Saturday 8 March

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Te reo o te KUKI AIRANI

$2 Saturday, March 8, 2014

Going to the dogs…

MotoriStS had to honk their way through this frenzied pack of dogs which were seen running from Punanga Nui Market to taputapuatea yesterday morning. The group of 10 canines seemed unperturbed by the cars as they wandered out in the middle of the road several times, forcing drivers to a stop. Police are about to appoint a new dog ranger and it looks like the move couldn’t come at a better time. - Ben Chapman-Smith

Cabinet sacks Pitt as chairman of BTIB GeorGe Pitt has been fired

from his role as chairman of the board for the Business trade and investment Board. Pitt said he was delivered a letter yesterday addressed from the office of Minister Mark Brown from the Ministry of Finance and economic Management, informing him of the news. According to Chief executive Ben Moses with the ofice of Deputy Prime Minister teariki Heather, also Minister of infrastructure, the decision to remove Pitt was made by Cabinet. Oficially, BTIB matters are believed to be handled by Cabinet member and Mata-

vera Member of Parliament Kiriau Turepu, however, Pitt said major decisions concerning the government agency are handled by the Minister of Finance, who “does the hiring and the iring”. When reached for comment yesterday, Pitt said the letter cited “incompetence and misconduct”, as reasoning for the firing, with his public comments mentioned as examples of misconduct. He has since consulted his lawyer in an effort to get further clarification from government on the circumstances that led to his dismissal. “What misconduct have i

done, and what incompetence have I performed?” he asked. “The issue is not over my performance at BTIB.” Since joining the board midlast year, the BtiB has seen its share of the spotlight, mostly around the handling of foreign registration applications for two overseas irms – KEW Consult Ltd and the Chinese Civil engineering and Construction Company (CCECC) - which have been contracted to work on the estimated $60 million te Mato Vai water infrastructure project. this week, Pitt was at the forefront of a BtiB announcement that foreign companies hoping to win contracts to com-

plete work on the project would not be given approval to operate in the Cook islands. “Don’t even entertain the idea of giving contracts to foreigners,” warned Pitt to government oficials. Also this week, Pitt penned an article in a local media publication which alleged Minister Heather had secured a “$7 million back room Chinese deal” with the CCeCC to undertake work on tMV. He claims the story played a role in his dismissal, and further attributed his iring to his belief that he “wouldn’t buckle to interference by government”. in handling BtiB affairs, he

said that he had acted in the interest of Cook islanders. “The public are not stupid. This is just a blatant example of political interference,” he said. “As far as I’m concerned, we’ve followed all legislation ... they might as well scrub the board and just do what they want,” he said. “My sacking is proof that I wouldn’t buckle to this political nonsense.” Pitt – a writer and media owner in the Cook islands - was appointed to the role of chairman by Minister Brown last June, replacing local businessman Grant Priest. “George is an experienced

business owner and a strong supporter of local enterprise and business. I expect that he will bring his terriic enthusiasm and energy to the role of chairman of the board,” Brown was reported as saying at the time of Pitt’s appointment. Speaking on the firing on behalf of government, Brown said the former chairman had a “confrontational” approach to affairs, and was critical of Pitt writing articles “slamming” government oficials. “George has a different agenda than the Government,” he said. “We thought it would be best that we would part ways.” - Emmanuel Samoglou




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Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

worldNeWS nuti no teiA Nei Ao High flyer brought down Passengers aboard a light from Seattle to Sacramento got to make a surprise stop in Portland, thanks to the out of control behaviour of a fellow passenger. During light the man lashed gang signs, repeatedly hit the emergency button, praised Jesus and constantly demanded alcoholic drinks. He was taken into custody at the Portland Airport and was charged with interfering with the light crew’s duties. The man later admitted he had smoked a reefer of powerful “Purple Hash” just prior to boarding the plane.

Angry man with a gun Ex-girlfriend tells how Pistorius often checked house for intruders PretoriA – Oscar Pistorius’ ex-

girlfriend told the court he was a man who was often angry and always carried a gun. She said he once ired his gun at a traffic light from his car sunroof after becoming angry when pulled over by police for speeding. An emotional fifth day in court climaxed with testimony from a security guard shocked to ind Pistorius carrying a dying

world BrieFS OPPOSITION LEADER SENTENCED TO JAIL MALAYSIA – A Malaysian court has sentenced opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to ive years in jail after overturning his acquittal on sodomy charges. Anwar led the opposition to its strongest ever performance in the May 2013 general elections. While homosexual acts are illegal in Muslim-majority Malaysia, very few people are ever prosecuted. Anwar has always maintained the charges were part of a political smear campaign. The court decision will afect Anwar’s plans to compete in a key by-election in the state of Selangor this month, reports say. In 2008, Mr Anwar was accused of having sex with a male aide. A High Court cleared him of the charges in 2012, citing a lack of evidence. The government later appealed against his acquittal. Correspondents say Mr Anwar is seen as the key challenger to the ruling party, which has been in power since Malaysia’s independence in 1957.

COCAINE, ECSTASY SMUGGLED IN SKIS ARGENTINA – Police in Argentina say they have foiled a scheme to smuggle cocaine into Europe by hiding the drug in skis. Five Argentines and one Spaniard have been detained and 14kg of cocaine seized in seven pairs of skis. The cocaine had allegedly been compressed into tablets that were stufed into specially built equipment. The Argentine Security Secretary, Sergio Berni, said the gang was also involved in selling ecstasy to well-of clients in the capital, Buenos Aires. “They’ve invented some kind of plate to attach to the underside of the skis and there they put the drugs. Each ski carried one kilo. They had seven pairs that would be sent to Spain,” Berni told reporters. The group had been under investigation for about six months, police said. The operation seized a total of 24kg of cocaine and between 40,000 and 50,000 pills of ecstasy.

YET ANOTHER NAVY ACCIDENT IN INDIA INDIA – An Indian navy oicer has been killed in an accident on board a ship being built at a dockyard in Mumbai, naval oicials reported. The destroyer had been undergoing mechanical trials when a “malfunction” on board led to a toxic gas leak. Last month, two sailors died after an accident on board a submarine, the INS Sindhuratna, at sea. India’s navy chief quit after that, the latest in a series of operational accidents involving naval vessels. Last year 18 sailors died in one of the navy’s worst disasters when a submarine sank after a ire at the same dockyard in Mumbai. In the latest incident media reports said the oicer inhaled a large amount of toxic gas and was taken to hospital, where he died.


Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorius denies both murdering Steenkamp and shooting from his car. early in her testimony, former girlfriend Samantha taylor broke down while discussing two break-ups with the athlete. She said Pistorius had twice been unfaithful, with the relationship finally ending when he “cheated” on her with Reeva Steenkamp. taylor, who met Pistorius in 2010 when she was 17 years old, tearfully described the sprinter as someone familiar with guns, prone to its of anger and an unfaithful boyfriend. Taylor testiied that Pistorius kept his gun “on him all the time,” and described him as a man who could get very angry. She was asked by the prosecution if there had been other occasions when Pistorius thought there was an intruder in his house. She replied that it had happened at least twice. Crucially, she said he always woke her up before taking his gun with him to check. Pieter Baba, a security guard working at Oscar Pistorius’ gated community, the Silverwoods Country estate said the athlete told him everything was “ine” when he called to investigate neighbours’ reports of gunshots on the night Reeva Steenkamp was killed. He said he made the phone call from outside the runner’s villa, before dawn. He said Pistorius then called him back, crying but not saying anything, before the line went dead. When he saw Pistorius carrying a dying Reeva Steenkamp down the stairs, Baba said he was initially too shocked to help. the state is seeking to convince the court that Pistorius and Steenkamp had an argument before the athlete ired the shots that killed his girlfriend. - BBC

Murder accused oscar Pistorius listens to testimony from an ex-girlfriend who described him as a man who often got angry and kept a gun nearby at all times. AFP

Fires repeat smog crisis JAKArtA – Hundreds of fires

burning in indonesia are triggering renewed fears that there could be a repeat of last year’s smog crisis. indonesian authorities are preparing for worsening forest ires as smoke haze spreads across the Malacca Strait to Singapore. Around 1500 mostly illegal ires across 8000 hectares have been detected in Riau province in Sumatra, where thousands of people are suffering respiratory problems and a state of emer-

gency has been declared. A lack of monsoon rain has also meant that ires have started months earlier than usual. Last year the haze sparked diplomatic tensions between indonesia and its neighbours Singapore and Malaysia. the Jakarta-based World resources institute is tracking ires on the ground using NASA satellites. the satellite data allows the Institute to pinpoint with 90 per cent accuracy where the ires are located.

“The ire episode that started around mid to the end of February this year is pretty concerning,” the Institute’s Andika Putraditama said. “We detected almost 1,500 ire points in the northern part of Sumatra alone in a two-week period of time from the February 20 to March 3.” research from the CiFor revealed last year’s fires were deliberately lit to clear land. Burning to extend palm oil plantations is illegal, but prosecutions are few. - AFP

Wi-i hotspots steal data LONDON – Sensitive information should not be sent over public wi-fi hotspots, to avoid hackers stealing it, Europe’s top cybercrime police officer has warned. troels oerting, head of europol’s cybercrime centre, said people should send personal data only across networks they trusted. He said the warning was mo-

tivated by the growing number of attacks being carried out via public wi-i access points. “We have seen an increase in the misuse of wi-i, in order to steal information, identity or passwords and money from the users who use public or insecure wi-i connections,” he said. “We should teach users that they should not address sensitive information while being on

an open insecure wi-i internet.” the attacks meant that data swapped when people communicate with a bank, shop via the web or log in to social media sites could be captured by attackers. “everything that you send through the wi-i is potentially at risk, and this is something that we need to be very concerned about.” - BBC

Tears for a torn nation

USA – The US army’s top sex assault prosecutor has been suspended for sexual assault at a sexual assault conference. The prosecutor has been suspended amid allegations that he attempted to grope and kiss a lawyer who worked for him while they were at a sexual-assault conference more than two years ago. Stars and Stripes reported that the army is investigating allegations against Lieutenant Colonle Joseph “Jay” Morse, and that he is suspended “pending the outcome of the investigation.” Morse supervises more than 20 special victims prosecutors within the US army who are responsible for dealing with cases involving sexual assault and domestic abuse.

NO SIGN Of bAbY GEORGE IN MALDIVES MALdIveS – Prince William and his wife, Kate, are vacationing in the Maldives, but witnesses said they appear to have arrived without their infant son, Prince George. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who are due for an oicial visit to New Zealand next month, arrived in the Maldives for their vacation Thursday, but seven-month-old Prince George was nowhere to be seen. The Telegraph said the trip would mark the irst time the couple traveled abroad without the infant if he was left at home. Kensington Palace representatives declined to comment on the trip or whether Prince George was accompanying his parents.

