The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio 66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration

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Diversity Center of northeast ohio

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

To my amazing wife,


who has done so much for our beloved Cleveland, who has guided so many on their lifes’ journey, and whose kindness and consideration for those less fortunate has made this world a little better place.


With gratitude for 48 years of her love, her wisdom, and our partnership.




66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration 2020 DIVERSITY CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Cipriano S. Beredo, III ◊ Chair Sheryl King Benford Vice Chair Nikki Deskovich Vice Chair

Uleto Fuentes ◊ Vice Chair Allan Goldner ◊ Vice Chair Steffany Larkins Vice Chair

Harlin Adelman ◊ Richie Bachala ◊ Anthony Battle ◊ John E. Betterson, Jr., Ph.D. ◊ Narsi Bodapati Rev. Kenneth W. Chalker Joseph Compton ◊ Dr. K. Neil Dass Terrell Dillard Jim E. Eck ◊ Hon. Burt W. Griffin Era Griffin ◊

Azadeh Hardiman ◊ Jill E. Hennessey ◊ Shannon F. Jerse ◊ Bonnie L. Kristan ◊ Sara Lehrke ◊ Hugh E. McKay ◊ Russ Mitchell David B. Nejedlik ◊ Alan K. Nevel ◊ Stephen M. O’Bryan ◊ Anne M. Pombier Adam Roth

Thomas W. Adler Cynthia Bassett Bernard A. Finkelstein Robert D. Gries David J. Hooker Robert J. King, Jr.

Tracie M. Longpre ◊ Vice Chair Mark D. Ross ◊ Vice Chair and Secretary Fareed Siddiq ◊ Vice Chair and Treasurer Peggy Zone Fisher President & CEO


David W. Rowan ◊ Michael J. Salkind ◊ Michael G. Shoaf, Ph.D. ◊ Dalithia Smith ◊ Robyn Minter Smyers ◊ Robert E. Soroka ◊ Jerrold F. Wareham Tony Weber ◊ Erwin Weiss Karen A. White Margaret W. Wong ◊ Lisa Zone ◊


Stuart F. Kline William E. MacDonald, III Neal Malicky, Ph.D. John G. Nestor Rena Joy Olshansky Most Rev. Anthony M. Pilla

Larry Pollock Alan D. Rosskamm James A. Schoff Terry C. Stewart William B. Summers, Jr. Robert M. Wolff ◊

◊ denotes The Diversity Center Board Celebration Committee ∆ ex-officio Member of the Board

DIVERSITY CENTER STAFF Peggy Zone Fisher President & CEO Amanda K. Cooper, Ph.D., CDP Chief Program Officer Jessica A. Daigler, M.A. Director, LeadDIVERSITY Melodie Gonzales Program Coordinator, School & Youth

Kimberly Koch Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer


Kei Graves, M.H. Senior Program Associate, School & Youth

Kaila C. Johnson Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Consultant, HEYA, SHIFT Consulting

Em Richards Program Associate, School & Youth

Emmanuel J. Brown Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consultant, SHIFT Consulting

Caitlin Hawkins, MSSA, MNO Senior Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consultant, SHIFT Consulting

ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Pat Lyden, M.A. Director of Development

Cierra Hilson Director, Special Events & Marketing

Jeff Modzelewski Engagement Manager, SHIFT Consulting Lorraine Z. Pennick Executive Assistant to the President & CEO / Office Manager

The Diversity Center of northeast ohio


The Diversity Center of northeast ohio


Diversity Center of northeast ohio It is my pleasure to welcome you to The Diversity Center’s 66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank you for your ongoing friendship, support and encouragement. This past year has challenged all of us in ways that we could not have imagined. Tonight’s celebration is a testament to the strength and resilience of our community and the importance of The Diversity Center’s mission – to eliminate bias, bigotry and racism. The Diversity Center works to create and support the next generation who will bring about inclusion and equality for everyone. Our programs benefit thousands of young people and professionals in Northeast Ohio by building cultural competency, leadership skills, and creating inclusive school environments. Tonight, we celebrate the incredible work of Sally Gries. We celebrate the hard work and passion of The Diversity Center. We celebrate the strength and resiliency of this community and our students. And we come together to commit to doing the work required to ensure that all people are welcomed, respected, and valued. I want to thank our Honorary Celebration Co-Chairs, Dee and Jimmy Haslam and Molly and Dan Walsh, and the Honorary Celebration Committee members who helped to make this event so successful. I especially want to thank our Board Co-Chairs, Tracie M. Longpre and Rob Soroka, for their incredible work over the last several months. We hope you enjoy this evening and learn more about the work of The Diversity Center. Please join with us in this moment and commit to doing the work necessary to bring about fundamental and lasting change. My sincere thanks for your support.

