Total Grooming Magazine March 2023

Page 18

MARCH 2023

Professional Grooming Equipment and Supplies

Your favorite brands and many more all in one place!

At Technogroom we are proud to supply our customers with an extensive range of professional grooming products from around the world.



We can service or repair any make and model of blasters, clippers, dryers, tables and sharpen all types of blades.

To find out more about our service centre, please call us or visit our website. Tel: 01555 771 555 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Not only are we the sole importer of many popular brands, but we also develop and manufacture our own unique products in house at Technogroom. Will Help Keep Your Salon Running
Keeping your equipment in top working order is essential to your business.

Hello everyone, Wow, what a month it’s been! We hope that you’ve had as good a time as us.

March is seeing some big changes in a lot of sectors around the industry. We’re taking a look at a few of these on our news pages this issue. This month, we’re touching on insurance, training, nutrition and even taking a look at some of your own grooms! It’s going to be a funfilled issue, all in time for Crufts, too! Whilst you’re waiting for the events to kick off, we all hope that you enjoy this issue of TGM and we’ll catch you next issue!


Connor Jenkins

18 Groomers Around the World: Our regular trip around the world can be found on page 18.


Showcasing Your Grooms: It’s time to emphasise YOU. Take a look at some of the industry’s creations here.

25 Training: The importance of training in the grooming industry.

31 Nutrition & Healthy Diets: No not for you, the fluffy friends that pop into your grooming salon!

40 Groomers of the Month: We see what makes DogzBody Spa tick.

44 Rachel Bean Monthly: Rachel Bean provides some tips for dealing with tough situations.

46 Event Previews:

Commercial Director Mike Smith 01795 509102

Design and Production Grant Waters, James Taylor 01795 509108

Credit Facilities Manager

Lauren Sharpe 01795 509103

Digital & Web Developer Matt Coppard

Managing Director John Denning

3 Editor On the cover: Redcape Ltd 01423 861249 In this
11 Insurance: What do you need to know about insurance? We speak with some pros to find out.
The latest event previews and press coverage. 52 Feline Focus: Learn how to be fearless with your feline grooms. @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk
© 2023 TGM Publishing Limited, 1st Floor, Saphir House, 5 Jubilee Way, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8GD. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form – electronic, mechanical or physical – without express prior permission and written consent of the publisher. Contributions are invited and when not accepted will be returned only if accompanied by a fully stamped and addressed envelope. Manuscripts should be type written. No responsibility can be taken for drawings, photographs or literary contributions during transmission or in the editor’s hands. In the absence of an agreement the copyright of all contributions, literary, photographic or artistic, belongs to TGM Publishing Limited. The publisher accepts no responsibility in respect of advertisements appearing in the magazine and the opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Publisher. The Publisher cannot accept liability for any loss arising from the late appearance or non publication of any advertisement. Contents 40 MARCH 2023

Mika is a fan of Dorwest

Award-winning herbal pet care experts at Dorwest Herbs were delighted this week when superstar Mika mentioned he uses Keeper’s Mix® for his golden retrievers on BBC’s The One Show.

Mika was discussing a feature on saving money by preparing pets’ meals at home, with Alex Jones, Alex Scott, Claudia Winkleman and Angela Griffin, when he stated: “We’ve been doing it for thirteen years... my partner Andy’s watching, it’s our obsession! You should see our whole set-up... we’ve got everything! We’ve got oriental mushrooms, Keeper’s Mix®, raw eggs and all the leftover veg and the offcuts. We buy tripe and batch cook it.”

Dorwest’s bestseller Keeper’s Mix® is one of Dorwest’s official Foundation Products, alongside Keeper’s Mix® Sensitive launched in 2021, with 10% of profit from every sale donated to the Dorwest Foundation.

To find out more about Dorwest, call

01308 897272, email or visit

Devoted Pet Foods wins award

Devoted Pet Foods, a leading provider of high-quality pet nutrition, has been awarded two gold awards for “Best Branding” and “Best Packaging” respectively at the World Brand Design Society 2022 awards.

This recognition reflects Devoted Pet Foods’ commitment to providing healthy and nutritious food options for pets, along with aesthetically pleasing and functional branding and packaging. Their winning designs capture the attention of pet owners and communicate the quality and value of the brand.

“We are thrilled to receive these awards and to be recognised for our hard work in branding and packaging,” said Tom Kibble, Founder of Devoted Pet Foods Ltd, “At Devoted Pet Foods, we believe that pets deserve the best and we strive to reflect this in all aspects

of our products, from the ingredients we use to the packaging that our food is presented in.”

The World Brand Design Society awards are highly respected in the industry and attract entries from top

companies from around the world. This recognition for Devoted Pet Foods is a testament to the company’s creativity, innovation, and attention to detail in their branding and packaging efforts.

INDUSTRY UPDATE @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 4

Calls to change hit and run laws

Drivers could be fined £1,000 if they accidentally hit a cat and fail to inform the police, under a proposed new law.

Experts from are supporting a campaign for the law to be changed to give cats the same rights as many other animals when it comes to road traffic accidents.

Currently, drivers must stop and inform police if they hit dogs, horses, cattle, pigs, goats and sheep - but not cats.

Many cat owners are left wondering what’s happened to their beloved pets if they’ve been run over by a driver, as it’s not a legal requirement to go to the police or track down the owner.

One pet owner who lost her cat to a hit-and-run incident reached 100,000 signatures on a petition to change the law and was debated in parliament, but there are no current plans to make it an offence.

A spokesman said cats deserved the same protection in law as dogs and other pets and called on the government to show compassion to their devoted owners.

Tim Alcock from said: “We’re calling for changes to be made to the law to make it a legal requirement for motorists to report to police if they’ve run over a cat.

“We believe it’s right to introduce a fine of up to £1,000 for any motorists who don’t comply and simply leave a cat on the roadside without reporting the incident.

“It was shocking to discover that it’s not a legal requirement for motorists to report whether they’ve run over cats.

“It’s not uncommon to see a poster for a missing cat on a lamp post or in a shop window and in many cases, the missing pet will have been the victim of a road accident but as the law stands there’s no requirement for the owner to even be informed.

“For many, cats are a member of the family, which is why we want to support the change in the law to show their importance.

“The fact that anyone would want to leave a defenceless animal on the side of the road is appalling and not having a law in place can make people assume it’s fine for this to continue.

“It’s not fair to our beloved pets to have the law unchanged, we want no cat to be left behind injured or dead at the side of the road.”

For more information on cat safety and other motoring issues please visit:

NEWS @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 6
Photo by Bogdan Farca on Unsplash
28.95 37.95

Thousands breaking the law

Thousands of Brits may be hit with a £500 fine, as more than a million dogs in the UK have not been microchipped despite it being a legal requirement.

Experts from Quotezone. have urged pet owners to microchip their dogs and register them on a national database.

The microchipping law was put in place on 6 April 2016 for dogs and will soon be made mandatory for cats as well.

Owners are legally required to make sure their pooch is fitted with a microchip by the time they’re eight weeks old unless they have health conditions that prevent them from the procedure.

Owners are also responsible for updating their contact details and the dog’s microchip information on the database, as failing to do so could land them another £500 fine.

Dogs are still legally required to wear a collar with the owner’s contact details when out in public.

Microchipping also helps to decrease

the growing number of strays on the streets and alleviates the strain that many animal shelters are under. Charities and local authorities can save millions of pounds in annual savings by not having to feed and home dogs who have gone missing.

Microchipping is crucial since without it pet insurance is not an option, as insurance providers can invalidate the policy if the pup goes missing without a microchip.

The microchipping process is quick and painless and can be done for free in Blue Cross and Battersea rescue centres, or for a small charge of around £20 at a vet or local council. Founder and CEO Greg Wilson said: “Microchipping increases the chance of missing pets being reunited with their owners, providing benefits for animal welfare as well as lowering costs for animal shelters.

“There’s really no excuse for why you shouldn’t offer your four-legged friend all the protection you can.

“It’s also important to update the details for your dog’s microchip when there are changes, for example, if you get a new phone number or move house.”

The number of stray cats is a rising issue, as recent research reveals that 80% of cats coming into Cats Protection’s centres are not microchipped.