Today’s Daily Bread the Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many men. i cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or israel would boast against me, My own strength has saved me.”

read: read: JudgesMatthew 7:2-8 7:21-29

text: Matthew 7:26 text: Verse 2

an elderly pro-russian citizen cries as ukrainian riot police stand guard in front of the regional state administration building in the eastern ukrainian city of donetsk as pro-russian supporters prepared to storm the building. AFP


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

RaRocaRs Crimea crisis deepens MAkINg THE DESIRAbLE AFFORDAbLE

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nato says russia’s actions in Crimea pose the gravest threat to european security since the Cold War as eu leaders denounce the russian military incursion into ukraine territory. AFP K i eV – Ukraine’s interim prime minister has warned the Crimean parliament “noone in the civilised world” will recognise its referendum on joining russia. Arseniy Yatsenyuk and others in the Kiev government have called the vote “unconstitutional” and “illegitimate”. But the referendum has the support of the Russian parliament. Crimean authorities say the parliament’s decision is already in force, with deputy prime minister rustam temurgaliyev demanding that Ukrainian forces in the territory either surrender or leave, or else be treated as occupiers. “the only legitimate armed units on the territory of Crimea are the armed forces of Russia,” he said. Kiev does not recognise Crimea’s pro-Moscow leadership, which was sworn in at an emergency session as pro-Russian forces began to take over strategic sites last week. russian forces have been in effective control of Crimea since Russia’s president Vladimir Putin won senators’ authorisation last weekend to use force against Ukraine in response to the ouster of its pro-Kremlin president Viktor Yanukovych. The speaker of the upper house said if the Crimean people vote on March 16 to join Russia then they would “unquestionably back this choice”.

Moscow has said it “will not accept the language of sanctions and threats” after the EU and US announced punitive measures against russia on thursday. Prime Minister Yatsenyuk said on Friday Ukraine was open to talks with russia as long as it withdrew its troops and abided by international agreements. In a warning to the “separatist and other traitors of the Ukrainian state”, he said: “Any decision of yours is deliberately unlawful and unconstitutional and noone in the civilised world will recognise the decision of the so-called referendum of the socalled Crimean authorities”. NAto secretary-general Anders Fogh rasmussen says russia’s actions in Ukraine pose the gravest threat to European security since the Cold War. From Brussels, where european Union leaders were holding an emergency summit on Ukraine, Rasmussen has urged russia to halt its military escalation in Ukraine. He says NAto will strengthen its efforts to build the capacity of the Ukrainian military with more joint-training exercises. “ this is not just about Ukraine,” he said. “This crisis has serious implications for the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area as a whole.” EU leaders denounced the russian military incursion into Ukraine territory.

After six hours of talks, the bloc’s 28 leaders agreed to suspend visa and economic discussions with russia. US president Barack Obama, meantime, has ordered his state department to issue visa restrictions and travel bans against a number of Ukrainian and Russian oficials. the White House says the president signed the executive order to punish those “responsible for, or complicit in, threatening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”. The US has been a ierce critic of Russia’s incursion into Crimea, and has warned Moscow it is considering implementing sanctions. During an hour-long phone call, obama urged Putin to accept the terms of a potential diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis. the Kremlin released a statement saying Putin told obama that Ukraine’s new leaders had imposed “absolutely illegitimate decisions on the eastern, south-eastern and Crimea regions”. “russia cannot ignore calls for help in this matter and it acts accordingly, in full compliance with the international law,” Putin reportedly said. Obama earlier said the proposed referendum would “violate the Crimean constitution and violate international law”. -PNC sources

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Malaria gaining altitude ANN ArBor – Warmer temperatures are causing malaria to spread to higher altitudes, a study suggests. researchers have found that people living in the highlands of Africa and South America are at an increased risk of catching the mosquito-borne disease during hotter years. They believe that temperature rises in the future could result in millions of additional cases in some areas. The research is published in the journal Science. researcher Professor Mercedes Pascual from the University of Michigan said: “The impact in terms of increasing the risk of exposure to disease is very large.”

Both the malaria parasite and the mosquito that carries it struggle to cope with the cooler air. Prof Pascual said: “The risk of the disease decreases with altitude and this is why historically people have settled in these higher regions.” But the scientists say the disease is entering new regions that had previously been malariafree. to investigate, scientists looked at densely populated areas in the highlands of Colombia and Ethiopia, where there are detailed records of both temperature and malaria cases from the 1990s to 2005. they found that in warmer years, malaria shifted higher

into the mountains, while in cooler years it was limited to lower elevations. “This expansion could in a sense account for a substantial part of the increase of cases we have already observed in these areas,” said Prof Pascual. The highlands of Ethiopia could be more vulnerable to malaria if temperatures rise. the team believes that rising temperatures could cause a further spread. the latest estimates from the World Health organisation say there were about 207 million cases of malaria in 2012 and an estimated 627,000 deaths. Most deaths occur among children living in Africa. - BBC







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Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

regionalNeWS nuti no te PA eNUA

Kiribati awash after king tides Ground water despoiled, crops destroyed by tidal inundation tArAWA – Five days after king

tides hit the low-lying Pacific nation of Kiribati authorities say one of their biggest challenges is getting clean water to affected communities. the king tides caused widespread inundation on at least ive islands and hundreds of people are living in temporary

accommodation. Michael Foon, the disaster risk manager in the president’s office, says ground water supplies have been contaminated on at least one island, South Tarawa, and crops have been destroyed. “We know that ground water in that area has been severely

paciic BRIEFS JUDGES DISMAYED bY NAURU EVENTS NAURU – Chief justices from around the Paciic have strongly condemned the actions of the Nauru Government in deporting the resident magistrate Peter Law and revoking the visa of the island’s chief justice, Geofrey Eames. Law was deported despite a court order stopping such a move. The Nauru government has claimed it was acting to combat cronyism in the judiciary – a charge Justice Eames has strongly rejected. The chief justices who have been meeting in Auckland, say in a statement that they are deeply concerned at the government’s actions. They say the events give rise to serious concerns about judicial independence and the operation of the rule of law in Nauru. A new resident magistrate, from Fiji, was sworn in last week.

fIJI PARTY fRUSTRATED bY LACK Of RULES FIJI – The newly-elected leader of Fiji’s Sodelpa party says it’s frustrating that her party is unable to start campaigning immediately due to the lack of rules for this year’s elections. Ro Teimumu Kepa was elected to the leadership and presidency of Sodelpa with full party support after other candidates withdrew their applications. She says she has gratefully accepted the role, but it’s diicult to gain any momentum because there’s been no word on when the electoral commission will release the regulations for September’s promised elections. “We’re still waiting for them to bring out the act. They’re telling us that it’s in the drafting stage and it should have been brought out at the end of last month and we’re still waiting. So it’s very diicult for us to do anything much because we don’t know what rules and regulations they’re going to put in place for us to work within.”

DENGUE fEVER OUTbREAK UNPRECEDENTED THE PACIFIC – The Secretariat of the Paciic Community says the number of dengue fever outbreaks in the region over the past year is unprecedented, and the reason for the increase in cases is unknown. The team leader for surveillance at SPC, Adam Rogh, says in the last 14 months, all four types of dengue fever have circulated the region at diferent times. He says more research needs to be done on what caused the current outbreak, but says it could have been inluenced by humidity, heat or urbanisation. Dr Rogh says dengue three has not spread in the region for more than 20 years, which makes people more susceptible to it. Rogh says it is not known how many people have died in the region over this 14 month period, but hundreds of people have been sick, which has put a huge strain on public health systems.

contaminated,” he said. “We know that bread fruit trees and papaya, taro have been affected.” Foon says authorities are still trying to assess the full extent of the damage and several islands are yet to send reports. He says there have been reports of damage to coastal infrastructure. “We know there has been damage to residences on the outer islands,” he said. “on South tarawa we know that there is a lot of damage to coastal infrastructure like sea walls and causeways.” Foon says it will be some time before the worst affected areas recover from the inundation. “We know that the areas where ground water has been affected there will be long term consequences of that,” he said. “it will take weeks or months before the water system in that area is fully recovered.”

Flooding left behind after king tides surged through ambo village, South tarawa island, Kiribati. ABC

‘Climate change has arrived’ MAJURO – Debates over a climate science report have been branded “futile” by the foreign minister of the Marshall islands, whose capital is recovering from being flooded by the Pacific ocean. While no deaths or serious injuries have been reported, a state of emergency has been declared and at least 70 homes have been severely damaged. Disease is also a concern as the loodwater poured through a landill and disturbed parts of a cemetery. Phillip Muller said climate change was the “only” explanation for an increase in the frequency and ferocity of ‘king tides’ that hit Majuro this week. The lood waters forced 1000 to leave their homes, damaged 70 houses and briefly placed the international airport out of action. “For those of us in the Paciic, silly discussions about the scientiic truth of climate change are

‘We see with our own eyes that the oceans are rising, and our tide gauges conirm it. We know there is only one explanation for this unprecedented phenomenon – climate change has arrived.’ futile,” Muller said. “We see with our own eyes that the oceans are rising, and our tide gauges conirm it. We know there is only one explanation for this unprecedented phenomenon – climate change has arrived.” Senator tony de Brum, the Minister Assisting the President, said that while king tides

aren’t new in the Marshall Islands, the level of destruction caused this week was not normal. “this is far, far from being a normal situation,” he said. “I put that down to climate change. these things are far more intense than before and leave more destruction behind than they used to.” Parts of the Marshall islands, home to around 70,000 people, are only 30 centimetres above sea level. The latest study by the UN’s climate science body, the iPCC, predicts oceans could rise by 80 centimetres this century, which would be enough to cover twothirds of the islands. Muller said the country is still committed to hosting this year’s gathering of the Cartagena Dialogue, a group of developed and developing countries with a shared national interest in securing ambitious global action on climate change.

“Work this year is critical to ensuring that we get the ambitious agreement we need before it’s too late for the Marshall islands and other vulnerable countries around the globe,” he said. “What better way to energize the world’s climate diplomats than to have them see our struggle for climate survival with their own eyes?” Around 60 ambassadors and international climate experts are expected attend the meeting in Majuro, which takes place between April 1-4. Last year leaders of Paciic Islands adopted the Majuro Declaration, calling for ‘urgent action’ to address climate change. The 12-page document says governments in the region are committed to demonstrating ‘climate leadership’ and calls on countries to list ‘specific’ pledges to reduce pollution. - ABC/PNC

CHURCH MEMbERS ORDERED Off LAND SAMoA – Members of a church group in Samoa have been ordered not to enter the land of a family which had been banished from the village of Tanugamanono, but which was later awarded thousands in compensation. The village matais had been ordered to pay about US$400,000 in damages, including legal costs, to the family of Afu Faumuina Tutuila for the banishment and the destruction of their property, including houses and vehicles. An appeal by the matais against the damages failed. Now Samoa’s Land and Titles court has issued an injunction stopping members of the Congregational Christian Church at Tanugamanono from doing any further work on the family’s land. A family member says they sought the order after church members continued cultivating the land, thinking the family would never return.

RObbERY SUSPECTS ESCAPE fROM COURT PAPUA NEW GUINEA – Two men, who are suspects in an armed robbery, escaped from Papua New Guinea’s Supreme and National Courts in Waigani on Wednesday with the aid of armed accomplices. The two escapees, Simon Ororo Bushman and Sawa Andrew, had been arrested and charged last week for an alleged armed holdup at a private clinic at Korobosea. Witnesses say armed men drove into the restricted area of the court house, threatened the lone policeman and security guards, separated the two remand prisoners from a group of seven and then drove away. The court registrar, Ian Augerea, conirmed the incident and the use of irearms and says an investigation into the breakout has been launched.

