* The organiser reserves the right, with reasonable cause, to make changes to the event. 主办单位保留,在合理理由下,对活动进⾏更改的权利。
Distinguished Guests and Friends of Chinese Music,
Today is a truly special occasion. We are celebrating not only the 20th anniversary of the WA Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra’s remarkable journey but also the 5th anniversary of the WA Chinese Guzheng Festival - WA Festival of Chinese Music. At this significant moment, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the friends, musicians, and team members who have supported us over the years
Twenty years ago, Mr Zhi Chen founded the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra For two decades, the orchestra has embraced its mission to "Broadening cultural exchange and Preserving musical heritage" Along the way, we have witnessed the flourishing of Chinese music Each participant’s dedication and perseverance have been crucial in helping us reach this milestone
As the founder of the WA Chinese Guzheng Festival, I am deeply gratified to see the thriving growth of this beautiful instrument in our community The contributions of Ms Huang Zirui and Ms. Chen Xueyan have been invaluable, along with the later involvement of other Guzheng teachers, all of whom have played an essential role. Over the past five years, the Guzheng Festival has become more than just a platform for music lovers it has built a cultural bridge, strengthening the bonds of friendship and artistic exchange between China and Australia.
As we reflect on the past, we are filled with gratitude. As we look toward the future, we are filled with hope. In the coming years, both the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra and the Guzheng Festival will continue to deliver enriching musical and cultural experiences to our audiences. Together, let us witness many more extraordinary moments.
今天是 个特别的⽇⼦,我们不仅迎来了西澳中华华乐团⼆⼗周年的辉煌时刻,同时也庆祝西 澳中国⾳乐节-西澳中国古筝节五周年的盛典。在这个重要的时刻,我想对所有⽀持我们多年的 朋友、⾳乐家和⼯作团队表⽰由衷的感谢。
⼆⼗年前,陈志⽼师创辨了中华华乐团。⼆⼗年来,华乐团始终秉承着《扩展西澳⽂化交流延 续华族⾳乐精髓》的使命。
路⾛来,我们⻅证了华乐的传播与发展。每 位参与者的努⼒与 坚持都是我们⾛到今天的重要⼒量。
同时,作为西澳中国古筝节的创办⼈,我为古筝这 美妙的乐器在本地的蓬勃发展感到⽆⽐欣 慰。⻩孜蕊⽼师和陈雪艳⽼师的贡献尤为重要,后来加⼊的其他古筝⽼师们也功不可没。在过 去五年中,古筝节不仅成为⾳乐爱好者交流的舞台,更搭建了 座⽂化桥梁,连接了中澳两国 的友谊与艺术互动。
回⾸过去,我们满怀感激;展望未来,我们充满希望。在未来的岁⽉⾥,中华华乐团和古筝节 将继续为观众带来更多精彩的⾳乐与⽂化体验,愿我们共同⻅证更多美好的时刻!
Music Director of chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Director of WA Festival of Chinese Music - Guzheng Festival
Teresa Tan
WA Chinese Guzheng Festival
Assistant Director
Aime Huang
WA Festival of Chinese Music
Assistant Director
Lynn Lin
WA Chinese Guzheng Festival
Lead Teacher
Xueyan Chang
Accou and Admin Officer
Annie Li
Sophie Wang
Shixin Luo
Yongai Low
Graphic Designer
Carl Ong
Event Photographer
Chase Song
Event Videographer
C Squared Productions
Guzheng Tutors
Xueyan Chen
Aime Huang
Gabby Li
Gang Liu
Shutong Liu
Jessica Pun
Teresa Tan
Wendi Wen
总监统筹 王慧兰 西澳中国古筝节
Master of Ceremonies
Helene Fung
MLC Theatre Manager
Doug Hounslow
Sound Technician
Mitchel Tinsley
Lighting Technician
Emily Cran
Grand Ensemble
Sound Technician
Yongjun Zhou
Stage Support
Kin Chin
Daniel Du
Zhen Chen Hou
Jennifer Koh
Henry McCahon
Jacqueline Tan
Kevin Tan
Sunchuan Tan
Ethan Zhang
⾳响技术师 灯光技术师
陈浩哲 陈⼭川
Methodist Ladies’ College
HuaZing Art Group
WA Guzheng Academy
Zing Music Studio
Christ Church Grammar School
Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Hale Schools
Kennedy Baptist College
Oberthur Primary School
Presbyterian Ladies’ College
Australian Chinese Musician Association
Muso Music Academy
Spring Melody Studio
Sydney Meya Conservatory of Chinese Music
WA Guzheng Ensemble
AusWorld Travel
IQI WA Real Estate
KLC Music Busker
Orchid wine and beverages
Auswealth Investment Pty Ltd
Black Diamond Drilling Services Australia
Eternity tile bath home
Imperial Finance
Murdoch University
Australia Asia Business Weekly
Australian Chinese Times
Australia Today
The Perth Post
Most WA
古筝节五周年共鸣 愿音乐之声继续传承 华韵长流!
Dr Ting Chen, President of Chung Wah Association
Congratulations to the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra on celebrating the 20th year anniversary and WA Chinese Guzheng Festival for the 5th year anniversary.
Your dedication and talent have beautifully showcased our cultural heritage and brought joy to so many. Here is to the countless melodies and unforgettable performances and the many more years of success ahead!
Dr CH (Bob) Tan JP OAM Chairman of Council of Elders Chung Wah Association
美育人生 艺臻化境
Wishing Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra all the best on the success of 5th WA Festival of Chinese Music: Guzheng Festival. Heartfeltregards.
