Cleanroom Magazine 02-2016

Page 6




The Market in Brief

Cannabis used more frequently for Medical Purposes

India is on the Way to becoming the World’s Pharmacy

Approval Debate | Cannabis anti-in-

Generics Market | The market research

flammatory, relieves pain and is far

company Global Data forecasts for

better tolerated thatn morphine and

the Indian pharmaceutical market a

opiates. For pharmaceutical com-

tremendous surge in growth. Market

panies it is nevertheless difficult to

volumes are expected to more than

get approvals for cannabis-based

double from 20 to 55 billion dollars

Samsung will not produce any new

medications. In Germany for

in the next five years. The driver of

products with 3D functions. The

example, it is neither allowed to

this development is the tremendous

reasons for this is the low demand

plant cannabis, to possess nor to be

growth in the generics industry. Ac-

caused by the need to wear 3D glasses

sold. This situation could soon be

cording to Global Data India covers

and the lack of standards for the

changed. The Federal Public Health

20 percent of the worldwide generics

glasses. Another reason is the com-

Ministry is considering putting in

market and is therefore the world’s

petition from the new technologies

the hands of a federal “Cannabis

largest exporter of imitations drugs.

such as ultra HD and virtual reality.

Agency”, the cultivation and sale of

The success of the Indian generics

Industry observers forecast that 3D

cannabis. The plant’s ingredients

televisions will make a comeback as

suit themselves for a wide range of

soon as it becomes possible to build a

medical applications. The spectrum

3D panel which can be used without

ranges from wound medications,


the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis to the treatment of neurological illnesses such as the Tourette-Syndrome and ADHS.

The worldwide demand for generics is causing a boom for

Experts expect Approvals for new Medications in 2016

India’s pharmaceutical manufacturers. Photo: arsdigital/ Fotolia

Pharmaceuticals | The Association of

industry is a result of the low produc-

Pharmaceutical Companies doing

tion costs and a worldwide increase

Research in Germany (VfA) believes

in the demand for cheaper medicinal

that in this year several new medi-


cations will be receiving approvals. Included are two-digit numbers of

3D Television on the Way Out

new pharmaceuticals which aid in the treatment of leukemia, lung cancer and bone marrow cancer.

For medical purposes it is expected the cultivation and sale of cannabis will be allowed. Photo: stokkete/Fotolilo

VR and HD dominate | The Korean

Several of these pharmaceuticals

manufacturers Samsung and LG are

are based on newly developed prin-

pulling out on the much-praised 3D

ciples of operation, for example, the

technology for televisions. LG wants

use of oncolytical viruses which

to halve its production of 3D devices,

attack cancer cells and activate the

CLEANROOM MAGAZINE 2/2016 | The Market in Brief

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