CWA 2020-2021 Annual Report

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The Chung Wah Association Inc. Annual Report 2020 - 2021

A Home of The Chinese Community

Contents 目录

Organisation Structure 组织结构


·Honorary Secretary’s Report 秘书长报告


·President’s Message 会长致辞


·Subcommittee and Group Reports 分部报告


• Chung Wah Chinese School 中华中文学校管委会


• Chung Wah Historical Group 历史组


• Chung Wah Youth Subcommittee 青年部


·Independent Auditor’s Report 独立审计报告


• Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 中华社区与长者服务中心 • Chung Wah Cultural Development and Activities 文化与活动发展部

• Chung Wah Women’s Subcommittee 妇女部

Through promoting harmony, preserving our heritage, and practicing humanity, we serve as the bridge between the Chinese community and mainstream society. 凝聚融合 • 文化传承 • 人道关怀

The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020 -2021



Financial Summary 财务总结

Our Vision 我们的理念



Our Mission 我们的使命

To service, and uphold the interests and welfare of, the Chinese community in Western Australia by promoting our culture, speaking up on our views, and dealing with social issues affecting our community. 通过推广中华文化,发出华人声音, 和关注民生问 题,来服务和维护 华人社会的利益和福利。

Organisation Structure 组织结构 Executive Committee Members 理事会成员

2020/2021 Chung Wah Executive Committee Members Front (L/R) Back (L/R)

Kemei SHAO (Hon Treasurer), Han Pin KHEW (Trustee), Jiping ZOU (Vice President), James CHONG (Trustee), Ting CHEN (President), Yudy KODRATJAYA (Senior Vice President), Jen Nie CHONG (Honorary Secretary), Jeffrey CHA Ai Lin LING (Assistant Treasurer), Ben LIM, Lingli LI (Assistant Secretary), Lifang WU, Yang HE, Cong MA.

Chung Wah Executive Committee Members as at 30 June 2021 were as follows: President




Vice President

Jiping ZOU



Senior Vice President Honorary Secretary Assistant Secretary

Honorary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer

Committee Members


Liangli LI (Michael) Kemei SHAO

Ai Lin LING (Aileen) Beng LIM (Ben) Ma CONG

高级副会长 秘书长

副秘书长 财长



Jeffrey CHA

张娟妮 李良励

邵克美 林爱琳

林民耀 马聪


Lifang WU (Michael)


Yang HE



Defeng HUANG (Co-opted on 21.11.2020)

Council of Elders 元老会



Dr Bob TAN







Secretary Members

Esther CHANG

Han Pin KHEW

Bill TEH

Dr Yit Seng YOW Grace LIM

Leek Kia Leonard KHO Trinh QUACH Zhi CHEN



郑婉婉 邱漢賓

郑乾坤 饶逸生 林亞蘭


洪淑贞 陈志

中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Chung Wah Association Administration Team 中华会馆办公室行政人员 Project Co-ordinator and Administration Lesley WONG

项目协调兼行政人员 黄小娟

Senior Finance and Administration Officer Abbie CHEN

高级财务兼行政人员 陈薇

Finance and Administration Officer Tracy LIM

财务行政人员 林菊儿

Honorary Administrator Doreen CHIN

IT Support Beng LIM (Ben)

荣誉行政主任 陈清灵

IT技术支援 林民耀

Chief Editor Jeffrey CHA

主编 查绍翰

Executive Editor Elvie YAP

执行编辑 叶俐廷

Communications Officer Carl ONG

传讯官 汪德泉

Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 中华社区与长者服务中心

Independent Board of Management 独立委员会 Chairperson Esther CHANG

主席 郑婉婉

Secretary Jeff HUGHES

秘书 Jeff HUGHES

Treasurer Thomas GOH

财长 吴立政

Board Members Ann HUTCHESON






Liangli LI (Michael)


Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Administration Team 中华社区与长者服务中心行政人员 Chief Executive Officer

Theresa KWOK JP


郭郑素雯 太平绅士

Manager – IT / Systems

Chong-Yee ONG



Manager – Financial / HR & Administration Operation Manager – Consumer Service / NDIS / Scheduling Senior Co-ordinator CHSP / IHP / WHS / Agency Projector Officer / Quality Enhancement

2 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021


Eileen YONG


财务/人事/行政经理 业务经理-家居服务 高级主管


John FOLAN 陈奴奴 容敏慧


Sub-Committee and Groups 中华会馆附属委员会和活动组

Cultural Development and Activities Chinese Cultural Dance Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe Chinese Orchestra Line Dancing New Vogue Cantonese Opera Choir Table Tennis Women’s Subcommittee Youth Subcommittee Historical Group

文化与活动发展组 中华舞 龙狮团 华乐团 排排舞 新时尚 粤剧社 合唱团 乒乓球 妇女部 青年部 历史组

Chung Wah Chinese School 中华中文学校

School Council 学校管委会 Chair

Xuanli MA




Ai Lin LING (Aileen)



School 校区

Leeming 黎明校区

SMC Chairperson 校务管委会 Principal 校长

Morley 摩利校区

Jen Nie CHONG Jen Nie CHONG Ben LIM Teresa TAN Doreen CHIN Leonard KHO Annie WONG Trinh QUACH Kemei SHAO

张娟妮 张娟妮 林民耀 王慧兰 陈清灵 許歷仔 黄淑君 洪淑贞 邵克美

邹纪平 Jiping ZOU Liangli LI (Michael) 李良励 邝彩玲 Kaylene POON

Rossmoyne 乐思校区

Perth 珀斯校区

Atwell 爱德校区



Xuanli MA

Hua LI

Hua LI






Contact Details 联系方式

Chung Wah Association Head Office 中华会馆办公室 Address: 128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 Phone: 08 9328 8657

Postal: PO Box 73, Northbridge WA 6865 Email:

Chung Wah Community & Aged Care Services Hub 中华社区与长者服务中心 Northbridge Hub 北桥办公室

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心

08 9328 3988

08 9440 0265

08 9328 3988

1/98 Lake Street, Northbridge WA 6003 Email:

18 Radalj Place, Balcatta WA 6021

Chung Wah Chinese School 中华中文学校

58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155

Leeming 黎明校区

Morley 摩利校区

Rossmoyne 乐思校区

Perth 珀斯校区

Atwell 爱德校区

Luisa CHOU 周如贞

Emily TAN-EMERY 陈水玉

Xuanli MA 马烜历

Hua LI 李华

Hua LI 李华

Aulberry Parade Leeming WA 6149


Bramwell Road Noranda WA 6062


Keith Road Rossmoyne WA 6148


90 Roberts Rd Subiaco WA 6008


201 Brenchley Dr Atwell WA 6164

principal.atwell 中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

President’s Message Dear Members,


t hasn’t been an easy year for everyone in 2020-2021 as we are still coping with the lingering COVID-19 pandemic. In Western Australia, we are blessed with freedom, despite a few short lock-down scares, however for your health and protecting your family, community and all Western Australians from COVID-19, please get vaccinated. Chung Wah has helped to convert vaccination information into your familiar language to aid in your understanding.

On December 2020, the Honorable Mark McGowan. Premier of Western Australia, and Mr Zak Kirkup, the then-Opposition Leader, respectively announced to fund Chung Wah Association five million dollars to build a community centre in the South Metropolitan area. It is the first time that the Australian government has funded the Chinese community in Western Australia to build a centre. On January 2021, the WA State Government granted us $150,000 and $80,000 to renovate Chung Wah Hall and Chung Wah Cultural Centre respectively. On behalf of Chung Wah Association, I would like to thank the WA government for their support. We celebrated the 110th Anniversary of the foundation of Chung Wah Association with a series of events. The grand finale event was the Gala Ball on 20th February 2021 at the Grand Ballroom, at Crown, Burswood. We were honoured to have the presence of Western Australia Premier, Honorable Mark McGowan, at the event. We were showered with greetings with a special message from the Governor of Western Australia, the Honorable Kim Beasley AO and Dr Simon LEE AO, a well-known philanthropist, life member of Chung Wah and the main event sponsors. Chung Wah Youth has been reactivated with a focus on the needs of our young Chung Wah members, who enjoy sports (badminton), social events (movie and BBQ gatherings) and personal development working with the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce. We strive to ensure Chung Wah Association’s legacy will be passed down through the generations and will continue to prosper. Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe have done us proud with their tremendous performance work. AS well as being the peak body in WA, they proudly represented Australia in the KSK International

Dr Ting CHEN President 4 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

League. They will be representing Australia in the Drumming Competition again in November 2021. We send them our best wishes and support. Chung Wah Chinese School has contributed to Chinese education for many years. The fifth campus, Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell, was established in 2021 in the Cockburn area in response to demand by parents. Recently, Dr Hua LI, Principal of Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell and Perth, won the Modern Language Teachers’ association of Western Australia Principal’s Award for 2021. This award acknowledges school leaders who have shown a long-term commitment to their languages program and promoted languages into the broader school community. In the coming years, the Executive Committee members will work hard to source the land to build our community centre in the South Metropolitan area to extend our services in community, education and build social cohesion. My sincere thanks to all the Members, Executive Committee members, Council of Elders, office staff and all subsidiary groups for your hard work and efforts towards the Chung Wah Family. Your support has been invaluable towards the betterment of our community. Chung Wah’s principles have guided us on the correct path: protecting the rights of our community, nurturing a harmonious and tolerant community, and contributing to building a better multicultural society of Western Australia. The Association will continue to facilitate resources to serve our members and the wider community. We will continue to strive for our members’ benefits and the wider Chinese community in the year to come. We wish you all the best in health.