议员 博⼠
Sam Lim MP
WA Festival of Chinese Music – Program Excerpt
Congratulations from MLC Principal
I would like to extend a warm MLC congratulations to the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra on your 20th anniversary Music education systems should reflect and nurture the diversity of contemporary music environments, which is why at MLC we are proud to offer a vast and vibrant world music curriculum. It is our pleasure to partner with the Orchestra for the 5th WA Chinese Guzheng Festival Co-organising this wonderful event since its inception, we have had the privilege of watching many of our students participate throughout the years. We look forward to continuing to make music at the Festival and deepening our girls’ understanding and respect for the art of Chinese music
Rebecca Clarke
MLC Principal 卫理公会⼥⼦学院校⻓
中华华乐团成立二十周年 之际,真诚地祝愿:
“千年的古筝文化弘扬海外, 优美的天韵之声荡漾四方。”
Shaoping Ding, President of Perth Hua Xing Arts Group
鼓乐齐鸣颂中华 传统乐曲震天涯
祝贺中华华乐团传承经典, 创新未来让来自东方的天籁 之音再次响彻天鹅河河畔, 也让古筝这个中华民族的 文化瑰宝成为搭建中澳文化 和艺术家之间交流的桥梁, 预祝珀斯中国古筝文化节 圆满成功!
Yongjun Zhou, Perth Famous Tenor
YANG Chunlin, a National First-Class Conductor with the China Oriental Performing Arts Group, is a versatile musician excelling in conducting, composition, and orchestration He has achieved significant expertise across various musical genres, including symphonic, Chinese folk orchestral, light, and electronic music. As a conductor, Yang has collaborated with many renowned orchestras both in China and internationally, achieving outstanding results. In the realm of composition, he has won multiple national awards and held over ten concerts of his own works in Singapore, Hong Kong, and other locations. As a music theorist, Yang has authored several influential works, including A Tutorial on Orchestration for Chinese Folk Orchestras and A Concise Tutorial on Harmony. His Collected Works of Yang Chunlin is currently being compiled by the People’s Music Publishing House. He has also served as a judge for competitions organized by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, China Central Television, and various international competitions 中国东⽅歌舞团国家 级指挥
乐以及电声⾳乐⽅⾯均有相当造诣。在指挥⽅⾯,曾与国内外许多著名乐团进⾏过卓有成效的合 作。在作曲⽅⾯,曾多次在全国⽐赛中获奖。并在新加坡、⾹港等地举办过⼗多场个⼈作品⾳乐 会。作为⾳乐理论家,出版了《中国⺠族管弦乐配器法教程》,《简明和声学教程》。⽬前正由⼈⺠ ⾳乐出版社集结出版《杨春林⾳乐作品集》。多次担任⽂化部,教育部,中央电视台,以及国际⼤ 赛⾳乐⽐赛评委。任多所客席教授。北京乐器学会表演艺术专业委员会会⻓。澳⼤利亚-中国⾳乐 家协会会⻓。曾经访问美国、德国法国等国家。
Please scan QR code for tickets Saturday 19 October 2024 6.30pm | Hadley Hall Methodist Ladies‘ College 356 Stirling Hwy, Claremont
Saturday 19 October 2024 - Hadley Hall
Konghou Solo; Composed by Liping Wang Aime Huang
Composed by Li Ping Wang; Arranged by Chunglin Yang WA Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra
Piano concerto; Composed by Joe Hisaishi; Orchestrated by Teresa Tan Ethan Luo from Muso Music Academy; WA Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra
Cantonese Opera; Composed by Disheng Tang Perth Hui Huang Cantonese Opera Society; WA Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Singers - Taofang Bi,Liyi Liu
Guqin Xiao duet; Composed by James Wong
Guqin - Gang Liu; Xiao - Merlin Ma SpringArrivesinXiangRiver
Dizi concerto; Composed by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez; Orchestrated by Teresa Tan
Dizi - Min Dong ; WA Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra
Sextet;ComposedbyAKun;OrchestratedbyTeresaTan Gaohu-LynnLin;Erhu-HanMeng;Dizi-CherylFu; Matusiflute-GabrielMcMahon;Sheng-MayxinCheng;Guzheng-TeresaTan
