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Anno 5 - n. 1 - Supplement to L’ECO of Saint Gabriel, March 2012 - Poste Italiane S.P.A - Sped. in a. p. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n.46) art. 1, comma 1, Pescara Aut. N. 6/2005


Garment making in Lodja

Garment making in Lodja (Dem. Republic of Congo.)


have picked these pictures from among several thousand for the frontispiece of the present Bulletin for a number of re-

asons. 1. The cover picture of our Bulletin is always a Passionist religious or a Sister from our Passionist Family. They are the movers for change and development in our missions. They all carry the message of hope. It is thanks to them that our projects are brought about. Without their presence nothing would ever change. Their evangelizing work is always accompanied by humanitarian efforts. Ever close to the poor, they accompany them and walk in their midst. 2. Because they're women they are twice poor: poor because that is what they are, and poor because they're women. Poor, marginalized, frequently mistreated, humiliated… These are single mothers who have been abused and then abandoned by their irresponsible "men." It is not a case of it's being fashionable to have them in the cooperative and developmental projects, it's because they're always the last, whilst for us they deserve to be among the first. 3. They're there, as they're always there… wor-


king. This project is to help promote women, to empower women. "Empowerment" because it affords them power, it frees them, it helps them become autonomous and independent. And this always carries a whiff of danger to men. 4. And there's always the children. In every African home there are children. This never fails to draw the attention of Europeans… children are all over the place. They represent hope. Africa is the continent of hope. And they need to be dressed and fed. 5. Sewing machines. This serves as a sign that development is approaching, mechanisation is on its way. These are machines sent from other countries, and this speaks of solidarity, sharing, fraternity. 6. A magnificent wheelchair! Part of a "Promotion of handicapped women." There's room for one more insult… for some racists, they're also "black" … (No comments.) This has seemed to me the best of all projects. Extraordinary in fact! Congratulations dear ladies, because you're all great! The best part of the Church, even when - given our penchant for "machismo" – we sometimes keep you at the bottom of the pile

E d itoria l Globalizing Solidarity ne of the principal tasks the last General Chapter assigned to our Solidarity and Mission Office was that of forming and sensitizing our communities and religious on the theme of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC). Because of this we have made a determined effort to put didactic material and documentation on DVDs which were then distributed to all our communities and religious. In the course of these years our Solidarity and Mission Office has organized 24 meetings and workshops around the theme of Justice and Peace in various countries where the Congregation is established, such as: • In Africa, where we have held courses in Kenya, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo. • In Asia these were held in India. • In Latin America: Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. • In Europe: Italy, Spain and Portugal. • And in Australia. The objective of these formation courses was to show how our Passionist charism is closely tied to the themes of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation. In other words, a passion for Justice, Peace


and the Integrity of Creation is part and parcel of our Passionist charism. We have attempted to show how to carry out developmental projects and how to work today in support of Justice and Peace. Together with this formation effort we have carried out joint campaigns and accompanied a number of International Days in support of Human Rights and Peace. We have invited all our communities to join in prayer that hunger may disappear from the face of the earth and that all people may have access to clean water… Networking Finally we have attempted to establish a communications and solidarity network in order to make sure that our activities don't remain in a world to themselves but rather that they accompany the work of thousands of people all over the world who want to globalize solidarity. We need to coordinate our efforts so as to present a common face to that gigantic monster of our day which is the MARKET ECONOMY and rampant speculation. There is only one answer we can give to our globalized world, a truly Christian answer, and that is to "globalize our solidarity" in efficacious and concrete ways. It is our great hope that one day a living Church and a just world will become a reality.