会长的话 亲爱的会员们


020-2021年对每个人来说都不是轻松的一年; 我们仍在应对挥之不去的COVID-19疫情大流 行。尽管我们在西澳有过一些短暂的封城阻断措施, 但我们仍享有自由。为了您的健康并保护您的家人、 社区和所有西澳人免受 COVID-19病毒的侵害,请您 接种疫苗。中华会馆已帮助将疫苗接种信息转换为您 熟悉的语言,以助您理解。 2020年12月,西澳州长马克·麦高文和时任反对党 领袖扎克·基尔库普先生分别宣布资助中华会馆500万 澳元,在珀斯南部建设社区中心。这是澳大利亚政府 首次资助华人社区建设中心。2021年1月,西澳州政府 分别拨款150,000澳元和80,000澳元翻新中华会馆大 楼和中华文化中心。我谨代表中华会馆感谢西澳政府 的支持。 我们在庆祝中华会馆成立百十周年之际,举办了 一系列活动。庆典舞会的压轴活动于2021年2月20日 在Burswood皇冠大宴会厅举行。我们很荣幸西澳大 利亚州州长马克·麦高文阁下出席了此次活动。我们收 到了来自西澳大利亚州总督、尊敬的金·比兹利AO,以 及著名慈善家、永久会员和活动主要赞助人李瑞喜博 士AO的特别的视频问候。 中华青年部已经重新启动,我们更加专注于迎合 年轻的会员的需求: 他们喜欢运动(羽毛球)、社交活 动(电影和烧烤聚会)以及与中华总商会联合主办的 的个人发展与联谊讲座。我们致力确保中华会馆的精 神世代相传,并继续繁荣发展。 西澳中华龙狮团的出色表现让我们深感自豪。他 们不仅是西澳的佼佼者,他们更荣幸的代表澳大利亚 参加关圣宫KSK国际联盟组织。2021年11月,他们将再 次代表澳大利亚参加击鼓比赛;让我们向他们致以最

良好的祝愿,支持他们为此而努力而喝彩。 中华中文学校多年来为华文教育作出贡献。中华中 文学校更2021年在酷本地区成立第五个校区,中华爱 德中文学校,以满足当地家长强劲需求。近日,爱德中 华学校和珀斯中华中文学校校长李华博士荣获西澳大 利亚现代语言教师协会颁发的2021年校长奖。该奖项 表彰了她身为中华学校领导,在更广泛的学校社区内 长期致力于语言课程,并促进语言发展。 未来几年,中华会馆理事会成员将努力寻找合适 的地点,在珀斯南部建设我们的社区中心,以扩大我 们在社区、教育和建立社会凝聚力方面的服务。 衷心感谢各位议员、理事会成员、元老会、办公室 行政人员以及所有附属团体,为中华会馆这个大家庭 所付出的辛勤工作和努力。您的支持对我们社区的良 善带来非常宝贵的改变。中华会馆的理念引导我们走 在正确的道路上:维护我们社区的权利,以及培育一 个和谐和宽容的社区,并为建设一个更好的西澳多元 文化社会做出贡献。中华会馆将继续提供资源,更好 地为我们的会员和更广泛的社区服务。 来年,我们将继续为会员的利益和更广泛的华人 社区而努力。 我们祝您身体健康,心满意足!

陈挺博士 会长

中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Honorary Secretary’s Report


hung Wah administration and operations continues to support the Chung Wah Executive Committee, Council of Elders, Chung Wah members and the Chinese community. Administration processes have been streamlined and policies and procedures are continuously updated. We have one full time staff and two part-time staff at the Chung Wah Office, also supported by Ms. Doreen CHIN, Honorary Administrator, Michael Wu, Membership Systems Support and Ben LIM, IT Support. We welcome volunteers with a community heart who have time to assist Chung Wah.

Membership As at 30 June 2020, Chung Wah currently has 1,909 financial memberships, inclusive of Ordinary, Provisional, Life and Associate Members.

Facilities Chung Wah Office continues to be responsible for maintaining Chung Wah properties, which includes the Hall in Northbridge and the Cultural Centre in Balcatta as well as the rentals downstairs of Chung Wah Hall. These properties were recently revalued for financial reporting purposes. The Community Capital works fund provided by the West Australian government has provided a much-needed upgrade to the Chung Wah buildings, which can be enjoyed by the whole community. The renovations include:

Chung Wah Magazine and Media Elvie YAP has resigned from the role of Editor of the Chung Wah Magazine. We thank her for her efforts in enhancing the media portfolio of the Association, which included an online bilingual current affairs video production, a digital media platform, partnerships with other print media, as well as a media workshop and community development and education program. Between April and May 2021, she organised the production of a reality show series for the migrant community of Chinese heritage, which was very well received by the community. Carl ONG, who has been the graphic designer for the Chung Wah Magazine is the new editor of the magazine. He is also responsible for maintaining the Chung Wah website and social media. The Chung Wah Magazine continues to be published quarterly in a digital format, with some printed copies still available. There is also an e-bulletin that is sent to Chung Wah members. The Chung Wah magazine is also published on the ISSUU digital publishing platform.

Chung Wah Autumn Centre Chung Wah Autumn Centre had been busy preparing a business plan for the Short-Term Respite Care and working on the strategies of fundraising to get the construction of the Autumn Centre started.

Chung Wah Hall, Northbridge • Toilet renovations • Wooden stairs and front door restoration • Evaporative air-conditioning replacement/ maintenance • Roof repair, roof and gutter replacement for back storerooms • Outside brick wall repair

The Development Approval and Building Permit had been successfully extended for another two years, with the condition that the construction must be extensively completed by then. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, building costs and materials have risen considerably and more effort must be put in to raise funds for this meaningful charity project to provide services to our members and those who need them.

Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta • Window tinting • Male toilet renovation • Installation of Solar panels • New entrance canopy

The Autumn Centre is in the process of applying to be endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient from the Australian Taxation Office.

6 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

Events Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, the Chung Wah major cultural events were still able to go ahead, with COVID safety precautions. The Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival was cancelled. Instead a small Mid-Autumn Festival was organised by Chung Wah as part of the Chung Wah 110th Anniversary series of events. The Perth Chinese New Year Fair was at a new venue this year, at the Perth Cultural Centre and WA Museum, which proved successful. The main events held in the last financial year include: 20/09/2020

WA Guzheng Festival by Chung Wah Orchestra

Chung Wah Cultural Centre Balcatta


Chung Wah Annual General Meeting (adjourned from 24 October)

Chung Wah Cultural Centre Balcatta


Perth Chinese New Year Fair

Perth Cultural Centre & WA Museum


Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 9th Year Longevity Luncheon

Chung Wah Cultural Centre Balcatta


Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Gala Ball

Crown Ballroom


Chung Wah Chinese New Year Dinner and Dance

Country Club, Joondalup


Chung Wah Open House (Perth Heritage Weekend)

Chung Wah Hall

The following grants totaling $607,074.94 was received during the financial year. 30/07/2020

City of Perth Sponsorship – Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021


Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)


Department of Home Affairs - Chung Wah Chinese Schools


OMI Community Celebration Fund – Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021


Lotterywest Event Grant – Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021


Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors (ASeTTS) Project Make a Difference - Reality Show videos


City of Perth - Chung Wah Heritage Week


City of Canning - Chung Wah Youth Badminton Program


OMI Community Capital Works Funds


Chung Wah Chinese School IT upgrade


Chung Wah Chinese School Community Language

Chung Wah also received a Volunteer Restart Scholarship to the value of $3,000. It is designed to support Volunteer Involving Organisations who are ready to re-engage with new and existing volunteers during COVID-19 restrictions and into the future.

Thank you to all our dedicated volunteers, our hardworking office administration and accounts staff. We look forward to the coming year!

