Living & Working 2020 - Kirkwall Masterplan

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Contributors Antony Claire Dobromir Kirsty Krasimir Neil Okwuosa Ross Shehan


Contents Masterplan Development

06 - 22

Model Development

24 - 26

Phase Stages

28 - 32

Final Proposal

34 - 35

Key Diagrams

36 - 37


38 - 48

Individual Proposal

50 - 55




HISTORIC STUDY WEEK 1 | 01/11/18 For the first phase of our masterplan workshop we started off by investigating the key elements within our site, which was carried out through the use of ordinance survey maps. This task provided us with sufficient information to kick-start out master planning sessions as it introduced an Orcadian form, which could be utilised for our own projects.





SKETCH DEVELOPMENT WEEK 2 | 08/11/18 After equipping ourselves with the fundamental information of our site. We commenced our master planning sessions. We as a group chose to split into three groups, where we developed separate masterplan ideas. This workshop played a key role during our development stage as it led to each group producing a dissimilar pattern. Group A produced a scheme which gave a direct connection to the Peedie sea through routes from the high street. Group B chose to build over the Peedie Sea using bridges to create a connection with its untouched landscapes. Group C chose to utilise a similar method to group A, which involved the use of primary and secondary routes from and around the St Magnus cathedral.





SKETCH DEVELOPMENT WEEK 3 | 15/11/18 During our second master planning session we decided to combine the schemes we created from our previous session. This task helped us understand an important area within our site which was the high street and its connection to the St Magnus cathedral due to our emphasis on its existence. This therefore led to us as a group experimenting ways to accommodate the road leading to the St Magnus cathedral within our proposal. We also sought ways in building a fabric that could withstand the harsh conditions in Kirkwall and took inspiration from its existing fabric in Stromness. This helped create our initial Orcadian form which we chose to refine through the use of models and sketches.





SKETCH DEVELOPMENT WEEK 4 | 22/11/18 This session involved further refining our initial area and also looking at ways to connect the vacant land opposite to our site. We used a similar approach from our previous sessions and chose to overlay the fabric of Stromness around the Peedie Sea which became beneficial as it produced a key passageway which could be used as a possible connection. The use of Stromness streetscape not only granted us with an Orcadian pattern but also a possible method of providing shelter from Orkneys harsh weather conditions. We also utilised our connection with the Orkney council and resources from RGU such as Digi-maps to gain an understanding of the current density within the site.





SKETCH DEVELOPMENT WEEK 5 | 29/11/18 We as a group conducted another masterplan session to reflect on the feedback provided to us by tutors from our previous presentation. We all came to a conclusion of utilising a bridge to connect both site which would create a pleasant walk-able route across to the new area of our masterplan. Along the way the route would accommodate our individual proposals which would further enhance the density within the masterplan while still remaining close contact with our revised Orcadian form.





MODEL DEVELOPMENT WEEK 6 | 06/12/18 When thinking about the type of models required, we concluded that we would concentrate on modelling the site which we believed could be developed as part of the masterplan and therefore chose a set scale of 1:1000. In order to interpret the current heights and density within Kirkwall, we opted into creating general massings of buildings which helped to represent key settlements within the site. A combination of both timber and acetate underlaid with textured film helped to enhance the overall aesthetics of the model. We also used a contrasting colour to outline our proposals around the Peedie sea.



PHASE 1 DEVELOPMENT WEEK 6 | 06/12/18 In order to visualise our proposal we chose to dissect the initial masterplan into three possible phases. The initial phase involves a reconstruction of the existing site adjacent to the high-street. This area was chosen as the kick-starter for our masterplan due to its significance towards our proposal and its contribution to the Orcadian form.



PHASE 2 DEVELOPMENT WEEK 6 | 06/12/18 The second leg of our phase would involve the masterplan populating a key areas located at the end of our site. The site would be populated to create a business incubator space, which would form a possible connection around the peedie sea prior reconfiguration of the main body of our masterplan. This site would also help build on our initial idea of reducing traffic and encouraging walk-able routes towards key areas within our masterplan.



PHASE 3 DEVELOPMENT WEEK 6 | 06/12/18 Our last phase involves a possible connection of the two site build prior, this would be accomplished by infilling and landscaping the vacant Greenland to provide a stable area for accommodating our key housing and commercial units. It is essential to note that a heavy emphasis on our Orcadian form would be proposed to further enhance the quality of living spaces provided, which would counter the harsh climates in Orkney. Our last phase would also incorporate the rejuvenation of the Peedie sea through the use of narrative landscaping while accommodating our stage 6 student’s story telling centre.