Primaryschoolguzhengensemble;ComposedbyJohnNewton AnnabelleBrowne,MeitatChan,CelineChen,ChloeCui,JaydenFung, AlexanderKhorshid,SophieLee,CeciliaLiau,AugustLiu,VedhikaParekh, MadeleineTan,MinaTan,EvelynYong,AuroraZhang
GuzhengEnsemble;ComposedbyRaminDjawadi,HansFlorianZimmer; AdaptedbyJianguoCui/ZhongshanWang/YanranWang/AimeHuang ZingMusicStudio:KwailinCheung,ElsaJiang,WendyYang,CelineZhang, JasmineZhou
Guzhengconcerto;ComposedbyJunWei Guzheng-XueyanChen;Percussion-JetChong
DiziGuzhengDuet;ComposedbyBaoshengNing Dizi-MinDong;Guzheng-AimeHuang
GuzhengConcerto;ComposedbyThomasBergersen; OrchestraedbyTeresaTan XueyanChen,AimeHuang,ShutongLiu ShirleyLiu,LinXu,AnnabelleBrowne,MeitatChan,CelineChen,Kwailin Cheung,ChloeCui,ElsaJiang,CeciliaLiam,AugustLiu,WendyYang,Celine Zhang,JasmineZhou,EvelynYong,AuroraZhang
2024年⼗⽉⼗九⽇周六 - Hadley Hall MLC ⺠族⺠乐⾳乐会
箜篌独奏 王⽴平作曲
王⽴平作曲 澳中⾳乐家协会杨春林编配
钢琴协奏 Joe Hisaishi 作曲 王慧兰配器
Muso ⾳乐学院 Ethan Luo 西澳中华华乐团
粤曲 唐涤⽣作曲 珀斯辉煌业余粤曲社 西澳中华华乐团
刘丽仪⼦喉 薜桃芳平喉
古琴洞箫⼆重奏 普庵禅师/⿈霑作曲
古琴 - 刘刚 箫 - ⻢麟
笛⼦协奏曲 Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez 作曲
悉尼笛⼦演奏家董敏 西澳中华华乐团 王慧兰配器
中场休息 九⼉
六重奏 阿鲲作曲闫天午编曲 王慧兰配器
⾼胡 - 林晨晨 ⼆胡 - 孟晗 笛⼦ - 付彦欣
⻢图斯笛 - Gabriel McMahon 笙 - 美欣 古筝 - 王慧兰
清⼼普善咒/沧海⼀声笑 ⾏者
⼩学古筝合奏 John Newton 作曲
⻢星宸 陈美达 陈⼣ 崔语涵冯柏光 Alexander Khorshid 李晓柔
廖⽂翠 刘瑞城 Vedhika Parekh, Madeleine Tan 陈亦萱
杨可旭 张晏
古筝合奏 Ramin Djawadi/Hans Florian Zimmer作曲
孜⾳坊⼯作室:张桂莲 蒋筱瑷 杨⾬桐 张⼦欣 周珈⽯
古筝协奏曲 魏军作曲
古筝 - 陈雪艳 打击 - Jet Chong
笛⼦古筝⼆重奏 宁保⽣作曲
笛⼦ - 董敏 古筝 - ⻩孜蕊
古筝协奏曲 Thomas Bergersen作曲; 王慧兰配器
陈雪艳 ⻩孜蕊 刘姝彤
叶淑娴 徐琳 ⻢星宸 陈美达 陈⼣ 张桂莲 崔语涵 蒋筱瑷
廖⽂翠 刘瑞城 杨⾬桐 张⼦欣 周珈⽯ 杨可旭 张晏
盛世国乐 古筝协奏曲 孙⾦阳/曾威作曲
* 主办单位保留,在合理理由下,对活动进行更改的权利。
Sunday 20 October 2024 4pm | Northern Plaza
Boola Katitjin Building 360 Murdoch University, 60 South St, Murdoch
*Weather permitting - Please refer to notice at chungwah.org.au/event or Facebook post
Sunday 20 October 2024 - Murdoch University
Presentation of Certificates
Dr Ting Chen, President of Chung Wah Association
Ding Bing Long, Consul General of PRC in Perth
Pamela Grubb, Director of Music, Methodist Ladies College
Guzheng ensemble; Yunnan Folk Song Song of Midu
Dizi ensemble; Composed by Lei Qian
Cheryl Fu Gabriel McMahon Xiaowen Pan Lonely Warrior
Guzheng ensemble; Composed by John Newton Singer: Maylyn Williams Amazing Grace
Fisherman’s Song at Eventide
Guzheng ensemble; Composed by Shuhua Lou
Guzheng ensemble; Composed by Ke Ma The Nanni Bay
Guzheng ensemble; Composed by Lei Qian Big Fish
Guzheng ensemble; Composed by Changyuan Wang Fighting the Typhoon
Happy Jingpo Mountain
Flourishing Age
Tuliang (One-hole flute) solo; Composed by Qisen Gong Min Dong
Guzheng ensemble; Composed by Thomas Bergersen
Guzheng ensemble; Composed by Jinyang Sun/Wei Ceng
2024年10⽉20⽇周⽇ - 莫道克⼤学
陈挺博⼠ 中华会馆会⻓
⻰定斌 中华⼈⺠共和国驻珀斯总领事
演讲 Pamela Grubb 卫理公会⼥⼦学院⾳乐总监
云南⺠歌 古筝⼤合奏
钱雷作曲 笛⼦合奏
付彦昕 Gabriel McMahon 潘晓雯 孤勇者
John Newton 作曲
古筝⼤合奏 歌⼿ Maylyn Williams
娄树华作曲 古筝⼤合奏
⻢可作曲 古筝⼤合奏
钱雷作曲 古筝⼤合奏 ⼤⻥
王昌元作曲 古筝⼤合奏 战台⻛
吐良(独孔笛)独奏 董敏
胜利 Thomas Bergersen 作曲 古筝⼤合奏
盛世国乐 孙⾦阳/曾威作曲 古筝⼤合奏
Min Dong (Meya), a young flute musician, the founder of the Sydney Meya Conservatory of Chinese Music, is also directing the Chinese Music Ensemble course at the University of New South Wales. Meya graduated from the Conservatory of Music of the Central University for Nationalities, majoring in Chinese bamboo flute under the tutelage of well renowned flute professors in China. Her music videos on Youtube and other social media platforms has attracted millions views and fans internationally
In 2002, she won the gold medal in the Dandelion National Instrumental Music Competition
In 2007, she was awarded the Gold Medal by the Chinese Ministry of Culture for the Beijing International Competition.