Under the new law, the fines for cat owners who are caught not having microchipped their kittens will be the same as for dogs, however, cats need to be chipped by the time they’re 20 weeks old. helps around three million users every year find savings on household bills and essentials including puppy insurance, older dog insurance and kitten insurance.

NEWS @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 8
Let’s talk insurance! We speak with Petcover to ensure that you’ve got all the right info!
11 Insurance @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk
Photo by @andrewjschultz on Instagram.

Let’s talk about insurance…

An important part of running any business is having the right insurance cover in place, and that’s no different when it comes to pet grooming businesses. In this feature, Petcover Group’s Lorraine Nash has teamed up with Dr Sophie Bell to delve into the topic of business insurance for pet professionals.

Sophie says:

I have been privileged over the past seven years to combine my skills as both a vet and a dog groomer to help educate pet owners and pet professionals, on canine and feline health and first aid. The dog and cat groomers especially have welcomed me with open arms and regularly contact me via my business, to help them answer questions they may have about the dogs and cats they are working with.

I am often asked about specific health problems in pets and how that may affect their groom, and I also receive a lot of questions involving potential insurance claims. It can be overwhelming when something happens within the salon which results in a pet needing veterinary care. As I always say, when working with animals and sharp tools; accidents can happen on occasion. That’s why it’s really important to make sure that you have a suitable pet business insurance policy in place, from a reliable provider and with adequate cover.

If you’re unsure about the insurance you currently have in place, and what it covers, please prioritise contacting your insurer to discuss it, it’s really important to make sure that you have adequate cover. And if your renewal is due soon, definitely review your insurance needs and the current values, to reassure yourself that you have enough cover. Keep reading to find out more about the potential consequences of underinsuring, and you’ll understand why I say that…

A few other tips from me include that groomers should always ask about an animal’s health prior to a groom, including details of medications and supplements they are taking, and be sure

to make a record. And then check in at every subsequent groom to see if there are any changes. Drugs such as steroids can increase the risk of a skin infection and potentially cause changes to the

coat growth post-groom. Document everything you find during a groom and take pictures of any concerning lumps or bumps you spot.

INSURANCE @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 12
The topic of underinsurance raises the important question of ‘
Does your business actually have adequate cover?’
Sophie Bell

This issue’s topic is ‘Underinsurance’

We’ve had questions relating to the topic of underinsurance. So, let’s look at a couple, to help explain what underinsurance is, and also consider the potential consequences.

Question: I haven’t reviewed the sums insured in my business insurance policy for several years, I just let the policy autorenew with the same cover levels each year.

Does this matter? Will my insurer still pay out for the full claim amount if the cost of repairs, replacement or rebuild are more than the sum insured?

Question: Do all business insurance policies automatically provide cover for loss of income if the business is unable to trade due to an unexpected, serious event such as a fire or flood?

Lorraine says:

This is a hot topic, particularly in light of the current cost-of-living crisis, and with increased prices for services and materials impacting a wide range of industries.

‘Underinsurance’ is the term used to describe a situation in which a policyholder does not have adequate cover for their needs. Basically, if a business needs to make a claim on its insurance, but the policy it has in place doesn’t cover the sum of the claim, it is underinsured.

Some policyholders may be blissfully unaware that they’re underinsured, whilst others may have knowingly given lower values when setting up the policy, viewing it as a way to reduce premiums and pay less for their insurance.

This might not sound like a big deal, but the reality is that being underinsured, whether unwittingly or deliberately, can have a devastating impact on a business if it suffers a significant loss and needs to claim. It puts the policyholder in the position that they will need to make up any financial shortfall themselves.

Underinsurance isn’t just about insufficient cover in terms of the sums insured. It can also refer to optional insurance sections that the business may need, but has not included in its policy, such as cover for business equipment, or business interruption.

If your ‘business as usual’ trading is affected by an unplanned event or disaster, such as a flood, fire or another


similar incident, it’s likely there will be a financial impact in the form of loss of earnings. Essentially, the purpose of Business Interruption insurance is to cover the income a business would have received had the incident not have happened. For many businesses, this cover is a fundamentally important part of its business continuity plan, to safeguard the business and enable it to continue operating after an insured incident.

Business Interruption cover is usually an optional benefit that policyholders can add in conjunction with other policy sections. The onus is on the business owner to assess whether they could realistically continue to trade should their business premises, equipment or assets be damaged or destroyed due to an unplanned event or disaster.

Let’s look at a couple of possible

underinsurance scenarios…

Scenario 1: Ceri and Logan run ABC Pet Groomers, a popular and busy grooming business in Anytown. It is situated on the High Street, in the premises that they acquired when they bought the business from its former owners in 2014.

When Ceri and Logan first took out insurance for their business, they insured the buildings for property damage to the sum of £150,000, based on rebuild valuations obtained at the time. Each year, when renewing their business insurance, they’ve kept the same values. However now, nine years later, current valuations calculate the rebuild value at £250,000. That £100,000 gap in the insured value means that the property is effectively underinsured by 40%. In a claim scenario, the insurer’s obligations are limited, and the policyholders

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can be a costly false economy!
Lorraine Nash

would be responsible for making up any shortfall themselves.

Scenario 2: Jordan runs a grooming school and salon. He arrived at work one morning to find that a pipe had burst and escaped water had flooded the building, causing significant damage to the premises and equipment. Vital repairs were required, and Jordan was told that this could take several months. Without suitable alternative premises to work from, Jordan had to cancel client appointments and faced a significant loss of income. Unfortunately, Jordan did not add Business Interruption cover in his insurance policy when he set it up. It could have provided protection against loss of revenue whilst temporarily unable to trade as a result of this unexpected event.

About Dr Sophie Bell

Dr Sophie Bell is a qualified dog groomer and has also been a vet for over 14 years. Sophie has written and delivered a variety of courses for both pet professionals and pet owners. She launched ‘Animal Love Pet First Aid’ as a go-to site for people to access reliable and user-friendly information on a variety of pet topics.

About Lorraine Nash

Lorraine is a familiar face in the UK pet insurance industry, with several years of experience working with high-profile providers in a variety of operational, partnerships and sales roles. Having joined Petcover Group in 2022, Lorraine’s focus includes engagement with pet professionals and commercial customers to understand the sector’s changing requirements.

About Petcover Group

Petcover Group is a global pet-focused insurance provider with a range of brands in its portfolio, including British Pet Insurance Services and Brooks Braithwaite (Sussex) Limited in the UK. The business offers a range of quality, affordable insurance options for an array of pets, pet businesses and pet professionals.

For a quote and to find out more about British Pet Insurance Services, visit:

01444 708 840

Terms, conditions and excesses apply. British Pet Insurance Services is a trading name of Petcover EU Limited which is registered in England and Wales under number 10001319. Petcover EU Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under reference number 747757.

Key Takeaways

• If in any doubt about whether you have adequate insurance cover in place for your business, contact your insurance provider promptly to discuss the matter

• It’s wise to review your insurance needs and your policy options each year, prior to renewal

• Underinsuring may result in being considerably out of pocket, particularly in a significant or total loss scenario, which could have a devastating impact on your business

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Photo by @homajob on Twitter Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Meg’s Paw Spa

Meghan-Leigh Smith is the owner and professional pet stylist at Meg’s Paw Spa, which has been in business for two years in Ontario. With 11 years in the grooming industry, Meghan has practised grooming and learned hands-on from an early age.

What can you tell me about your grooming career?

I started in the grooming industry right out of high school, bathing dogs. But, some believe it may have started long before that when I had a small business walking the neighbourhood dogs at the age of six.

I love creating a bond with each individual animal and the before/after transformation of each dog’s haircut is always mind-blowing, even after all this time!

What can you tell me about grooming in Ontario?

Grooming in Ontario is very basic, I would say. A lot of 3/4” and 4F blades with simple scissoring to finish for full grooms. And, I would say 60% of my client base is bath and tidys!

A lot of pet owners here want a clean and tidy pet with all the essentials included, like anal glands, ear cleaning,

GROOMERS AROUND THE WORLD @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 18

and nail grinding. Not necessarily a fluffy, full grooming package ,which I personally love!

What key differences have you noticed between groomers in Ontario and groomers in the UK?

Some key differences would likely be from a creative standpoint and show quality grooming is huge in Europe. However, people here want simplicity and just a clean pet in their house.

What are some key factors that you think UK groomers can learn from groomers in Ontario?