JPIC Workshop in Brazil 3

Formation: A Priority he Kisima student theology center (in Nairobi - Kenya) is the main house of formation of Africa and is home to 26 young Passionist students from several countries: Kenya, South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania, and Zambia. The international student theology center of Kisima is a sign of unity among the African Passionist religious that we must maintain despite our differences. The House of formation of Kisima has had and has many financial difficulties in order to maintain it and, like all houses of formation, it needs financial aid to survive. In poor areas of the Congregation a major problem is paying for the students’ education. For this reason the Formation and Solidarity Fund of the Congregation has supplied 20,000 Euros to underwrite all their expenses. However, we strongly believe that for-


mation for our young religious is always a priority for our Passionist Congregation. The Congregation will not relent in its efforts to consider formation as its first priority. The self-financing of the Passionists in Congo, Kenya and Tanzania is a serious problem. All the vicariates of Africa have seriously studied this problem. We believe that we urgently need to establish concrete and feasible projects in each of the territories in order to generate sufficient income and to guarantee monies for formation expenses that are so costly. "Enlarging the guest House of Dar-esSalaam" is one such project. The General Curia offered help with 85,000 Euros (20,000 Euros as a donation and $60,000 as a loan). Propaganda Fidei has just them given them another 30,000 Euros.

Guest House at Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) 4

The Mission in the Philippines

r. Rey Ondap is director of the Office of JPIC of the Philippines. He has taught several courses on justice and the environment, more specifically on deforestation and climate change. He has inspired many communities. But perhaps the most important work that Fr. Rey has done is to collaborate with other


groups in dealing with the problem of open pit mining and challenging the multinational mining company "SMI Xstrata" that is contaminating the entire area, without concern for the damage that is being caused to the population and the environment. The foto is of a celebration of Earth Day. Our office has promoted the organization of several International Conferences as a way of teaching religious and communities how to bring life to prayer and prayer to life. World Food Day (16 October), Human Rights Day (10 December) and World Water Day (22 March) have been celebrated and included in the prayer of our communities. It is an excellent way to become aware of the reality of our world and to feel that we are involved in it.

The Angola Mission few years ago the Passionists arrived in Angola and in a short period of time have done remarkable work: building churches, training mothers and young people, organizing communities to collaborate on joint projects, etc. This project is noteworthy: "The Empowerment of women through education and mutual assistance" which has received a subsidy of 15,000 Euros from CEI and 5,000 Euros from Caritas Italiana. This is another example of a project for the development of women.


A movie theatre was built as a center for evangelization and training young people as well as a center for meetings. 5

Solidarity and Mission Offices ur Solidarityand Mission Office is well aware of the many projects and problems in our missions and among the religious who staff those missions, yet we seem to have our hands tied, unable to do all that we would like to do and which often really needs doing. We Passionists are active in more than sixty countries and it becomes very difficult for just one or two religious to reach every place where our men and women missionaries are working. Our office continually receives requests for assistance with projects and it pains us not to be able to reach everyone. Hence we're aware that we need more willing hands ready to assist us. Were other religious, each is his Province or Zone, to assume responsibility for coordinating these projects and the requests for the same, this would be most welcome. The work would entail animation and supervision and maintaining communication with the rest of the Congregation. This has led to our establishing a number of very humble Solidarity offices in our missions. We aspire to seeing our missionaries equipped in simple but practical ways with modern IT machines, such as computers, scanners, printers, photocopiers, etc. They would thus become invaluable instruments in the ongoing work of promoting justice, peace and the integrity of creation within their own areas. Up until now the majority of the projects reaching our desks have been somewhat "poor" to say the least.Often they were somewhat pitiful letters where they lament their poverty, yet without presenting any well-structured project. Hence we have gone out of our way to explain to our missionaries how a project should be undertaken. We feel it's very necessary to have religious dedicated to instructing our missionaries on how a


project should be drawn-up and presented. It's quite possible that in this matter there might be competent lay people who could give a hand. This is largely technical work. We have helped set up these offices in Kenya (â‚Ź.5,000) and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (â‚Ź.3,620). In Kenya we have also financed a study course for the religious who will take charge of the Office; he has obtained a Master's degree and has specialized in JPIC. Our work is made possible thanks to donations from our benefactors to whom we are enormously grateful. Without their assistance we couldn't manage even half of the projects we're engaged in.

