CIC Magazine 2021/2 - English version

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CIC 2021/2 MAGAZINE 2020/2

Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier Internationaler Rat zur Erhaltung des Wildes und der Jagd International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation

CIC – Conservation through the sustainable use of wildlife 1

Publisher: CIC Headquarters H-2092 Budakeszi P.O. BOX 82, Hungary Phone: +36 23 453 830 Fax: +36 23 453 832 E-mail:

photo by Michiel Annert

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Handle the night. Thanks to intuitive ergonomics.

with f w o N so r u o 10 H ry Life Batte

The ZEISS DTI 3 Thermal Imaging Cameras Accurately identifying game at night places particularly high demands on hunters and their equipment. With its DTI 3 thermal imaging cameras, ZEISS always offers the right optics for nighttime hunting. Both models can be operated intuitively, even in the dark and the cold, thanks to the ErgoControl concept. The high-resolution HD LCOS display delivers detailed images – even under foggy or humid conditions thanks to Contrast Boost. Designed by hunting experts for hunters, the ZEISS DTI 3 models maximize hunting success, whether hunting from a high seat or stalking – allowing you to handle the night.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial 5 Focus 7 General Assembly 10 International Conferences


Exhibition events 46 International Projects 60


Dear CIC Members and Friends, Hunting renders a service to society. It is our job to promote this fact; to make the public understand that hunting adds value to both biodiversity and wildlife conservation. This vision is a core theme that we will look to focus on during my tenure as the newly appointed President of the CIC. We are all aware of the immense pressure that hunting and sustainable use is under at the moment. As we addressed during the General Assembly, a large part of this is due to the alienation from nature that has sadly seeped into large parts of society. At the same time, we are seeing many environmental conventions and institutions pushing for “nature-based solutions” to our global problems. This means that we are looking to protect and restore natural areas in ways that also provide solutions to our societal challenges. By providing services to society, while supporting countless livelihoods, hunting is a nature-based solution that is critical to our current way of life. Hunters manage and protect habitats, aid in the fight against poaching, and contribute directly to the restoration of wildlife populations.

While many of us already know these things to be a fact, unfortunately this is not the case for the majority of the public. How can we address this? A key factor will be to shine a spotlight on the rural areas that benefit from hunting activities, while at the same time making alliances with other organisations working in this field so that we can learn from and support one another. And with that in mind, I warmly welcome you to this special edition of the CIC Magazine. This magazine focuses on the activities that took place during the 67th General Assembly in Budapest, and of course the One with Nature - World of Hunting and Nature exhibition. The theme for the General Assembly - Rural Voices, Global Responsibilities - was one that serves as an excellent starting point for this new chapter for the CIC. I hope you will enjoy and gain some insight from our coverage of all the exciting events that took place in Budapest during September and October. I wish all of you a wonderful 2022 next year, and a warm Christmas with your families.

Philippe Harmer President of the CIC 5

Photo by Keyur Nandaniya



ONE WITH NATURE & THE CIC After two years of official preparatory work, Hungary finally held its One with Nature (OWN) – World of Hunting and Nature exhibition between 25 September and 14 October, 2021. Organised to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Hungary’s iconic 1971 World Hunting Expo, the aim of the exhibition was to raise public awareness on the significance of sustainable use and its contributions to conservation. The world’s biggest players in wildlife conservation converged in Budapest over the course of the event. NGOs, state wildlife ministries, private industry, and more were all in attendance to celebrate this historic occasion. At the opening ceremony, Honorary CIC President (CIC President at the time) George Aman took the stage to discuss the need for this exhibition at a time when people are increasingly alienated from nature. In addressing this issue, he stated there is a need for sustainable use to be rightfully recognised as the effective conservation tool that it is. A total of 616,000 people visited the HUNGEXPO exhibition site, with this number growing to almost 1.5 million when looking at the attendance at supplementary OWN sites around Hungary. The exhibition itself consisted of six international conferences, as well as events and programs in six different halls that spanned an area of 75,000m2. 50 states had their own exhibits, and a total of 100 countries were represented throughout the proceedings.

were organised directly through the CIC. These were the 67th General Assembly of the CIC, the 3rd CPW Wildlife Forum and the 35th IUGB Congress.

The CIC was invited to be a patron of OWN, mirroring the course of events that took place for the 1971 World Hunting Expo. In addition to assisting in the organisation of the event, the CIC was fundamental in bringing certain integral elements of OWN to the table.

To be able to host the General Assembly at the home nation of the CIC Administrative Office was a great opportunity to show CIC members the work of the organisation and its relationships within Hungary. The theme – One with Nature; Rural Voices, Global Responsibilities – mirrored that of the OWN exhibition. The technical sessions focused on the central theme of our countryside and rural spaces, and the need to create alliances to support one another, as well as nature itself.

Three of the six international conferences that took place within the framework of the exhibition

The Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), of which the CIC 7

is a member, also held its 3rd Wildlife Forum within the framework of OWN. The forum was coordinated by the CIC, and the event explored wildlife management issues from the perspective of a wide-range of organisations with different focuses and objectives. On top of this, the CIC took on the role of Secretariat in the organisation of the 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB). Bringing together game biologists, particularly those from the younger generation, saw the exploration of innovative ideas within this discipline, and much stimulating discussions surrounding its future.

In addition to these international conferences, the CIC had its own stand within the exhibition halls of OWN. A number of exciting events were organised there for exhibition attendees and members alike, including workshops with the European Landowners Organization (ELO), a special side-event for World Migratory Bird Day and presentations by experts on indigenous peoples. Another interesting aspect of OWN was the 2021 World Conservation Forum (WCF) which was organised within the framework of the exhibition. The WCF was a platform for individuals, organisations, associations – from the private, public, and non-profit sectors – to tackle some of the world’s most pressing issues related to conservation and wildlife management. Philipp Hamer, President of the CIC (CIC Deputy President at the time), was invited to speak at the WCF opening ceremony. There, he praised how the exhibition and the WCF looked to highlight the services that hunting renders to society. He stated that looking to highlight these aspects of hunting and sustainable use showcases


the holistic benefits of hunting, rather than the activity in isolation as many currently know it. It has been announced that the WCF will be a reoccurring conference that will continue to be hosted annually. This poses an excellent opportunity to come back and reassess the issues that were explored at this year’s event, including the theme of rurality which was discussed at both the WCF and the CIC General Assembly. For more detailed information on the activities mentioned above, we welcome you to read through this special edition of the CIC Magazine which focuses on the One with Nature exhibition and the 67th General Assembly!



Take-Home Messages From the 67th General Assembly

ONE WITH NATURE - RURAL VOICES, GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITIES The motto for the 67th General Assembly was “Rural Voices, Global Responsibilities.” The diverse range of topics that were explored at the conference - from zoonotic diseases and culture, to small game and large carnivores – all shared the same key message in relation to this motto, which was: Rural communities need a voice. They need to come together and find ways to communicate effectively for the greater good of society and nature. With distinguished panellists, speakers and moderators from more than 20 countries, the conference was truly international in scope. The regions that were represented at the conference included Australasia, Europe, Southern and Eastern Africa, North America, Latin America, Middle East, and South Asia. The General Assembly also included a session from the Wildlife Forum of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), meaning an estimated 500 people are likely to have followed the conference deliberations, either in person or online, across the two days. What was clear throughout is that we need to form alliances. For this, we need good narratives.


The CPW itself was given as an example where entities are allied for a common cause – sustainable wildlife management. However, other unifying themes cited were climate change, culture, food, livelihoods, health or even the countryside itself. Various speakers stressed the need to think about the present and the future. Our actions today in the countryside will continue to play a huge role in the health of nature and people for decades and centuries to come. Many referred to the COVID-19 pandemic both as a reminder of the respect that nature deserves and as a reason why the sustainable management of natural resources is so crucial. When it comes to health, it is ill-conceived to focus solely on wildlife, especially considering the major role of domestic animals in disease transmission. Speakers emphasised during the conference that diseases transmitted specifically by wildlife are not as common as some might think. This further highlights the need for education and sensitisation on the realities of the countryside. In relation to education, many spoke about the need to bridge the rural-urban divide. One reality that needs to be known is the fact that living in true harmony or coexistence with wildlife is simply not practical and achievable. What is perhaps more feasible is that we seek to


minimise human-wildlife conflict and to find a balance that is sustainable Few could argue the inherent links between humans and rural areas, whether or not these are visible today. In fact, history shows us that many cultures and traditions developed directly from the countryside. These cultures need to be understood and respected. As a concrete example, speakers talked about the importance of reconciling community rights and cultural identity with the management of zoonotic risk and the protection of natural resources. Cultures have greatly influenced nature conservation over time, with hunting being just one example of how culture can guide the management of ecosystems and their components. The recognition of culture also presents a good narrative that can be communicated. Culture is a platform to share, a responsibility to protect, and even a “weapon” that can be used, amongst other things, in the defence and support of rurality or hunting. Ultimately, local people need to see value. They need to benefit from nature, including wildlife. Unless you can get rural people to support and buy-in to wildlife conservation, it will remain an uphill battle. On this note, many spoke about the services provided by hunters such as predator control, population management, habitat creation and maintenance, as well as food. These are tangible rewards, yet some speakers believed that the loss of small game could impact the ability to showcase these benefits from hunting. This further highlights the importance of having a good narrative. The services

provided by hunters present a good message for communications. In this regard, work is constantly needed to make sure these messages remain factual and current. Considering the above, it is clear that all countryside actors, whilst different, are intertwined and must work together. Alliances are needed to create a powerful and meaningful voice that can be heard. Paying attention to the needs of local communities is a critical factor in creating this voice. However, in order for alliances and their messages to be heard and covered by the media, they will need to be interesting. To do this, we should look to combine factual data with stories in a way that engages the public. Ultimately, a lot boils down to the fact that many segments of society have lost the deep respect for nature that once existed. This has led to “invasions” of natural habitats. Perhaps one of the most important narratives that needs to be formed, emphasised, and re-emphasised, is that we as humans are dependent on nature. In turn, we rely on rural areas. No matter what the advances in science, this will continue to be the case. We need strong custodians of rural areas, we need them to come together, and we need them to effectively communicate their work and its importance. Detailed summaries of each of the sessions are provided hereafter.