Cipriano S. Beredo, III

Chair, The Diversity Center Board of Directors



66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration


Diversity Center of northeast ohio I am thrilled to be welcoming you to our 66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration – our first-ever virtual Humanitarian Celebration. We are living through a defining moment in history. The convergence of two pandemics is testing our resolve. Coronavirus is testing our resolve to operate in the most challenging environment we’ve ever experienced. The virus of racism is testing our resolve – more than ever – to fulfill our mission. We are the only organization in Ohio with a mission focused solely on directly addressing and eliminating bias, bigotry, intolerance, and racism and creating communities where all people are connected, respected, and valued. Let our mission be our call to action. The moment is NOW. Although we are in difficult times, I am moved by the ways in which we have adapted, innovated, and have continued to develop and grow. The increased demand for our programming, combined with the generosity of people and organizations like you, has allowed us to expand our programming and reach more students and educators than ever before. Our programs help more than 14,000 children, teens, and young adults in 11 counties each year embrace their differences and become change agents in their schools and communities. We also train educators to create learning environments that promote respect, acceptance, and inclusion. Our sincere thanks to our Celebration Co-chairs Dee and Jimmy Haslam and Molly and Dan Walsh, Board Celebration Co-chairs Tracie Longpre and Rob Soroka, Master of Ceremonies Russ Mitchell, Channel 3 News Anchor, WKYC TV-3, our Sponsors, our remarkable staff, and our entire Board led by Chair Cip Beredo. We are especially proud to honor our 2020 Humanitarian Award recipient, Sally Gries, Founder and NonExecutive Chair of Gries Financial Partners and Board Chair of the Cleveland Foundation. Sally has advanced diversity and inclusion across Northeast Ohio through her exemplary civic, charitable, and professional leadership. Thank you Sally for allowing us to honor you this evening. Most importantly, without the support of each of you, our extraordinary work would not be possible. With much appreciation,

Peggy Zone Fisher President & CEO

Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio

The Diversity Center of northeast ohio


The Diversity Center of northeast ohio


Diversity Center of northeast ohio

The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio was founded in 1927 as the National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ). Our mission is to eliminate bias, bigotry and racism. We are the premier organization in our region offering comprehensive diversity, equity and inclusion training. The Diversity Center is a member of the National Federation for Just Communities. Each year, our combined programs touch more than 16,000 people in 11 counties throughout Northeast Ohio. Our goal is to help individuals and organizations recognize, understand, appreciate, leverage and celebrate diversity.


The Diversity Center’s student programs promote understanding, respect and inclusion through facilitated conversations, simulations and hands-on activities. YouLEAD (6-12) and YouLEAD Junior (K-2 & 3-5) are our premiere on-site student leadership programs. Grounded in Social and Emotional Learning, these series of workshops promote the development of self and social awareness, relationship skills, self-management, responsible decision making, and action.

• YouLEAD and YouLEAD Junior workshops are ageappropriate, interactive and designed to encourage students to engage with peers, and create dialogue around various diversity and inclusion topics. These are typically onsite elementary, middle and high school programs, but have all been adapted to be delivered virtually due to COVID-19. • Middle and High School Conferences bring together groups of students and educators from diverse backgrounds to participate in a series of interactive, facilitated workshops and to share personal stories. • Diversity Through the Arts integrates musical, visual, theatrical and English language arts with lessons on inclusiveness and communication skills to promote creativity and leadership. • Educator Workshops work with educators and youth-serving professionals to foster healthy learning communities, and create classrooms where all are connected, respected and valued. • Culture and Climate Survey A school’s culture and climate reflect the behaviors, interactions, attitudes, norms, and perceptions within the school. As a way of gathering data on the climate for diversity, equity and inclusion, The Diversity Center utilizes an anonymous online platform to gather participant feedback data. This data is then analyzed and compiled into an analysis report, which gives insight for next steps. • Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Leader The Diversity Center is available to partner with your school district on a deep and ongoing basis by integrating our team of experts into your district on a daily basis. This relationship will include a JEDI Leader, who will be responsible for the overall project and will serve as a convener of all other experts. Districts will gain access to workshop customization and facilitation, crisis response, individual coaching sessions, data collection and much more.




• LeadDIVERSITY brings together a select group of professionals to engage with regional leaders and the greater community in order to raise participants’ awareness of diversity issues, build their leadership skills and provide them with a tool kit to be advocates for diversity and inclusion. • SHIFT Consulting works with organizations to meet their diversity, equity, and inclusion goals through facilitated workshops, strategic planning, Restorative Justice implementation, diversity climate surveys, and 1-1 coaching.


• The Annual Humanitarian Award Dinner Celebration Since 1949, The Diversity Center has honored stellar individuals who have delivered exemplary leadership in civic, charitable, and professional organizations. Our honorees have profoundly advanced Northeast Ohio as a diverse and inclusive community. • The Walk, Rock and Run is Northeast Ohio’s largest diversity celebration that brings people together at Great Lakes Science Center, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and USS COD to celebrate diversity in Northeast Ohio with a day of family fun and entertainment, along with a 1 and 3-mile walk and a 5k run. This event will be held on Saturday, May 22, 2021. • Through Community Engagement, The Diversity Center partners with local organizations, nonprofits and government agencies to provide strategic and thoughtful leadership on issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion.