Jen Nie CHONG Honorary Secretary 中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community


华会馆的的行政和运作继续支持中华会馆理事会、元老会、中华会馆会员大众、以及西 澳华人社区。我们尽量确保管理流程得到简化、配套政策和程序与时俱进。

中华会馆办公室有一名全职员工和两名兼职员 工,并有荣誉行政主任陈清灵女、IT技术支援林民耀 先生和会员库存系统吴立方先生的无偿支持。我们欢 迎有关心社区的热心义工、来参与我们、为中华会馆 行政事务提供支援。


截至2021年6月30日,中华会馆拥有1,909名正式 会员,这其中包括普通会员、临时会员、终身会员和准 会员。


中华会馆办公室继续负责维护中华物业,包括北 桥的中华会馆大楼和巴卡达的中华文化中心,其中包 括中华会馆大楼底下的物业出租。为了更新财务报 告,这些物业最近被重新估值。 西澳政府提供的社区资本工程基金为中华会馆的 物业提供了急需的维护,这确保惠及整个社区。翻新 工程包括: 北桥中华会馆大楼

• 卫生间的修缮维护 • 楼梯和前门修复 • 空调更换/保养

巴卡达中华文化中心 • 高窗遮阳贴膜 • 男卫生间改造

• 储藏 室的屋顶覆 盖物 和排水沟更换 • 外墙修复

• 安装太阳能电池板 • 新的入口雨棚

8 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021


叶俐廷已卸下《中华之声》杂志执行主编一职。我 们感谢她为加强协会的媒体组合所做的努力,其中包 括在线双语时事视频制作、数字媒体平台、与其他印 刷媒体的合作伙伴关系以及媒体研讨会和社区发展 和教育计划。2021 年 4 月至 5 月期间,她为华裔移民 社区组织了一系列真人秀节目,受到社区的好评。 曾任中华杂志平面设计师的卡尔汪将接手执行编 辑的工作。他还负责维护中华会馆网站以及社交媒体 管理方面的事务。

《中华之声》杂志会继续以数码形式定期每季出 版,仍有限量印刷本可提供。间中本会也会透过电子 公告的方式为会员提供最新会馆动态。 《中华之声》 杂志也可以在ISSUU数字出版平台上找到。


中华秋园管委会一直为短期暂托护理准备业务计 划而忙碌,以制定筹款策略以启动中华秋园的建设。

开发批文和建筑许可证已成功再延期两年,条件 是届时必须全面完成建设。 由于以及大流行,以及建 筑成本和材料大幅上涨,管委会必须付出更多努力来 为这个有意义的慈善项目筹集资金,以 便能继续能为我们的会员和有 需要的人提供服务。 中华 秋 园 管 委 会 现 阶段在向澳 大利亚税 务局申请成为可扣税 的捐款接收者。


尽管受到新冠疫情的限制,但在采取COVID-19安全预 防措施的情况下,中华文化中心的的大型主要文化活 动仍能继续进行。中华中文学校的年度中秋晚会被迫 取消。但取而代之的是,中华会馆组织了一个小型的 中秋节庆祝会,并作为中华会馆百十周年周年系列活 动的一部分。珀斯中华新年文化节今年在珀斯文化中 心和西澳博物馆的新场地成功举办。 本财政年度举办的主要活动包括: 20/09/2020


中华文化中心, 巴卡达




31/10/2020 17-18/2/2021


中华文化中心, 巴卡达

中华社区及长者服务部 第九届 《长寿午宴》

中华文化中心, 巴卡达





珀斯市历史周 -《中华会馆开放日》





本财政年度收到的以下赠款总额为 607,074.94 澳元。 30/07/2020

珀斯市政府赞助 – 2021珀斯中华新年文化节


民政事务总署 - 中华中文学校

19/09/2020 10/11/2020

18/12/2020 23/03/2021

13/04/2021 14/05/2021




澳大利亚通信和媒体管理局 (ACMA)

多元文化办公室 - 社区庆典基金 – 2021珀斯中华新年文化节 Lotterywest Event Grant – 2021珀斯中华新年文化节

暴力伤害幸存者服务协会 (ASeTTS) - Project Make a Difference - 真人秀视频 珀斯市 - 中华文化周

康宁市 - 中华青少年羽毛球计划

多元文化部办公室 - 社区基本建设工程基金 中华中文学校资讯科技升级 中华中文学校社区语文

中华会馆还获得了价值三千澳元的志愿者重启奖学金。它旨在支持志愿者参与组织,他们准备在新冠疫情限 制期间和未来与新的和现有的志愿者重新接触。 感谢我们辛勤工作的办公室行政和会计人员,以及 热诚的志愿者。期待中华会馆未来有更多精彩项目!

张娟妮, 秘书长 中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

A Better Community for All


hroughout the year, CAC has been endeavouring diligently in carrying out our mission of building ‘A Better Community for All’. Despite the numerous challenges in face of changes in the aged care and disability sectors, our strong team of staff (over 130), sharing similar conviction and passion, once again demonstrated their perserverance and adaptability to change. They continuously deliver quality professional care for all our clients which is clearly evidenced by the expansion of our service.

Golden Era

Our CAC Board- governance

Chung Wah CAC always promotes wellness and reablement concepts during service delivery. In support of this, we have developed the Golden Roadmap that comprises five main elements: Positive Outlook, Good Health, Lifelong Learning, Manifest Your Beauty, and Being Social.

To get ready for this new environment, in the past year, under the direction of our Board of Management, a series of measures have been adopted, including strategies, business plans, work structures, and staff training to adapt to the new requirements and changes with a view for long term sustainability of our services. Underpinning all the changes is the upholding of consumer rights and the delivery of a person-centered approach service in compliance with the industry standards and requirements.

Evergreen College Focussing on individual client’s care needs, Chung Wah CAC’s Evergreen College is a unique hub-based feature with great benefits for its participants. We are innovating ways to deliver our exercise class and brain games into our consumer’s homes. At CAC, we are committed to promoting lifelong learning and development in our clients and encouraging them to participate in activities and fill their lives with a new experiences.

Our Services The past year has been the 38th anniversary of Chung Wah CAC, providing support for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to live independently in their community. We have delivered a series of government-funded community care programs to more than 800 consumers in the Perth metro area in the past year. Most of our customers are from Chinese, Vietnamese, and other Asian communities, and over 95% of them do not speak English. However, CAC has experienced growth in the provision of services to customers from the wider community. Our customers are mainly on-going and new care recipients or primary carers assisted under Home Care Packages (HCP), Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), WA Home and Community Care Program (HACC), and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The Aged and Community Care industry has experienced tremendous change in the last years, significantly impacting us as a service provider and a recipient of government funding. 10 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

Training Training is an essential tool to equip our employees and our volunteers with the updated community and aged care knowledge and skills. Staff, support workers, and volunteers are continuously encouraged to attend in-house and external work-related training to ensure they can deliver quality work at the front line of working with the individual customer. Our efforts in promoting ‘A Better Community for All‘ and delivering customer-centered care have also been acknowledged by the continuous growth in volunteer development. To date, CAC has 216 registered volunteers who are actively involved and helping in various CAC activities. CAC would also like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for the support of the Chung Wah Executive Committee, President Ting CHEN and our Board of Management, our staff, volunteers, and all our consumers throughout the past year. If not for your belief in building ’A Better Community for All’ together, we would not be able to achieve such an excellent result.

Theresa KWOK JP Chief Executive Officer

中华社区及长者服务 共建美好社区

我们的管理委员会 - 机构管理

过去 的 一年 里,中华 社区 及长 者服 务 一如 既往 得 为实 现“共 建 美 好社区”的愿 景而 努力不懈 。面 对养 老 和 残 障 行 业 的 巨 大 挑 战 ,但 是 我 们 强 大 的 员 工 团 队 (超过130人)拥有相同的信念和热情,他们再次展示了 面对变化的坚持和适应能力。我们持续扩大的顾客规模 就是员工们提供专业的高水准服务的最好证明。

为了适 应 新 环 境,在 过 去 的 一 年,在 管 理 委 员会 (BoM)的领导下,我们制定了一系列的措施,包括策 略,计划,结构重组及员工培训等,以适应公司长期发展 的需. 所有的改变都是以强调顾客权并提供顾客为中心 的服务模式为目标。

黄金岁月 一直以来,中华社区及长者服务在提供服务时都强 调身心健康及复能的重要性。作为配合,我们推出黄金 岁月路线图,其中包括了五个方面,即积极人生、健康体 魄、终生学习、绽放美丽和活跃社交。

长青学院 在社区中心,中华长青学院因其为参与者提供全方 位的益处而备受欢迎。目前,我们正在推进长青学院进 家庭,让顾客在家中也可以参加健身有益和脑力游戏等 项目。中华社区及长者服务认同并致力于推广顾客的终 身学习和发展,同时,鼓励他们积极参与各种活动,体会 不同的人生新经验。

