A young egg-finder races to fill a basket and possibly find the coveted golden egg at the annual Spring Eggstravaganza. The free 2023 event will be held Saturday, April 8 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Additional

A young egg-finder races to fill a basket and possibly find the coveted golden egg at the annual Spring Eggstravaganza. The free 2023 event will be held Saturday, April 8 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Additional
Spring is here, so our features on environmental stewards (pgs 6 - 13) share practical tips and information Westerville residents can use at home for stormwater protection, rain gardens, recycling and more.
Business news starts with Western Alliance Bank, a $2.2 million financial technology investment in Westerville (pg 15), along with the opening of the new headquarters of Vertiv (pg 16).
The Westerville Division of Police will host the inaugural Westerville Peace Officer Academy, beginning in May at the Justice Center (pg 18). This first-time program will help train future police officers in Westerville and surrounding areas at our state-of-the-art facility. And, don’t miss the
State of the City on March 16 at the Renaissance Columbus Westerville-Polaris Hotel (pg 23). It’s free and open to the community, so we invite you to join us as we talk about growth and opportunity. Lastly, it’s time to take the biennial resident satisfaction survey (see below).
Visit www.westerville.org for full details, along with a list of great springtime events, including the Spring Eggstravaganza (pg 27) and Civitans Inclusive egg hunt (pg 26) coming in April.
The 2023 Westerville Resident Survey, a once-every-two-years opportunity to tell the City your opinions and level of satisfaction with public programs and services, is available through April 26. Residents received a special household code in the postal mail (postcard) in late February to access the survey online.
This survey allows residents to rate parks, infrastructure, public services, safety and much more. Outcomes help the City set priorities and evaluate the delivery of programs at the neighborhood level.
In 2021, residents reported high levels of satisfaction in Westerville. Public safety and fiscal management/responsibility was ranked as the “most important issues,” while residents expressed frustration with construction and traffic. Included this year is a special section to gauge opinions about community engagement.
Feedback will help the City better understand resident preferences on special events, public service opportunities and overall communication.
For more information, or to participate, please visit www.westerville.org and follow one of several survey links from the front page of the website. Survey results will be public on the City website in June.
For additional information, visit www.westerville.org/survey.
In April, the U.S. Department of State recognizes National Arab American Heritage Month, honoring the contributions of this diverse community to America. The United States is home to more than 3.7 million Arab Americans, representing 22 different countries who have come from throughout the Arab world. In 2022, President Joe Biden became the first sitting president in U.S. history to officially recognize April as National Arab American Heritage Month.
The term “Arab” itself is both cultural and linguistic. It references people who may speak Arabic as a first language. “Arab” is not a race of people; individuals who are Arab share a history, culture and, in some cases, religion. Many Arab-identifying people practice the Muslim religion, but there are also Jewish Arabs and Christian Arabs across the United States and around the world.
According to the Arab American Institute, the population of those who identify as Arabic-speaking in the U.S. grew more than 42% between 2000 and 2017. The number of Ohioans who claim Arab ancestry has more than doubled since the Census first measured ethnic origins in 1980. Ohio’s Arab American population is ranked eighth in the nation, with the statewide population of Arab Americans at approximately 115,190 people.The largest population of Arab Americans comes from Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon.
Arab Americans aren’t “new immigrants” to the United States. In fact, the first Arab American immigrants arrived in the late 19th century to seek
economic opportunity, freedom equality and to escape the oppressive Ottoman rule. A second wave of immigrants came to America in the 1950s and 1960s, fleeing the 1948 Palestine-Israel War and revolutions throughout the Arab world. Immigration to the U.S. continues today for those seeking asylum from war, violence, poverty and human rights violations.
Despite such adversity, Arab Americans continue to make culturally significant contributions to all facets of American society. Hassan Kamel AlSabbah, who immigrated to the U.S. in 1921, is credited with pioneering technology that led to the development of the LCD screens we know today. In 1966, Michael Debakey, of Lebanese descent, was the first doctor to use an artificial heart in a surgical procedure. Nujoud Merancy is the current Chief of the Exploration Mission Planning Office for NASA, where she manages the creation of the Artemis mission, which plans to land the first woman on the moon. These innovators are just a small sample of the many Arab Americans working to make a difference.
The story of Arab Americans is the story of America. This diverse community with rich cultural heritage and history illustrates how the immigrant experience has shaped not only our country, but the fabric of our society and how the heritage and history of Arab Americans have contributed to the building of a better nation.
In fact, it is one of the lenses through which we consider the decisions we make and actions we take. This is a community that maximizes current and emerging opportunities for environmental sustainability, including enthusiastic participation in programs that divert waste and save energy, minimizing negative impacts on our treasured biodiversity and protecting our source water.
As you’ll read in the pages that follow, even the most simple of steps can make a big difference in maintaining excellent environmental stewardship in Westerville. Participating in food-waste composting, picking up litter in a park and taking the time to ensure you are recycling correctly are just a few ways Westerville residents can make a big difference.
Managing the quantity and quality of stormwater is a crucial asset to the City’s sustainability efforts. Federal, state and local regulations require stormwater management programs to improve waterways by reducing the number of pollutants collected by stormwater as it travels through storm sewer systems. As required by the U.S. EPA, these management programs provide communities with clean and affordable drinking water, safe recreational opportunities and protect property from flooding. These programs aim to reduce the impact of stormwater runoff and surface water on our sewer systems.
Franklin Country Soil and Water Conservation District reports, common pollutants include oil and grease from roadways, pesticides from lawns, sediment from construction sites, bacteria from failing septic systems and carelessly discarded trash. When deposited into nearby waterways, these pollutants can impair the waterways, thereby discouraging recreational use of the resource, contaminating drinking water supplies and impairing the habitat of fish, other aquatic organisms and wildlife.
Here are some things that you can do to help:
• Pick up litter!
• Use environmentally friendly materials and follow application instructions carefully for fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides to maximize your outcome with the least impact.
• Never put anything into a stormwater drain other than stormwater. A single gallon of oil can pollute 100,000 gallons of water.
• Use car washes or environmentally friendly cleaners to limit soap from reaching our waterways.
• Do not disturb or mow the area near stream banks. This will help limit erosion and filter pollutants prior to entering the stream.
• Clean up after your pets. Fecal matter can be very damaging to ecosystems.
What can you do to reduce the runoff from your property?
The United States Environmental Protection Agency has a few tips:
• Disconnect/redirect downspouts
• Use a rain barrel to capture rain from your roof
• Plant a rain garden
• Plant trees
• Reduce impervious surfaces; install permeable pavement
• Plant a green roof
“Stormwater quality must be protected because fresh water is a finite and critical resource. By keeping trash and contaminants from our waterways we are helping to provide clean and safe drinking water for ourselves and our downstream neighbors.”
— Kevin Weaver, Director of Public ServiceOne major benefit of rain gardens is bioretention—the process of removing pollutants, contaminants and sedimentation from stormwater runoff. During periods of rain or storm events, rain gardens capture water that flows across impermeable surfaces such as patios, roofs, parking lots, driveways and other hard surfaces. As rain and stormwater travel across these surfaces, they pick up contaminants such as oil, pet waste, fertilizer, sediments and other pollutants. By capturing this water, rain gardens reduce potential flooding and serve as a collection point for polluted water from coursing through storm sewer drains that would ultimately find its way into our streams, rivers and waterways.
Utilizing native plants in a rain garden creates an essential habitat for beneficial animals and insects. Native plants are those that occur naturally in a region and are acclimated to the local ecosystem. Local pollinators make use of those plants, which in turn helps the natural food chain and local agriculture.
Four major functions:
• Rainwater is directed into the garden via rain chains, rain barrel overflow, downspouts, driveway drains, curb cuts, dry streambeds or sheet flow.
• When water soaks in, less stormwater erodes our streams and rivers.
• Deep-rooted plants break up hard soils and create channels for water to move through.
• Plant uptake, physical filtration, and biological processes reduce contaminants like oil, metals and nutrients.
Rain gardens can be installed in various locations throughout your property that are at least 10-20 feet away from your home. Water can be redirected from the downspouts of your home or other impervious surface or from rain barrel overflow. Water can be diverted underground to enter directly into the garden, or a dry streambed can be created as a channel to move water from the downspout to the rain garden. When choosing a location for your rain garden, make sure that the soil is capable of absorbing water. Avoid areas that already have poor drainage or issues with standing water.
Living examples of established rain gardens throughout the Westerville neighborhoods and the parks system: Hoff Woods Park and Millstone Creek Park feature naturalized rain gardens and more “manicured” gardens are planted in tree lawns throughout the Brook Run Drive neighborhood.
Rain gardens commonly consist of three different zones: the base layer, which is inundated with runoff water and planted with moisture loving plants; the sloped layer, which acts as a berm for containing water; and the buffer zone which helps prevent erosion of surrounding soils. Most rain gardens are anywhere from six to 12 inches at the base layer. These zones or layers correlate to the water tolerance of plants. When
When it comes to planting your rain garden, determine if your garden is full sun, partial shade/sun, or full shade and choose plants appropriately. Consider using native plants, trees, and shrubs that are suited to the local climate, soil, and pollinators. Choosing plants that vary in bloom time will ensure prolonged color and nectar sources throughout the growing season.
Purple Coneflower
Butterfly Weed
Smooth Aster
Wild Bergamot
Little Bluestem
*Plants listed are recommended for full sun exposure
Marsh Milkweed
Rose Mallow
Wild Geranium
Shasta Daisy
Blazing Star
Blue Flag Iris
Prairie Cord Grass
White Turtlehead
Forget-me-not (pictured)
The design of this park allows for improved habitat quality and a greater buffering capacity for stormwater runoff and filtration. Scattered open water areas function as habitats for fish and waterfowl and act as a trap for suspended sediments. The wetlands area features an accessible dock that allows for up-close and personal interaction with a unique ecosystem.
Heritage Park is a large, natural forested wetland located in Westerville’s 100-year floodplain, partially surrounded by Alum Creek. These wetlands were formed as the result of clay extraction from brickmaking in the late 1800s to early 1900s. This park houses a high-quality wetland with mature sycamore trees and swaths of buttonbush, a native wetland shrub. There are also three wetland areas on the east side of the rectangular athletic fields that help mitigate flooding in the surrounding neighborhoods..
“Wetlands create habitat and biodiversity, help to filter water, reduce stream erosion and create spaces for people to relax and enjoy nature. It is great to work for a community who values these natural assets as well as all of the other natural spaces.”
— Matthew Ulrey, Parks and Facilities SuperintendentMARINER’S COVE (VIA FISHERMAN’S DRIVE AND WAKE DRIVE)
Mariner’s Cove and Wetlands, developed in 2001, is a nineacre plot of land located along Fisherman’s Drive with the entrance to the wetlands boardwalk on Wake Drive.
A nearly 11.5-acre nature preserve located at the end of Park Street and Orchard Lane, north of Walnut Street. The park’s main feature is a three-acre, stream-fed pond that was formed in a glacial kettle. During the last ice age, Westerville existed below approximately 1,000 feet of ice. As the climate warmed, a huge slab of ice fractured from this glacier and created the glacial kettle. In addition to the pond, wetland areas and vernal pools are included in the landscape.
In the second phase of Hoff Woods Park, there is a quarter-acre bioswale that was installed as part of the park development. Bioswales are channels with plantings designed to concentrate and convey stormwater runoff while removing debris and pollution and recharging groundwater. This bioswale is planted with pollinator-friendly wildflower/wetland plantings and has been supported by the Westerville Garden Club and Westerville Sunrise Rotary Club.
This 14.5-acre plot of land between College and County Line Road is maintained by the Public Service Department. The area provides stormwater retention during intense rainfalls, limiting the water that heads toward Boyer Nature Preserve and further downstream. A portion of this land is also used for wetland purposes to improve water quality.
Wish-cycling is the well-intentioned but unfounded belief that something is recyclable when it is not. If you find yourself tossing any old thing in the recycling, hoping that it will end up in the right place, you could be hurting the process more than you help. When non-recyclable items find their way into equipment, they can cause a clog in the system. For example, “tanglers” like cords, ribbon and shoelaces can become stuck in machinery and force operations to shut down while workers untangle the items from the equipment.