66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration

TESTIMONIALS “It was really cool to get the chance to hear the voices of students from other schools and backgrounds because I normally don’t get that opportunity.” -High School Student

“I learned that I have a voice inside me that can help change my community for the better.” -Middle School Student

“A lot of the content was very applicable to the classroom, a good reminder of how to act as a person in society, and affirmation of best practices in the classroom regarding diversity.” -Educator

“I learned that multiple people all speaking up make the goal more achievable.” -High School Student

“My breakout session was about leadership skills. I learned how to use my voice and even more traits of a leader. I also learned how to be a better listener. This was a great experience!” -High School Student

“Working in groups created a lot of great discussions. We really gained an understanding of what others are thinking/feeling.” -Educator “Age doesn’t determine your impact on the world.” -Middle School Student

“I want to bring back the energy and tolerance of different backgrounds to my school.” -High School Student

“The decisions we make can make an impact on someone or the world.” -Middle School Student

The Diversity Center of northeast ohio


The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS PROGRAM SPONSORS 100 Women Who Care Akron Community Foundation The Cleveland Browns The Cleveland Indians Baseball Club Cleveland Rotary Foundation The George W. Codrington Foundation The Community Foundation of Lorain County Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation Eaton Corporation The Harry K. Fox and Emma R. Fox Foundation The Giant Eagle Foundation The Gries Family Foundation The Jewish Federation of Cleveland Stuart & Theresa Kline Philanthropic Fund of The Jewish Federation of Cleveland

Toby Devan Lewis Philanthropic Fund Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation The Nord Family Foundation Nordson Foundation Parker Hannifin Foundation PNC PwC Betty and Martin Rosskamm Philanthropic Fund Naomi G. and Edwin Z. Singer Family Fund The Sisler McFawn Foundation The Helen F. and Louis Stolier Family Foundation William Sukenik Third Federal Savings and Loan The Thomas H. White Foundation

A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE HELPED US WITH IN-KIND GIFTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR All City Arts Program Jazz Ensemble AOK! Fitness Applied Industrial Technologies Benesch Cipriano S. Beredo, III Margaret Bernstein Harry Boomer, Channel 19 Allen Boseman Carla Chapman City of Cleveland Cleveland Cavaliers Cleveland Connection, Star 102 FM Cleveland Indians Baseball Cleveland Public Theatre Celena Collins Consolidated Solutions Dave Contento Cuyahoga Community College Nikki Deskovitch Jim Eck Kirsten M. Ellenbogen Dominion Energy Allan Dreyer Eaton



Jeff Epstein Uleto Fuentes Erika Gold Goldfarb Weber Creative Media Allan Goldner Great Lakes Science Center Robert D. Gries Greg Harris Hotcards Shannon Jerse John Carroll University Councilman Basheer Jones KeyBank Bonnie L. Kristan Caitlin Lewis LifeBanc Littler Mendelson P.C. Tracie M. Longpre Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage Marcum LLP Julie McMahon The MetroHealth System Russ Mitchell Dave Mustin

Alan K. Nevel Oatey Mike Obertcacz Parker Hannifin Nicole Parker Radio One, Eddie Harrell Jr. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Rocky River School District Jamil Sanders David B. Schafer Sisters of Charity Health System Dalithia Smith Rob Soroka Jenny Spencer Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP Lauren Welch WHK 1420 AM WKYC-TV 3 WTAM 1100AM Robert M. Wolff Margaret W. Wong & Associates LLC WZAK 93.1 Z107.9 Councilman Matt Zone

66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration 2020 DIVERSITY EDUCATION & CITIZENSHIP LEADERSHIP AWARD Deborale Richardson-Phillips, Ph.D., PHR


Christian Sanders


hristian Sanders currently serves as the Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Saint Ignatius High School and is the Director of the REACHing MAGIS program. A 2010 alumnus, he has returned to his alma mater with the mission of building on its traditions of excellence while fostering a more representative and receptive community.

r. Richardson-Phillips has 20 years of diversity, equity and inclusion experience in higher education and corporate America. She currently serves as the Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Saint Ignatius High School (Cleveland) where she is responsible for DEI strategic planning and cultural competence. She has held various DEI positions with the most notable being Assistant Professor of Human Development and Associate Dean of Multicultural Affairs (Messiah College), Director of Multicultural Affairs (Case Western Reserve University), District Director of Diversity & Inclusion/Title IX Coordinator (Cuyahoga Community College), and Diversity & Inclusion Consultant (FirstEnergy). Deborale holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Human Development and Master of Public Administration from the University of Delaware and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Winston Salem State University. She also earned her PHR from the Human Resource Certification Institute. Deborale is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, Akron Area SHRM, and Greater Cleveland Historically Black Colleges & Universities Alumni Association.

Deborale and her husband Kirk are the proud parents of Nathan and Monet.