Thank you Benefactors! 6


Friendship Table — Bulgaria he title of this project is wonderful: "Friendship table", gathered at a table to eat together as friends. Fr. Remo Gambacorta, Passionist and missionary in Bulgaria, in the parish of Santa Ana of Malchika (Bulgaria), informed us a project to help the elderly who were alone and ate very little. They needed a place to gather for social activities and to help the poor of the parish, to give these poor elderly people a little food and lots of love. Our concern for poor and marginalized people is a requirement of our Passionist charism. Caritas Antoniana has subsidized this project with 4,646 Euros


Solar panels for the Maternity Hospital of Mlowa lowa (Tanzania) is a rural parish served by Passionist missionaries in the Diocese of Dodoma . It is a privileged place to live the Passionist charism, because its inhabitants are very poor and in this small village water is a luxury and the health situation is tragic. Our Lord Jesus Christ always had a predilection for marginalized people. Hospitals and health centres are far away from Mlowa (Tanzania). In our parish there is a maternity hospital that gives people access


to primary care. But they needed to have a little electricity for a small refrigerator to keep medicines in good condition in a tropical zone like this; or to respond to emergencies that occur overnight... The Sisters of Santa Gemma, who serve in this maternity hospital, have worked at improving the sanitary conditions of this health center. The Italian Episcopal Conference has subsidized this project in the amount of 13,000 Euros.


Passionists Name

Postal Address



Solidarietà Passionista

Piazza Santi Giovanni e Paolo, 13

00184 Roma


Passionists International

Piazza Santi Giovanni e Paolo, 13

00184 Roma


Museo Africano

Via G.B. Peruzzo, 142

24059 Urgnano Bergamo


Solidarietà Passionista

Via G.B. Peruzzo, 2

24059 Urgnano Bergamo



Comunidad pasionista

64048 S. Gabriele dell'Add. TE


Il villaggio della gioia

Via Seriole, 13

24064 Grumello del Monte (BG) Tanza


Comunità dei Passionisti

64045 S. Gabriele dell'Add. TE


Adeco Euskadi

Plaza San Felicísimo, 1

48014 Bilbao


Adeco Aragón

C/ Sagrada Familia, 2

50012 Zaragoza


Adeco Navarra

Ntra. Sra. del Villar

31591 Corella (Navarra)


Adeco Valencia

C/ José María Cervera LLoret 7 Puerta 46022 VALENCIA

Adeco Rioja

Plaza de España 8 1ºB

26520 Cervera del Río Alhama • Españ

Adeco Cantabria

C/ Castilla, 21

39009 Santnader


Adeco Cataluña

Capitán Arenas, 9

08034 Barcelona



Adeco Asturias Adeco Federación


Españ C/ Sagrada Familia, 2

50012 Zaragoza


Rua Mestre António Joaquim, 8

4520-239 Santa Maria da Feira Portug

Adeco México

Apartado Postal 47.132

07870 México D.F.


Adeco Perú

Victor A. Belaunde, 160

San Isidro - Lima 27



Apartado Postal 2030

Mejicanos - San Salvador 01307 El Salv

Passionists Volunteers

526 Monastery Place

Union City, NJ 07087


Earth and Spirit Center

1924 Newburg Road

Louisville, KY 40205



MAKANZA B.P. 10020

Ndjili-Aéreo Kinshasa 24

R.D. C


P.O. Box 990



00166 Roma


PORTUGAL Rosto Solidario Latin America

North America


NGO from the Passionist Sisters CASA DI BETANIA ONLUS


Via Don Carlo Gnocchi, 75

s NGO List



Web page

Person in charge




Jesús Mª Aristín


http://passionistsinternational.org/ http://www.passionistsinternational.org/ Francisco J. Murray








Raffaele Finardi Giuseppe Martinelli


Francesco Cordeschi

nzania-Italia babafulgenzio@gmail.com


Fulgenzio Cortesi



Giuseppe Bacci




Mila Dominguez



Mafer Madurga



Juan Ignacio Villar



Jorge y Raquel



Jesús Herrero



Rodrigo Sevillano



Carlos Cano


Pablo Pujades





Last meeting of ADECO




Manuel Caridade Pires




Carlos San Martín




Javier Areitio



Antonio Rodriguez




Lucian Clark




Joe Mitchell

D. Congo



Jean Mª Mbungu




Aloyce Babene


http://www.passioniste.org/contattaci/ http://www.passioniste.org/solidarieta/

Agnese Bellagamba


Zenneti (Tanzania): Model Project of Cooperation ossibly the key project for the development of Zenetti (Tanzania) is the most appropriate one for rural areas of Africa and other countries of the South. The best development project in a rural area is one that diversifies production, is integrated and involves complementary elements. For example, we sow corn and the corn is then feed to the hens. It is not good to sow only one product. Fr. Roberto Dal Corso, has very creatively developed this project: he sowed hectares of corn and prepared greenhouses for vegetables. In the livestock area there are also a large number of animals: chickens, numerous cows, etc.


