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The fruition of years of T rresearch


R Research into robotics started at CityU a dozen years ago when researchers from M MEEM developed a prototype for several se service robots, including an automatic vvacuum cleaner, a robot that examines th the plumbing, a climbing robot that cl cleans glass windows outside high-rise b buildings, an automatic navigating vvehicle and an underwater robot.These p projects were supervised by the now re retired Professor Tso Shiu-kit.


““Although our prototypes have not bbeen turned into practical products so far, they have a promising future,” say Dr Luk, whose research pursuits says cover electronics and telecommunications, particularly in wireless telecommunications. Dr Luk Bing-lam ஺‫׳ݰ‬௟ɡ In addition, Dr Luk has worked in the UK on robots that test and transport objects, climb, work on board aircraft carriers and other warships, and carry out rescues from nuclear accidents. Since joining CityU, Dr Luk has taken part in many R&D projects and supervised many students, including one who clinched the top prize with his underwater sampling vehicle in the university category and the final championship at the Technology, Environmental Protection and Innovation Competition in 2006.

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In particular, service robots have a range of applications and can take over work that humans consider dirty, demanding, repetitive and dangerous, explains Dr Luk.

‫ۺ‬ዾe ஛ᗘᇲᔵ‫ؿ‬ଈѼ‫ۺ‬ዾ‫ذ‬ɐɺॶ‫ق‬ અܼஉͨЄ‫ذ‬᛽eΣ͂Ɂɮ૜ᅳcɺඩ჏ ߬ฆ‫ܼʹ຺ۺ‬cϤ˘ኬ࠯૜ᅳ༦ೡ˿ॶ३

“For example, robots can clean round surfaces such as the spheroid-shaped roof of an astronomical observatory. You can’t fix objects onto such a complex globe-shaped structure, so if humans are to clean the dome by hand, they will first need to set up scaffolding. The whole process may take a week and it wouldn’t be practicable for the observatory to suspend its work for such a long time,” he says. “But a climbing robot, being small and light, can do the cleaning bit by bit at any time with few restrictions.” Moreover, the climbing robot can be used to check whether or not the outside walls of a high-rise building are secure, just one of the many reasons this technology has earned CityU significant allotments from Hong Kong SAR Government’s Innovation and Technology Fund in the past few years.

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