Don’t worry; recycling the correct way is not a complicated process. Follow this handy guide from our partners at Rumpke Waste and Recycling. While the full list of acceptable materials may vary slightly in some locations, residents can typically recycle the following:
☑ METAL CANS: Aluminum cans, steel cans and lids, empty aerosol cans with the lids and tips removed
☑ PLASTIC BOTTLES (empty, crush, reattach lid): Bottles and jugs that have a small mouth and wider base, such as milk jugs, and bottles for soda, water, detergent, etc.
☑ PLASTIC TUBS: Containers for butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, Jell-O and fruit slices. Lids should be reattached prior to recycling.
☑ PLASTIC CUPS (remove/discard straw, reattach lid): Fast-food beverage cups
☑ PAPER: Newspapers, magazines, cardboard, mixed-office paper and envelopes, paperboard (cereal boxes), pizza boxes free of food debris and grease, telephone books and catalogs
☑ PAPER CUPS (remove/discard lids, straws and stoppers): Fast-food beverage cups, coffee cups
☑ CARTONS: Food and beverage cartons, such as milk, juice, soup, wine, broth and other cartons
Plastic bags, cassette tapes, bed sheets, hangers, metal chains, garden hoses, batteries*, needles, syringes, electronics*, polystyrene foam, buckets, car parts, food, yard waste, light bulbs*, drinking glasses, ceramics, pots, pans and scrap metal.
Want to learn more? Visit www.westerville.org/recycling
*The City offers specialized drop-off recycling and disposal opportunities. Visit www.westerville.org/zerowaste for program links.
• Mix all items together–no separation required
• Empty all bottles, jugs and cans
• No need to remove labels
• Empty, crush and reattach lids to plastic bottles
• Remove plastic caps and straws from cartons
• NEVER place medical sharps or needles in recycling
• Do not recycle plastic bags in residential containers. Check your local grocery store for bag recycling availability.
2022 SUSTAINABILITY by the Numbers
4,232 (as of mid-Jan ‘23)
20,000+ POUNDS
116,200 lbs Food Waste Pumpkin of
Composting Food Waste
RedZone Robotics has been contracted by the City to conduct internal inspections of Westerville’s public sanitary sewer lines. The project, expected to last up to 24 months, began in January.
Residents may see this team in marked vehicles in neighborhoods as they access manholes to run cameras and inspect the working order of this critical infrastructure. The company will only inspect the City’s public infrastructure, not residential laterals.
The majority of the work will take place within existing sanitary sewer easements. Residents will be notified via door hanger if property access is needed.
While Westerville contracts wastewater management to the City of Columbus, it is one of the many responsibilities of the Westerville Public Service Department to carefully monitor, inspect and maintain more than 160 miles of sanitary sewer lines.
To learn more about Westerville’s wastewater management program, visit www.westerville.org/service.
The annual mosquito control program runs between mid-May and late September (schedules could vary depending on weather conditions) in parternship with Franklin County Public Health (FCPH). FCPH conducts an integrated pest management plan involving four steps: surveillance, outreach and education, prevention and control. Treatment focuses on the control of three species known to carry disease to humans: Culex pipiens, Aedes triseriatus and Aedes albopictus. Mosquito-borne diseases include (but are not limited to) the West Nile virus, La Crosse and St. Louis encephalitis.
FCPH utilizes an extensive surveillance network to understand the quantities and species of mosquitoes impacting a certain area. Westerville has five test locations in zones checked each week. Surveillance information may be found at www.mosquito.myfcph.org/trap-wnv-data/
Each resident in Westerville can play a big role in preventing mosquito breeding. During the hot spring and summer months, check around your home and empty sources of standing water. Common sources include bird baths (empty and replace water at least twice per week), old tires, pool covers, empty planters and other containers stored outside.
Another key element of prevention is to treat any long-term standing water that can’t be avoided with larvicide preventing mosquitoes from developing into adults. Treating catch basins, retention ponds and other standing water is the most effective way to minimize the impact of mosquitoes over the summer season.
If numbers hit a certain threshold or a mosquito-borne disease is detected in a certain area, FCPH will schedule a treatment.
Announcements about treatment plans are made on the City and FCPH websites and social media channels. Be sure to follow:
• www.westerville.org/mosquitocontrol
• mosquito.myfcph.org/
• www.twitter.com/tellwesterville
• www.twitter.com/FC_PublicHealth
You can also sign up for spray notification emails and place “Do Not Spray” requests on FCPH’s website or by calling (614) 525BITE (2483).
About Pollinators: FCPH schedules adulticide treatments for the evening hours when mosquitoes are most active and pollinators like bees and butterflies are less active. They also use larvicides that are nonlethal to honey bees or other pollinators. Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution, which is why prevention is key.
For more information about mosquito control, visit mosquito.myfcph.org or www.westerville.org/mosquito.
In 2022, FCPH reported catching more than 95,000 mosquitoes, of which more than 82% were Culex, a species capable of transmitting the West Nile virus.
Tell us about CUSITech. Most IT departments struggle to execute multi-site technology upgrades and new store rollouts. They’re dealing with unreliable service providers and multiple layers of outsourced labor. CUSITech provides a single point of contact to manage the planning, surveying, installation and implementation with our nationwide skilled technicians.
How would you describe your company culture?
Our team is made up of motivated and dedicated individuals who are passionate about achieving our goals. We believe in working hard to achieve success and pushing ourselves to be the best we can be. But, we also believe in having fun and celebrating our successes along the way. We foster a sense of camaraderie and team spirit through regular team-building exercises, company-wide events, and opportunities for employees to bond outside of work hours. We value teamwork and a positive work-life balance, and we’re always looking for driven and ambitious individuals who will thrive in our culture and contribute to our continued success.
Tell us about some of CUSITech’s more notable projects.
Chipotle faced a daunting task: updating critical hardware at 2,966 locations. They needed a trusted partner that had direct operational control over the technicians in their stores. Their standard practice was working with their hardware supplier, however, exposed them to certain risks: layers of management and margin stacking that would likely drive the project past the go-live date and definitely come in over budget. CUSITech’s approach to using W2 traveling technicians was perfect for this critical mission. Each team tackled the implementations safely, quickly and efficiently – exactly to the original specifications.
Tell us about your experience working with the City of Westerville.
[Economic Development Administrator] Rob Rishel has been fantastic to work with; excellent communication and is very transparent. CUSI has a voice in the local business community, and we are fortunate to be a part of such a great group.
CUSI thrives on harnessing the talent and drive of the local workforce; Westerville is perfectly located to do just that.
Visit www.cusitech.com to learn more.
Western Alliance Bank, one of the country’s topperforming banks with more than $65 billion in assets, recently announced an expansion into Westerville, investing $2.2 million and creating 150 new jobs. Western Alliance currently has nearly 3,400 full-time employees and is adding new positions for analysts, engineers, developers, network operators, management, finance specialists and others as it grows in the Central Ohio region.
To support the bank’s rapidly growing products and business segments, the company’s IT division is establishing a workforce in Westerville to enable the acquisition and retention of world-class data analytics, cyber security, software development, finance and IT talent.
“We are building a high-performing technology enterprise for our high-performing bank, and we were drawn to this outstanding part of Ohio. The robust talent pipeline, concentration of finance and technology companies and competitive business environment in the Columbus Region is the type of ecosystem we were looking for when scouting locations across the country,” said Tim Boothe, chief operating officer of Western Alliance Bank. “The community amenities, strong corporate presence, Class A office product and talent acquisition practices made Westerville the top contender for this project, which will ultimately be a catalyst for the bank’s growth nationwide.”
Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, Western Alliance Bank operates individual, full-service banking and financial brands with offices in key markets nationwide. The company was awarded #1 top-performing bank with $50 billion or more of assets in 2021 and 2022 per American Banker. Its parent company, Western Alliance Bancorporation, ranked S&P Global Market Intelligence’s #1 BestPerforming Largest Public U.S. Bank in 2019 and 2020. Other parent company accolades include #1 Best Bank ($50 billion and above) in 2021 by Bank Director and 2022 All-America Executive Team by Institutional Investor (including #1 Best CEO and #1 Best CFO).
Economic Development Director Rachel Ray says the growth in financial services technologies is an emerging market in Westerville.
“Our finance cluster and broader business community is proud to welcome Western Alliance, one of the best performing banks in the country, to Westerville,” she said. “Westerville is already home to dozens of companies that specialize in technology and finance, so combined with the Region’s highly educated talent pipeline, we know that Western Alliance will thrive in this community.”
The company plans to lease the 28,000-squarefoot third floor of the Westar I office building, located at 570 Polaris Parkway, near the intersection with Cleveland Avenue. With its expanded presence in Westerville, Western Alliance Bank joins the community of global banking institutions, national insurance and technology companies changing the industry in the region, including Columbus and the surrounding suburbs. According to JobsOhio, a partner in the bank’s expansion planning, finance and insurance comprise the top private sector by economic output in the area.
For more on this and other economic development news, visit business.westerville.org.
With the snip of a ribbon, Vertiv officially celebrated the opening of its 72,000-plus sq. ft. global headquarters in Westerville (505 N. Cleveland Ave.) in January. The company says the move helped align its workforce and workflow while creating a walkable campus (with two nearby facilities at 610 Executive Campus Drive and 530 Westar Blvd.). Vertiv has committed to adding 100 jobs with $8 million in the region by the end of 2025. Learn more about the company at www.vertiv.com.
The Westerville Division of Police (WPD) is issuing a warning about an extortion plot targeting teenagers via social media. WPD wants parents and guardians to act now and have conversations with teens about responsible social media use.
In these cases, teenagers are solicited on social media, typically Instagram, to chat with a person pretending to be a friend. That person builds trust with the victim before requesting nude photos, typically via Snapchat or other messaging apps. Once photos are received, a demand for money follows. If unpaid, the extortionist threatens to release the photos to their contacts/followers or post to the Internet.
This extortion typically starts at $500 to $1,000, and usually increases with additional demands for money. Even if paid, the extortionist will continue to threaten public exposure.
Investigators warn this scam is becoming increasingly common among teenage boys, who typically believe they are talking to an interested female of similar age.
“This is called blackmail and sextortion, but it’s a crime and a dangerous scheme from start to finish,” said Detective Lt. Justin Alloway, WPD Investigations. “This is ruining lives, and not only from financial loss but because several of these cases have resulted in suicide. It’s important for parents and guardians to talk about this now, and include anyone in the family who uses a smartphone and these social media apps about this real-world issue.”
WPD recommends discussion guides on this issue provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation at the link below. Other resources can be found via the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at www.missingkids.org/theissues/ sextortion .
FBI: www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/safetyresources/scams-and-safety/common-scamsand-crimes/sextortion
From Instagram/Facebook: www.facebook.com/ help/instagram/1443273235892548
For more information on the Westerville Division of Police, visit www.westerville.org/police.
The Westerville Industry and Commerce Corporation (WICC) will purchase two tracts of land east of Africa Road for economic development purposes. The City of Westerville is considering the authorization of $8.4 million for WICC’s purchase, with the intent to develop the land for commercial use and job growth.
In 2019, Westerville celebrated the economic development success of the original investment in the City’s northern edge. The annexation of 941 acres in 1999 comprising the area known as Westar, followed by the City’s 2014 acquisition of 62 acres in the heart of Westar, known as Westar Place. This area has generated nearly 10,000 jobs and is home to multiple companies including the North American headquarters of DHL Supply Chain, the corporate headquarters of Vertiv, Lancaster Colony and Central Ohio Primary Care Physicians, and the future home to other corporate entities like Western Alliance Bank.
“Growth is happening all around us, and Westerville is being intentional about creating opportunities for jobs and economic viability,” said Jason Bechtold, Assistant City Manager, City of Westerville. “We’ve shown this model works. Westerville has been successful in pairing thoughtful development with undeveloped land and public infrastructure while bolstering the workforce and creating amenities for residents and employees of Westerville businesses.”
On Tuesday, Feb. 7, Westerville City Council will hear the first reading of the ordinances that will enable WICC’s acquisition of the properties. As part of the proposal, City Council will authorize the funds for purchase and transfer to WICC, who has the express statutory authority to purchase land for economic development purposes. The City will recover the investment through land sales preceding development. The site is zoned Planned District for commercial development.
Bechtold says the land is a natural extension of Westar that will help Westerville achieve its economic development objectives, particularly as it relates to business demands for our existing industries and those related to the record Intel investment less than 10 miles away from this center of commerce.
