle


Annual Membership (first time) / Cotisation annuelle (première fois)


Junior Membership / Cotisation junior


Associate Membership / Cotisation associé


Honourary Life Membership / Cotisation honoraire à vie

free / gratuit

Registration / Enregistrement: Members Non-Members Less than 3 months / Âgés moins de 3 mois



3 to 6 months / Âgés 3 mois mais moins de 6 mois



6 to 12 months / Âgés 6 mois mais moins de 12 mois $26.00


More than 12 months / Àgés plus de 12 mois



Registration for an animal 50% purity or less/ $16.00 $16.00 Enregistrement d’un animal à pourcentage 50% ou moins - n’importe l’âge Registration of an imported animal / Enregistrement d’un animal importé



Discount for electronic registration/ Remise pour enregistrement électronique



Transfers / Transferts: Transfer of ownership / Transfert de propriété


Bulk Transfer (10+ animals, one seller) / $15.00 Transfert d’une groupe (10+ animaux, un proprietaire) Transfer within family / Transfert dans la famille


Whole herd transfer / Transfert d’un troupeau entier


Transfer of an embryo / Transfert d’un embryon $10.00/embryo $30.00/flush 60

CMSS Improver 2021

Additional Fees / Tarifs additionnelle: Prefix Registration / Enregistrement d’un préfixe


Transfer of Prefix / Transfert d’un préfixe


Registration of Tattoo Letters / $10.00 Enregistrement de lettres de tatouage Duplicate Certificate / Certificat duplicate $10.00 Extended Pedigree / Pedigrees rallongées


DNA Analysis (microsatellite) / Analyse d’ADN (microsatellite)


Rush Fee / Frais de service en urgence


Rapport du Président par John Eccles, Président de la SCSL Salutations à vous tous, les amis de la Shorthorn Laitier, au nom du conseil d’administration de la SCSL. J’espère que vous serez tous heureux et en bonne santé. L’année 2021 est bien sur nous maintenant et l’aventure de COVID que 2020 nous a apportée s’est poursuivie, mais a montré des aperçus d’une certaine résolution. Espérons que tôt ou tard, nous pourrons nous réunir à nouveau en personne un jour de fin juillet pour la nourriture, la camaraderie et les Shorthorns. Cependant, cette année, nous nous réunirons à nouveau virtuellement pour notre AGA. Pour le moment, il y a encore des plans pour une exposition nationale à Lindsay. J’espère que vous serez nombreux à nous rejoindre et à participer à ces événements. Merci à tous ceux qui ont fait de notre programmation modifiée en 2020 un succès. Dans notre race relativement petite, nous avons eu besoin de «tout le monde sur le pont» et vous n’avez pas déçu. Je tiens également à féliciter nos membres qui proposent de nouvelles idées pour promouvoir et développer la race. Espérons que les graines que vous avez plantées pousseront et se propageront dans de nouvelles occasions de démontrer la valeur de notre Shorthorn Laitier canadien dans un marché en constante évolution. Dans une société et une industrie qui demandent efficacité, durabilité et un produit nutritif, nous avons la réponse! C’est pourquoi il est si bon de posséder le rouge, le blanc et le rouan! CMSS Improver 2021


13457 446 418 13162 474 413 11986 411 375

15652 781 545 12606 448 383 12454 415 383

15815 522 468 14038 539 424 13005 469 426

11293 488 355 10938 315 343 10358 266 309

Four Year Olds 2010 Sugar Hill Ruler Latte 2021 Richford Pingerly Iconic 2018 Oceanbrae TP Jocelyn

Five Year Olds 2020 Serol Dutch Abrielle 2021 Deerhaven Zumba Maggie 2019 Oceanbrae TP Jocelyn

Mature Cow 2007 Oceanbrae Joe 34th 2015 Deerhaven Ted’s Megan 2017 Koopycrest Mocha Ali Apple 3X