培训 培 训不仅可以让我们的员工获得 有关的知识和技 巧,这同样也适用于义工。所以,我们一直鼓励员工和义 工参加内部和外部的工作相关培训,以保证他们可以在 前线为顾客提供好的服务。 在发展义工的过程中,我们一直推广“为大家打造更 美好的社区”愿景及提供以人为本的服务。目前为止,我 们一共有注册义工216位,他们积极活跃在我们的各项活 动中。 籍此机会,CAC向中华理事会,陈挺会长,我们的管 理委员会,全体员工、义工及所有顾客表示真诚的感谢, 感谢大家在过去一年里的支持。如果没有大家对“为大家 打造更美好社区”愿景的认同,我们不可能取得这样的好 成绩。

我们的服务 今年是中华社区及长者服务社区的第38年,我们继 续为非英文背景人士独立生活在社区提供支持。 在过去一年中,我们持续地为超过800位来自多元文 化背景的客户提供一系列由政府资助的社区服务项目, 范围覆盖珀斯整个都市区。我们绝大多数的客户来自华 人、越南及其他亚洲社区,超过95%来自非英语背景。与 此同时,我们也一直为来自其他社区的客户提供服务。

郭郑素雯 太平绅士 行政总裁

这其中,大部分的客户及其主要照顾人使用的是熊 猫亚裔长者服务项目,联邦政府居家支持计划,西澳家庭 及社区服务项目以及国家残障保险计划。 长者及社区服务行业在过去的一年发生了的巨大的 变化,我们作为社区及长者服务的提供机构及 政府资助 的接受者也不可避免的受到了影响。

Service Data 服务数据 Number of Consumers 顾客人数

Service Hours and Travel Milages 服务小时数及里程

中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Chung Wah Chinese School Enrolments and Extra-curricular Activities Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) has five campuses. The three campuses located in the south of the river are Leeming, Rossmoyne as well as Atwell, the new campus. The other two campuses are Morley and Perth campuses. Due to Perth Modern School not being available to be leased on a Saturday morning, therefore only the Perth campus is running in the afternoon at a different time from the other four campuses. The campuses offer Chinese language teaching/learning from playgroup, pre-kindy, kindy, pre-primary, Year 1 to 12, HSK, WACE program and adult classes. At term three, the total student number enrolments of 2021 was 1044 among the five campuses. Besides Chinese language learning, CWCS also offers extra-curricular activities in arts and crafts, Chinese cultural dance, Chinese musical instruments, Chinese singing, Chinese chess, diablo, drama, calligraphy, painting and drawing, sketching, abacus, performance arts, table tennis, badminton, and martial arts to supplement language learning and promote culture and sports.

Professional Development Program Due to the pandemic, most of the faceto-face professional development event has switched to online training. However, CWCS was able to organise a professional development day that catered to all teaching staff of the five campuses prior to the start of the new year term on 30 January 2021. Throughout the year, teachers and principals attended the Chinese Teachers Association WA (CLTAWA).

12 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

Cultural Activities In 2020 due to the pandemic, CWCS was not able to celebrate the cultural events such as the Lunar New Year Lion dance at the start of the year, Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival event. However, each school celebrated the New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival within their school community. Besides CWCS also involved in Lunar New Year event in the Perth City on the 14 February 2021 CWCS students also enthusiastically participated in the off-campus Chinese talent competitions and achieved excellent results which were hosted by various groups such as ‘My World’ Writing and Speaking competition hosted by Chinese Language Teachers Association Western Australia; Poetry readings as well as as well as the speech competition 2020 ‘CCCA’ Cup was hosted by the Chinese Education Foundation’s First Overseas Chinese Youth Painting Competition.

The impact and the response of the pandemic Due to the unforeseen circumstances city lockdown and social restrictions has delayed a week for CWCS to meet operational date in Term 1 and especially in Term 2 of 2021 which impact on Rossmoyne campus student parents requested for the replacement of lessons. CWCS LEEMING

Long Service Teacher Award

Ju-Chen Luisa CHOU Cui Ping WANG

Restrictions were imposed by the Rossmoyne and Leeming Senior High Schools with the following: • No parents are allowed in the school compound besides pick up and drop off only. • Restricted only small group of people allowed in each room. • All campuses are to adopt different measures to reposnd to the changes.

Teacher of the Year and Outstanding Contribution Award 2019 was the 110th anniversary of the Chung Wah Association. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this special event was brought forward to 20 February 2021. There were eighteen awards received by the honour recipients of volunteers, teachers, and principals from Chung Wah Chinese School four various campuses.



Rebecca Fui Mui CHONG Cindy Cheng CHEN


Regina Chui Yi LAM

Long Term Volunteer Service Award

Elaine WONG


Long Service Leader Award

Hua LI

Emily TAN

2020 Teacher of The Year

Ming-Yu Mina CHOU

Annabelle Xueqing JIA

Grace Lei YU Juan Jun LIU


Xuanli MA Gracy Huachao YAO

Hongqi MAO

Xuanli Ma Chair, Chung Wah Chinese School Council 中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

中华中文学校年度报告 招生和课外活动 中华中文学 校现有五 所 分校,分别为南部的黎 明、乐思和爱德学校及北部的摩利和珀斯学校。各校 于星期六为不同地区学生提供从幼儿班至十二年级 的中文课程,并在不同校区开设低幼班、汉语水平考 试班、高考班及成人班。各校区上课时间均为周六上 午,除珀斯校校区因未能达成周六上午的租约,其上 课时间为周六下午。截至2021年上半年,学生总人数 为1044人。各校也根据自身特点开设了舞蹈、美术、手 工、书法、表演、扯铃、羽毛球、武术等文化兴趣班, 以 提高学生对中文的应用能力和对中华文化的了解。

教师专业培训 虽然由于疫情原因,在2020-21年面授讲座形式培 训减少,但学校仍然于2021年开学前举办了五校老师 联合培训。学校教职工也在一年中参加了由西澳多元 文化办公室、教育部及中文教师协会及其他培训机构 的多次网上培训及少量面授培训。

中文及中华文化活动 由于疫情原因,中华中文学校2020年中秋节联合 庆祝晚会及2021年各校春节舞狮活动不得不取消, 但各校师生仍然在自己的校园里以不同方式庆祝了 新年、端午节及中秋节。同时学校也响应会馆号召, 积极参加了2021年珀斯中华新年文化节的演出和展 示活动。 中华中文学校学生也积极参加校外中文及才艺竞 赛,并获得了优秀成绩。2020年至今,学生参加的校外 中文及中国文化活动及比赛有西澳中文教师协会“我 的世界”主题中文作文比赛、CCCA杯西澳中文朗读比 赛2020、中国华文教育基金会首届海外华裔青少年绘 画比赛等。

14 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

新冠肺炎病毒的影响及应对 由于新冠病毒带来的封城及社交限制影响,各校 于2021年第一学段及第二学段均推迟开学一周,计划 的补课也因再次封城而不得不叫停。同时大部分校区 2020-2021年的学校集会也因人数限制而无法在校园 内举行。各校区分别采取不同措施应对变化,采取班 级小型集会、线上全校大会等方式给学生展示学习成 绩的平台。


2020年是中华会馆110周年华诞,会馆于2021年春 节举行110周年纪念及感谢晚宴,并为长期服务中华社 区及会馆各机构的员工及志愿者颁发了荣誉证书。中 华中文学校有18位校长、教师及志愿者获奖。

中华中文 黎明学校

中华中文 摩利学校













2020 年度杰出教师奖




中华中文 珀斯学校 余雷 刘隽

中华中文 乐思学校 林玉真 陈美丽 贺京

马烜历 姚华超


马烜历 中华中文学校管委会主任

中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Chung Wah Cultural Activities Jen Nie CHONG


lthough the Chung Wah Cultural groups have been a little quieter in terms of cultural performance (due to the pandemic and lockdowns), a big celebration was the Chung Wah 110th Anniversary. The Lion Dance team, Chinese Cultural Dance group and Chinese Orchestra all performed at the Chung Wah 110th Anniversary Gala Ball and Mid-Autumn Festival event.

As always, one of the main Chinese New Year performances was the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. Our Lion Dance team, Chinese Cultural Dance group, Chinese Orchestra, Choir and Cantonese Opera group all gave stunning performances at the Fair. I would like to thank all the Chung Wah Cultural group leaders and members for all their tireless efforts over the past year in preserving and presenting Chinese culture to the community.

Dragon and Lion Dance Ben LIM The past year was another challenging and successful year for the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe. The troupe has introduced a high pole performance to the West Australian community. The feedback from the public was well received as evidenced in the news article.