His work over the last four years has focused on creating a more equitable and inclusive environment for students of all backgrounds. In his time with the institution, his service in academic support, admissions, cultural awareness efforts, administration, and the campus is in the midst of a season of growth. Christian is a 2014 Graduate of Marietta College, with graduate studies in progress at the University of Dayton. He is a resident of Warrensville Heights and a proud father of three. Saint Ignatius High School values Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as central to our mission. Over the last fifteen years, we have partnered with The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio across several fronts, engaging faculty and staff in the LeadDIVERSITY Program, educating students through YouLEAD, and participation in the High School Conferences. This partnership is spearheaded by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and, Inclusion while being embraced by the community through their participation. We thank The Diversity Center for being an open door for our community enrichment and look forward to a continuing relationship.



alil Cage is a graduating senior at Kent State University with a focus in Human Development and Family Studies. Calil, being from what most would call a troubled background, has experienced the importance and impact that resources and opportunities have on young adults. His life experience has caused him to redirect his path to mentoring and coaching students into a higher level of self-expectation and growth. In his time at Kent State University, he has expanded his network in the areas of business and social work, as well as joined multiple organizations including Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. After graduation in May 2021, Calil plans to move to Cleveland, OH, and begin putting forth the groundwork in building his career as a student life coach. The most imperative rule that Calil lives by is to find your purpose and make it your passion.

Calil first became familiar with The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio during their Fall Retreat in 2016. From there, he began exploring the organization through some of their other programs such as Spring Middle and High School Conferences and Camp STARR (Students. Talking. About. Race. Relations). Calil has volunteered with as many opportunities as possible in order to further the reach of The Diversity Center and further his expertise in diversity for his personal career goals.

The Diversity Center of northeast ohio


The Diversity Center of northeast ohio 2020 PwC LeadDIVERSITY ALUMNI AWARD Marcia Moreno


s our 15th recipient of the LeadDIVERSITY Alumni Award, Marcia Moreno is the president and founder of AmMore LLC, a consulting firm dedicated to supporting organizations to become “Latino-Ready.” Founded in 2018, AmMore is the first Cleveland company committed to creating more diverse, inclusive and equitable workplaces by supporting organizations develop longlasting strategies and systems to effectively attract, recruit and retain Latino talent to succeed and thrive in Greater Cleveland. Marcia has 15+ years of experience developing environments for more diverse and inclusive workplaces by leveraging a unique blend of professional and leadership skills from corporate and nonprofit, her own personal experience as a first-generation immigrant, her passion for elevating the Latino community in Greater Cleveland, her entrepreneurial spirit and her “out of the box” mentality.

Marcia is deeply and passionately involved in various local organizations such as The Young Latino Network, Global Cleveland, College Now of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Council on World Affairs, among others. She was recently awarded the 2020 Crain’s “Notable Immigrant” award for her impact and leadership in Greater Cleveland. Her latest project, “100+ Latinos Cleveland Must Know” has received regional attention, as the first, one-of-a-kind platform to elevate local Latino talent and showcase their contributions and impact to the economic and cultural development of this region. Marcia came from Chile to the U.S. in 2005 to pursue a Master’s Degree in Communications Theory and Methodology at Cleveland State University and since then she has dedicated her career to empowering Latinos to become a true economic and cultural force in their communities. She lives in Rocky River with her husband Joe and her son, Teddy. LeadDIVERSITY: Marcia discovered much about her passion for serving the Latino community at her first job with El Barrio. It was there that she began to understanding that she was seen as a minority. Her participation in LeadDIVERSITY just four years after arriving in the U.S., was instrumental in her process of learning and selfreflection, and was fundamental in the development of her career path. Every professional and personal decision has been made with the intention to deepen and strengthen her commitment and passion for elevating Latinos and the Latino community; and it all started with LeadDIVERSITY and The Diversity Center.

PwC LeadDIVERSITY ALUMNI AWARD Now in its 20th year, LeadDIVERSITY is a program that engages a select group of Northeast Ohio professionals with community leaders and one another to raise the participants’ awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion issues, build their leadership skills, and enhance their networks. The class of 35 professionals is selected through a competitive application process. The selection committee seeks applicants with proven leadership skills who have exhibited strong community commitment, and desire to learn. The LeadDIVERSITY program approaches diversity, equity, inclusion, and leadership issues from a nofault, interactive foundation with the goal of affecting positive change. Emphasis is placed on personal and professional growth through group participation as

well as knowledge and practical skill enrichment. The PwC LeadDIVERSITY Alumni Award Honoree is chosen annually by fellow alumni of the program. The Award recipient successfully demonstrates application of their LeadDIVERSITY learnings to be a positive change agent in both their professional and personal communities. The LeadDIVERSITY Alumni Award is underwritten by the generous support of PwC who shares The Diversity Center’s vision of creating communities where all people are connected, respected, and valued.