News from the Paciic region “We’ve got the Paciic covered’

a young Marshallese man ponders an uncertain future as he checks out coconut trees that have fallen into the ocean as the high tides erode the edge of his island. AFP


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

regionalNeWS nuti no te PA eNUA

‘Breathalyzer’ case decision reserved APiA – In Samoa, Judge Vaepule Vaemoa Vaai has reserved his decision in the case against Deputy Prime Minister Fonotoe Pierre Lauofo and Associate Minister Muagututagata Peter Ah Him until next month. this was after a two day hearing into the charges against the two high proile Samoan politicians who were the centre of a police alcohol breath test incidient in Apia last year.

The deputy prime minister pleaded not guilty to the charge of inciting or encouraging the obstruction of a police officer from executing his duties. Muagututagata pleaded not guilty to two charges – making an illegal U-turn and the other for wilfully obstructing a police oficer from executing his duty. Fonotoe gave evidence after the Court ruled against a joint application that there was no

case to answer. Fonotoe disputed the evidence presented by prosecution. “i did not obstruct and i did not tell Muagututaga to leave,” Fonotoe testiied. He told the court he was driving down beach road when he passed the Development Bank of Samoa building and saw Muagututagata’s car next to a police vehicle. He drove on but could not

Tua stands staunch for Samoan 'brother'

David Tua has turned down a lucrative sparring ofer from the Wladimir Klitschko camp in Austria as his Samoan ‘brother’ alex Leapai (pictured) prepares for his heavyweight title challenge. SAMOA OBSERVER APiA – Samoa’s greatest boxer,

To’aletai David Tua, has shown that blood is more important than money by refusing to help world heavyweight champ, Wladimir Klitschko beat Lauli’i slugger, Alex Leapai. Klitschko offered the heavyhitting Faleatiu native the job as his chief sparring partner at his training camp in Austria ahead of his world title defence in oberhausen, Germany on April 26. But tua refused the lucrative offer point blank, saying there was no way he would help anyone beat a “Samoan brother.” Samoan-born Leapai was delighted with the news, declaring that tua was his idol growing up and an inspiration to young Samoans everywhere. Tua, 41, was one of the most feared ighters in the world in

the late 90s, knocking out four men who at one time held the world heavyweight title, including a 19-second blowout of Puerto rican John ruiz. He lost a points decision against Lennox Lewis in his only crack at the championship in 2000, but Leapai says he won’t make the same mistake of hanging back when he hits Germany. Klitschko has hired three crack sparring partners around the same size as the 183cm, 110kg Leapai. they are Samoan-born Natu Visinia, an unbeaten prospect based in Los Angeles, veteran Florida-based Sherman “Tank” Williams, from the Bahamas, and two-time British amateur champion Simon Barclay. englishman Williams told reporters this week that he will be used mainly for speed work

as Klitschko plans on setting a fast pace against the hulking Brisbane delivery van driver. Leapai will begin sparring in Sydney on Monday, working with former rugby league hitman Solomon Haumono, ex-WBo title challenger Kali Meehan, former Aussie champ Michael Kirby and former Penrith Panthers Junior Bowie Tupou, who is back in Australia after seven years ighting in America. Leapai’s trainer Noel Thornberry said he was delighted with Leapai’s preparation. “We’ve still got seven weeks of sparring ahead of us,” he said, “but already Alex is in great shape. His explosive strength is better than ever and he is on target to shock the world for the upset of the century.” - Samoa Observer

Worst drought on record B r i S B A N e – A u s t r a l i a’s Queensland is suffering its most widespread drought on record, with almost 80 per cent of the state now included in the list of affected areas. Queensland received little rain in February, which is normally the wettest month of the year, local oficials say. this contrasts to three years ago, when much of the state was flooded, forcing thousands to evacuate from their homes. PM tony Abbott last month approved an emergency drought relief package worth A$320 million.

The package will also beneit farmers in New South Wales, who have also been experiencing drought for the past two years. State Agriculture Minister John McVeigh said he was expecting Queensland to receive a large part of the funding. “Queensland is a big state and there is usually drought somewhere, but this is the largest area of Queensland that has ever been drought-declared at one time,” he said. Only a narrow strip of coastline had received any significant rainfall in Queensland, he added.

Mal Forman, mayor of Bundaberg, one of the affected areas, said: “Many of our farmers are hurting and struggling and we do need rain and assistance badly.” The drought is projected to adversely affect profits of livestock producers and contribute to a decline in farm production. Of the government’s package, at least A$280 million is allocated for loans to assist eligible farm businesses to recover from the drought. There is also an extra A$12 million for emergency water infrastructure schemes. - ABC

News from the Paciic region ‘Our ocean, our news’

take his mind off the scene so he turned around and stopped next to Muagutagata’s car. “He is after all my associate Minister,” said Fonotoe. He asked Constable Ioapo Isitolo what they were doing and was told that they were “doing their work”. “i sat there and watched as police continued to test Muagututagata,” said Fonotoe. He said he arrived at the scene as the irst breathalyzer test was completed, then started counting three other tests that followed. Contradictory police evidence said Fonotoe arrived as police were about to do the fourth breath test. Police evidence also said that Fonotoe then started talking about justice before he told Muagututagata to drive off. Senior Constable Maanaima Patu who has served for 16 years as a police oficer gave evidence in relation to the charges. Patu said as Muagututagata was being breath tested he noticed a vehicle with the license plate SSS01 pass by. Not long after, it turned back and stopped next to the vehicle of Muagututagata. “When that happened I knew what would happen,” the senior constable told the court. Patu said he jumped out of the police vehicle and approached the group doing the

breast testing. “Just when i arrived there, Fonotoe asked the officers ‘what they were doing’.” He formally informed Fonotoe that they were checking on the associate minister’s alcohol volume. to which Fonotoe said “if it is justice you are after go and get the assistant commissioner (of police) from Leon’s night club, we were drinking together”. But the senior constable told Fonotoe that this was not possible since “Talaemanu didn’t come in his vehicle, he was at the bar drinking”. the events that followed included evidence from the senior constable stating that Fonotoe told them to stop what they were doing, at the same time calling out to the associate minister three times to drive off. Muagututatagata’s vehicle then drove off, soon followed by the deputy prime minister. “He looked angry and unhappy regarding the duties we were carrying out,” said senior constable Patu. “these were indicated by his facial expressions.” Fonotoe denied this and recounted how he heard a loud slamming of a car door behind him and saw Constable Patu walking towards them. “He came up and started saying justice must be done and he looked angry.

“That’s when I said, if justice must be done, then go and arrest your assistant commissioner talaemanu Keti who was drunk up there,” pointing to Leons night club at the SNPF Plaza. Fonotoe’s defence counsel Donald Kerslake claimed that the senior constable had gone around the vehicle saying loudly – “let justice be done”. But senior constable Patu disputed that claim. A recent investigation involving Patu was brought up in court. He was questioned what this was for. the senior constable told the court the investigation was in relation to his leaking confidential police information to the media, even though the ministry has policies in place that disallows police officers from giving any information to the media. Fonotoe’s defence counsell Donald Kerslake asked him why he did it if there were police policies in place that disallowed such actions. “i thought it should be done so that justice is done,” Patu told the court. He said that obstruction of justice had happened too often. 13 police officers gave evidence at the hearing. Judge Vaepule will consider the evidence and deliver his ruling next month. - Talamua/Samoa Observer

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COST FOR FULL YEAR 14.00 26.00 62.00 38.00 47.00 44.00 82.00 26.00 38.00


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

JP notes big rise in violence cases

VioLeNt crime cases have been appearing more frequently in court recently, with 15 out of 60 cases currently before the courts being violent crime against women. Senior Justice of the Peace John Kenning commented to the High Court on thursday that the amount of aggression cases appearing is concerning. “Most people would say burglary is the most common crime here, but that is on tourists. one third of the cases i have before me are violent crime, and most

of them are against women” said Kenning, “We have got to start looking after ourselves.” He said of 20 violent crime cases in court, 14 were for assault on a female, ive were common assault and one rape. in sentencing those men who appeared in court charged with assault on a female, he said his “line in the sand” is placing them on a 12 month probation term, because, not only does it allow the state to monitor the offender, but also takes away one of the true perpetrators of violent

crime: Alcohol. Kennings’ comments come at the same time as a recent Family Health and Safety Study being released to the public by the Ministry of Health indicating that a quarter of Cook islands women are affected by physical violence, and that alcohol is an undeniable factor in violent crime. recommendations to outcomes in the report included focusing on working with men to change their attitudes and behaviour; strengthening and expanding all support systems for women living with violence; helping our people, especially our youth, to understand the long term commitments interpersonal relationships entail, amongst others. - Merita Wi-Kaitaia

Further arrests made in burglary investigations tHree more men have been arrested this week as a result of police investigations into a spate of burglaries in Rarotonga. Cook islands Police Service said a 41-year-old male was arrested and charged with receiving stolen property, with the possibility of further charges to come. A 17-year-old was arrested for burglary in Puaikura and a 25-year-old arrested for burglary in Nikao. “The arrests made by police this week were the result of information provided by members of the community and by some of the victims of the burglaries that have been occurring on the island in the last few weeks,” police said in a statement. The arrests are part of an

“ongoing target operation on dishonesty offences on rarotonga”, the statement said. All three men were due to appear in court yesterday. Super Brown owner George Taoro Brown – who was arrested a week ago - appeared in the High Court on thursday charged with receiving stolen property. He is alleged to have received $13,779 worth of stolen cigarettes, knowing they had been dishonestly obtained. The 46-year-old entered a plea of not guilty and his case has been adjourned to March 19. the man alleged to have given Brown the cigarettes – named Richard Hoepper – also appeared in court yesterday facing charges of receiving stolen goods and theft by

finding. He appeared without a lawyer and entered no plea. Cook islands Police said its teams will continue working hard to ensure those responsible for “dishonesty offences” and other crimes are brought to justice. “We would like to remind our people including those visiting us to be security conscious at all times. Lock and secure your personal properties and your accommodations when you leave. Do not provide those intent on stealing your property with the opportunity to do so.” those who have information about any criminal offences are being urged to call Crime Stoppers Cook Islands on 22200. - Ben Chapman-Smith

LetterS reta

Come and see for yourself Dear Editor, Reverend Dr Karl-Heinz Kuhlman, PhD wrote a letter to the editor in the Cook islands News on Friday March 7. His topic was “Cults not Christians.” This professor wants to preach his gospel using the crab syndrome technique. Step on others to get to the top. I urge this professor to follow the Saviour’s example. Walk in the front and call your sheep. they will recognize your voice. they will come running. Maybe he has tried that and nobody came running. the Lord did say

“my sheep know my voice…” Don't come here and create trouble by stirring. Here in the Cook islands we respect each other’s differences. We are all related to each other one way or another. We never argue over religion. We dwell on each other’s common grounds and this becomes our strength as a nation. in some countries around the world, churches are fighting each other over the very doctrines and principles that this professor is stating. What we have achieved as a