I think perhaps not grooming to ‘pawfection’, but to the pet owners’ version of ‘paw-fection’ always suffices in order to keep up with the number of bookings and demand for grooming.

I love making my clients (dogs and humans) feel special every time they come in for an appointment. I have an open-door policy, no hidden rooms. All the dogs are happy, and enjoying a true spa day.

Everyone leaves with an accessory and a polaroid photo, which I think makes it a special experience that they don’t necessarily get other grooming salons. Follow @megspawspa on Instagram.

GROOMERS AROUND THE WORLD @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 19

Lookin’ good!

We took to the internet, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, you name it, to find some particularly adorable grooms to share with you all. We love seeing what comes out of this fantastic industry, so here’s a little look at YOU…

Amy Paddock

My name is Amy and I am a dog groomer from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

I am passionate about fear-free grooming and providing the best experience I can for my furry friends.

In the 11 years that I have been grooming, I have developed a one-onone, energy-based grooming technique to help dogs stay calm and feel safe in my salon.

My clients like an easy-to-manage groom, but that doesn’t mean it can’t have style! Rolling my shears upwards to shape the face creates an uplifting expression, no more “grumpy old man” faces.

I am a proud ambassador for Sharkfin Shears. I used my Sharkfin shears for neat paws and their 50-tooth thinners for a natural finish, making Mika one stylish girl!

I finish off my grooms with handmade accessories and high-quality photoshoots to take the most simple grooms to the next level.

I truly love what I do and take pride in going the extra mile and throwing all my creative energy into my grooming. I feel lucky to be doing something that I love. Tiktok: @amythegroomer / Instagram: @ amyspoochparlor

Anastaxia Delgado

My name is Anastaxia, I’ve been a pet groomer for six years and I own Pixel Pets Pet Salon.

I love doing this type of haircut! A shorter body with longer column legs and a round muzzle gives the dog that perfect teddy bear look.

I used the Chris Christensen coral slicker brush, Andis Pulse Zr clippers, Kenchii 8” spider straight shears, Utsumi Speedy blenders and pink line comb,

and my Harzly V10 thinners!

Make sure the mouth area is dry. Fluff out the muzzle while drying for a smoother finish. Then, use a curved shear to help round out the shape and blend, blend, blend.

Being able to find inspiration from other groomers but also being able to inspire others makes me so grateful. I’m so incredibly proud to be a part of this industry!

Instagram: @anastaxiagrooming

SHOWCASING YOUR GROOMS @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 20
Amy Paddock Anastaxia Delgado

Cara Wilson

My name is Cara and I have been grooming for 20 years, starting my grooming journey at my parents’ house when I was 17. I now own Clippin Marvellous in Hertfordshire and have three wonderful employees.

My passion has always been breed standard grooms. I have a soft spot for Westies, but I also love scissor work on Poodle and Bichon mixes.

I plan to explore Asian-inspired grooming this year. I‘m hoping to step outside my comfort zone and travel to Thailand to complete a course in Asian Fusion grooming.

For this groom, I used my Andis Pulse ZR II Purple Galaxy with an 11mm comb attachment for the body and scissored the rest with my favourite straight and curved scissors from AbbFabb scissors. This groom is maintained every four weeks, keeping it nicely in shape and the coat in good condition.

I recommend a four-week schedule to all our clients. My aim is to always keep dogs comfortable and looking their best by visiting us regularly.

Instagram: @clippinmarvellous

James Holberry

My name is James Holberry, a.k.a The Northern Dog Barber. I’ve been grooming for three years now and hold a City & Guilds L3 qualification and I’m based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.

I love to try and bring a little Asian influence into my regular everyday salon grooms, as I’m a huge fan of Asian Fusion styling and I’ve started to now regularly compete in Asian Fusion grooming competitions!

This groom is one of my regular cockapoo clients that visits me every six weeks. He’s a pretty active pup so, he has an easy-to-maintain length on his body, using a 10mm wide Comb attachment by Artero.

The clippers I use are the Andis Pulse ZRII Purple Galaxy clippers, which are great for using CA’s due to their adjustable speed settings!

Once the legs have been fluff dried, I lightly mist them with the Artero ‘Mix’ spray to give them that little extra volume for scissoring. I tend to use Artero scissors when I’m grooming too!

I scissor his legs with the ‘Black Intense’ straight scissors and my ‘One Curvey’ scissors for the feet!

For his head and muzzle, I fluff dry the head using my slicker brush by The Pawdinary. I like to stretch dry the muzzle with a finishing comb, drying the fur up and out (imagine drying to the corners of a square!)

When it comes to shaping the head, I use my ‘One Curvey’ scissors to block in the nice round shape.

For the muzzle, I use the ‘Fusion

Curvey’ scissors which are much smaller and ideal for muzzle-making. I first block in an oval shape and then round of the muzzle using my ‘Epika’ thinners and the Fusion Curves.

I then like to put a crisp finish on the groom with the ‘Black Intense’ straights. That’s how I created this easy-tomaintain Cockapoo trim!

Instagram: @the_northern_dog_barber

SHOWCASING YOUR GROOMS @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 22
Cara Wilson James Holberry


As a groomer, are you curious as to how training can impact your business? Let’s train in training! Photo by @_mviviani on Instagram.

@TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk

Learning a thing or two

The National Pet College is the leading provider of education and training to pet professionals, delivering Ofqual regulated qualifications and professional training courses for pet professionals throughout the UK including dog groomers, dog walkers and dog daycare providers.

The National Pet College upskills learners to ensure that they maximise the welfare of the animals in their care in line with current research. All training is delivered by experienced, subject specialists, working alongside course partners to develop and deliver training that helps raise industry standards and promotes animal welfare.

All courses are supported by the Pet Industry Federation, the trade association for the pet sector.

Do Qualifications Matter?

The National Pet College and the Pet

Industry Federation are strong advocates for lifelong learning through quality education and training, but often hear that “experience is more important than qualifications.”

There is no doubt that a qualification will not teach you everything about a subject, and that working hard, learning from others and developing your own skill set is hugely important. However, there is also no denying the fact that regulated qualifications provide learners with a strong foundation for stepping into, and progressing within, a career as a dog groomer.

Qualifications are developed by awarding bodies like City & Guilds with the support of subject specialists. These teams work together to identify the content to be covered and the appropriate assessment methods.

Qualifications often focus on developing the knowledge associated with the job role, for example

understanding disease control and biosecurity, canine anatomy and becoming familiar with a range of canine health diseases and disorders which learners may not get first-hand experience of until later in their career.

Undertaking a qualification should reassure learners and employers that a consistent and standardised assessment has taken place, something which is regularly checked by the awarding body through quality assurance visits and samples.

However, not all qualifications are created equal. Level 2 dog grooming qualifications focus on becoming familiar with the requirements of different coat types, how to bath and dry dogs correctly while ensuring the highest standards of welfare. Whereas, Level 3 qualifications should provide learners with the styling skills to produce sleek hand strips and smooth, blended, balanced finishes across a range of coat

TRAINING @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 26
Head of Education at The National Pet College Vicky Skinner gives us a rundown on the importance of training, as well as a little about the NPC.
FEED YOUR DOG AS NATURE INTENDED find us... @CotswoldRAW or #CotswoldRAW COTSWOLDRAW.COM Contact us at Inspire, achieve, believe! Start your career in animal care today! EDUCATION FOR PEOPLE, FOR PETS, FOR THE FUTURE Dog and Cat Grooming Training and Pet Education Qualification courses iPET Network is a sector specific Awarding Organisation who are constantly developing innovative animal care & veterinary science qualifications. Additionally, iPET Network is an End-point Assessment Awarding Organisation. If you would like to become a Training Provider, contact us on GROOM SCHOOL 10_2-23_FourPaws_127mmx 85mm.indd 1 10/02/23 15:12 @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 27


When selecting a qualification, learners should also consider the Guided Learning Hours (GLH) stated for the qualification. This is the amount of time the course should take to be taught and will therefore give an indication of the number of dogs a learner will gain experience with during the course.

Courses with low GLH may only allow time for learners to gain experience with a handful of dogs, resulting in a lack of experience with dogs of different coat types, health conditions and ages, all of which may require adjustments to the grooming process. As a result, learners may be qualified but lack confidence in more complex tasks.