PAST LeadDIVERSITY ALUMNI RECIPIENTS 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010



Lorna Wisham Rockette Richardson Ewell Tina Myles Cedric Haggins Pat Ross Ferry

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Christopher Johnson Jennifer Opphile Thomasine Clark George Sample Ingrid Angel

2016 2017 2018 2019

Paula Calmer John E. Betterson, Jr., Ph.D. Courtney Fugate Elizabeth “Liz” Anderson

66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration


Diversity Center of northeast ohio

Sally Gries


ally Gries is the founder of Gries Financial Partners, a registered investment advisory (RIA) firm that provides conflict-free investment and financial advisory services to high net worth individuals, foundations, endowments and retirement plans. Ms. Gries is a founder and chairperson of Fieldstone Associates Inc, a real estate investment advisory firm that advises on private real estate investments for the benefit of its clients. She is on the advisory board of Citymark Capital. An avid reader of the Wall Street Journal as a young teenager, she entered the male-dominated financial field in the late 60s after graduating from Northwestern University. A decade later she started her own company.

She has the distinction of being the founder of the first female-owned registered investment advisory firm in Ohio. Her involvement in the community has been extensive over the years. Currently, Sally is the Board Chairperson of The Cleveland Foundation, a trustee of Holden Forests and Gardens and the Gries Family Foundation. She is a Life Trustee of Hawken School and Emeritus Trustee of Case Western Reserve University. She also serves on the National Advisory Board of the National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) in Washington, D.C. She serves on several investment committees of large institutions. Sally lives in Shaker Heights with her husband, Bob.

The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio HUMANITARIAN AWARD PAST RECIPIENTS 1949 1951 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996



Paul Hoffman Louis B. Seltzer John A. Greene A.M. Luntz George M. Humphrey Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver Bob Hope Dr. John S. Millis Dr. T. Keith Glennan Judge Anthony J. Celebrezze Hon. Lester B. Pearson Thomas F. Patton Maurice Saltzman Ralph M. Besse John Cardinal Krol Francis A. Coy Thomas Vail Rev. Billy Graham Mr. & Mrs. William C. Treuhaft E. Mandell de Windt Dr. Paul W. Briggs Frederick C. Crawford Hon. Frances P. Bolton Charles E. Spahr Herbert E. Strawbridge Dr. Ruben F. Mettler Archbishop James A. Hickey Arthur B. Modell Alton W. Whitehouse Rabbi Armond E. Cohen Stanley Pace Robert Ginn Sam Miller Dr. Nolen Ellison Mayor George Voinovich Allen C. Holmes Gordon E. Heffern James H. Ross BP America Edward B. Brandon Sister Mary Marthe Reinhard Dolly & Steven Minter Richard W. Pogue Robert W. Gillespie Mayor Michael R. White John Lewis Congressman Louis Stokes Dr. Neal Malicky Jacqueline Woods

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Dr. Richard A. Boyd Robert S. Reitman David A. & Deborah L. Daberko David G. Hill Judge George W. White David H. Hoag William B. Summers, Jr. Jeanette Grasselli Brown Robert D. Gries Bishop Anthony M. Pilla Alexander M. Cutler Henry L. Meyer, III Jerry Sue Thornton, Ph.D Carole F. Hoover Alan D. Rosskamm A. Malachi Mixon, III Terri Hamilton Brown Morry Weiss Art J. Falco Christopher M. Connor Eugene T.W. Sanders, Ph.D. Governor Ted Strickland First Lady Frances Strickland Delos M. Cosgrove, MD Cleveland Clinic Paul Clark & PNC Reverend Dr. Otis Moss, Jr. Edwina Moss Milton and Tamar Maltz Barbara R. Snyder Mayor Frank G. Jackson Thomas F. Zenty, III Sr. Judith Ann Karam, CSA William Conway Charles D. Fowler Larry Pollock Thomas W. Adler Beth E. Mooney JosĂŠ C. Feliciano Rick Chiricosta Geri M. Presti Ronald B. Richard Daniel P. Walsh Ronald M. Berkman, Ph.D. Margot James Copeland Eric S. Gordon Bernie Moreno Randell McShephard Enid Rosenberg Marc S. Byrnes Akram Boutros, MD, Fache Alex Johnson, Ph.D.

66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration

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Contact us to schedule your free consultation and learn more about what SHIFT Consulting can do for your organization (216) 752-3000 or SHIFT Consulting is a division of The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio

The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio


Diversity Center of northeast ohio


Dee and Jimmy Haslam Haslam Sports Owners, Cleveland Browns

Molly and Dan Walsh Owner and Principal STANDOUT consulting, LLP CEO, Citymark Capital


Tracie M. Longpre Vice President-Supply Chain, Applied Industrial Technologies

Robert E. Soroka Sr. VP., Retail Executive, Fifth Third Bank

66TH ANNUAL HONORARY CELEBRATION COMMITTEE Constance and Paul Abbey Harlin Adelman Joanie and Tom Adler Carolyn Cole Arnold Richie Bachala Anthony Battle Cipriano S. Beredo, III John E. Betterson, Jr., Ph.D. Fred and Laura Ruth Bidwell Charles and Julia Bolton Cindy and Bob Bruml Viki and Marc Byrnes David and Jamie Cole Joseph Compton Mary and Bill Conway Sandy and Sally Cutler Karen and Paul Dolan Jim E. Eck Lee Friedman Uleto Fuentes Allan Goldner Donald and Lynn-Ann Gries Era Griffin Azadeh Hardiman