“Westerville has a track record of adapting land for commercial use,” he said. “The 62-acre development at Westar Place illustrates that success. This is the next chapter in the City’s efforts to make strategic and intentional decisions about land use as Columbus Region grows in exponential ways.”
The purchase is expected to close in April, at which time development planning and marketing of the properties will begin. The City will initiate roadway and other infrastructure planning, including utility, stormwater and greenway design throughout the remainder of the year.
For more information, visit www.westerville.org
WICC is a Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) as defined under Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1724 and organized under ORC Chapter 1702 as a non-profit economic development corporation, organized for the purpose of advancing, encouraging, and promoting the industrial, economic, commercial and civic development of the community. WICC is a not-for-profit community improvement corporation organized and existing under Chapter 1724 of the Ohio Revised Code. As a nonprofit community improvement corporation, WICC was formed for the purpose of advancing, encouraging, and promoting the industrial, economic, commercial and civic development of the City of Westerville. WICC successfully purchased and repositioned land used for commercial development in the past. For example, the $20 million Aloft Hotel (pictured) at Heatherdown and S. State Street was land purchased for redevelopment and reinvestment by WICC, as authorized by the City.
Calib Amos has been patrolling Westerville roads and responding to calls as a Westerville Division of Police (WPD) officer for about two months. His swearing-in by City Manager Monica Irelan took place in February, about two weeks after graduating from the Columbus Police Academy. Amos will be among the last graduates to join WPD from the CPD Academy. Amos’ graduation from Columbus marks the start of a new era. Beginning this year, WPD officers, and others who serve Central Ohio communities, will be trained and certified at the Westerville Justice Center.
In June, WPD welcomes its first class of men and women destined to become peace (police) officers. The Westerville Basic Peace Academy follows the training curriculum and requirements of the state of Ohio, providing a local solution to conduct training and recruitment with WPD personnel at its own facility.
“The Justice Center provides the equipment and modernized space we need in order to bring our Academy in-house and offer it to communities in the surrounding region,” said WPD Chief of Police Charles Chandler. “We have the capability to provide instruction for the Ohio law enforcement community using the latest research and recommended professional practices, and we want to provide that level of service and continuity for our community.”
Stephen Fridley as Academy Commander; Fridley holds the certifications required to manage Academy operations. He will oversee
the 22-week curriculum for cadets who are required to achieve 850 hours of instruction.
“Our recruit handbook mirrors the rules, regulations and expectations of the traditional academies that graduate peace officers,” said Fridley. “We are taking advantage of our own facility and the expertise of our own certified instructors to help generate the next few recruitment classes of Westerville officers.”
Fridley says the Academy will offset operational costs through a tuition model for other agencies that send their recruits to Westerville. Full tuition for the program is $4,280 per cadet.
Recruits’ attendance requirements are the same as any other 40-hour-a-week job, minus room and board. Eight-hour training and classroom days are required, but cadets may return to their homes at the end of the workday.
Fridley points to the modernized Justice Center for leading WPD in this direction.
“This facility is the difference-maker when it comes to training and graduating our own recruits,” said Fridley. “We have a classroom, virtual-reality based simulations, a new firearms range and everything else a modern Academy can offer. We have the tools we need to recruit the future of law enforcement professionals and ensure they are trained to our standard.”
For more information on the WPD Basic Peace Officer Academy, visit police.westerville.org
Westerville Neighborhood Services Manager Bryan Wagner began the new year as the President of the American Association of Code Enforcement (AACE).
Wagner has spent nearly 30 years in code enforcement, 10 (and counting) in Westerville. He is known in the community for his thoughtful approach to code enforcement.
Before being nominated by his peers to the presidency, Wagner served as 1st Vice President (2021-2022) and 2nd Vice President (2019-2021) for AACE. He serves on the International Code Council (ICC) Exam Development Committee and is the Secretary of the Westerville Sunrise Rotary Foundation.
Find information about code enforcement, including links to look up the City’s Codified Ordinances, at www.westerville.org/planningdev
Speaking of City code compliance, many residents will be eager to begin home improvement projects as temperatures warm. Remember that zoning certificates are required for a number of common home improvement projects at www.westerville.org/building.
The City partners with Uptown Westerville, Inc. (UWI) to bring a DORA (Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area) to the historic heart of the community.
Find more information along with the boundary map at www.westerville.org/DORA.
Monday-Friday: 4-10 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday: 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
After serving as the City’s Construction Manager for the last six years, Nate Lang accepted the role of City Engineer.
In his time with the City, Lang has built strong relationships with residents and businesses while overseeing the annual street rehabilitation improvements, the Uptown Improvements project, Cleveland Avenue improvements and more.
In his new role, Lang oversees the Engineering Division and directs all civil engineering functions of the City.
Learn more at www.westerville.org/engineering.
Westerville’s Clerk of Council supports all members of City Council and serves as the City’s primary public records manager.
Before earning the Clerk of Council role, Jessica Hilts spent three years as deputy to the position. Before that, she served the community as an administrative assistant through the Planning & Development Department.
The City’s Clerk of Council is one of three positions appointed by Westerville City Council. Hilts replaced Mary Johnston, who served Westerville for 20 years before retiring in January.
In her role, Hilts also oversees the Special Events application process.
Are you interested in learning more about the Clerk of Council? Visit www.westerville.org/council.
Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week: March 19-25
Statewide Tornado Drill: Wednesday, March 22 at 9:50 a.m.
Helpful resources: weathersafety.ohio.gov | ready.gov
Westerville Public Service will spend two weeks carefully inspecting each fire hydrant in the City (2,471 in total) beginning Sunday, April 30. The process also involves running water through the hydrants, ensuring the lines are clear of particulates that build up over time.
“Our crews will work around the clock, inspecting hydrants and valves for operational issues. This is important work to ensure this life-saving equipment is ready to be used when needed,” said Kevin Weaver, Director of Public Service.
Weaver says that residents may notice a brown tint in their water during the program. If this happens, the Public Service Department encourages residents to run the water through the tap for a few minutes. Residents are also encouraged to run washing machines through a rinse cycle before doing laundry.
The program will run from April 30 to May 12. Call Westerville Public Service at (614) 901-6740 with questions or visit www.westerville.org/hydrantflushing
All numbers are (614) area code unless otherwise noted.
Westerville Parks & Recreation is taking some of the guesswork out of finding the right running or walking courses as residents and visitors prepare to conquer their fitness goals. With 51 miles of paved recreation paths, Westerville is the perfect destination for those looking to move more around the great outdoors this spring. Consider adding these featured routes to your plans. Whether you’re after your next finisher medal or just looking to improve your health, consider the following routes for your fitness routine.
Looking for a map? Visit www.westerville.org/runningmaps to download pdfs.
5K From Hoff Woods
Starting Point:
Softball parking lot at Hoff Woods Park (556 McCorkle Blvd.)
Course Description:
Flat out and back using paved recreation trails.
Begin in the parking lot closest to the softball fields at Hoff Woods Park. Proceed to the paved trail just south of the fields, following the trail north around the softball fields past the basketball and tennis courts, and turn right (still on the path) toward the water tower. Continue on the path, heading south, and then cross Birch Street and then Chestnut Avenue (picking up Towers Trail). The turnaround is located at County Line Road. From there, follow the same route back.
Westerville Sports Complex 5K
Starting Point:
On the paved trail located on the west (back) side of the Veterans Memorial site (325 N. Cleveland Ave.).
Course Description:
Flat route using paved recreation trails.
Head northeast to follow the paved trail around the Westerville Sports Complex. The route curves around the park, past the playground and basketball courts, until the path becomes the Alum Creek Trail. Follow the path south under the Cleveland Avenue bridge and take a slight left to access the pedestrian bridge. From the bridge, turn left into Heritage Park and follow the path northeast along Lindamore Way around the sports fields. Complete the loop around the fields and head back to the starting point.
Remember to stretch and hydrate before, during and after any exercise program and to always be mindful of others using the recreation trails and motorists when crossing the street. When running or walking at night, always wear reflective clothing.
WEDNESDAYS • 7:30 - 10 a.m.
March 1 • April 5
May 3
Bring family and friends to our monthly breakfast and enjoy pancakes (all you can eat), eggs, sausage, juice and co ee. Held the first Wednesday of the month.
350 N. Cleveland Ave.
(614) 901-6560
Class size is limited to 20 participants. Register at www.westerville.org/selfdefense
Ages 14 and up with adult • $25 (refundable)
Friday, March 24
Activity# 202163-01
Friday, April 21
Activity# 202163-02
Westerville Community Center • 350 N. Cleveland Ave.
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
SATURDAY, APRIL 8 10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Tuesday, April 4 • 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
This is not your traditional egg hunt! Participants will hunt for eggs that contain points inside, the participant will add their points to collect a prize at the end. Snacks and drinks are included. Registration required.
Ages 11-15 • Activity# 203126-01 $15 • Resident Rate $10 Heritage Park • 60 N. Cleveland Ave.
Designed for individuals with disabilities (Intellectual/developmental and physical). Light up eggs and beeper eggs will be included in the hunt for those with visual and or hearing impairments. The hunt is conducted indoors and site is fully accessible.
6-8 p.m. FREE
Designed for individuals with disabilities. Enjoy a fun night of music and dancing with friends. Refreshments are included.
Sponsored by the Westerville Area Civitans Club.
Saturday, May 6 • 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Take flight by making kites, launching rockets and take part in rocket and kite-related activities and crafts. Drinks and snacks provided! Families are welcome to bring their own kites to fly.
Activity# 202162-01 • Ages 5-12
$15 • Resident Rate $10
Join us for an exhibition and fitness fair that will include entertainment, information and giveaways for those ages 55 and above.
Tuesday, May 9 9 a.m. - 12. p.m.
Westerville Community Center 350 N. Cleveland Ave.
Heritage Park • 60 N. Cleveland Ave.
Sunday, April 2
Bring a basket to collect floating and sinking eggs from the pool and exchange them for treats and toys. Enjoy open swim from 1-5 p.m. Parents are free. Registration required.
$14 • Resident Rate $7
Ages 9-11 Activity# 211112-01 10:30-10:45 a.m.
Ages 7-8 Activity# 211112-02 10:45-11 a.m.
Age 6 Activity# 211112-03 11:10-11:20 a.m.
Ages 4-5 Activity# 211112-04 11:30-11:50 a.m. (with parent)
Westerville Community Center • 350 N. Cleveland Ave.
Besides strengthening your muscles, a good fitness class should also relax you and increase your well-being. What better way to accomplish this than with a candlelight stretch. See page 36 for details.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Jeanne Smith
AGE(S): 16 and up
Gain the benefit of an organized group practice while increasing your knowledge and skills with fitness swimming. This one-hour class has individual workouts ranging from 800-2500 yards. Not for beginners.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Lori Robinson ^ Jeanne Smith ^^
AGE(S): 16 and up
This class uses the deep area of the lap pool for cardiovascular, strength and tone workouts. Participants will enhance their flexibility, aerobic capacity and overall fitness. Participants must be comfortable in deep water.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Tiffany Dupont
AGE(S): 16 and up
Similar to riding a stationary spin bike with adjustable resistance-but in shallow water. This is a great workout for athletes or those simply seeking a training variety. Get ready to climb hills, sprint, cruise and incorporate intervals of power moves to strengthen the upper/lower body. You’ll leave feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day! Water Fitness shoes are required.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Paula Hamilton
AGE(S): 16 and up
The class incorporates the use of upper/lower body muscles. The warm-up includes basic aerobic exercises followed by a moving river segment and ending with a toning segment using resistance equipment to add useful intensity. The cool-down segment stresses flexibility and relaxation.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Leslie Warthman
AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $95 | RESIDENT RATE: $65 This water class focuses on balance, flexibility and joint movement while building muscle and is great for those with arthritis, fibromyalagia and/or joint problems. Meets in the warm water pool.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Karen Dawson
AGE(S): 16 and up
In the calming effect of water you will practice deep breathing techniques, increase your flexibility and balance and develop a stronger body core through yoga poses. Research shows that the deep breathing exercises and relaxation/ meditation techniques used lowers blood pressure. Meets in the warm water pool. Meets in the warm water pool.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Jeanne Smith
AGE(S): 16 and up
RATE: $95 | RESIDENT RATE: $65 Through drills and guided practice you can master a more efficient freestyle. Accommodates both the novice swimmer and experienced athlete. The class is about perfecting form, not logging laps. Must be able to swim at least one length of the pool.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Paula Hamilton^ Debbie Leach^^
AGE(S): 16 and up
A shallow water, total body workout that combines weight resistance, aerobic activity and flexibility. Emphasizes aerobic activity and is great a crosstraining routine.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Leslie Warthman
AGE(S): 16 and up
This class combines the benefits of aerobic conditioning with resistance training to boost energy levels and increase strength and flexibility through the use of noodles, handbells and balls. With an emphasis on utilizing the natural properties of water, this workout can be as challenging as you wish to make it!