67th General Assembly of the CIC: Opening Ceremony On 26 September, 2021 the 67th General Assembly of the CIC officially kicked off in Budapest, Hungary. The event, which was held under the theme of “One with Nature – Rural Voices, Global Responsibilities,” took a look at the importance of our rural areas, and the ways in which the CIC and the wider sustainable use community can build alliances in this field. Kicking things off was the Hungarian Defense Forces Central Military Band, which played the CIC Hymn and the Hungarian national anthem as part of the CIC’s Flag Ceremony. The CIC’s delegation of Hungarian Hussars (light cavalry) was also on stage as part of the official handling of the flags. 12

Honorary President of the CIC (CIC President at the time), George Aman, then gave an opening speech in which he thanked Dr. Zsolt Semjén (Deputy Prime Minister of Hungary) and Kovács Zoltán (Government Commissioner of OWN) for making the event happen despite the circumstances of the global pandemic. He went on to thank everyone in attendance and wished them all a pleasant time at the conference. Dr. Semjén then took the stage to talk about the changes we have seen in attitudes towards hunting when compared to Hungary’s first World Hunting Expo in 1971, and our need to take proactive


measures in preserving hunting culture. He also highlighted Hungary’s pyramid approach towards hunting preservation, which consists of large international events (like One with Nature) at the top, regional exhibitions in the middle and events for local communities at the base. He concluded by discussing Hungary’s relationship with the CIC, making particular mention of the CIC’s 1 Euro per Hunter initiative, which Hungary joined three years ago – he also confirmed the country’s commitment to the initiative going forward. Finally, he thanked the CIC for its preparatory work for the exhibition, as well as the hunting events that Hungary has hosted over the years. CIC Director General, Tamás Marghescu, then awarded the Deputy Prime Minister with the CIC Order of Merit in recognition of his invaluable services to global wildlife conservation. Freiherr Philipp von und zu Guttenberg, renowned farmer and forester from Austria, then gave his opening remarks, in which he emphasised our need to create alliances with stakeholders in rural areas.

In order to preserve our rural areas, and in turn preserve hunting for future generations, he put forward a threefold approach; reunite rural forces, clear out our own closet, and come up with a common narrative suited to today’s world. To close the ceremony, Head of the French Delegation, Emmanuel Michau, presented an award made in honour of Willy Schraen, President of the French National Hunters Federation (FNC). The award was given in recognition of a book authored by Willy Schraen on hunting, rurality and rural areas. As Willy Schraen was unable to attend the event, the award was accepted on his behalf by Vice- President of FNC, Alain Durand. He spoke on behalf of the author, stating that the book was written to show what hunting and rurality meant to him, with the overall objective of protecting rurality. Giving France and FNC as an example, he underlined how hunters cannot continue as they currently are without placing rurality as their central issue of concern. To conclude the Opening Ceremony, the Hungarian Defense Forces Central Military Band played a closing march for the attendees.



Technical Session I: Visions for the Countryside The first technical session of the 67th General Assembly was “Visions for the Countryside,” and was moderated by Danene van der Westhuyzen, President of the Namibia Professional Hunting Association (NAPHA). The aim of this session was to explore the current state of the countryside, the rural-urban divide, as well as how these issues may develop in the future. Danene van der Westhuyzen gave an opening speech, and talked about her experiences growing up in Namibia. She mentioned the safaris there that are so loved, which is contrasted by the realities of the rural inhabitants often working behind the scenes. After this, the session moved onto a panel discussion format. The panellists in attendance were: %Thierry de L’Escaille (Secretary General 14

of the European Landowners Organisation, ELO), Alain Durand (Vice President of the French National Hunters Federation, FNC), Aban Kabraji (OWN Ambassador for Pakistan. Former Regional Director for IUCN Asia), Sean McLelland (Executive Director of the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation), Scot Mcclure (Director of Education of the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation) and Franz Fischler (President of the European Forum Alpbach). The session started with the panellists discussing how the countryside looks in their respective countries and regions. Franz Fischler outlined the state of the countryside in Europe and how, due to the limited spaces available in European countries, industries such as hunting, agriculture and forestry often share spaces and resources. In this context, the importance of fostering relationships and dialogue was emphasised, despite how difficult it


may be. It was suggested that large scale issues, such as climate change, may be a force that can bring these rural stakeholders together. Aban Kabraji, who has worked extensively in Asia, commented that values are integrated with culture, economics and traditional land use patterns. For impoverished countries, it was stated that the values associated with the countryside can be changed, such as through the use of hunting programs. Fauna that was previously seen as food can instead be turned into more beneficial, which has the added impact of incentivising communities to conserve rural spaces. When discussing the current work that takes place in preserving the interests of the countryside, Thierry de L’Escaille noted how rural livelihoods are largely supported by private actors. It was suggested that we should reject the outdated philosophy of introducing burdensome regulations to fix rural issues, which would allow these actors to carry out their duties effectively. Recognising the work of private actors, such as through the ELO Wildlife Estates label, was put forward as another measure to support such organisations. Giving the perspective of the rural stakeholders was Alain Durand, who discussed the need to define the term rurality. While people often think of hunters when they hear the term, he stressed that there are many other rural stakeholders in the countryside; fisherfolk, farmers, entrepreneurs, health care providers and more. He described

the common feeling of not being understood by outsiders amongst the stakeholders, and their desire to jointly protect rural values and heritage. With a view to the future, Scot Mcclure and Sean McLelland talked extensively about the work of their organisation, Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation, and how it helps bridge the ruralurban divide through education. The Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation looks to educate children on wildlife conservation through a gym class, introducing them to fishing, archery, orienteering, and hunting through practical means and games. Through their work, which teaches wildlife conservation to a degree far beyond the US school curriculum, they found that the youth did become engaged in wildlife issues when taught in this manner.



CPW Wildlife Forum Technical Session: Zoonotic Diseases and the One Health Approach The second Technical Session of the 67th General Assembly was hosted within the framework of the Third Wildlife Forum of the Collaborative Partnership on Wildlife (CPW). The session was moderated by Anastasiya Timoshyna, a Senior Programme Coordinator on Sustainable Trade from TRAFFIC. The panel brought together experts of different backgrounds representing different organisations, namely: Dr. Richard Kock (Royal Veterinary College, UK and IUCN SSC wildlife Health Specialist Group), Kristina Rodina (Forestry Officer for Wildlife and Protected Areas at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Dr. Tiggy Grillo (Scientific officer of Wildlife Health Programme at the World Organization for Animal Health, OIE. National 16

Coordinator of Wildlife Health Australia), Dr. Hadrien Vanthomme & Dr. Marie-Marie Olive (Researcher of management of nature resources and landscapes forest and society unit of CIRAD & Researcher of epidemiology of arboviral and zoonotic diseases with CIRAD respectively), Count Prof. Torsten Mörner (Head of Wildlife Disease and Game Meat Specialist Group at the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation, CIC), and James Compton (USAID Wildlife TraPS Project Manager from TRAFFIC). The session focused on emerging zoonotic diseases, and looked at challenges, risks and opportunities in addressing them. The experts discussed the major role of domestic animals in disease transmission. It was mentioned how diseases transmitted specifically by wildlife are not as common as many

GENERAL ASSEMBLY believe. The session also focused on identifying specific supply chains and identifying points of intervention in order to reduce the risk of disease emergence. In his presentation, Dr. Richard Kock highlighted that wild mammal and bird trade is dwarfed by trade in domestic animals, which is where the main zoonosis risks lie. He mentioned that wildlife in situ is only a rare source of zoonosis and that emerging diseases have anthropogenic drivers. Dr. Kock advised that we should reduce the biomass of our protein sources and reduce the number of domestic animals including domestic pets. Kristina Rodina outlined the four guiding principles and the mission of CPW. In her presentation she emphasised that indigenous peoples and local communities actively use wildlife in their everyday life. She stressed that the involvement of indigenous peoples and local communities in policy response is low, and their cultures are not well addressed. Ms. Rodina underlined the importance of them being involved in policy making and being invited to international meetings. Similarly, Dr. Tiggy Grillo talked about the Ad Hoc Group of Experts which also identified frontline personnel/practitioners as a key target group for practices on risk reduction and intervention, whereas National government authorities with mandates for animal health, public health, wildlife management, wildlife trade and enforcement were identified as key groups to target to provide risk assessment information, monitoring and evaluation in capacity gap analyses. The presentation of Dr. Hadrien Vanthomme and Dr. Marie-Marie Olive brought forth the idea that, due to weak legal frameworks, we are seeing wildlife population depletion, local communities with weak capacities and right, informal value chains, increased urban demand and a lack of alternative meats. Therefore, it is important to reconcile community rights and cultural identity with the management of zoonotic risk and the

protection of natural resources. Reflecting on the previous point, Count Prof. Torsten Mörner emphasised the crucial work that hunters have been carrying out that directly relates to the four guiding principles to reduce risks from zoonotic diseases, outlined in the joint CPW publication ‘The COVID-19 challenge: Zoonotic diseases and wildlife.’ In his discussion he stressed that hunters need to be invited to the discussions concerning the monitoring and mitigation of the risk of new disease emergence. In his presentation, James Compton stressed that in order to develop practical solutions for wildlife trade and disease risk management, we need to understand context specific factors. The importance of identifying high-risk interfaces and combining interventions was mentioned, including policy reform, compliance and law enforcement, one health coordination, risk assessment and mitigation measures, supply chain management and traceability, as well as social behavioural change. Building on the presentations delivered by the panellists, the questions that were put forward focused on how to move from theoretical ideas to practical solutions. It was agreed by the experts that the necessary knowledge is already available and that it is important to continuously monitor the current situation and understand what risks are present, as well as implement the mechanisms that are already in place. It was also agreed that communication between different bodies, such as veterinarians, hunters, NGOs, governments, and authorities is essential. 17


Technical Session III: Feeding the World at the expense of Small Game Feeding the World at the expense of Small Game was the title of Technical Session III of the 67th General Assembly. The session, which was moderated by Prof. Dr. Klaus Hackländer (CIC Applied Science Division President and President of the Deutsche Wildtierstiftung), sought to understand what hunters can do to stop the decline of small game considering the intensification of agriculture we are seeing around the world. The panellists in attendance for this session were: Nate Watson (Membership and Volunteer Coordinator for Dallas Safari Club, DSC), Francis Bruner (Senior Conservation Scientist for the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust. Head of CIC Small Game Management Specialist Group), Péter Pál Hajas (Landowner and CIC member, Hungary), and Michel Mantheakis (Professional hunter. CIC Ambassador, Tanzania). 18