Jill E. Hennessey Carole F. Hoover Shannon F. Jerse Jennifer Jochum and Warren Selman Wael and Sawssan Khoury Bonnie L. Kristan Sara Lehrke Norma Lerner Tracie M. Longpre Scott Looney Edward Lux Milton and Tamar Maltz Ellen and Bruce Mavec Hugh E. McKay Beth E. Mooney Amy and Marc Morgenstern David B. Nejedlik Alan K. Nevel Stephen M. O’Bryan Jeffery Palmer Trisha and Bob Pavey Richard W. Pogue Julia and Larry Pollock Audrey G. and Albert B. Ratner

Deborah and Ronald Ratner Susan and James Ratner Judy and Robert Rawson Ronn and Bess Richard Enid and David Rosenberg, M.D. Mark D. Ross Barbara and Alan Rosskamm David Rowan Michael J. Salkind Fareed Siddiq Michael D. Siegal Dalithia Smith Robyn Minter Smyers Robert E. Soroka Sally and Terry Stewart K.K. and Joseph Sullivan Jack and Susan Turben Peggy Gries Wager and Michael Wager Harriet Warm and Dick Blum Tony Weber Robert M. Wolff Margaret W. Wong Lisa Zone

66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration




Cleveland Browns Mary and Bill Conway The Gries VI Generation Fund

Milton and Tamar Maltz Medical Mutual Parker Hannifin Corporation


EQUALITY ADVOCATES Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP Citymark Capital Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Foundation Cleveland Indians Cuyahoga Community College Echo Health Inc. Fifth Third Bank

Friends of University Hospitals Humana Huntington Bank Marcum LLP John and Karen Nestor Nordson Corporation NRP Group Oatey Company Oswald Companies PNC

Richard W. Pogue Deborah and Ronald Ratner The Sherwin-Williams Company The J.M. Smucker Company Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP STANDOUT consulting, LLC Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP Thompson Hine Molly and Dan Walsh

UNITY PARTNERS Joanie and Tom Adler Applied Industrial Technologies BakerHostetler Calfee, Halter & Griswold, LLP Case Western Reserve University Cerity Partners Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. Cleveland State University Connor Foundation Dominion Energy Eaton Falls Communication First Federal Lakewood

Charlotte A. Fowler and Charles D. Fowler Hawken School JumpStart Inc. Terri and Stuart Kline Lincoln Electric Littler Mendelson P.C. Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation McDonald Hopkins LLC NEORSD Julia and Larry Pollock Audrey G. and Albert B. Ratner

Enid and David Rosenberg, M.D. Barbara and Alan Rosskamm for Breakthrough Schools RPM International Inc. Saint Ignatius High School Pam and Bill Summers Team NEO Tucker Ellis LLP Vitamix Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP Westfield The Wuliger Foundation

The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

FRIENDS Dr. Laura and Harlin Adelman Cynthia Bassett Fran and Jules Belkin Cleveland Museum of Natural History Cleveland Public Library GOJO Industries, Inc. Gries Financial Partners Azadeh and James Hardiman

KPMG Kohrman Jackson & Krantz Mario and Dana Morino Playhouse Square Foundation Port of Cleveland Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP Susan and James Ratner Regency Construction Services, Inc.

Michael Salkind Sisters of Charity Health System St. Vincent Medical Center William Sukenik Ulmer & Berne LLP United Way of Greater Cleveland Penni and Stephen Weinberg Margaret W. Wong & Associates LLC

PARTNERS Constance and Paul Abbey Gay and Edward Addicott Warren Anderson Tony and Lucy Battle Cipriano S. Beredo, III Julia and Charles Bolton Cindy and Bob Bruml Julie and Jeffrey Cristal Susan and Michael Cristal College Now Greater Cleveland Sandy and Sally Cutler Nikki Deskovich The DiGeronimo Family Foundation Grant and Jennifer Dinner Dr. Afshin Dowlati Jim E. Eck First National Bank Amie Fox Uleto and Lisa Fuentes Brenda and David Goldberg Philanthropic Fund Cathy and Larry Goldberg David Goldberg

Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP James and Jill Hennessey HKM Direct Market Communications HooverMilstein Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz Jennifer Jochum and Warren Selman Wael and Sawssan Khoury Robert King, Jr. Bonnie L. Kristan Larkins Family Norma Lerner Judith and Morton Levin Tracie M. Longpre Edward Lux Susie and Bill MacDonald Meisel and Pesses Families Sarah and Alan Melamed Beth E. Mooney Burton D. Morgan Foundation Amy and Marc Morgenstern David and Inez Myers Foundation Alan K. Nevel and Family