董敏,⻘年笛箫演奏家,中国⺠族管弦乐学会会员,澳中⾳乐家协会常务理事兼吹管学会副会 ⻓。从留学创业⾄今,通过创办学院,参与巡演及社交媒体平台发布演奏视频等⽅式,以中西并 ⽤,多元互补为理念,努⼒弘扬和传播新时代⺠乐⽂化。
2017-2020年先后在悉尼⼤学悉尼⾳乐学院及新南威尔⼠⼤学担任笛⼦专业导师和本科中国⾳乐 课导师,培养本地⼤学⽣了解和学习⺠乐。
2017年受邀参加澳⼤利亚管弦乐团⽔推沙爵⼠⾳乐 会,参与访问墨尔本、塔斯⻢尼亚、堪培拉、达尔⽂的巡澳演出。2018年,董敏受到堪培拉最⾼ 法院的邀请,为当地⺠众演奏⼀场富含⺠乐元素专场⾳乐会。2019年受澳⼤利亚州⽴博物馆“天 地⼈”故宫博物馆展区邀请表演多场中国⺠乐。2023年出版了《好听易学:流⾏笛曲基础教程》, 为⺠乐爱好者提供了 个简洁⾼效的学习通道。2024年引起⼴泛关注,受到新华社、中国新闻 ⽹、东⽅都市报相继报道,特别是⼈⺠⽇报和China Daily专访对个⼈经历的详细报道。在悉尼歌 剧院的华夏情韵⻰年⾳乐会担任笛⼦独奏;同年在第三届“敦煌杯”⺠族室内乐、重奏⽐赛中荣获 海外组优秀指导⽼师奖。
Jet Kye Chong is an award-winning Perth-based percussionist, composer and researcher He has performed concerts across Australia, Asia, Europe and North America. As a percussionist, Chong won the Malaysia Percussion Festival Performance Prize with his own work 'Rev 3', and is a twotime winner of the People’s Choice Award for the Vose Memorial Concerto Prize. He has produced 5-star award-winning Fringeworld shows in 2022 and 2023, toured nationally with the Momentum Ensemble, and internationally with his band “The Hár” in the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, as well as Principal Percussion with the Australian Youth Orchestra. He recorded works of Myburgh for Australian and UK labels, and recorded with Australian Baroque for ABC Classic.
Chong holds a Bachelor of Philosophy in Mathematics and Statistics, and Music Specialist Studies (Composition/Percussion), with First Class Honours His research thesis 'Predicting Marimba Stickings with Neural Networks' won the 2020 Dr Vincent Harry Cooper Memorial Prize, the 2022 Statistical Society of Australia Louise Ryan Best Presentation Award, and was recently published in the Australasian Joint Conference in AI proceedings. Chong performs as a freelance percussionist, taiko drummer, bodhrán player with traditional Irish band The Hár, keys player, and conductor of the WA Medical Students Orchestra
Jet Kye Chong 是 位屡获殊荣的打击乐演奏家、作曲家和研究⼈员,常驻珀斯。他曾在澳⼤利 亚、亚洲、欧洲和北美洲演出。作为打击乐⼿,Chong 凭借⾃⼰的作品《Rev 3》获得了⻢来西亚 打击乐节表演奖,并两次获得 Vose 纪念协奏曲奖的观众选择奖。
他在2022年和2023年制作了获得五星好评的Fringe World演出,随 Momentum Ensemble 进⾏全 国巡演,并于2024年爱丁堡边缘艺术节随其乐队 “The Hár” 进⾏国际巡演。此外,Chong 还是澳⼤ 利亚⻘年交响乐团的⾸席打击乐⼿。他曾为澳⼤利亚和英国的唱⽚公司录制了 Myburgh 的作品, 并与澳⼤利亚巴洛克乐团为 ABC Classic 录制了⾳乐。
Chong 拥有哲学学⼠学位,主修数学和统计学,以及⾳乐专业研究学位(作曲/打击乐),并以⼀等 荣誉毕业。他的研究论⽂《⽤神经⽹络预测⻢林巴击⿎法》曾获得2020年 Dr Vincent Harry Cooper 纪念奖和2022年澳⼤利亚统计学会 Louise Ryan 最佳演讲奖,并最近发表在澳⼤利亚联合 ⼈⼯智能会议论⽂集上。
作为 名多才多艺的⾳乐家,Chong 以⾃由打击乐⼿、太⿎⿎⼿、爱尔兰传统乐队 The Hár 的博德 朗⿎⼿、键盘⼿以及西澳医学⽣交响乐团的指挥⾝份活跃于⾳乐舞台。
Ethan Luo (9 years old) is a passionate pianist studying at Muso Music Academy under the guidance of Lawrence Ng. Since joining Muso in 2021, Ethan has rapidly progressed from a novice to diploma level. He is currently preparing for his AmusA diploma exam in 2025 Ethan has won various awards and has performed in local competitions and events, including the Fremantle Eisteddfod, North of Perth Music Festival, WAMTA, and the Muso Concert Series.
