Junior school open day guide 2024

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-Talk Education, 2024


It is my pleasure to introduce you to our vibrant and nurturing school community. Here at Claremont, we believe in helping your child to foster a love of learning that extends far beyond the classroom.

Claremont is a school that celebrates individuality. Our supportive environment allows every child to flourish and discover their unique talents, whether on the sporting or drama stage, the music or coding keyboard, saving financially or environmentally, our co-curricular programme plays a key part too in nurturing that sense of belonging and empowering our pupils and students to pursue their passions.

We warmly invite you to explore our school, meet our pupils and teachers and discover why Claremont could be the perfect fit for your child’s exciting educational journey.



We care deeply about our young people and we’re keenly aware of the responsibility entrusted to us as we support every child through their individual educational journey. Experience tells us that no two children are alike, so we’re agile, creative, and nurturing to provide an environment in which all children can thrive, both in and out of the classroom. At Claremont junior school curiosity and divergent thinking is encouraged and children are heard, happy and all aim high.

The junior school comprises two parts: Fan Court for our youngest pupils to Year 2 and Stable Court for Year 3 to Year 6. Benefiting from first rate facilities, some shared across the whole school site, and specialist teaching in dedicated spaces where appropriate, a child’s time with us is carefully choreographed to develop confidence and independence and build the foundations needed for future academic and all round success.

We’re down to earth too – we all know that often the best lessons are learnt due to the mistakes we make and that’s why we’re committed to building resilience and determination in our young people so that they can embrace every opportunity that presents itself to learn: about ourselves, about others, and about the world in which we live.

My team and I very much look forward to meeting you.

Matthew Jelley, head of the junior school from September 2024.



We want our pupils to be ambitious in their goals, to challenge themselves, to have a go at new things and to achieve - both inside and outside the classroom.

Pastoral care, alongside our high academic reputation and broad co-curricular programme is central to our impressive school where each child is valued, encouraged, challenged and supported to unleash their potential.

Our school community is well known for its tight-knit, warm and inclusive feel. Our students leave us, not only having achieved excellent academic outcomes, but also having established life-long friendships and an enduring connection with Claremont.


In accordance with our mission, Claremont develops individuals who are outstanding citizens, aware of their responsibility to others and contribute positively to global society.

We realise this by being a high-quality school of choice where young people achieve more than they think is possible.


Goodness underpins this school. Teachers, staff, pupils and their families are expected to support and extend the atmosphere of respect, courtesy, the love of learning and the value of friendship that is held dear at Claremont. This peaceful and purposeful intent extends throughout every lesson and into the pastoral and co-curricular activities we offer.

Young people leave Claremont as confident, contributing and caring members of the global community. They cherish the values that equip them to make a positive contribution and be a force for good in the world.



Imagine a place where children aren’t just learning, they’re embarking on a unique adventure of discovery. At Claremont, our pre-nursery and nursery programmes are the starting point of this exciting journey.

Here, every child’s voice is heard. Our speech-focused techniques help them confidently express themselves, while captivating stories and book connections spark their imagination and build rich vocabulary. Even phonics becomes an immersive experience through sing-alongs and “listening walks” around our beautiful grounds.

The foundation for lifelong learning is built on exploration and play. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, nurturing communication, language, social skills, physical development, and a love for discovery through guided activities, exploration, and messy fun.

Specialist teachers ignite interests beyond the classroom, bringing the joy of music, PE, forest school, and computing to life, fostering new skills and a sense of wonder.

As your child blossoms, so does their learning. Moving into Year 3 at Stable Court, our curriculum expands while remaining guided. Specialist teachers in languages, music, PE and more, ignite curiosity through dedicated spaces and our beautiful grounds. Trips, co-curricular activities, and special focus days bring learning to life, inspiring active and curious learners.

We believe in nurturing the whole child. While not driven by exam culture, our pupils consistently achieve academic and well-rounded success, earning recognition through 11+ scholarships at both our own senior school and other prestigious institutions.



