Chung Wah Magazine Issue #44 - SPRING 2020

Page 1



Alec Coles

Exclusive Interview – the CEO of the WA Museum

西澳博物馆 首席执行官独家采访

Donate your Containers for Change

容器回收退款,捐赠中华会馆 中华会馆编辑出版 PUBLISHED BY



����年 SEPTEMBER ISSUE #�� 第��期


Together we will get through this pandemic

East Perth Cemetery pre-1900 Chinese Jacket Conservation Project

保存公元1900前西澳华人文物捐款倡议 Thyroid Health


How to promote healthy eating habits among children


We invite you to join the






中华学校 Chinese Education

Call our membership and enquiry hotline 入会及询问热线

(��) ���� ����

or download a membership application from our webiste 网上下载入会申请表

文化团体 Chinese Cultural Events and Activities and email us 申请电子回传 or post it to us at 或者邮寄回传

社区长者服务 Community and Aged Care

PO Box ��, Northbridge WA ����


Standard 普通

Concession 优惠

Individual 个人



Family 家庭



这第四十四期的《中华之 声》,印证 了中华会馆对中华民族在西澳历史上的执 着和坚持。历史让我们可以理解民族的过 去,更有助于让我们明白自己所在的社会 曾经历的变化和发展过程。中华会馆在给 华人社区和未来的一代,保存西澳华人历 史、文物和文化扮演着举足轻重的角色。

这期纲要不得不 提的有西澳州立博 物馆首席执行长Alec Coles的独家专访。 即将在11月21日正式开幕的这座世界级 设计的博物馆,将会给珀斯的旅游业带来 一个崭新面貌。想知道西澳博物馆将如何 用多媒体科技呈现西澳历史,您可以在它 的灵魂人物的采访中略知一二。

这 期《中 华之 声 》,也记 录了中 华 会 馆在过去一个月积极向西澳的华人社区募 款,以帮助国家信托基金会保存修复一件 超过120年历史的华人男式外套。2029年 将会是第一位华人周满抵达西澳200周年, 然而多年来一直没有找到特别好的历史文 物来证实华人早期已经在西澳生活。这外 套是首件特别重要的西澳华人历史文物。

即使新冠病毒导致许多不确定性, 中华会馆也积极筹备着设馆110周年庆, 以纪念这些年来为会馆做出贡献的多方 人物。但愿在会员、社区人士和商家的支 持下,我们可以顺利在疫情日益好转的西 澳,好好的庆祝这别具历史意义的庆会。

The Power of History In this 44th issue of Chung Wah Magazine, we would like to affirm Chung Wah Association’s perseverance and dedication to the history of Chinese people in Western Australia. Through history, we can understand our heritage, and understand the changes and developments in the society that we live in. Chung Wah Association plays a vital role in preserving our history, artefacts and culture for our community and our future generations. In this issue, do not miss our exclusive interview with Alec Coles, the Chief Executive Officer of Western Australian Museum. This state-of-the-art museum officially opens on 21 November 2020, adding a brandnew facet to Perth’s tourism industry. To find out more about how the museum uses multimedia technology to illustrate Western Australian history, tune in to our interview with the museum’s key personnel.

This issue also records Chung Wah Association’s active fundraising efforts in helping the National Trust of Australia restore the 120-year-old jacket of a Chinese man. As 2029 will mark the 200th anniversary of the first Chinese’s arrival in Western Australia, no noteworthy artefact has been discovered to evidence our early migration into Western Australia. This jacket will be the first significant artefact in the history of Chinese Western Australians. Despite the uncertainty created by COVID-19, Chung Wah Association is actively preparing for its 110th anniversary celebrations. This commemorates the people who have continuously contributed to our association. As the COVID-19 situation continues to improve in Western Australia, it is our hope to celebrate this historic moment with the support of our members, the community and sponsors.

Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编

Chung Wah Association is one of the recipients of 2020 Regional and Small Publishers Innovation Fund

中华会馆是其中一家机构 获得�0�0年区域 和小型出版商创新拨款

这笔拨款有助于中华会馆聘用新员工,以提高 大众新闻报导的质量,并与其他社区媒体建立 伙伴关系,增加社交媒体平台的使 用率,并为 新闻系和平面设计专业的学生提供培训机会。

The funding will provide Chung Wah Association to engage new staff to enhance the quality of public interest journalism and to establish partnerships with other community media, increase usage of social media platforms, and provide training opportunities for journalism and graphic design students. 2020 Regional and Small Publishers Innovation Fund recipients announced 年度区域和小型出版商创新拨款公布获奖者






Dear Members, As we enter spring in the southern hemisphere, our hearts are full of gratitude. We are thankful the Western Australian government took the advice of medical professionals in the throes of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has allowed us to go about our lives freely in this beautiful state. As we enter Phase Five of the easing of restrictions, Chung Wah Association will completely revamp how we operate our activities, classes, and community and elderly services.


The year 2020 marks Chung Wah Association’s 110th anniversary. A committee has been specially set up to organise the celebrations, and we are preparing to publish a commemorative publication, recording the developments over the past 10 years. In addition, we have preserved the commemorative publication published on our 100th anniversary. Members are more than welcome to request a copy. We are also preparing to invite longstanding members who have been involved in the Executive Committee, Life Members, committee of the Council of Elders and volunteers, to celebrate our association’s history and developments, to come on the evening of 20 February 2021. On behalf of Chung Wah Association, I would like to thank Life Member, Dr Simon Lee AO, for his special sponsorship of this celebration. History lies at the heart of any culture. One hundred and ten years ago, our Chinese predecessors in Western Australia united to form Chung Wah Association to fight the unfair treatment of the Chinese people, and to protect each other, as well as the interests and basic rights of the Chinese people. After a century of developments, the Chinese community has become a pivotal pillar of multiculturalism in Western Australia. It has also been recognised by all levels of government, and has become a vital partner in maintaining a multicultural society.

Our Community & Aged Care group has issued instructions in the midst of this pandemic in English, Chinese and Vietnamese, so as to provide our elderly with up-to-date health information. We thank the staff and volunteers for their hard work in providing such services to the elderly. In addition, with regards to our work in cultural heritage, we have actively assisted the National Trust of Australia in fundraising for the restoration of a Chinese man’s jacket dating back more than 120 years. This will be of great use to future research and exhibitions.

Our Executive Committee will continue to uphold the mission of our association; to safeguard the rights of our members, enhance social integration, to unite and serve, and provide improved platforms for communication. We will continue to help members integrate into the West Australian life and contribute to the prosperity of Australia’s multicultural community.

Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah Association 中华会馆会长 Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


踏入南半球的初春之季,我们心怀感恩。感谢西澳政府听 取医疗专家的意见,在疫情阴霾笼罩的2020年,让身在西澳的 我们可以在这美丽的地方自由安全地生活。进入第五阶段疫情 解禁期,我们会馆的各项活动小组、中华中文学校,以及中华 社区及长者服务都重新全面运作。 2020年是中华会馆正式注册成立110周年,我们特别成立 110周年纪念庆祝小组,筹备出版一本纪念刊,记录过去十年 的发展历程。此外,我们也保存了100周年庆典时所出版的纪 念刊,欢迎会员前来索取。同时,我们正准备邀请过去数十年 曾经为中华会馆服务过的并曾经担任理事的老会员,和终身会 员,元老会成员,志愿者等,在2021年2月20日晚上欢聚一堂 怀缅中华会馆的历史、发展和共同展望未来。我代表中华会馆 感谢终身会员李瑞喜博士AO对本次活动的特别赞助。 历史是民族的灵魂。110年前,由于当时华人多遭种种不 公平对待,旅居西澳的华人前辈团结在一起成立了中华会馆, 维护华人的利益和基本权利,互相守护。经过一个世纪的发 展,华人社区已经成为西澳多元文化族群中举足轻重的社区, 也得到各级政府的认可,成为合作共营多元文化社会的重要伙 伴之一。 过去几个月,会馆得到了中国驻珀斯总领事馆,中华总商 会,方美珍女士,深圳同乡会等个人和团体捐赠的大量的口 罩。遵循人道关怀的理念 ,我们将这些口罩捐给了有需要的社 区,包括:陷入疫情重灾区的维多利亚州的人民,反种族歧视 活动的示威者以及有需要的社区和 慈善结构。

我们的社区与长者服务部在疫情其间发布英文,中文,越 南文的说明,向老人家及时提供健康方面的最新信息。感谢员 工们的辛勤工作和提供给老人的服务。

此外在文化传承工作上,我们积极协助国家信托基金会 (National Trust)呼吁社区募款,开启针对一件超过120年历 史的中式男装外套的保存修复工作,以供研究人员使用或用于 将来的文物展示。 我们理事会将继续秉承会馆的宗旨,在维护会员权益、增 强社会包容,团结和服务广大会员,为会员们提供更好的交流 平台。继续帮助会员融入主流社会,繁荣澳州多元文化社区贡 献一份力量。


The form can only be used to report property that has been stolen or criminally damaged, within Western Australia, up to the value of $10,000.

此表格仅可用于申报西澳大利亚境内被盗或因犯罪造成的, 最高达1万澳元的财产损失。

Note: This form is to be used for the following:

• 财物被盗,包括从汽车上被盗窃的高达10,000澳元的财物。

If the offence has just occurred or the suspect is still in the area, please call 131 444. • Stealing of property, including thefts from motor vehicles, up to the value of $10,000. • Damage to property, including damage to motor vehicles, up to the value of $10,000. If the suspect has left anything behind in the vehicle, such as fingerprints or blood, please call the police on 131 444, we want to speak to you about the costs of forensic examination. Note: This form is not to be used for the following:

• Stealing of motor vehicles or registration plates, including trailers or caravans – please call the police on 131 444. • If a person has unlawfully entered, or tried to enter, your home or business (Burglary) – phone the police on 131 444. • Fraud offences, including fraudulent use of a credit card – phone the police on 131 444. • Cybercrime, including cyber abuse, online image abuse, online shopping fraud, romance fraud, identity theft, email compromise, internet fraud, ransomware or malware, report to the ReportCyber website. • Lost property – report via online services Report my Lost Property. Things to remember when completing your form: Ensure you include:

• A detailed description of the circumstances surrounding the theft of and/or criminal damage to your property. • Contact details, including telephone numbers and addresses. • Your report will be invalid if it relates to lost, stolen or criminally damaged property which occurred outside Western Australia; report these incidents to the Police in the jurisdiction where the loss or offence happened. • Initially, add only one piece of the stolen or damaged property to your report. You will be emailed further instructions/advice on how to add additional property items to your report via Check my Crime.

如果犯罪已经发生,或者嫌疑人仍在该地区,请拨打131444。 请注意: 此表格用于如下用途:

• 财物损坏,包括汽车,最高可达10,000澳元

如果嫌疑人在车内留下指纹或血迹,请拨打13444报警,我们 想和你谈谈法医检查的价值。 请注意: 此表格不能用于如下用途: • 机动车辆或车牌被盗,包括拖车或房车--请拨打131444 报警。

• 如果有人非法进入,或者试图进入,你的家里或者店铺(入 室偷盗)- 请拨打131444报警。 • 诈骗罪行,包括信用卡盗用-致电131444联络警方

• 网络犯罪包括网络滥用,在线图像滥用,网上购物欺诈,婚 恋诈骗,身份盗用,电子邮件泄露,网络欺诈,勒索或恶意软 件报告,请到网络犯罪报案网站ReportCyber website。 • 遗失财物- 通过网上报告Report my Lost Property. 填写表格时要注意的事项: 1. 确保填写了:

• 详细描述您的被盗财物和/或财物被毁坏的情况。 • 联系方式包括电话号码和地址

2. 如果您报告的是涉及在西澳大利亚以外发生的丢失、被盗 或被违法行为破坏的财产,您的报告将无效;请向发生损失 或违法行为的辖区警察报告这些事件。

3. 最初只增加一件被盗/损坏的财物到你的报告,你然后将收到 电子邮件指导/建议你如何进一步通过“我报告的违法行为” (Check my Crime)增加额外的财物项目到你的报告里去。 请注意: 您提交表格之后,您将收到一个以“SDP”开头的提 交编号。这不是一个事故报告编号,而是表明你的报告已成 功提交。你的报告将在7个工作日内载入系统,到时你将收到 一个单独的电子邮件,包含事故报告编号和“我报告的违法行 为” (Check my Crime)链接。

Note: Once your form is submitted, you will receive a submission number beginning with “SDP”. This is not an incident report number, but an advice that your report has been successfully submitted. Your report will be loaded within 7 business days and you will receive an incident report number and link to Check my Crime via a separate email.

How do I make a police report for stolen or criminally damaged property? 如何向警方投报被盗或损坏的财物 It is the responsibility of the police to detect criminal offenders, people are encouraged to report online for criminal cases (anonymous reporting is acceptable).