CPD v Qualifications

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is for those people actively involved in the industry. CPD tends to be short courses, seminars or workshops, designed to upskill learners and ensure they remain current in their knowledge and working practices. CPD courses are short, building on existing knowledge and skills.

CPD can also be used to allow individuals to fill specific skill and knowledge gaps but can also be used to upskill the whole team and ensure everyone works to the same parameters.

The National Pet College (NPC) offers a range of training options for groomers. For those starting out in their dog grooming career, the Level 2 and Level 3 City & Guilds qualifications are available through NPC-approved training centres, located around the country.

For qualified dog groomers, ongoing CPD is available through a range of NPC online courses and webinars. Topics include First Aid, Understanding Parasites and Recognising Problem Behaviours.

The Higher Diploma in Dog Grooming is also available. This learner-led course comprises of six practical exams, four theory assessments and offers learners the opportunity to join the Guild of Master Groomers once the Diploma is completed.

Groomers wishing to share their knowledge and skills can also become tutors in their own National Pet College Approved Centre. The first step to becoming an Approved Centre is to obtain a teaching qualification which

can be undertaken via The National Pet College.

For those already holding a suitable teaching qualification an application and centre audit would start the process.

For further information on studying with The National Pet College or

becoming a National Pet College Approved Centre, please visit www. or email info@ Search @nationalpetcollege on Facebook and Instagram.

TRAINING @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 28
TRADE DEALS FOR GROOMERS ON VET BEDDING & BEDS Apply on line for a trade account Tel: 01535 662 359 As used and recommended by vets and pet groomers throughout europe ALSO SUITABLE FOR CATS TRADE DEALS FOR GROOMERS. (PRICES STARTING FROM £2.00 FOR 20”X20”) APPLY ON LINE FOR A TRADE ACCOUNT @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 29
LED Info 3300/min 180 min. 390 g Quality from Germany – since 1912 Favorita CLi Intelligence evolved – unique blade sets AZ2167 Kerbl UK Limited | 8 Lands End Way | Oakham, Rutland | LE15 6RF UK | | Visit our homepage to find out more! Watch the video!

Nutrition & Healthy Diets

As a groomer, you could have such a huge say in your clients’ dog’s nutrition, so why don’t you? We dive into nutrition and healthy dieting over the next few pages.

Photo by @z.l.1230 on Instagram.
@TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk

Knowing nutrition

Being one of the main figures in any pet owner’s life regarding caring for their companion, you’ll find that dietary questions may pop up regularly within your grooming salon. Let’s discuss the importance of passing on the correct nutritional information to your clients.

Aside from their vet, you may be considered to be one of the first points of call when searching for nutritional information and healthy diet recommendations.

There are so many factors to consider, which we’ll go over, but ultimately it comes down to “you are what you eat” after all!

There is a large quantity of food that we eat which is also suitable for dogs, but does that mean that their dinner should consist solely of the scraps that get slid off your plate after a meal? There isn’t anything wrong with it in the grand scheme of things, as a little treat. However, you must consider nutrients and the effects this could have on your dog.

Commercial food can be more beneficial for a dog, as it’s specifically designed for your furry friends to target the right mixtures of veggies, meat, vitamins and more. Speak with a vet who can give you some recommendations in this sector.

Just like us, your pets will need plenty of water to survive. This may not be a surprise, but it can be difficult to get right if you don’t know the signs of a

thirsty pup. It’s crucial to always ensure that your dog has a filled water bowl, especially after a long walk or to wash down a meal.

Especially if you have an energetic dog, think an English bull terrier here, who just wants to run around and play and loves to go on walks, it’s important

that you are fuelling them sufficiently with carbohydrates.

Carbs provide a huge part in a dog’s life, promoting growth and giving them the energy they need to run around with their furry friends. Something to note, however, is that fuel (carbs) is there to be burned. Don’t go overboard or not give

NUTRITION & HEALTHY DIETS @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 32
Photo by @kabofoods on Instagram Photo by @chewy on Instagram

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your dog the correct amount of exercise. Otherwise, you run the risk of excess carbs being stored in the body which can lead to obesity.

Again, speak with a professional to find out the correct type, and amount, of carbs for your dog.

Speaking of carbs, there are so many different variables that can be found in types of dog-friendly food. For instance, in every single portion of food that you give to your fluffy pals, you also need to ensure that there are enough vitamins and minerals.

Calcium is another thing to consider. As in humans, calcium is good for bones, and teeth. Iron is another plus to look out for, keeping the blood healthy. Check the label, talk with some pros and find out the best info to convey to your clientele.

Now, when you hear the word “fat”, what normally springs to mind is unhealthy foods and even unhealthier habits. This isn’t necessarily true, however. Fatty foods, which can also be referred to as lipids for those who aren’t a fan of “fat”, are an essential part of a diet. That’s right, for humans as well as dogs.

Lipids can be extremely high in energy and can be another source of fuel for your dog when combines with plenty of other things. Obviously, just fat is an absolute no-no. It’s all about balance.

Generally, high-protein meats can be a good source of fat. Think fish, chicken, other types of meat and things along those lines. Another hot point to mention, which will be another benefit for your clients to know, is that some fats are actually perfect for a dog to develop

a healthier skin and coat. You can even get some from plants.

Ultimately, we suggest speaking with a vet to ensure that your knowledge is constantly up to date and that you’re providing the best standards of nutrition and health to your clients. This additional info could spark some more return clientele and respect from your existing clients, as they want nothing but the best for their canine companions.

NUTRITION & HEALTHY DIETS @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 34
Photo by @moob_design on Instagram Photo by Mathew Coulton on Unsplash
Disinfectants, Sanitisers, Shampoo & First Aid Products Confidence for you and your customers Available from wholesalers or contact us at Infection Control for Dog Groomers @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 35

Doggy diets

It’s no secret that diet plays a huge part in a dog’s life. Here are five top tips for a nutritional diet to pass on to your clients.

1. Check the label

You want to know what you’re feeding your pet, right? Be sure to check the label to really see what’s in the food your providing to your fluffy friends. Additional research about a balanced diet for your type of dog, combined with this, can help you decide if a specific type of food is needed for your canine companion.

2. Fussiness gets you nowhere

We get it, dogs have different taste preferences, just like us humans. That doesn’t mean that you should only feed your dog snacky food that it likes, however. Dogs need a balanced diet so keep that in mind before you take another trip to the treat bag.

3. Know what’s available

You will often walk down the aisle in your local supermarket and find nothing but the most popular brands. These are renowned for being good, however, they might not stock up on every beneficial thing that your pup needs. Be sure to do your research to find out the best types of food for your dog, which leads to our next point…

4. Think about the type of dog you have

I hope that this one is a no-brainer! Different breeds of dogs have different dietary needs. A chihuahua won’t need every last bit of a certain type of nutrient as a rottweiler might, so take into consideration the types of food available. That being said, larger dogs can even

suffer from joint problems if overfed. Things like this should always be running through your mind when selecting what to feed your dog.

5. Consider how old the dog is

A growing puppy will need a lot more calories and protein than an older dog. “You’re a growing lad”, as my nan used to say. The same mindset applies to dogs. Do your research on your dog’s age and find the most suitable source of nutritional food to give them. You’ll find that a lot of brands sell different types of food for different stages of dogs’ lives, so be sure to check your options.