Stephen M. O’Bryan Olympic Steel Tricia and Bob Pavey Tawny Ratner Judy and Robert Rawson Robert Reitman Richard Family Fund at the Cleveland Foundation Mark D. Ross David Rowan Barbara Salsbury Anne and Jim Schoff Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation Robyn Minter Smyers Ronald A. Stepanovic Terry and Sally Stewart K.K. and Joseph Sullivan Third Federal Susan and John Turben Foundation Robert Varley Harriet Warm and Dick Blum Robert M. Wolff and Paula Silverman

As of November 4, 2020


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66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration



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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio





66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration


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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio


Deborah and Ronald Ratner



66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration

A better and brighter future starts with all of us. Congratulations to Sally Gries on this prestigious recognition. Benesch is proud to support The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio and its important mission.

Diversity is critically important to Benesch and its culture. Hiring and retaining a diverse work force promotes and demonstrates our commitment to our firm’s core value of being a valued and model member of the community. Creating a workplace where all individuals—regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation—can develop professionally in a supportive, growth-oriented environment, is paramount to our success and something we focus on every day.

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

GOJO Celebrates

Sally Gries For advancing diversity and inclusion across Northeast Ohio through her exemplary civic, charitable, and professional leadership



66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration


Diversity is the cornerstone for creating stronger, more dynamic businesses and communities. Fifth Third Bank, National Association. Member FDIC.

Equal Housing Lender. BD6219608

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

Holden Forests & Gardens congratulates Sally Gries on receiving the Humanitarian Award in recognition of her leadership advancing diversity and inclusivity in our communities. As a member of the HF&G Board of Directors and former Board Chair of Holden Arboretum, Sally has long demonstrated exemplary leadership and commitment to equity. Congratulations, Sally!Â



Commemorative Tribute Book Ad - Sally Gries-Final.indd 1

10/23/2020 11:06:34 AM

66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration

Hawken School Congratulates Sally Gries on The Diversity Center Humanitarian Award We are proud and honored to have Sally as a significant member of the Hawken School community. In 1983, Sally was appointed to the Hawken Board of Trustees; she has tirelessly and selflessly served Hawken for nearly four decades. Today, Sally continues her service to the School as a Life Trustee. Sally and her husband Bob pioneered Hawken’s presence in University Circle by establishing the Sally & Bob Gries Center for Experiential and Service Learning. Under Sally’s leadership, we continue to advance our mission of “forward-focused preparation for the real world through the development of character and intellect.” Sally’s commitment to that mission ensures that our students will be empowered with the skills and traits required to navigate a complex and ever-changing world with self-confidence and determination.


Congratulations to Sally Gries on receiving the Humanitarian Award from The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio.

From your friends at the Cleveland Jewish Publication Company Cleveland Jewish News COLUMBUS


David R. Hertz II

Kevin S. Adelstein

Board Chair

President, Publisher & CEO

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

MAI Capital is proud to continue our support of The Diversity Center and its daily mission of eliminating bias bigotry and racism from our communities.

Focused on

Solutions. Focused on



tree is knownbybyits itsfruit; fruit;aaman man by by his “A “A tree is known his deeds. deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy friendship, reaps and he who plants kindness gathers love.” friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.” ~St. Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea

~St.The Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea Fedeli Group is happy to support The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio

The Fedeli is happy to support to Sally Gries The Fedeli Group sendsGroup our warmest congratulations The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohioyou for your significant on receiving the well-deserved Humanitarian Award. Thank contributions and commitment to our wonderful community. Your leadership, values of mutual respect, and outstanding humanitarian achievements have made a difference in the lives of many individuals.

The Fedeli Group sends our warmest congratulations to 5005 Rockside Road ~ Fifth Floor Sally GriesOH 44131 Independence, (216) 328-8080 ~ 800-837-7191 ~ Fax (216) 328-8081 on receiving the well-deserved Humanitarian Award. Thank you for your significant contributions and commitment to our wonderful community. Your 26 | leadership, values of mutual respect, and outstanding

66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration


Saturday, May 22, 2021 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Live or Virtual)

1 and 3 Mile Walks and 5K Run

A friend and fund-raiser for The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. -Arthur Ashe Creating a more inclusive community for all. Board Directors, Peggy Zone Fisher, and Staff Members of The Diversity Center

congratulate the 2020 Humanitarian Award Recipient, Sally Gries.

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio



Keith Libman and the Partners and Staff of BMF proudly congratulate

Sally Gries 2020 Humanitarian Award Honoree

THANK YOU for your endless contributions to helping create a diverse and inclusive community.

Case Western Reserve congratulates longtime university trustee

Sally Gries

for her tireless leadership of Northeast Ohio organizations to advance diversity and inclusion.

Making an impact that matters Leaders are people who have the vision and integrity to create an impact that matters. Deloitte is proud to recognize Sally Gries for her exceptional dedication and commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community.