INSTRUCTOR(S): Debbie Leach
AGE(S): 65 and up with Silver Sneakers membership
FREE: (Silver Sneakers membership required) This class is for the conditioned adult who has good balance and good muscle function. There will be 35 minutes of cardio exercise followed by muscle toning exercises, balance work and stretching. Schedule subject to change. Please see front desk for updates.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Lori Robinson
AGE(S): 16 and up
Formerly Aquacize.This class includes an aerobic workout as well as toning and stretching. We will use buoyant and resistive equipment to aid the workout. Meets in the warm water pool.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Tiffany Dupont
AGE(S): 16 and up
Shallow water class is designed to work your entire body. Class includes cardiovascular training as well as strength, toning and flexibility segments. Splash your way into a new level of fitness.
$95 |
RATE: $65
INSTRUCTOR(S): Aquatic Staff
AGE(S): 6 mo. and up
Swim lessons are designed to teach swimmers how to be comfortable in the water. Lessons run from toddler-age through adult. For information visit www.westerville.org/aquatics
INSTRUCTOR(S): Aquatics Staff
AGE(S): 15 and up
RATE: $200
Each participant must swim 300 yards and perform a brick retrieval in the first class. To pass the class, participants must pass all skills and score an 80% on the written exam. Upon completion participants will be a certified Lifeguard with First Aid/CPR/AED. If you are hired with the City of Westerville your class fees will be refunded.
TheWestervilleCommunityCenterworks withinstructorswhoprovideone-on-one specializedinstruction.
For additional information contact them directly.SwimLessonsforInfants
Sarah Berlin Infant Self Rescue Columbus LLC sarah.berlin@infantswim.com
INSTRUCTOR(S): Aquatic Staff
RATE: $140 | RESIDENT RATE: $120 This swim team practice is designed for Highland Otters Swim Team participants to get them a boost on the summer season. No Community Center or HPAC membership is required. Children will work on stroke techniques, drills and dry land training. Child must be able to swim one lap.
AGE(S): 7-11
Britney Smith Swim Safe Columbus LLC britney.smith@infantswim.com
Jayne Lockhart Infant Aquatics 614 jayne.ackerman.2015@owu.edu
Lori Moore Moore Aquatic Abilities loriamoore96@gmail.com
Jeanne Smith
INSTRUCTOR(S): Katie Stolte-Carroll
AGE(S): 14 and up
Twenty minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of strength and 20 minutes of core-conditioning. A variety of formats and styles including (Tabata, HIIT, boot camp, kickboxing, bands, kettlebells, etc.) will be implemented to keep class fun!
INSTRUCTOR(S): Gena Richard AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $45 | RESIDENT RATE: $35 This class fuses several moves to strength and tone the core. A great complement to a regular strength training exercise program.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Terri Hurtt
AGE(S): 14 and up
Strength training is one of the best ways to get lean. Train your heart and muscles at the same time with a “high reps/low weight/no-rest” format. Fasted paced program made for maximum muscular endurance and strength. Recommended for all fitness levels.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Beth Henman
AGE(S): 14 and up
This is a weight-training class that uses resistance tools to train specific muscles in order to improve muscular tone, strength and endurance. You will burn more fat while gaining lean muscle.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Gena Richard
AGE(S): 14 and up
Improve cardiorespiratory endurance and muscular strength with this interval class alternating a high/low impact cardio segment with a strength training segment followed by stretching movements and core work set to upbeat music.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Linda Scovern
AGE(S): 14 and up
RATE: $45 | RESIDENT RATE: $35 Pickleball or tennis anyone? The class will include a warm-up and selected strength exercises for upper and lower body. The focus is on injury prevention through muscle conditioning and body control. Suitable for all abilities with modifications.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Ellen Blaha
AGE(S): 14 and up
Improve cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility while moving to music. Hand-weight exercises for upper body, floorwork and stretching complete each workout. Easy to learn and can be adjusted for high/low format. Ideal for the beginner, overweight, and older exercisers, but designed for multiple ability levels.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Robin Andes
AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $80 | RESIDENT RATE: $65
A great combination of indoor cycling, strength and core. You never know what you are going to get!
INSTRUCTOR(S): Beth Henman
AGE(S): 14 and up
We will target the core and glutes strengthening two areas of the body that will make a difference in your other workouts and your overall fitness. Come enjoy this intense workout - and the music it’s set to.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Marietta Weaver
AGE(S): 14 and up
This energetic, high/low intensity class will get your heart pumping while you express your inner rhythm. Get ready for a full-body workout, simpleto-follow choreography and fresh dance combos.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Beth Henman
AGE(S): 14 and up
This strength class will take your fit to the next level using weights, kettlebells, steps and discs for a muscle-building, metabolism-boosting, corerocking workout that changes each week. You will tone and strengthen all large muscle groups plus work in cardio with modifications given for all fitness levels.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Beth Henman
AGE(S): 14 and up
This weights class is choreographed to your favorite hip hop and pop music. We will push your muscles as we blast the beats, so be ready to sweat!
AGE(S): 14 and up
Have a high impact on your cardiovascular and muscular fitness in this class. Gain endurance, strength and flexibility with less stress on your joints. Moves are easy to learn and adjust to high/low format. Handweight exercises for upper body, floorwork and stretching complete each workout.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Beth Henman
AGE(S): 14 and up
This full-body workout emphasizing core, stamina and overall conditioning. Whether you’re new or experienced with kettlebells you’ll be amazed at what they bring to your strength training practice.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Ellen Blaha
INSTRUCTOR(S): Rachel Chilton^ Katy Tombaugh^^
AGE(S): 14 and up
A life-changing dance fitness program that inspires the mind and transforms the body while teaching the true skill of dance. Inspired by Dancing with the Stars, this energizing class blends ballroom dancing with calorie-blasting interval training.
AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $45 | RESIDENT RATE: $35 Have a high impact on your cardiovascular and muscular fitness in this class. Gain endurance, strength and flexibility with less stress on your joints. Moves are easy to learn and adjust to high/low format. Hand-weight exercises for upper body, floorwork and stretching complete each workout.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Linda Scovern
AGE(S): 14 and up
This cardio class includes Zumba, Hip Hop and LaBlast Dance Fitness songs for a fun and varied workout. Modifications for all steps/moves are provided. A stretch and cool down is included at the end.
AGE(S): 14 and up
This is a weight-training class that uses resistance tools to train specific muscles in order to improve muscular tone, strength and endurance. You will burn more fat while gaining lean muscle.
AGE(S): 14 and up
Why wait until after work when you can get your desired results in the middle of your work-day? This workout focuses on complete body and core conditioning.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Linda Amici
AGE(S): 14 and up
Why wait until after work when you can get your desired results in the middle of your work-day? This workout focuses on complete body and core conditioning.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Zahra Zuhair
AGE(S): 14 and up
Class includes drills and combinations to work your entire body. A soft dance shoe is recommended. Bring water, a towl and a hip scarf or a simple shawl to tie around the hips (not required).
INSTRUCTOR(S): Ashley Dunigan
AGE(S): 14 and up
Get a jump-start with intervals, rolling hills, sprints, climbs and jumps, all to great energizing music. This class will leave you feeling invigorated and ready to start your day!
INSTRUCTOR(S): Beth Henman
AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $45 | RESIDENT RATE: $35
A dance fitness class that is fun, high-energy and makes you feel amazing! We’ll take the “work” out of your workout by mixing low-intensity and highintensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance party. With its great music this class will feel like exercise in disguise.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Robin Andes
AGE(S): 14 and up
RATE: $45 | RESIDENT RATE: $35 Tone up and sculpt a strong, lean, fit body. Research suggests that lifting weights can reduce your risk of osteoporosis and increase your metabolic rate. If you’ve never lifted weights before, or simply want to build on your established routine, you’ll find this class motivating and helpful.
AGE(S): 14 and up
A fun, heart-pumping workout set to great music! You control the resistance and pedal speed creating just the right intensity for you. Suitable for all abilities with modifications.
AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $80 | RESIDENT RATE: $65 Get invigorated and relax by integrating basic and intermediate Pilates exercises using small Pilates equipment, yoga poses and mindfulnessbased stress reduction. Integrating disciplines will promote a stronger, leaner, more flexible body, while supporting core strength, spinal alignment, overall concentration and connection with the body. Please bring a yoga mat.
AGE(S): 14 and up
Indoor cycling, often also called spinning, focuses on endurance, strength, intervals, high intensity (race days) and recovery, and involves using a special stationary bike with a weighted flywheel in a classroom setting. Your coach will provide a fun, high-energy endurance ride for all fitness levels.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Sarah Crittenden
AGE(S): 14 and up
Functional training is a form of exercise that focuses on developing strength for muscles we use for bending, twisting, lifting, loading, pushing, pulling and squatting.
AGE(S): 14 and up
This refreshing session will help to improve your balance and flexibility while getting a healthy sweat on. Start your morning off right with a dose of movement and positive energy! You will strengthen and tone muscles while improving posture for daily life.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Terri Hurtt
AGE(S): 14 - 75
A high-intensity step workout using basic step patterns to strengthen the cardiovascular system while having fun. Using weights, bands and/or bars, this class will sculpt and tone from head to toe. General step proficiency is recommended.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Robin Andes
AGE(S): 14 and up
In this class you will link several poses together to create strength, flexibility, endurance and balance working all parts of the body. Leave feeling refreshed, elongated and strong. Please bring a yoga mat.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Rachel Chilton
AGE(S): 14 and up
Learn movements designed to increase your range of motion, improve strength and relieve pain in the body. Areas of focus will include shoulders, back, hips, ankles and more!
INSTRUCTOR(S): Prasant Joshii
AGE(S): 14 and up
Learn age-old, time-tested techniques with an emphasis on core strength, flexibility and balance; as well as concentration and breath control in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. This class is based on physical postures (Asanas), deep breathing techniques (Pranayamas), Hasya Yoga (laughter yoga), guided muscle relaxation, mindfulness and listening to the body.
AGE(S): 14 and up
Learn movements designed to increase your range of motion, improve strength and relieve pain in the body. Areas of focus will include shoulders, back, hips, ankles and more!
INSTRUCTOR(S): Kate Mantenieks
AGE(S): 14 and up
INSTRUCTOR(S): Gwen Surratt
AGE(S): 14 and up
Learn standing, balancing, sun salutations, seated and reclining poses, breath (Pranayama ) practice and meditations. Must be able to get to and from the floor. Appropriate for beginners and any one who wants to refresh their yoga practice. Please bring two blocks, a strap and a mat.
Class starts with gentle stretching and builds energy with sun salutations linking one breath per movement. Explore balancing poses and hold traditional peak poses. Class ends with core work, stretching and savasana. Leave feeling energized, vibrant and peaceful.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Melissa Hoyt
AGE(S): 14 and up
Melt off your week by unwinding in the soft glow of electric candles, relaxing vibes and a slower flow. Enjoy deep stretching to get you fully ready and relaxed for your weekend.
AGE(S): 14 and up
You will be guided through stretches with a focus on breathing and awareness. Each class will conclude with a guided meditation to help bring a sense of peace and ease to the body and mind.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Tony Palumbo
Students will move through Sun Salutations and go a little deeper in the foundational poses. We will continue with breath practice and meditation. Please bring two blocks, a strap and a mat.
AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $45 | RESIDENT RATE: $35 Practiced using a series of slow movements and focused breathing techniques that build balance and strength. Participants will relax while enjoying the many health benefits including memory improvement, low-impact exercise and risk of fall reduction.
Anyone under the age of 16 must have an adult enroll and accompany them to class.
INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff
Participants will learn the fundamentals of indoor rock climbing, build self-esteem and improve their physical fitness while taking part in fun and educational climbing games. At the end of the session the climber’s can invite their favorite adult to join in the fun by climbing along with the class. Participants must wear closed-toe rubber-soled shoes, all other equipment is provided.