将罪犯绳之以法是警察的责任,希望大家勇敢在线 举报犯罪(可以匿名举报)。 Report-Stolen-or-Damaged-Property/Stolenand-Damaged-Property-Form/Questions-A

Sam Lim 林文清警官

Senior Constable | Community Engagement Officer Diversity and Engagement Unit


Report Stolen or Damaged Property

If I need to make a lost property claim, whom should I contact? 我需要对遗失物品索赔,我应该联系谁 In person by attending 亲自去如下地址:

WA Police Information Release Centre 西澳警察信息发布中心 Level 4, Eastpoint Plaza 233 Adelaide Terrace, Perth 6000 Phone 电话 : 9260 7777

In writing by completing the application form and sending it to 以书面递交申请表格,填妥后邮寄到如下地址: FOI Coordinator Information Release Centre Locked Bag 35 Perth Business Centre WA 6849






中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah


编者寄语 Editorial


中华消息 Chung Wah News






会长感言 President’s Message

我们将共同度过这次疫情 Together we will get through this pandemic

保存澳洲华人遗迹文物捐款倡议 East Perth Cemetery Chinese Jacket Conservation Project Meeting

容器回收退款,捐赠中华会馆 Donate your Containers for Change refund to Chung Wah

中华人物专访 - 陈金泰 Profile Interview Tan Kim Thai 移民心声 Migrant’s Voice

亲子乐 Parenting


家园天地 Home And Garden


10 the CEO of the WA Museum

Exclusive Interview with Alec Coles,


西澳博物馆 體現多元文化精神 WA Museum Boola Bardip True Diversity


保存澳洲华人遗迹文物捐款倡议 East Perth Cemetery Chinese Jacket Conservation Project Meeting

社区评论 Community News

家爱 Family


如何促进儿童健康饮食习惯 How to promote healthy eating habits in children

姜酒鸡 和 姜饼人 Ginger wine chicken and Gingerbread Man Biscuit

校园天地 The School Yard


First WA Chinese Guzheng Day promoting the Art of Chinese instrument

家有一老 Aged Care


松柏长青 Community and Aged Care


养生之道 Good Health


西医治疗 Western Medicine


甲状腺健康 Thyroid Health

中医治疗 Traditional Chinese Medicine

活动参与 Events and Activities


长期活动 Regular Activities

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive


中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme

寻医问药 Ask The GP

中华110周年作文 及贺卡设计比赛 Chung Wah 110th Anniversary Short essay and Birthday Card Competition 推广古筝美妙弦音的 首届西澳中国古筝日 First WA Chinese Guzheng Day promoting the Art of Chinese instrument


The oldest ethnic organisation in Perth

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone 电子邮箱 Email

Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062

通信地址 Mailing Address

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865


Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone (08) 9328 3988

容器回收退款,捐赠中华会馆 Donate your Containers for Change refund to Chung Wah



Published by

Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiry E-mail:


Editorial team


Chief Editor


Executive Editor



Jeffrey CHA Elvie YAP






视觉设计 卡尔 汪

行政支持 黄小娟

(08) 9228 3990

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


版权 中华会馆

传真 Facsimile



Abbie CHEN

Visual Designer Carl ONG

Administration Lesley WONG

Willetton Centre

58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155


Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3

Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点 中华妇女部

CW Womens Subcommittee


CW Lion Dance Troupe


中华舞蹈团 中华华乐团



电子邮箱 E-mail Address

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

网址 Website

勤俭一生, 爱我中华 – 陈金泰 An incredible man supporting Chung Wah incredibly - Tan Kim Thai

Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

(08) 9328 8657


中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming


中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

CW Dragon Boating

CW Cultural Dance Troupe CW Chinese Orchestra CW Cantonese Opera CW Beijing Opera

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club 电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0406 492 944

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148 电子邮箱 E-mail Address 联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898

中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, SUBIACO WA 6008

电子邮箱 E-mail Address 联系人 Contact Details 刘隽校长 Jun LIU 0466 310 260



版权所有,未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association.

声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其 真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材 中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。 Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.





Together we will get through this pandemic

我们将共同度过这次疫情 Amidst the second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in Victoria, the Western Australian Chinese community made concerted efforts to source and donate 50,000 face masks, including 1,000 children’s face masks, to the most vulnerable people in Victoria.

The President of Chung Wah Association, Dr Ting Chen, together with the President of WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr Khoon Tan, and Chinese community members representing 19 organisations, handed over the masks to Mr Craig Steward, the WA State Director of the Australian Red Cross, on 28 July 2020. Dr Chen said,“We are so sad to read the news about the increased number of COVID-19 cases in Melbourne, we support Victorians against this deadly disease. Through our call for mask donations, within a week, we collected over 50,000

masks from the West Australian Chinese community. We are pleased and grateful for the support of the Australian Red Cross to receive the donations and distribute them to the people in need in Melbourne. Together we will get through this pandemic."

Since Wednesday 22 July 2020, the number of COVID-19 cases in Victoria has soared daily to three digits and the wearing of face masks has become mandatory. Prompted by public health concerns and protection for the many disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the Victorian community, the Chinese community in Western Australia is reaching out to offer the very basic but essential protection to the Victorian community through Australian Red Cross.

Participating Organisations以下是参与这次活动的机构: Green World Investment Pty Ltd

Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce (China)


Chung Wah Association

Mila and Miden 西澳中华总商会

西澳大利亚深圳联谊会暨总商会 西澳福建同乡会

澳大利亚河南中原联谊会 澳中文化贸易交流会 西澳川渝同乡会 珀斯华星艺术团 西澳湖北同乡会 西澳湖南同乡会



Bonbon Capital Pty Ltd

WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce



Jason Yun

Association of Australian Chinese Mainlanders and Friends WA Shenzhen Association Inc. WA Fujian Association Inc.

Australia Central China Association

WA Chinese Engineers Association

Australia-China Culture and Commerce Association WA Chongqing and Sichuan Association Perth Huaxing Arts Group Inc. Hubei Association of WA

Australian Hunan Culture and Commerce Australian Shanghai Federation Inc

Australia Guangdong Cultural and Business Association

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

七月底,澳大利亚维多利亚州爆发第 二波COVID-19疫情。西澳华人社区齐心协 力,为维州社区采购并捐赠了五万枚口罩, 其中包括一千枚儿童口罩。

2020年7月28日,中华会馆会长陈挺 博士与西澳中华总商会会长陈超群先生, 及代表19个组织的华人社团成员将口罩 交到澳大利亚红十字会西澳州主任Craig Steward先生手中。

中华会馆会长陈挺博士表示: “看到墨 尔本COVID-19病例增加的消息,我们非常 难过,我们支持维多利亚州人对抗病毒。通 过我们的口罩募捐活动,在一周内,我们向 西澳华人各社区募集了超过五万个口罩。 我们很高兴也很感谢澳大利亚红十字会的 支持,接受捐赠并将口罩发放给墨尔本有 需要的人。我们将共同度过这次疫情。 ”

自2020年7月22日(周三)起,维州 COVID-19病例数量每天飙升至三位数,因 此戴口罩成为强制性措施。 出于对公众健 康的关注,以及对维州社区众多弱势群体的 保护,西澳华人社区伸出援手,通过澳大利 亚红十字会为维州社区提供最基本但必要 的保护。


East Perth Cemetery Chinese Jacket Conservation Project Meeting

保存澳洲华人遗迹文物捐款倡议 On Wednesday 19 August 2020, Chung Wah Association organised a meeting for the Chinese community to meet Mr Julian Donaldson, the Chief Executive Officer of the National Trust, Western Australia, and Ms Leesa Markussen and Ms Carmen Chia, representatives of the Honourable David Templeman, Minister for Local Government; Heritage; Culture and Arts. Thirty representatives from the Chinese community also attended the meeting to discuss the conservation project of a recently unearthed artefact from the East Perth Cemetery, the first cemetery in Perth. The early local settlers were buried here, with the Presbyterian and the Chinese buried across the road.

The site was sold to developers a few years ago. Part of the agreement was the

excavation and relocation of remains, which would be interred into ossuary boxes at Karrakatta Cemetery prior to any new building being built. Other uncovered artefacts would be transferred to the National Trust, which oversees the main cemetery site.

Among artefacts recovered by the Trust was a 19th century man’s jacket from the Chinese section of the cemetery. It is believed that the jacket and its owner were buried there in 1888-1889. The archaeologists have commented on how well the fabric of the jacket was preserved. The National Trust is keen to further conserve the jacket for use by researchers and for future displays. As this work is very costly, they are appealing to the Chinese community in particular, to support the project. We are approaching the 200th anniversary of Western Australia in 2029, which marks the arrival of Moon Chow as well. There remains very little tangible evidence of the early Chinese presence in WA, so this jacket has become one of the few pre-1900 artefacts.

The representatives from the Chinese community at the meeting endorsed the proposed conservation project by the

etery t from the Chinese Cem A 19th century man’s jacke

al and Warburton alian Development Capit cate headed up by Austr r Chinese and In 2018 a private syndi the location of the forme e Street, East Perth. As Bront 20 excavated prior to be ased to was purch Group sale was that the site the of tion condi a ossuary boxes at Presbyterian cemeteries ins would be interred in . The agreed that human rema ferred to the National Trust redevelopment. It was artefacts would be trans other all and rare occurrence tery and e Karrakatta Ceme alia is such a uniqu a colonial cemetery in Austr systematic excavation of ‘once in forever’ situation. that this is essentially a Historical Context

of independent Hill’ grew into a series assigned a tery in 1829, “Cemetery unity was the last to be Initially a general ceme 1842. The Chinese comm from teries closed. ceme were ional denominat the seven cemeteries when 1899 until use in burial place in 1888. It was 1829. Another 51 alia was Moon Chow in to settle in Western Austr the early 1880s The first Chinese person pore from 1847-1848. By tured labourers from Singa over the number fears ht broug Chinese arrived as inden rush gold increased and the had se Chine of tion the free migra that would enter the state. the to regulate and restrict alia introduced an Act migrants In 1886, Western Austr poll tax. The number of people by introducing a d by carrie cargo of t immigration of Chinese weigh the the number of entries to was restricted by linking was the initial figure. The 1 man per 50 tons of cargo by the ships they arrived on. tion to Western Australia also curbed Chinese migra alien’. Goldfields Act of 1886 to ‘any Asiatic or African ’s rights could be issued setting out that no miner Act of 1901 was a major alth Immigration Restriction d the The Australian Commonwe in Australia. The Act forme e of Chinese population to Australia of noncontributor to the declin ration immig d alia policy that limite Austr White the of basis . Europeans until the 1970s Project 2018 Community Languages of Western Australia SOURCE: State Library fault/files/OMI_resources_Chinese.pdf https://

entation. The acknowledgement or docum beliefs came here died with little Chinese with a great many Many of the Chinese who was very important to the dead the of ent treatm correct n. rtake unde be to around how burials were ls was to exhume the bones process for Chinese buria . Furthermore, a common d approximately 10 years had decomposed, aroun of the deceased once they hometown, however due sed’s returned to the decea then ss were th proce ins this rema ry, These late 19 centu remains to China in the to the difficulty of return was not often carried out. ng EP1901 Bronte Street SOURCE: Terra Rosa Consulti

Exhumation draft report

National Trust, Western Australia. As the jacket is a testimony of the early Chinese settlement in Western Australia, it may reveal the living conditions of the early Chinese settlers in the 19th century and will be a valuable resource for studies and research.

The cost of this conservation project is estimated at $14,000. Chung Wah Association is appealing to the Chinese community to support and donate to this meaningful project. The land developer of the cemetery site has promised to match the amount raised by the Chinese community. Therefore, the target amount for the Chinese community is $7,000, to be raised in a short period of time, so that the conservation project can be carried out as soon as possible. All donations for more than $2 are tax deductible. The National Trust, Western Australia, will provide a receipt for all personal donations.

2020年8月19日星期三,中华会馆荣幸的接待了澳 大利亚国家信托基金(National Trust of Australia)的 执行官Julian Donaldson先生,地方政府及文化遗产 与艺术的代表Leesa Markussen 和Carmen Chia, 以及近三十名华人社区代表,共同商讨一件近期出 土的华人遗物的保管问题。 这件事起源于珀斯East Perth区的一处墓园, 于19世纪初建设。 其中一小片一直以来被称为“华人 墓园” ,因为当年一些早期的华人移民去世后安葬于 此。

这片土地不久前被重新开发的时候,出土一批历 史遗物。这些遗物由国家信托基金进行保管。但其中一 件男式外套引起了国家信托基金的极大重视。这件外套 大约于1888-1898清末年间埋葬,保存完好,属于一名如今 已经无法追溯的华人男子。

国家信托基金的负责人 Donaldson先生特意为此找到中 华会馆并希望会馆邀请华人社区其他社团组织参与,商讨如何妥善 处理这件遗物。Donaldson先生称这件外套的完整程度十分少见,具有保 存价值。国家信托基金希望请专业人员对此遗物进行反新和保存的工作。在一切工 作完成后将会在西澳做文物展示。

在场参与此次商讨的华人同胞们全数一致赞同国家信托基金的建议。因为这 件外套是华人在澳洲的见证。 它或许可以透露给21世纪的我们,一些当时19世纪华 人在澳洲的生活状态。

由于保存修复该文物的费用昂贵,预计花费$14,000。在此,我们呼吁华人社 区的捐助来支持此项有意义的工作。这片墓地的土地开发商也承诺为此给与捐 助。 如果我们每个人都能参与其中,便可积少成多。 我们希望可以在短时间内筹集 $7000澳币,早日对此件遗物进行翻新和保存。 超过两澳元可抵扣税款, 国家信托 基金会(National Trust)会给个人的捐款提供可抵税的收据。

To donate, please contact Chung Wah Association 捐款详情,请联系中华会馆: Phone电话: 9328 8657 | Email电邮: 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊春季版




Donate your Containers for Change refund to Chung Wah

via our ID: C10283583

usinesses, community groups, sporting clubs and schools are being offered the chance to earn cash for empty drink containers by signing up for Containers for Change with one of the 145 organisations chosen to operate a refund point as part of Western Australia’s new Containers for Change scheme, which kicks off on 1 October 2020.