Our performance schedule started a week before the 2021 Lunar Chinese New Year and continued to June, including a trip to Kalgoorlie. We had a break after the Kalgoorlie trip and are now slowly picking up performances. From February this year, we have started receiving performance bookings for 2022. Thanks to the WA community for their ongoing support. And of course, a big thanks to our troupe leaders, seniors and members for their ongoing commitment. Overall, the team has continued to train hard to prepare for performances. Our aim is to compete overseas once travelling is allowed. We hope the pandemic will be over soon and wish for everyone to stay safe and healthy.

16 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

Chinese Cultural Dance

Chinese Orchestra


Teresa TAN

The Chinese Cultural Dance group ‘Chung Wah Dance’ meets every Saturday afternoon at the Chung Wah Hall, Northbridge, with Min Zhu as the dance teacher/choreographer. The group has 14 dancers.

Performances during the year included: Chung Wah 110th Anniversary Mid-Autumn Festival, Perth Chinese New Year Fair, Chung Wah 110th Anniversary Gala Ball, Chung Wah Chinese New Year Dinner and Dance at Joondalup Resort, MidWeek Eats at Riverton Leisureplex, Chinese New Year celebration at RAAF in Bull Creek, Harmony in Diversity and Food Bazaar at Riverton Leisureplex. We also assisted by dancing in a video promotion for City of Perth with the City of Perth Lord Mayor, Basil Zempilas. Thank you to Min and all the dancers !

This year, the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra has about twenty members with three more guzheng players, one more zhongruan player, one more cello player and one more erhu player. Instrument classes have extended to six classes including guzheng, pipa, yangqin, zhongruan, dizi and erhu, total of twelve students and six instructors. The orchestra has purchased a few percussion instruments and spare instrument accessories for members to purchase as required. On 20 September 2020, the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, as the main organiser, successfully held the inaugural Western Australian Chinese Guzheng Festival with co-organisers, Confucius Institute of University of Western Australia, Methodist Ladies’ College, HuaXing Art Groups, Zing Music Studio and Western Australian Guzheng Ensemble. Due to the bad weather, it was held at Chung Wah Cultural Centre (instead of the original location at the UWA Claremont campus). Sixty-eight musicians played popular guzheng music together. This was a significant event for the orchestra since it was the first such event organised in Australia and also it was the orchestra’s first collaboration with other professional institutions and organisations in WA. In 2021, the orchestra has performed at the Chinese New Year Fair at the Perth Cultural Centre and the Chung Wah Association 110th Anniversary Gala Ball at Crown ballroom. The orchestra is preparing for the Western Australian Chinese Guzheng Festival 2021 which has been extended to a three-day event, including a seminar, a folk music concert and a grand ensemble.

中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

New Vogue Group

Cantonese Opera

Leonard KHO

The Chung Wah Cantonese Opera Group is organised by Ms Annie WONG. There are currently eight members in the group, practising every Wednesday at the Chung Wah Hall, Northbridge. The group performed at the Perth Chinese New Year Fair in 2021 and they plan to hold a small performance next year.

Chung Wah New Vogue consists of two groups of volunteers. The coordinators are Leonard KHO and Dong with the help of Evelyn Chiew and Jessica. The activity is held every Sunday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. New Vogue dancing is a sequence dance with a partner and everyone is welcome to join the activity for fun and healthy exercise for seniors. We collect $6 per person as an entrance fee to join this activity. All collections are used to support the maintenance of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta. During this financial year we organised a New Year Eve social party sit-down dinner. We had 130 people who enjoyed the eight course Chinese banquet with New Vogue, Social and Line dancing until midnight. We welcomed the new year 2021 with a big cheer and disco dancing.

Line Dancing Doreen CHIN

The Line Dancing Group continue their activities every Saturday and Sunday at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta. After the COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020, Line Dancing resumed in September 2020.

18 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

Dragon Boating The Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team resigned in April 2021 due to having difficulty recruiting new members and also to take a break. Since the activity was reactivated about five years ago, Chung Wah has supported this very expensive activity by helping to raise funds and promoting it by organising Dragon Boat festivals from 2016 to 2018 at Champion Lakes and the Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival at Burswood Park in 2019. It was not easy to support and maintain at least 22 paddlers, paying their memberships to join WA Dragon Boating, as well as Maylands Sports and Recreation Club where the Chung Wah Dragon Boat was stored and for the paddlers to practice. All in all, Chung Wah spent about $16,000 these past few years to keep the activity going, on various membership fees, purchasing the necessary equipment and uniforms, fees for training and entering various competitions. The Chung Wah Dragon Boat, attachments and accessories will be transferred to the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta for safe keeping, until such time as the activity can be reactivated again.

Choir - Trinh QUACH The Chung Wah Choir was founded three years ago. Despite four Covid-19 lockdowns in Perth, the Choir has developed and grown stronger under the leadership of Mrs. Thuc Trinh Quach and the guidance of teacher Yong Jun Zhou. The Choir members have increased from about ten members three years ago to over forty and the numbers are still growing. The Choir performed four times this year, becoming more meaningful and exciting every time.

28 September 2020: Chung Wah 110 th Anniversary: Mid-Autumn Festival Community Gathering, Chung Wah Cultural Centre. 14 February 2021: Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021. 14 March 2021: First Session of Children’s New Year Art Gala, Newman College.

Table Tennis - Maya FANG The Chung Wah Table Tennis Group suspended their regular table tennis sessions during the COVID-19 lockdown. Players gradually returned once activities resumed in June. In order to attract more table tennis players, a beginner’s training corner has been set up and conducted by Rick, a young and caring coach training the beginners for one and a half hours. Rick patiently explains the table tennis techniques in detail and corrects the beginners’ movement and posture.

continues with the good pandemic measures and the Chung Wah Table Tennis Group players will become more energetic!

The response has been very good, with always a long queue in the beginner’s training corner. We hope that the government of Western Australia 中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

中华文化团体活动 - 张娟妮

然中华文化团体在这段期间略显安静(由 于COVID-19大流行和封城阻断措施),但 中华会馆百十周年庆典这个重要活动上他们并没 有缺席。中华龙狮团、中华舞蹈团和中华华乐团 均在中华110周年庆晚宴及中秋节活动中演出。

龙狮团队伍无间断努力训练,继续为表演做好准 备。我们的目标是在允许旅行后进行参与海外比赛。 希望疫情早日过去,也希望大家都能平安健康。

中华舞蹈团 - 张娟妮

与往常一样,珀斯中华新年文化节也是所有表演 团体每年的首要活动。我们的中华龙狮团、中华舞蹈 团、中华华乐团、中华合唱团和粤剧团都在珀斯中华 新年文化节上带来了精彩的表演。 我要感谢所有中华文化表演团体的领导和成员 在过去一年中为保存和向社会展示华人文化而做出 的不懈努力。

中华龙狮团 - 林民耀 中华舞蹈团每周六下午在北桥中华音乐厅举行, 由朱敏担任舞蹈老师/编舞。该团体有14名舞者。

过去的一年对中华龙狮团来说又是充满挑战和 成功的一年。该剧团向西澳大利亚社区介绍了高杆 表演。正如 新闻文章所证明的那样, 公众的反馈很受欢迎。 我们的演出日程从2021年农历新年前一周开始, 一直持续到 6 月,包括去卡尔古利的旅行。我们在卡 尔古利之旅后稍事休息,现在正在慢慢开始进行演 出。从今年2月开始,我们开始接收2022年的演出预 订。感谢西澳社区一直以来的支持。当然,非常感谢 我们的团长、前辈和成员们的信守承诺与支持。 20 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

年 内 的 演 出 包 括:中 华 1 1 0 周 年 中 秋 节 庆 典、 珀 斯 中 华 新 年 文 化 节 、中 华 会 馆 1 1 0 周 年 庆 典 舞 会、J o o n d a l u p 度 假 村 的 中 华 新 年 晚 宴 和 舞 会、Riverton Leisureplex的周中美食、在 Bull Creek 的 RAAF的华人新年庆祝活动、Riverton Leisureplex 的 Harmony in Diversity 和 Food Bazaar 庆祝新 年。我们还与珀斯市市长 Basil Zempilas 一起在珀斯 市的视频宣传中跳舞。谢谢敏和所有的舞者!

