1 minute read


Throughout the creation of this thesis I received a great deal of generous support and assistance from a variety of people.

Thank you to my thesis studio professor, Christopher Sleboda, whose expertise was invaluable in formulating the thesis process and guiding our class to create an exceptional and cohesive 2021 MFA graphic design exhibition.


I would like to acknowledge my professors throughout my time at Boston University: Kristen Coogan, Christopher Field, James Grady, Daniel Harding, Nicholas Rock, Yael Ort-Dinoor, and Mary Yang. Your encouragement and support are deeply appreciated. Thank you for constantly pushing me to achieve deeper meaning in my projects and challenge me creatively. Your willingness to assist outside of class, listen carefully, and respond thoughtfully has helped me grow immensely over the past two years.

Finally, thank you to my studio-mates. Your talent and dedication inspire me daily. Thank you for challenging me in my creative development, your empathetic ears, and becoming friends for a lifetime. Only you will ever understand what it was like to go through a graphic design MFA in a pandemic. If, as Georges Braque says, art turns wounds into light, your work has inspired me and, in fact, turned the wounds of the past year into light. Keep creating light in this wounded world.