INSTRUCTOR: Free Spirit Staff
This program, designed for all ages, is under direction Grand Master Jon Stephens of the Free Spirit, LLC Karate Clubs. Karate will improve your child’s sports, school and social activities. RATE: $105 | RESIDENT RATE: $90
See page 46 for full details.
INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff
AGE(S): 18 and up
RATE: $545 | RESIDENT RATE: $515
INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff
This sneaker-only course will progress weekly in skill development and hockey skills such as stick control, passing, shooting, coordination and movement. Classes will consist of a short warm-up followed by skill development drills and game play. All equipment will be provided, however participants may use their own equipment, if desired.
AGE(S): 4 - 8
INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff
AGE(S): 18 and up
RATE: $290 | RESIDENT RATE: $275
If you’re looking for a fun night with friends on Wednesday evenings, or a competitive game with a power-like league on Tuesday’s, this league is just for you! Leagues fill quickly so don’t wait!
This competitive league is for teams that have experience playing in a competitive environment such as high school or college. Interested teams may contact sports@westerville.org COMPETITIVE
INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff
AGE(S): 18 and up
All interested players are asked to register and then free agents, small groups and already formed teams will be put together. Fees include rink and scoreboard usage, official and staff fees and awards. We also have equipment that is available for rent, free of charge! All regular season and playoff games will be played at the Thomas James Knox Memorial Rink at Alum Creek Park South. If you have any questions, please contact the Program Manager at steve. baxter@westerville.org.
See the Preschool Class Section for information on Sporties for Shorties and other preschool sports options.
AGE(S): 18 and up
Pickleball is taking Central Ohio by storm, don’t be left behind. This clinic will teach you the basic knowledge of the game and techniques to make sure you’re ready to play. Clinics are highly recommended for first-time players to ensure the understanding of the game before taking the court to compete against others.
INSTRUCTOR: Pickleball Staff
AGE(S): 18 and up
RATE: $65 | RESIDENT RATE: $50 This league is designed for play with others of similar skill levels. Your ranking on the ladder is based upon your winning percentage (ratio of total points won ti total points possible). Each week, players will be placed in groups determined by their total score from the previous weeks.
AGE(S): 18 and up
This clinic is designed for experienced players who are looking to further improve their gameplay. Focusing on strategy, approach, and technique; this clinic will help set you up for a future as King of the Court!
RATE: $95 | RESIDENT RATE: $80 Each lesson will cover grip, stance, golf ball position and why golfers slice, top and hook the golf ball. But more importantly, how to get those bad shots corrected. Plastic teaching golf balls will be provided each class. Students only need to bring a set of golf clubs. Taught by a Director of Golf/teaching professional.
INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff
AGE(S): 18 and up
RATE: $540 | RESIDENT RATE: $495
Registration fees are for the entire team. Additional league information and rules can be found at www.westerville.org/sportsleagues For additional information, email sports@ westerville.org.
INSTRUCTOR: Pickleball Staff
AGE(S): 18 and up
In this open-play offering, pickleball players will increase skills, strategy and consistency while playing with a variety of partners and competitors. Please be sure to register for your proper skill level.
INSTRUCTOR: Ray Stephens
AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $85 | RESIDENT RATE: $70 In this 6-week course, you will learn the correct grip and improve your footwork as well as the six strokes of tennis. Please bring a racket, two new unopened can of tennis balls. Rained out sessions will be rescheduled.
2:30-5:30 p.m. $5
INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff
AGE(S): 30 and over
Enjoy a game with your piers. Players register for the date they are interested and able to attend.
Residents Online Registration
Friday, March 3 12 p.m.
Open Online Registration
Sunday, March 5 12 p.m.
• Extended care is available from 7:30-9 a.m. and/or 4 -5:30 p.m. Extended care availability is noted in the description. Please note: there is no camp on June 19, July 3, and July 4.
• Participant camp placement is determined by the campers age as of the last day camp is offered, Friday, Aug. 11.
• Select camps have a $50 minimum payment per child for each registered week of camp with the remaining portion due May 5. This allows the household the ability to defer their payments over time. All other camps are to be paid in full at the time of the registration.
• Nut Camps and Heritage Kids Camp fees are based on a full five-day experience and will not be prorated for part-time attendance.
• A $25 transaction fee will be processed per week, per child, for every refund issued. All camp refunds must be submitted 14 days prior to the cancelation. Refund requests after the 14 day time period will not be honored.
• Proof of residency is required prior to registration. For more information on how to update your residency status, see page 64 or call (614) 901-6500.
INSTRUCTOR: Camp Leaders
AGE(S): 6-7
RATE: $185 | RESIDENT RATE: $170
Emphasis will be on a healthy active lifestyle as well as making sure that every camper is included and enjoying their summer with weekly themed activities, crafts and games. This camp will travel on Fridays to end the camp week on an exciting note. Campers must pack a healthy lunch and snack every day.
INSTRUCTOR: Camp Leaders
AGE(S): 8-9
RATE: $185 | RESIDENT RATE: $170
Campers will enjoy age-appropriate activities, games and crafts as well as some light competition and team building to ensure that every camper makes new friendships. This camp will travel on Fridays to end the camp week on an exciting note. Campers must pack a healthy lunch and snack every day.
Main Day Camps (Nut Camps)
April 24 6:30 p.m. Mon
April 27 6:30 p.m. Thu
Heritage Kids Camp and Kids Fun Club
May 1 6:30 p.m. Mon
May 4 6:30 p.m. Thu
Registered families can meet camp staff, pickup a camp t-shirt and visit the camp space.
Thursday, June 1
6-7:30 p.m.
Cherrington Elementary (522 Cherrington Rd.)
INSTRUCTOR: Camp Leaders
AGE(S): 10-12
RATE: $185 | RESIDENT RATE: $170
Not only are the games and activities geared for this age group but the Friday Field Trips are exclusively designed for Camp Walnut to enhance the quality of the camp experience. Campers must pack a healthy lunch and snack every day.
INSTRUCTOR: Camp Leaders
AGE(S): 6-12
RATE: $150 | RESIDENT RATE: $135
Emphasis will be on a healthy active lifestyle as well as making sure that every camper is included and enjoying their summer with weekly themed activities, crafts and games. This camp will swim on Fridays to end the camp week on an exciting note. Campers must pack a healthy lunch and snack every day.
INSTRUCTOR: Camp Leaders
AGE(S): 6-12
RATE: $185 | RESIDENT RATE: $170
Join Bally Sports Group this summer for an active and fun summer camp experience! Campers will be introduced to a different sport each week, where instruction will be delivered in a positive and encouraging way. Theme sports will be featured in the morning with general camp activities in the afternoon.
INSTRUCTOR: The Cooking Caravan
AGE(S): 6-12
RATE: $275 | RESIDENT RATE: $260
Each day, make an amazing meal to be eaten at the end of class. Meals include tacos with handmade tortillas, personal pizzas from scratch, spaghetti marinara with meatballs, and rustic tomato soup with grilled cheese.
Each day, make an amazing meal to be eaten at the Each day, participants learn a different course in a meal. On the final day, they serve it to their families. Meal includes homemade marinara and meatballs, hand-made pasta, salad with herb vinaigrette, fruit parfait with homemade whipped cream and chocolate ganache.
Drop off your registered camper to experience a shortened day of camp and meet camp counselors.
Thursday, June 1 6-7:30 p.m.
INSTRUCTOR: 614 Parkour
This camp is designed to improve the students’ fundamental Parkour skills in a safe and inclusive environment. Together we learn to traverse an increasingly challenging environment. Our goals in order are, safety, fun and learning. Please have your participant dressed for the weather. Camp will be held at McVay Johnson Park.
INSTRUCTOR: Camp Leaders
AGE(S): 6-13
Meet new friends this summer by attending one of our four Kids Fun Club (KFC) locations. Westerville Parks and Recreation’s trained staff will be available only during the specific open times of the particular Fun Club. This is a drop-in program (children must have completed kindergarten). Extended care not included. Fee is for the entire nine weeks of our camp season. KFC will cancel due to inclement weather.
+ Extended care NOT available.
* No camp June 19, July 3, 4
INSTRUCTOR: Buckeye Sports DBA Jumpbunch Columbus
Amazing Athletes is a developmental physical fitness program for children. Our fun, active classes encourage kids to explore and develop a variety of athletic skills through the introduction of 10 different sports. Coaches break the fundamentals of each sport down into simple steps based on each child’s age and ability. The goal is to create a fun environment that establishes lifetime connections to sports and physical activity. Adult/parent participation is required for all children under 3.
INSTRUCTOR: Camp Leaders
AGE(S): 5-10
RATE: $145 | RESIDENT RATE: $130 Culture Camps are designed to teach children about the cultures and customs of five different Spanish or French-speaking countries. Students will learn about native foods, animals, songs, idioms, capitals, leaders, artists, geography and landmarks reflecting the country. Games and art projects will take place to reflect the country of the day.
INSTRUCTOR: Kyle Jones, The Jones Chess Academy
AGE(S): 6-13
RATE: $185 | RESIDENT RATE: $170
Beginners/Intermediate Chess Camp provides students with the opportunity to learn world champion strategies, basic tactical sequences, end game patterns, and tournament rules and regulations. In addition, we will learn about the rich history of the game and the stories that come before us. Each day students will put their skills to the test in our daily mini tournaments along with our knockout tournament at the end of the week. Campers will be able to earn prizes throughout the week. No extended care available.
INSTRUCTOR: Sunbury Archery
AGE(S): 8-18
RATE: $140 | RESIDENT RATE: $125
Grab a bow and arrow and aim at the target. We will enjoy lots of games and activities while learning the basics of archery. Extended care not available. Please have your camper bring a water bottle, sunscreen and wear closed toed shoes.
Designed to teach students about five different countries on five different continents and their unique cultures from around the world. Students will learn about the native foods, animals, songs, games, idioms, capitals, cities, leaders, artists and landmarks of Germany, Japan, Botswana, New Zealand and Brazil. Each class will include fun and engaging activities; creative art projects, traditional songs and games, and native languages reflecting the country and culture of the day.
INSTRUCTOR: Camp Leaders
AGE(S): 12-15
RATE: $300 | RESIDENT RATE: $285
INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff
AGE(S): 6-12
RATE: $165 | RESIDENT RATE: $150
Each day your camper will travel to a new field trip and have a new adventure making memories for a lifetime!
+ Extended care included 8 - 9 a.m. and 4 - 5 p.m.
Looking for a fun, flexible option for your teen this summer? Sign them up for Teen Fun Club (TFC). TFC includes weekly themed activities, open play time, weekly field trips and swimming. Extended care not included. Rates are for the entire 9-week camp season.
AGE(S): 6-12
RATE: $250 | RESIDENT RATE: $235
FIVE musicals in FIVE days! These are favorites like Hamilton, Shrek, and all things Disney! Campers will sing, dance, and discover the joys of Broadway. Learn what it takes to put on a professional musical: sing songs, rehearse choreographed dance numbers, act out short scenes, and so much more. Families will receive a special video at the end of camp that recaps activities done each day in class.
INSTRUCTOR: Buckeye Sports DBA Jumpbunch Columbus
+ Extended care NOT available.
This camp is all about training to be your favorite superhero! To be a superhero means having strength, agility, balance, and speed. We focus on learning special superhero training skills through fun games and activities such as “jumping over hot lava,” “dodging fireballs,” “lightsaber training,” “scooter flying,” “ghostbuster tag,” and so many more! Being a superhero also means having compassion for society, a kind heart, and a willingness to do good and help others. Campers should dress to be very active and bring a peanut free snack and water bottle each day. Full day campers should also bring a peanut free lunch. AGE(S): 3-8
AGE(S): 6-13
RATE: $280 | RESIDENT RATE: $265
RoboThink offers fun and exciting Robotics, Engineering and Coding Programs where “junior engineers”, tinkerers and builders of all ages can explore the exciting world of STEM. During this 5-day program, learners will build various robots that explore sensors, gears, servos and other various robotic engineering concepts. During this camp, we will also embark on daily “Design Challenges” that stretch our engineering skills to solve real-world problems. Combining other materials, such as rubber bands, popsicle sticks, index cards, etc., participants will be challenged to solve various engineering tasks each day. A portion of each day will be devoted to creative “free-build time!”