Cook Islands News Building Maraerenga Avarua Rarotonga PO Box 15 Rarotonga Tel (682) 22999 Fax 25303 Email: or daily Monday to Saturday

Christian nation, is a standard that is truly a wonder to the world. What is this professor teaching our future Orometuas? Do not believe the words of any one. Question the authority, question the credibility of the information, question the author, question the history, investigate, research for the truth yourself and then ask God through His Son Jesus Christ if it is true. i urge you, i invite you, come to church with me on Sunday at 8.45am in town. Come and investigate and see for yourself

who I am praying to. i know that God lives and i know that Jesus is HiS only begotten Son and He is my redeemer and Saviour. i am grateful for His atoning sacriice for my sins and by keeping His commandments I am able to work towards qualifying myself with my family to dwell in His Kingdom again after this life. I have done my research – no professor can convince me otherwise. But don't take my word for it. Come see for yourself. Daniel Mataroa

Publisher John Woods chief Executive Oicer Liz Woods General Manager Tony Fe’ao Editor Mark Ebrey Deputy Editor Matariki Wilson Reporters Emmanuel Samoglou Ben Chapman-Smith Rachel Reeves Court Reporter Merita Wi-Kaitaia Online & Social Networking Editor Briar Douglas Sales and Marketing Manager Susan Tealby Advertising Assistant Ledua Vivian Engu Advertising Oice Manager Tere Joseph Accounts Manager Tangi Tauira Reception Kura Tauira Oice Staf Apii Tua Graphic Design & Layout Mahai Daniel Adam Tutuvanu Web Developer Daniel Rolls Print Manager Dan Johnston Printers Dennis Campos, Lai Gukisuva


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

Survey launch to mark IWD “Changing Lives” – the theme of this year’s women’s day celebrations. While women’s achievements in the community and country will be celebrated – alarming facts highlighting the struggles of women in our community will also be highlighted. Health Minister Nandi Glassie will be launching the executive summary of the recent family health and safety report to the community at 10 o’clock this morning. “Your Government has remained steadfast in its commitment to support your (women’s) growth and contribution in our beautiful island nation. the National Gender equality and Women’s Empowerment Policy endorsed in 2011 is testament to this,” states Glassie. “the health and welfare of our families is central to the growth expectations of our country. the outcomes emanating from this report will challenge our growth path and the core of Cook Islands family.” The reports results show that the phenomenon of violence against our women and children is ingrained in our society. The report’s states that over a quarter of our women aged 15 to 64-years are physically abused. “We know violence against

TODAy is international Women’s Day and in the Cook Islands this will be commemorated with the launch of the executive summary of the irst national family health and safety report at the Punanga Nui Market. the National Council of Women along with health officials will gather at the Avatiu market place to celebrate

Cook Islands women and their achievements in the community will be celebrated today – International Women’s Day. Findings of the irst national family health and safety report will also be highlighted today in an efort to address the issues women face today. 14030711

Need seen to reach men

FINDINGS from a recent family health and safety study will be used to address the issues women in our community face. A summary of the report findings will be highlighted today when families gather at the Punanga Nui Markets this morning to commemorate international Women’s Day. The report, which surveyed 1000 Cook Islands women, aimed to assess the extent to which domestic violence against women is associated with a range of health and other outcomes, identify factors that may either protect or put women at risk of domestic violence and to document and compare the strategies

and services that women used to deal with domestic violence. Types of violence against women that have been measured in the study included physical and sexual violence, psychological and economic abuse by intimate partners as experienced in a woman’s lifetime and in the 12 months preceding the interview as well as physical violence and sexual violence by others other than partners, broken down by perpetrators, as experienced in a woman’s lifetime and in the 12 months. the key outcomes of the study found that: • The phenomenon of violence against women, and against chil-

reaching out to men, focusing efforts on helping people, especially the younger generation, better understand the context of relationships in terms of long term commitments, respect for each other and the responsibilities having a partner entails are just a couple of recommendations that have come out of a family health and safety report that has alarming statistics on the number of women in our community sufering domestic violence. 14030716

and the responsibilities having a partner entails. reaching out to men by working to change attitudes and behaviour is an important part of any solution to the problems of domestic violence against women states the report. other recommendations include strengthening national commitment and action against violence against women, as well as developing the support capacity of medical personnel in the area of violence against the women. One of the inal recommendations of the report is the need to progress the Family Law Bill and the revision and passage of the reformed Crimes Act. - Matariki Wilson

dren, is ingrained in our society. • Violence is, to a large extent, emotional, and is perpetrated by men known to the women – partners (57%). • Physical violence against women affects more than a quarter of our women. • Women still feel alone to deal with it most of the time. • Alcohol does play a part in the aggressive behaviour men show to their women, and jealousy inluences their behaviour, besides their own experience with violence in their family of origin as children. • Attitudes that women believe that in some situations, men are justiied in “disciplining” their wives. • The study identified gaps between safe places that women have conidence in going to. • Friends and family still feature ahead of Police, Church and counselling agencies. • Treasured family values are not protecting women because of social constructs maintained and women’s own fear. • Nationwide, violence against women and children impacts their health and social wellbeing. Finding ways to stop the violence will require support and understanding to help our women (and men) work and move away from the norms identiied by this study. recommendations were also formed to deal with the issues of violence against women including focusing efforts on helping people, especially the younger generation, better understand the context of relationships in terms of long term commitments, respect for each other

women carries health and wellbeing issues, but the results show our women have not let it get them down and, instead, there is a strong undercurrent of personal and private attention to continue to rise above the inflictions,” says the minister. “Violence against women and children is never acceptable, and more work remains to defend our women’s rights to a life without any form of violence or abuse.” Minister Glassie is appealing to the wider community to take the issues of gender based violence seriously. “This report has landed on our decision tables and we must take action and leadership to help remove all forms of violence against our women and their families. Changing lives, together.” Minister Glassie acknowledges the Ministry of Health officials and the Cook islands National Council of Women for undertaking this comprehensive study and boldly announcing these indings today. “i also acknowledge that the wealth of the information in our database now came from brave women who said yes to be interviewed and told their story.” - Matariki Wilson

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- Staf reporters

What do you think we can do to prevent domestic violence?

Teri Ledua

Fred Betham

Roger Nehemia

Jacqui Evans

I think parents should watch what they do in front of their kids.

Change a man’s mind and heart through Bible education. It’s a proven success!

Most of the time it’s the men, but understand that women sometimes initiate anger.

More education to We need more counseleducation. teaching our change attitudes towards ling services for men and young people that it is domestic violence. women. not acceptable.

Ngamata Timote

Rochelle Linscott Teanaroa Worthington educating that violence against women is not okay is key, but we also need to educate people on drinking alcohol responsibly.

John Mateara it starts in the family. Families as a whole need to talk about it more and realise it is a problem and try to resolve it.


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News


Long-tailed Cuckoo a real traveller The Long-tailed Cuckoo (Karavia) winters in tropical Polynesia and migrates to New Zealand in October and November to breed by duping other birds to incubate its eggs and raise its young. This part discusses its behaviour in the Cook Islands and in New Zealand and the long time it took to prove it was migrated long distances over the ocean. Part 2 next week discusses its Polynesian names, the likelihood that its migration helped ancient Polynesians discover Aotearoa, and alternative bird omens of New Zealand. Article by Gerald McCormack, Natural Heritage Trust. Tropical behaviour

tunity arises.

The Long - TaiLed Cuckoo is

New zealand behaviour

dark brown with pale brown spots topside and white with brown streaks below; its conspicuous long tail is dark brown with pale brown bars. in the tropics the cuckoo is solitary, secretive and inconspicuous except for the occasional loud screeching “wrrrrisssSST” call from high in trees. They are sometimes seen in fast direct light between trees or slinking along tree branches in search of insects and lizards. On Ātiu, twice in March and once in november, i have seen gregarious behaviour of small groups with much chasing associated with a rattling “chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi” call. The signiicance of this behaviour is unknown. nesting birds in the Cook islands, such as the Rarotonga Flycatcher (Kākerōri) and the Rimatara Lorikeet (Kura), react very strongly to the presence of a cuckoo and chase it away. in new Zealand the cuckoo is a well-known predator on the eggs and nestlings of other birds and presumably they do the same here when the oppor-

each year the Long-tailed Cuckoo is irst noticed in New Zealand in october and november. although generally inconspicuous, they make their presence known with an occasional “wwrrrrissST” call while perched high in a tree or when lying. Around mid-November the males start to gather in small choral groups, singing “wwwrrrissST” and “chi-chi-chichi-chi” to attract females which are receptive from mid-november to mid-december. after mating the females go their own way, in search of food and a suitable nest into which they can lay an egg. in the north island the cuckoo lays exclusively in the cupnest of the common Whitehead (Pōpokatea/ Pōpokotea), while in the South island they lay mainly in the cup-nest of the common Brown Creeper (Pipipi) and sometimes in the tree-hole nest of the endangered Yellowhead (Mōhua). These closely-related bush birds are tiny compared to the cuckoo a mere 15cm in length and 20g in weight versus 40cm and 130g of the cuckoo.

The Long-tailed Cuckoo skulking in a tree and in light, showing its long tail and distinctive silhouette. 14030601 The cuckoo approaches the nest of prospective adoptive parents with stealth, for if they detect her they are alarmed and chase her away - only to have her sneak back again and again. The host nest usually has two-four eggs; the cuckoo lays directly into the nest and its own egg is usually not noticed because it is similar in colour, even if signiicantly larger (23x17mm compared to 20x15mm). It is not known if the Long-tailed Cuckoo sometimes uses its beak to remove one of the host’s eggs before laying

its own, as is known for some other species of cuckoo. The cuckoo egg hatches in 16 days; the nestling is an aggressive beggar for food and grows rapidly. as soon as possible it pushes the host’s eggs or hatchlings out of the nest. The adoptive parents struggle to keep up with its demand for food. They must be relieved when after three weeks the lone nestling leaves the nest, only to discover that it will sit on a nearby branch demanding to be fed for another month. at this stage it is four times

the size of its foster parents and it is ready to ly away to ind its own food. in total, the small birds worked for nine weeks to get rid of their super-sized foster child; as a result it is too late in the season to have a family of their own.