中华华乐团 - 王慧兰

今年,中华华乐团有约20名成员,古 筝多3人, 中阮多1人,大提琴多1人,二胡多1人。乐器班增至古 筝、琵琶、扬琴、中软、笛子、二胡六个班,共有十二 名学生和六名教师。乐团购买了部分打击乐器及备用 乐器配件,供会员按需购买。 2020年9月20日,中华 华乐团作为主 要主 办单 位,连同西澳大学孔子学院、卫理公会女子学院、华 星艺术团、孜音坊工作室等单位协办,成功举办首届 西澳中国古筝节。但由于天气恶劣,它改在巴卡达中 华文化中心举行(而不是原来的西澳大学克莱蒙特 校区)。共有六十八位音乐家一起演奏了流行的古筝 序曲。这是中华华乐团的的一项重要活动,因为这是 澳大利亚首次举办此类活动,也是乐团与西澳其他 专业机构和组织的首次合作。2021年,乐团也在珀斯 文化中心的中华新年文化节和皇冠宴会厅的中华会 馆 110 周年庆典舞会上,为观众带来精彩的演出。

新时尚 - 許歷仔

中华新时尚由两组义工组成。在Evelyn Chiew和 Jessica的帮助下,协调员是Leonard KHO和Dong。 活动时间为每周日下午1:30-3:30。新时尚舞蹈组是 能让你与与伙伴一起翩翩起舞的运动,我们欢迎大 家一起来参与我们,尤其对于老年来说是集结趣趣 味和健康的锻炼。我们收取每人6澳币作为参加此活 动的入场费。所有收费都用于支援巴卡达中华文化 中心的维护。 在这个财政年度,我们组织了一个新年前夜社交 聚会。共有130人享受了八道菜的中式宴会,包括 新 时尚、社交舞和排排舞群一欢舞直至午夜。我们以热 烈的欢呼和迪斯科舞姿迎接了2021新年的到来。

排排舞 - 陈清灵

排排 舞团每周六和周日在巴卡达中华文化中心 继续他们的活动。在 2020 年 3 月 COVID-19 封锁之 后,排排舞于 2020 年 9 月恢复。 中华华乐团现正在为2021年西澳中国古筝节做 准备,该节已延长为为期三天的活动,包括研讨会、 民乐音乐会和古筝大汇演。

粤剧 中华粤剧团由黄淑君女士筹办。该团目前有八名 成员,每周三在北桥中华会馆大楼练习。乐队在2021 年珀斯中华新年文化节上演出,他们计划明年举办 一场小型演出。

中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

龙舟 中华龙舟队于2021年4月起暂停活动,因面对招 募困境且需要进行重整进入休会期。自从大约五年 前 该 活 动 重 新启 动 以 来,中 华 会 馆 理 事 会 通 过 在 2016年至2018年在 Champion Lake 举办端午节和 在Buswood举办珀斯中华文化节等方式帮助筹集资 金,来支持这项耗费不菲的活动。中华会馆除了提供 22名桨手加入西澳龙舟组织的会员费之外,并需缴 付Maylands Sports and Recreation Club的龙舟存 放费用和场地费用供桨手练习,确是不容易。总结过 去几年中,中华会馆总花费了大约16,000澳元来维 持活动的进行,包括各种会员费,以及购买必要的设 备和制服、训练和参加各种比赛的费用。现阶段中华 龙舟、附件和配件将被转移到巴卡达中华文化中心 妥善保管,直至活动重新启动。

中华合唱团 - 洪淑贞 中华合唱团成立于三年前。尽管珀斯经历了四次 COVID-19封城阻断措施,合唱团在洪淑贞女士的领 导和周永军老师的指导下依然茁壮成长。合唱团成 员从三年前的十人左右增加到四十多人,而且人数还 在不断增加。今年合唱团共出演了四次,每一次都更 加有意义、更精彩。 • 2020 年 9 月 28 日: 中华 110 周年:中秋节社区聚会,中华文化中心。 • 2021 年 2 月 14 日: 珀斯 2021 年农历新年博览会。 • 2021 年 3 月 14 日: 纽曼学院第一届儿童新年艺术晚会。

乒乓球活动组 - 方芸 在COVID-19封城阻断措施,乒乓球活动组暂停 了常规的乒乓球比赛。6月活动恢复后,玩家逐渐回 归。为了吸引更多的乒乓球选手,特设了初学者训练 角,由年轻且富有爱心的教练Ricky主持,对所有初 学者进行一个半小时的训练。Ricky耐心地详细讲解 乒乓球技术,纠正初学者的动作和姿势。获得非常好 的反馈,这让初学者训练区总是反应踊跃。希望西澳 政府继续做好抗疫措施,让中华乒乓球队的队员们 更加有活力! 22 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

Chung Wah Association Historical Group 中华会馆历史组 - Kaylene POON 邝彩玲 在过去的十二个月,我们收到了几次关于寻根探 祖的家族史请求,总体结果令人满意。现在有许多的 澳大利亚人正积极寻根,尤其是他们发现他们的祖 先中包括了华裔。The Washing Family更是出版了一 本描述他们虚构的华裔祖先在维多利亚州和西澳州 的生活记录。

In the last twelve months, several requests for family history have been received, and results have been pleasing overall. Many Australian people are now tracing their newly discovered Chinese ancestors. The Washing Family has published a fictional account of their Chinese ancestors’lives starting in Victoria and Western Australia. In July 2020, the National Trust WA approached the Chung Wah to spearhead a fundraising campaign within the Chinese community to conserve a jacket recovered from a Chinese burial, which was part of relocating 500 remains from East Perth Pioneer Cemetery. Work has been completed, and a detailed report will be forthcoming in an issue of Chung Wah News. In March, the‘The Water & Fire’exhibition opened at the Maritime Museum. A special guest was Doug Fong, great-grandson of LOUEY Wah, the Association’s first President. He and his wife Margaret were also guests at several Chinese New Year events as they were on an extended visit to Perth from Broome. Chung Wah Open house was held on 16 April 2021 in conjunction with Heritage Perth Weekend. The open house offered talks on Chung Wah History, James Street historical trail, historical photos display and various cultural activities to more than 200 visitors. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, I was able to undertake only a few public speaking engagements. The WA Museum also accepted the donation of three Chinese banners initially used by the Chinese Mission Church Perth. They have been in the custodianship of John Kee FONG for several decades and were passed onto me over 25 years ago. They are similar, abet smaller than the CWA banner currently on display in the WA Museum Perth, but in better condition.

2020年7月,西澳国民信托基金与 中华会馆联系,在华人社区内发起 一项 筹 款 活 动,以修复 从华人墓 葬中发现的一件外套,这是从珀 斯市东先贤公墓搬 迁 五百具先 人 遗 骸 的 一 部分。此 项 工作已 经完成,详细的内容您可以参阅 《中华之声》杂志上的报道。 “水与火”展览在今年的三月于 海事博物馆开幕。中华会馆首任会 长LOUEY Wah的曾孙Doug Fong是活 动的特邀嘉宾。他特地从布鲁姆长途跋涉 来珀斯参加由中华会馆主办的新年系列活动,他的 妻子玛格丽特也是座上宾。 中华会馆开放日于2021年4月16日与珀斯历史周 同时举行。开放日为超过200名参观者提供中华会馆 历史解说、詹姆斯街历史漫步、历史照片展示和各种 文化活动的作坊。 由于新冠疫情的局限,我只能进行少数公开演讲 活动。西澳博物馆还接受了珀斯华人传道会最初使 用的三条中文横幅的捐赠。这几十年来,这些横幅都 一直是John Kee FONG的个人收藏,在二十五年前这 些宝贝传给了给我。这几个条幅都很相似,只是比比 目前在珀斯西澳博物馆展出的中华会馆‘万世师表’横 幅要小一些,但其保存的状况更加良好。 历史小组正在开展几个希望有志愿者能积极参 与的项目。这些包括扫描照片、电子输入手稿、中文 文献的翻译,以及针对公众咨询进行朔源研究。如果 您每周可以提供提几个小时的义务工作,请联系中华 会馆办公室以获取更多信息。

The Historical Group is working on several projects which we hope to offer volunteers. These include scanning photos, typing up handwritten docs, translating old Chinese documents and researching public enquiries. If you would like to provide a few hours a week, please contact the CWA Office for more information. 中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

中华妇女部 2021年,由于COVID-19的影响,更多的人选择呆 在家里,不出去参加社区活动。

Women’s Subcommittee In 2021, due to the impact of COVID-19, more people chose to stay home and not to get out to join community activities. The Women’s Subcommittee has changed their usual social activities from twice a week to once a week every Saturday. The previous health activity session has been cancelled due to lack of teachers and participants. Since March this year, there is only a cultural dance activity every Saturday and the focus and purpose is to improve the groups’ dancing skills. This year, the Chung Wah Women’s Subcommittee participated in the following community and cultural events. 1. Chung Wah Chinese New Year Fair: we organised fourteen other Chinese community organisations to participate in the afternoon cultural show at the WA Museum. 2. Willetton Chinese New Year Festival: we performed cultural dances and Tai Chi for the local community to introduce and celebrate Chinese New Year. 3. In March, we performed in the Buddha Birthday Celebration organised by Fo Guang Shan Buddhist temple. The Chung Wah Women Subcommittee will continue to take part in and support all the community events and functions organised by the Chung Wah Association. Jiping ZOU 24 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