The panellists opened by discussing the state of small game in their respective countries. Michel Mantheakis highlighted the differences between his country (Tanzania) and Europe, namely the level of poverty and the increasing population. It was stated that these two factors contribute to the decimation of small game, which is partly attributed to the utilisation of small game as a source of nutrition. Giving a contrasting view was Nate Watson, who outlined the incentivisation schemes used in the US for small game conservation. Agricultural producers, farmers and ranchers are incentivised to maintain small game habitats through initiatives such as the CRP program and the Farm Bill; these initiatives also allow these stakeholders to profit from opening these areas to hunters. Focusing more on the incentivisation schemes for the agriculture sector was Péter Pál Hajas,


who gave an insight into the agri-environmental schemes that he makes use of on his farm in Hungary. In return for splitting his farm into smaller fields, diversifying his crops and introducing new field margins, he was able to generate income through agri-environmental schemes. While it was stated that this type of farming is less profitable than simply using large fields, it was argued that this type of farming is more beneficial for rural tourism, particularly the gastronomy sector. It was also suggested that consumers may see his products as higher value in the future, which would make this type of agricultural production more profitable. In places where agri-environmental schemes are not available, Francis Bruner suggested that alliances will be necessary to get the necessary legislation in place. The UK was given as an example where this was successfully implemented. A group of stakeholders collected data needed by the government over a period of 20 years; the UK now has one of the best agri-environmental schemes in Europe. Domestic and feral cats were also brought up as a topic of discussion, particularly the

difficulties in addressing cat issues due to their perception amongst the general public. Francis Bruner suggested that alliances with adversaries will be required before looking to address any issues that may appear. As many stakeholders are unlikely to be willing to work with hunting organisations, this means an alliance with such organisations will be first required to build trust. Building on this, Péter Pál Hajas added that examples of best practice from neutral sources can be used to sway those with differing opinions. To close the session, Prof. Dr. Klaus Hackländer spoke about the need for hunters to get involved in small game conservation. He emphasised how the loss of small game would impact the ability to showcase the benefits of hunting (e.g. habitat improvement and predator control). Additionally, the cultural elements associated with small game, such as certain dog breeds and falconry, were stated as further things that would be impacted by the loss of small game.



Session IV: Livig with Large Carnivores and Other Dangerous Game Local Community Engagement and Buy-in is Crucial Thematic Session IV of the 67th General Assembly was entitled “Living with large carnivores and other dangerous game.” The session was moderated by Michel Mantheakis, Professional hunter and CIC Ambassador (Tanzania), who opened by talking about one of the primary dangers associated with the countryside; large carnivores. The diverse panel brought together representatives from Africa, Latin America and Europe, namely: Danene van der Westhuyzen (President of the Namibia Professional Hunting Association), Ramón Pérez- Gil Salcido (President of FAUNAM), Patricia Wangui (Operations Manager at Resource Africa South Africa), and Dr. László Patkó (WWF Hungary, Coordinator of a LIFE project on Large Carnivores).


The session looked at differences in perceptions around large carnivores and other animals that are considered dangerous, whether to human lives, health or livelihoods. The panel looked at differences in the reporting of conflicts and damages, including how some lives seemingly matter more, or are reported on more widely, than others. The initial question that panellist grappled with was how to balance the needs of people and wildlife. In her answers, Danene van der Westhuyzen emphasised that the needs and wishes of local communities need to be understood and acted on. This is why the Namibian Constitution recognises the rights and development needs of local communities, in addition to the need to conserve biodiversity.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY As became evident during questions from the floor, living in true harmony or co-existing fully with wildlife is impossible. Nevertheless, we need to minimise human-wildlife conflict and find a balance that is sustainable. While wildlife remained the main focus of discussions, feral dogs and cats were highlighted by Ramón Pérez- Gil Salcido as a source of humanwildlife in Mexico. They were also seen as a source of human-human conflict, as evidenced by the public outcry when an experimental hunting season was briefly introduced for feral dogs in one region. Dr. László Patkó stressed that there is a big difference between what is truly “dangerous” to humans, and what is merely “frightening” or “scary”. Despite this, panellists agreed that the biggest threat that wildlife poses is to livelihoods in rural areas. Ultimately, local people need to see value, and be able to benefit from wildlife. Patricia Wangui highlighted the example of her home county, in Kenya, where wildlife numbers are growing. This is one of only two counties with positive trends in wildlife numbers, out of a total of 47 counties. The main reason: private conservancies and ranches. These structures have delivered benefits to communities, including through development activities. While compensation was also put forward as one tool for mitigating conflict, it was not seen as the ultimate solution, and is open to abuse. Importantly, one cannot simply compensate for human life. Instead, many panellists agreed that wildlife has to pay for itself; and unless you can get rural people to support and buy-in to wildlife conservation, you cannot win the struggle. It was emphasised that to-date there is nothing that incentivises this as much as the hunting of a few animals for a fee. People are willing to live with wildlife, purely because of this simple incentive which is ecologically and socio-economically sustainable, given the right framework. Building on the discussions, the question of how best to engage local communities emerged. It was agreed by all that ultimately they are the ones who will decide on management actions. Community power represents a strong power. Together, communities can act to prevent and limit damages. 21


Technical Session V: Culture of the Countryside A Shared Responsibility to Protect our Cultures

“Culture of the Countryside” was the theme of the fifth Technical Session of the 67th General Assembly. The session was moderated by Bernadin Malou, President of the CIC Culture Division. The panel of high-level representatives was comprised of: His Excellency Sheikh Fahad bin Abdulrahman Al Thani of Qatar (Staff Officer in the Ministry of Defence of Qatar), Ambassador Katalin Bogyay (President of United Nations AssociationHungary, 15th Permanent Representative of Hungary to the UN, President of UNESCO 36th General Conference), Beatrix Bán (National Hungarian Hunting Culture Association, President of the “Diana” Club of Hungarian Lady Hunters), Ali Kaka (OWN Ambassador and representative of the Kenyan fishing community) and Ronald J. Regan (Executive Director of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, AFWA). The session looked at some of the cultures that 22

exist in, or stem from, the countryside. It explored how these are recognised at both national and international level, as well as the responsibilities and means available to protect and safeguard them. The question of how to sustain these cultures, in the face of constant change and influences from urban areas in particular, was an underlying theme of the session, as was the need to safeguard them in the interest of nature and human survival. In his opening remarks, Ronald J. Regan emphasised the diversity of the rural landscape and cultures in the United States of America. While some 80 percent of Americans live in urban or suburban areas, he stressed that despite the relative disconnect between urban and rural America, the rural ethos namely ‘Hard work, harsh landscapes, and wild places’ is held in high esteem by urbanites. Despite this, many still have romantic ideals about the countryside. His Excellency Sheikh Fahad bin Abdulrahman Al Thani also stressed the strong links of Qataris

GENERAL ASSEMBLY a responsibility to protect, one which is implied in the regular reporting requirement for each inscription. Beatrix Bán gave the recognition of ‘Hungarian Hunting Traditions’ on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritages in Hungary, as a possible weapon which could be used against those opposed to hunting. She explained how it draws attention to hunting as an ancient passion and practice, and helps to protect rurality and heritage. It was stressed that community participation was a key factor in the process of getting the traditions inscribed. Ultimately, it is a moral recognition for the various practices that make up hunting traditions, and for the country.

to the countryside, areas where many would have traditionally spent the winter months. These rural areas have shaped national heritages and cultures. These connections have helped maintain cultures and traditions, which are passed down from generation to generation. Ali Kaka went on to highlight the links to nature conservation, stressing that culture has always played a central role in the conservation of all species and their habitats. There was always a mutual respect, a dependency on nature by people. This ensured a balance between use and protection. This meant that in Kenya for example, local communities did not need outside people to come in and tell them what they should do. The role of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention in making the invisible, visible, was highlighted by Ambassador Katalin Bogyay. She explained that to-date, everything on the national list for Hungary came from the countryside. Why? Because none of these would otherwise be obvious to people in everyday situations e.g., folk dance traditions, Busó festivities at Mohács, and Matyó Embroidery. This recognition provides a platform to share, but also

Many of the panellists highlighted the role that Covid-19 has played in helping people to understand humanity’s need for intact natural systems in order to survive. Looking at cultures around the world today, the breakdown in the balance between people and natural resources was highlighted. Respect that used to exist is no longer there, leading to “invasions” of natural habitats. Ultimately, many panellists agreed that we must go back to our cultures and traditions for there to be any chance for the survival of our wildlife and fisheries in particular. In this regard, AFWA has developed a relevancy roadmap: a non-prescriptive voluntary toolbox. In doing so, they are trying to make the case that fish and wildlife considerations are a driver for the quality of life of all citizens of the US. The rich discussions carried many key messages, but perhaps the most important one was that much of our cultures and heritage, and indeed the foundations of nature conservation are intimately linked to the countryside. It was agreed by all that this needs to be made more visible, and needs protecting and safeguarding through whatever means necessary. This includes recognition for example through UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention, or through national lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage at country-level. 23


Technical Session VI: Alliances, the way to gain political strength “Alliances, the way to gain political strength” was the title of the sixth Technical Session of the 67th General Assembly. Zoltán Kovács, Government Commissioner of the One with Nature (OWN) Exhibition, was the moderator for this session. He opened by stating that life in the countryside is under attack – this was attributed to nature itself, urban development and politics. It was suggested that the only way to combat this is to give the countryside community, whose values are the foundation of our human existence, a voice. Creating alliances for the countryside was therefore one of the key themes of this session.

Network (CLN) – a collection of national organisations that practice community based natural resource management (CBNRM). By representing multiple stakeholders from different countries, they have found they are perceived as more credible, particularly when dealing with political institutions.

Joining Zoltán Kovács for this session were panellists George Aman (President of the CIC), Patricia Wangui (Operations Manager at Resource Africa South Africa, RA-SA) and Dr. Miklós Jármy (Hungarian Equestrian Federation). As the first question, Patricia Wangui was asked: “What kinds of countryside alliances are you aware of and what is the best way to build them?” She highlighted the work of Resource Africa, which supports rural communities across Africa and has also created the Community Leaders 24

Building on this idea, George Aman expanded on how an alliance can build credibility. Making reference to the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), a collection of 14 organisations including the CIC with substantive mandates to promote the sustainable use and conservation of wildlife resources, he stated that an alliance based on science will help in regards to credibility. This is


a fact that is especially true when considering the prevalent use of emotions by those opposed to hunting. He also spoke about the alliance between the CIC, the International Horse Sports Confederation (IHSC) and the International Sport Fishing Confederation (CIPS) – three organisations that represent the interests of over 100 million people that sustainably use nature. As their three fields of work are all under attack, combing their memberships allowed them to speak with one unified voice, thereby increasing their visibility and credibility. Dr. Miklós Jármy then provided some insight into the alliances within the field of equestrianism. It was stated that the aforementioned IHSC was in fact an alliance within the equestrian world, with two organisations coming together to create a new entity in order to share scientific knowledge and communications. Speaking on the issue on a wider scope, it was suggested that the aim should be to protect life in the countryside. Dr. Jármy also emphasised the need to create alliances with hunters and fishermen, however the lack of understanding between these stakeholders was emphasised as well as the need to unite their efforts going forward. The importance of effectively speaking with one voice was stressed as another key issue within alliances. George Aman gave the CIC’s recent contributions to the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) as an example, in which a group of sustainable use organisations gathered to discuss inputs to various CITES committees. Despite their differences in opinion on certain subjects, they were forced to come to an agreeable joint position as it was the CIC alone who was able to submit their collective thoughts to CITES due to its unique United Nations observer status.