Ethan Luo(9岁)是⼀名钢琴爱好者,师从Lawrence Ng,就读于Muso⾳乐学院。 2021 年加⼊ Muso 后, 三年内从钢琴初级作品迅速提升到⼤专级作品。⽬前 他正在为 2025年的钢琴diploma级考试做准备。Ethan 在 Perth 当地的⽐赛中赢得了各种奖项,包括 Fremantle Eisteddfod (弗⾥曼特尔⾳乐节), North of Perth Music Festival (珀斯北部⾳乐节)、WAMTA 和 Muso ⾳乐会系列表演。
Leader Qiang Liu
Liyi Liu 刘丽仪
Hui Huang Cantonese Opera Society was established in 2004, under the leadership of President Mr. Qiang Liu. The society consists of 20 musicians and singers who are passionate about the art of Cantonese opera Since its inception, they have organized numerous fundraising events for temples and regularly performed at nursing homes, sharing the beauty of Cantonese opera with the elderly. Our society has also participated in cultural exchanges across various regions, including Panyu, Guangdong, Zhanjiang, Foshan, as well as international locations such as France, Macau, Singapore, and major Australian cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane
柏斯輝煌業餘粵曲社成⽴於⼆零零四年。社⻑刘强, 由⼆⼗位喜歡粵曲藝術的樂師和唱家組成。⾃成⽴以 來多次為廟宇筹款,也到⽼⼈院唱曲⽐⽼⼈家欣賞。
曾經到過廣東番禺,湛江,佛⼭,法國,澳⻔,星加 坡,雪梨,墨爾本,布⾥斯本,等作交流。
Taofang Bi
Gang Liu Student of Guzheng Master Performer ZHANG Yan since 1972; Student of Guqin Master ZHU Ziyi and Professor ZHAO Jiazhen; Third director of Chinese Guqin Association; Member of Chinese Musicians Association and Shandong Musicians Association; Secretary-General of Shandong Guqin Association and Jinan Quanyun (Spring Melody) Guqin Studio; Director of Shandong Guqin Association Training Centre; Silver Award at 2006 'Huaxia Art Style Selection Competition' - Ministry of Culture of P.R.C; Excellent Teacher at 2016 Dunhuang Cup Chinese Guqin Art Exhibition; Participant of the 12th National Guqin Teachers' Advanced Study Program; Performed on China Central Television's (CCTV) Mid-Autumn Festival Gala; Appeared on exclusive interview, ‘Liu Gang, the Promoter of Guqin Culture’ by Shandong Television.
年学弹古筝,师从原东⽅歌舞团古筝演奏家张燕⽼师。后受⼭ 东省⾮物质⽂化遗产古琴传承⼈朱⼦易⽼师启蒙传授学弹古琴,后⼜师从中央 ⾳乐学院古琴教授、中国古琴协会会⻓赵家珍⽼师。中国古琴协会第三届理 事。现任中国⾳乐家协会会员,⼭东⾳乐家协会会员,⼭东省古琴协会秘书 ⻓,⼭东省古琴协会培训中⼼主任,济南泉韵琴社秘书⻓。获2006年⽂化部 主办的“华夏艺术⻛采选拔赛银奖” ,2016年第 届(敦煌杯)中国古琴艺术展 演优秀辅导教师。第⼗⼆届全国古琴教师进修班学习,参与录制中央电视台中 秋晚会节⽬及赵家珍⽼师在北京⾳乐厅举办的师⽣⾳乐会。接受⼭东省电视台 及济南电视台采访。⼭东电视台采访播放的题⽬是“古琴⽂化的传播者 刘 刚”。刘启超出版了“天问 张燕演奏筝曲精选” 。
Lin Ma began studying the bamboo flute at the age of 6 and passed the Level 10 exam of the China National Orchestra Association at 13 From 1997 to 2003, he was the principal bamboo flute player of the Beijing Golden Sail Chinese Orchestra During this period, he performed in numerous special concerts across regions such as Shandong, Xinjiang, Guangdong, Sichuan, and Hong Kong. He also participated in the Golden Sail Music Group’s world tour, performing in countries including the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, and Austria In 1998, he became a student of Wang Ciheng, the principal bamboo flute player of the China National Orchestra From 2003 to 2007, Ma Lin was a bamboo flute performer with the Chinese Orchestra of Renmin University of China, giving dozens of commercial performances at major venues like the Beijing Concert Hall, Zhongshan Music Hall, Golden Sail Concert Hall, Poly Theatre, and Century Theatre. Many of these performances were broadcast on CCTV-3 In 2005, he was invited to record accompaniment for the album Kan Jian Le by the renowned ethnic music group "Yi People Made " In 2006, he performed a bamboo flute solo at the closing ceremony of the World University Rugby Championship. During his tenure with the Golden Sail Arts Troupe and the Chinese Orchestra of Renmin University, Ma Lin won first prize multiple times at the Beijing Arts Festival and the National Arts Festival
⻢麟.6岁开始学习⽵笛,13岁中央⺠族管弦乐协会10级考试合格。1997年⾄2003年,任北京⾦ 帆⺠乐团⽵笛⾸席。六年期间曾多次于⼭东、新疆、⼴东、四川、⾹港等地演出专场⾳乐会,并 赴荷兰、德国、法国、⽐利时、奥地利等地参演⾦帆⾳乐团世界巡回演出。1998年师从中央⺠ 族乐团⽵笛⾸席王次恒先⽣。2003年⾄2007年,任中国⼈⺠⼤学⺠族乐团⽵笛演奏员,多次在 北京⾳乐厅、中⼭⾳乐堂、⾦帆⾳乐厅、保利剧院、世纪剧院等完成数⼗场商业演出,并经 CCTV-3录制播出。2005年受邀为内地著名⺠族歌⼿组合“彝⼈制造”录制《看⻅了》专辑伴奏⾳ 乐。2006年受邀完成世界⼤学⽣橄榄球联赛闭幕式⽵笛独奏演出。曾获奖项:在⾦帆艺术团和中 国⼈⺠⼤学⺠族乐团期间多次获北京市艺术节及全国艺术节 等奖
Broadening cultural exchange - Preserving musical heritage
Xueyan Chan
Gabby Li
李怡霏 Aime Huang ⻩孜蕊
Shutong Liu
Gang Liu 刘刚
Teresa Tan
Jessica Pun
Wendi Wen
Xueyan Chen is an award-winning professional Guzheng musician with a Master’s degree in Guzheng Performance from the Sichuan Conservatory of Music. She is currently the founding Guzheng Director of the Western Australia Guzheng Academy, and a Guzheng tutor at Christ Church Grammar School (CCGS), Presbyterian Ladies' College (PLC), Oberthur Primary School, and Hale School.