Chung Wah Association has signed up with the City of Stirling, one of the approved refund point operators, to raise funds through Containers for Change. Our Containers for Change Scheme ID is C10283583.

The scheme will allow people to claim a 10-cent refund for every eligible beverage container they hand in. Anyone returning their eligible containers to the Containers for Change refund point can then donate their refund to Chung Wah Association via our Scheme ID C10283583, with refunds transferred through a direct deposit into Chung Wah Association’s nominated bank account.

commonly end up as litter. Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard containers between 150ml and 3L are eligible for a refund.

Generally, ineligible containers are those that are less than 150ml and greater than 3L. Other ineligible containers include all plain milk bottles, wine bottles, pure spirit bottles, cordial and registered health tonics. Pure juice containers over 1L (or under 150ml) are also ineligible.

A drive-through service to exchange cans and bottles for cash will be one of two new refund points in the City of Stirling. Eligible cans and bottles can be exchanged for on-the-spot cash refunds at the new drivethrough facility at 257 Balcatta Road. Another refund point, the popular Recycling Centre Balcatta (RCB), at 238 Balcatta Road, will also offer an express bag drop-off facility for electronic refunds. Chung Wah will set up our collection point at our Cultural Centre in Balcatta, where the City will provide collection bins and pick up the containers from our Centre. Containers will be taken back to the refund point, counted and sorted. The refunds will be paid on all eligible beverage containers.

By recycling through Containers for Change, you help to: • Reduce litter and landfill • Increase recycling • Create jobs

• Provide opportunities for social enterprises and benefits for community organisations such as Chung Wah Association

Containers for Change

Container Refund Point 257 Balcatta Road, Balcatta

Eligible containers - Empty containers and remove lids




Liquid paperboard

Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard drink containers between 150ml and 3L are eligible for a refund.

Ineligible containers

Containers for Change is Western Australia’s new state-wide container deposit scheme that lets you cash in eligible drink containers for 10 cents each. In Western Australia, we use more than 1.3 billion eligible drink containers each year; enough drink containers to circumnavigate WA six times every year.

Containers for Change targets the beverage containers that most Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

Plain milk bottles

Wine bottles

Juice bottles Pure spirit over 1L bottles

Generally, ineligible containers are those that are less than 150ml and greater than 3L. Other ineligible containers include all plastic milk bottles, wine bottles, pure spirit bottles, cordial, registered health tonics and juice containers over 1L or under 150ml.



澳政府即将在今年10月1日实行的“容器回收”计划,让企业、社 团、体育俱乐部和学校有机会从“容器回收”计划的现金退款中 获利,首先必须向145家受政府认可的回收中心机构注册。 中华会馆已经向其中一家受认可 的回收中心机构Stirling市政府注册。 通过这“容器回收”计划,为会馆筹募 经费,中华会馆的“容器回收”计划代 码ID是C10283583。 该计划可让人们从每个递出的合 格饮料容器,索得澳币十仙的退款。 任 何人将合格的容器退给Stirling市政 府的回收退款站时,输入“容器回收” 计划中华会馆代码ID: C10283583, 这 些容器的退款就会转账到中华会馆指 定的银行账户 。

Stirling市政府有两个回收退款 站,其中一个位于257 Balcatta Road 附有直通式服务,无需下车就可以把 容 器 放 入 回 收 点 兑 换 现 金 退 款 。另 一个回收退款站,位于238 Balcatta Road的Balcatta回收中心附有快递 袋投箱设施,用于电子退款。 中华会馆还将在Balcatta的文化 中心设立我们的收集站,Stirling市政 府将提供集装箱收集容器,定期把我 们所收集的合格容器进行计算和分 类,并支付退款。

Containers for Change

“容器回收”计划是西澳政府新 的扩至全州的容器环保方案,每个合 格的饮料容器可让您赚取澳币十仙 。 在西澳州,我们每年使用超过十三亿 个合格的饮料容器;这个数量足以在 每一年环绕西澳六次。 “容器回收”计划针对的是最常 见的垃圾容器,多为铝、玻璃、塑料、钢 和可溶化纸盒容器(介于150毫升至3 升之间)均可退款。通常,不合格的容 器是小于150毫升且大于3升的容器。 其他不合格的容器包括所有无图案奶 瓶,红酒瓶,纯酒精瓶,烈甜酒瓶和 补 剂品瓶。超过1升(或低于150毫升)的 纯果汁容器也不符合要求。 通过参与“容器回收”计划,您可 以有助于: • 减少垃圾和堆填问题 • 增加回收 • 创建工作

• 为社会企业提供商机,以及有利 于社团如中华会馆 Containers for Change WA How-to Videos “ 容器回收”短片频道

Cash in your containers for a 10-cent refund. Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard drink containers between 150ml and 3L are eligible for a refund. Containers must be clean, empty and with lids off. Approved Refund Points Container Refund Point 257 Balcatta Road, Balcatta Drive through facility (instant cash refunds)



Recycling Centre Balcatta 238 Balcatta Road, Balcatta Express bag drop off facility (electronic direct debit refunds)

Visit for more information





西澳博物馆 WA Museum True Diversity· Diversity · 体现多元文化精神

Boola Bardip

文/译 ◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷


t a time when we are all a little uncertain of what's to come, the Chief Executive Officer of the Western Australian Museum, Alec Coles, talks to Elvie Yap about how he values the benefits of diversity in our enormous State, and the essential roles of the new WA Museum.

Raised in a rural area in the United Kingdom, Alec was deeply inspired when he first visited the British Museum in London during a school excursion. His first GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) industry employment was working as a curator assistant. Later, his strong passion and leadership led him to the role of Director of Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums in North East England, which he served for eight years. He has also completed his post-graduate Diploma in Museum studies.

He is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Western Australia, an Executive Member of the Council for Australasian Museum Directors, a board member of the Australian Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences, and former Chair of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Australia.

Seize the moment

Talking about his journey to Perth, it was a big venture. "I was approached by the WA Government, the Barnett Government back then, the potential to develop a new museum," he says.

Since 2010, Alec has taken on the role

as the CEO of the Western Australian Museum, with branches in Perth, Fremantle, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie and Albany. For decades, the Museum was not attractive to local and foreign visitors, and the State Government had been considering the redevelopment of the Museum. In the journey of making the new WA Museum project, Alec Coles has weathered everything the declining financial situation has thrown at him, from uncertain funding commitments to time constraints. "So many people told me that the government would not fund a new museum” Alec recalled.

The mining boom in WA was coming towards an end and starting from 2010, the State’s economy was gong downhill. It was an enormous challenge to secure government funding, with a lot of doubt coming from most people about the worthiness of taxpayers' investment in museum redevelopment at such a critical time.

Seize the moment. For the first three years in his position, Alec actively planned for the project and demonstrated evidence of his team’s capability under

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

Alec Coles CEO 首席执行官

his leadership, in order to convince the government to fund the new WA Museum. As part of the process in building confidence, the WA Museum hosted a few extraordinary and successful large-scale exhibitions, such as A Day in Pompeii, and Home of the Perth Fashion Festival.

"If you do a good thing, people will support you!" Alec Coles’ belief in advocacy by achievement, keeps him going, showing what the Museum could do for Western Australia. The causedriven Alec expressed his gratitude to the courage of the then WA Minister for Planning, Culture and the Arts, John Day, for his approval of this project. After the funding was in place, it took another three years to execute all the necessary business activities, including the tender for the building project to the international market, before the commencement of the construction work in 2016. Five of Perth's significant heritage buildings have been revitalised and integrated with an architecturally stunning new building; and the WA Museum Boola Bardip was designed by an international architect consortium, Hassell + OMA, and built by the managing contractor, Multiplex.

MID 2016


Exhibition installation commences

Construction begins

LATE 2016

EARLY 2018


Early site works commence

The Roles of WA Museum

"The Museum is a trusted place. I believe the Museum has the power of making a real difference to people's lives. It is a safe place for unsafe ideas, where free expression is allowed. We learn from the past to shape the future," said Alec. Working in the GLAM industry throughout his career, he feels the highest satisfaction is being able to make a difference. "Every museum will tell you the 18 to 30-year-old age group is the most difficult audience to attract," says Alec. It is a common challenge for every museum in engaging the younger generation to have an interest in exploring history. The new Museum is embedding multimedia technology, showcasing the history, activating it as an exciting place, diversifying the content and organising events in and around it. As articulated by Alec, there is a '3 + 1' concept for the theme of the WA Museum Boola Bardip, including 'Being Western Australian', 'Discovering WA', 'Exploring the World' and 'Revealing the Museum'. "Create a museum that is owned, used and valued by all West Australians and made by the world. Diversity is a huge benefit to WA," Alec described.

Approximately 54,000 people around WA have contributed their thoughts to the development of the Museum's

2019 – 2020


Building complete

New Museum complete and doors open

exhibitions, programs and stories. "We were committed to an extraordinary level of consultation, participation and engagement, including getting ideas and opinions from the community, nobody has ever done it in this scale," says Alec. The Museum plays a role in celebrating the diversity of our people, promoting positive multiculturalism and building understanding. He emphasised the importance of understanding of not only migrant populations, but also taking our stories to the world and bringing the world stories back to WA. Geographically and time zone wise, we are closer to many countries in Asia than the east coast.

New Museum by Numbers



"I was very impressed that the people were committed to culture when I visited Fuzhou, China," Alec shared his positive experience when he attended the significant GLAM industry expo in China, the "MPT-EXPO', in 2018. Responding to the question of what Alec would like to see the new WA Museum achieve in the near future, Alec shared that, before Covid-19, they were aiming to have up to 800,000 satisfied visitors, with 25% of visitors from overseas, for the 18-month free admission period. With the border closure, as projected, the total number of visitors might be 200,000 to 600,000.


emission reduction

sqm touring exhibition



construction workers on site


3300 jobs created

times the size of the Museum


sqm dynamic galleries

million visitors to all Museum sites


of objects from the State’s Collection

• More than 50,000 years of continuous Aboriginal culture • 4.5 billion years of Earth’s formation • Thousands of Western Australian’s stories (and counting)...

* Numbers are indicative and may be subject to change.

WA Museum and Chung Wah Association

There are eight new permanent galleries, a 1,000sqm temporary exhibition gallery, life-long learning studios, and retail and café spaces. One of the eight permanent galleries, Reflections, is dedicated to experiencing the knowledge and perspectives of West Australians, from Australia's first peoples to those who have arrived in more recent years. A significant artefact donated by Chung Wah Association to the Museum, a 7.6 metre by 1.5 metre long silk banner, will be displayed in this gallery that emphasises Our People, Our Stories.



短期展示厅,还有一些学习室、零售店和餐饮用途的地方。八个永 久性展示厅之一的“反思”为主题的展示厅,是用于让参观者体验 到澳大利亚早期的居民和近代抵达者的发展故事和知识。展示品 中包括中华会馆捐献的一条宽1.5米,长7.6米的丝质横幅,这是非

常有历史价值的华人移民文物之一,将会展示在这强调“我们的人 民,我们的故事”的展示厅里。



Managing Contractor awarded



于这个充满不确定性的时期,西澳博物馆的首席执行官 Alec Coles向我们的执行编辑叶俐廷,透露他十分珍惜西澳 州多元文化的优势,细说新西澳博物馆所扮演的重要角色。

在英国的一个小农村成长的Alec,在 第一次学校组织到英国伦敦的国家博物馆 参观,让他留下深刻的印象和启发。 他第一 份在这个图档博领域(画廊、图书馆、存档、 博物馆)的正职就是当一位策展员助理。 经 过时间的洗炼,在他强大的热诚和领导能 力下,他成为了英国东北部的Tyne & Wear 博物馆的总裁,工作八年。 他也完成了博物 馆学的研究生文凭课程。 目前,Alec是西澳大学人文学系的兼 任副教授;大洋洲博物馆总裁协会的执行 委员;澳大利亚人类与社会学协会的理事, 他也曾是澳大利亚国际博物馆协会的主席。



谈起他来到珀斯的过程,可真是一个 相当大的挑战。 他说道: “当时 Barnett为首 的西澳州政府跟他接触,谈起建设新的博 物馆的计划。 “ 自2010起,Alec就开始担任西澳博物 馆的首席执行官一职,旗下的博物馆分别 在珀斯、费里曼特、吉拉顿、卡古里和阿班 尼。 数十年以来,当地和国外游客对西澳博 物馆没有太大兴趣,州政府一直有重建博 物馆的想法。

在重建西澳博物馆这个项目的过程 中,Alec成功克服种种因经济走下坡的窘 境所导致的资金不确定和时间限制。

Alec回想过去感叹道: “当时太多 人对我说政府是不会拨款建新博物馆。 “ 2010年是西澳的矿业繁荣期接近结束,西 澳经济往下滑的开始。 在那个时期,要确保 政府的拨款是一项艰巨的任务 ,加上周遭 的人都很怀疑在经济艰难的情况下是否值 得把纳税人的钱投入重建博物馆工程。 把握时机的信念下,Alec积极对此项 工程进行计划,在他的领导下发挥团队精 神用行动证明他们的能力,用行动说服政 府资助新西澳博物馆的工程。 为了让政府对这工程有信心,西澳博 物馆主办了好几个独特且成功的大型博览