This has improved the food of the local population by offering meat, milk, vegetables. It has also improved the health of its inhabitants because they are well fed. And logically all this has generated income for the community, and the Vicariate. Obviously, the project has been very successful because they have been able to organize production using various types of machinery. Used tractors, light generators, mills‌ The mechanization of agriculture has increased the amount of land that can be sown, and has contributed to increasing harvests. Mechanization has enabled crop production to be carried out in less time and with greater productivity‌

Hopefully this ground breaking project will continue and there will be similar project in other Passionist missions.


Five Water Wells for Tanzania his is our star project: 70,000 Euros that were subsidized by the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI). In the previous issue we talked about this project and you can now see the five finished wells that have been drilled, affording people clean drinking water. The photos speak for themselves. The region of Tanga in particular suffers from a lack of drinking water. The water problem is crucial in Tanzania. Finding water in this area is a luxury. Also water is used often in a very profitable way to earn money at the expense of the poor who remain without water. If water is absent, life ceases to exist. Therefore, we have prioritized the development of projects for wells for drinking water because they are essential to life and because water is a basic necessity. The right to water is an inalienable right of individuals and peoples. In the coming years the water problem will generate many conflicts and will be a source of much economic interest, as has already occurred. We are called to be in solidarity with thirsty Africa and above all, to help us to prepare more wells for drinking water. Fr. Aloyce Babene, Passionist, the head of our development office in Tanzania, has designed and developed this project. It has been a great joy for the developer of the project and for the people who have benefitted from it. On behalf of the inhabitants of these five towns we express our gratitude and appreciation to the Committee for Charitable Works for the third world of the CEI (Conference of Italian Bishops).


Fr. Vital oversees the completion of these wells in: 1. Songa Kiboani 2. Pangamlima 3. Zeneti Barabarani 4. Batini and 5. Maguzoni.


Production of Sunflower Oil in Karungu (Kenya) arungu is a village located on the coast of Lake Victoria, in the southern part of Kenya. Fish is bountiful in Lake Victoria and can be obtained at will. Therefore, our religious are living in a village of fishermen -- simple, hardworking people. The Passionists have a piece of property in the village and are engaged in various activities: a parish, a training centre for young mothers, an important retreat centre and other activities such as days of recollection organized by different groups‌ In addition to these on-going formation activities, the Passionists are also involved in activities that contribute to the self-financing of the Centre. They want to increase the production of sunflower oil by establishing large farms, in collaboration with the local people, inviting them to do the same.


Sunflower oil production will limit dependence on supplies from large cities that are located at a great distance from here. People can stock up on the oil in their own city, which will be available at a reasonable price and without having to travel long distances. The main objective of this project is to lower the prices of vegetable oils in the public market and provide oil to the population at a very affordable price. This production of oil will help the center become financially self-sufficient and even help support the Kenya Vicariate itself. Thanks to funding from the Italian Episcopal Conference, we have received to 35,000 Euros to carry out this project. We congratulate our brothers of Kenya for the great work that they are doing in their many, very necessary projects.

Oil mill 12

Missionaries in the D. R. of Congo he missionaries from Congo have great difficulty covering the expenses of formation and therefore have decided to establish the following project: the construction of ten stores in the Passionist postulancy residence of Kingasani (DR Congo) at a cost of 30,000 Euro, entirely subsidized by the Office of Solidarity and Mission. These stores will be available for rent and the money earned will help to pay the costs of formation, specifically of the postulancy. Kingasani was the first house for formation built in the capital. Each year it welcomes approximately 20 young applicants who study philosophy there before going on to the novitiate. During this period the young men come to know and experience Passionist life and the formation directors have an opportunity to better know the candidates. With these kinds of projects we are trying to find ways of making the Congo Vice-province self-sufficient financially. We are aware that formation is an investment for the vitality and growth of our religious community, but it is very expensive and the results will only be realized in the future. In the same capital of Kinshasa we are considering another investment project to cover all the costs of formation and achieve the goal of selffinancing of the Vice-province. Several alternatives are under consideration, but we have not yet decided on any of them. We are confident that this year we will be able to make some progress in this area.