中华妇女部将她们平时的社交活动从每周两次 改为每周六每周一次。由于缺少教师和参与者,之前 的健身活动课程已被取消。今年3月以来,每周六只有 一次文化舞蹈活动,重点和目的是提高团体的舞蹈技 能。 今年,中华妇女部参与了以下社区及文化活动。 1. 珀斯中华新年文化节:我们组织了另外十四个华人 社区组织参加了下午在西澳博物馆举行的文化表 演。 2. 威乐顿区华人新年庆祝活动:我们为当地社区表 演文化舞蹈和太极拳,介绍和庆祝农历新年。 3. 三月,我们在佛光山西澳道场所举办的佛诞庆典 中演出。 中华中华妇女部会继续参与和支持中华会馆举 办的所有社区活动和活动。 邹纪平

中华青年部 中华青年部于2020年10月正式重启活动,其使命 是招募和与社区中的年轻成员进行接触。 我们目前有五名来自不同专业的年轻人。在过去 的一年中,我们合作举办各类活动,同时也启动了许 多如下的新计划: 1. 青年组重启计划,2020年10月 2. 电影之夜“你会爱明天吗”,2020年11月 3. 参观 WA Boola Bardip 博物馆,2020年12月

Youth Subcommittee The Chung Wah Youth Subcommittee (Youth Subcommittee) officially resumed activities in October 2020, with a mission to recruit and engage with younger members in our community. The Youth Subcommittee currently has five members who are all young professionals in different industries. Together in the past year we delivered several once off events and at the same time initiated a number of new programs, these events and programs are: • Youth Group Launching, October 2020 • Movie Night “Will You Love Tomorrow”, November 2020 • Visiting WA Boola Bardip Museum, December 2020

4. 烧烤联谊活动,2021年1月 5. 参观西澳警察学院,2021年4月 6. 2021年6月与西澳中华总商会 (WACCC) 的第一次 合作主办联谊讲座 7. 中华会馆青年部与坎宁市合办的的羽毛球联谊 活动,自2021年6 月起并持续进行中 我们在过去一年中最重要的成就之一是在坎宁市 的帮助下启动了每周羽毛球联谊活动。我们希望能位 年轻活跃的社区成员建立一个平台,让他们通过体育 运动来聚会和社交。我们选择羽毛球是因为它打起来 比较简单,对体力要求不高,在世界很多地方都很流 行。此节目于每周六下午举行,欢迎任何人加入! 李良励

• Social BBQ, January 2021 • Visiting WA Police Academy, April 2021 • 1st Collaboration with the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce (WACCC), June 2021 • Chung Wah x City of Canning Social Badminton Program, June 2021 and ongoing One of the most important jobs we did in the past year was initiating the Weekly Social Badminton Program with the help from City of Canning. Our vision for the program is to establish a platform for young and active community members to meet and socialise through playing sports. We picked badminton because it is relatively simple to play, not too physically demanding, and is popular in many parts of the world. This program is on every Saturday afternoon, anyone is welcome to join us!

Liangli LI (Michael) 中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Financial Summary – Honorary Treasurer’s Report

Revenue Income Surplus Cash and Cash Equivalent Net Assets

Year 2016 $’000s

Year 2017 $’000s

Year 2018 $’000s

Year 2019 $’000s

Year 2020 $’000s

Year 2021 $’000s

























Segment Information Year 2021

Association Services

Aged Care

Chinese Schools






















Revenue Income Surplus Cash & Cash Equivalent Net Assets

The principal activities of the Chung Wah Association during the year were to provide welfare services education, cultural and social activities to their members and the community. For the year ended June 30 2021, the operating surplus of the Chung Wah Association was $785,430, which was twice the 2020 surplus of $363,056. All three business divisions of the Chung Wah Association have improved. The good performance of the Chung Wah Association is firstly due to the good control of COVID-19 in Western Australia in 2021, and secondly, thanks to the efforts of all members and the management teams of all business segments of the Chung Wah Association. 26 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

The revenue of the entire Chung Wah Association was $11.842 million, an increase of 18.5% over the the previous year of $9.997 million. Revenue growth can be attributed to a variety of factors, a good CAC aged care management system, the increase in income from cultural activities, the increase in government funding for welfare and schools, and the reduction of service costs. Chung Wah’s cash and cash equivalents and net assets grew steadily, and the land and buildings were reassessed this year.

Analysis on Statement of Profit or Loss Statement

Revenue The revenue of the entire Chung Wah Association was $11.842 million, and the revenue of CAC this financial year increased by 19% to $10.416 million, accounting for 88% of the total revenue of the Chung Wah Association. CAC’s increase in revenue was mainly due to business expansion and more welfare income from Government funding system. The revenue of Association services has increased by more than 19% to $739,792 this year. This is

mainly due to the success of various social activities, especially the 110th anniversary celebration of the Chung Wah Association, Government funding, fund raising activities and sponsorship from subcommittees also contributed are also contributed towards the increases of the revenue. Chinese Schools had an increase in revenue of $54,611 due to the increase in student numbers and thereby the per capita grant funding.

Income Surplus The operating surplus of the Chung Wah Association was $785,430, which was twice the 2020 surplus of $363,056. CAC’s surplus this year was $672,316, more than twice the surplus of $332,657 in the previous year. Although CAC’s business expansion has contributed a lot to its revenue, the related service costs have also increased, especially the employment and management expenses have increased to 19% and 24%, respectively. On the other hand, CAC’s business expansion has also led to an increase of about 14% in government funding for welfare services this year. In addition, the reduction in depreciation and amortisation expenses and the increase in revenue from sales of property, plant and equipment have

further reduced service costs. The association service has a deficit of $7,061 this year. If the rental income of CAC is added back, there will be a surplus of $73,000. Although membership income and rental income did not increase much, the reduction in rental expenses helped reduce the deficit. The surplus of Chinese schools this year is $120,175. Chung Wah Association has has started a fifth Chinese School in Atwell this year. Although the new school requires a lot of human and economic resources, Chung Wah Chinese Schools strive to reduce their management costs, resulting in a surplus. 中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Analysis on Statement of Financial Position

Cash and Cash Equivalents As of June 30 2021, the total amount of cash and cash equivalents in Chung Wah Community and Aged Care was $7.75 million, accounting for 84% of the total cash and cash equivalents of the Ching Wah Associasion $9.219 million, of which approximately $2.241 million (2020: $1.753 million ) belonging to family and community care plans.

Net Assets Property, plant and equipment The Association Services main assets are land and buildings in James Street and Balcatta. The Chinese schools main assets are computers, office equipment and storage. The CAC assets are motor vehicles used for transporting clients, office equipment, fixtures and fittings. This year, the independent valuer, Valuations WA Pty Ltd conducted an asset reassessment on the Chung Wah Hall in James St. and the Balcatta Cultural Centre on 1 June 2021. The property revaluation surplus of $563,822 from the property revaluation reserve was added to the equity balance as of 30 June 2021. I would like to thank all staff members of Chung Wah Association Administration Team and Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Administration Team for their hard work and assistance throughout the year.

Ke Mei SHAO Honorary Treasurer 28 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

财务报告 2020 - 2021年度(总结) 中华会馆年内的主要活动是为会员及社区提供福利服务、教育、文化及社会活动。 截至 2021 年 6 月 30 日止年度,中华会馆的营运盈余为 $785,430 澳元,是 2020 年盈余 $363,056 澳元的两 倍。中华会馆的三个主要分部都有所改善。中华会馆的良好表现首先是得益于西澳对COVID-19的良好控制 ,其 次要感谢中华会馆全体会员及各部门与小组管理团队的共同努力。 整个中华会馆收入为$1,184.2万澳元,比上年的$999.7万澳元增长18.5%。收入增长可归因于多种因素:社区 与长者服务部良好的管理体系,文化活动收入的增加,政府对长者服务部和中文学校专项津贴的增加以及服务 成本的降低。

综合损益表分析 收入


整个中华会馆的收入为$1,184.2万澳元,而CAC本 财年的收入增加了19%至$1,041.6万澳元,占中华会馆 总收入的88%

中华会馆的营运盈余为 $785,430澳元,是 2020 年盈余 $363,056 澳元的两倍。

CAC的收入增加主要是由于服务项目的增加和政 府系统对养老福利补助的增多。 协会服务的收入今年增长超过19%,达到$739,792 澳元。主要得益于各项社区活动的增多,尤其是中华会 馆成立110周年庆典的成功举办。政府拨款、筹款活动 和社会赞助也为收入的增加做出了贡献。 由于学生人数的增加以及人均补助金的增加,中 文学校的收入增加了$54.611 澳元。

CAC今年的盈余为$672,316澳元,是上一年盈余 $332,657澳元的两倍多。虽然CAC服务项目扩张对其 收入贡献很大,但服务成本也相应增加,尤其是雇佣 和管理费用分别增加到19%和24%。另一方面,CAC的 服务项目扩张也带动了今年政府福利服务拨款增加了 约14%。此外,折旧及摊销费用的减少以及物业、厂房 及设备销售收入的增加,进一步降低了服务成本。 协会服务今年有$7,061澳元的赤字,如果把CAC 的租金收入加回来,就会有$73,000澳元的盈余。虽 然会员收入和租金收入并没有增加多少,但租赁开支 的减少有助于减少赤字。 今年中文学校盈余为$120,175澳元。中华会馆今 年在Atwell区增设了第五所中文学校,虽然新学校需 要大量的人力和经济资源,但中华中文学校努力降低 管理成本,实现盈余。





截至2021年6月30日,中华社区与长者服务中心现 金及现金等价物总额为$775万澳元,占中华会馆现金 及现金等价物总额$921.9万澳元的84%,其中约$224.1 万澳元(2020年:$175.3万澳元)属于家庭与社区关怀 计划专项资金.