会,如: “在庞贝的一天”和“珀斯时装节之 家”等等。

Alec秉持着倡导信念的精神,促使他 排除万难,不断向前走,证明西澳博物馆可 以带给西澳州的好处。他相信, “只要做的是 好事,人们都会支持的!”坚持信念的Alec非 常感恩当时的西澳工程规划、文化艺术部长 John Day的勇气,批准了这项工程。

当资金问题解决后,在2016年开始动 工前, 整个工程花了三年时间进行一系列 的业务活动,包括把这大型建筑工程提呈到 国际市场进行投标 。 珀斯历史悠久的五座 大楼重新翻新,加上一栋全新建筑物,贯穿 在一起。 这座建筑宏伟的Boola Bardip西澳 博物馆,是由国际知名建筑师组合,Hassell 和OMA 共同设计,西澳建筑商Multiplex建 造。


Alec表示: “博物馆是一个值得信赖的 地方。我相信博物馆有一种可以带给人变得 不同的能力,是表达另类想法的一个安全的 地方,可以自由言论。我们可以从过去中学 习以塑造未来。”在这个图档博领域奋斗多 年的Alec认为,这个事业选择的最大成就感 就是可以带给这个社会变得不一样。

“18到30岁年龄层的客源都是每个 博物馆最难吸引的观众群。 ”每家博物馆基 本上都面对着同样的挑战,就是让年轻一 代对发掘历史感兴趣。 新的西澳博物馆将会综合多媒体科 技展示历史的一面,打造出一个充满动力 的地方,展示多样化的内容和在馆内馆外 办活动。

在细数西澳博物馆的特点时,Alec 提及背后有一个“三加一”的概念来体现 Boola Bardip 西澳博物馆的主题,其中包 括“作为西澳人”、 “发掘西澳”、 “环视全球” 和“揭开博物馆”。 Alec形容道: “ 打造一个属于西澳人 的博物馆,让西澳人常使用和珍惜,并且是

WA Museum

The $400 million new Western Australian Museum will open on 21 November 2020, with a nine-day festival. Free general admission for the first 18 months.

“ Our new world-class Museum will be the heart of our State and reflects the spirit of its people. It will be an important part of Perth’s cultural precinct and will be owned, visited and valued by all West Australians and admired by the world – a major attraction for visitors to our State.” -- as described by the team at WA Museum

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

由这个世界共同组成的一个地方。多元化 是西澳的一个极大优势。 ”

将近五万四千的西澳人对博物馆的 展览、节目和故事构想,发表过他们的想 法。Alec说道: “我们进行了一项非比寻常 的社区意见收集和参与,征求社区人士的 意见和想法,这个规模的社区咨询行动史 无前例。 ”

博物馆在欢庆人民的多元性,促进正 面的多元文化观,和建立相互之间的理解 方面,扮演着一个角色。 他强调重要的不是 人民只知道移民的人口,而是要把我们的 故事带到全世界,同时也把全球的故事带 到西澳来。地理位置和时差上,相比东岸, 其实我们跟亚洲更加接近。 在采访中,Alec提及他在2018年到中 国福州参加一个图档博领域举足轻重的博 博会,他分享自己亲身参与其中的感想。他 表示: “我到福州那一次,中国人民致力于文 化上的建设,让我非常惊叹和打动我心。 “

在问及Alec想看到新的西澳博物馆 在不久的未来可以取得怎样的成绩,他提 及在新冠疫情爆发之前,他们是想在锁定 的十八个月免费参观期间,吸引八十万的 人流,其中25%是来自海外的游客。 目前的 边界封锁情况下,预估到访总人数会在二 十万至六十万之间。


这所耗资四亿建造的西澳博物馆,将在2020年11月21 日对外开放,届时会有连续九天的节庆安排,并且免费 入场十八个月。

“ 我 们 新 打 造 的 世 界 级 博 物 馆 ,将 会 是 西 澳 州 的 中 心,反映出西澳人民的精神。它将会是珀斯文化区重要的 一部分,为西澳人所拥有、参观和珍惜,也让全世界所欣 赏----它是西澳游客不能错失的景区。 ”


来自西澳华人社区的声音 Kaylen Poon 邝彩玲 Historian 历史学家

I first visited the Perth Museum in the 1960s as a child. Working in this field I know how difficult it is to select what to display from a vast collection. However with digital and other new technologies, I anticipate an inclusive and ethnically diverse Western Australian story on show, which will challenge and impress all visitors whether they speak English or another language. I eagerly await my first visit to be able to explore the old and new buildings from a different vantage point, as well as take in the hard work of the curators and design teams in presenting the new exhibitions.

上世纪六十年代,我还是小孩的时候第一次到访珀斯博物馆。在这个 领域工作多年,我明白要从芸芸收藏品中挑选用作展示的物件是非常困难 的事。 我期待看到多元种族和广泛的西澳人故事能在西澳博物馆呈现,这会 让所有来自英语或其他语言背景的访客感到惊叹。我急切地等待着第一次 参观这个新旧结合的建筑大楼,和见识辛勤的策展人和设计团队如何展现 新的展览主题。

Gloria Zhang 张迪

Female entrepreneur 女企业家

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate everyone involved in our spectacular new Western Australian Museum, which is opening this November. The Museum of Western Australia has a rich and encapsulating history stretching over 100 years. It showcases our history, culture and community values, and demonstrates the heart and soul of our people.

Today, Western Australia is a vibrant and multicultural society, and I hope that all cultures will have an opportunity to be presented in the museum. Art, after all, is a universal language and I sincerely hope the WA Museum can help people of all cultural backgrounds to communicate and appreciate each other’s wisdom.

首先,我要恭贺所有参与即将在11月份开业的崭新西澳博物馆的全体 人员。 西澳博物馆拥有超过百年丰富且包罗万象的历史。 它体现了我们的历 史、文化和社区价值,并展示了我们人民的内心和精神。 今天,西澳大利亚州是一个充满生机的多元文化社会,我希望各种文 化都有机会在博物馆展出。 毕竟艺术是一种通用语言,我衷心希望西澳博物 馆能够帮助不同文化背景的人们,更好地相互交流和欣赏彼此的智慧。

Angelena Tan 陈妤霏

International Student 国际学生

我每次坐巴士一定会经过Perth博物馆,看外观让人感觉很复古有点 高级的感觉,是我很喜欢的欧洲建筑风格。希望在这家博物馆里可以看见, 例如:恐龙的骨架,也希望见识到世界各地历史产物 毕竟澳洲是多元文化 的国家,然而我最期待的是能见到更多高科技的东西,比如以人工智能动 画的程式去展现给旅客博物馆里的文物。 像是《侏罗纪公园》电影里的大厅, 他们以立体恐龙动画和声音去和旅客互动。

I always go past Perth Museum when I travel home on the bus. It looks retro and kind of high class to me, it is kind of my favourite style of European architectural design. I hope to see something like the dinosaur skeleton and historical artefacts from different parts of the world, as Australia is a multicultural country. However, I most anticipate seeing more high technology elements, such as Artificial Intelligence Animation, to present the history for visitors at the museum. For example, there is a museum in the ‘Jurassic Park’ movie that uses the dinosaur animation and sound to interact with visitors.

Dr Alex Chong 张晋伟博士 Working Parent 在职父母

在未来的西澳博物馆,我希望能看到更多科技。里面可以用更多增强 现实(Augmented Reality) ,让文物活起来,就像《博物館奇妙夜》电影里的 情节一样。 西澳博物馆可以用虚拟现实(Virtual Reality) ,让人无论是在家, 还是在外国,即使因为疫情无法来旅游,都能体验亲身游览博物馆的感觉。


Words from the Chinese community in WA

In this new WA Museum, I would like to see more technology being embedded. Hope to see that the museum could use the Augmentation Reality technology to make the artefacts look lively, similar to those shown in the ‘Night of the Museum’ movie. It might be good if the museum could also have Virtual Reality technology that enables visitors to experience the feeling of visiting the museum, from home or overseas, especially during Covid-19.

TzuYen Wong 黄祖严、丘柔湘、恩恩 Working Parent 在职父母

出国旅行,悠然神往的博物馆只能匆忙地走马看花。很期待就近的西 澳博物馆翻新开展,可以常常去细细看。我太太喜欢贴近生活类的大自然缩 影和原住民文物;我偏爱科技,喜欢虚拟现实互动的呈现,也希望看到关于 探索宇宙如西澳SKA的展览。 期盼与孩子一起体验顶级博物馆的亲子时光。

Every time I went on an overseas holiday, I was only able to do a quick visit of the local museum that I admired. As the new WA Museum is opening near us, I can’t wait to visit and look into all of its elements in detail. My wife likes to watch items relevant to the nature and the artefacts from the Aboriginal culture. I am keen on technology, and love to see the presentation of the integration between reality and virtual technology. I also hope to see cosmological discovery kind of elements, similar to the WA SKA Expo. Looking forward to experience the world class museum, together with my child, for the precious parenting moment.

Shuren Yuan 袁树仁 Retiree 退休人士

欣闻投资巨资4亿并号称是世界级的博物馆,西澳博物馆即将开放,真 是珀斯居民尤其是来澳的旅客的一大喜事,希望在这个博物馆里具有最现 代化的数字展示系统介绍珀斯的历史,风土人情,丰富的海产,矿产,畜牧业 等资源。为尽快开发西澳的旅游资源有一个专门为外来旅客展出一个西澳 的旅游路线!

Great to know the $400 million world-class new WA Museum is opening soon. It is indeed a wonderful event for Perth residents and overseas visitors. Hope to see that the museum could have the most advanced digital display system to introduce Perth’s history, people, and the resources industries such as fishery, mining and agriculture, etc. In order to develop WA's tourism resources as soon as possible, this will be part of a WA tourism route dedicated to overseas visitors.

Lily Wang 王金媛

Mother of two children 全职妈妈

Although a five-year wait seems long, WA’s new museum is reopening just at the right time, after what we’ve experienced in the year 2020 so far. I was thrilled when a friend of mine asked me what I would like to see at the museum, and I know my list is long. I’m always fascinated by different cultures and stories. My husband has a great interest in science and technology, while my son is very much into fossils and gem stones recently. We just simply can’t wait to visit this wonderful place to cure our curiosity!

在我们经历了2020年的种种,看似漫长的五年重建,西澳大利亚博物 馆的重新开放到来的时间刚刚好。当被一位朋友问到我想在新馆看到什么 的时候,我的内心无比兴奋与激动,因为愿望清单有点长哦!我是一个非常 着迷于多元文化和有趣故事的人,而我的先生对科学、科技更感兴趣。我们 的儿子最近十分热衷收集化石和矿物石。我和我的家人及朋友已经迫不及 待的想要参观这所精彩绝妙的圣地,来尽情地满足我们的好奇之心呢!





陈金泰 | Mr Kim Thai TAN

勤 俭 一 生 爱 我 中 华 An incredible man supporting Chung Wah incredibly Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


s a former Trustee of Chung Wah Association, a retired A member of the Council of Elders and former custodian of the Common Seal of the Association, Mr Kim Thai Tan is proud to witness the continued growth and evolution of Chung Wah Association over the decades. From his initial involvement with the Association during the early 1980s through to his retirement from the Council of Elders in 2014, Chung Wah Association has held and continues to hold a place of profound importance and relevance for Kim Thai. He shares his pride that the Association continues to excel in advancing the interests and serving the needs of the Chinese community in Western Australia.

Childhood and Early Background

Mr Kim Thai Tan was born during the 1920s in Putian, Fujian Province, China. He was born during a time of extraordinary hardship and poverty. Hunger and famine were common, attending school was a privilege and farming was a means of survival.

Kim Thai recalls "Growing up during those difficult times meant periods where we did not have any food or money, and I needed to forgo my schooling to try and help provide for our family. My life began from the humblest of beginnings. I took nothing for granted, and the difficulties faced during my childhood forced me to be hard-working, self-reliant and disciplined to survive."

Early Memories of Perth

with Chung Wah Association during his first year in Perth. It was around this time he made his most sentimental contribution to Chung Wah Association. Kim Thai recalls "I had started to become familiar with Chung Wah and its committee members when the request came out to raise funds to purchase land that would be used for the future Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta. My contribution towards the purchase of this land is very sentimental to me for several reasons. Firstly, my personal belief is that ownership of real estate provides security and a solid foundation from which more things can grow. I felt contributing to the purchase of the land in Balcatta would help to establish Chung Wah further, providing another base from which to grow to benefit present and future members. Secondly, the contribution would formally mark the beginning of my decades-long connection with Chung Wah."

