Citroen 2cv club meeting Slovenia 26.-28.6. 2009

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Najprej vam bomo pomagali najti pot do srečanja...

First we’ll help you find your way to the meeting...

Najprej soseščina:


First the neighbourhood:


YA E E TR S H O Gorenjska (Highlands)



H 20



Malo pobliže, kraj Kokrica. Najlažje je najti pot od odcepa Kranj-Zahod

Closer look at the village Kokrica. The easiest way is from the highway, exit Kranj-Zahod (KranjWest, in Croatian “zahod” means also “toilet”...) :D

Meeting! JES

Mlaka EN


Kokrica Kranj-Zahod exit Kranj-West Kranj

Zanimivost: mamutka gleda točno v smeri proti kraju, kjer je bila najdena - proti kraju našega srečanja! Interesting fact: she-mammoth looks exactly towards the place where she was found - the place of our meeting!

Po odcepu Kranj-Zahod zavijte skozi gozd proti Kokrici. Po enem kilometru boste prišli do krožnega križišča z jeklenim mamutom. Zavijte proti severu v smeri Golnik in takoj boste prišli v naselje Mlaka. Zdaj ste že čisto blizu.

LJUB LJAN A When you exit at Kranj-Zahod, turn north towards the woods and village of Kokrica. After a kilometre you will come to a roundabout with a steel mammoth. Turn north towards Golnik and immediatelly you will be in the village of Mlaka. You’re very close now.

1. skozi vas Mlaka 2. na koncu vasi za zadnjo hišo (na njej piše Gregorc) zavij desno 3. čez lesen mostiček in takoj za njim zavij desno


1. through Mlaka 2. at the end of the village turn right after the last house (it has ‘Gregorc’ written all over it) 3. across a small wooden bridge and immediatelly turn right

2 3

Recepcija Kamp

1 By the way: Entrance fee: Members of Citroën Club Slovenia: 15E Other Citroënnists: 20E Price includes: entrance, 5 meals, goodie bag, raid, entrance fee to Kranj Catacombs

! A G U ! A G U ! A B HA * ! A B A H

* PREVOD IZ KAMENODOBŠČINE: Dobrodošl na našmu srečan poskrbel smo, da se bote mel fajn, zabavn, veseu, zanimiu in daj pir po evro pa po.

* TRANSLATION FROM CAVENGLISH: Welcome to our meeting, we made sure you will have a nice, fun, happy, interesting time and da beer is euro‘n’half.

PROGRAM Petek, 26.6. 1. Prihod, vkampiranje, akustična glasba, spoznavanje kamenodobnih organizatorjev, lov na mamute, obredni plesi, spoznavni večer pri Monolitu Sobota, 27.6. 1. Nežno zbujanje ob neandertalski himni in rjovenju sabljezobih dian in mamutskih spačkov. 2. Tekmovanja za otroke. 3. Sprehod in spoznavanje kamenodobnega življenja s Kremenčkovimi, za odrasle in otroke, spoznavanje umetnosti pletenja košar, keramike in drugo... 4. Tekmovanja, neandertalski šesteroboj... 5. Band: The Granit Hard Rock Band & The StoneBoobsOut (glihkar sem se zmislil to ime) Nedelja, 28.6. 1. Nežno zbujanje ob tigru in mastodontu. 2. Konvojček 3. Kosilček

Klikni spodaj za naše neandertalske vragolije - film je bil posnet na kraju srečanja (če link ne dela, na YouTube išči “2cv kokrica bobovek”) Click below for our stone-age adventures - the movie was filmed on the meeting site. (if link doesn’t work, go to YouTube and search “2cv kokrica bobovek”)

Friday, 26.6. 1. Arrival, camping in, acoustic music, getting to know stone-age organisers, hunting mammoth, tribal dance, getting to know each other at the Monolyth Saturday, 27.6. 1. Gentle waking up, listening to neanderthal anthem and roaring of sabertooth dyane and mammoth ducks. 2. Games for kids 3. Walkabout with learning about the stone-age life in the area with genuine Flintstones, for kids and grown-ups, with art of basketweawing, ceramics etc... 4. Competition, neanderthal six-athlon. 5. Band: The Granite Hard Rock Bad and the GranitneJoškeVn (just came up with dat name) Sunday 28.6. 1. Gentle waking up with a giant sloth hangover and a roaring mastodont. 2. Little convoy 3. Little lunch

Nekaj napotkov:

A few tips:

Prvih 50 avtov na srečanju bo deležno posebne dobrodošlice.

First 50 cars will be given special goodies at arrival.

Za avtentičnost srečanja si nadenite kakšno živalsko kožo ali pa vsaj nekaj, kar spominja na kamenodobna oblačila. Najboljši kostumi bodo nagrajeni, seveda. V bližini srečanja so jezera - zaščitite se proti komarjem. Če boste slučajno pozabili na zaščito, bo na kraju srečanja dežural tudi Izganjalec komarjev, najdite ga in si pomagajte.



Loch kodilnic also Croco a di Loch known le Mes as s :)

Jezero Ledvička (Loch Little Kidney)

Čukova Jama (Loch Owl Pit)

V jezerih se sicer da plavati, vendar se zavedajte, da je to zaščiten naravni rezervat in da si vodo delite ne samo z ribami in žabami, ampak tudi redkimi vrstami živali, ki jih je bolje ne vznemirjati. Ne. Ni krokodilov. Ravno zato se v pravem duhu spačkarstva potrudite, da za seboj ne pustite smeti. Vrečke za smeti dobite že pri prihodu na srečanje. Lakes are OK for swimming but be aware that this is a protected natural park and you will share the water not only with fish and frogs but also some very rare animal species that are better off left alone. No. There are no crocodiles. In a true 2CV spirit make sure you don’t leave trash behind. Waste bags will be given to you at arrival. :)

For authentic feel of the meeting dress yourselves in some animal skin or at least some other material that resembles stone-age clothing. Best costumes will be awarded of course. Near the meeting site there are lakes protect yourselves against mosquitoes. In case you forget about the protection there will be a Mosquito Excorcist on site to help you out.


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