Our children benefit hugely from learning outdoors. In our forest school, children learn through first-hand experience and develop a broad range of skills such as perseverance, independence and responsibility.

The acres of grounds behind the Fan Court building are home to a whole host of wildlife. From deer, to fox cubs, to Chinese Mandarin ducks there is always something for the children to be excited by. Forest school sessions last two hours and take place weekly within the normal school day for pre-nursery, nursery and reception classes.

Year 1 to Year 6 also have outdoor education sessions where there is an appropriate link to their classroom learning.

Part of forest school is teaching children about risks and how to evaluate them. The children are introduced gradually to learning about adding fuel to a fire as well as how to cook and make drinks using it. Climbing trees and using tools helps the children work off steam while building a new skillset. Under careful supervision, and by allowing children to take these measured risks, we help to prepare them for making choices when they are older and teach them to be actively responsible for themselves, their choices and their actions. They are also encouraged to contribute towards the environment through school gardening activities.




Every child from Year 3 upwards develops their own portfolio, which evidences our unique blend of home and school activities, both curricular and co-curricular. By placing equal value on each aspect of our portfolio wheel, we encourage our children to be: confident and curious; skilled communicators; creative problem solvers; leaders and team players; kind and caring towards one another, their community and wider environment.

Teachers, parents and pupils alike monitor the progress and commitment that is made in each of the portfolio sectors, celebrating strengths and reflecting on how to widen experience to support areas of development.

Our children grow through the rich opportunities and experiences on offer which include clubs from magic to chess, coding to bushcraft, fencing to cheer-leading –complementing our diverse and high-quality academic, creative and sports curriculum.



At Claremont we truly value endeavour and participation as much as achievement. Weekly assemblies celebrate these successes and encourage children in their efforts and experiences both inside an out of school.

Co-curricular clubs along with peripatetic teaching offer a wide range of experiences.

Our younger children have a variety of enrichment opportunities available through co-curricular clubs including football, art, choir, chess, Lego, performing arts, rugby, tennis, yoga, dance and coding.

For older pupils there are around 45+ clubs to choose from including bushcraft, fencing, rock pop, Harry Potter club, chess along with performance sport squads and development sports clubs to ensure we have something for everyone!



The junior school is delighted to offer Little Fir Cones, a fun, engaging and interactive playgroup for children aged 18 months+ (babies also welcome).

Come and join us on Wednesdays during term time from 9:15-10:30am. Enjoy a hot drink and a chat with other parents/carers while your child plays in our fantastic forest school, high quality planned play areas such as sensory play, water trays and sand pits.



For all enquiries relating to junior school admissions please contact:

Fan Court (Pre-nursery to Year 2): Aline Norris, email: admissions@claremont.surrey.sch.uk or on 01372 473 780

Stable Court (Year 3 to Year 6): Joanna Worsfold, email: admissions@claremont.surrey.sch.uk or call on 01372 473 621





Where do most pupils live and how do they travel to school?

Claremont Fan Court junior school is proud to serve the local area, is highly regarded within the community and many of our families live in and around the Borough of Elmbridge. Children make their way to and from school in a variety of ways: by car; school bus; walking and cycling. Cycle and wellington boot racks are available for those choosing the environmentally friendly options. We operate a swift ‘drop and go’ system in the mornings and ‘collect on foot’ in the afternoons.

How does morning drop-off work?

Parents can drop their child off in the morning via the Claremont Drive entrance (via Copsem Lane A244) and utilise the drop-and-go option. Parents are also welcome to arrive via the Portsmouth Road entrance (A307) to park and walk their child down. Parents with younger pupils are able to utilise the parking adjacent to Fan Court. There is bicycle parking on site for families who wish to cycle and pupils from Year 3 upwards are able to travel independently using our bus service (see the website for detailed information about the stops local to your postcode).