Š 2020 Deloitte Development, LLC. All rights reserved.



66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration

Congratulations to tonight’s honoree.

To a brighter future We appreciate the power of working together to build a stronger community for all.

From your friends at Giant Eagle.

Warmest Congratulations for Mrs. Sally Gries on receiving the Annual Humanitarian Award, 2020 A civic leader committed to Humanitarian issues Diversity is our strength: Enriching and Empowering

Wael and Sawssan Khoury

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

My family salutes you and the Cleveland Foundation for the amazing work that is done in our communities! Sheryl King Benford


Steve and Dolly Minter are

here with you and Bob in spirit. Thank you for all your work on behalf of our community.

Congratulations to

Sally Gries on the Humanitarian Award! You are beyond deserving! Best wishes, Walter and Jerry Sue Thornton

Robyn Minter Smyers 30


66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration

A Great BEGINNING to a Lifetime of Health & Smiles

AAPD recommends

your baby see a dentist


by age

A big thank you to the Gries, Haslam, and Walsh families for their ongoing willingness to champion critical causes in Cleveland

• Speech, Swallow & Sleep Assessment • Special Needs Dentistry • Myofunctional Therapy • Tongue & Lip Ties • Laser Dentistry • Comprehensive Exams & Cleanings

9964 Vail Drive, Suite 1 Twinsburg, OH 44087

or at first tooth.

Dr. Laura Adelman, DMD & Dr. Rachel Rosen, DDS


Congratulations to Sally Gries

The National Museum of Women in the Arts Congratulates

With pride and love, your family celebrates you and your tremendous accomplishments in our community.

Sally Gries

on receiving The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio’s 2020 Humanitarian Award.

The Gries VI Generation Fund Carolyn Cole Arnold David and Jamie Cole Donald and Lynn-Ann Gries Peggy Gries Wager and Michael Wager

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

Congratulations on receiving The Diversity Center’s Humanitarian Award. It is well-deserved. Mary and Bill Conway Sally, Our utmost

Congratulations to


Sally Gries 2020 Humanitarian Award Winner Milton and Tamar Maltz

on receiving the Humanitarian Award. Terry & Shelly Adelman

At the heart of important issues PwC is proud to support The Diversity Center of northeast Ohio and sponsor the LeadDIVERSITY award at the 66th Annual Humanitarian Award Virtual Celebration.

Congratulations Sally

on your selection as the 2020 Humanitarian Award recipient. Thank you for your dedication, commitment and leadership to our community.

We are proud to be your friends, Š 2020 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. All rights reserved.


807880-2021-The 32 www. diversitycenterneo .org Diversity Center Annual Humanitarian Awards 2020 Ad-Opt. 1.indd


10/23/2020 3:17:50 PM

Deborah and Ron Ratner Susie and Jimmy Ratner

66th Annual Humanitarian Award Celebration SALLY,



University Circle Inc. congratulates Sally Gries, 2020 Humanitarian Award Honoree

Enid and David Rosenberg

Congratulations Sally, 2020 Humanitarian Award Winner, and to The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio and its important mission. Bob Zimmer



Baseball Heritage Museum 216-789-1083 The Good Life Sales Team Keller Williams Greater Metropolitan 216-406-5729

Proud to support the Diversity Center


Warmest congratulations Sally. You are an outstanding community leader. Jenny and Glenn Brown

Ben Katz

T: 440- 683-9228 E: W:

SHIFT Consulting, a division of The Diversity Center, congratulates Sally Gries as the 2020 Humanitarian Award Honoree.

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame stands together with The Diversity Center and agents of change like Sally Gries in the effort to eliminate bias, bigotry and racism. We recognize the power of breaking down barriers and connecting communities through common ground, and celebrate the Center for continuing to support NEO institutions such as ours in promoting diversity and inclusion.

Congratulations to 2020 Humanitarian Award Honoree Sally Gries Founder and Non-Executive Chair of Gries Financial Partners, Board Chair of the Cleveland Foundation. Thank you for leading the way and being a champion of diversity and inclusion in our community!



66th Annual Humanitarian Award Dinner

Congratulations, Sally, on your recognition as a distinguished Humanitarian Award Honoree. Thank you for your leadership and dedication to our community!

Sally Gries founded Gries Financial Partners in 1978 with an objective of providing conflict-free, best in class investment and wealth management counsel to high net worth and institutional investors. Today, while leadership has transitioned and our client base has grown, we still live by the culture Sally established: Serving clients with integrity and service intensity in helping them meet their financial goals.

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The Diversity Center of northeast ohio

The strength of our community is its greatest asset.

When people work together, anything is possible. It’s why we support organizations that bring people within our community closer. They reinforce the bonds we share and help us celebrate the traditions we hold dear. It’s just one part of our investment in our neighbors and the community. KeyBank thanks The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio for making a difference. is a federally registered service mark of KeyCorp. ©2020 KeyCorp. KeyBank is Member FDIC. 190104-521095-1179531838



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