协会服务的主要资产是北桥James St.和Balcatta的 土地和建筑物。中文学校的主要资产是计算机、办公 设备和仓库。CAC 资产是用于客户运输的机动车辆、 办公设备以及固定设备。

今年,独立估值房产估价师 Valuations WA Pty Ltd 于 2021 年 6 月 1 日对北桥James St.的北桥礼堂和 Balcatta 的文化中心重新进行了资产评估,财产重估储备的$563,822澳元的财产重估盈余已添加到截止至2021年6 月 30 日会馆资产负债表的 资产净值(Equity)账户。 我在这里要感谢中华会馆办公室行政人员与中华社区与长者服务中心行政人员这一整年下来所付出的辛勤 工作和帮助。

邵克美 , 财长 中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income For the year ended 30 June 2021 Note

2021 $

2020 $





Employee benefits expenses




Depreciation and amortisation expenses



Administrative expenses



Rental expenses



Other expenses









Surplus for the year



Total comprehensive income for the year



Surplus before income tax Income tax expenses

The above Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

30 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2021 Note

2021 $

2020 $

ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents




Trade and other receivables




Other assets






Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Right-of-Use assets




Property, plant and equipment








Total Non-current Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Trade and other payables




Other liabilities








Lease liabilities






Total Current Liabilities Non-current Liabilities Lease liabilities














Total Non-current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS EQUITY Reserves




Retained surplus







The above Statement of Financial Position is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Statement of Changes of Equity Reserve

Retained Surplus








Surplus for the year




Total comprehensive income for the year








Retained Surplus








Surplus for the year




Total comprehensive income for the year










For the year ended 30 June 2021

Balance at 1 July 2019

Balance at 30 June 2020

Balance at 1 July 2020

Revaluation of properties Balance at 30 June 2021

The above Statement of Changes in Equity is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2021


2021 $

2020 $

Cash flows from operating activities Receipt from member subscriptions























Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents at beginning year





Receipt from rental Receipts from various activities Receipts from government funding for schools and school fees Receipts from government funding for welfare services Interest income received Payments to clients, suppliers and employees Net cash flows (used in)/from operating activities


Cash flows from investing activities Proceeds from disposal of property, plant & equipment Purchase of property, plant & equipment Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities

Cash and cash equivalents at end year


The above Statement of Cash Flows is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

32 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

Statement by the Executive Committee of the Association In the opinion of the Executive Committee of The Chung Wah Association Inc: (a) The accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view of its financial position as at 30 June 2021 and of its performance for the financial year ended on that date. (b) The accompanying financial statements comply with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and other mandatory professional requirements. (c) At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that Chung Wah Association Inc will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable. Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Executive Committee:

President Dr Ting CHEN

Honorary Treasurer Ms Ke Mei SHAO Date: 18 September 2021

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Independent Auditor’s Declaration Beyond Audit

Chong Peng Leong (Sharon Leong) Beyond Audit Chong Peng Leong (Sharon Leong) Registered Company Auditor No 342131

FCPA | HKICPA Registered Company Auditor No 342131 FCPA | HKICPA


To the Executive Committee of The Chung Wah Association Inc. In relation to the independent audit for the year ended 30 June 2021, to the best of my knowledge and belief there have been: (i) No contraventions of the auditor independence requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 2015; and (ii) No contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct.


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Registered Company Auditor No: 342131 | FCPA | HKICPA

Liability PENG limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standard Legislation CHONG LEONG CHONG PENG LEONG (SHARON LEONG) Registered Company Auditor No. 342131 | FCPA | HKICPA

DIRECTOR | CPL Liability limited by aCORPORATE scheme approved under Professional Standard Legislation Registered Company Auditor No. 342131 | CPA | HKICPA

34 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

Independent Auditor’s Report Beyond Audit Beyond Audit Chong Peng Leong (Sharon Leong) Chong Peng Leong (Sharon Leong) Registered Company Auditor No 342131 Registered Company Auditor No 342131 FCPA | HKICPA FCPA | HKICPA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHUNG WAH ASSOCIATION INC. Opinion We have audited the accompanying financial report, being a general purpose financial report of The Chung Wah Association Inc. (the “Association”), which comprises the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2021, the statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies, and the Executive Committee’s declaration. In our opinion, the accompanying general purpose financial report of The Chung Wah Association Inc is in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act 2015, including: (a) giving a true and fair view of the Association’s financial position as at 30 June 2021 and of its performance for the year then ended; and (b) complying with Australian Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional requirements in Australia. Inherent Uncertainty Regarding Recognition of Income It is not possible for The Chung Wah Association Inc. to establish accounting control over all sources of income prior to its receipts (fundraising and rendering of services, income from schools, Chinese New Year, membership fees and other income) and accordingly, it is not possible for our examination to include audit procedures to extend beyond the amounts of receipts for these types of income as recorded in the records of the Association. Our audit of the type of income referred to above, being income in the form of cash, and the accounting for and applications of such monies was limited to amounts recorded in the financial report. Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Report section of our report. We are independent of the Association in accordance with the auditor independence requirements of the Association Incorporation Act 2015 and the ethical requirements of the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board’s APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants “the Code” that are relevant to our audit of the financial report in Australia. We have also fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code.


Registered Company Auditor No: 342131 | FCPA | HKICPA

CHONG PENG LEONG LiabilityPENG limitedLEONG by a scheme approved under Professional Standard Legislation CHONG (SHARON LEONG) Registered Company Auditor No. 342131 | FCPA | HKICPA

DIRECTOR | CPL Liability limited by aCORPORATE scheme approved under Professional Standard Legislation Registered Company Auditor No. 342131 | CPA | HKICPA

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Beyond Audit Chong Peng Leong (Sharon Leong) Registered Company Auditor No 342131

FCPA | HKICPA We confirm that the independence declaration required by the Associations Incorporation Act 2015, which has been given to the Executive Committee of the Association, would be in the same terms if given to the members as at the time of this auditor’s report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Responsibilities of the Executive Committee for the Financial Report The Executive Committee of the Association are responsible for the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 and for such internal control as the Executive Committee determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view and is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial report, the Executive Committee are responsible for assessing the Association’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters relating to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Executive Committee either intend to liquidate the Association or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. The Executive Committee are responsible for overseeing the Association’s financial reporting process. Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Report Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial report as a whole is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of this financial report. As part of an audit in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also: •

Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Association’s internal control.


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Registered Company Auditor No. 342131 | FCPA | HKICPA

DIRECTOR | PENG CPL CHONG LEONGapproved under Professional Standard Legislation Liability limited by aCORPORATE scheme Registered Company Auditor No. 342131No: | CPA | HKICPA Registered Company Auditor 342131 | FCPA | HKICPA

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standard Legislation

36 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

Beyond Audit Chong Peng Leong (Sharon Leong) Registered Company Auditor No 342131


Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Executive Committee. Conclude on the appropriateness of the Executive Committee’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Association’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial report or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Association to cease to continue as a going concern. Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial report, including the disclosures, and whether the financial report represents the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

We communicate with the Executive Committee regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.


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DIRECTOR | PENG CPL CHONG LEONGapproved under Professional Standard Legislation Liability limited by aCORPORATE scheme Registered Company Auditor No. 342131 | CPA | HKICPA

Registered Company Auditor No: 342131 | FCPA | HKICPA

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standard Legislation

中华会馆 20/21 年度报告

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Together, we stand to make Chung Wah truly

A Home of The Chinese Community ��� James Street Northbridge WA ���� | PO Box �� Northbridge WA ���� (��) ���� ���� |

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