How is the school day organised and do you provide wraparound care?

We have extra provision available to extend the school day to support families. There is a bookable early drop-off breakfast club from 8.00am and an extension of the day through until 5.45pm (this includes a hot meal). For children using the school transport service, breakfast club and after school care until the bus departs at 4.15pm is included in the transport fee.


school day

What are the class sizes?

Ratios in pre-nursery are age dependent (for two-year olds this is 1:4) usually up-to 16 per session. There are two classes per year group from nursery through to Year 2, class size in nursery is up-to sixteen children rising to twenty per class from reception.

School day Pre-nursery and nursery Reception to Year 2 Year 3 to Year 6 Day begins 8.35am 8.35am 8.30am Morning break 20 mins 20 mins 20 mins Morning session finishes 12 noon -Lunch break 1 hr 20 mins 1 hr 20 mins 1 hr 10 mins School finishes 3.15pm 3.15pm 3.25pm

From Year 3 classes are up-to twenty-two per class usually with three classes in each year group. We have teaching assistants to support the class teacher all through the younger years through to the end of Year 4, ensuring each child receives the individual attention they need to thrive.

What about the practicalities of pre-nursery and nursery?

Children in pre-nursery can take a nap (optional) if they are staying on for the afternoon session, they do not need to be toilet trained when they join, however we do like that to be in place ahead of starting nursery. Parents need to apply for the 15hrs free under 5s government funding (age 3 to age 5) in the term prior to joining the school (termly invoice deduction in line with the government scheme hourly rate). Children joining pre-nursery attend for a minimum of two mornings a week. From nursery, children attend for five mornings with the option to attend afternoons, and in the summer term prior to reception all children will additionally attend a minimum of two afternoons. From reception upwards, all children attend for five full days.

How are parents communicated with?

Parents of children in pre-nursery to Year 2 can access our online learning journal called Tapestry which enables them to view personalised photographs of their child alongside positive and informative teacher comments. There are set opportunities through the academic year for parents to view their child’s work, attend talks on curriculum support topics, attend parent teacher meetings and receive feedback via written reports.

Which subjects have specialist teaching?

We have a superb team of specialist teachers for sport, languages, music, computing and forest school, alongside specialist teaching rooms for science and art from Year 3. Our curriculum is planned and led by exceptional academic specialists complemented by our strong pastoral team (including Emotional Literacy Support Assistants).


Do you stream the children?

We take an inclusive teaching approach of stretch and support in the classroom with maths streaming introduced in Year 3. We have an individual needs team who provide a range of targeted support from small group work to one-to-one sessions (including a speech and language therapist for younger pupils).

How is the curriculum enriched through trips and workshops?

Each year your child will experience workshops and activities beyond the classroom to enhance their learning. These will start with exploratory activities on campus, local outings (from farm trips to river fieldwork), visiting experts (authors and immersive historical workshops to engineering specialists), building up to cultural day trips including visits to West End performances, performing at the Royal Albert Hall in the school choir, residential trips to outward bound activity centres and a Year 6 trip to France.

What clubs can my child attend?

We are proud of the co-curricular enrichment offered through a broad variety of clubs across a wide range of interests from sport, art, music, STEM, and drama to go-cart building. Children are encouraged to take every opportunity to try something new and to extend their skills.

When can my child start to learn a musical instrument?

Peripatetic music lessons are available, with children starting on simpler instruments (our music teachers can guide your child to something suitable), with provision available in violin, cello, double bass, harp, guitar, recorder, flute, piano, clarinet, trumpet, bassoon, saxophone, trombone and horn.


Are there weekend commitments?

For Years 5 and 6 there is a fixture afternoon during the week, which means that attendance on a Saturday morning is very much the exception for the junior school.

Is there a PTA group?