INSTRUCTOR: Challenge IslandColumbus
AGE(S): 7-11
RATE: $180 | RESIDENT RATE: $165
3…2…1 Blastoff! You and a STEAM Team of astronaut friends will create your own Mission Control Station and soar through the universe. You’ll learn the spectacular science of space while taking on a galaxy of cosmically cool challenges - from Rocket Launch Day to Moon Day to Intergalactic Day to Alien Day. Don’t miss out on this out of this world Challenge Island camp!”
INSTRUCTOR: Skyhawks Academy
RATE: $180 | RESIDENT RATE: $165
CIT’s have the opportunity to volunteer with our main day camps or engage with our Kids Fun Club! The purpose of the program is to provide young adults the opportunity to gain work experience, develop marketable skills, enjoy recreational activities and learn the importance of volunteer service. CIT’s will provide assistance in the organization and implementation of a summer day camp.
Please note: this is a volunteer-only position.
Applicants must be 14-16 years old by Aug. 11 and be available to volunteer from June 5 to Aug. 4.
May training is mandatory. Date TBA.
Additional information and applications are available at www.westerville.org/camps and are due Friday, April 21.
INSTRUCTOR: Coach Theo, 614 Parkour
This camp is designed to improve the students’ fundamental Parkour skills in a safe and inclusive environment. Together we learn to traverse an increasingly challenging environment. Our goals in order are, safety, fun and learning. Please have your participant dressed for the weather.
This multi-sport program was developed to give children a positive first step into athletics. Sports are taught in a safe, structured environment filled with encouragement and fun. Through exciting games and activities, campers explore balance, hand/eye coordination and skill development at their own pace.
This class includes the energy and excitement of this great team sport and puts it all together into one fun-filled program. All aspects of the game are taught through drills and exercises that focus on bumping, setting, spiking, hitting and serving. This program is designed for the beginning to intermediate player.
INSTRUCTOR: Buckeye Sports DBA Jumpbunch Columbus
AGE(S): 6-12
RATE: $165 | RESIDENT RATE: $150
All of the best that JumpBunch has to offer is packed into an exciting week of activities for your camper! Each day, campers will plan a fun game followed by exploration of several different sports through instruction and activities. Loads of games, crafts, hikes, obstacle courses and more sports will be included. Campers should dress to be very active and bring a peanut-free lunch, snack and water bottle each day.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Lisa Coleman
Class curriculum offers age-appropriate exposure to developmental milestones through dance and sensory-motor activities while nurturing the bond between caregiver and child. Bring your favorite grown-up, this class is not a drop-off class, adults are required to attend with the child and participate in the class.
AGE(S): 15-24 months with parent
INSTRUCTOR(S): Wholey Sisters
AGE(S): birth-5 with parent
RATE: $190 per participant/ $125 per sibling
RESIDENT RATE: $175 per participant/$110 per sibling Encourages the experience of music through free play. Classes include singing, games and use of movement and rhythm instruments for a multicultural curriculum developed by early childhood music experts and taught by a registered instructor. A $40 material fee is included.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cultured Kids
AGE(S): 3-5
RATE: $135 | RESIDENT RATE: $120
These classes allow the parent and children to interact with fun activities while learning new words and simple questions and answers together. Every two weeks we feature a new conversation topic such as colors, pets, clothing, foods or family members. Students learn the topic words and phrases through fun and engaging age-appropriate songs, games, play-based activities and craft projects.
Students will learn the basics of ballet, tap, acrobatics and creative movement while blending educational concepts designed to teach to the total child. Ballet shoes and tap shoes are required for this class.
RATE: $160 | RESIDENT RATE: $145
AGE(S): 15 -24 months
RATE: $135 | RESIDENT RATE: $120
Age appropriate exposure to developmental milestones through dance and sensory-motor activities while nurturing the bond between caregiver and child. Bring your favorite grown-up, this class is not a drop-off class.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak
AGE(S): 4-6
We will make exciting art projects that are openended and allow your child to create freely. Classes will include an activity (game, story or music) that compliments the art project for the day. Wear something that is safe to get dirty. We will create projects geared toward the holidays that fall during class. Children will attend this class independently.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak
RATE: $17 | RESIDENT RATE: $12 Children will be hip-hopping their way to fun as we celebrate this egg-filled holiday. We will have crafts, make a fun keepsake, play games and much more. A parent or special adult will participate in this class with their child.
AGE(S): 18-36 months with adult
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak
This class will provide opportunities to sing, dance and move. We will launch each class with a fun action story while children use large motor skills as they learn more about the story’s theme. Activities will incorporate age-appropriate cognitive skills like ABCs, numbers, shapes and colors.
AGE(S): 12 -24 months with adult
Introduction of Westerville’s natural ecosystems guided by a local expert in wetland ecology and Ohio’s flora. Session topics will vary based on weather and involve a storybook, activity and guided time outside. Kids will practice literacy, counting, art and empathy skills.
3 -6
We will begin with kid-friendly warm ups and exercises, an introduction to individual skills and equipment and simple rules of a different sport. Games, obstacle courses and a cool-down will take place in each class to keep kids engaged and moving throughout the session. Parents are asked to remain outside of the classroom.
AGE(S): 18-36 months with adult
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak
Participants will love learning and have fun as they dance and play games together while expanding their cognitive and large motor skills. Together we will be silly as we exercise our brains and bodies. Children will attend this class independently.
3 -4
INSTRUCTOR(S): Supertots
RATE: $115 | RESIDENT RATE: $100
Younger ages will learn to develop motor skills and self-confidence while older ages will learn core soccer skills, personal focus and and introduction to light competition.
AGE(S): 18 months - 2.5 years with adult
2.5-4 with parent
Children in these high energy classes learn far more than just core cheer concepts and techniques; they also explore their personal expression, agility, rhythm and teamwork.
AGE(S): 3-4
INSTRUCTOR(S): Balance Child Method
Tailored to ages 3-8, but a great time for the whole family to learn yoga, breathing and meditation to do at home. Bring your yoga mats, water and wear comfy clothes.
ADULT AND ME YOGA AGE(S): 6 months -4
Ideal for children to start the process of unwinding for bedtime. Poses, breathing techniques and bedtime stories will be provide to help decompress for the evening. Your child can even come dressed in their pj’s.
RATE: $125 | RESIDENT RATE: $110
Explore fun yoga poses and learn about breath and movement while incorporating yoga books and music. Great for all energy levels and helps build a foundation of yoga tools to us as they get older.
INSTRUCTOR(S): 614 Parkour Coach Theo
AGE(S): 3-5
Improve the fundamentals of your skills in a safe and inclusive environmental following three goals: be safety, have fun and learn. Throughout the session, participants will be running, jumping, climbing and rolling in order to travel from one point to another in the quickest and efficient way possible.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak
Eric Carle has taught us about a hungry caterpillar, silly animals, the importance of art and more. We will discover his books through art projects, songs, games and more. *Most sessions require adult in class.
18 months - 3 years with adult
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak
It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day! Join us as we explore this fun and festive holiday through books, art projects, activity stations, games, songs and a very yummy snack. Each child will have some treasures to take home. Wear your green so you don’t get pinched and be ready to play.
AGE(S): 18 -36 months with adult
INSTRUCTOR(S): Westerville CC staff
AGE(S): 17 and under
Join us for a few hours of fun and social activities with friends and siblings. Activities will be planned around the feedback from our January gathering. Options to include beach ball sitting volley ball and more!
INSTRUCTOR(S): Michael Loudon, Paraprofessional
Join us for a variety of Sports to learn and play. Aides are free and programs are Inclusive. Invite some friends and join us in the MAC Gym. We will expand dates as interest demands.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Adaptive Staff
AGE(S): 18 and up
We will load the Westerville Community Center bus (wheelchair accessible) and travel to Star Lanes at Polaris to enjoy an afternoon of fun. Bus will return to the community center around 4 p.m.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Adaptive Staff
AGE(S): 16 and up
The Westerville Area Civitans Club supports many Westerville community events for individuals with Intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD). If you are interested in helping with some upcoming events (special needs egg hunt/ inclusive spring dance) or wish to learn about other opportunities, please plan to attend the information meeting.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Adaptive Staff
AGE(S): 18 and up
Join us for an introductory clinic for sitting Volleyball. No experience or equipment needed. Plan to wear athletic shoes and comfortable clothing. Gym shorts and t-shirts recommended.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Adaptive Staff
AGE(S): All Ages
Enjoy the indoor pool and fun activities in the gymnasium where you can swim and play without the addition of crowds and receive a discounted rate.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Lilian Beck
AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $50 | RESIDENT RATE: $35
This class is beneficial for individuals with disabilities or chronic health conditions as we will work through physical postures and breath-work. Join us in a relaxing environment meant to bring peace and calm to your day. All are welcome.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Adaptive Staff
AGE(S): 3-12
INSTRUCTOR(S): Adaptive Staff
AGE(S): 17 and under with family and friends
FREE but please register
Join DJ Matt Ryan for music and fun for all. Oh yeah! It’s a dance party! Light refreshments will be served.
Adaptive Swim lesson for youth between ages of 3 and 12 years of age. Lessons are open to any diagnosis. Parent or caregiver will be encouraged to help with child in the pool. This interactive lesson will focus on safety and comfort in and around the water.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Adaptive Staff
AGE(S): All Ages
This will be a fun, non-competitive introduction to skills and rules. Accommodations and adaptation will be available, if needed.
AGE(S): 14 and up
Visit the Community Event section (pgs 26-28) for information on the Civitans Egg Hunt and Katie Dunn Spring Dance. NEED
For individuals with disabilities that wish to become more adept at strength training on your own. Learn to workout on your own using a visual system developed by Valemee to increase your independence in accessing lifelong fitness. Steeped in best practices used in education and the fitness industry. Caregivers and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend at no cost.
AGE(S): 6-11
RATE: $135 | RESIDENT RATE: $120
Participants will develop important confidencebuilding skills through developmental drama activities. Lessons feature never-before-seen skits, games, improv scenes, and more! While your child will certainly gain acting skills, the main goal is to help children develop the skills they need to succeed in life.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Chris Powell ^ Audrey McCutchen ^^
Participants will learn various hand-building techniques as they work on individual projects. Students will work independently and with instruction. The potter’s wheel will be introduced. AGE(S): 10-13
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cooking Caravan
AGE(S): 7-16
Cooking Caravan will lead participants in a step-bystep presentation on how to cook new recipes they can make at home for their family and friends. Class takes place in the state-of-the-art Community Center demonstration kitchen. All supplies included.
INSTRUCTOR(S): 614 Parkour Coach Theo
AGE(S): 6-11
RATE: $125 | RESIDENT RATE: $110
Improve the fundamentals of your skills in a safe and inclusive environment following three rules: be safe, have fun and learn. Throughout the session, participants will be running, jumping, climbing and rolling in order to travel from one point to another in the quickest and most efficient way possible.
AGE(S): 6-13
RATE: $175 | RESIDENT RATE: $150
Let’s face it, in the future, there will be self-driving cars. These robots can drive themselves thanks to some special sensors, programming and skilled engineers! In this session, you will going build your own self-driven car. You will then put your engineering and programming to the test and see how reliable your car is.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak
AGE(S): 6-8
Children will be hip-hopping their way to fun as we celebrate this egg-filled holiday. We will have crafts, make a fun keepsake, play games and much more. A parent or special adult will participate in this class with their child.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Kyle Jones, The Jones Chess Academy
AGE(S): 5-13
RATE: $140 | RESIDENT RATE: $125
Candidate Master Instructor Kyle Jones will provide students with the opportunity to learn chess for beginner and novice chess players with the goal of increasing confidence in their game. In the first half of each class, world champion openings, ideas in the middle game, endgame patterns, tactical motifs and elements are examined and discussed. For the remainder of the class, students will be given the opportunity to play against one another in our weekly club tournament for prizes.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Sunbury Archery
AGE(S): 8-18
RATE: $135 | RESIDENT RATE: $120
Classes focus on the introduction of archery. Participants will learn form, safety, stance, aiming and scoring. All equipment provided.
AGE(S): 7-12
RATE: $115 | RESIDENT RATE: $100 This program combines strategic STEM-based activities with traditional Skyhawks sports instruction and a focus on life skills such as teamwork and sportsmanship. The curriculum gives students the opportunity to get behind the sports they love with modules centered around technology, science and innovation. Subjects vary by sport, but include ball design, calculating distances and angles, velocity, acceleration and much more! Participants will also learn the fundamentals each sport through skill-based drills and scrimmages.