Zoltán Kovács expanded on this point, suggesting that alliances require strong narratives to effectively communicate their messages. The use of symbolism by NGOs that are opposed to hunting was highlighted as an example of this in action, however their reliance on emotions in external messaging was mentioned as something sustainable use organisations are unable to employ due to the complicated and factbased nature of their arguments. After the panel discussion, a Q&A session was held with audience members. The need to meet with partners and potential allies in person was stressed as a key factor in strengthening alliances, particularly as a measure to combat any “vanity” that may exist in alliance members. Zoltán Kovács gave one of the closing statements of the session in response to a question on the CIC’s work in developing nations. Despite the common narrative suggesting that one should “think global, act local,” he argued that a “think local, act global” approach would be better suited to the CIC in this case. Due to the significance of local communities, particularly in rural areas, to the future of our planet, it can be argued that this approach will help bring their under-appreciated issues to the forefront of the global consciousness. 25


CIC Artemis Working Group Session can assist in the social acceptance of hunting and sustainable use. A survey that was created during the preparation of the book found that cookbooks are a good way to introduce game meat to those looking for recipes to prepare. It found that 43% of people search for recipes online, 29% get recipes from friends and acquaintances, and 10% find recipes in cookbooks. As the next step in this research, a survey will be conducted to look at this information while focusing on factors such as gender, age, education, and family histories of hunting. The benefits of game meat as a way to introduce sustainable use to new people, as well as the effectiveness of cookbooks as a way to distribute recipes, meant that the cookbook was the perfect project for Artemis and the CIC.

The Artemis session opened with the President of the Artemis Working Group, Soňa Chovanová Supeková, introducing a new Interim Deputy President of Artemis – Beatrix Ban. Beatrix holds the position of President in the Diana Club of Hungarian Lady Hunters, which is a part of the National Hungarian Hunting Culture Association. Following this, the session moved on to what was one of the core topics of discussion, the CIC World Game Cookbook. The cookbook is a collection of game recipes from around the world that was published by Artemis, and authored by Soňa Chovanová Supeková. The Artemis President gave some background on the book’s beginnings, explaining how game meat is a healthy and sustainable type of food that 26

The Artemis President then announced details for the 7th Women and Sustainable Hunting conference (WaSH VII). The conference will take place on 22 August, 2022 in Yuktia, Russia, where participants will experience the unique nature of far east Russia. Hunting tourism will be the main theme for the conference. Tatjana Orosava then took the floor to give a presentation on the role that social media plays in presenting the hunting community. Tatjana is a


Slovakian huntress, conservationist and influencer who studied veterinary medicine. She is a winner of the International Student Conference that took place in Warsaw, 2015. She opened her presentation by stating that there are many positives associated with being an influencer on social media, such as inspiring others, traveling, learning about cultures and appreciating diversity. The negative aspects, which a lot of us have already experienced first-hand, were then discussed. Being the victims of verbal attacks from the public, as well as misleading opinions being expressed as fact, were highlighted as two key issues of note. Another problem that was brought up was the “hunt for likes/followers” mentality. Trends and algorithms used by social media platforms are

driving many people, particularly young girls, to present themselves in a way that will quickly get them many likes. The result of this? Hunters being portrayed in a way that is far removed from the true activity. It was suggested that this “hunt for likes,” primarily driven by social media platforms, may have the unfortunate side-effect of presenting a negative view of not only women, but hunting society as a whole. In closing she reminded the audience that respect and recognition are obtained through skills, education and behaviour, and not by the amount of one’s likes and followers.



Technical Session VII: Hunt for Likes – Forward Media Strategies in Focus The seventh and final Technical Session of the General Assembly - “Hunt for Likes – Forward Media Strategies in Focus” - was hosted by the Young Opinion Working Group of the CIC. The session was moderated by David Plaz, member of the CIC. The panel brought together experts of different backgrounds representing different organisations. The panellists in attendance were Dr. Lucas von Bothmer (Editor in Chief of “der Uberlaufer,” German hunting news magazine), Tatjana Orosava (Veterinarian and Slovak hunting blogger), Jens Ulrik Hogh (Freelance writer, Social media instructor and Hunting communicator of the Nordic Safari Club), Stephan Wunderlich (International Coordinator for the CIC and Deutsche Jagdverband/DJV) and Tristan Breije (Hunter&Co Manager and CIC YO Member).


The session focused on the role that social and general media play in how society perceives hunting. David Plaz opened the session by noting that hunters make up only a tiny fraction of the world’s population, which in turn means that hunting laws are largely made by a non-hunting majority. He noted that hunters have a devastating image problem and are not using social media effectively and wisely. Dr. Lucas von Bothmer talked about the challenges in communicating hunting as a positive activity, as the image of a hunter who kills to protect wildlife is a difficult message to show in a positive light. Instead, hunters should communicate hunting as a part of local agriculture, and emphasise the non-profit services that hunters provide.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY Tatjana Orosava highlighted the importance of bringing women to the hunting industry who can show another perspective of the activity. At the same time, she mentioned the growing need to show that hunting is not just killing and that there is culture, ethics and experiences behind it as well. In his discussion Jens Ulrik Hogh stated that old hunting organisations have not adapted to the new media landscape. He brought out two important problems regarding the hunting community. First being that organisations are not responding quickly enough to stay in the debate around hunting. Second problem being that a lot of the old organisations have the wrong mindset; that all responses have to be fact based. He stressed that in order for the media to run the stories, it has to be interesting for their audience. Stephan Wunderlich noted that the hunters as well as the organisations, need to focus on delivering the local voices. The negative effects that local people will bear because of banning trophy imports must be well shown. He further noted that as organisations in Europe, they can change the narrative by giving local communities platforms where they can tell their stories. Tristan Breijer regarded data as the most important tool to use for arguing for the benefits of hunting, however it was stated that it is necessary to frame data and facts as part of a story to get people to listen. In addition, he encouraged hunters to talk to local media about hunting and the motivations behind it.

Building on the discussion, the moderator asked for take home messages from the panellists. Stephan Wunderlich once again highlighted the importance of bringing people who are most affected by hunting practices together with the decision makers and holding a dialogue explaining their attitudes to them. Tatjana Orosava reminded the audience that there is always two sides to the story, and that the most important thing is to listen to all the opinions and find a compromise. In agreement, Jens Ulrik Hogh noted that the most common problem in Europe is the continuous disagreement between hunters. He further stressed the need for education on how the media should be handled by individual hunters as well as by organisations. Tristan Breijer mentioned that hunters should shift the focus to inviting nonhunters into the conversation as well. He stressed that communicating the benefits of game meat is also a crucial part of making hunting more acceptable by the public. Dr. Lucas von Bothmer closed the discussion by reminding everyone that the services that hunters are providing are free and stressed the need to connect hunting rights with property rights. The panel came to a mutual agreement that it is crucial to educate hunters and organisations on how to use social and general media in a way that presents a positive image of hunting and promotes it to the non-hunting public.

/CIC Video Cannel



Philipp Harmer succeeds George Aman as President of the CIC “Hunting Renders a Service to Nature and Society”

At the closing ceremony of the Members Assembly of the 67th General Assembly of The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC), the CIC bided a warm farewell to its outgoing President, George Aman from Switzerland, who has chosen to step down from the position after a successful 5-year tenure. In turn, the CIC welcomes its unanimously elected new President, Philipp Harmer from Austria. “Building partnerships and alliances with both hunting and non-hunting organisations has been my main priority. Recognising that we share values, we have to stand for them together” said George Aman, looking back. During his inaugural speech, Philipp Harmer drew attention to some of the many highlights and successes that George Aman achieved during his Presidency, including: 30

• Strengthening the CIC’s position as a voice for conservation through sustainable use within the IUCN, and standing together with the world organisations for Equestrian and Fishing organisations for the sustainable use of nature • Memorandum of Understanding with the China Wildlife Conservation Association • Establishment of the “1 Euro per Hunter” initiative • Fighting for ending to the practice of Captive Bred Lion Shooting Upon his election as the new CIC President, Philipp Harmer introduced his vision for the CIC going forward: “We shall work on the general understanding that HUNTING renders a valuable SERVICE to NATURE and SOCIETY”


The program of his Presidency will focus on four key elements: • Communicating the fact that responsible hunting is sustainable use, and that it benefits biodiversity and people; • Building and extending international alliances and partnerships for the survival of wildlife; • Fighting wildlife crime across the world; and • Promoting scientific research for a better understanding of nature. Philipp Harmer enjoys the support of CIC members from around the world. He is a dedicated hunter and wildlife conservationist, with practical experience globally. He is in the chocolate industry and manages activities in tourism, real estate, agriculture and forestry in Austria, Czech Republic and Hungary.

00:30/03:56 Interview with Dr. Philipp Harmer





Photo album





Hunting Auction 2021

Thanks to all our loyal members and donors, the Hunting Auction that took place at the 67th General Assembly in Budapest was a resounding success. Despite the challenging circumstances associated with the global pandemic, we continued to receive wonderful donations from our members throughout the year, all of which were put on offer at our online auction and the auction at our Gala Dinner. We received a total of 48 donations in 2021. As a result of the almost 250 members at the General Assembly and Gala Dinner in Budapest, in addition to the many bids we received online, the entire Auction generated a sum of 115,000 EUR! This success would not have been possible without the active participation of our members and donors. The CIC thanks all those who donated, many of whom were very open and flexible regarding the hunts that were on offer. Of course, we would not have been able to achieve this fantastic result without the involvement of our enthusiastic bidders and buyers. We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who participated in the auction and consequently contributed to the work of the CIC. As always, we are constantly looking to improve the Hunting Auction. We will be looking to ensure that a seamless bidding process is in place for the next Auction, as well as the online auctions that we will be hosting in the near future. Thank you again for all your support.


