TheClutha Bar
The Clutha Bar is situated on the banks of the Clyde sitting on the cornerof the ancient main gateway to thecity of Glasgow. The bar, over 200 years old, is well renowned for live music and attracted many famous figuresincluding the likes of Billy Connolly, Frank Zappa, Woody Guthrie, Spike Milligan, and many more.
ManyGlasgow citizens and tourists from far and wide regarded the Clutha Bar as their ‘local’. The bar hosts live music every night and is popular with a wide spectrum of people including lawyers, staff, and even judges from the nearby courts. Poets, Artists, Actors, and ofcourse Musicians from every genre.
Clutha Tragedy
OnFriday29 November2013, a police helicopter fell fromthe skyandcrashed throughthe roof ofthe bar. The pubwas playinghostto skabandEsperanza,andwas packedwithabout100 peoplewhenthe tragic eventsbeganto unfoldat 22:22.
In the coming daysandweeks,the fullextent of the tragedybecameclear.Ten peoplewere killed,andthe pubwasdestroyed.We can rebuild the pub,butwecannotbringbackthe lost lives.
Aweekor soafterthe accident threeteenagers brokeinto the pub.Lookingfor anything valuablethat theycouldgettheir handson, they madeawaywithsomehalf-fullbottles of spirits andfourcharity cans.
Theyweresoon caught.The headlinesthe next dayincludedScum– GraveRobbers– Looters. We thoughtdifferently.Our viewwasthat there werethree youngsterswithno directionin life. Yes,theyweretotally wrongbutthesetypesof kids need a chance inlife………. This is when the Clutha Trust was born'
The Charity
The Clutha Trust charity was incorporated in September 2014. Since then, we have exceeded all expectations and have extended the type of work we carry out. The Covid Pandemic changed everyone’s lives and as a charity, we had to adapt and focus on how we could help our fellow citizens through these challenging times.
Our vision and core values are now returning to pre-pandemic status, and we will continue to drive forward with these. The lessons we have learned during the years of the pandemic are invaluable and the need to help in the community is even greater. Our constitution has been amended to reflect this other type of work we are doing.
Our main focus is to help young people through music, art and drama. We want to give them the chance to express and develop their talents no matter how deep these gifts are hidden. The pandemic has stolen two years from these young lives. We need to give them this lost time back.
Reasons To Believe
• Atthe CluthaTrust ourmainfocusand objectives are to helpdevelop,encourage, and showcaseyoungpeople’s talents.In particular youngpeoplewhofeel disadvantagedor have nothadtheopportunities or chancesafforded to others. Inclusivityis at the verycore of the organisationanda pathwayto improved social inclusion.
• Our Vision:
• Disadvantaged young people all across Scotland thrive through experiencing The Arts and become more resilient citizens. Our Values:
• Equality – we all have untapped talents.
• Respect – we all have the same basic human rights.
• Inclusion – we should all have the same opportunities.
• Our Mission:
• Actively working with others to create as many opportunities for young people of all backgrounds to build self-confidence, practice life skills, and become self-sustaining through Music, Drama, and Arts.
• CHARITY HUB Our trustees have over twenty years of experience in commercial property development. This gives us the advantage to negotiate the occupationof empty properties with various landlords. Our charity currentlyoccupies offices of around 60,000sq.ft in Glasgow city centre. We have created a charity hub that facilitates and furnish offices for fifteen different charities
• CLUTHA KIDS We give young musicians/singers the chance to perform on the Clutha stage,leading to the kids performing at two sell-out concerts at the Glasgow Barrowland
• C.A.S.T. The Clutha Actors Studio appoints young graduate actors to perform plays at schools, theatres, and within local communities. The plays carry a message such as anti-bullying and topical subjects such as the power crisis. We always engage with students and pupils by incorporating workshops and inclusion in the plays.
• OFFICE FURNITURE DONATION We source donations of high-quality office furniture and cateringequipment from large facility management companies. This equipment is either sold to raise funds or donated to other charities. Over the past three years, we have donated equipment worth over £750,000to these charities.
• CLUTHA PIZZA FOODBANK We have supplied almost 25,000 handmade pizzas to local foodbanks and community groups
• ART SUPPLY We supply art materials to various schools. The kids then exhibit their work at the Clutha Bar
• GUITAR AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DONATIONS. We refurbish and recycle musical instruments for schools, charities, and individuals
• CLUTHA TV We offer a free service to charities and community groups producing shortpromotional videos
Clutha Music Art Drama Hub
The Clutha Music Art & Drama Hub is an innovative proposal for the site the Clutha Bar sits on. This prominent site on the corner of the ancient gateway to Glasgow has uninterrupted views down the river Clyde and east over the Glasgow Green.
The history of the site deserves an iconic building, and the Clutha Music Art Drama Hub will surpass all expectations. Although built in a modern style, the building will incorporate historical features of the old Clutha. The design will also feature exterior lighting further enhancing the building.
The Clutha Bar is extremely important to the city of Glasgow and its people. The hub will ensure the future of the bar for decades if not indefinitely. Revenue created from the hub will not only secure this future but will enable the Clutha Trust charity to function and carry out its core activities without the need for grants or donations.
The new Clutha on the ground floor will sit behind a glass wall. Features behind this wall will include important elements of the old Clutha, including the archway, parts of the stone structure, the timber windows, and many other important artifacts. The main bar will be designed with a sympathetic view of the old Clutha.
Behind the new bar a Vennel (lane) will run between Clyde St. and the Briggait. Access to the Theatre, basement bar and upper floors will be gained from here. The east wall will also feature a memorial to those killed in the accident of 2013. The memorial will be of ten guitars, signed by famous pop stars/musicians. The guitars will be enclosed within the wall behind a glass screen, with each guitar individually lit
Groundfloor andBasement
The CluthaBar 3,000 sq. ft. Coffeebar/ leisurespace3,000 sq.ft. Speakeasy basementbar 2,500 sq.ft. 300-seat theatre in the basement.
In a additionto the CluthaTrust activities, the Hubwilloffer spaceto other charities andcommunity groups.
This willincludeTheatre, Rehearsal rooms, Teaching areas, Recording studio, Residential units, Private cinema, Function rooms for fundraising events.
New Clutha over 3,000 Sq.ft.
Speakeasy bar
300 seat theatre
1,200 sq. ft coffee bar
Clutha memorial wall
In addition to acting as a barrier between the pub and the upper apartments, floorsone and two offer 14,000sq.ft of grade A office space. These floors will be used as office space, and teaching areas and will also contain a fifty-seater Private Cinema