STEM & Play: Multi-Sports
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak
AGE(S): 6-8
It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day! Join us as we explore this fun and festive holiday through books, art projects, activity stations, games, songs and a very yummy snack. Each child will have some treasures to take home. Wear your green so you don’t get pinched and be ready to play.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Sharon Thomas
AGE(S): 12-18
This series is designed to teach teens the basics of mindfulness and meditation. Teens will have the opportunity to learn life skills that can be useful to relieve stress and anxiety, selfregulate emotion and support their self-care. No experience required.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Patrick Shae
AGE(S): 12-18
According to the US Financial Literacy and Education Commission, there are five principles of financial literacy: earning, saving, protecting, spending, and borrowing. In our eight-week class, we will cover at a high-level all five of these topics in a way that is relevant, educational, and fun for teenagers.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Deborah Ketner
AGE(S): 6-12
Learn about your natural surroundings by using your senses to see, hear, smell and feel nature around you while you learn low-intensity aerobic movements. Journals will be provided for you to draw or write what you see. Time will be available talk and reflect on what you have learned.
INSTRUCTOR(S): HomeSchool Gym Staff
RATE: $75
RESIDENT RATE: $60 / $30 sibling discount
A safe and positive physical education experience for homeschooled children. A variety of games and activities that are both fun and educational will be available with the goal of providing an atmosphere in which children of varying ages can come together and learn physical skills that will lead them to a lifetime of health, fitness and fun. There is a sibling discount for this program.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak
AGE(S): 5.5-8
We will make exciting art projects that are openended and allow your child to create freely. Classes will include an activity (game, story or music) that compliments the art project for the day. We will be messy, so wear something that is safe to get dirty. We will create projects geared toward the holidays that fall during class. Children will attend this class independently.
INSTRUCTOR(S): John Cameron
AGE(S): 18 and up
Numerous teaching aides, examples and handouts will be shared so students can begin their own watercolor resource notebook. Individual assistance will be provided along with various lessons and demonstrations highlighting important principles of watercolor painting.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Chris Powell
AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $200 | RESIDENT RATE: $185 Students will work at their leisure on the potter’s wheel to develop their throwing skills and honing various hand-building skills with individual guidance and technical advice from the instructor. There is a fee for additional clay.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Laura Poland
AGE(S): 16 and up
Join Registered Dietitian, Laura Poland for a nutrition & culinary focused presentation. Participants will receive resources and recipes. Basic nutrition concepts along with knife skills, cooking tips and how to stock a healthy pantry along with meal planning will be presented.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Judi Heston
AGE(S): 18 and up
RATE: $80 | RESIDENT RATE: $65 We will work on more detailed aspects of watercolor painting and delve deeper into this medium. Critiques at the beginning and end of each class will be a big part of the learning process.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Chris Powell
AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $85 | RESIDENT RATE: $70 This class is open to students who are currently enrolled in an adult ceramics class. This is your time to complete a project independently. No instruction is given. All projects would have to be finished and glazed during the last class. There is an extra fee for clay usage.
AGE(S): 18 and up
Learn the basic principles of drawing and sketching. We will cover techniques such as position, lighting, shape, texture and spacing, and advance to drawing landscape, objects, animals and portraits. Demonstration and handouts are provided. Individual assistance and feedback will be available.
55 +
See the Older Adult section for fitness, creative and special interest classes, travel opportunities and meals offered by the Westerville Senior Center.
Senior Center Program Pass Holder Registration
Thursday, March 9 | 12 p.m.
All others March 10-13
Register at www.westerville.org/registration
Monday, March 6 | 1 p.m.
Parks and Recreation services are essential for our residents’ quality of life and transportation, and its associated fees, are sometimes a basic required necessity. The Westerville Senior Association, a non-profit organization founded to assist the Westerville Senior Center, offers financial assistance to Senior Center Program Pass holders residing within the Westerville City limits who may be experiencing financial hardship. For further information on this and other assistance, contact the Senior Center at (614) 901-6560.
Westerville Community Center 350 N. Cleveland Ave. Westerville, OH 43082 (614) 901-6560
Mon - Thu: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Park and enter through the south entrance for Senior Center programs and some fitness classes. You may enter through the main or north entrances for the gymnasium, indoor pools and fitness area.
Westerville Senior Center program passes are available to adults 55 or older. Join us and experience the benefits of improved health, lower stress, new skills, greater independence and lasting friends and memories.
Rate: $42
Discounted Resident Rate: $24
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Additional information is available in the Older Adult section or online at www.westerville.org/seniorcenter Call the Senior Center at (614) 901-6560 for questions.
Transportation is available to Senior Center Program Pass holders residing in the corporate City limits of Westerville.
Visit www.westerville.org/seniorcenter for more information.
Rate: $25 per pass (25 punches) $10 per pass (10 punches)
Senior/Community Center (2 punches)
To: Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
From: Mon-Fri Times Vary
Shopping (3 punches) call (614) 901-6560 for specific locations Tue/Thu 1 - 3 p.m.
Medical Appointments (3 punches)
Mon-Fri 8:45 - 11:30 a.m. Mon/Wed/Fri 1 - 2:30 p.m.
If the Westerville City Schools close due to inclement weather, all classes at the Community Center will be canceled and transportation to a doctor’s appointment or to the grocery store will be a decision made by Senior Center Staff. If you have signed up for this service, you will receive a phone call from us.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Chloe Napoletano
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $40 Designed for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Through carefully crafted movement, this class promotes increased strength, flexibility, coordination and balance. Participants’ family members, friends and caregivers are all welcome to attend class. No experience is necessary and both seated and standing movement is welcome.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Billie McRill
AGE(S): 55 and up
This class uses body weight as well as various equipment like dumbbells, balls and resistance bands to increase endurance, strength and range of movement as well as improving circulation and balance. Whether you prefer to exercise in a chair or to stand, the flexibility of this class design offers lots of modifications. Beginners encouraged to attend.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Ellen Blaha
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Strap on your groovin’ shoes and add fun steps to your day while enjoying a variety of music choices from many decades! Easy-to-follow, low-impact cardio and stretching; no routines to learn. Beginners and experienced participants are welcome and supported.
As part of your Senior Center Program Pass you can walk your way around the Community Center track. Please remember to scan your card at the front desk.
Senior Center Program Pass Holders Only Everyday
INSTRUCTOR(S): Billie McRill
AGE(S): 55 and up
Re-engage muscles and mind and use the body the way it was designed. Practice mindful movement to achieve total body fitness. Best for those wanting strength and balance, power and mobility. Beginners welcome.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Lynda Chambers
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Similar to volleyball but modified for everyone. We will play with a beach ball and be able to spike, bump and set to a fun time.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Megan Arnold
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $25 Fitness program designed specifically for those with Parkinson’s disease. This class will optimize physical function and help to delay the progression of the disease.
March 13 / April 10 / May 8 10-11 a.m.
Mondays FREE
Stop by and get your blood pressure and vitals checked. Provided by Uptown Pharmacy.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Linda Scovern
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Learn the basic concepts of Pilates including alignment, breathing, core strength and stabilization to create a total body workout. Must be able to get to and from the floor. Bring a yoga mat. Suitable for the beginner.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Marie Corbitt
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Learn simple, mindful breathing exercises that will help you develop a sense of calm and focus. This program is taught by a Westerville Public Librarian.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Anchor Foot Care
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $45 Services include nail trimming, thinning, filing, foot assessment, corn and callus reduction. Payment for each session due at registration.
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
RATE: $20
Our moderated senior tennis is generated for those looking to continue their love of the sport while continuing to get exercise and socialize with friends. Must have a Senior Center Program Pass to play discount rate.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Billie McRill
AGE(S): 55 and up
A fun-filled class to improve cardiovascular fitness, balance and flexibility that is choreographed to music from the past. Light weights will occasionally be used. No experience necessary as modifications will be demonstrated for all moves. No floor work included.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Pam Croucher^
Stephanie Bellflower^^
FREE: Silver Sneaker Pass holders
Seated and standing exercises to increase muscular strength, range of motion and daily living. Handheld weights, elastic tubing with handles and a ball are offered for resistance and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support. Get fit, have fun, make friends.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Ellen Blaha
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Interval, Training and Stretching build the mobility, strength and agility essential to your functional fitness. We will alternate easy-to-follow low impact cardio with resistance work and relaxing stretches. No floor work. Beginners and experienced exercisers welcome.
Tuesday, May 9 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
See page 28 for details
INSTRUCTOR(S): Pam Croucher
AGE(S): 55 and up
INSTRUCTOR(S): Mike Grigsby
AGE(S): 55 and up
Learn how to fall safely and prevent falls. The fear of falling is one of our biggest phobias, so most people never learn how to fall properly. Learning how to fall safely is the primary purpose of the classes.
This is not your grandma’s chair class. Join us for a fun, energetic exercise program that includes cardio, strength and core conditioning set to uptempo music. Improve flexibility, coordination and endurance while seated. Must be able to freely move arms and legs. Beginners encouraged.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Honor Home Health
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Receive a free wellness screening and learn a different topic each month on ways to stay safe at home and age in place.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Anita Ebbert^ Robin Poses^^
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Get up and get down on the dance floor! This class is filled with fun and exercise while learning steps to all of the latest line dances. No partner needed. You will increase your coordination, flexibility and endurance while having fun and making new friends.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Columbus Speech and Hearing and Franklin County Senior Options
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Hearing evaluations, hearing aid fittings, maintenance and follow up hearing aid services. Seniors who need a hearing aid may qualify with only a co-pay through the Older Adult Outreach Program. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (614) 263-5151. Appointment required.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Debbie Leach
AGE(S): 65 and up with Silver Sneakers
FREE : Silver Sneakers membership required This class is for the conditioned adult who has good balance and good muscle function. There will be 35 minutes of cardio exercise followed by muscle toning exercises, balance work and stretching. Schedule subject to change. Please see front desk for updates.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Pam Croucher
AGE(S): 55 and up
This fun and energetic aerobics class choreographed and performed to music will burn calories and improve your health. Large muscle groups are used in continuous rhythmic activity. Light dumbbells and an exercise mat will be used to strengthen your muscles. Must be able to get to and from the floor.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Phyllis Doelker
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $40 Learn the basics to enhance your current techniques of greenware ceramics. Paint and supplies will be supplied, but greenware projects will be bought by participants. Participants will leave the Senior Center by carpool to purchase their own greenware.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Arlene Roeder
AGE(S): 55 and up
This class will provide the beginner with a background in the history of the art form and an introduction to the basic steps of the method. You will create actual Zentangle® tiles using several patterns called tangles. No prior art experience is necessary. Basic Zentangle® kit included.
AGE(S): 55 and up
This class is for those students who have completed at least two sessions of the introductory level class.Intermediate techniques and projects will be explored. Projects must be made in class - no outside projects.
Join us for an introduction to making your own pottery from clay. Hand-building techniques will be covered as well as an introduction to the potter’s wheel. Flex your creative muscle and make your own pottery in this fun, hands on class. Projects must be made in class - no outside projects.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Arlene Roeder
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $40 Are you ready to take what you’ve learned and created in the Introduction to Zentangle® class and expand your tangling practice? Classes are designed to give you a deeper understanding of the Zentangle® method of drawing. You will learn new tangle patterns and techniques that will enhance your experience and art. Please bring your basic Zentangle® kit.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Trilogy Health Care
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
We will make a new craft you can complete during each session. All skill levels are encouraged to attend. You will take the project home with you at the end of each session.
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
This is a group of crafters who work independently on self-designed projects that include knitting, crocheting, sewing, paper crafting and whatever sparks their interest. Items are sold in the lobby display case, at several craft sales, and at Snowflake Castle to benefit the Senior Association. Although no group projects are assigned, everyone is welcome.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Marie Corbitt
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
This relaxing and stress-relieving class is a great way to spend an hour with the Westerville Public Library at the Senior Center. We will listen to calming music and color away.
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Join this group of quilters as they continue to work on beautiful heirloom quilts. New and experienced quilters are always welcome.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Julie Kerns, Westerville Public Library
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Share and encourage participants to develop writing skills through life experience. Led by a Westerville Public Librarian. Held at the Westerville Senior Center.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Kim Roberts
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Meet new friends and connect with others! A new and exciting craft will be offered each month. Sign up for one or all.
Thursday, April 27 3 - 7 p.m.