Reflecting on his early memories of Perth Throughout the 1990s to 2010s, Kim Thai during early 1980s, Mr Tan recalls "It continued to be an active supporter of was crucial at that time for the Chinese the various Chung Wah events. "I was community to share our culture, values keen to support Chung Wah's cultural, and heritage with the wider community. sporting and artistic pursuits. I feel that, The world was less accepting as it is today. living in Australia, there is an even greater As a new homeland for many migrants, importance to support events which building cultural understanding was and celebrate our Chinese continues to be important identity and heritage. in improving acceptance I took nothing for To me, continuing our and opportunities in granted, and the cultural ties is vital for this country." difficulties faced during developing our sense of In deciding on Perth as community as well as for my childhood forced a migration destination sharing the many lessons during the 1980s, many me to be hard-working, contained in our rich aspects attracted Kim traditions and customs. self-reliant and Thai to Perth. Kim Thai disciplined to survive The Chinese community could see Perth as a place should continue to be of great potential, a stable encouraged to showcase place to raise a family, strong quality its many skills and talents. educational institutions, and proximity Additionally, such events have educated to Asia. "It is a testament of how blessed the broader community of our culture Perth and Australia are that all these and also acted as great social occasions, attractive qualities in the 1980s remain not just for our members, but for all the true even till today," Kim Thai says. people in Western Australia, both Chinese and non-Chinese, to connect with Involvement with one another".

Chung Wah Association

"The significance to me, for our members, was for the Association to act as a support base, to provide a refuge for those encountering cultural difficulties, a connection for those who miss home and a bridge to form new friendships in the WA society."

“Ultimately, what has been achieved over the time I was actively involved with Chung Wah was done as part of a team. The collaboration of every Council and Committee member, the dedication from our staff and volunteers, and most importantly the valuable participation from our members, have all played their part in helping to shape the institution that we see today. I feel fortunate for the opportunity to work with the diverse range of talented people, characters and personalities dedicated to taking the Association forward.”

Kim Thai's involvement with Chung Wah spans untill today as a Life Member of the Association.

Words for the New Generation of Overseas Chinese

"My advice to young overseas Chinese is to continue to take on more responsibility. Become involved in the community and improve the society you live in. Your achievements will be self-rewarding, and in doing so, you are paving an easier road for future generations to come."

Final Thoughts on Chung Wah Association

"My greatest satisfaction with Chung Wah is to have seen how it has continued to grow from strength to strength. I believe this is also a reflection of the enormous value and contribution Australian Chinese have made and continue to make, enriching all aspects of life in Western Australia, and Australia."

New migrants can face many obstacles adjusting to their newly adopted homelands. Kim Thai recalls his personal experience "Arriving in a new country, particularly one with a different language, culture and lifestyle, was not without its challenges. It would be comforting to find a handful of people who understood this, but in Chung Wah, I was fortunate to be able to meet a whole community that would relate." Kim Thai began to be actively involved




文◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

金泰老先生,曾是中华会馆信托人、元老会的委员之一,并曾 负责监管会馆的印章。过去几十年,他对于有幸见证中华会 馆的持续成长和蜕变感到欣慰。自上世纪八十年代开始加入中华 会馆,在中华会馆元老会服务了十余年后于2014年退休,多年来, 中华会馆在陈老先生心中都极为重要。对于中华会馆可以继续为 西澳的华人社区服务,以及维护华人的权益,他分享了心中的那份 骄傲。


出生于1920年代福建莆田的陈金泰老 先生,经历了那个年代无比穷困艰难的日 子。挨饿饥荒是常事,耕作是为了生存,上 学是一件奢侈的事。


陈老先生感叹往事回忆道: “在如此艰 苦的时代成长,金钱和食粮几乎为零,没办 法上学,眼前迫切要做的是设法养家。 我的 出身原本如此低微,从小我就珍惜每一份 收获,也不畏惧任何困难,迫使我要勤奋、 自力更生和自律以生存下来。


在初到珀斯的第一年,陈老先生就开 始积极参与中华会馆的工作。在这段日子 里,他为 中 华 会 馆 付 出 了 自 己 最 深 切 的 贡献。陈老先生忆起:“我是从中华会馆为 建设位于Balcatta中华文化中心,筹募买 地的那段日子,开始熟悉中华会馆及其委 员们。对于购买这幅地块,我所作出的贡 献,有着几个情感上的因素。首先,我个人 的 信 念 一 直 都 觉 得 拥 有 了 产 业,才 能 安 心稳定地发展未来。而且我认为捐钱买下 Balcatta 的地皮有助于中华会馆未来的前 景,以让会馆有另一个基地带给当时和未 来的会员更多的福利。 此外,这份贡献可以 铭记我与中华会馆那份情谊的开始。 ”

1990年至2010年,陈金泰老先生仍 然积极参与中华会馆的各类活动。 “我过 去 一直很 支 持中华会 馆在 文化 、艺术 和 运动项目上的发 展。我觉得生活在澳 大 利亚,支持富有华人身份和历史象征的活 动,意义非凡。对我而言,传承中华文化非 常重要,这样才可以让大家找到归属感, 同时分享我们丰富传统 和礼仪中的种种 教诲。华人社区应该继续弘 扬中华文化上的多种才能才 从小我就珍惜 艺。”

追溯起八十年代早期的珀斯,陈老先 生回想当年, “那个年代,华人社区可以 分享我们的文化、价值观和历史给广大的 社区,这个举动相当重要,毕竟当年的世 界并不如现在这么包容。作为许多移民的 新家园,要改善这个国度对移民的包容和 带来更多机遇的话,建立文化上的互相理 解,不管是当年或今时今日 一直都很关键。”

八十年代 移民到珀斯的 每一份收获, 决 定,陈老先 生举出了几个 此外,这类的活动还可让 也不畏惧任何困难, 珀斯吸引他的要点。他意识 广大的华人社区理解自己的 迫使我要勤奋、 到珀斯是一个非常具潜力的 文化,同时也是开放给西澳 地方,适合家庭生活,又拥有 自力更生和自律 所有民众的娱兴活动,有助 高质量的大学学院,而且离 增进华裔和非华裔族群之间 以生存下来 亚洲很近。陈金泰老先生提 的交流。 及:“ 事 实证明 珀 斯 和澳 大 “这对我和中华会馆的 利亚确实是块福地,这种种八零年代已经 会员都很关键,中华会馆办的这类活动,给 深具吸引力的条件依然保留至今。 “ 面对文化差异的华裔移民带来心灵上的慰 籍,一解思乡之情,而且让他们可以在西澳 加入中华会馆 社会中建立友谊。 ” 新移民在适应新的生活环境的过程 中,难免会面对种种障碍。 陈老先生分享他 的个人经验说道: “初到一个在语言、文化 和生活方式上极其不同的新国家,不可能 没有挑战。 要让自己感到踏实,最好可以找 到一班经历类似的朋友,幸运的是在中华 会馆,我找到了整个触动我心的社区。 ”

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

“总而言之,中华会馆在当年所取得 的成就,我只是整个团队其中的一个活跃 分子。没有各个小组和理事会成员们的通 力合作,以及义工和员工的奉献精神,最重 要的还有会员们的参与,中华会馆就不会 有今时今日的成果。 我觉得自己很荣幸,在 过去有机会与各个领域的杰出人士共同为 中华会馆付出努力。 ” 时至今日,陈金泰老先生依然以中华 会馆永久会员的名义,保留着与会馆的这 份情谊。


“我给年轻海外移民的忠告就是希望 你们可以继续肩负重任,加入社区,改善你 所居住的社会。你的成就就是对自己最好 的奖赏,你的付出将会让给下一代开拓更 顺畅的人生道路。 ”


我对中华会馆感到最满意的是见证它 日益强大。我相信这当中可以反映出澳大 利亚华人所作出的莫大贡献,希望中华会 馆可以继续为西澳乃至整个澳大利亚,增 添生活上的各种丰富色彩。

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助您增强业务的可用资源 2

020 has created many challenges for business owners and the situation with COVID-19 and its ongoing impact on the business sector is still evolving.


With small businesses making up 97 percent of all businesses in WA and generating more than $50 billion each year, they are a critical part of our economy. If you own a small business in Western Australia, it’s important to know where to go for advice when you are faced with challenges. The Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) offers a wide variety of practical and accessible resources to support you to carry on. If you are looking for advice on any aspect of business, a good starting point is the SBDC’s free advisory service. By calling 133 140 or using live chat on the SBDC website au, you can ask an experienced business adviser questions about business matters, ranging from partnerships to importing and exporting, managing growth, marketing your business and more. Advisers are available to assist Monday to Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm.

Advice and support for commercial tenants has been in demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The State Government’s Commercial Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 was passed to help facilitate rent relief negotiations and support small business tenants who suffered a financial impact due to the COVID-19 restrictions. The SBDC website provides information about this legislation in an easy to understand format. The agency also offers a dispute resolution

service for small business owners who are in dispute with other businesses or government agencies, including those related to commercial tenancy disputes. This year, a variety of free online workshops have been made available to support small businesses through the COVID-19 crisis. The interactive workshops cover a wide range of topics from digital marketing to financial knowledge, and can be used to develop skills in specific areas. Business owners can also access a wide range of resources, such as business plan templates, cash flow forecasts and more from the SBDC website.

There is a strong and vibrant small business community in Western Australia and it’s good to connect with others to share experiences and advice. Online networking has the advantage of fitting into your schedule and is not limited by social distancing restrictions. The SBDC’s Facebook Group “I’m a Small Business Owner in Western Australia” (with more than 9,000 members) is particularly active. You can join the group to meet fellow WA business owners and learn from their advice and recommendations.


020年给企业主带来了 许多挑战,COVID-19的 形势及其对商业领域的持 续影响仍在发展。

小型企业占西澳所有企业的 97%,每年创收超过500亿澳元, 它们是我们经济的重要组成部分。 如果您在西澳大利亚州拥有一家 小型企业,那么当您面临挑战时, 一定要知道该去哪里寻求建议。 小 型企业商业发展部(SBDC)提供了 各种实用且可访问的资源来支持 您继续前进。 如果您正在寻找有关业务 任 何 方 面 的 建 议,S B D C 的 免 费 咨询服务是一个很好的途径。通 过致电133 140或在SBDC网站上进 行实时聊天,您可以向有经验的业 务顾问提出有关商务合作、进出 口业务、业务增长管理,市场营销 等业务问题。 我们可在周一至周五 8.30am-4.30pm提供咨询帮助。

由于新冠病毒疫情,商业租户 寻求建议和支援个案大量增加。 州 政府通过了2020年《商业租赁(新 冠病毒疫情应)法》 ,以帮助协调租 金减免谈判,并支持因新冠病毒疫 情限制而遭受财务影响的小型企 业租户。SBDC网站以简而易懂的 形式提供有关此法规的信息。 该机 构还为与其他企业或政府机构有 争议的小企业主,包括与商业租赁 纠纷有关的小企业主,提供纠纷解 决服务。

今年,提供了各种免费的在线 讲习会,为小型企业提供支持,以 度过新冠病毒所导致的重重难关。 互动式讲习班涵盖从数字营销到 金融知识的广泛主题,可用于发展 特定领域的技能。商户还可以从 SBDC网站访问广泛的资源,例如 业务计划模板,现金流量预测等。

西澳大利亚州有一个强大而 充满动力的小型企业社区,可以与 他人建立联系,分享经验和建议。 在线网络的优点是可以根据自己 的日程安排,不受社交距离限制的 限制。 SBDC的脸书小组“我是西澳 大利亚州的小企业主” (拥有9000 多名成员)特别活跃。您可以加入 小组,与西澳州的企业商户会面, 并从他们所提供的意见和建议中 学习。

Find out more at | 有关更多信息,请浏览 Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

The ‘best’ isn’t always the most suitable Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 - Executive Editor 执行编辑

国 际 教 育 领 域 的 这 些日子 里,接触过不少来自不同国 家背景的留学生。有的想尽一切办 法,付出最大努力想要留在珀斯; 有的则倒数日子期待着回国的那 一天。每一种植物,都有最适合自 己的水土。人,何尝不是如此?

我认识一个持着工作旅游签的台湾女 孩,刚失恋之后来到珀斯时总是郁郁寡欢, 五个月后见到她,却变得格外开朗且主动咨 询我有关适合她留在珀斯选读的课程。

相反的,有另外一位来自马来西亚的 年 轻女孩,刚中学毕业 就被 父母 安排来 珀斯就读幼儿教育证书课程。在半年时间 里,不习惯没有家人在身边,常常愁眉苦 脸,盼着早回家,结果熬不到毕业就放弃 学习回国。 好比世界上千奇百种的花卉,人也是 要在最适合自己的环境和条件下,才会更 有机会发展出璀璨人生。当然也会有一些 少数的植物和人,适应能力超强,任何环 境和条件都可以开创出一个好结果。

我相信每个人选择生活的地方,往往 没有是非对错,只是“适合”与“不适合”的 问题罢了。然而,勇于尝试才能清楚自己 最适合自己的地方和怎样的生活方式。




aving been in the international education industry for years, I have come across many interesting stories of overseas students with different backgrounds. Some of these students make their greatest efforts to continue their stay in Perth. Conversely, there are some of them who cannot wait to return home after they complete their studies. Similar to various species of flora in the world, we, as human beings, can have a better chance of achieving a flourishing life if we are at the most suitable place for ourselves.

I met a young girl, originally from Taiwan, on a working holiday visa. She was always in a groovy mood during the first few weeks after she arrived in Perth. This was because she had just broken up with her ex-boyfriend. Surprisingly, she was pretty cheerful when I saw her again five months later. Furthermore, she took the initiative to ask me for study options as she loves living in this city.