The mystery bird Māori and early naturalists in new Zealand were very aware that the two cuckoos - the Shining Cuckoo (Pīpīwharauroa) and Longtailed Cuckoo - appeared in spring and disappeared for the winter. The cuckoos were well known

to Māori as the joyful harbinger of spring, but where they went for winter was a mystery. There was a widespread belief that the cuckoos buried themselves for the winter in riverbed mud, in holes in Puriri trees, or in rock crevices. Some believed that when buried they transformed into lizards, and reversed the process in spring. There was no suggestion that the cuckoos arrived and departed over the ocean. By the 1850s, new Zealand ornithologists increasingly believed that the cuckoos were tropical

After breeding in New Zealand during the summer months, the cuckoos migrate to tropical Paciic islands, mainly between Fiji and the Society Islands, with some going extreme distances to Micronesia and the Marquesas. 14030604


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

Gerald McCormack with a specially designed and built bird nest box. 10091701

Breeds in NZ but winters here migrants, undertaking non-stop flights of more than a thousand miles over the ocean - to land in the sea was certain death for a land bird. in contrast, overseas biologists were less convinced. In 1876 the great Alfred Wallace, co-founder of the theory of evolution with darwin, wrote that new Zealand ornithologists had “insuficient evidence” to prove that the cuckoos migrated non-stop over more than a thousand miles of open ocean, which he thought was “extremely improbable”. Undaunted, two years later in 1878 Walter Buller declared in his Royal Society paper that the Longtailed Cuckoo “migrates every winter to the Society islands”. in the 1888 classic “The history of the Birds of new Zealand”, Buller mentioned cuckoos in Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Societies and Marquesas and declared that they migrated to new Zealand. hutton in 1901 and Fulton in 1903 both presented a wide range of scientiic evidence before the Royal Society and established beyond reasonable doubt that the Long-tailed Cuckoo migrates between new Zealand and the islands of the tropical Paciic. Meanwhile, on islands in the tropical Paciic, some of the collectors of cuckoo specimens, including immatures, were claiming the bird bred in the tropics. as late as 1917, the renowned American ornithologist alfred Wetmore accepted these claims that the cuckoo

bred in the tropics. With further support based on a difference of plumage colour he proposed two subspecies: Urodynamis taitensis taitensis breeding in the tropical Paciic islands, and Urodynamis taitensis pheletes breeding in new Zealand.

Migration pattern established In 1937 the American biologist Cardine Bogert published an extensive study of specimens and proved that the Long-tailed Cuckoo that breeds in new Zealand migrates to tropical islands in the Paciic. after breeding in new Zealand the adult cuckoos leave during January and February to migrate to the tropical islands of the Paciic, mainly to the islands of Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Cook islands, the australs and Societies which are 3000 to 4000km from north island. The cuckoo has been recorded in New Zealand lying 80km/hr, if we assume it can sustain a modest 50km/hr during migration, it would take two-and-a-half days to ly the 3000km to Rarotonga. With the initial support of the common westerlies it probably transits in less than two days. Some cuckoos migrate much further afield, to Micronesia in the northwest and the Marquesas and Pitcairn in the east, 5000 to 6000km from new Zealand. Future satellite tracking will show if they island-hop or ly direct.

The young cuckoos leave new Zealand in March and April and migrate by themselves northward to the tropical islands using inherited knowledge. Recent evidence shows that young cuckoos do not just ly north and stop at the irst island. Their knowledge enables them to migrate to the full adult wintering range from Micronesia to French Polynesia – an amazing feat. The juvenile birds have conspicuous cream spots above and a pale brown underside; by September most have changed into adult plumage. it is not known how many irst year birds accompany the breeding adults south in october and november, but it is thought that the adults in the tropics during the summer are firstyear birds, and they will migrate to breed in their second year. The migration story took a surprising twist in 2012 when ornithologists gill and hauber published a new study of specimens and observations. They concluded that many cuckoos in tropical eastern Polynesia, such as the Cook islands, do not migrate directly southwest to new Zealand. Beginning in June they use the persistent Southeast Trades to move westward to Samoa, Tonga and Fiji; it is from there that they migrate to new Zealand in october and november, thereby avoiding the unfavourable westerlies below 30°S.


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

kidsPAGe apii te uki ou senior students Marcel Flay, Finn Pearson, Ziannah drollett and terall timoti with their digital devices they use to enhance their learning during class. 14030739

VIRTUES the gifts within

Reliability Tu Irinakiia “Like a beautiful lower, full of colour but without scent are the fair but fruitless words of him who does not act accordingly. Like a beautiful lower, full of colour and full of scent, are the pure and fruitful words of one who acts accordingly.” Dhammapada 52 Reliability means that others can depend on you. It is doing something that you have agreed to do in a predictable way, without forgetting or having to be reminded. You really care about doing what you said you would do. When you are practicing reliability, others can count on you to do your very best to keep your commitments. I am practicing reliability when I… • Agree to do things that help others • Make promises I can keep • Tre a t m y a g re e m e n t s seriously • Plan ahead • Do my best • Finish on time • Find another way if obstacles occur. I am reliable. I keep my promises. Others can count on me. Nothing can stop me from giving my best.

E-learning takes students online e-LeArNiNG is being trialled at Apii Te Uki Ou with emphasis on being good digital citizens. room one senior students at the turangi school are able to use their laptops, tablets, iphone and other digital devices for learning in the classroom. Brining a device to school is not compulsory, with consent forms sent home with students to seek permission for them to use their devices in the classroom. Those students that don’t have a device will have one provided for the school as it rolls out its

e-learning programme. Before going online, students have discussed and come up with e-values that emphasise being good digital citizens. School principal Simon Drewery explains that the students have come up with ive core e-values that will guide them through their e-learning programme. “There is an emphasis on a safe way to access the internet,” says Drewery. He explains the devices will only be used during classes and all devices will be locked away during breaks for security when

students go home. “It’s not a free for all.” He sees the internet and using devices in the classroom for learning as a powerful tool and one that will be monitored by the teachers. He says the vision is to have each senior class develop a website for information sharing as well as making the most of educational Google apps. Learning what information is and about reliable sources is also part of the e-learning programme. Drewery says that ultimately

the use of devices in the classroom is about supporting the learning of the students. He adds that their programme also ties in with the Ministry of Education’s visions of providing the best quality services and resources for students. The department has offered free legitimate software, Ofice 365 Proplus, for students in a growing partnership between the Ministry and Microsoft Corporation. in learning to use their devices and make the most of information – students have also learned

about copyright rules, understanding the process of taking online information as well as the process in reporting something they’ve seen online that has upset them. Drewery says that the e-values the students have drawn up are also values for society. The programme is on trial for the term at the school and the school hopes to build its capacity to deliver e-learning. It’s not only a learning curve for students but also for teachers delivering lessons using digital devices. - MW


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

classiieds pupu kite ngai okotai EMAIL


Fax 25303



The Reef Sub Tours are back On from Avatiu harbour. 9am, 11am, 2pm and 4pm. Everyday if Sea is calm. $65 Adults, $35 Children. Local discounts $15 of Group discounts. Ph 55901 or 28238. Turtles...Shipwrecks...Giant Trevallies...


PUBLIC NOTICES Get together Day for the Takuvaine CICC YOUTh... If you want to be part of a dynamic team Come along... Come Home “Jesus is the true Light of our Path to Everlasting” When: Tuesday 11 March 2014 Time: 5pm - 7pm (Fun Hour) Matua & Ioane’s Residence Meeting at 7pm Takuvaine Meeting House Agenda: Election of new oice bearers Year Plan 2014 Kia Orana E Kia Manuia Secretary. 77445 / /2531

77426 / /2472

Notice of AGM To be held at 6pm on Tuesday 25 March 2014, at CISNOC ofice. Agenda as follows: 1. Annual Report; 2. Sub-Committee Reports; 3. Financial Report; 4. Inventory of CICA’s property and assets; 5. Election of Oice Holders; 6. Motions and Remits; 7. General Business; All nominations for Oice Holders, Motions & Remits and General Business to be sent to, by 4pm, Mon 18 March. 77325 / /2404

Tuoro Licensed Restaurant & Cafe closed from the 8 March, re-openeing 18 March. 77334 / /2149

Apii Te Uki Ou School Incorporated Annual General Meeting to be held at school Tuesday 11 March 2014 at 6.30pm A)Opening Prayer. B)Apologies c)Adoption of the minutes of the last AGM. D)President’s report. E)Treasurer’s report. F)Principal’s report. G)Head Pre-School teacher’s report. H)Election of members of the Board and subcommittees. I)Consideration of any constitutional amendments. J)General business. K)Closing Prayer. All are welcome to attend. 77143 / /1952

Landowners meeting Tuesday 11 March 2014 at Utia Matata’s residence Arorangi Akaoa at 6pm Request for Occupation Right for Shannon Ataera on land Rupe 92H Arorangi. Enquiries phone Pepe 56359 or 20040. 77468 /36761 /1931

NOTICE TO ALL NONO GROWERS PAST AND PRESENT: Cook Islands Noni Marketing is presently buying noni fruit, 50 cents/kilo. Please contact Junior, 23088 if you need drums to be delivered. 77456 / /2019

Would the person who removed the pot plant from “Fishers (next to the Police station) please return it. We will swap you a couple of palm trees for it. 77454 / /1889


Cook Islands PH 24065/55976

DEADLINES Deadline for next day’s classiieds is

TE MATO VAI PROJECT - SOCIAL & ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENTS The BTIB are undertaking two assessments in respect of the Te Mato Vai project. The assessments are in two parts, one being a social impact assessment & one an economic impact assessment. The purpose of the assessments is to determine the impact the project will have on the wider community. The assessment will be carried out by way of written & verbal submissions given to the BTIB oice. To all members of the community, businesses & NGOs. Tell us what you think. What are your concerns? How will the project afect you both in a positive or negative way? For further details please contact the BTIB oice. Submissions may be sent to or delivered to the oice. Deadline for submissions Friday 14 March, 2014. 77349 / /2306

TUATUA AKAKITE Ngati URI Te pati iatu nei te Kopu tangata URI kia tae mai ki te rua o ta tatou uipa’anga a te Monite ra 10 o Mati 2014, ki ko ite are uipaanga o Akaoa, Arorangi ite ora 7pm. Tumu manako maata no te tao’anga URI MATAIAPO. Teia Patianga na Danny Mataroa. 77415 /36664 /1931

Uipaanga Na Te Au Taunga Maani Vairakau Maori. E kapikianga, e patianga teia i te au Taunga maani vairakau Maori katoatoa, e te aronga maoro tei taangaanga i ta tatou akonoanga Maori kia tae mai ki tetai uipaanga puapinga ki te ngutuare o Mama Mou i Matavera a te Monite ra 10 no Mati i te ora rima (5pm) i te aiai. Me e rapakau maki ana koe na roto i te amani vairakau Maori e te maoro, noou teia kapikianga. Te tumu manako - kimi ravenga no te paruruanga i te au rakau ta tatou e taangaanga ana i roto i ta tatou vairakau, e tetai au manako keke. Me e uianga taau taniuniu mai i aku i runga i te numero tereponi 75 176 Tekeretere Te Vaka Taunga - Te Rito O Te Vairakau Maori. 77481 /36501 /1931

Answers to crossword on page 13

1pm sharp. Material deadline for display adverts 24 hours prior.