Friday, April 28 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Westerville Senior Center Proceeds benefit the Westerville Senior Association
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Learn how to register for Senior Center programs by using our online registration system.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Uptown Pharmacy FREE
Learn about a new diabetic topic each month including nutrition, self-care and possible complications in this open, safe learning environment. Attendees can learn from other’s experiences and offer support to each other.
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Buy or bring your lunch and develop a fellowship with other photographers. This is an informal chat about all things photography.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Larry Leffort and Lyndsay Smith
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $80 Silvertones choir members sing in a professional atmosphere with amazing harmonies and professional instructions. Call the Senior Center at (614) 901-6560 for more information or if you are new to the group.
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Bring your computer questions to this group-sharing and problem-solving class. Online demonstrations will be used to aid the discussions. These meetings will include presentations on free software from Microsoft, Google and others.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Linda Lerner
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
This club is a legal partnership of senior investors who maintain an active portfolio of common stocks and take responsibility for learning, listening and helping to make an investment in common stock. Each member is assigned the responsibility to follow one of the stocks in the the Club’s portfolio, studying and reporting back to the group on a quarterly schedule. Discussion is usually lively and always educational. For more information, contact Linda Lerner at llerner2009@gmail.com.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Gregg Montgomery
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Learn the basics on how to use our iOs, App Store and Safari browser, cameras and phone app in these easy to follow classes. Each class will be dedicated to a different area of your iPhone or iPad. Sign up for one or all depending on your needs.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Denise Barlow
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
RATE: $5
Learn to play pool during this dedicated time. Instruction will include rules of the game and how to play.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Marie Corbitt
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
Created by the Foreign Policy Association, this class is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. The class goal is to promote greater understanding and respect on a wide variety of topics. Led by a Westerville Public Library Librarian.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Denise Barlow
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Thinking of downsizing your home? Moving or aging in place? Get tips from the pros on how to plan, organize and sort your possessions. If moving, learn about selling, donating or disposing of items along with how to pack and unpack.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Preston Powell
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
This informational class will teach the importance of and how to keep your computer safe. Tips will be shared on how to know when someone is just trying to gain your trust to get access to your computer or phone along with participation in “what if” role play.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Natalie Moscato, Collins and Kruse Law Office
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Learn how Medicaid can help you with benefits you might not even know you had. Planning quickly and choosing the right advocate is key.
INSTRUCTOR(S): John Palmer
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Each meeting will include discussion on current topics and issues in America from law enforcement and education to government.
March 20 10 - 11 a.m. Mon
April 17 10 - 11 a.m. Mon
May 15 10 - 11 a.m. Mon
INSTRUCTOR(S): Sandy Dillon
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass holder FREE
Learn about upcoming exciting getaways around the world and in our own background. Trip presentations will be Canadian Rockies/Glacier, Route 66 tour and Scotland in March. May date will present the Bourbon/ Derby Trail,Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta and Scotland.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Kevin Thuman, Lisa Busch
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass holder FREE
Learn about exciting 2023 travel opportunities including: OSU Buckeye road trip to New York City for the Rutgers game, Elvis’ Blue Christmas at Graceland (Memphis and Nashville). Other trips include Colorado by Railroad, Wine Down in Ohio Wine Country, The Ark and Cincinnati, Akron Rails and Gardens, Biltmore and Billy Graham Cove and Fall New England Cruise (Historic Boston, Bar Harbor, and Nova Scotia).
INSTRUCTOR(S): Mindy Bilyeu
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
This group enjoys lively discussion led by Westerville Public Library librarian Mindy Bilyeu. Contact Mindy at (614) 882-7277 extension 2186 to pick up a book and enjoy the fun.
March 13 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Mon
The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot by Marianne Cronin
April 10 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Mon
Horse by Geraldine Brooks
May 8 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Mon
The Marlow Murder Club by Robert Thorogood
INSTRUCTOR(S): Shirley Bernard, The James Notary Solutions, LLC
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
RATE: $5 per document needing signed
Bring your documents (unsigned) to this drop in program. You must provide a valid form of identification. Additional requirements apply. Call (614) 515-3220 for details.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Lisa Clark, Concord Counseling
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Engage with others in different topics each week. Call Lisa at (614) 882-9338, ext. 230 for a Zoom link.
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
A fair and objective presentation on all the decisions one must make before deciding to buy an electric vehicle. Plenty of facts and open discussion as we discuss many of the pros and cons of an EV. Date Time
Billed as unsinkable, the Titanic remains the deadliest peacetime sinking of a superliner or cruise ship. Learn about the events of this maiden voyage and some unique trivia and facts that will surprise and astound you. Date Time
May 4, 2023 will be the 53rd Anniversary of the Kent State Shootings. This talk examines the events leading up to the shootings and the aftermath, including the trial of the National Guardsman several years later.
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 We will experience this premier entertainment and event venue in Columbus with fun point-scoring golf games for all skill levels and then enjoy a late lunch at a local restaurant (on your own) after our golf experience.
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $10 Take the road each month and visit some of central Ohio’s finest restaurants enjoying great meals, conversation and friends. Transportation needs will be provided by the Westerville Senior Center leaving promptly at the printed time. (Dinner is on your own). Location TBD.
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $10 Travel on the Senior Center bus for lunch to a variety of restaurants (on your own). Lunch destination TBA.
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 We will try our luck at Duck Bowling with Duckpin balls (included in price.) These balls are small, weigh a little over three pounds and lack finger holes. Each bowler is allowed three rolls per frame. We will enjoy dinner (on your own) before trying our luck at this fun sport.
AGE(S): 55 and up
Enjoy lunch at a favorite location offering fried bologna sandwiches and other American eats in down-home digs. After lunch, we will visit Shamrock Winery, a family owned and operated winery specializing in grape table wines. Enjoy wine tasting (included) while relaxing with friends. Cash only for lunch.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Marie Corbitt
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $10 Improve overall health on this slow-paced, relaxing walk through Blendon Woods Metro Park with a certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide. A tea ceremony and snack will be provided with a lunch (on your own) after. Must be able to walk for 1.5 hours and be able to get up and down from the ground. Meet at the Senior Center for transportation on a Senior Center bus.
AGE(S): 55 and up
Prepare to be loud and silly as we cheer on the contestants during the taping of the exciting show. We will travel to the Columbus area Ohio Lottery Cash Explosion and enjoy a late lunch (on your own) after the show.
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass Holder
RATE: $10
Join us for our very own “Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ themed breakfast complete with Tiffany’s trivia, a photo booth and a special hot tea station. Don’t forget to dress-the-part and bring a teacup to share. Sponsored by Danbury Senior Living, Collins & Kruse Law and Singry Home Health.
AGE(S): 55 and up
SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $25 This sharp-edged, charming play takes place on and around a park bench in Central Park. Two elderly men - one Black, one white - with nothing much in common but their spirited resistance to having others decide for them when they no longer count, fight those, each in his own unique way, that would put them out to pasture, developing a true and unusual friendship. We will go to dinner (on your own) after the show.
AGE(S): 55 and up FREE
Have you just joined the Westerville Senior Center? Come see the new Senior Center addition and learn what your pass includes. Registration required. Light refreshments will be served.
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
Enjoy a themed, hot and delicious meal served to you with old and new friends. Registration is required.
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
RATE: $4
Join us the first Wednesday of the month for our birthday lunch celebrations. You will receive one lunch free during the month of your birthday. Dessert sponsored by Buckeye Terrace.
Date Time Day(s)
March 1 12 - 12:30 p.m. Wed
April 5 12 - 12:30 p.m. Wed
May 3 12 - 12:30 p.m. Wed
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
Enjoy a delicious meal in the company of others. Pick up the monthly menu or visit www.westerville.org/seniorcenter
Wed, March 1/April 5/May 3 7:30-10 a.m.
Rate: $5
AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
Join us for the Senior Egg hunt and a lunch. This annual fun-filled event will include a visit from the bunny to pass out eggs for prizes as well as lunch. Enjoy the fun and laughs with you friends!
Carry-Out or Sit-Down
Thursday April 27 4-7 p.m.
All are welcome for this dinner that includes spaghetti, bread sticks, salad and dessert. Enter through the south entrance of the Community Center, 350 N. Cleveland Ave.
All games are available to Senior Center Program Pass holders only and are free with your pass.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Carla Poston ProCore Health Brokers
Enjoy an afternoon of Euchre with prizes. Meets from 3-5 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month.
Play is geared toward experienced players with fast, exciting games.
Meets at 1 p.m. on the third Friday of the month.
While the play is serious, the atmosphere is friendly and social. Players are asked to come with a partner.
Meets from 12:30-4 p.m. on Thursday.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Reed Sleven
Have FUN, while learning to play Bridge. You will learn in a non-competitive, relaxed and fun environment. This is for beginners only. Meets from 1-3 p.m. on Tuesday.
Play is geared toward experienced players with fast exciting games. New and experienced players welcome. See chart for dates and times.
This favorite game allows you to meet new friends and share a few laughs while enjoying the fun of winning. See chart for dates and times.
Tuesday sponsor - Trinity Living Friday sponsor - Carla Poston, ProCore
The Westerville Community Center pass includes access to the
• Gymnasium and MAC Gym
• Adventure Fitness Gym
• Fitness Area* and Track*
• Indoor Pool
• Climbing Wall
• eSports Room
Monday - Friday 5:45 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
(8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
Day before Thanksgiving Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
New Year’s Eve
CLOSED Thanksgiving
Christmas New Year’s Day
August 22-28
ANNUAL RATE: Available upon request
Proof of residency is required for each household member ages 6 and older. Types of proof may include a state issued ID, pay stub, utility bill or report card/school registration. Proof of residing is required each time a new person is added to the household.
All active and retired military will receive a 15% discount on a Community Center pass. Military ID required.
Senior Center Program Pass Holder registration only (In person at the Community Center only and online)
FRIDAY, MARCH 10 • 12 P.M.
Online Early Registration (Residents Only)
In-person Registration (Residents Only)
SUNDAY, MARCH 12 • 12 P.M.
Online Open Registration (Residents and Non-Residents)
In-person Open Registration (Residents and Non-Residents)
Register at www.westerville.org/registration or in person at the Westerville Community Center (350 N. Cleveland Ave.)
Information on HOW TO UPDATE YOUR RESIDENCY STATUS can be found at www.westerville.org/residencystatus
Westerville Senior Center program passes are available to adults 55 or older. Information including rates and Senior Center hours can be found in the Older Adult section.
Mon- Fri 5:45 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sat 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Sun 1 0 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Mon/Wed/Fri 4-8 p.m.
Sat 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sun 1-5 p.m.
Mon–Sat 8:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Mon–Thu 4- 8 p.m.
Sun Closed
$3 per hour for active Community Center
Pass holders
$5 per hour for all non-pass holders
There is no discount for siblings.
Punch cards are no longer available.
Mon-Fri 5:45 a.m - 8 p.m.
Sat 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Sun 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
*Court availability subject to leagues, programs and events
Mon/Wed/Fri CLOSED Tue/Thu 4- 8 p.m.
www.westerville.org/parkshours for restricted hours. PASS 65
FRI/SAT/SUN (Rental Hours: 5-hour minimum)
One Room
Rate: $105 per hour
Resident Rate: $70 per hour
Two Rooms
Rate: $135 per hour
Resident Rate: $90 per hour
Three Rooms
Rate: $165 per hour
Resident Rate: $110 per hour
Security Deposit
Friday - Sunday including Holidays: $250
To reserve space for a birthday party, rent the climbing wall or reserve a shelter, visit www.westerville.org/reservations
EVERAL BARN & HOMESTEAD www.westerville.org/everalbarn
Mon - Thu
Rate: $80
Resident Rate: $55
Fri - Sun & Holidays
Rate: $175
Resident Rate: $100
Mon - Thu
Rate: $120 | Resident Rate: $80
Fri - Sun & Holidays
Rate: $260 | Resident Rate: $150
Mon - Thu
Rate: $150
Resident Rate: $100
Fri - Sun & Holidays
Rate: $350
Resident Rate: $200
All rates are per hour.
Mon-Thu 3-hour minimum
Fri/Sat/Sun & Holidays
5-hour minimum
Mon - Thu
Rate: $95 | Resident Rate: $60
Fri - Sun & Holidays
Rate: $200 | Resident Rate: $115
Interested in renting the Everal Barn and Homestead or just want to visit this historical park, take a tour or walk the trails? Visit www.westerville.org/everalbarn for information.