Xueyan began learning Guzheng at the age of Four under the tutelage of renowned Guzheng performers, Professor Li Qingfeng and Professor Jiang Danxi. She was formerly the Principal Guzheng Player of the Chongqing National Orchestra and a Guzheng Lecturer at the Anhui University of Arts. She has also been honored as an ambassador for Chinese-English Cultural Exchange. Xueyan is the Gold Prize winner of the Professional Group in the 3rd International Guzheng Contest and has held five solo concerts.
As a Guzheng performer, she was invited to perform as a soloist at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in China in 2018 In 2024, she was invited to perform as a Guzheng soloist with the Perth Symphony Orchestra in Avatar: The Last Airbender. She has also been invited to perform in cultural exchange programs in countries such as the UK, Singapore, and Japan.
As a dedicated Guzheng educator, Xueyan’s students have won numerous awards in competitions both in Australia and internationally She has been recognized with the Best Teacher Award in international Guzheng competitions for two consecutive years.
陈雪艳, ⻘年古筝演奏家, 西澳古筝学院创始⼈, 现任 CCGS, PLC, Oberthur PS 及 Hale School古筝⽼师。四川⾳乐学院古筝演奏硕⼠学位。⾃幼习筝,先后师从于著名古筝演奏 家李庆丰教授,江澹曦教授。曾任重庆⺠族乐团古筝⾸席,后执教于安徽艺术学院,荣获 中英⽂化交流⼤使称号。第三届国际古筝⽐赛专业组⾦奖获得者,曾举办五场个⼈专场⾳ 乐会。作为古筝演奏家,曾于2018年受邀于中国国家⼤剧院担任独奏演出。2024年受邀于 珀斯交响乐团参演《阿凡达·最后的⽓宗》担任古筝独奏,曾受邀于英国、新加坡、⽇本等 国家进⾏⽂化交流演出。作为古筝教师,陈雪艳所授学⽣多次在国内外⽐赛获奖,她连续 两年荣获国际古筝⽐赛最佳指导教师奖。
Teresa Tan, Music Director of the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, is a conductor, concert producer, guzheng musician, piano accompanist, and pharmacist. Born in Hong Kong, she completed high school in Canada and graduated from Curtin University in Western Australia. She has been playing the guzheng for over 40 years and has more than 20 years of teaching experience. She has participated in numerous music festivals and cultural performances Her passion for “broadening cultural exchanges and preserving musical heritage” has been her driving motivation for many years. Since 2020, she has been dedicated to directing and organising the annual WA Chinese Guzheng Festival and WA Festival of Chinese Music, which brings together over 200 performers and staff.
Teresa has taught guzheng at Methodist Ladies’ College, Kennedy Baptist College, and Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Currently, she serves as the Deputy Secretary General of the HuaXing Arts Group, a committee member of the Australian Chinese Musicians Association, WA Guzheng Ensemble, and Chung Wah Choir. Additionally, she is a member of the Chinese Culture and Artists Association of WA and Hui Huang Cantonese Opera Society, and a former member of the Yi Sheng Choir and Miracle Band.
王慧兰,中华华乐团的团⻓及⾳乐总监,兼任指挥、⾳乐会制作、古筝演奏和钢琴伴奏, 同时也是 名药剂师。她出⽣于⾹港,在加拿⼤完成⾼中学业,随后获得西澳⼤利亚科廷 ⼤学的学位。她习琴四⼗多年,教龄⼆⼗多年,多次参加⾳乐节和⽂艺晚会演出。《扩展西 澳⽂化交流, 延续华族⾳乐精髓》⼀直是她多年来的动⼒。⾃2020年起,她专注于编导和 统筹 年 度的西澳中国古筝节暨西澳中国⾳乐节,该⾳乐节汇集了超过两百名表演者和 ⼯作⼈员参与。
Teresa曾在Methodist Ladies’ College、Kennedy Baptist College和中华会馆黎明中⽂学校 教授古筝课程。她现任华星艺术团副秘书⻓、澳中⾳乐家协会委员、西澳筝艺团及中华合 唱团委员。她也是西澳中国艺术家协会艺术团和辉煌粤曲社的成员,曾是艺声合唱团及奇 迹乐团的成员。
Aime Huang is the founder of Zing Music Studio, CEO of Zing Arts and the group leader of WA Guzheng ensemble. She is also a representative for the Central Conservatory of Music Examination (Chinese Musical Instruments) in Perth, and a Guzheng tutor at MLC. Aime began to learn the Guzheng (Chinese Zither) at the age of six, she represented her school, university in several overseas performances while she was studying, including United states, Japan and several cities in China.