ESSENTIAL FIVE @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 36
Photo by @moob_design on Instagram
SEE OUR FULL RANGE BURTONSGROOMING.COM TABLES BATHS CLIPPERS TRIMMERS BLADES SHAMPOOS SCISSORS STRIPPING KNIVES AND MORE YOUR GROOMING EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST TGM10 USE CODE TO GET 10% OFF ON OUR WEBSITE £135 Wahl KM-5 2-Speed Corded Clipper - #10 blade included £64.99 BURTONS 6 piece scissor set - case included WWW.BURTONSGROOMING.COM £19 BURTONS Fixed leg grooming bath £850 Code valid from 01/03/2023 to 30/04/2023 Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers BURTONS BLADES 40, 30 ,10 7F, 5F, 4F Starting fromGRO OMI NG D I R ECT GRO OMI NG D I R ECT YOUR GROOMING EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST Good hygiene for animals prevents infection and provides protection! Concentrate, multi-functional products available. High dilutions. Providing you with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral solutions. Specialist disinfectants, sanitisers, detergents, shampoos, soaps, sprays and wipes. Covers Canine Parvo, Sars-Cov-2 (COVID-19), Kennel Cough, Gardia, E.Coli, Salmonella, Avian Flu plus more. For all your cleaning needs Tel: 01268 513210 Quote TGM03235 - T&C’s Apply, 5% Off for new customers only. Effective against: Virus, Bacteria, Fungi, Mold, Odours New Customers Only. T&Cs Apply. @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 37


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With Opal, Heiniger AG sets new standards. The new clipper is extremely quiet. It is also impressively powerful and equipped with two speed levels. With 3100 double strokes per minute in fast mode (and 2600 in slow mode), this clipper works smoothly and quickly even through dirty and thick fur and hair. The latest lithium-ion battery technology ensures cordless clipping up to 240 minutes. It takes just one hour for a full battery recharge. Thanks to the built-in battery level indicator, it is always possible to check the remaining battery time. Visit heiniger. com RRP: £332.88

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Unlike many other flea sprays, Bob Martin Clear Plus not only kill fleas and larvae, but it also contains an Insect Growth regulator (IGR) to prevent flea eggs from hatching. This award-winning fast-acting spray is the best-selling brand in the UK, trusted by pet owners and groomers to eradicate flea infestations for good. Discover more about how to keep your pet, home or salon flea free, tick free and worry free at and don’t forget to follow us to flea-dom on Facebook (@BobMartinUK) and Instagram (@bobmartinpets).

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The Emmi-pet toothbrush is a great investment to any pet business as it can be a great income booster. E-mail thedogtoothfairy@ RRP: From £180.00

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DogzBody Spa

This sled dog groomer aims to educate and support owners in a bid to reduce numbers in breed rescue.

The lockdown resulted in an explosion in dog ownership as people spent more time at home. Sadly, as people return back to work, they realise that having a canine companion is more complex than they originally expected. Particularly those that purchased breeds that are high maintenance and need a lot of exercise and stimulation.

Sadly, with the rise in popularity of the ‘wolf-type dog’ featured in hugely popular tv programmes such as Game of Thrones and on celebrity blogs, many people have joined the trend and added a Husky, Malamute, Samoyed or sled breed mix to their family unit.

There is no doubt that their good looks attract a lot of attention, making puppies incredibly hard to resist. However, these ancient breeds were bred to work – a fact that many owners do not account for when acquiring one. They also shed a lot of hair… all year


A high-end dog grooming salon in Manchester is fighting to change the fate of the sled dog, offering specialist advice not only on the maintenance of their teeth, skin and coat but also offering behavioural recommendations and referrals to suitable specialist dog parks,

dog walkers/sitters and all manner of other things sled breed friendly.

Fran Gray, owner and groomer at DogzBody Spa in Worsley (Manchester), has owned sled breeds for almost 13 years. Her first dog was a Samoyed called Leo who she went on to show at Crufts and at many other well-respected

GROOMERS OF THE MONTH @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 40

dog events. Sadly Leo died of cancer during lockdown in October 2020, but he is survived by Fran’s two other rescue dogs: Cara the Siberian Husky and Indiana Bones the Malamute cross Great Pyrenees. They are the inspiration for the salon and encouraged Fran to train a small team of groomers to tackle these quirky double-coated breeds.

“After spending some years fundraising and offering free grooms to rescue sled dogs in the North West, I realised that numbers in rescue were increasing and those offering foster/ kennel spaces were starting to dwindle as money ran out. I believe one sled breed organisation currently has 186 on the waiting list to come into rescue. It’s a never-ending battle and one which is made worse when owners aren’t aware of the help and support that is out there, a possible lifeline for keeping their dogs long term.

“Of course, prevention is better than a cure and researching the breed is key… but there are ways to support owners if they find themselves struggling with certain elements of owning a sled dog. We are aware that many groomers across the UK have banned or generally avoid grooming these breeds as they can be intimidating to those not in the know. For example, Huskies are extremely intelligent dogs with lots of energy. To

GROOMERS OF THE MONTH @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 41

those who are not familiar with their body language, they may find the intense eye-to-eye stare of the Husky and spontaneous screaming (howling) rather off-putting. Not to mention the tonnes of hair that they shed during a groom. But this is all completely normal. But a lack of options for professional grooming may lead to poor coat condition and a variety of related health issues. The double coat (which sled dogs and other breeds such as German Shepherds have) is an essential part of the dog’s make up, with both layers of coat working together to either insulate the dog in cold weather or reflect the sun’s rays and protect the skin in hot weather. A coat in poor condition cannot work efficiently and so the dog suffers.

“I’ve met sled dog owners that are on the brink of relinquishing their dogs to rescue for a myriad of reasons, but once we’ve spoken at length about their experiences and I have a reassured them that this is all normal and can be managed, they seem much happier about the future. When they see myself and my team interacting with their dog and making them feel welcome, it also has a calming effect. They’ve finally found a team of people that understand and actively welcome them… and all the hair!” Fran said.

DogzBody Spa has been designed to feel homely and welcoming, to both dogs and owners. Dogs have plenty of space to move about without ever having to come into contact with another dog – this is particularly good for sled dogs who can cause quite a strong reaction in other smaller breeds.

Their experience starts in the undercover garden where they can toilet and spend some time bonding with the groomer until it’s bath time. After being bathed in a specialist deshedding shampoo and snuggled up in a towelling robe, the dogs are then led to their own pampering station where the drying/ brushing/nail trimming/ear cleaning can take place. Following the groom, owners are given full feedback and advice on maintenance between appointments.

“We are also available for advice any time and can be reached on Facebook, Instagram, phone, text and email. Our relationship with the owner is extremely important and we are more than happy to sit down and have a chat over a cuppa if required…especially if that support

means keeping that dog in a loving home.” Fran said.

At the moment DogzBody caters for the dogs of North Manchester (with several clients travelling some distance to use their services). However, Fran does offer in-person demonstrations and question/answer sessions for other groomers at events around the country in order to spread the knowledge. There are some great sled breed and double coat groomers out there, but there are also groomers using incorrect shampoos and equipment for these breeds and the coats are getting damaged. Not mainly training colleges concentrate on this coat type at present and this leads to lack of knowledge. There are also some arguments surrounding clipping/ scissoring this coat type, a controversial debate that sparks friction on many a forum!

A damaged coat becomes a welfare issue as it can prevent a sled breed being able to regulate their body temperature efficiently, repel rain/snow and can result in certain skin conditions and alopecia. The science of the double coat is quite complex, as is the hair growth cycle, so making a mistake can take a long time to resolve. DogzBody Spa have had a fair number of ‘salvage’ missions where the coat has been incorrectly groomed (by either a groomer or owner) and the team have had to work together to get the dog comfortable and healthy again.

DogzBody Spa is a high-end dog grooming boutique in Worsley (Manchester UK), welcoming ALL breeds of dog and specialising in sled dogs and other double coated breeds. The team can be contacted through Facebook, Instagram and through their own website at

MONTH @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 42

Saying goodbye…

At the time of writing last month’s column I was busy packing my bags to head off to Mumbai, India… -

As a Qualified Veterinary Nurse, and canine first aid trainer, I was travelling to India to work with charities and vets, teaching the skills as well as helping hands-on.

During the trip, I supported the Youth Organisation in Defence of Animals (YODA) in their street dog neutering programme, as well as leading a canine first aid course.

In two days we managed to neuter a whopping 38 dogs and cats, which will massively help improve dog welfare on the streets of Mumbai.

As well as that I was honoured to help legendary Indian dog trainer Shirin Dhabhar during her Advanced Dog Training Course, and I was lucky to be in the country for Indian Republic Day, and witness the celebrations.

India is a country like no other, and the trip was a wonderful learning experience for me, as well as a chance for me to share my skills.

On another note, this month I was asked by a national newspaper to give their readers advice on what to do when their beloved dog needs to be put to

RACHEL BEAN MONTHLY @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 44


A very sensitive subject of course, and it got me thinking about all the times I have been present at this important moment, in my practice.

Having to say goodbye to a beloved pet is the moment that we all dread, and when it is time to let your dog go, it can be a dignified and loving experience.

You will be taken into a room with your dog, and the vet will administer a measured overdose of a drug, which helps your dog drift off in a painless and humane way.