Sunday 9 March ‘We cannot walk with the Lord and hold hands with the devil’ 8.30am - Intern Tangaroa Uea interviews Pastor Pange Tautu on Radio Matariki 10.00am - Sunday School ‘Son of David’ - Mathew 1:21,22 for all ages. 11.00am - Worship -Guest Preacher: Pastor Pange Tautu from Sydney - fellowship luncheon - Alive for Jesus radio ministry with Minister verokura Andrew 2.30pm - fellowship with Jesus’ friends 4.00pm - Nothing but the Truth TV Ministry - ‘The Awakening’ 7.30pm - Bishop’s Teaching, Hospitality and Youth Ministry Aere mai te katoatoa rava! Everyone most welcome! Contacts: Bishop Pere 23778/55177 Dial-A-Prayer 26777 Email: 77464 / /1632

ShIPPING NOTICES Cook Islands Towage Ltd (Barge) Shipping Notice The barge will be loading next week Thursday 13 March and Friday 14 March for Atiu Mauke and Mitiaro. Receiving cargos from Monday 10 March and onwards. For further information please contact oice on 27674. Meitaki Maata. 77430 / /1853

SERVICES Pool Doctor * Water testing * chlorine * P.H down * Bufer discounted rates FREE DELIVERY Phone Tony 56599. 77328 / /1708

Self Storage Raro U Store it!! -Secure & Private -Short or Long term -For oice, Shop or Home Storage. Phone 22188 or 26189. Email beach@moanasands. 73696 / /1744



RATES Minimum $5.80 incl. VAT for 1-15 words.

Casual ads must be prepaid. Cancellation fee $6.40 incl. VAT. Quotations on request.


Penno Builders NZ qualiied Free quotes New homes Renovations/repair container homes Gib stopping Painting All work considered. Phone Zane Penno 58493 or 77230 /36564 /1931

FOR RENT 3 bedroom furnished, Ariki Road Atupa, $245 per week plus bond, long term, careful tenants required. Phone after midday 22411. 77387 /36650 /1931

Oice or Shop space for rent peaceful and tidy surroundings - $150 per week - 3 available. Located Manu Manor near town - please phone Tina Iro on 79368 to view. 77060 /36638 /2046

1 and 2 bedroom unit Arorangi, close to main road. Phone 73530 or 21444. 77438 / /2419

3 bedroom house for rent, Ngatangiia, Avana. Phone 23333/55071.

TAKEN 77406 /36680 /1931

2 bedrooms fully furnished lat, Ruatonga. Phone 23756. 77379 /36643 /1931

FOR SALE Quality New & Used Furniture just arrived at The Furniture Centre. Ph21285. 77462 / /1986

24 foot modern style traditional ishing canoe for sale. Only two years old. Mint condition, 30hp yamaha outboard has done low hours. A very economical, reliable and seaworthy boat. Has center console steering and comes with VHS radio, two speaker sony stereo, lockable storage, navigation lights, compass, 8 rod holders, and new anchor chain/rope. Phone Contact 54355 or 73407.


Request for Proposal – Individual Contract for Local Consultants – Cook Islands The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites consultants to submit proposals for the following consultancy services • Biodiversity Mainstreaming and Protected Areas (PA) Field Level Local Consultant R2R Cook Island • Social Economic and Institutional Expert Local Consultant R2R Cook Island All interested consultants are invited to visit the following web link to access instructions and relevant documents: All proposals are to be submitted in the following manner; • Letter of interest and availability • Cover Letter • CVs including past working experience • Financial Proposal • All relevant documents must be submitted via email to before 5pm, Saturday 15 March 2014. Late proposals will not be considered. Any request for clariication must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to this email: or org 77070

77390 /36682 /1931

Banana cooked and frozen, ideal for poke. $10 per kilo. Phone 51143. 77410 / /2643

Coconuts, $40 per 100. Phone 51143. 77411 / /2643

18 foot aluminium ishing boat on trailer with 50HP Yamaha four stroke, extras, $22,000 ono. Phone 54322. 77447 /36722 /1931


Motor Vehicle Registration Registration for the 2014-2015 year Please be advised that BCI will be open on the following dates between the hours of 9am and 12pm for registrations to be accepted

Saturday 15 February 2014 Saturday 8 March 2014 Saturday 22 March 2014 Payment can also be made via online Bill Pay and by Direct Debit. If you wish to pay online, please enter your plate and phone number in the reference ield If you wish to pay by direct debit, please call into the front oice of BCI to collect a form for lodgement with your bank. ‘Please contact Simona or Tangi on 29341 for more queries or email 77028


EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR ThE PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES FOR ThE PURPOSE OF ThE EVALUATION OF ThE hEALTh SPECIALIST VISIT (hSV) PROGRAMME The Ministry of Health (MoH) invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from qualiied and experienced parties for the purpose of the evaluation of the Health Specialist Visits (HSV) Programme. HSV is a tripartite arrangement between the MoH, the Cook Islands Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) and the Aid Programme of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Afairs and Trade (MFAT). The EOI documents will be available from the oice at the Ministry of Health, Avarua Rarotonga or downloaded from the Ministry of Health website Complete EOI proposals must be delivered to the address below before 12pm, Cook Islands time on 13 March 2014 in a sealed envelope and clearly marked “hSV EVALUATION” to the following address: Ministry of Health PO Box 109 Rarotonga Cook Islands All enquiries to: Temarama Anguna Email: Phone: +682 29664. 77239


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News






Self propelled industrial lawn mower. Reliable Honda motor $650. Phone 22221 or 53144.

‘’Live Pigs For Sale’’ Prices $120 and $150. Weighs up to 20 kilos. Contact 75807.

QUALITY hOUSEWEAR baby cot $390, queen bedroom $1800, tete a tete crockery from $50, 3 door cabinets $1500. More deco/quality womens wear from $100. REGULAR FURNITURE, VAIROUS GARAGE SALE ITEMS, beds, small furniture, ET accessories, garage wear, womens clothes and accessories from $5. Watch for pink bouy, Matavera next CICC Church from Saturday 8 March or phone 78116.

Isuzu diesel tip truck for sale, $18,000 ono. Phone 24858 or 74345.

Saturday 8 March P&D Electronics, Atupa Everything from $1 upwards Clothes, tiles, books, bits & pieces. Phone 27300/55300.

Simpson 9.5kg top load washing machine, Excellent condition. Phone 55508. 77459 /36742 /1639

2 year old house for sale, $20,000 ono. Phone 24858 or 74345.

77488 /36784 /1931

March Madness! Maori Dictionary 1/2 price sale at Library & Museum opp. USP at Taputapuatea. Ph: 26468. 77491 / /1966

77470 /36763 /1931

Goats 4 sale prices from $200 down to $80. Phone 20037. 77479 /36601 /1931

Has your drinking got out of control? Call 71744

77489 /36797 /1931

77469 /36763 /1931

Mitzi Mirage 2 door, 2 new tyres, recent check, $3500. Semi scooter, Daelim, $650 ono. Phone 76779, Arorangi. 77451 /36736 /1931

DAIhATSU COPEN 600cc Turbo Convertible, manual, 2x seater Sale price $4,500 TOYOTA ESTIMA 2400cc Automatic, 8 seater Sale price $12,000

The WeekEnd Crossword ThE OCEAN

MAzDA DEMIO 1.5ltr Hatchback Auto/air con/electric windows. Colour: white Sale price $10,000

1. raro business offering 6 down (11) 5. World Boxing Federation (3) 8. Goatfish (6) 10. Preserve (8) 11. ocean (3) 13. Scribe (9) 14. Fishing hook with several points (4) 16. the dive Centre symbol (3,3,4) 19. Screws with loop on one end (8) 21. Panache (5) 23. Large boat (4) 25. Capital city of Bahamas (6) 26. raro business offering 6 down (7) 27. runs naked (7)

anSwErS On pagE 10

SITUATIONS VACANT Male Baker, preferably with at least 5 yrs work the same ield that specialises in baking, pastry, and cake, hardworking, honest, team player and goal oriented person. Please email your CV to and the application closes 17 March 2014. 77241 / /1933

paciic resort hotel group A Great Place to Work... We are currently seeking the following: -Guest Service Agent -Porter / Security -Restaurant & Bar Staf -Chefs and Cooks -Team Leaders & Supervisors To apply email:rarotonga@paciicresort. com or contact Nan on 51724. 77225 / /1866

Ruatonga behind Raro Safari. Look for balloons. Phone 58733.

ShOP MANAGER 3-5 yrs work retail business to oversee the full operation of the shop but not limited to shopkeeping, cashiering, banking & stock inventory. Important qualities: reliable, trustworthy, polite,honest, customerfriendly, non-smoker and nondrinker. Please email your CV to and application closes 17 March 2014.

77483 /36778 /1931

77217 / /1933

Nissan March Cabriolet 1.3ltr. Sale Price $3,500.00 contact Arthur 55422, email :


Garage sale Jenny’s Massage Backroad Tupapa Hand tools, all reasonable offers considered. Phone 70047.

DOWN 2. adverb pertaining to water (11) 3. Very foolish person (7) 4. Baby eel (5) 6. deep sea angling tours (7,8) 7. descending below the ocean surface (6) 9. Indian yoghurt drink (5) 12. Crustaceans (5)

MITSUBIShI COLT 1.4ltr Hatchback. Auto/air con/electric windows. Colour: red Sale price $10,000

77466 / /1931


77480 /36601 /1931

15. Friend (Fr) (3) 17. Iron hooks for landing large fish (5) 18. Fried sliced potato (4) 19. Comforts (5) 20. Marine mammal (5)

22. raro business offering 6 down (5) 24. Golf and fishing club veteran, Phil urlich (3)

Ph 22336

animal Clinic

77457 /36743 /2429



* Maori-English: English-Maori



Ports Authority General Manager The Ports Authority is a Crown owned Statutory Corporation established by an Act of the Cook Islands Parliament in 1995. The Act is called the Ports Authority Act 1994-1995. Applications are invited from suitably qualiied individual for the position of General Manager of the Ports Authority with proven experience in meeting targets to efectively manage and oversee the Ports overall business operations. The applicant should possess the following qualiication and experience: • A degree in Business Management and strong understanding of inancial discipline • A minimum of at least 5 years senior management experience • Sound understanding of Sea Port operation management • Proven ability in management and leadership skills • Strong written and oral communication skills both in English and Maori • High level of interpersonal and representational skills • Computer literate – Words, Excel and PowerPoint • Ability and experience to maintain good working relationship with all key stakeholders and customers • Ability to work under extreme pressure Written applications supported by CV, two referees and copies of qualiications addressed to: Chairman Board of Directors Ports Authority P O Box 84 Rarotonga Job description can be obtained from the Ports Authority oice. Closing date of application is Friday 28 March 2014 @ 4.00 pm All applications will be treated in the strict of conidence. Enquiries and further information: Contact Chairman of the Board, Phone: 22114; Mobile: 56890; e-mail: 77443

SALES & RESERVATIONS COORDINATOR An exciting full-time opportunity for a Sales and Reservations Co-ordinator is now available to represent Rarotonga’s premium entertainment facility Te Vara Nui Village, including our Spectacular Over Water Night Shows, along with our Jungle Quad Adventure, Coconut Tours. Based at our busy Muri Beach Sales Oice and reporting directly to the Managers and Village Directors. The ideal candidate will possess: - Excellent communication skills both verbal and written - Great customer service, professional and friendly personality, enjoys dealing with guests - Ability to conidently prioritise tasks and complete them within designated time frames - Accurate record keeping and a methodical work ethic - Previous experience in the tourism industry preferred Please send your expression of interest along with your CV to or PO Box 86, Avarua. Phone Alan 24006 or call into our main ofice at Muri Beach to ill in an Application. 77301 / /2512

ChIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER NCI is responsible for provision of netball services in the Cook Islands. We require a well organised, self-motivated and efective communicator for the above position (the position is for a short term contract of 3months with the main objective being to manage the PNS Event in June). Responsibilities include - Maintaining and enhancing further development strategies and policies for all levels of Netball, - Working with our Netball centres and stakeholders to promote our sport and the ‘National Netball’ brand - Creating opportunities for inancial growth through sponsorship, funding agencies and fundraising. - Event Management of the Paciic Netball Series (PNS) from 2-7 June. This position requires one who is willing to operate on the frontline when required. Experience in the sports industry is an added advantage. Experience managing inances and people is expected. Salary Range: to be negotiated Please email admin@netball. CEO application form or any further enquiries. The completed form should be returned with any supporting documentation. Applications close 25 March 2014. 77422 / /2113

ITC Intern Intake Do you like working with computers? - Gain hands on IT experience - Earn Industry Qualiications - Develop a career pathway - Earn some $$$ Now accepting applications from school leavers. For more information contact Robert Matheson on 29357 or email: vacancy@ Applications close 21st March 2014. 77490 / /1795


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News




HAPPY bIRTHDAY Wishingyouallthebestof lucklittleprincessonyour1st birthdayonSunday9March 2014.Mayyouhaveand enjoyabledaysweetheart. Weloveyoualwaysfromyour NenaandPapakauArakua, Uncles,Aunties,Cousins,a specialonefromyourbigsister EmmaRuaheiariiTotoia,Mum and Dad. SITUATIONS VACANT


LABOURER/PLANTING/ CLEANER Job involves digging, planting, cleaning. Must be reliable, lexible and hardworking. Call me, phone 55041.

Live in Nanny Required to look after 3 adorable babies, please email with your CV and references.

77432 / /1931

Mechanic A position of automotive mechanic has become available in our busy workshop. The successful applicant will be punctual, reliable, experienced, and have a broad understanding of mechanical repair. If you want to join our team contact Ken Page, Rarocars phone 22060. 77371 /36699 /1902

Sales Person An opportunity for a self motivated sales person to capitalize on face to face sales. This role is an uncapped commision only. If you have the skills, apply in writing with CV to The General Manager, PO Box 797, Rarotonga, before 13 March 2014.

ACCOUNTS PERSON Castaway Resort is looking for a part-time Accounts person. Quickbooks experience is essential. We are prepared to pay a top hourly rate for a suitably qualiied person. Flexible hours of work MondayFriday (approx 20 hours per week). Please email your application and CV to pash@oyster. Please call Michelle on phone 21546 or 57104. 77258 / /1873

WANTED Part time house cleaner for light house work, lexible hours. Phone 54322.

77461 / /2199

Wanted to rent long term fully furnished or partly furnished 3 bedroom house in Titikaveka, Tikioki or Vaimanga. Phone 22936.

77446 /36722 /1931


77316 /36598 /1931

Groundsman part time. Phone 51143. 77409 / /2643

Chef wanted evening and plus cleaner phone 2111,25433,73764. 77473 / /2230

cafe staf wanted. Ph 28465. 77322 /36616 /1982

Nanny required Non smoker/non drinker, honest, reliable. Cleaning and cooking required. Mail CV to 77221 /36572 /1931


• Phone 22999 •

Assistant Sales person needed at The Dive Shop Female a least 25yrs old, honest and reliable, customer friendly, must know how to sell surf clothing, indent ordering, Please send CV to PO Box 418. Applications closes 17 March 2014.

Need a little

77216 / /1933

77129 / /1939




Assistant Sales person needed at The Dive Shop.

Female Waitress required for a restaurant. Training provided for the right candidate. Experience preferred. Phone 22279 or 75422.

Experienced Pastry Chef Experienced Bar Tender Seamstress/housemaid We require the above experienced staf to join our team. Please send up to date CV to P O Box 1050.


Youre the best big sis!

77389 /36652 /1931

77419 /36685 /1931

All AROUND BEAUTICIAN - at least 5 yrs work a salon, reliable, hardworking, honest, customer-friendly and able to work with minimum supervision. Please email your CV at Application closes 17 March 2014.


77377 / /1999

oveRseas adveRtising We can place your message in newspapers around the world. We will get quotes for classiied advertisements and pre-billing. Contact our advertising department phone 22999 email:

PUBLIC NOTICE Recent Judgment of the high Court relating to the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund I would like to take the opportunity to clarify to all employers and employees issues around the current status of the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund (CINSF) following the Judgment of the Chief Justice Tom Weston issued on 31 January 2014 concerning the constitutionality of the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund Act 2000. The Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund Act 2000 is the Act governing the CINSF placing obligations on employers and employees to make contributions to the CINSF to provide for the employee in retirement. The Chief Justice’s judgment found there was a prima facie deprivation of property in terms of Article 64(1)(c) of the Constitution (that is the compulsory nature of the superannuation scheme amounted to a deprivation of property primarily because of a lack of a Government guarantee and entrenchment but other reasons included contributions were locked in without scope to borrow and loss to migrant workers of their employer contributions) that would support a declaration that the entire Act was invalid. The Chief Justice did not make a formal declaration or determine remedies but gave the parties ifteen days to confer as to their preferred way forward. The Crown has now appealed to the Court of Appeal against the decision and the Defendants have in turn cross-appealed. On 18 February 2014 the Chief Justice issued a certiicate that his decision involves substantial questions of law as to the interpretation or efect of provisions of the Constitution. On 19 February 2014 the High Court issued an Interlocutory Order staying the consequential steps of dealing with remedies. Although the matter is on appeal, because of the indings of the Chief Justice, the CINSF will not accept employer or employee contributions under compulsion. At this stage the CINSF will accept contributions on a voluntary basis until such time as the appeal process is inally concluded and the issues resolved. At this stage we cannot be certain of when the inal appeal will be heard and a subsequent decision made, needless to say that the Crown is aiming for a hearing as early as possible, and as this is a constitutional matter it is hoping that it will be given priority. Employers should be aware that if the Chief Justice’s decision is reversed (so that the Act is not in conlict with the Constitution) it will mean that any contributions that should have been made will be required to be made. The CINSF will set out to ensure compliance and employers will be required to make retrospective payments to meet those obligations. Accordingly, if, an employer decides to not contribute towards the CINSF in the interim and the appeal is successful those contributions will be recovered by CINSF as required by the law. Obviously, this is an employer’s decision but in making the decision as to whether or not to contribute to the CINSF on your employees behalf an employer will need to make an assessment around the risks of non-compliance. If the decision is overturned there will be costs to both employers and employees to meet their obligations retrospectively. Not providing contributions on behalf of employees means they may miss out on the opportunity of earnings within the fund. For demonstrative purposes we have provided a comparison of the CINSF against the peer group averages outlined in the Morningstar KiwiSaver Survey of 31 December 2012. 1 Year

3 Year

5 Year




























Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund Morning Star Kiwisaver Survey Peer Averages

Additionally, employers and employees may not be aware that after 90 days of non-contribution of both employer and employee contributions an employee is deemed to be dormant and will not be eligible for the following beneits: • insurance on death; and • funeral payment beneits; Employers are encouraged to provide their eligible employees with the opportunity to continue to contribute to the CINSF. Generally, on some other points, work has commenced on: • portability of these funds into other jurisdictions (both employee and employer components), discussions have commenced with New Zealand and Fiji; and • to provide greater choice on investment options, i.e. low, medium and high. The CINSF will write to all employers and all their employees who are active members to make them aware of their options and outlining the risks around non contribution. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund on 25515. Angela Charlie Acting Chief Executive Oicer Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund. 77458


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

Trio ignore regional soccer ban tHree rarotongan citizens are turning their backs on a recent decision that saw them fined and banned by the regional body which oversees soccer in the South Paciic. tony Jamieson, Cameron robertson, and Brian Baudinet were each slapped with fiveyear bans in late January by the oceania Football Confedera-

tion (OFC), and ordered to pay $3,300 each. All have responded by saying the oFC has no jurisdiction over them. According to the decisions, the three were found by the OFC’s ethics committee to have violated a number of oFC statutes and articles in the body’s Code of ethics.

the oFC ethics committee is comprised of Chairman Sam Petaia, rodney Kingmele, and Semisi Tapueluelu, with the investigation into the matter conducted by Dr Sahu Khan. Specifically, both Jamieson and robertson were found to have breached ethics concerning loyalty and conidentiality. The two are identiied in the de-


cisions as being involved with Football Cook Islands (FCI) – a group that describes itself as working “... for the betterment of football in the Cook Islands”. through statements made in the media and outlined in the oFC decision, FCi has voiced a number of grievances against the Cook islands Football Association (CIFA) and how it


Caleb Iete Samatua


e, the family would like to return our heartfelt gratitude for the support shown throughout this time for the loss of our Iete. To our family and friends who expressed their love, kindness and generosity, we appreciate you.

In Loving Memory of our Beloved Mother, Grandmother, Sister and Friend

Robert and Sheryl, krystal and Raven and the Samatua Family, would like to thank you all from the bottom of their hearts.

‘Rest in Peace We love you’ Psalm 121: 1&2

Tuakana Teamoke Numa Who left us on 3 March 2013 It has been over a year that you left us and we all miss you very much, but have not forgoten your loving smile and loving words of wisdom

manages the sport in the Cook islands. OFC used correspondence made by Jamieson and robertson to CiFA - as well as letters to the media that oFC claims were written by Jamieson – as proof of the ethical breaches, and how their conduct “... goes against the spirit of the game of football in the Cook islands, OFC, and FIFA.” In a letter to OFC’s General Secretary tai Nicholas, Jamieson – who has sought the services of local lawyer tim Arnold in dealing with the matter – writes: “I protest your jurisdiction in this matter, as in the irst instance. “... I have never signed up to any rules or to any Club rules. in fact, we do not have legally constituted Clubs and CiFA itself is very dysfunctional.” Jamieson further writes that he has been advised through Arnold to seek a declaration from the Cook islands High Court that CiFA has acted unlawfully. “i deny any authority for you to impose costs against me,” he writes. “... my lawyer advises me that i have been dealt with in a way that offends applicable legal principles”. Robertson, in response to

his sanctioning by oFC said, “i would like to state that oFC have no jurisdiction or authority on domestic football in the Cook islands. “in other words we cannot be banned by OFC...” echoing the others, Baudinet simply said: “They have no jurisdiction over me”. FCI is described in Jamieson’s oFC decision as being formed by individuals “who were not happy about the way CIFA was functioning and developing football in the Cook Islands”. A press release issued earlier this year by FCi describes some of the friction that exists between the two groups and alludes to the oFC investigation. “FCi want to try and work with the Cook islands Football Association (CIFA) to address the many issues that affect the game here, but CiFA have instead chosen to attempt to have three of its members suspended,” reads the release. Despite being contacted several times by Ci News, CiFA president Lee Harmon did not provide any comment for this story when requested. - Emmanuel Samoglou

oveRseas adveRtising We can place your message in newspapers around the world. We will get quotes for classiied advertisements and pre-billing. Contact our advertising department phone 22999 email:







$20.70kg PINEAPPLE CUT SqUID 500g

$7.90kg SPEC IAL

$8.50pkt gRAPES




$19.30pkt SPEC IAL





CHOPS 10kg

$30.00ctn SPEC IAL




Mondays to Thursdays 8am - 5.30pm Fridays 8am-6pm Saturdays 8am-3pm Check us out on ST JOSEPH RD, AvARUA. Ph 22259.