She completed her bachelor of music education in China and then arrived in Perth in 2010. She is proficient in playing and teaching Guzheng and Konghou. As she lives in Perth, she has also played solo or with groups at many important events in Perth. She has been teaching Guzheng over 20 years. And she is the only one Konghou teacher in Perth. She is a very passionate and patient teacher.
⻩孜蕊,孜⾳坊⾳乐⼯作室创始⼈,ZingArts 艺术集团总裁,西澳筝乐团团⻓。她也是 中央⾳乐学院(中国乐器)珀斯考区负责⼈,同时还是MLC的古筝导师。Aime从六岁开始 学习古筝,在学习期间多次代表学校、⼤学参加海外演出,包括美国、⽇本和中国的各 ⼤城市。
她在中国完成了⾳乐教育学⼠学位,并于2010年来到珀斯。她精通古筝、箜篌的演奏和教 学。由于定居在珀斯,她和她的学⽣也经常在珀斯的许多重要活动中独奏或与团体演出。 她教古筝已有20多年了。她是珀斯唯 的箜篌⽼师。她是 位充满激情和耐⼼的⽼师。
Chenchen Lin has been playing the Erhu for over 20 years and has been teaching for more than 10 years. She has won many individual awards in professional competitions and has extensive experience in teaching and performing Her students range from children to adults. She was admitted to the Musicology at the School of Arts and Media, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) as the top student of erhu major. Later, she obtained a Master's degree in Education Management with outstanding results . During her time at the university, she served as the leader of the university art troupe and the first chair of the ethnic music orchestra, leading the orchastra to win numerous awards at the university art festival. She also performed solo in the United States, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and other regions, striving to promote ethnic culture.
,习琴⼆⼗余年,教龄⼗余年,多次荣获专业⽐赛个⼈奖项,有丰富的教学及演 出经验,授课对象幼⼉、成⼈均可。以⼆胡专业第
名考⼊中国地质⼤学(武汉)艺术 与传媒学院⾳乐学专业,后以优异成绩免试攻读教育管理硕⼠,在校期间任⼤学⽣艺术 团团⻓兼⺠族乐团⾸席,率团荣获多次⼤学⽣艺术节奖项,代表学校赴美国、保加利亚 、罗⻢尼亚、塞尔维亚等地区进⾏独奏演出,为传播⺠族⽂化努⼒。
Gabriel McMahon is a contemporary flute and dízi player and practice-led ethnomusicologist based in Boorloo/Perth, Western Australia A conduit of interculturalism and supporter of crosscultural collaboration, Gabriel is engaged with Sino-Australian flute and dízi(笛⼦)performance practice. He is the current principal flute of the Western Australian Wind Symphony (WAWS) [2019-], and has previously performed with the Western Australian Symphony Orchestra [2023, 2024]. As a Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra musician, Gabriel has been involved in numerous intercultural performances and collaborations throughout Perth, Adelaide, and Sydney. In August 2024, Gabriel was a solo dizi finalist in the Shanghai International Music Festival [⽩王兰国际⾳乐 节] where he was awarded second place Gabriel is currently researching his Master’s thesis on the intercultural potential of the ‘Matusiflute’ a modified flute headjoint which imitates the dízi’s timbre through a synthetic membrane. His research has led him to his involvement in significant political and cultural intertwining events between Australia and China; performing dízi to an audience of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, as an extension of Australia China Friendship Society WA While a celebration of intercultural musicking, Gabriel is also critical of musical misrepresentations and appropriations of non-western music culture, raising awareness of cases of orientalism and exoticism.
Gabriel McMahon 是 位当代⻓笛和笛⼦演奏家,同时也是 位实践导向的⺠族⾳乐学者,现居澳 ⼤利亚西澳的布鲁/珀斯。他是跨⽂化交流的倡导者,致⼒于推动中澳之间的⾳乐合作与⽂化融 合,专注于中澳⻓笛和笛⼦(笛⼦)演奏实践。⾃2019年以来,他担任西澳管乐交响乐团 (WAWS)的⾸席⻓笛⼿,并曾在2023年和2024年与西澳交响乐团(WASO)合作演出。
作为中华华乐团的成员,Gabriel 参与了许多跨⽂化演出和合作,曾在珀斯、阿德莱德和悉尼等地 演出。2024年8⽉,他在上海国际⾳乐节(⽩王兰国际⾳乐节)中作为笛⼦独奏决赛选⼿,荣获第 ⼆名。
Gabriel ⽬前正在进⾏硕⼠论⽂研究,主题为“⻢图西笛 Matusiflute”这 改良的⻓笛笛头的跨⽂化 潜⼒ 这种笛头通过合成膜模仿笛⼦的⾳⾊。他的研究使他有机会参与多次澳中两国之间的重要 政治和⽂化交流活动,包括在澳⼤利亚中国友好协会西澳分会的活动中为澳⼤利亚总理安东尼·阿尔 巴尼斯(Anthony Albanese)和中国总理李强演奏笛⼦。
Gabriel 不仅致⼒于跨⽂化⾳乐的弘扬,同时也批判⾳乐中对⾮西⽅⽂化的误解与挪⽤,积极呼吁 ⼈们关注东⽅主义和异域化现象。
Han Meng is a PhD candidate who is currently investigating music pedagogy and music teacher education at the School of Education in Edith Cowan University, Australia. She earned a Master of Music degree from The University of Queensland and a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Erhu performance from Langfang Normal University in China. Han started learning Erhu at the age of eight and has years of experience teaching it to both children and adults in one-to-one and one-to-many settings, with a flexible teaching approach.