This can be a difficult and emotional time for owners, but a time when you can reminisce of all that they have given you in your life.

Dogs are family group animals, and you are their attachment figure, their role model, and the centre of their whole world. Your dog will take a tremendous amount of comfort from seeing you, hearing your voice and feeling soothing gentle strokes from you in this unusual environment.

In the room make sure that your dog can see your face, and see that you are there. Talk to them and tell them how loved they are. Research shows that dogs understand the words ‘I love you’ so tell your dog how much you care about them, and thank them for sharing their precious life with you.

This can be a very raw and emotional time, and you may feel angry, numb, upset or tearful. Understand that these emotions are completely normal, and that the veterinary staff are doing their best to make this moment as gentle as possible.

Rachel Bean is a qualified veterinary nurse, and the UK’s leading canine first aid trainer. She wrote the iPET Network’s qualification in canine first aid.

RACHEL BEAN MONTHLY @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 45


Vikki Pearman gives us the rundown of what we can expect from the British Creative Dog Grooming Championships in 2023, as well as what we can expect to see differently from this year’s


Can you please introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Vikki Pearman, and I have been a groomer for nearly 18 years, 11 of those running my salon Pedigrees n Pooches alongside my husband Trevor who is also a groomer.

I started competing in extreme creative competition with my standard poodle Lacie in 2013 and over the years, I have won many placements, and competed in Ireland, Canada and America. Creative grooming is a passion and growing in popularity every year and as such, I decided to set up Creative Dog Grooming UK.

In 2017 via Facebook and our website, we aimed to provide groomers in the UK with information to understand and effectively utilise creative grooming techniques in the salon, as well as the competition ring without compromising the comfort or safety of the animal involved.

Creative Dog Grooming UK is a safe place where like-minded people can show and discuss their work without fear of being attacked or abused.

What can you tell me about the British Creative Dog Grooming Championships?

The British Creative Dog Grooming

Championships was born out of requests from fellow like-minded, creative groomers wanting more creative classes to compete in.

Unfortunately, there is a lack of these classes at other competitions as sadly misinformed people still disagree with the practices of creative styling and don’t allow coloured dogs on their premises.

The 1st ever British Creative Dog Grooming Championships was held in a small village hall in 2019. It was a great fun, friendly competition and we had amazing feedback.

Now we have grown to the point where last year, we moved to a larger location so we could accommodate

PREVIEW @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 46 Make sure you follow us on social media to keep up to date with our Special Offers! 07947 707205 Hair Resistant Clothing and personalised embroidery service Contact us at Inspire, achieve, believe! Start your career in animal care today! EDUCATION FOR PEOPLE, FOR PETS, FOR THE FUTURE Dog and Cat Grooming Training and Pet Education Qualification courses iPET Network is a sector specific Awarding Organisation who are constantly developing innovative animal care & veterinary science qualifications. Additionally, iPET Network is an End-point Assessment Awarding Organisation. If you would like to become a Training Provider, contact us on GROOM SCHOOL 10_2-23_FourPaws_127mmx 85mm.indd 1 10/02/23 15:12 Professional products designed for all canine care Follow us @Wowgrooming Come see us at Crufts in Hall 5 stand 83 @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 47

more entries, as well as host seminars and have trade stands. It was the largest yet with over 70 competitors.

We have classes for all abilities, from 1st timers to seasoned pros, where any breed of dogs can be used, even smooth coats. Classes include Extreme Creative, Salon Creative, Carving, Asian Fusion, Juniors, Canine Catwalk, Model Dog and Grooming MaTTers.

What can groomers expect from this year’s event, compared to previous British Creative Dog Grooming Championships?

This year’s event is going to be bigger and better, with classes filling up nicely and a number of trade stands booked. We are hoping to get one of the amazing creative groomers from America to judge and teach a seminar, but at this moment it’s not been confirmed.

We still aim to be the most welcoming, and friendliest grooming competition, as well as providing a good chance for creative groomers from all over the UK to come and have a great day out socialising, and getting new ideas.

What are you most excited about for this year’s British Creative Dog Grooming Championships?

Every year I’m excited about The British Creative Dog Grooming Championships. Just seeing how well the creative grooming side of the industry is growing with new faces competing.

We love encouraging new groomers to compete and try being creative in a small but friendly environment. One of my favourite parts of the day is the

extreme creative class and trying to work out what the competitors have come up with in their designs.

How does The British Creative Dog Grooming Championships differ from other grooming events?

The British Creative Dog Grooming Championships is the UK’s only fully creative dog grooming competition; you won’t find any breed-standard hairstyles here. Everyone can get involved from supervised children to adults. Even if you have a non-hair cutting breed, we have had boxers and Staffordshire bull terriers

entered alongside poodles in salon creative, there are classes for all.

It’s a fun, friendly atmosphere with no pressure where everyone is ready to help each other.

Where can people go to get more information on The British Creative Dog Grooming Championships?

For more information on The British Creative Dog Grooming Championships, our events calendar, education, products and more, visit our website at www. or find us on Facebook and Instagram.

PREVIEW @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 48

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Style to Rescue

Jitka Krizova is the owner of Vita Canis - Dog grooming training centre, salon & bespoke boarding kennel. Today, they tell us all about Style to Rescue, an innovative way of supporting rescue organisations and helping rescues find their new forever homes.

The idea of organising a charity dog grooming competition has been in my head for years. Its core purpose is threefold:

1) To give rescue dogs a much-deserved makeover,

2) To raise rescue dogs’ chances of being seen and rehomed, and

3) To raise money for the wonderful people who tirelessly run the rescue centres

The dogs are groomed beautifully by experienced, professional groomers and spoiled to bits with care and loving kindness. It’s very important to us that the dogs always feel safe and loved before, during, and after the groom!

The rescue centres receive financial support whether their dogs win or not!

Style to Rescue is run on a not-for-profit basis by volunteers.

Style to Rescue was nominated by the Industry achievements awards and was a finalist three times in the Event of the Year category!

2023’s event will be held in the Kennel Club Building in Coventry on the 30th of April. I can tell you it will be even bigger and better again!

This year we have even more groomers taking part and, if that’s not enough, I have a long waiting list as well…

We have two amazing people to judge next year: Georgia Ashton – Fuller and Costin Stoica.

Our seminar rooms are filling up, which is not a surprise for me. We have incredible people from our industry sharing their time and knowledge with us:

Lisa Hart & Sharon Mills: Asian Model dog Workshop

Sophie Bell – Grooming Brachycephalic Dogs

Pammie Carmichael – Hogg – Skills for Successful Asian Fusion Grooming

Paula Bryan – Chit - Chat Clippers,

Clipper Blades, Scissors – Their Maintenance

Heidi Anderton - Correct Handling Encourages a Pleasant Groom

Vanessa Byrne – Energy Flow in The Salon – Calmer Dogs, Easier Grooms

Julie Harris – What Makes Dogs Itch?

Rob Fellows – Reiki for Dogs, Owners & Groomers

Costin Stoica – Finishing Touches to Transform a Groom

Bill Betts – 5 Ways to Grow Your Grooming Business

Georgia Ashton Fuller – Poodle in Asian


Fantastic retailers are coming to showcase their wares, to name a few: Muttney’s, Clipit, The Pawdinary, Fuller Frills, Monty’s Natural Treats, The Green Pet and many more…

And let’s not forget the very popular cake competition: Groomers Bake Off! Our goal for this year? To raise 20K! More info can be found on our Facebook group Vita Canis - Style to Rescue or you can contact me directly on

PREVIEW @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 50
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Fearless feline grooming

Cats are a great challenge. It’s mostly just a case of treating them like the completely different species that they are, spending a little time learning some simple cat behaviour dos and don’ts.

Work from behind the cat, not in front of their face

I have seen so many people try and work with cats face-to-face. This is quite intimidating for the cat who is (usually) a relatively small animal and doesn’t like having us tall humans standing over them.

Work from behind the cat’s head and if they are lying on their side then work on the side furthest from the outwards reaching paws. There is no sense in putting yourself within reach of the sharpest parts of the cat; the teeth and claws. Move around the cat as needed to keep behind the sharpest areas and learn to handle them carefully and respectfully.