On the other hand, there was a Malaysian girl, whose family arranged her to pursue certificate courses in early childhood education in Perth after she graduated from high school in Malaysia. During the first six-months living in Perth, with no family support around, she constantly felt depressed. Always hoping to return to her home

country, she eventually gave up her studies in Perth and went back to Malaysia for good. Just like millions of flora species, if we get to be at an environment or conditions that suit us well, we would have a greater chance of having a more quality life. No doubt, there are very adaptive species or individuals that can survive or showcase themselves well regardless of any situation. I believe there is no right or wrong for someone selecting a particular place for living. It is an issue of ‘suitable’ or ‘not suitable’. However, it takes courage to make the effort or attempt in order to know the most appropriate place and lifestyle for yourself.




Poh is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist. She completed her master’s degree in psychology at UWA in 2007. Poh is a mother of two children aged four and six. She is experienced in working with children, teenagers and adults with stress, depression, anxiety, worries and anger. She is passionate about supporting children with special needs (e.g. autism, ADHD and dyslexia) and their families. 颜宝玉,教育与精神发展心理医师,2007年西澳大学心理科硕士毕业,育有两位分别四至六岁的孩子,有经验处 理儿童、青少年和成人所面对压力、抑郁、焦虑、担忧和愤怒的问题。热衷于帮助特殊儿童(如:自闭症、过度活 跃症和读写障碍)和其家人。

How to I

文◎Poh GAN 颜宝玉 译◎Yves 若水


promote healthy eating habits in children Here are my five tips to share with you:

Get children involved and plan meals together

Involve children in planning the meals, grocery shopping and meal preparation. You can even start an organic garden at home and involve your little gardeners! Offer fruits and vegetables as healthy snacks. Keep them in view. Avoid buying sugary drinks, low-nutrient snacks and fast food. Teach them how to read the food labels. Help them to discriminate between healthy and “once-in-a-while” food. Discuss and praise their healthy, balanced choices.

Regular family meal ritual

Did you know that children who share family meals together are more likely to eat healthily and less likely to have substance abuse, such as alcohol and drugs, when they are older. Allow for 2030 minutes for the mealtime together. When we are eating together, parents can model healthy eating habits, table manners and reinforce emotional connection. You can talk about highlights of your day or things that you are grateful for. Try to keep family meals calm and pleasant. No nagging and arguing. No screen time or other distractions.

n Australia, one in four children aged between five and 17 years are considered to be overweight or obese. We also have children who are under-eating or fussy eaters who are picky about their food. We know that eating is not just about filling our stomach and giving us energy; it is also about our nutrition. More recent research shows that our gut health is also closely related to our brain function. This affects how we learn and function. Scientists are doing more research about the gut-brain axis and to understand the links between diet, nutrition and their impact on developmental disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or mood disorders, such as Depression and Anxiety. This highlights the importance of supporting our children to develop healthy eating habits.

Mindful eating and tummy talk

Practicing bringing awareness to our eating can help us to tune into our bodily cues of satiety and hunger. We can notice and discuss the colour, taste and texture of the food. We are more likely to enjoy and feel satisfied with our food. You may also teach your child to listen to their tummy and rate their hunger level on a scale of one to ten, with one being hungry, and ten being so full that they feel sick. Encourage them to stop eating once they rate their hunger as five and not to overeat.

Avoid battles over food

Eating is also associated with larger cultural context and how we were brought up. If you notice that there is a struggle and conflict, slow down and examine what values you want to uphold as parents. I have heard many parents talk about feeling the pressure to get children to finish their food because that was how they were brought up. Sometimes forcing children to clean their plates teaches children to ignore their bodily cues that they are already full. If they are being picky and fussy, it is okay to let them go hungry instead of giving replacement food. Offering replacement food that they like may accidentally

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

reinforce their selective diet. Offer a variety of vegetables and lean proteins, and allow them to try. You may offer a plate for them to spill out food that they do not like. Some children may need to try ten times or so before they like the food. Offer lots of praise when they are being adventurous and trying the new food. Avoid offering dessert as a bribe for eating meals. This teaches them that their dinner is less desirable than their dessert. If you notice yourself getting emotionally escalated, take a deep breath, reset and try again another day.

Be a role model

Keeping a positive approach about food and choosing to eat well yourself is the most direct way of influencing your children. Maintain an active lifestyle. Eat heathy and avoid overindulging in “once-in-a-while” food. Avoid complaining about our bodies or dieting. Watching parents doing this may foster the same negative feelings in children. Children and teenagers are too young to start diet control unless they recommended by medical professionals.

If you are worried about your child’s dietary habits, talking to your family doctor or seeing a dietician or nutritionist may help.



澳大利亚,五岁至十七岁的 孩童中有四分之一的孩子 被认为是超重或肥胖。我们也有 一些孩子,他们的饮食不足或挑 食。众所周知,进食不只是要让我 们的胃饱满并给我们提供能量, 还需要补给我们所需的营养。最 近的研究表明,肠道健康也与我 们的大脑功能密切相关。这影响 了我们的学习和运作方式。科学 家们正在做更多关于肠脑轴的研 究,以了解饮食,营养及其对诸如 自闭症谱系障碍、注意力缺乏/多 动症(ADHD)或情绪障碍(如抑 郁症和焦虑症)等发育障碍之间 的联系。这体现了我们应该让孩 子养成健康饮食习惯的重要性。


让孩子们参与 并一起准备饭菜

让孩子们参与进餐、粮食采购和准备饭菜。 您甚至可以在家中建立一个有机花园,让 您家的小园丁参与其中!提供水果和蔬菜 作为健康零食,确保水果保持在视线范围 内。避免购买含糖饮料,低营养零食和快 餐。 教他们如何阅读食品标签。 帮助他们区 分健康食品和“偶尔”食品。讨论并赞扬他 们的健康均衡选择。


您知道吗?常与家人一起共享晚餐的孩子, 更容易养成健康饮食习惯,而且在他们较大 的年龄段中不太容易遭受诸如酒精和毒品 等的诱惑。建议花20-30分钟的时间与家人 共进晚餐。当我们一起吃饭时,父母可以建 立健康的饮食习惯,餐桌礼仪并加强情感联 系。您可以谈论当天的亮点或您感恩的事 情。尽量保持家庭用餐平静而愉快。没有不 必要的争论。 没有屏幕时间或其他干扰。

在用餐时保持觉照 和“与胃对话”

练习提高用餐时的觉照能力,可以帮助我 们更意识到自己的饱腹感和饥饿感。我们 可以多加注意和讨论食物的颜色、味道和 质感。 这样我们可能更会享受我们的食物。 您也可以教孩子“聆听胃的心声” ,并以一 至十来评价自己的饥饿程度,其中“一”意 味着饿了, “十”意味着饱得很难受。 鼓励他 们在饥饿感到“五”时停止进食,并且不要 吃得太饱。

Concerned about your child’s wellbeing and/or learning? Contact your local bilingual psychologist for more assistance

Poh Gan 颜宝玉

Bsc (Hon), MPsych (Applied Developmental), GradDip (Education), MAPS FCEDP

Educational and Developmental Psychologist Three Waters Psychology Clinic Suite 13, 1st Floor, 73 Calley Drive Leeming WA 6149 Mondays and Fridays


饮食还与每个家庭的文化和成长背景息息 相关。 如果您发现有挣扎和冲突,请放慢脚 步,检视一下您作为父母的价值观。 我听说 很多父母都必须让孩子吃完盘中的饭菜, 因为这些父母过去也是这么带大的。 有时, 强迫孩子一定要吃完盘中食物会教孩子忽 略他们已经吃饱了的身体暗示或饱腹感。 如果他们很挑食,不妨让他们饿一餐,而不 是急忙给孩子其他食物作选择。提供他们 喜欢的替代食品可能会间接导致他们养成 挑食的习惯。 提供各种蔬菜和瘦肉蛋白质, 让他们尝试。 您可为他们提供一个盘子,以 吐出他们尝试了不喜欢的食物。有些孩子 可能需要尝试十次左右才能喜欢某种食 物。 当他们喜欢冒险并尝试新的食物时,要 加以表扬和鼓励。避免提供甜点作为用餐 的贿赂,这态度间接表示晚餐不如甜点好。 如果您发现自己的压力情绪上不断升级, 请深呼吸,尽量恢复平静,然后改天重试。


对食物保持积极态度并选择健康饮食,是 影响孩子最直接的方法。保持积极的生活 方式和一定的体力活动。 吃健康的食物,避 免过分放纵吃不健康的食物。避免抱怨我 们的身体形象或节食。孩子在这样环境下 可能会耳濡目染,产生同样的负面情绪。 毕 竟孩子们还在发育,除非医疗专业人员建 议,否则儿童和青少年都不适宜节食。

如果您担心孩子的饮食习惯,请咨询 家庭医生或看饮食治疗师或营养师。

参考资料 Reference:

• ABS. (2013). Australian Health Survey: Updated results, 2011-12. Retrieved 23 February, 2015, from Latestproducts/33C64022ABB5ECD5CA257B8200179437?opendocument • • solutions-for-fussy-eaters/ •

08 9356 5663




盛情邀请 携手同行 Partner with us

Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme


Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from 5% to 25% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members.

向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠 给我们的会员。比如介于5% 至25% 的商品或服务 折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Free to Join 免费加盟 No ongoing 无须缴付任何 costs or fees 会费或成本费

For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆

Ph 座机 9�28 8��7 | Mb 手机 04�0 1�0 128 | Em 电邮 Arirang Australia Unit 9 / 26 River Road, Bayswater WA 6053

Azurra Migration 0402 639 635

Bunga Raya Satay Food truck trade at various Market Places

Han Palace Chinese Restaurant 73 - 75 Bennett Street, East Perth

Honey In the Garden Shop online:

Reference Code: MAF

Northbridge Chinese Restaurant 26 Roe Street, Northbridge

Good Fortune

Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店

354 William Street, Perth. 884 Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park




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at Dim Sum Lunch and Dinner



on dine-in only


Juice Station

cold pressed juice

worth $6.90

Shop 48, London Court, 647 - 651 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000

+ FREE Orange Juice Worth $5.00

with all purchase over $30.00

Happy Union Restaurant


Shop 1, Somerville Shopping Centre, Cr Le Souef and McMahon Way, Kardinya

Chinese BBQ Noodle House Inside Old Shanghai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge

Old Shanghai Hongkong Dim Sum

Shop 7, Old Shangai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge

Red Rooster, Northbridge

130 James Street, Northbridge


�% Off

10% 10%

Discount on food

(Restaurant, Pastry Shop and Hotel, does not include catering)

Hong Lin 康年饭店

Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food Unit 3 / 337 Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill Tel: 93377270 | Open 7 Days |



Miss Maud

97 Murray Street, Perth


Lunch: Wed - Fri 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM | Dinner: Mon - Sun 4:30 PM - 9:30 PM

20% Off


Aus World Travel 109 James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton 15 Hulme Court, Myaree


Mob: 0434 087 531 Email:


Little China Girl 一盅两件


Off total bill

68 Roe St, Northbridge WA 6003

Not in conjunction with any other special ʻoffer’ or ʻpromotion’ running at the time


Reservation: 0414 694 121 |

Ingot Hotel Perth 285 Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA 6104


Food and drinks Best available room rate when booked directly with hotel

Reservation: +61 (8) 9259 3888


Excel Podiatry Clinic

0481 773 522 1/73 Apsley Rd, Willetton WA 6155

% Off

total fee



Call �� �� �� and quote promo code “CHUNG WAH”

% Off

gas usage charges for 2 years

or visit


HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese Restaurant 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家


76 Francis Street, Northbridge

for cash payment only

Dragon Palace Northbridge

Free Chinese Tea for lunch

��% Off

66 Francis Street, Northbridge, Perth

for Dinner

CleanTech Energy

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T: 0403 726 408 | E:

T: (08) 9470 2088 W:


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Mob: 0421 888 689 Email:


Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist

all quotes

Imperial Finance, Linda LAI

Mom Dumpling House



Unit 2 / 5 Iron Street, Malaga WA 6090

Business Sales Executive 商业电力顾问

Lex Legal

for travel insurance airline and travel agents gifts item per membership in conjunction with international airfare purchase

Stanbond Security

Nicholas 郑启智


for business electricity bill


10% Off

for cash payment $50 and above *not to be use with other offer

Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public T: 08) 9221 6366 W: Level 3, 231 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Mob: 0449 839 020 Email:

CKG legal Barrister & Solicitor

AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year T: (08) 6262 3959 | M:0431 577 778 F: (08) 6323 3354 | W:

Perth Badminton Arena 2/309 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA 6104

Call 0411 527 010 for booking

ASSURE ALLIANCE Certified Practising Accountants 8/35 Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA 6164

Fusion Klean

Professional Cleaning Service in Perth

0430 735 000 Suite 18/8 Haster Road, Osborne Park 6017

Chung Hwa Cuisine 龙江宴 1295 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107

Freddie Strudels

193 Brisbane Street, Perth Tel: (08) 6111 4181

Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH

Swan Valley: 640 Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Watertown Perth: 33A / 840 Wellington Street, West Perth

Fremantle Market: Stall #99, Henderson Street, Fremantle

Free �� minutes initial legal consultation

Discount for all property and business settlement



(Not for discounted packages, T&C applies)



for all legal fee $� discount

on restring services

$� discount

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�% discount

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Online -

Spend over $50

(including postage)

to get $� Off

In Store -

Spend over $35 to get $� Off

The above offers on full price Morish Nuts products only and it’s not to be used with the conjunction with any other offers.