10 Years and Older 2001 Valley Crest Princess 5 2007 Northend Mike’s Runt 2009 Oceanbrae Joe 34th

9078 707 309 11423 525 406 11188 503 351

9815 696 355 11706 534 361 9691 530 315

10 Years and Older 2001 Valley Crest Princess 5 2013 Valley Crest Alice 39 2011 Kilbucko Betty

Mature Cow 2017 Oceanbrae Fawn’s Accent-P 2019 Koopycrest Logic Ali Anne 2020 Camflat Inforcer Mary

11293 488 355 8882 401 277 9596 394 309

10789 807 378 3x 12874 581 427 12762 549 421

Five Year Olds 2020 Serol Dutch Abrielle 15652 781 545 2015 Oceanbrae Fawn’s Accent-P ET 8293 641 287 2016 Koopycrest Mocha Ali Apple 3x 12329 530 389

Four Year Olds 2014 Oceanbrae Fawn’s Accent-P ET 2019 Showcase Ace Canola 2020 Oceanbrae Pepper Tierney

Three Year Olds 2013 Oceanbrae Fawn’s Accent-P ET 2020 Oceanbrae B Bessie Joe 63rd 2013 Lynmark CD Clarity

3x 12439 486 388 12325 412 353 11892 429 361

Three Year Olds 2018 Richford Diamond Jack Lydia 2018 Rovin AB Barb Bella 2016 Oceanbrae TP Jocelyn

329 292 267

Two Year Olds 2014 Koopycrest Mocha Ali Apple ET 3x 16742 676 488 2019 Koopycrest Royalty Ali Ashlyn 3x 12075 521 410 2014 Boos Hill Mapleton JP Carly 3x 9484 480 334


Two Year Olds 2014 Koopycrest Mocha Ali Apple ET 3x 16742 676 488 2019 Koopycrest Royalty Ali Ashlyn 3x 12075 521 410 2004 Northend Edwards Liz 10829 349 316


Year Name Milk Fat Milking Yearlings 2019 Koopycrest Royalty Ali Ashlyn 3x 10671 447 2016 Showcase Ace Canola 8368 410 2014 Koopycrest Logic Ali Anne 3x 8188 407


Year Name Milk Fat Prot Milking Yearlings 2019 Koopycrest Royalty Ali Ashlyn 3x 10671 447 329 2017 Koopycrest P Per Ali Ariel 3x 9715 379 289 2011 Oceanbrae Jurist Pepsi ET 9061 315 290

10 Years and Older 2001 Valley Crest Princess 5 2007 Northend Mike’s Runt 2009 Northend Mike’s Runt

Mature Cow 2007 Oceanbrae Joe 34th 2019 Koopycrest Logic Ali Anne 2017 Koopycrest Mocha Ali Apple

Five Year Olds 2020 Serol Dutch Abrielle 2018 Koopycrest Logic Ali Anne 2016 Koopycrest Mocha Ali Apple

Four Year Olds 2010 Sugar Hill Ruler Latte 2021 Richford Pingerly Iconic 2019 Showcase Ace Canola

11293 488 355 10938 315 343 10130 321 319

15815 522 468 3x 12874 581 427 3x 13005 469 426

15652 781 545 3x 11962 524 390 3x 12329 530 389

13457 446 418 13162 474 413 11423 525 406

Three Year Olds 2019 Richford Pingerly Saffron 11400 367 393 2018 Richford Diamond Jack Lydia 3x 12439 486 388 2018 Serol Dutch Abrielle 11349 451 380|

Two Year Olds 2014 Koopycrest Mocha Ali Apple ET 3x 16742 676 488 2019 Koopycrest Royalty Ali Ashlyn 3x 12075 2013 Cedar Creek Idol Belle 4 9855 390 336


Year Name Milk Fat Prot Milking Yearlings 2019 Koopycrest Royalty Ali Ashlyn 3x 10671 447 329 2016 Showcase Ace Canola 8368 410 292 2012 Koopycrest Mocha Ali Apple ET 8650 378 292

CMSS Improver 2021







Source: Lactanet GPA 21*APR

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