nother commendable initiative is CEMES (Cercle Medical "SantĂŠ"). This is an NGOD (non-governmental organization for development) that seeks to promote health and social initiatives for the poor by offering pastoral assistance to the poor (sick, elderly, the unemployed, orphans, illiterates). CEMES has spent several years working in Congo and has developed quite a few projects during this time period such as: - the construction of a hospital in Kisungu Mbemba; - the adoption of children from Kisungu primary school; - organization of an agricultural cooperative (COOPAG), in the area of plantation products such as bananas in the region of Manterne, -the preparation of "Healthy People" project, 15 km. from the city of Boma; - the renovation of more than one school in danger of destruction in Mayombe and the Diocese of Boma; - the fight against desertification and climate change through the practice of agro-forestry in the 15th kilometer. We hope to continue to maintain a good rapport with this NGOD which Fr. Jean Marie Mbungu C.P. directs so that we can work on other new good projects together.



Construction of chapels in Bolivia


n many of our missions one of the major projects is the construction of chapels. This is an example of the new, more functional little chapels that were built in the community of Sewenkani near Coroco (Bolivia) -- next to the old adobe one that is now without a roof.

Mass Intentions e all know the economic difficulties encountered by our missionaries in their work of evangelization. These difficulties multiply because of the little income that is available to them in their work among very poor people who have few resources and consequently, can offer little assistance. One of the main sources of income for these missionaries is Mass intentions. This year our Solidarity and Mission Office has received numerous requests for Mass intentions from Kenya, Tanzania, Congo and Peru. Unfortunately Mass intentions in the Western Church are less and less available. We knocked on several doors and some have opened to us, but we need more institutions that can help us in this area. If you know of any, please do not hesitate to communicate this information to us. Similarly we call upon all communities and religious that have intentions to kindly send them along to us. There are many needs and, on our part, we will continue to make every effort to try to find answers. A great source for these Mass intentions has been the Missionary Sisters of Saint Peter Claver. All the requests directed to them have found a positive response. During the past two years the amount received from them for Mass intentions was approximately 20,000 Euros. We take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation to them.



Kadem Orphanage (Kenya) ecause of AIDS the region of Kadem (Kenya) has many orphans. Many of these children have seen their parents die of AIDS and are totally helpless. The community of Passionist Sisters has opened an orphanage that is home to thirty children. In order to meet its needs they are developing a special comprehensive project which includes the following elements: - They have already built a well (the everpresent water problem) with 23,678.57 Euros funded by the CEI project. - And they are now committed to establishing a small farm with his cows, vegetables, etc. that will offer food for these children. This project has been funded by the Antoniana Caritas in the amount of 8,000 Euros.


The Passionist community has undertaken this wonderful mission to welcome them and give them everything: food, clothing, schooling and much love. In the photo is the community, accompanied by the Vicar, Fr. Raphael and the project director of our Office, Fr. Vital at the far right-hand side.


We have our NGO recognized by the Lazio Region in Italy:

Solidarietà Passionista It is the NGO of the General Curia at the service of the entire Congregation and to help both our male and female missionaries. This will also permit us to present projects to civil agencies (municipalities, regional governments…) and to coordinate with other Passionist NGO’s.

Contributions to our Passionist Missions YOU CAN SEND A CHECK TO FOLLOWING ADDRESS: P. Jesús Mª Aristín. Passionist Solidarity and Mission Office Piazza Santi Giovanni e Paolo, 13 00184 Roma. ITALIA Teléfono: (39) 06 772711 E-mail: cpmissioni@passiochristi.org BANK TRANSFER TO: Bank: BANCA POPOLARE DI SONDRIO Address of the Bank: Agenzia 24 di Roma Via San Giovanni Laterano, 51 A 00184 Roma (RM) Count Number : 2650 / 35 IBAN: IT68U 05696 03224 000002650X35 Bank code : (Swift): POSO IT 22 All donations are tax deductible.




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