Donor Danene van der Westhuyzen" Alejandro Allende André Swenden Andrea Leimer Artem Veselov (ProfiHunt LTD) Ass. Prof. Dr. Soňa Chovanová Supeková Christiane Underberg Cordelia Kräling Dipl. Ing. Vladimír Chovan Dkfm. Dirk Brockhaus Dr. Árpád Sárkány Dr. Rolf D. Baldus Dr. Viktor Thurnher Dr. Wilhelm Leimer Emil Underberg Emmanuel Michau Francois Labet George Aman Graf Benedikt von Dürckheim Hugo Kotzé Ing. Milenko Zeremski Ing. Zivko Milovanov Katharina Sturzeis Krzysztof Kowalewski Lamarche family Michel Mantheakis Mikael Antell Norbert Vossen Olivier Rolin Jacquemyns Philipp Rhomberg Ragnar R. Jorgensen Rudolf Kräling Sanja Momčilović Bognič Stefan Boensch, wildlife artist Waffenhandel Christoph Tavernaro

Pilisi Parkerdö Zrt. (Gabor Reinitz) AGVPS (Florin Iordache, Ovidiu Ionescu, Mugurel Draganescu) Blaser Group GmbH Forstverwaltung Neuhof-Schmida (Elisabeth Auersperg-Breunner) H. Krieghoff GmbH HALDER HHK SAFARIS Hungarian Falconry Association (Prágay István) Hunting Association "Užice" KASZÓ Zrt. L.U. "Jovan Šerbanović" Žagubica NYÍRERDŐ Zrt. Slovak Hunters Chamber (Ing. Árpád Figura PhD.) STEYR ARMS GmbH Swarovski Optik KG Szombathely Forestry Zrt. (Bugán József ) VERGA Zrt. Young Opinion Working Group ZEISS ( Johannes Fürst)


International conferences


6th International Women and Sustainable Hunting (WaSH VI) Conference On 23 September, 2021, the Diana Hunting Club of the Hunting Cultural Association hosted the CIC Artemis Working Group’s 6th International Women and Sustainable Hunting (WaSH VI) conference in Tata, Hungary. Some 50 huntresses from eight countries were welcomed to the event by President of the CIC, George Aman. In his speech, he underlined the role of female hunters in promoting sustainable hunting, and paid tribute to the knowledge they possess, as well as the efforts they make to share this knowledge. Experts from around the world were invited to speak and present on topics relevant to today’s issues related to sustainable hunting and sustainable use. Tula Stapert (International Falconry Federation) gave an overview of an international falconry program named “The Lugger Project”; Miklós Lóránt (nature conservation area supervisor at Kiskunság National Park) discussed the cooperation between wildlife management and nature conservation; Adrienn Csókás (PhD student at MATE) gave a presentation on the current problems related to urban wildlife management; and Lenke Juhász (Head of Office of Vérteserdő Zrt.) shared some insight on the impact of African swine fever, as well the effect of COVID-19 on game management. Soňa Chovanová Supeková, President of Artemis, also gave attendees an early look at the CIC World Game Cookbook – a book of game recipes published by Artemis and the CIC, and authored by the Artemis President. In reference to the book, she talked about the value of game meat and the potential role it can play in the acceptance of hunting and sustainable use by the general public.

A Gala Dinner was held on the evening of the conference, an event which was well-received by all those in attendance. The program included a performance by János Johann and his orchestra, and the highlight of the evening was the presentation of the new Wondeer collection by the Pro Urbe award-winning fashion designer, Tünde Hrivnák - members of the VKE Diana Hunting Club took part in this presentation as well. On the following day, an excursion was held to Pannonhalma, where guests were able to visit the Pannonhalma Archabbey (including the Abbey Basilica), the old church and the library. After a sumptuous lunch at the Viator Restaurant, a trip was organised to the local herb garden. It was a tiring yet meaningful few days, and we can proudly say that we hosted a large international group of lady hunters while representing Hungary, as well as its nature and hunting values. Beatrix Bán


35th IUGB Congress 2021, Budapest, Hungary, 21-24th September 2021

35 IUGB Congress Theme The International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) is a non-profit organization with international membership. The organization aims to increase the knowledge about game species and any other areas related to wildlife, such as wise use of animal populations and the conservation of their habitats. The 35th IUGB 2021 Congress provided a forum to present research and conducted workshops related to wildlife management, conservation, agriculture, forestry, hunting and trapping, urbanisation, ecosystem and economic development, and human-wildlife coexistence. The Congress aimed to build awareness around wildlife management’s critical issues and identify current challenges and opportunities. Thus, the conference’s central theme was “Mission Anthropocene: Wildlife Management in the XXIst Century”. The Congress hosted 120 registrations out of which 50 oral and 47 poster presentations and brought together the researchers from 29 countries. In total, following ten key topics were addressed throughout the conference which were the following: ■H uman-Wildlife Conflict: challenges and solutions ■C oexistence with wildlife in cities: challenges of urban wildlife management ■M anaging impacts of ungulates and predators – game and/or pest? ■P opulation dynamics, monitoring and the adaptive management of wild populations 38

■ Conserving genetic diversity of wildlife: the importance of scales and connectivity ■ Evidence-based wildlife conservation: from data collection to systematic monitoring ■ Emerging new diseases: wildlife conservation and the One Health approach ■ Human dimensions and effective communication of conservation science ■ Measuring and recognising the conservation success of recovered species: from evidence to change ■ Wildlife management in 21st-century agricultural landscapes

35 IUGB Congress, Opening Ceremony – 21 September 2021 On September 21, 2021, the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) kicked off its 35th IUGB Congress in Budapest, Hungary. The Congress was opened with a welcome speech

35th IUGB Congress 2021, Budapest, Hungary, 21-24th September 2021

from Congress President, Prof. Dr. Sandor Csányi. His speech emphasised the achievement in organizing the 35th IUGB Congress, despite the obvious difficulties posed by the global pandemic. It was stated that each IUGB Congress has always had its own challenges, therefore the organization must always look to adapt to society which is constantly changing around us. Prof. Dr. Csányi highlighted the strong contingent of young people at the Congress as one of the key elements to developing a successful community going forward. The Young Wildlifers Forum, which will take place as part of the Congress, will be the first time that the youth will have their own platform at the conference. Its aims are to introduce, empower and involve the youth in today’s conservation efforts. It was also mentioned that the second key element to secure the long-term success of the IUGB is to have a permanent Secretariat.

Following this, a welcome speech was given by George Aman, President of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC). He expressed the CIC’s support for the IUGB and made an official offer from the stage “to take on the task to host the Secretariat of the IUGB in the future”, and stressed “that IUGB needs to keep its independence”, and the related CIC activities “would be supervised and guided by the Presidents and Secretary Generals of IUGB”. Dr. Zoltán Kovács, Government Commissioner of the “One with Nature” (OWN) World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition, then welcomed the participants on behalf of the Hungarian Government and the organizers of the OWN Exhibition, while mentioning that the Congress is the first international conference in the framework of OWN, and the first international audience using the completely new conference facilities at HUNGEXPO.

The other five international conferences that will take place during the OWN exhibition were also touched upon, as well their importance in showcasing the sustainable use of natural resources to the public in a modern and accessible way. He wished all participants successful deliberations and an enjoyable time in Budapest. 39

35th IUGB Congress 2021, Budapest, Hungary, 21-24th September 2021

Ferenc Kovács, Head of the Wildlife Management Department at the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, took the stage as a representative of his Ministry. He expressed the Ministry’s support of the conference and wished the audience a successful week. He also emphasised the importance of involving the young generations in the deliberations, and mentioned that the Ministry is eager to support wildlife research. The work of the 35th IUGB Congress, specifically in its role elaborating on the recent challenges in wildlife management, was stated as a welcome course of action. After a coffee break, the auditorium filled up again, this time with keynote speakers taking the floor. In his keynote speech, Prof. Dr. Rory Putman (Professor and Emeritus Chair in Behavioural and Environmental Biology at Manchester Metropolitan University, Visiting Professor at the University of Glasgow and the University of Utrecht) outlined the critical challenges facing the current and future management of ungulate populations and their wider impacts. 40

Prof. Carol Chambers (Professor of Wildlife Ecology, PhD in Wildlife Sciences with a minor in Forest Science at Oregon State University) then spoke about the importance of social diversity in the field of wildlife conservation. Highlighting a new perspective on sustainable development was Dilys Roe (Chair of the IUCN Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group (SULi), Principal Researcher and Team Leader at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)), whose speech focused on rethinking the sustainable use of wildlife in a post Covid-19 world. Finally, Péter Pál Hajas, a representative of the 15th Perdix Congress, closed the keynote speaker session with his talk entitled “Understanding human and social dimensions of partridge conservation and management in Central-Eastern Europe”. He elaborated on how the intensification of land use, and the political changes influencing it, are resulting in the destruction of the countryside.

35th IUGB Congress 2021, Budapest, Hungary, 21-24th September 2021

35 IUGB Congress, Young Wildlifers’ Forum Youth Statement 5 October 2021

The 35th IUGB Congress stands unique in many aspects. It is the first time the conference assumed a hybrid format allowing participants to join and participate from a distance. Making IUGB more unique in 2021 is the Young Wildlifers’ Forum which brought together young professionals from around the world for the first time in the history of the organization. As a result, the youth stands proud of such addition to the organisation and encourages its growth. These times are full of new challenges and opportunities. New ideas are essential with the ongoing development of society and science, especially in challenging situations like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It means we have to adapt and evolve. To us, the 35th Congress of the International Union of Wildlife Biologists is the living proof of adaptation - it went on regardless of today’s difficulties in both offline and online environments. But as said in the ending ceremony, one thing was recognizable: the number of participants is decreasing, and the IUGB still mainly works with the bases and expectations laid out by the founding generation of the first half of the XX Century. That is in no way a drawback. But this generation is already retired or slowly retiring, and the following generation must tackle future challenges. Wildlife management in the Anthropocene will always be relevant. Conferences like this give the excellent opportunity to meet other wildlife professionals, learn from each other, and get in touch. We are so delighted that the Young Wildlifers’ Forum took place for the first time during this conference. We were able to connect to wildlife professionals on an international playfield. During the congress, the

forum discussed pressing matters such as sharing global databases to tackle important questions on a large scale, address new media outlets, and implement fresh thoughts and techniques. Since we are all in this setting together, the success of this mission is dependent on you - the experienced scientists, great minds, and mentors. Please take care of your responsibility to guide young wildlife professionals using your expertise and meet eye to eye with us. We ask you not to shy away from new thoughts and paths. Please help us find ways to work with each other and network during opportunities like this international congress. To meet future challenges IUGB needs more solid foundations and a simple but effective formal structure. We are more than motivated to use our full potential in creating a shared future - even in highly emotional environments and where science is urgently needed to be adaptive. We want to get back at the keywords “adaptation” and “connection” by bridging to the opening ceremony of this year’s IUGB: “The only way for the IUGB and also our profession to survive is to be adaptive, self-sustaining and to encourage young wildlifers that their work and effort is meaningful.”


