Claire Milnes Thesis Journal

Page 19


L e s s o n s Fo r S t u d e n t s

Territorial Zoning The character of an area depends largly on the user who furnishes and arranges the space or the person who is responsible of caring for the area. “It is essential that the liberty to take personal initiatives should be embedded in the organisation structure.� (Hertzberger 1991).

(The Inbetween) Public and Private In some areas public space is being used by residents as if the space were private. This can strangthen the users claim to the area in others eyes. This is a merging of the public space with private. The thresholds between public and private are key zones for transition and connection between these two area of differing territoiral claims. Spacially this area can be a place of meeting and dialogue between the two. An example so such a threshold is the entrance to a home., between the street and the private domain of the house.

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