How did Chung Wah Community Aged Care’s seniors and NDIS participants cope during WA’s COVID-19 restrictions?


s the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across 216 countries, impacting millions of people, there has been compelling evidence that older people are at a higher risk of serious illness (WHO, 2020). In order to minimise the spread of COVID-19 in the community, the Western Australian government tightened social restrictions on 29 March 2020 and everyone was advised to stay at home, unless for essential purposes.

In addition, Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC) established the CAC Care Line Support program and the Wellness Package Delivery to support our existing clients, as part of our initiatives to keep in touch and reduce the risk of social isolation during a period when we were instructed to practise social distancing.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

Through these means of communication, we were left impressed by how well the majority of consumers and participants were coping. Despite a reasonable level of sadness and worries expressed by many individuals, most of them were happy with the support from their families, friends and CAC.



中华社区与长者服务(CAC)的长者和 国家残障计划(NDIS)参与者如何在西澳州 新冠疫情(COVID-19)的封锁期间度过难关?

着COVID19大流行在216个国 家中蔓延,数百万人受到影响。 有确凿的证据表明,由于新冠疫情, 老年人患严重疾病的风险比以前更高 (WHO,2020)。为了最有效地减少 COVID-19在社区中的传播,西澳大利 亚州政府于2020年3月29日起加强了 社交限制,要求除必要情况外,每个人 都应留在家中。 在此期间,CAC创立并实行了关爱热 线计划和健康礼包派送计划,以支持我们 现有的客户。这是我们在遵照政府指令实 行关闭活动场所和保持社交距离期间所采 取的一些措施,旨在让客人保持一定的社 交活动,避免陷入孤独的心态。

在与客人的交流中,他们当中大多数 人都表现出了很强的适应能力,使人印象 深刻。尽管许多人表达了一定程度的难过 和忧虑,大多数人对家人,朋友和CAC的支 持还是感到满意的。



Chung Wah CAC’s Volunteer Recruitment



scar Wilde once said, “the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention”, and what is a better way to spread kindness than volunteering?

Beyond the good deeds and worthwhile causes that are performed by volunteering, many social studies have found that the benefits of volunteering are greater for the volunteers themselves. Not only it gives you a sense of purpose and deeper self-confidence, but it also improves your physical and mental health, connects you with others, and advances your professional and personal growth.

With many unprecedented events this year, the need to support our vulnerable individuals and families has become enormous. Therefore, Chung Wah CAC is calling for more volunteers to come forward and help us ensure everyone in our community is looked after. At the moment, we are looking for volunteer drivers who can assist to transport our seniors.

中华社区与长者服务 (CAC)义工招募。

斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)曾言「最微小的善举, 胜过最伟大的意图」 ,参与义工活动的微小行动,却 带来重大的改变。 参与义工活动除了带来善行及有价值之外,很多学术研究 显示「施比受更为有福」 ,义工本人的领受比服务对象的得着还 要多,不单止给予自己人生目标方向及自信心,还让你的身心灵 更壮健、建立朋辈网络,达至个人成长及专业发展。

近年的挑战险峻,我们更需要守护正受压的个人及家庭。 另外,中华社区与长者服务(CAC)的理念是召募不同的义工一起 守护我们所爱的社区。此刻,我们现正召募司机义工接送我们的 长者。 我们诚意邀请不同国籍、职业的人士加入我们的大家庭, 只要您拥有善待长者的爱心、持正面价值观、愿意付出也可以参 与。 这是一个难得的机会,共同为社区、不同人士缔结改变及正 面的影响力。

We welcome everyone, no matter where you come from and what you do. All we ask for is a heart with the right attitude and willingness to help. This is your opportunity to create change, have a positive impact on someone’s life, and show your support to our community. Do not hesitate to contact us at 9328 3988 or email us today at Let’s start this wonderful journey to make the world a better place!

如果你愿意一起共创这个美好的社区, 欢迎致电9328 3988 查询或电邮联络

如果您想了解更多关于中华CAC的 活动和服务,欢迎您扫描二维码关注CAC 微信公众号,或关注我们Facebook 账号: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care, 您也可以拨打我们的咨询电话 93283988 了 解更多资讯。

If you would like to know more about Chung Wah CAC, please scan the QR code to subscribe to our WeChat account. You can also follow our Facebook page Chung Wah Community and Aged Care. Furthermore, you can dial our number 93283988 to seek more information.

电话 Tel:


电子邮件 Email:

地址 Address: 2/98 Lake Street. Northbridge.

主页 Facebook: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 微信 WeChat: ChungWahCAC华人服务在珀斯

请扫描二维码以关注我们的微信公众号 Please scan the following QR code to follow our WeChat Subscription Account

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

中传 华统 会中 馆秋 百花 十好 周月 年圆

Chung Wah 110th Anniversary

Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese Painting and Book Exhibition Chung Wah Historical Photo Exhibition Cultural Performances

Chung Wah ��� Anniversary Essay and Birthday Card Design Competition Award Presentation th

Mooncake and tea tasting


会馆历史图片展 文艺表演


和贺卡设计比赛颁奖礼 一同品茗和品尝月饼

Monday �� September ����(Public Holiday Monday) �.��pm - �.��pm

中华会馆文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre �� Radalj Place (Off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA ����

留坐预定 RSVP : 中华会馆办公室 Chung Wah Association (��) ���� ���� |

*由于目前西澳还需要保持社交距离,我们欢迎大家接龙报名,名额报满为止。 As Western Australia still needs to maintain social distancing, we welcome everyone to call and register until the quota is full.

免费入场 免费停车

Free Entry Free Parking

庚 子 仲 秋


文◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

译◎Yves 若水

Thyroid Health 甲状腺健康

Thyroid disorder affects Australians of all age groups and demographics. According to the statistics of the Australian Thyroid Foundation:


• 1 in 10 Australians will be affected by some form of thyroid disorder. • 7 of the 10 are women • Over 1 million Australians are undiagnosed • 60,000 Australians are diagnosed each year • Thyroid cancer is increasing, affecting younger Australians The thyroid gland is located at the front of the neck, near the base of the throat. As part of the endocrine system, a healthy thyroid gland uses ingested iodine from iodine-enriched foods to produce thyroid hormones. The produced hormones help control many of the body’s metabolic processes, such as heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and weight, as well as regulate body and brain growth and development, and energy levels.

甲状腺疾病影响不同年龄层和各种各样背景的澳 大利亚人。根据澳大利亚甲状腺基金会的统计:

• 每十位澳大利亚中就有一人会受到某种形式 的甲状腺疾病的影响。 • 十人中有七位是女性

• 超过一百万的澳大利亚患者是未被诊断 • 每年有六万澳大利亚人确诊

• 甲状腺癌正在增加,而且逐渐年轻化

甲状腺位于头颈部的前方,靠近喉咙的底部。作为内分泌系统的一 部分,健康的甲状腺能摄入富含碘的食物中碘来产生甲状腺激素。 产生的激素有助于控制身体的许多新陈代谢过程,例如心率、血压、 体温和体重,以及调节身体和大脑的生长与发育以及能量水平。 为了确保不受甲状腺疾病困扰,人们对甲状腺的健康意识非常关 键。如果您的甲状腺过度活跃(甲状腺机能亢进)或活跃度偏低(甲 状腺机能低下) ,您可能会遇到一系列健康问题。

Awareness is the key to ensuring you do not overlook a thyroid disorder which could affect your health and wellbeing. If your thyroid becomes overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism), you could experience a range of health problems.


(Underactive Thyroid) Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid disorder in Australia, and mainly affects women over 40. It is estimated that 10 times more women than men are affected. Hypothyroidism is usually gradually progressive with symptoms increasing as thyroid function deteriorates. When symptoms do appear, they can be quite varied and can include fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, weight gain, thinning hair, poor memory and depression.


(Overactive Thyroid) Graves’disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. It usually affects people aged between 20 and 60, and is much more common in women than in men. It is triggered by the immune system producing antibodies that stimulate the thyroid gland to increase the size of the gland and produce excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. The most common symptoms of hyperthyroidism are weight loss, agitation and nervousness, heat intolerance, heart palpitations or rapid heartbeat, and becoming tired doing ordinary activities. Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

甲状腺机能低下症 (活跃度偏低)

甲状腺机能低下症是澳大利亚最常见的甲状腺疾病,主要影响四十 岁以上的女性。 据估计,受影响的女性人数是男性的十倍。 甲状腺机 能低下症通常是逐渐进行的,随着甲状腺功能的恶化症状会逐渐加 重。当症状出现时,这些症状会是多变的,包括疲劳、对感冒的敏感 性增加、便秘、皮肤干燥、体重增加、头发稀疏、记忆力减退和抑郁。

甲状腺机能亢进症 (过度活跃)

弥漫性毒性甲状腺肿 (Graves’disease) 是甲状腺机能亢进的最常 见原因。 它通常会影响20至60岁的人群,女性比男性更普遍。 它是由 产生刺激甲状腺的抗体的免疫系统触发的,从而增加甲状腺的大小 并产生过量的甲状腺激素。 甲状腺功能亢进症最常见的症状是体重

减轻,躁动和神经紧张,不耐热,心或心跳加快,以及在进行日常活 动时变得疲倦。


Our stress levels can sometimes be too much to handle and that is not good news for your thyroid. Stress can suppress what is known as our T-helper cells, which are linked to our immunity cells. During events of stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol; excessive amounts of cortisol can interrupt the production of thyroxine. For most of us, stressful events arise daily, so learning how to manage your stress when you have an autoimmune thyroid disorder is very important to your long term health.

Iodine Deficiency

The thyroid makes thyroid hormones from an amino acid called thyroxine, that we get from proteins in our diet. But it also requires a regular supply of iodine from our diet. Adults need about 150 µg (micrograms) each day and 200 – 250 µg during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Iodine deficiency was considered to be rare in Australia, occurring only in areas like Tasmania and along the Great Dividing Range where the soils are low in iodine. However, mild iodine deficiency has re-emerged as a health concern in recent years, particularly in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, and especially in pregnancy. In response, legislation was passed in 2008, requiring that salt used in commercially-baked bread in Australia and New Zealand must be iodised. The only exception is organic bread. The WHO advocates universal salt iodisation but this policy has not yet been adopted in Australia.

Excessive Exposure to Plastic Chemical

According to a study in the journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, Bisphenols and Phthalates – two chemicals found in many plastic products – could also affect your thyroid function, causing you to feel fatigued. People with higher levels of these chemicals in their urine had lower levels of thyroid hormones. Perhaps, for long term wellbeing, you may strongly consider switching from a plastic water bottle to a glass or metal one, and trying to avoid heating and storing your food in plastic containers.

Seek Health Advice

If you are struggling with low energy, ask your doctor to check your thyroid levels, just in case. Not everyone needs medication to help support their thyroid but it’s best to rule it out.

Although thyroid disease is often diagnosed by a GP, it's usually treated, at least at the outset, by a specialist endocrinologist (someone who specialises in glands and hormones). Once specialist treatment has commenced, the GP will usually participate in the ongoing management.

If you have just received your thyroid medical test results, which confirm you have a thyroid disorder, please make sure you are given copies of all the results for your records. This will help in case you move house or you change medical practices.



Risk Factors


我们也许会有面对难以负荷的压 力,但这对我们身上的甲状腺而 言非常不利。压力可以抑制与我 们的免疫细胞相关的所谓的T辅助 细胞。在面对压力时,身体会产生激 素皮质醇。过量的皮质醇会中断甲状 腺素的产生。

对于我们大多数人来说,每天都可能会承 受压力,因此了解自身免疫性甲状腺疾病,同时懂得如何控制压力, 对您的长期健康非常重要。


甲状腺利用氨基酸制造出称为甲状腺素的激素,氨基酸是从饮食中 的蛋白质中获取的。但这也需要从我们的饮食中定期供应碘。成人 每天需要约150 微克,怀孕和母乳喂养期间则需要200 – 250 微克。 碘缺乏在澳大利亚被认为是罕见的,仅发生在塔斯马尼亚州 和大分水岭沿线的土壤中碘含量低的地区。 但是,近年来,轻度碘缺 乏症尤其是在怀孕期间,再次成为一种健康问题,特别是在新南威 尔士州,维多利亚州和塔斯马尼亚州。

作为回应,2008年通过了立法,要求必须对澳大利亚和新西兰 用于商业烘焙面包中的盐进行碘处理。唯一的例外是有机面包。世 卫组织主张加碘盐普及化,但澳大利亚尚未采用该政策。


根据 《环境健康展望》杂志中的一项研究,双 酚和邻苯二甲酸酯(许多塑料产品中发现 的两种化学物质)也可能影响甲状腺功 能,使您感到疲劳。尿液中这些化学 物质含量较高的人甲状腺激素水 平较低。也许,从长远来看,您可 能要好好考虑从塑料水瓶换成 玻璃或金属瓶,并尝试避免加 热食物存放在塑料容器中。


如果您容易疲惫,请医生检查一下甲状腺水平,以防万一。 并非每个 人都需要药物来帮助维持甲状腺,但是最好还做检查。

尽管甲状腺疾病通常由家庭医生诊断,但通常至少在一开始 就由专职内分泌学家(专门研究腺体和激素的人)提供治疗。 一旦开 始专科治疗,您的家庭医生通常会参与治疗进行的管理。 如果您刚刚收到了甲状腺医学检查结果,确认您患有甲状腺 疾病,请确保已获得所有结果的副本以作记录。如果您搬家或改变 医疗习惯,这将有所帮助。




The Human Body’s Ability to Strengthen and Self-Heal 文◎Yongsim LEE 李荣参

译◎Yves 若水

Yong Sim Lee is a pharmacist with 12 years of experience. He believes that the best medication is education. As a father of two children, he also has further advanced his study in paediatric medicine. He is blessed to own two pharmacies. Sim is currently pursuing a postgrad in Nutritional Medicine. 李荣参从事了12年的药剂师工作。他相信教育是最好的良药。作为两个 孩子的爸爸,他完成了儿科药物学课程。他感到侥幸可以经营自己的两家 药房。荣参正进修着营养药物学。

rom a holistic perspective, there are three main pathways to illness: stress, infections and toxins. However, if we can focus on the following five key areas, our body can be strengthened and repair itself.