The Friends of Claremont is an integral part of school life with an aim to enhance the community spirit of the school and raise funds for additional facilities and enrichment activities for all pupils. The Friends of Claremont have historically raised funds for a new school minibus, football goals, table tennis tables, tournament coats, theatre trips, digital cameras, playground equipment and much more. During the school year, there are whole school fundraising events offering wonderful opportunities for families of Claremont to come together and socialise.

How does the laptop scheme work?

From Year 3, children learn about online safety, how to sensibly use the equipment, educational apps and start to work collaboratively using their own laptop (as part of the school laptop scheme which includes repairs and maintenance of the unit). This they will use with increasing proficiency as a tool to support their learning, collaborative activities and communicate their understanding.

How many junior pupils transition to the senior school?

Only a small number of families (usually a handful) will opt to move elsewhere for senior school. Our Year 6 pupils are welcome to complete our senior school 11+ assessment with many awarded a scholarship as a result of their hard work.




1. Fan Court administration reception

2. Fan Court hall and dining area

3. Drop off entry gate

4. Parking

5. Swimming pool

6. Outdoor learning and play areas

7. Playground

8. Nature pond

9. Bird hide

10. Outdoor classroom

11. Vegetable garden and mud kitchen

12. Fire pit

13. Football pitches

14. Year 2 classrooms (Clearview)

15. To the 14 acres of wild woods

10 12
13 14 15

2 3 4 5 6 8 7 1

FAN COURT (Pre-Nursery to Year 2) CAMPUS MAP

1. Stable court reception

2. Well-being pod

3. Playground and netball court

4. Astroturf football area

5. Peripatetic music rooms

6. Art classroom

7. Science laboratory

8. The walled garden

9. Pupil well-being hub/SEN

10. Sports hall

11. Football and games pitches

12. New music school

2 3 10 11
20 9


4 6 7 8 1 5



School transport options are available to pupils in Year 3 upwards. Scan the QR code or go to: claremontfancourtschool.vectare.co.uk to see current routes, timings and locate your nearest stop, book ad-hoc or regular travel.

M3 Woking West Byfleet Byfleet & New Haw Weybridge ZONE C ZONE D ZONE D ZONE D ZONE E ZONE E ZONE F ZONE F ZONE G ZONE G Horsley 6 Oatlands Chase Oatlands Drive, St Mary's Road Hanger Prince's Weybridge Station Caenshill Road Marshall's Roundabout Thames Church Lower Portmore Park Road The Waverley Inn Barnes Wallis Drive A3 Old Woking Road, Waitrose West Byfleet Elmstead Road Old Woking Road, Blackdown Avenue Woking Station Southside Pennymead Drive Horsley Station outside Henshaws Cobham A3 M25 1 Hinchley Wood Station 2 Claygate Station Hare Lane (K3 Stop) 7 Bridge Road, Arnison Road 6 Bridge Road, Hampton Court 9 Ember Lane, Imber Grove Ember Lane, Carleton Close (Esher Station) 11 Portsmouth Road - Li leworth Common 12 10 Ember LaneThe Drive 6 Kingston Road, Holmesdale Road 4 Teddington Library (Stop A) 3 Michelham Gardens AM / Pope's Gro o PM 10 Embercourt Road Bus Stop A309 11 Weston Green Road stop after Co-op 12 Portsmouth Road Cafe Rouge 5 Coombe Road, Norbiton Station (Stop NA) 7 Kingston Cromwell Road Bus Station PM Only 8 Kingston University, Penrhyn Road 4 Coombe Lane, Albion Road 12 Seething Wells Kingston Uni Campus 11 Kwik Fit, Brighton Road 13 Portsmouth RoadThorkhill Road bus stop 9 Surbiton, Maple Road (Stop K) 10 Surbiton Station, Victoria Rd, Barclays Bank stop NP 4 Wimbledon Hill Road 1 Tibbets CornerWithycombe Road 6 Worple Road, Albert Grove 7 Raynes Park Station (Starbucks) 8 Burlington Road, Shannon Corner/ Rookwood Avenue 9 New Malden, The Fountain (Stop J) 10 Malden Road, St James Church 5 Worple Road, Spencer Hill Road Putney Claygate Teddington Cobham 6 Stoke RoadStation Road 7 Logde Close/Blundell Lane junction 7 Burney Avenue, Villiers Avenue 8 Surbiton Health Centre 10 Tolworth Broadway 6 Athlestan Park, Kingston upon Thames 10 Barley Mow 12 West End Lane junction with West End Gardens 7 Walton-on-Thames Railway Station 6 Ashley Park Avenue 5 Ashley School (PM only) 9 Oatlands Chase - The Paddocks 10 Ellesmere Place 6 Oatlands Drive, Vaillant Road Twickenham Walton-on-Thames Richmond 5 Wimbledon Weybridge

Mortlake Station (Stop F/E)


Meadows Hall, Church Road

Upper Ham Road, Ham Gate Avenue St Ma hias Church

Richmond Road, Latchmere Road

Station AM only Coombe Lane, Traps Lane

Putney Station (Stop EB)

Oakdene Road, Cobham (AM Only) Cobham Waitrose (PM Only)

Cobham - Fairmile Lane

Molesey Road, Arch Road

Oxsho , Railway Station

Steel’s Lane, Clock House Mead Stoke Road - Oak Road

Pennymead Drive

Chessington - Church Rise

Chessington - Horton Park Hook -Hook Road, Chessington

Ewell - Longmead Road

Epsom, Methodist Church,

Epsom, Elmslie Close

Ashtead, The Street

Ashtead - Grange Road Fetcham - Cobham Road

Wimbledon Park, Arthur Road (Stop R)

Strathearn Road (Stop HS)

Alexandra Road - Wimbledon Station (Stop B/A)

Kingston Road - Nelson Health Centre

Earlsfield Station (Stop D) Portsmouth

Chessington / Epsom










Woking Putney

National Rail Line / Station

Bus stop

1 9 10 11 12 13 A306 Walton-on -Thames Hersham Surbiton Berrylands New Malden Wimbledon Earlsfield Clapham Junction ZONE A ZONE A ZONE B ZONE B ZONE C ZONE C ZONE C ZONE D ZONE D ZONE E ZONE E ZONE E ZONE E ZONE F ZONE F ZONE G ZONE G ZONE G ZONE G Claygate E ingham Junction 1 2 7 6 5 9 10 10 12 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 6 6 7 10 12 11 4 5 7 8 The Green Burwood Road Ramornie Close Rydens Road, Ambleside Avenue Walton Cinema AM only Oatlands Chase Hanger Hill, Prince's Road Weybridge Station Thames Street, Church Street Lower Hampton Road, Sunbury Court Ember Lane, Orchard Lane Hampton Court Green, Hampton Lodge AM (Stop D) / Cardinal Wolsey PM (Stop E) Hampton High Street, Douai Grove AM / Park Close PM Hampton High Street, Uxbridge Road Hampton Hill, Parkside Prince Albert, Hampton Road (stop GA, GB) 9 Westcar Lane Burwood Road Cemetery Church Road, Somerset Road Victoria Road, Levana Close Hampton Court Station AM only Summer Road Hampton Wick Station High Street, Teddington D Cross Deep surgery / Poule Gardens St Margarets,
Angel bus stop 6 8 7 Hollyfield Road stop SH
River Thames 10
Road The
Fairfield Bus
Victoria Hospital East
6 7
A240 A4
Claremont Drive, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9LY | www.claremontfancourt.co.uk | 01372 467841 “ -Talk Education, 2024 EDUCATING THE WHOLE CHILD IS PARAMOUNT – AND JUDGING BY THE SENSE OF PURPOSE AND HAPPY FACES OF THE PUPILS, IT’S A RECIPE THAT WORKS.
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