Third Wildlife Forum of the Collaborative Partnership Third Wildlife Forum of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) Over 300 participants joined the Third Wildlife Forum, which took place from 26-27 September both in-person in Budapest, Hungary, and virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Forum convened in parallel to the “One with Nature” World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition, on the sidelines of the 67th General Assembly of the CIC, which took place from 25-29 September. In the context of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF), the Third Wildlife Forum of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) discussed how to move from theory towards further implementation of policies and actions in relation to sustainable wildlife management. During the Forum, delegates participated in four thematic sessions on: the contribution of wildlife to food security and livelihoods; zoonotic diseases and the One Health approach; global targets on wildlife trade, offtake, and hunting; and the management of human-wildlife conflicts (HWCs). A synthesis session brought together key messages, including that:

■ landscapes are critical to provisioning food systems

and current global food supply systems could not hope to meet global needs without the contributions made by wild foods; ■ simplistic calls to end wildlife use and trade will not address zoonotic disease emergence and may threaten biodiversity conservation;

■ decreasing meat consumption can create more space

for wildlife; ■ data and narratives on zoonoses and wildlife trade are confusing and poorly analyzed; ■ the role of wildlife as a proximate and direct cause of human disease is overestimated; ■ relevant headline indicators across the post-2020 GBF must be drawn on to meet proposed target 5 on ensuring the harvesting, trade, and use of wild species is sustainable, legal, and safe for human health; ■ indicators in the GBF should reflect context specificities; ■ understanding drivers of unsustainable use is important; HWC is a biodiversity and sustainable development challenge; and conflict takes place between people over wildlife, as problems arise when different groups of people disagree as to what to do about wildlife. During the closing of the Forum, George Aman, President, International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) highlighted that the CPW seeks policies that are reasonable and sciencebased, and that sustainable wildlife management needs to embrace the three pillars of sustainable development. He concluded that the CPW represents a powerful set of minds and networks that together can make a difference for the sustainable use of wildlife.

Please read the detailed reports here Pleaseand readsummary the detailed reports and summary here

42 42


Hunters Unite Now & Tomorrow DSC - CIC Conference January 6, 2022, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, TX, United States 10 AM - 5 PM

Topics: Rurality - From local to global - Putting aside our differences, building alliances Every year the rural-urban divide grows larger, with people becoming increasingly alienated from nature in all parts of the world. It is therefore essential that we work to protect our rural areas, and its associated wildlife and people. Hunters are perhaps best positioned to highlight the significance of rurality, as many of us understand its importance to our current and future way of life. We will be exploring these issues through a presentation and panel discussion at the conference. Stop the trophy nonsense, expose the myths The aim of this session is to present the challenges, including the hostile political campaigns that international hunting faces today. We will look at some of the myths perpetuated by organizations whose primary interest is to end this proven wildlife management, conservation and livelihood activity. We will look to present the facts associated with international hunting, while trying to understand better how we can stem the emotional nonsense we see today. Consume, Conserve, Communicate This session title was selected in view of the differences in perceptions that existaround hunting and hunters. Strongly opposing views are creating a divide between people on these subjects. This is further heightened through various media channels where information, whether correct or not, can reach hundreds of thousands of people in a matter of hours. For hunting, a highly emotive topic, this has already proven to be a hindrance to its acceptability as a conservation tool, despite its many successes. Worst of all, this could be to the detriment of hunting in the longer term unless hunters can communicate effectively with the outside world.


International Journalism Symposium Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wildlife Resources


The International Journalism Symposium brings together journalists from various backgrounds (environment, science, wildlife, hunting, mainstream media) to discuss best practices and issues that the profession is facing in today’s world. Attendees are also given an insight into the ongoing work of the CIC and the overall topic area. The Journalism Symposium initiative has been immensely successful in recent years, and has led to the publication of a number of articles in prominent media publications on the realities associated with hunting and sustainable use. At every General Assembly, the CIC organises the International Journalism Symposium - Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wildlife Resources. These events take a closer look at the particular issues explored at each General Assembly, as well as the sustainable use and hunting activities taking place in the host country. The 4th International Journalism Symposium - Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wildlife Resources event was organised in the

framework of the One with Nature - World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition in Budapest. Discussions were centred on the rural-urban divide, our disconnect with nature and how this impacts conservation implementation, particularly through sustainable use. Each participant was asked to prepare a short opinion piece explaining why it is important to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas, and how this could contribute to wildlife management, conservation and the use of natural resources. In addition, attendees took part in a field trip to the Börzsöny Forest, organised together with Ipoly Erdő Zrt, where the journalists had the chance to witness Hungarian hunting traditions and learn more about key historical figures in hunting. Our forestry colleagues also gave presentations that provided some interesting insights into forest management. We would like to thank the participants for their insightful contributions, and the Ipoly Erdő Zrt for organising the field trip. The summary video of the symposium can be watched on the CIC Youtube Channel.


Exhibition events European Hunting Horn Ensemble: A Moment of Celebration for Hunting Art & Culture 26 September, 2021 marked a historic occasion. Hunting horn players from various corners of Europe came together to perform, for the first time ever, as part of the European Hunting Horn Ensemble. Their inaugural performance took place during the 67th General Assembly (GA) of the CIC.

from Belgium and France, as well as groups from the following four other European countries: ■ Czech Republic: Trubači ČMMJ ■ Hungary: Baranya Vadászkürt Együttes ■ Poland: Zespół Trębaczy Myśliwskich – Zespołu Szkół Leśnych w Goraju ■ Slovakia: Trubači z Klubu trubačov SR The first ever joint musical performance of the ensemble was appropriately titled ‘Együtt’, which in Hungarian means ’together’. The piece, composed by Hervé Teknia of ATC, was met with a resounding applause from all in attendance.

This was made all the more special given that the CIC GA is being held in the framework of Hungary’s One with Nature (OWN) World Hunting and Nature Exhibition. This new ensemble is the brainchild of the Académie trompes et cors (ATC), established recently by France, with the goal of bringing together hunting horn players in order to increase recognition of and celebrate hunting horn music. Together with the CIC, the ensemble has, to-date, managed to reunite horn players from seven different European nations, six of which were present at the inaugural performance in Budapest. The musicians from ATC were joined by other horn players


As well as performing during the opening of the CIC GA, the ensemble performed both individual group pieces during the Official Opening of the OWN Exhibition, the Welcome Dinner of the CIC GA, and the National Hunting Horn Competition taking place in the framework of OWN. This represents an incredible moment for hunting horns, but also for hunting art and culture more broadly! We see this as an important step in increasing the recognition of hunting horns as an intangible part of hunting culture in many parts of Europe in particular. For more information, you can download a copy of our flyers on the European Hunting Horn Ensemble which are available in English, German and French.

Small wildlife of fields and meadows in Europe For several decades, the agricultural plains have seen a dramatic decline in the number of small wildlife in fields and meadows. The European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) with the support of the Foundation François Sommer (FFS), was delighted to host a session at the One With Nature Exhibition to present their new study on small wildlife of fields and meadows in Europe. The report describes the declining biodiversity of fields and meadows in Europe and how the European Union has acted on this, in particular by adopting nature legislation and by developing biodiversity strategies. Even though not have always successful. >>


Exhibition events >> The decline in small wildlife populations is due to a variety of practices, including crop intensification, agricultural land consolidation, pesticides use, urbanisation etc. The study takes a closer look at agricultural production techniques, the effect of grazing and the use of fertilisers and pesticides. It also looks at the role of hunting and studies the increase of predator populations and their effects on the small wildlife of fields and meadows. Once the causes of the decline of these small wildlife species of fields and meadows are known, we can look at the most important management practices that are scientifically recognised as protecting and promoting fields and meadows. These include habitat related management: hedges, grassed strips and wildlife fallow strips by providing refuge areas and additional food resources to generate small wildlife recovery. Although these developments have demonstrated a positive impact on the fields’


and meadows’ wildlife and, more specifically, on its avifauna, it has also been found that their effectiveness depends on the consistency with which they are implemented, as well as on the size of their siting areas. In addition to habitat management, the study describes management practices at the species level, including predator regulation and artificial feeding. But it also looks at more innovative practices such as nature-based agriculture. We questioned whether organic farming, being more of a means test, actually has a positive impact on biodiversity and had a look at the potential cooperation between rural stakeholders and the importance of guardianship. The “Wildlife Estates” label can also play a role in providing much-needed public recognition to private landowners. Inspired by the success of the Wildlife Estates Label, the ELO also wishes to highlight agricultural territories and reward those stakeholders who have

developed best practices and management around ambitious objectives in the service of an agriculture that is both economically and socially viable and that promotes the restoration of biodiversity and the environment. During the session at the One with Nature Exhibition, the opportunities of a new European agro-biodiversity label AGRILIFE were also presented. In order to encourage the implementation of voluntary environmental actions in agricultural areas, the CAP has launched the Agri-Environmental Measures (AEM) programme based on multi-annual contracts. These make the implementation of developments possible on the edges and within the crops that increase the carrying capacity of plains, i.e. the capacity of a territory (and its habitats) to accommodate a certain density of individuals for each species. In addition to CAP-funding, the LIFE-programme can also play a role in supporting small wildlife, be it more specifically in N2000 areas.

The study concludes with a number of case studies that have successfully used one of the instruments or methods described in the study, as the proof is in the pudding is often in the eating. The study is available in English and French and can be found on the ELO website

To order a hardcover book please send your order to (€25 + shipping cost)


Exhibition events Respect for Land and People In the framework of the One with Nature – World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition in Hungary, Budapest (25 September – 14 October), and through the CIC, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) sought to give indigenous voices a platform at the event. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic, the restrictions on movement, and the distances involved for many IPLCs, only a few representatives were able to take part in the exhibition, despite their willingness to attend. Nevertheless, this was seen as an opportune time to release the following joint key messages on IPLCs: RESPECT THE LAND ON WHICH YOU ARE ON. In territories of Indigenous Peoples, the official governance does not always capture all aspects that need to be taken into account in terms of socio-ecologically sustainable practices. When visiting an area, consider what kinds of customs and customary laws are in place locally. Respect the people whose land you are on. LIMIT YOUR IMPACT. Be mindful of the impacts of your actions on Indigenous Peoples and their


livelihoods, as well as to the environment and animal populations on which Indigenous Peoples depend. RECOGNISE AND RESPECT THE RIGHTS AND GUARDIANSHIP OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES. In many parts of the world, Indigenous Peoples continue to be guardians of the world’s remaining biodiversity. Part of this is through sustainable use practices, which are passed down from generation-to-generation, and are respectful of the connections with various parts of the ecosystem. We call for recognition and respect of Indigenous Peoples as guardians of our ecosystems. Protecting Indigenous Peoples’ rights and customary use is a fundamental part of the protection of biodiversity, as well as tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Sailing with Nature’s Forces: The Indigenous Perspective As part of the program organised for the CIC Stand at the OWN exhibition, Aitalina Fedorova (Etno-Theatre of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Arctic Sounds) was invited to give a presentation on the indigenous peoples of Russia. Her presentation sought to provide an insight into the lives and traditions of these indigenous peoples, as well as their perspective on the sustainable use of natural resources. Evident throughout the presentation was the integral role that sustainable use plays in the lives of the various indigenous peoples of Russia. The Yukaghirs reindeer herders from the Russian arctics, for example, rely on reindeer to support their livelihoods. All parts of the reindeer are used to supplement their daily lives; the meat provides them with food, clothes and shoes are made from the skins, and the bones are used to craft jewellery. What is perhaps more interesting though is their approach to sustainable use, and the lessons we may be able to learn from their traditional methods in regards to preserving biodiversity. Respect for nature was a theme that was heavily discussed during the presentation. When hunting, children are taught from an early age that one should not take more than is needed for food and subsistence. The killing of animals, birds and even rodents is forbidden in cases where they appear before humans as a result of predators, fires or other natural disasters. This respect for nature is not only applicable for hunting activities – it also extends to habitats and flora species. In the Taiga, the indigenous Selkup and Udege people avoid cutting down trees to make fire, choosing to use deadwood instead. The Evenks wear soft shoes made of reindeer skin to minimise damage to the ground, as well as to mask any scents that may attract wolves.