$106.00ctn NEW INSTO RE!





Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

Flight Times | Voyage details FLIGhT






6.40AM 11.59PM 3.50PM




1.05AM 3.10PM 8.15AM

RARO TO ARR SATurdAy mArch 8 0800 AITUTAKI 0850 1030 AITUTAKI 1120 1530 AITUTAKI 1620 1800 AITUTAKI 1850 1100 ATIU 1145 SuNdAy mArch 9

International Flights

NZ60/47 NZ18 VT33


5.30AM 10.30PM 2.50PM

air Rarotonga

SATurdAy mArch 8

SuNdAy mArch 9 NZ46/45



MONdAy mArch 10 VA163/162 AKL NZ746/745 AKL NZ19 LAx

11.55PM 2.10PM 7.00AM

1230 1730


1320 1820




0910 1140 1640 1910 1205


1000 1230 1730 2000 1250

1340 1840


1420 1930





Shipping TIARE MOANA 22 - ETD AUCK 22/03, ETA RARO 30/03, ETA AITUTAKI 1/4

GOT A STORY? text us on

or call us at Cook islands News


Su-Do-Ku hARD




Answer to Friday’s puzzle

Answer to Friday’s puzzle

Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the blank squares so that no digit is repeated in each row, each column or each 3 x 3 square.

Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the blank squares so that no digit is repeated in each row, each column or each 3 x 3 square.

HÄgAR the Horrible

by Dik browne



by Lee Falk & Sy barry




A Cook IslAnDs neWs PuBlIC servICe messAge

Rotaianga Men’s Support Centre 74687 • Alcoholics Anonymus 71744

Weather Forecast to Midnight Issued at 2pm at Rarotonga Situation: An easterly wind low prevails over Southern Cooks. A trough of low pressure with associated cloud and rain remains slow moving over Northern Cooks. Forecast to midnight for the Southern Cooks: Fine apart from brief showers. Moderate easterly winds. Moderate seas. Moderate northwesterly swells. Further outlook: Fine apart from brief showers. For Rarotonga: Fine apart from brief showers. Further outlook: Fine apart from brief showers. For the Northern Cooks: Occasional rain, heavy at times and few thunderstorms. Moderate to fresh northwest winds. Moderate to rough seas. Moderate northwesterly swells. Further outlook: Occasional showers and few thunderstorms.

Humidity SaT












Forecast thanks to Cook Islands Meteorological Service.

Rarotonga Saturday, March 8, 2014

Forecast Map 2pm Saturday

Tides SaT High 2.32AM 0.86M 2.55PM 0.91M



1.5m SW

8.41AM 0.38M 9.17PM 0.38M

1.3m nW n

Sun High 3.18AM 0.81M 3.44PM 0.86M


Low 9.28AM 0.43M 10.10PM 0.43M


Sun, Moon & arapo

EsE 09Kts new Moon Mar 30 8.45Am

First Quarter Mar 8 3.27Am

Full Moon Mar 16 7.09Am

Sunshine hours

third Quarter Mar 23 3.46Am


ArApo - AkAoti AmiAmA sat 8 tanu (Planting) tanu i te painapa, maniota e tae ua atu ki te 13 o te po. time to plant pineapple and maniota right through to the 13th night.


Sun rise

Marie te marama. Kua teitei Po ika. Moon is slow, up high. Fish nights.

Front Key:




1.2m SW


Swell direction and size


Outer Islands Weather Outlook Saturday, March 8, 2014


Sun Set 7.00PM


Moon rise


Moon Set 12.05AM


Sun rise


Sun Set 6.59PM


1.5m SW

tautaI (Fishing)

Moon rise 1.35PM Moon Set 12.54AM


29° sE 11Kts


28° sE 09Kts


29° sE 11Kts


29° sE11Kts


31° N 11Kts


29° sE 11Kts


Saturday, March 8, 2014 cook Islands News

Swimming school in session tarekareka


Two main league matches on today BotH PreMier men’s rugby

league games being played today are sure to be main match contenders as they all have something to prove. At Nukupure Park, the Ngatangiia Sea Eagles will play host to their neighbours the titikaveka Bulldogs. the Sea eagles registered a 26-all draw against the Warriors in a game they probably expected to win. the draw came on the back of a huge win against the Aitutaki Sharks the weekend before and the Sea eagles will want to regain their momentum from that match. the Bulldogs on the other hand will be smarting from their loss against the eels last week after leading the game at the half time break. the eels fitness levels were certainly a factor in their win and, no doubt, the Bulldogs were well aware of this as theyeels overtook them. They will not want a repeat of this today when they take on the Sea eagles and will, no doubt,

play a body on the line game in what should be a bruising encounter at Nukupure Park. In the second premier men’s match up today the Arorangi Bears will host the visiting tupapa Panthers at Raemaru Park. The Bears had a ierce battle against the Sharks last week and, while they won the encounter, the Sharks were always snapping at their tails until the last quarter of the match when the Bears ran away with the win. they will no doubt come out hard today and build on their success from last week. However, they will face an angry Panthers pack that has a mountain to climb after being stripped of their points due to a breach in the game rules. The defending champions will want to put points on the table and get to the top of the table once again. Get your club colours on and get out and support your team – you could be the winning force. Meanwhile, the Avatiu eels reserve grade will take on the Warriors at the Avatiu Swamp

today at 4.30pm after the two clubs ierce under 19 age grade clashes at 3pm. - Matariki Wilson

Saturday 8 Sea Eagles vs Bulldogs at Nukupure Park – 3.30pm Reserves, Ref-S.Teiotu assisted by t. Manuel/J. Murray, 5pm Premiers, Ref-T. Ngaputa assisted by t. Manuel/J. Murray, (Sub Oficial-S.Teiotu).

Saturday 8 Eels vs Warriors at Avatiu – 3pm Under 19, ref-P. Ngaroi assisted by Club Oficials, 4.30pm Reserves, Reft. Benioni assisted by Club oficials.

Saturday 8 Bears vs Panthers at raemaru Park – 12pm Under 14 Bears vs Eels, Ref-J.Hosking assisted by D. Crummer/ T. George, 1pm Under 16, Ref-T. taurarii assisted by J. Hosking/ T. George, 2pm Under 19, Ref-P. Mitchell assisted by t. taurarii/ D. Crummer, 3pm Reserves, RefN. Takaiti assisted by B. Bishop / T. Taurarii, 4.30pm Premiers, ref-t.taomia assisted by B. Bishop/ P. Mitchell (Sub OficialN. Takaiti /T. Taurarii).

Junior league take Rarotonga’s cricket in over Raemaru Park irst D-League hit out two main games are on the cards for fans today with the Bulldogs taking on the Sea eagles in ngatangiia and the Bears meeting the Panthers in arorangi. 14030731

TOMORROW’S rugby league stars will take over the raemaru Park ield in Arorangi today for the junior league development “Mini Mod” programme. The thrust of the development programme is to instill proper and safe playing habits in the young players and, importantly, player safety and fun. Last Saturday the junior league players, supported by parents and club coaches turned out at Raemaru Park to practice their drills and skills before mini games were played. Baby Avatiu eels tara Mitchell, tJ taito as well as Bears talents Juleo tauu and William

Tuivanga Jnr claimed player of the day awards for the group of kids aged six to eight. The nine to 12 age group kids that were standouts were tokoa Arioka of the Warriors club, Conrad Hunter Jnr of the Sea Eagles, Vaipo Mataora and Jayd Simpson of the Bears club. A free bus will once again operate this morning to collect all the boys and girls for the sports programme at Raemaru Park starting at Corner Store in Nikao at 8.45pm and continuing towards Avatiu and Tupapa. From the Corner Store the bus will continue to the Nikao Field/Tepuka Store at 8.47am,

Avatiu Meeting House at 9am, takuvaine Meeting House at 9.05am, Tupapa Meeting House at 9.07am, Matavera Packing Shed at 9.13am, Kia Orana Store at 9.18am, Muri Meeting House at 9.22am, Enua Manea at 9.25am, Kent Hall – Titikaveka at 9.30am, yWAM at 9.33am, Wigmore’s Superstore at 9.35am, Rutaki School at 9.40am before reaching Raemaru Park at 9.45am. The programme is for boys and girls and parents are encouraged to get along to the programme and support your children. - Matariki Wilson

Junior rugby league will be held at raemaru Park this morning starting at 10 o’clock with the emphasis on player safety and fun. 14030730

rArotoNGA has their first taste of the new Cook islands Domestic League cricket today when they take on the Cook islands national women side. rarotonga had the bye last weekend and while the World Xi side are leading the tournament (in front on nett run rate) the rarotonga side will be keen to get their D-League campaign underway with a win over the national women. The World XI and Pukapuka meet in the afternoon with the winning side collecting four points and going top of the table. World Xi batsmen Jeff Viniconbe holds the current individual total of the tournament with 66 runs and also holds leading overall tournament run scorer. Aitutaki’s Nga Taiti leads the wicket takers of the tournament with nine scalps. the match between rarotonga and the Cook islands national women is scheduled for 11am and the World XI and Pukapuka match at 3pm, both matches will be played at the turangi oval. Rarotonga Squad: Sepa Tangimetua (Turangi), Tereinga Maoate (Avana), Mark Larsen (Titikaveka), Apii Mamanu (Arorangi), Alistair Webb

(Arorangi), Iro Maroroa (Matavera), Elia Tangimetua (Turangi), Moni Uini (Matavera), Tutu Tangimetua (Turangi), Tiri Toa (Muri), Pakia Renee-Wichman (Muri), Vane Tangimetua (Turangi), Paea Tuati (Avana), Vane ‘Junior’ Tangimetua (Turangi) and Stephen Kavana (Avana). Cook Islands Womens Squad: June George (Captain/Rarotonga), Daena Kataina (Rarotonga), Punanga Kaveao (Rarotonga), Marii Kaukura (Aitutaki), Mem-

ory Kauvai (Rarotonga), Phillica Maruariki (Rarotonga), Tekura Kaukura (Aitutaki), Tina Mato (Rarotonga), Benedicta Matapo (Mauke), Amanda Mangi (Aitutaki), Lacynthia Rani (Rarotonga) and Amelia Moetaua (Mauke). Points: 1st World XI 4 Points (1 win from 1 game), 2nd Pukapuka 4 Points (1 win from 1), 3rd Aitutaki 4 Points (1 win from 3), 4th Cook Islands Women 0 Points (0 wins from 1) and 5th Rarotonga 0 Points (0 wins from - cic 0 matches).

Rarotonga will have their irst hit out this morning and the World XI will play their second game against Pukapuka this afternoon. 14030629

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