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Je to jeden z nejstar‰ích umûleck˘ch projektÛ na Internetu. V roce 1991

SENSORIUM je soubor nûkolika projektÛ pod vedením japonského

D. Blair zaãal tvofiit £lmov˘ pfiíbûh, na nûmÏ spolupracovalo vice neÏ

umûlce Shin'ichi TAKEMURY.

25 autorÛ. Dodnes je tento projekt ve v˘voji. V˘sledn˘ £lm je moÏno

Napfiíklad v projektu Net Sound Takemura pfiipodobÀuje internetovou

shlédnout pouze prostfiednictvím internetu.

síÈ k „lidskému nervovému systému“, kde jednotlivé informace putují

This is one of the oldest artistic projects on the internet. In 1991, D. Blair

k rÛzn˘m „orgánÛm“. SENSORIUM dovoluje poslouchat tuto cirkulaci

began to create a £lm story on which more than 25 people worked. The

informací sítí jak˘msi virtuálním „stetoskopem“.

project continues to develop up to the present. The resulting £lm can only

SENSORIUM is a set of several projects under the direction of the

be seen by means of the internet.

Japanese artist Shin'ichi TAKEMURA.

the file room MUNTADAS

For example, in the project Net Sound, Takemura assimilates the web to the “human nervous system”, where individual pieces of


information roam to various “organs”. SENSORIUM enables one to

The File Room je ilustrovan˘ archiv cenzury na celém svûtû. Muntadas

listen to the circulation of the information of the web through a kind

vytvofiil nástroj, kter˘ je v neustálém v˘voji a doplÀování. The File Room je

of virtual “stethoscope”.

dnes produkován galerií Randolph Street Gallery v Chicagu (USA). The File Room is an illustrated archive of censorship all over the world.


Muntadas created the instrument that is constantly being developed and


supplemented. The File Room is today produced by the Randolph Street

Kunstradio je umûlecké multimediální dílo mlad˘ch (nejen) rakousk˘ch umûlcÛ aktivní v reálném ãase.

Gallery in Chicago (USA).

Kunstradio is an artistic multimedia work by young Austrian (among others) artists active in real time.


technosphere G. SELLEY, R. HAWKES A J. PROPHET



Judy Malloy je jedním z prÛkopníkÛ hypertextového románu, kter˘ existuje

Umûl˘ Ïivot od G. Selleyho, R. Hawkese a J. Propheové – TechnoSphere – je vlastní svût modelovan˘ v 3D, kter˘ je

jiÏ nûkolik let. L0ve0ne je „nekoneãn˘“ román, podmínûn˘ vlastní existencí

ob˘ván umûl˘mi bytostmi, jeÏ byly vytvofieny webov˘mi (WWW) uÏivateli. Îijí tam tisíce rÛzn˘ch stvofiení, která se

internetu, kter˘ tento princip hypertextu umoÏÀuje (kromû nûkolika verzí

snaÏí dennû o pfieÏití.

na CD ROMu je pouze na síti) .

Arti£cial Life by G. Selley, R. Hawkes and J. Prophet—TechnoSphere—is a world unto itself modeled in 3D, a world

Judy Malloy is one of the pioneers of the hypertext novel that has existed for

that is inhabited by arti£cial creatures who were created by web (WWW) users. There are thousand of diverse

several years now. l0ve0ne is an “unending” novel, conditioned by its own

creatures living there and struggling for survival daily.

existence on the internet, which makes the principle of the hypertext possible (except for several versions on CD-ROM, this is available only on the net).


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