Clutch Magazine- Fall 2013

Page 32



Jewelry-maker Jenna Jackson sparkles in Tallahassee By: Kelsey O’Brian

At age 12, Jenna Jackson began making jewelry. It started one weekend when she visited a small bead shop with her mom and sister, where they learned the basics of jewelry-making. From that moment on, Jenna was hooked. later, she owns her very own Eight years late jewelry company, aptly named Just Jems Beading Company. Though her passion for jewelry was undeniable from an early age, she would have never guessed that she would one day be the owner of a business. “Just Jems was never something I set out to do,” she said. “It was an opportunity that presented itself, and I took it!” Now, it’s easy to spot students donning No Jenna’s jewelry on campus every day. Not long ago, Jenna was a freshman herself, and was faced with jewelry-making obstacles because of the size of her dorm. But in the summer of 2012, she got her big break.


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