Cincy Fringe Fest Guide 2018

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Fringe isn’t just live performance, it’s about celebrating ALL artistic endeavors, so rest assured that you won’t go far at the Festival without finding a gallery, installation, or other visual art work to serve as a feast for your eyes. From interactive art works awaiting your input to reminiscences of Visual Fringe projects from years past to live photoshoots during select Bar Series events, this year’s Visual Fringe lineup has it all. What will you see?

Cincy Fringe: A History in Murals from Xylene

Location: Fringe HQ

Aberrant Adjectives

Cal’s Kinda Weird Art

Multimedia art pieces promoting underused adjectives.

Cal’s art is kinda weird. LOOK AT IT.

from Sarah Beth Hall

Location: Fringe HQ

from Cal Harris

Location: Venue Box Offices, Fringe HQ

A piquant (def: of an interestingly provocative or lively character) multimedia project promoting underused adjectives in the hopes of providing more aberrant (def: markedly different from the accepted norm) descriptors with which to better illustrate ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Cal’s art is kinda weird. Fringe is kinda weird. So we’re putting Cal’s kinda weird art all over the kinda weird Fringe, which is kinda weird. While it’s kinda weird, though, it’s also kinda we’re kinda totally okay with letting Cal kinda definitely do this kinda weird thing. That’s kinda weird, isn’t it?

Fringe Faces

On the Fence

from Dan R. Winters Photography

Portable photobooth to capture Fringe-y portraits of Festival-goers.

5/29, 6/2, 6/6, and 6/8 @ Fringe Bar Series

from Various Artists, including YOU! An interactive art installation along the ARTing Lot fence.

Location: The ARTing Lot

Fringe Faces features a portable photo booth helmed by Dan Winters that will appear during Bar Series events. Portraits are taken in no more than 5 minutes and collection of the best photos will be displayed throughout the Festival. Fringe Faces captures the frantic joy of Fringe while keeping up with its frantic pace.

In 2017, Fringe took over the fence surrounding the parking lot neighboring Know Theatre to provide space for artists and the general public to get creative. This year we’ve got more of the same, and it’s up to you to decide how things look!

Sick Beet Stitch

Van Go Find Yourself Gallery

Video Overdose

Showcasing hand embroidery inspired by all things weird and wonderful.

Location: Wash Park Art Gallery

Video art installation capturing the mesmeric waves of analog signals.

from Robyn Novak

Location: Fringe HQ

Explore the paintings and works created live during not only the Cincinnati run of Walter DeForest’s Van Gogh Find Yourself but also previous installments and iterations; and not only by Walter (Vincent) himself but other audience members/artists, as well!

Transfix on TVs as Channel 77 weaves their unique brand of video art out of stacks of analog devices in Know Theatre’s Underground space. Turn on and tune in to their delicious visuals.

Find more information on the live performance of Van Gogh Find Yourself on page 27.

Channel 77 is a video art collective based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. Follow them on Instagram: @Channel___77.


Back again for 2018, Sick Beet Stitch will display some of their favorite pieces in a collection that reflects Robyn’s turbulent thoughts and feelings of being a 20-something. This includes reactions to our current political environment, Robyn’s love/hate relationship with pop culture obsessions, and her constant search for clarity as she defines her adulthood.

from Channel 77


Location: Fringe HQ

from #vgfy out of New York, NY

M A Y 2 9 - J U N E 1 0 , 2 0 18

Over the years Fringe has welcomed the talented artists at Xylene (formerly known as Higher Level Art) to grace a side of Know Theatre (Fringe HQ) with one of their fantastic murals. For our 15th Anniversary, we’ll feature a gallery highlighting each and every mural they’ve composed for Fringe. Which one had you forgotten about?


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