FINAL PROPOSAL WEEK 7 | 13/12/18 Moving on from the development of the Manifesto, the Kirkwall team attempted to address the issues of aging population, climate change and island growth within the masterplan for the town. The intention was to make Kirkwall an easily walk-able town, with the aim of reducing the amount of traffic within the town and to encourage an overall more active population. To do this the master plan focussed on creating two high density zones, one on the town side of the Peedie Sea and the other on the far side. These two zones accommodate a range of building typologies, including housing, mixed use, educational and community buildings. The town side zone houses the large institutional buildings and higher density housing development, as these would fit better within the context. Whilst the opposite side of the Peedie sea focuses on providing land to develop, smaller scale housing and businesses. Both zones offer plenty of opportunity for pedestrian traffic and make use of building mass and density to provide shelter for those walking through the development. Additionally, the masterplan also proposes the creation of a small business park on the land around the Ayre Mill, offering opportunity for large or more industrial business ventures that won’t find suitable land within the town, to establish themselves and operate in the area. Providing new jobs to the area. The plan was developed by splitting the site up into three key area, the business park, located around ayre mill, the civic centre, around the existing library and archive and the community centre, around the bridge linking the two mixed use developments. The mixed-use zones then developed in the region between these three key areas. Creating vibrant and attractive areas in which people can live.



KEY DIAGRAMS WEEK 7 | 13/12/18 To gain an understanding of the initial functions throughout our proposal we chose to create key diagrams to outline our major drivers and additional elements through the use of sketches overlaid on our site plan. Through this study we created diagrams which outlined areas such as functions around the site,building heights, density within the plan, green spaces and pedestrian routes which also highlighted traffic layouts.



VISION | COURTYARD HOUSING WEEK 7 | 13/12/18 We designed mixed-use housing fabric for the Kirkwall Masterplan. These blocks are in U shapes around a courtyard to keep out the harsh Orkney wind. The housing is surrounding the courtyard garden, with taller buildings at the sea-side to block the wind. The courtyard form creates a community area in the centre. For the collage I used pitched roofed housing forms traditional to the Orkney fabric. The Taller buildings at the sea side have the potential to jut out on piers into the water, like in Stromness. For the Sky I used an image of a colourful Orkney twilight sky.



VISION | THE CONNECTION WEEK 7 | 13/12/18 EThe covered bridge over the Pedee sea appears as a focal point between the old high street and the new development of Kirkwall. It is a natural extension of the perpendicular to the high street road which connects the heart of the town – the St. Magnus Cathedral and to the new social centre. Its shape compliments the historical development of Orkney and provides shelter from the strong northern winds. At the centre of the bridge there is a viewing gallery, complimented with four spaces suitable for social activities or establishing small businesses. The bridge is serves its purpose by creating a new vocal point that will attract visitors and make it a destination on its own.



VISION | THE GATEWAY WEEK 7 | 13/12/18 This areas plays an integral part in our proposal as it is considered as the new gateway proposed at the industrial location of the site. This area would also be a new entrance for the visitors whom arrive via the ferry and would also have a park and ride option available as you enter to encourage pedestrian interaction throughout the masterplan. This key location will also rejuvenate the current old mill building which is considered vacant and obsolete. It will therefore be revamped to in-cooperate a possible exhibition space. By enhancing this site would lead to a possible connection between residents of Kirkwalls and its waterfront.



VISION | MODERN LIVING WEEK 7 | 13/12/18 The aim of this visual is to produce a clear image of how the outcomes can relate to our initial master-plan. Therefore this visual explores the possibility of modern living through the introduction of new materials.



VISION | CULTURAL HUB WEEK 7 | 13/12/18 The visualisation produced reflects our intentions in locating a performing arts facility to further enhance the involvement of the residents in Kirkwall. This visual also highlights a key connection made towards the main-street which is the focal point leading from the bridge towards St Magnus cathedral.