Watch their face and body for signs of their mood and don’t be fooled by a wagging tail

Cats have very different body language than dogs and often their cues that they

are unhappy are harder to spot if you aren’t used to them. Usually, a waving or switching tail is a sign that the cat is annoyed. Look out for how the ears are positioned, the pupil size and how their body is being held in general.

A relaxed cat will feel looser and an annoyed one like a coiled spring ready to pounce or run away. Growls and hisses can be warning signals that the cat is unsettled and also give you a warning that you are working near a sensitive area.

You will see changes quickly in cats when you are near an area that is knotted or in pain so always pay attention to their reactions as they are usually trying to tell you something.

Keep a large towel nearby and don’t scruff cats

Cats have three main instincts when in a high-pressure situation: fight, flight and freeze.

A towel can be offered if the cat is showing signs of wanting to run away and hide. Some cats don’t like feeling like they are on display and are more comfortable with something over them. Others are the opposite so spend a little time getting to know each cat before starting grooming and checking their reactions.

A towel can also be used to help with handling trickier cats and you should avoid holding them by the scruff of the neck the way mothers carry their young kittens. Cats are both predator and prey animals and so they can seem aggressive once they go into defence mode. Try and spot any triggers that are causing the cat to swipe and see if there is a way to reduce that reaction.

Work with the cats in your care and don’t try to make them all follow the same grooming routine

FOCUS @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 52

No two grooms will be the same, even with the same cat. Always assess the cats’ temperament before starting as you don’t know what has happened before they see you.

Cats are usually not as used to travelling as dogs and going to a new environment so can find grooming tricky before even getting out of their carrier. Some cats will suit being groomed on a table and others on your lap or the floor.

Instead of trying to force the cat through the session and making things more difficult at the next visit, try something different and see if you can find a way to work with the cat.

Look at each cat as an individual and don’t assume they all need bathing

I always do a drier test before even thinking about bathing as I find that cats can be very sensitive to loud noise.

Cats aren’t used to being bathed and generally getting wet in their day-to-day life. They tend not to jump in streams and puddles like many dogs do so it can be a completely foreign occurrence for them. Bathing will give a lovely finish to the cats’ coats, but the well-being of the cat on the day always comes first and if they don’t like the process then don’t push it.

A dry groom is a great alternative that can be offered with a dry shampoo for short-haired cats or a conditioning spray for those with long fur. Many catexclusive groomers don’t even offer a set bath as an option unless there is a definite need for one.

Do some additional training just on cats and don’t assume that they have the same needs as dogs

The iPet Network Cat Grooming Diploma includes sections on cat behaviour, feline first aid, cat welfare and much more as well as lots of practical hands-on experience working with cats.

It is a great addition to your skill set and will help you start to understand and enjoy working with these fabulous creatures. Visit www.ipetnetwork. for more information and the closest provider to you.

FELINE FOCUS @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 53

Forthglade launch new range

Devonian dog lovers

Forthglade have launched a range of new meals specially tailored to support the health and development of dogs at varying stages of their lives. Made in the heart of Devon and packed with goodness, the complete wet meals for puppies through to senior dogs, contain high quality ingredients teamed with vitamins, minerals, botanicals and like all Forthglade recipes, are free from any junk or fillers.

For the best start in life

Forthglade’s range of natural meals for puppies are tailored to support growing pups aged 2-12 months. The complete meals contain 75% high quality protein (meat or fish) which is ideal for energetic pups. The grain free meals, suitable for sensitive tummies, include tasty chicken with liver, sweet potato and vegetables or there’s lamb with liver, sweet potato and vegetables. The meals

include omega 3 from salmon oil to aid brain development, chondroitin and glucosamine to support young joints and bones, and prebiotic chicory root extract for healthy digestion. The addition of liver also provides a great source of protein, which is rich in nutrients. Two new wholegrain puppy recipes are available with oats, providing young pups with a great source of iron; choose from chicken with oats and vegetables, or duck with oats and vegetables. The natural Devon-made dinners provide everything a puppy needs for optimum health.

Fitter for longer

The new grain free and wholegrain meals for seniors contain carefully selected ingredients to help dogs aged 7yrs+ stay fit and healthy. With 15%

less fat than the adult dog recipes, these lower calorie meals contain 60% protein. The new grain free recipes, ideal for sensitive tummies include lamb or turkey combined with butternut squash (for low energy density and high antioxidants for digestion), plus tasty vegetables. For those keen to try wholegrain recipes dogs can enjoy white fish or lamb, each mixed with brown rice and vegetables. These meals includes higher levels of chondroitin and glucosamine for healthy joints and bones, omega 3 to maintain good cognitive function in older dogs plus chicory root extract for healthy digestion; everything an older dog needs to keep fit and well.

Meals are available in convenient 395g trays. Visit for more detail.

PRODUCT NEWS @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 54

Secret Weapon Xtra

Secret Weapon Xtra is the key product of choice for Professionals and Pet owners worldwide. This innovative product will dematt, de-shed, hydrate, volumise and reduce drying time on all coat types. Secret Weapon is the only organic product on the market which has been specifically engineered to enter the hair shaft and hydrate the hair from within, the results are so amazing you’ll wonder how you ever groomed without it!

Ultimutt Intense Superior Dematting Conditioner

Ultimutt Intense provides moisture and volume where you need it most. This organic conditioning product can be used alongside Secret Weapon for added moisture dematting power and volume or used independently between Secret Weapon treatments. Suitable for all coat types.

All Secret Weapon products are Hypoallergenic, Therapeutic and kind to hands too!

discountCrufts10% onCodeallproductsCRUFTS23 Available at CRUFTS from Petcetera HALL 5 Stand 26 @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 55

Considering your own branded grooming products?

Start Products is taking the pet care market by storm, launching one of the UK’s only white label pet care solutions offering brandable off-the-shelf grooming products. Pioneered by Archie Turner, the son of Stephen Turner who created leading dog shampoo brand Animology and owner of private label manufacturer Group55. Developing pet care products is a family affair that’s fuelling this new venture. We spoke with Archie to find out more…

Tell us, in a nutshell, what Start Products offers?

“We give groomers and brands the opportunity to create and sell their own range of high-quality pet care products to their customers.

Traditionally, developing and launching your own grooming range would involve product development costs, custom formulations, refining samples, long testing times, and hefty minimum order quantities. Start Products’ white label solution allows you to select quality predeveloped products, explore a variety of packaging combinations, upload your own branded label and start selling!

With no minimum order quantities, we allow an easy route to market eliminating upfront investment and long development times.”

How did you come up with the idea for Start Products?

“Back in 2020 I was working at Group55 and saw that large number of people were unable to meet the minimum order quantities or development costs associated with creating private label products. This sparked the idea to create

a more accessible route to market, so Start Products was born!”

What pet grooming products do you offer?

“We currently offer a collection of 11 high-quality pet products across dog shampoos, deodorising sprays and a paw and nose balm that can be used on all coats and skin types to leave a dog’s coat fresh, clean and healthy between grooming visits. All of the products in the range are vegan & cruelty-free and are available in 5 different fragrances with customisable packaging combinations.”

What makes your products different from others on the market?

“Our partnership with Group55 gives unique access to industry-leading manufacturing facilities and awardwinning formulation chemists. Whilst Start Products is a new venture, we’re backed by over 20 years of experience

and industry knowledge of product development, brand development, manufacturing and fulfilment in the pet care space”

What advice would you give to groomers who are considering launching their own product line?

“It’s a great way to grow your business and add incremental sales and value to your customers. My advice would be to give it a go, trial a small number of products and see how it works for you!

If you’re unsure, you can purchase a sample pack to test drive the products before deciding what will work best for you.”

Start Products are offering Total Grooming readers an exclusive 20% discount on the Dog Grooming Sample Pack using code TOTAL20. Visit for more information.

PRODUCT NEWS @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 56

Cats at Home

Charlie Warren is the founder and owner of Cats at Home Cat Grooming Spa based in Norfolk. Today, they walk us through their cat grooming experience and how Wrapsio has helped.

Charlie qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2000 and a vet nursing lecturer in 2008. After roles as Head Nurse and subsequently managing groups of corporate and private vet practices, the pandemic gave Charlie time to consider developing a long-term passion.

Having first started grooming cats from her parent’s garage over 15 years, she invested all her efforts into creating this successful business. The cat spa is one of a kind.

Hi Charlie, what can you tell me about the differences between cat and dog grooming and handling?