孟晗,埃迪斯科⽂⼤学在读博⼠⽣,主要研究⾳乐教学法及⾳乐教师教 育。硕⼠毕业于昆⼠兰⼤学,主修⾳乐。本科毕业于廊坊师范学院,主 修⼆胡表演。⾃⼋岁起学习⼆胡并且拥有多年教学经验。授课范围包括 ⼉童及成⼈,并以 对 及 对多的灵活⽅式进⾏授课。
Vincent Wong With 15 years of Erhu performance and 6 years of dedicated Erhu teaching experience, Vincent's musical journey began at the age of six He was selected for rigorous Erhu training under the Hong Kong Government's Music Office Vincent holds an Erhu Performance Diploma from the prestigious Central Conservatory of Music and a 10th Grade Erhu Certificate from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Not only has he won numerous awards for his performances. TikTok/Instagram : erhu kaiju ⻩世⾔ 15 年⼆胡演奏经验及 6年⼆胡教学经验,六岁经选拔接受⾹港政 府⾳乐事务处严格的⼆胡训练,持有中央⾳乐学院⼆胡演奏级⽂凭及上 海⾳乐学院⼗级证书,有丰富演出经验。TikTok/Instagram : erhu kaiju
Shutong Liu, plant biologist, moved to Western Australia in 2019 to focus on researching native plant species Alongside her scientific work, she is also a certified advanced Guzheng teacher, accredited by the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China. In 2020, she joined the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, where she plays the Guzheng, an instrument she has studied and performed for over a decade Shutong’s extensive training in China has allowed her to master a wide range of regional and stylistic approaches to Guzheng performance. Since 2020, she has been teaching Guzheng to students in WA, developing a personalized teaching method that adapts to each student's unique learning style. Her versatility as a musician has seen her perform widely, both as a solo artist and in collaboration with the orchestra.
Shutong is particularly passionate about expanding the role of the Guzheng beyond its traditional context. She believes the instrument can excel in a variety of genres, including pop and Western classical music. Through her innovative performances, she seamlessly blends Chinese and Western musical elements, showcasing the beauty of cultural fusion and pushing the boundaries of what the Guzheng can achieve.
刘姝彤,⻘年植物学家,中央⾳乐学院认证⾼级古筝教师。她⾃2020年 起加⼊中华会馆华乐团进⾏演出和教学,不仅与华乐团 起参与了多次 古筝节、春节及其他庆典的演出,还以独⽴⾳乐⼈的⾝份参与了多项活 动和⾳乐节的演出。她因材施教,能够针对每位学⽣的特点进⾏个性化 指导。她致⼒于将古筝⾳乐的传承与创新,认为古筝不仅在中国传统⾳ 乐中具备独特魅⼒,也能在流⾏⾳乐和西⽅古典⾳乐中⼤放异彩。
Director / Conductor
Teresa Tan 王慧兰
Wind section leader
Cheryl Fu 付彦昕
Plucked string section leader
Yongai Low 刘咏爱
Deputy Director / Concertmaster
Lynn Lin 林晨晨
Dizi / Matusiflute 笛⼦ / ⻢图西笛
Gabriel McMahon
Yongqin 扬琴
Marvin Ma ⻢钊
Dizi / Xiao 笛⼦ / 箫
Xiaowen Pan 潘晓雯
Sheng 笙
May Xin Cheong 张美欣
Broadening cultural exchange - Preserving musical heritage
Bowed stringe section leader
Han Meng 孟晗
Erhu ⼆胡
Mingxiang Liu 刘茗⾹
Erhu ⼆胡
Junyu Wong 王峻俞
*Guest 嘉宾
Erhu ⼆胡 Jigui Gao ⾼积贵
Erhu ⼆胡 Lean Tong 童乐安
Erhu ⼆胡
Vincent Wong ⻩世⾔
Erhu ⼆胡
Robin Luo 罗世鑫
Erhu ⼆胡
Aifeng Wei 魏爱凤
Erhu ⼆胡 Wancheng Zheng 郑晚成
Pipa 琵琶
Dana Wang 王丹
*Guest 嘉宾
Guzheng 古筝
Shirley Lau 叶淑娴
Pipa 琵琶
May Lam 林婧璇
*Guest 嘉宾
Guzheng 古筝
Shutong Liu 刘姝彤
Percussion section leader
Cynthia Dong 董欣怡
Pipa 琵琶
Mina Mao ⽑毓敏
David Thai Broadening
Guzheng 古筝
Lin Xu 徐琳
Percussion 敲击
James Locke
*Guest 嘉宾
Percussion 敲击
Zhongruan 中阮
Han Lan Chen 陈汉兰
Zhongruan 中阮
Lihua Qiu 邱丽华
Violoncello ⼤提琴
Stephanie Yeo 杨欣凌
Zhongruan 中阮
Regina Lam 林翠姝
Zhongruan 中阮
Amanda Sun 孙菀蔚
Double Bass 低⾳⼤提琴
Melissa Dennehy
*Guest 嘉宾
Zhongruan 中阮
Sue Loh 骆稳秀
*Guest 嘉宾
Violoncello ⼤提琴
Jeremiah Locke
*Guest 嘉宾
Double Bass 低⾳⼤提琴
Alexander Lim 林艺全
*Guest 嘉宾
The5 WAFestivalofChineseMusic2024 th
Co-Organisers Organiser
KLC Music Busker