VISION | NARRATIVE LANDSCAPE WEEK 7 | 13/12/18 The storytelling centre provides an opportunity for a narrative landscape that would draw in those interested in Orkney’s history and folklore. The tale of Orkneys walking stones could provide inspiration for a walk leading round the Peedie Sea and ending at the Story Telling centre. This legend dictates that once a year, usually New Year, these stones - said to be transformed giants - move from their resting place to nearby bodies of water where they dip their heads down and drink the water. The footpaths will be trodden on by giant footprints and throughout the park there will be concrete planters that will symbolise the walking giants and tell the tales of Orkney’s past .The grass planes will be transformed into wild-flower meadows and gorse bushes, representative of a time gone by. On the Peedie Sea itself an island of reed beds will be created to provide shelter and habitat for Orkney’s visiting waterfowl.




Neil Macalister Marine Environment Institute

Ross Munro Artic Council Headquarters

At one time there was between two to three thousand people living in Stromness, in a densely packed community during the high point in the herring industry. The people and urban fabric were crowded together to silence the harsh winds, resulting in narrow streets and lanes in which the activities of daily life would take place. People would chat and work within the shelter of the streets and children would play, all in close proximity. Orkney’s has been known for it’s strong sense of community life and spirit through it’s history, as seen in the writings of George Mackay Brown with island living revolving around the inevitable cycle of life- birth, marriage and death.

Orkney has always has always had a close relationship with the ocean and the wealth it offers to the occupants of the island. In the past this wealth consisted of whale meat and fish. In modern times though the ocean is sought after for trade and energy. Orkney has become a haven for renewable energy, be it tidal or wind and with the melting artic ice and the potential for the Artic to be a direct trade route, the waters around Orkney are about to become very busy.

With the opening of ossibilities of increased access to northern shipping routes through the artic, the world focus is shifting north. This proposal suggests that Scotland could play a vital role in the managing and mediation of the activity taking place to the north.

Affordable Community Housing

Today community on Orkney faces issues through, lack of affordable rented housing, with young adults moving away from the island or unable to start a life of their own. The majority of people on Orkney live in standard detached property developer housing that is spreading out further away for the towns. The islands have a growing aging population with 1 in 3 Orcadians being over the age of 65 in the future, social isolation, inadequate numbers of carers and economic problems could be the outcome for Orkney if the issue is not tackled. It has been predicted that 3300 homes need to be constructed on Orkney within the next 10 years to sustain the island. Flexible Co-Housing for all ages has the potential solve these problems


Taking advantage of Orkneys strategic location, on the Border between the Northern Atlantic and North Sea to position Scotland as an Honest broker for the Artic Region, A Marine Education and Research building will provide an making Kirkwall the new home of the Artic Council. This opportunity for people of all ages to be trained and em- Proposal will tackle the issues of creating a large instituployed in a variety of roles from scientists and researchers, tional building within a small town, by placing along with to more labour based jobs based out on site. other cultural and education buildings. Creating a new civic centre for the town of Kirkwall. Kirkwall is in a position of strength to host such a building due to its geographical location at the gateway from the Arctic to the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Orkney is at the forefront of renewable energy and innovative industry and so it should also be at the forefront of tackling climate change and learning about the consequences that will come along with it. The building itself should also have an element of innovation and such the building shall contain zero single use plastic.


INDIVIDUAL PROPOSALS Antony Cheung Performing Arts School

Dobromir Georgiev Residential Complex

Okwuosa Ifechukwu Orcadian Community and Well-being Centre

The project aim is to design a performing arts learning centre, providing a decent place with an educational purpose for the local community. We want to attempt to create a new sense of the belonging for the youth of Orkney helping the local community grow and sustain itself during the current era of greying aging populations throughout the UK. The school would run a variety of courses covering drama, music and dance in full or part time.

Facing the threat of aging population and the dangers of the weather Kirkwall’s design offers a little to boost the sense of community. Despite the existing housing is enclosed, next to each other, this doesn’t fully supports the social needs of its inhabitants.

The overarching aim of the unit’s project is to improve the daily lives of Orcadians and help the community sustain and grow. Social interactions in Orkney have been dependent on meets along the high street, cafes and shops. With a decline in cafes and shops availability, Orkney is experiencing a slow strain on the social fabric of the city.

The primary targets are local students whether they are in school or post secondary education. Currently Orkney is lacking in facilities which this learning centre could provide, offering acourses for the student who is keen on learning performing arts. The site, which is located on the junction of the bridge and the pedestrian, close to the main housing areas, is a highly accessible location. This is convenient for parents bringing their children to the school. The centre could also, ideally be another performance venue for the local arts. Companies such as Orkney District - Scottish Community Drama Association, they suffer from lack of proper place for rehearsal. An advantage of the site is sitting alongside the waterfront granting the people inside the building easy access to the potentially scenic Peedie sea to enjoy the fresh air in good weather.