Cat grooming has its own rules, it’s not about training and control. At Cats at Home, we use minimum restraint, which allows the cats to feel comfortable and in control.

Some have very narrow windows of tolerance for grooming, so it’s essential to understand their body language and hone skills to carry out procedures safely

and effectively whilst preventing fear.

In these cases, we might use a Wrapsio Cat Wrap gently draped around the cat to give a sensation of safety. Cats’ skin, nails, and hair are constructed differently than dogs. Their skin is paper-thin, and safety with tools is absolutely vital; we never use scissors to remove matting.

Should groomers and salons invest more time in cat grooming?

No dog grooming salon should mix cats and dogs. Setting up separate areas for both species is a huge challenge.

I worked for 20 years and developed patience and skills. It’s not for everyone, but it’s a testament to our five-star reviews of how tolerant and even how much the cats enjoy their experience.

If a groomer was looking for advice on starting to groom cats, where could they look?

Cat grooming must be taken very seriously and requires dedication to understanding cat behaviour and

anatomy. I recommend spending time at cat-friendly rehoming centres, vets or catteries.

Research the different breeds of cats, then spend time at a cat salon to see how much time it takes with some more anxious cats.

Are there any general thoughts on cat grooming you’d like to share?

Setting up and running Cats at Home Grooming and Spa has exceeded all my expectations! From my background in vet nursing, I was used to seeing cats being sedated for grooming.

Unfortunately, it’s a common protocol due to the time restraints in busy veterinary practices. Although highly qualified in medical and surgical intervention, it’s rare to have a staff member trained in grooming. Hence why businesses like ours rely on referrals from local vet clinics.

Follow @catsathomeuk on Instagram, Cats At Home Cat Grooming on Facebook and @catsathome_uk on TikTok. Visit

CASE STUDY @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 58

Animal Talent & Casting Agency

Urban Paws UK

Urban Paws UK are the leading and award-winning animal talent and casting agency. We have a team of knowledgeable and experienced bookers with over 40 year’s experience in the pet industry who work with film producers, TV studios, PR agencies and in-house marketing companies to provide the perfect animal talent for any media brief. We are always looking for well-groomed pets for media briefs so get in touch today.

London: 020 8161 6556

Manchester: 0161 808 1667



Grooming and Hygiene

GHS Direct GHS Direct specialises in the manufacture and supply of a comprehensive range of concentrate liquid disinfectants and detergents to the animal care industry.

T: 01268 513200



Grooming Supplies

Artero Artero has specialized in dog grooming and hairdressing products since 1909. With 113 years of experience, Artero has become a reference in both the Grooming and the Hairdressing worlds, Artero is now present in over 72 countries all over the world.





Petcetera have been supplying the nation’s professional dog people with new and innovative products for over 50 years! We pride ourselves on being a one-stopshop for all your pet, showing, grooming & breeding requirements. Request your FREE catalogue today!

T: 01948 668100



Facebook: petceteraetc

Instagram: @petcetera_etc

Industry Services

Pet Industry Federation

Open to all pet businesses in the UK, PIF is the membership association for the pet industry with a wide range of member benefits to support business growth and development.

T: 01234 273933



Facebook: petindustryfederation

Twitter: @PetFedUK


LinkedIn: Pet Industry Federation (PIF)

Natural Pet Treats

Monty’s Pet Treats & Wholesale

Looking for extra income?

Give our Natural treats, foods & supplements a new brand!

Wholesale with white label service & UK manufactured products. 5% off first order with code TGM5

T: 0203 797 6308


Pet Food

Burns Pet Nutrition

Founded by veterinary surgeon John Burns in 1993, pioneering pet food brand Burns specialises in using simple, healthy and wholesome ingredients to create award-winning recipes that pets love.

T: 0800 0181890



Facebook: burnspet

Instagram: @burnset

Twitter: @burnspetfood

Raw Feeding

Natural Instinct

At Natural Instinct, we are all passionate about pets. We believe raw food is the best natural option, feeding as nature intended, free from artificial additives, colours, preservatives and fillers.

T: 01276 608500


Facebook: NIPetfoods

Twitter: @NIrawpetfoods

Instagram: @naturalinstinctfood


For All Dogkind

Award-winning grooming and wellbeing range for all skin & coat types. Delivering natural, healthy and healing products that are ethically sourced and luxuriously kind to hounds & humans. (Trade discounts available)

T:. 020 7148 0316



Secret Weapon UK

Our unrivalled range of top quality dematting products, shampoos and conditioners are suitable for all coat and skin types. Organic and hypoallergenic our ethically sourced products make grooming easier, kinder and faster. Award winning and successfully selling worldwide for 8 years.

T: 07923 368137


Facebook: Secret Weapon UK

Instagram: @secretweaponuk

CONNECTIONS @totalgroomingmagazineuk @TotalGrooming 60


Barras Blades

Innovation in sharpening. Mail order sharpening services for all your scissor and clipper blades with fast turnaround and tracked returns. Home of the groomers blade push to ease blade cleaning and for the groomers blade push you can go here to see it

T: 07879408714



Facebook: Barras.Blades

Instagram: @barras_blades

Teeth Cleaning

The Dog Tooth Fairy

The Dog Tooth Fairy offers Emmi-pet equipment, online training courses and support for dog groomers. Helping businesses thrive and increase their salon revenue with Emmi-pet ultrasonic teeth cleaning, achieving great results with guaranteed client satisfaction.

T: 07583689366


Facebook: @thedogtoothfairy

Instagram: @thedogtoothfairy

Training and Education

Capel Manor College Train to become a qualified dog groomer; choose from full and part-time courses with free tuition for 16 to 18 year olds.

T: 0303 003 1234



Facebook: capelmanorcollege

Twitter: @capelmanor

Instagram: @capelmanor

Four Paws Groom School

Dog and Cat Grooming Training Courses and regulated Qualifications. Our friendly and knowledgeable Tutors will support you every step of the way. Locations in Cheshire, Kent, Herefordshire and Greater Manchester.

T: 01606 333765



Facebook: fourpawsgroomschool


Haddon Training

Established in 1997, Haddon Training are an award-winning training provider specialising in dog grooming, animal care and equine. We offer qualifications which are all supported by our team of expert Trainer-Coaches.

T: 01672 519977



Facebook: HaddonTrainingLtd

Instagram: @haddontraining

iPET Network International Awarding Organisation, creating regulated qualifications for the Animal Care and Veterinary Science sector. We aim to improve animal welfare through education, successfully winning awards for our Dog and Cat Grooming qualifications.

T: 0800 433 4700



Facebook: @ipetnetwork

Instagram: @ipetnetwork

KD Grooming Studio

KD Grooming Studio, a multi-awardwinning pet grooming Studio, delivers flexible C&G/National Pet College & vocational courses. Train with Britain’s Best Groomer, Kelly Davis (BBC) and her highly skilled team. Enrol year round.

T: 01963 34110




Facebook: KdGroomingStudio

Instagram: @kdgroomingstudio

National Pet College

Offering City & Guilds dog grooming qualifications via our approved training centres around the UK. Also, Higher Diploma in Dog Grooming, teacher training and short courses including canine first aid.

T: 01234 984450



Facebook: nationalpetcollege

Instagram: @nationalpetcollege

Pet Passion to Profit

Pet Passion to Profit is a business training company. We enable grooming businesses to grow their businesses giving greater income, confidence and satisfaction.

T: 07969 990086



Facebook: Petpassiontoprofit

Instagram: @pet_passion_to_profit1

YouTube: channel/UC5qrF8sc0XQSlgmwzqFBn-g

Rob Fellows Reiki

Help calm the dogs in your salon and make your job easier too.

Easy to learn and simple to do Reiki training courses especially for groomers. Home Learning or Live Training and Qualification Day.



Facebook: RobFellowsReiki

FB group: Reiki for Dog Groomers

Instagram: @reikirobfellows

Summit Groomer Training Group

Summit works with dog grooming training centres delivering quality tuition and City & Guilds qualifications. With centres across the UK there is one near you.

See our website for details.

T: 01535 661776

E: enquiries@summitgroomer

W: www.summitgroomer

CONNECTIONS @TotalGrooming @totalgroomingmagazineuk 61
South of England Showground, West Sussex 16th April 2023 Event Sponsor Register your interest at
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