It is precisely this relationship with nature that drives the preservation of biodiversity in these areas. For indigenous peoples, preserving valuable areas and species has a more direct impact on their livelihoods. These places, in which hunting, gathering, fishing and other essential activities take place, would cease to exist without their intervention. The intertwined relationship between natural areas and indigenous peoples means that the loss of such areas would also result in the slow erosion of indigenous cultures, languages and traditions. Considering the above, what can we learn from the indigenous approach towards sustainable use? Firstly, we should look to recognise the importance of sustainable use to indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs), particularly their rights to sustainably use natural resources to support their livelihoods. This is true for all IPLCs, not just those found in Russia. The second-take home message that we can extract from this presentation is its relevance to wildlife resource management in more developed areas. While the term “respect for nature” is a broad one, it can be applied to numerous disciplines and fields of study in which wildlife is utilised. Hunters, farmers, fishermen, wildlife managers, private landowners and others that utilise natural resources all have a lot to gain from the traditions discussed above. By implementing a “nature-first” approach, we can all contribute in some way to the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. This shift in mentality, in which conservation takes place through a mutual sense of responsibility and guardianship over nature, will be vital when looking to tackle the biodiversity crisis we are faced with today.


Wildlife Watch


Our Network Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were once again limited this past year in our capacity to hold TES events. While we didn’t have any training courses or in person meetings, we still managed to hold the annual Trophy Evaluation Board Meeting in May (see previous issue for more details). In addition, we were able to successfully promote TES through a number of events at the One with Nature (OWN) - World of Hunting and Nature exhibition, which was held in Budapest for three weeks during September and October. As was the case last year, the measurers have continued to work hard to evaluate trophies and enter them into TED, despite the lack of evaluation events. A big thank you to all CCMs and STJs for their effort and commitment to TES!


CIC Trophy Evaluation at One with Nature Exhibition With the CIC acting as a patron of OWN, it comes as no surprise that the CIC stand was one of the most visited points of the exhibition. This gave us the chance to spread the word about the TES and the CIC measuring method, as well as promote the CIC International Gold Medal. While we originally planned to organise just one trophy evaluation event for the CIC IGM, we ended up having four due to incredible demand! Our dedicated measurers measured over 50 incredible trophies of red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, wild boar, Alpine ibex, chamois and European mouflon. Most of them qualified for the CIC IGM, while some were found ineligible due to the high cut of the skull. This is a reminder for everyone to please keep a full skull of the trophy if you would like it to be evaluated for the CIC IGM. Excitingly, we discovered that one of the mouflon heads that was evaluated is likely to be a new world record – but more on this next year! A big thanks to our dedicated measurers who are always willing to travel and evaluate a large number of trophies: Enzo Berzieri (IT), Fritz Heje-Hansen (DK), Andres Lillemäe (EE), Jaan Ärmus (EE) Laurence Taaffe (UK), Imrich Šuba (SK), Norbert Bleier (HU), Imre Kovács (HU) and Miloslav Vach (CZ)!


The TES in numbers: Active CCMs/STJs: 640 + 61 Countries in the TES: 30 Measurements in the TED: 25476

The TEB strongly encourages all hunters to have their trophies evaluated by a Certified CIC Measurer in order to enhance research possibilities and encourage a more wholesome approach to the evaluation, regardless of the trophy’s potential to reach a medal limit.


Did you know? The CIC Trophy Record List is under preparation and should be released in 2022! Stay tuned!

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Do you know a member of the STJ/CCM network who should be In the Spotlight? Would you like your event highlighted in our events section? Please send STJ/CCM nominations/event details to

If you have any questions about the above information, or the CIC TES in general, please contact Luna Milatović, CIC Conservation Officer, at



Cover image photo credit: World Migratory Bird Day 2021 Artwork by Sara Wolman

The CIC joins its conservation colleagues in celebrating World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2021! WMBD is an initiative, and is organised by AEWA (Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds) and the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) that looks to raise awareness of migratory birds and the need for international cooperation to conserve them. The theme for this year’s WMBD is “Sing, Fly, Soar – Like a Bird!” It aims to highlight the wonders of bird song and bird flight as part of an effort to inspire people around the world on the importance of migratory birds.

As part of the day’s proceedings, the CIC hosted a WMBD event at its stand at the One with Nature (OWN) – World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition in Budapest. Dr. Gábor Magyar, OWN Scientific Expert, opened and introduced the event by talking about the importance of bird conservation and the work AEWA is conducting in this field. A video message by Jacques Trouvilliez, Executive Secretary of AEWA, was then played to visitors at the stand.


there are many birds breeding in small ponds and so on. We need everybody to work with us, and One with Nature is also promoting this connection with nature.” Jacques Trouvilliez went on to discuss our need to reconnect with nature in the wake of the pandemic, giving hunters as a good example of this in practice:

He brought attention to the links between WMBD and the theme of the exhibition, “One with Nature,” as well as the role that hunters play in migratory bird conservation. “The theme of World Migratory Bird Day is clearly linked to the theme chosen for this international exhibition, One with Nature. It’s important because bird conservation needs everybody on board in order to ensure a favourable conservation status of migratory birds. We need (the) hunting community’s dedication for bird conservation. It’s really important to maintain not only big wetlands, but small wetlands, because


“In that respect, hunting communities (are) a good example, as some of them (are) living in big cities and going into nature, not only for hunting but for getting some more serenity…We really believe in this value.” A presentation on ‘Modern Hungarian falconry as part of the Eurasian falconry heritage’ was then given by Frigyes Bogyai, founding member of the Hungarian National Falconry Association. He guided the visitors through the history of falconry in Hungary, while highlighting the struggles falconers have faced in recent times.

Tamás Marghescu, Director General of the CIC, also made a statement in support of the initiative. He emphasised the importance of the theme of this year’s WMBD, and the role that appreciating birds directly has on their conservation.

For those of you looking for more information on World Migratory Bird Day, please check out the official website, where you can find more information on all the other WMBD focused events that took place today.

“Hunters, perhaps more so than any other group of people, understand the importance of conserving migratory birds and their habitats. That is because it is us hunters that are the ones out in nature, experiencing birds in their natural spaces while appreciating their beauty and ecological importance. It is not surprising, then, that we see many hunters that are passionate about the conservation of migratory birds. After all, you must care for something in order to consider its continued survival. Migratory birds and their amazing journeys across continents are fascinating. The services that hunters offer to migratory bird conservation, therefore, stems from an appreciation of their beauty and their incredible migration patterns.”




International Projects

CIC Project Taking Flight

Flying Vets Mongolia

Together with its committed members, experts, and administrative office, the CIC has been busy working on the Flying Vets Mongolia project. We are pleased to announce that the project has now reached its initial goal of raising minimum required funds for a feasibility study, which is planned to take place in May 2022. This will involve meetings with all relevant stakeholders in Mongolia to understand their existing capacities and needs – including Government bodies, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), research organisations, and importantly the local communities who stand to benefit from this project. However, the fundraising efforts continue! Any further funds received at this stage can still help maximise the scope of the feasibility study and the respective out-

come. Those funds that are not used during the feasibility study will go towards project implementation. This project fits clearly with the CIC’s vision of “a world where wildlife is valued and conserved as part of nature for the benefit of humanity.” One important component of humanity is its rich and diverse cultures. Many of these are intimately linked to the rural areas, and to wildlife in particular. This is immediately obvious for Mongolia, a country that is known for its distinct wildlife, habitats and cultural heritage. Mongolian nomadic herders are an integral part of this heritage – in fact, they are the world’s last traditional nomads. They are one of the many crucial custodians of wild lands and wildlife.

International Projects

Unfortunately, the livelihoods of these herders are at risk. Without intervention, it is possible that their lifestyle, livelihoods, and associated cultural elements (such as eagle hunting), may die out completely. Wildlife diseases, Mongolia’s unpredictable climate and other factors are also threatening the country’s wildlife species, including the critically endangered Saiga Antelope (Saiga tatarica) and the reintroduced but still endangered Przewalski’s horse (Equus ferus przewalskii). Recognising these threats, the CIC has decided it is time to take action. That is why we launched the CIC project: The Flying Vets Mongolia! In an effort to support Mongolian nomadic traditions and livelihoods, as well as Mongolian wildlife, this project will look to introduce a flying veterinary service that can mobilize and support rural and remote areas of Mongolia, while acting as part of an early surveillance system for identifying wildlife disease and other health issues. Among its committed members supporting the initiative, the CIC has enlisted the help of long-time CIC and Young Opinion member, Flurina Hammer, to help raise awareness and funds for the project. Furthermore, we have set up an advisory board with renowned experts in their area to support and develop the feasibility study. We are excited to announce that Dr. Reinhard Schnidrig and Prof. Dr. Jean-Michel Hatt have joined the board. Dr. Reinhard Schnidrig is the Head of Wildlife Management and Forest Biodiversity section at the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and President of the international Thaki Group (ITG), which brought the Przewalski’s horse back to the Mongolian steppe. In his words: “One health must be the common focus of doctors, veterinarians and wildlife managers. Flying Vets can contribute key support to this perspective.” Prof. Dr. Jean-Michel Hatt is Professor of Zoo, 62

Wildlife and Exotic Pet Medicine at the University of Zurich and a leading scientist in the reintroduction of the Przewalski’s horse in Mongolia, and feels: “The reintroduction of the Przewalski’s horse is one of the greatest success stories in the captive conservation of a species extinct in the wild. The CIC Project Flying Vets Mongolia is an excellent initiative and I am honoured to be able to continue my involvement for wildlife conservation in Mongolia as a member of the advisory board.” In the words of Flurina Hammer: “I have committed time and effort to this project because I feel that it goes above and beyond what the general public thinks is of concern to hunters. The

project will help show that hunters truly care about local communities, heritage, traditions, and wildlife as a whole! We as hunters know this, but we need ways and means of showing this to the general public. This project is a great push in that direction!” Further to the support already received for the project, Flurina will be taking part in the 2022 Mongol Derby, at her own cost, to help with the fundraising and publicity efforts for the project. It is important to emphasise that, every year, the Mongol Derby grabs the attention of prominent media outlets around the world. Together, they shift their focus to Mongolia during the course of the race. This means that the Mongol Derby will serve as the perfect opportunity to promote the Flying Vets Mongolia project and the CIC to a broader international audience.