This is further complicated by the weather which often impacts negatively on their everyday lives. One solution to this problem is to make an enclosed residential complex where the residents, can meet and have easy access to important self-developing facilities such as swimming pool, gym, bar and even shops. The complex will feature both closed and public spaces, offering shelter to whoever needed. The aim of the complex is to not only offer self-sustained community to its residents but to also unite its inhabitants but also the public.

The project idea is a safe space that would benefit and sustain the wellbeing and social interactions within the ageing population by having a community space play a part in caring for them while serving the needs of the young families and middle-aged persons that will migrate to Orkney. Located in Kirkwall, the site is situated at the foot of the proposed bridge, by the water edge for a soothing view of the sea and to encourage natural lighting when available. This location is key in serving both communities and encouraging mixed interactions. The space provided is served by the Orcadian community and will be open and designed for various community activities like Indoor Gardening session for the elderly, Community hall for town meetings and social events, Pop up markets and Stalls, Counselling and social group rooms, Children’s Day-care, library and Café. The experience and emotions this project aim`to evoke are Safety, Wholeness, Peace, Comfort and Relaxation. In all a social experience the elderly will look forward to embracing every day to distress, relax and socialize.


INDIVIDUAL PROPOSALS Kirsty Douglas Cohousing

Krasimir Banchev

Shehan Heguragamage Aquaculture innovation centre

The project aims to create a Cohousing scheme for the master plan in Kirkwall. The proposal will help work towards our overall aim to grow the town meaning the development will be of medium density. By creating a Cohousing scheme, the proposal will provide housing for all ages, which in turn will help work towards providing housing for all ages.

Today Orkney suffers from stigma, isolation and rural life. With the continued urbanisation of the rest of Scotland over the past century, Orkney fell behind much of the developments and investment seen across the rest of Scotland. Although they have recently been recognised as the UK’s most visited cruise ship destination, the islands lack long-term career prospects and the economy relies heavily on agriculture and tourism. This along with a lack of higher education possibilities has led to many of the island’s youth leaving to find opportunities elsewhere, which combined with the islands aging population has resulted in Orkneys depopulation, placing stress on the funding for public services on the island.

Orkney’s waters are famous for its production of fresh aquatic species such as salmon, however the local fishermen whom are interested to embrace the new technologies for harvesting aquatic species tends to lack the skills for utilising such mechanisms. The high demand for fish from consumers has become an issue to the local fishermen due to them overfishing to match the demand, which in return depletes adult fish population and hindering time given for fish to breed and restock.

The design aims to create a community that allows elderly to be integrated into the community for as long as possible reducing the need for care homes and care workers and works towards Orkneys plan for active ageing. The development will include a range of housing to suit the needs of all ages meaning it will attract all demographics. Within the development there will also be a range of spaces that could be used for small retail or business purposes providing jobs and services for the community. The development also has an emphasis on creating a walkable town moving the cars to the outside of the site and creating pedestrian routes in the centre of the development. The development will also work towards integrating Orkneys advancements in renewable energy within the housing reducing the costs for the residents and helping towards creating a self-sufficient Orkney.


Business institute

The Orcadian Institute for Innovation and Business development is an institution set out to provide the needed support to both Orcadians and foreigners looking for development in the field of alternative and renewable energy and for people with talent who are set on establishing their own business, however in need of financial and intellectual assistance. The Goal of the institute is to incentives foreign investments in the Islands, which would eventually lead to a steady increase of the population. This institution would be primarily government funded and would focus on the development of the skill and labour market in Orkney and would provide unconditional and free education for locals of all age. This Hub will stimulate the local economy and assist in the realisations of new jobs on the market.

The architectural proposal will consist of an innovation centre designed to enhance the current aquaculture technology used in Orkney and to encourage the local fishermen to embrace new methods while also enticing young people to get involved. It will also house baths and drying stations for cultivation of seaweed for production and allocated areas for creating bio fuels, food and cosmetic products. This use of seaweed would also help create food supplements for farmers to use within their fish farming while also helping to fuel their boats by bio diesel. To build on the food products created by the proce ssing of seaweed, this proposal will also have a restaurant which would make use of the freshly produced ingredients to grant a gastro experience for the residents and visitors


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