As mentioned already, the final scope and scale of the feasibility study will depend on the remaining funding that is secured over the coming months. The donated funds are used solely for the execution of the feasibility study and the realization of the project. Any expenses concerning the Mongol Derby participation are excluded. If you too would like to donate to the Flying Vets Mongolia project now, please visit the link here. In doing so, you would be directly assisting the conservation of endangered species, the health of wildlife and their habitats, as well as the preservation of the traditions of Mongolian nomadic herders. In the meantime, please keep an eye out for CIC newsletters, where we will be bringing you details on any new developments.


Pre-order The CIC World Game Cookbook

Publication by the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) „Love can be found through one’s stomach” is a saying that can be found in several languages. It can therefore be argued that the best way to safeguard hunting and the interests of hunters is by focusing on game meat.

The latest trends in nutrition say that wild game is one of the foods of the future. Wild game meat is healthy, organic and can be obtained in a sustainable fashion. Introducing more game meat into our diets is therefore a good way to support sustainable food practices while trying out delicious and nutritious dishes! Popularising game meat, as well as game dishes, is a good way for hunters to win the favour of the general public. In view of this, the Artemis Working Group of International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) will be bringing a unique publication - the CIC World Game Cookbook. The CIC World Game Cookbook is a collection of 209 game recipes from 66 different countries and regions. The book is authored by President of the CIC Artemis Working Group, Soňa Chovanová Supeková. The price for the CIC World Game Cookbook, including postage and packing, is 40.00 EUR. Use the below payment links to pre-order your copy now! Please make sure to fill in the address fields so that we can send it to your location without delay.


Payment link for one copy of the CIC World Game Cookbook

68. CIC General Assembly Riga, Latvia 9-11 June, 2022


FeHoVa in February 2022 In February 2022, the 28th Fishing, Hunting and Arms International Exhibition returns as the greatest and most original meeting of the hunters, fishermen and nature-lovers of the Carpathian Basin at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center! FeHoVa attracts more visitors each year. Exhibitors take it very seriously, and prepare for it weeks in advance. With an audience of more than 55,000 the FeHoVa show presents manufacturer and distributor of arms, equipments, clothes traders, tackle manufacturers and others with a not-to-be-missed opportunity to get their products and services in front of hunters and fishermen from across the whole of eastern Europe. The show also offers a number of interactive programmes for visitors such as stage presentations, trophy shows, dog show, falconry show, gastronomy presentations, children’s workshop, troating competition, fishing simulator and lure fishing demonstrations in the huge aquarium. These events are attended by top hunters and anglers from the region. Next year’s FeHoVa show takes place from February 17 to 20 at the HUNGEXPO in Budapest, Hungary.


Re-establishment of nature instead of a concrete jungle − THAT IS, BACK TO NATURE! − Concept of a world-renowned architects office for a new, green urban district in the spirit of biophilia Proximity to nature is essential to man, but at least it cannot be neglected for a long time. As a result of climate change and overpopulation, nature has been displaced or destroyed in the vicinity of cities. It is essential to think also about this in architectural designs today. This was also one of the main aspects of the rethinking of one of the sub-centres of Budapest, the new urban district of Zugló, by the world-famous Zaha Hadid Architects Office. Zugló, which is also called the lungs of Budapest because of its green areas, is located almost a stone’s throw from Central Budapest. Urban living basically means that many people can live their lives comfortably. Unsurprisingly, however, urbanites set out to nature whenever they want to relax or break away. After all, the proximity of nature provides both spiritual and physical recreation. In this approach, the UK based Zaha Hadid Architects Office has created the SMART, SUSTAINABLE, HEALTHY and LIVEABLE centre. In the planning of the central neighbourhood of Zugló, the designers have incorporated the opportunities provided by nature, emphasizing the importance of green vegetation for quality life. The seven-hectare project will create 35,000 square metres of green space. The third largest green area will be created in the district by the combination of green corridors, green terrac-

es and green roofs planted with different types of green vegetation. With its wellthought-out ‘re-establishment of nature’, it seeks to bring flora and fauna into the urban district as an oasis. The green network has been designed to purify the air and water, to improve outdoor comfort, to reduce the heat island effect and the amount of stormwater discharged into public sewers and to absorb carbon dioxide, while also providing a better environment for local wildlife. The greened public spaces and water surfaces, which will be be expanded with the project, will not only provide adornment with their aesthetic beauty, but will also cool the air with up to 6°C lower summer peak temperatures than in a traditional city centre. A healthy urban district not only minimizes the harmful impact of the urban environment on health, but also promotes a healthy lifestyle and continuously supports the well-being of the population.


2021 CIC

Communications Awards

The CIC presented the 2021 CIC Communications Awards at the Closing Ceremony of the 67th General Assembly. The Communications Awards recognises achievements in film, television and literature that tackle the subject matter of sustainable wildlife use and hunting. Originally established as the Literature Prize, the criteria for potential applicants was broadened to recognise the work that is being done in the visual media space. Five different categories were in place for this year’s event: Technical, Literary, Artistic, Cultural and Film. See the winners of the prizes below.

TECHNICAL PRIZE The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation By Shane Mahoney and Valerius Geist

A compilation of works by distinguished authors and thinkers in the field of conservation. It provides its readership with an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of one of the most unique and successful conservation models in the world: The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

LITERARY PRIZE Die Sache mit der Auslandsjagd - Trophäen oder Artenschutz? (The Case of Hunting Tourism - Trophies or Species Conservation?) By Hannes and Ludwig Siege

This book deals with the often-assumed contradiction between “trophy hunting” and biodiversity protection. The authors argue on the basis of proven scientific knowledge, local and international law, as well as their own experience from many years of working in nature and species conservation in Africa. In doing, so they deal with and evaluate the arguments put forward against “trophy hunting.”


ARTISTIC PRIZE Besondere Jagdmomente - Faszinierende Bilder und Einsichten aus dem Jagdjahr (Special Hunting Moments - Fascinating Pictures and Insights of a Hunting Year) By Gert von Harling and Frank Eckler

A unique collaboration between the author, Gert von Harling, and photographer, Frank Eckler. The author follows the course of the hunting year, all while reflecting on his hunting experiences, his moods and his feelings for the reader. Von Harling's concept of hunting is complemented in a fascinating way by Eckler's pictures. The artistic interplay of words and images is what makes the book outstanding. It is a powerful plea for hunting as a natural experience in the best sense of the word.


Аксаков об охоте - воспоминания и наблюдения страстного охотника / Über die Jagd - Erinnerungen und Betrachtungen eines leidenschaftlichen Jägers (Aksakov on Hunting - Reminiscences and reflections of a passionate hunter) By Sergei Timofeyevich Aksakov

This publication unites, for the first time, all of the works on hunting by legendary Russian author, Sergei Timofeyevich Aksakov. The book was published in both Russian and German; it is also believed that this is the first time Aksakov’s work has been translated into a foreign language.


Let Africans Decide - Open Letter By Resource Africa

This short but inspiring film showcases how a group of more than fifty community leaders, representing millions of people across southern Africa, urged UKbased celebrities to stop using their influence to undermine the human rights of impoverished people and jeopardise wildlife conservation in the region.


“Aksakov on Hunting” Wins the CIC Cultural Prize At the Closing Ceremony of the 67th CIC General Assembly, the CIC Cultural Prize was awarded to the international team that published "Aksakov on Hunting - Memories and observations of a passionate hunter”. The book, which was published in both German and Russian, was nominated by the Russian Delegation of the CIC. For Russian readers, Sergei Timofeyevich Aksakov (1791 - 1859) is widely known as a social figure and a translator of literary works into Russian, notably those by Sophocles, Moliere, and Walter Scott. However, in Europe, his name is practically unknown. “Aksakov on Hunting” compiled, for the first time, all of Aksakov’s hunting texts into one unique collection. His work on hunting, up until now, most likely had not been translated into any foreign language, nor had they been published in Russian in a single collection.

The initiative to create such a book originated from Mr. Alexander Schwab, and its eventual publication was the result of the cooperation between the Eichelmändli Publishing House (Switzerland) and the S.T. Aksakov Memorial House-Museum (Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia). By compiling Aksakov's individual hunting texts into one collection, the S. T. Aksakov Memorial House-Museum and Eichelmändli Publishing House have created a precious gift for lovers of nature and hunting, one that has significant literary, philosophical, and historical value. It is more than just a tribute to the author – it is a contribution to hunting literature, to the preservation of cultural heritage and hunting traditions. The decision to award the CIC Cultural Prize to "Aksakov on Hunting" will once again remind the public of S.T. Aksakov and awaken new interest in his work, while emphasizing the value of preserving hunting culture and traditions for a wide range of readers.

Hunting and Fishing with Aksakov 2021 is the year of the 230th anniversary of the writer S. T. Aksakov. In continuation of the efforts to draw attention to Aksakov’s work, the Hunting and Fishing Museum of the Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz, together with the Memorial House-Museum of S. T. Aksakov (Ufa), is holding a creative contest in his honour - Hunting and Fishing with Aksakov. The contest is open for students from all education institutions that are in grades 1-11. The main goals of the contest are to: popularise the author’s work on nature, hunting, and fishing; foster respectful attitudes towards nature amongst students; support and help realise the creative potential of students; and the identification and subsequent support of gifted children. The contest will be held on the territory of the Russian Federation. Drawings and works of art that are devoted to the topic of hunting and fishing from Aksakov’s publications will be accepted, as well as any work that contains nature, fauna and flora as its main theme.



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Honorary CIC President, Bernard Loze IN



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Richard Prior

CIC Membership


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