1. Nourishing the body with real food 2. Removing reactive and junk food


3. Adding minerals and vitamins that the body may be missing 4. Putting the body in a relaxed and healing state

5. Supporting the body’s natural processes and defences

In this article, I am going to focus on minerals and vitamins that are important for our thyroid function.

1. Iodine

Iodine is the most important nutrient for thyroid health and function. The thyroid uses iodine to produce hormones. Mild iodine deficiency has re-emerged in Australia over the last 10 years, with 43% of the population having inadequate iodine intake. Good food sources of iodine include kelp/seaweed, fish and iodised salt. If iodine deficiency is identified, a low dose of iodine supplement (100mcg/ day) may be necessary.

2. Selenium, Zinc and Iron

Selenium, zinc and iron are essential to help the body convert inactive T4 to active T3 hormone. Selenium also protects thyroid cells from oxidative damage during the production of thyroid hormones. For supplementation, make sure:

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is a powerhouse nutrient and it involves over 300 enzymes. Anecdotal evidence shows magnesium improves sleep and energy level, reduces anxiety and constipation in people with autoimmune thyroid disease. The best source of oral magnesium supplements is magnesium citrate (400mg) or magnesium glycinate (100mg) at bedtime.

4. Vitamin A and Bs

V it amin A lower s t h e r isk of hypothyroidism and vitamin B plays an important role in cell metabolism, thyroid function and adrenal function. A vitamin B complex supplement should be a great start and will be helpful for most people with low energy levels.

• Selenium is not under 100mcg, which may not be sufficient to improve thyroid dysfunction, while doses exceeding 800mcg per day can be toxic.

• Zinc is not more than 30mg per day without doctor’s supervision. Doses above 40mg may cause a depletion in copper levels. Overall, real food, such as plant foods, nuts (brazil nuts), muscle meats (lamb chops, steak), chicken and egg yolk, is a good source for most minerals and vitamins.

Utilising food as medicine, and coupled with targeted supplements and lifestyle changes, will restore our thyroid health. However, prescription thyroid hormones remain the quickest way to reduce thyroid symptoms and give us the energy to keep working toward improving our health. For best effect, thyroxine (T4) should be taken on an empty stomach, ideally 1 hour before food or 2 hours after food. Meals high in fibre and/or soy should be separated from thyroxine by several hours. Any supplements or fortified food (e.g. Anlene milk), containing calcium, iron, zinc, chromium and selenium, should be taken at least 4 hours apart.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

身体的增强 和自我修复

整 体角度看,疾病 的三 种 主 要 传 播 途 径 :压 力、感染和毒素。但是,如果 我们可以专注于以下五个关键 领域,我们的身体就可以得到 增强和自我修复。 1. 用真正的食物滋养身体

2. 去除反应性和垃圾食品,

3. 添加人体可能缺少的矿物质和 维生素, 4. 使身体处于放松和恢复状态,并且 5. 支持人体的自然过程和防御。

在本文中,我将重点介绍对我们的甲 状腺功能至关重要的矿物质和维生素


碘是甲状腺健康和功​​能 最重要的营 养素。甲状腺使用碘来产生激素。在 过去的十年中,碘再度在澳大利亚 重新流行,其中43%的人碘摄入不 足。碘的良好食物来源包括海带/海 藻、鱼和碘盐。如果发现碘缺乏症, 可能需要低剂量的碘补充剂(每天 100mcg)。


硒、锌和铁对于帮助人体将非活性 T4转化为活性T3激素至关重要。硒 还可以在甲状腺激素产生过程中保 护甲状腺细胞免受氧化损伤。作为补 充元素,请确保: • 硒含量不低于100mcg,可能不足以 改善甲状腺功能障碍,而每天的剂量 超过800mcg可能是有毒的。

• 在医生的监督下,每天锌的含量不 超过30mg。剂量超过40mg可能 会导致铜水平降低。


镁是一种强大的营养素,涉及300多 种酶。轶事证据表明,镁可改善自身 免疫性甲状腺疾病患者的睡眠和能 量水平,减少其焦虑和便秘。睡前口 服镁补充剂的最佳来源是柠檬酸镁 (400mg)或甘氨酸镁(100mg)。


维生素A降低甲状腺功能减退的风险, 维生素B在细胞代谢,甲状腺功能和肾 上腺功能中起重要作用。复合维生素 B补充剂应该是一个很好的开 始,并将对大多数低能量的人 有帮助。

总体而言,植物性食品、坚果(巴西坚果)、肌肉(羊排、牛排)、鸡和蛋 黄等真实食品是大多数矿物质和维生素的良好来源。 将食物用作药物,再加上针对性的补品和生活方式的改变,将恢复我 们的甲状腺健康。但是,处方甲状腺激素仍然是减轻甲状腺症状并为我们 提供持续改善健康的能量的最快方法。为了获得最佳效果,应空腹服用甲 状腺素(T4),最好在饭前1小时或饭后2小时服用。高纤维和/或大豆粉应 与甲状腺素分开数小时。含有钙、铁、锌、铬和硒的任何补品或强化食品 (例如安怡牛奶)应至少间隔4小时服用。

文◎Julie FU 傅绪琼

译◎Lyi Cjin PEH 白俐勤 Dr Julia FU is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience. 傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大 学,从事中医临床已有36年工作经验。

浅谈中医治疗 甲状腺功能亢进

状腺功能亢进症,简称“ 甲亢”是多种原因引起甲 状 腺激 素分 泌过多所致的 一 组常见内分泌病。中医没有相 对“甲亢”的病名,只根据“甲 亢”的临床症状,病机分类归 于“虚劳”, “不寐”, “郁症” 等病类中。


TCM’s Treatment of Hyperthyroidism



yperthyroidism, also known as “jiǎ kàng”, is an endocrine disease, where excessive thyroid hormones are secreted. It has several causes. TCM does not have a proper term for hyperthyroidism; only its clinical symptoms. The progression of hyperthyroidism includes “xū láo”, describing deterioration of the body; “bù mèi”, describing difficulty sleeping; and “yù zhèng”, describing depression. The following is a brief description from the perspective of TCM:


1. Etiology and pathogenesis:

TCM believes it is caused by, “qī qíng bù suí” – emotional disturbance; “gānqì yù jié” – stagnation of “qi” in the liver; “yù jiǔ huà huǒ” – longterm stress; and “shāng yīn hào jīn”, describing harm to the “yin” in the body and exhaustion. In addition to stagnation of “yin” in the liver, hyperthyroidism is complicated by stuck phlegm and blood flow stagnation, and is thus a complex disease.

2. TCM Syndrome Classifications:

(a) “Gān yù huà huǒ”: pronounced emotional disturbance, agitation, or long-term stress, prolonged upset, dry mouth, dizziness, diarrhoea, weight loss, fatigue, hot hands and feet, sweating, insomnia, tremor of hands and feet, irregular menstruation, reddish tongue, pale tongue with inadequate papillae, and slippery pulse.

(b) Deficiency of “qi” and “yin”: pale complexion, weight loss, night sweat, Disclaimer:

中 医 认 为 七 情 不 遂 ,肝 气 郁 结,郁久化火,伤阴耗津。又因本 病程较久,影响血脉通畅, 火炼液 为痰。 所以”甲亢”的病机中, 除了 肝郁火旺阴虚, 又兼杂痰阻血瘀, 是一个虚实夹杂的复杂病证。


a. 肝郁化火型: 有明显的情绪焦躁或长期处于 压力大的环境中, 心烦口干, 头晕 目眩, 消谷善饥,腹泻,消瘦乏 力,手足心热,多汗失眠,手足颤 抖,女子月经不调,舌红苔少,脉 滑数等。

hot flashes, heart palpitations, loss of appetite, sore back and knees, pale tongue with inadequate papillae, and heavy pulse.

(c) “Yin” and “yang” imbalance: chronic or recurring illness with symptoms, including irritability, insomnia, excessive sweating indicating “yin” deficiency, as well as depressive moods, fatigue, chills, loss of appetite, weight loss, irregular menstruation in women and involuntary ejaculation in men indicating “yang” deficiency. There is also a dark red colour to the tongue and thick papillae.

3. Principles of TCM Treatments

(a) “Gān yù huà huǒ”: prescribe “dān zhī xiāoyáo” in powder form as the main treatment. (b) Deficiency of “qi” and “yin”: prescribe “shēng mài yǐn” and “liù wèi dì huáng” pills.

(c) “Yin” and “yang” imbalance: prescribe medication according to the individual’s conditions.

1. It is advised that in the case of hyperthyroidism, Western medicine should be the main source of treatment, and prescribed treatments should be adhered to untill completion. After the prescribed treatments have been completed, it is recommended to use Chinese medicine to recuperate the body. 2. Medicine must be taken under the advice of professional doctors in both Chinese or Western medicine. 3. Stressful situations and environments must be avoided. Correcting stressful lifestyles should be a priority.

b. 气阴两虚型: 面 色 苍 白,消 瘦 乏 力,盗 汗 潮 热,心悸纳呆,腰膝酸软,舌淡 红苔薄少,脉沉数。 c. 阴阳失调型: 病程较长,或反复发作,既有烦 躁易怒,失眠多汗的阴虚症状, 又有情绪忧郁,疲乏怕冷,食欲 不 振 ,腹 泻 消 瘦 ,女 子月 经 不 调,男子遗精阳虚等症状。舌暗 红苔腻。


d. 肝郁化火型: 以丹枝逍遥散为主方加减

e. 气阴两虚型: 生脉饮合六味地黄丸加减 f. 阴阳失调型: 需根据个人具体情况用药


1. 个人经验认为,甲亢发病时应以西医治疗 为原则,完成所需的疗程。在减药或停药后, 建议考虑用中医调理。

2. 无论中西医治疗”甲亢”,都需要在专业医生指导 下用药。

3. 需避开压力大的环境,改变紧张的生活方式最为 重要。




Ask the GP Dr Mira graduated from Melbourne University Medical School in 2006. Dr Mira is very passionate about her work in general practice as well as cosmetic medicine. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and has many years of experience caring for communities with different cultural and social diversity, and she enjoys interacting and helping patients of all backgrounds and ages.



I am feeling distressed and sometimes cry for no reason. I suspect I may have the symptoms of depression. What should I do with this situation?

If you are feeling distressed and have been crying for no reason, it means that you could be at risk of depression. When this happens, it is natural to speak to a close family member or friend to let out your feelings and the troubles you may be experiencing. However, if there is no one you can talk to, your next best action is to try to go and see a general practice doctor for further discussion. We may be able to share what our opinions are and provide you with options ranging from cognitive behaviour therapy to medications if symptoms are severe enough to warrant medical treatment.


For the past two years, I’ve had quite heavy and painful periods. I am 40 now and my tummy feels big and sore each month. Shouldn’t my periods be tailing off at this age?

Individuals can vary from one another with menopause time. Most females have menopause in their late 40s and early 50s. Therefore, your period may not tail off that early due to the fact you are still in a very good reproductive phase. It is important that you see your GP or gynaecologist to have further investigations, such as ultrasound pelvis or pap smear, to rule out medical causes for your painful heavy period. Once cleared of medical causes for the painful heavy period, there are things from natural therapy to medications, such as simple pain medications to intrauterine contraction, like Mirena, to help minimise bleeding. Individuals benefit from different treatment options; it is best to discuss with your GP or gynaecologist for individualised treatment.


I am in my 40s and I’ve been feeling very tired lately. Will B12 injections help? Or any recommendation of supplements?

As a normal aging process, the older we get, we may feel weaker, easily fatigued and increase in tiredness. Therefore, what can help us improve our energy level, is to have a balanced diet, take daily vitamin supplements, as well as trying to live a healthy life by having a good balance of work life, social life and exercise. Usually if the tiredness has started to impact on your daily life function and capacity, it is important to see your GP to have investigations done, such as blood tests, at least to rule out medical causes for the fatigue sensation. If there is a lack of B12 in your blood test, your doctor may suggest to you to increase. your vitamin B12, whether by oral treatment or if severe enough, a B12 injection by your doctor.


I am 58 years old and have recently been put on Perindopril for high blood pressure. Does this medication have side effects and what else can I do to lower my BP? Any medication will have side effects. Therefore, before you start on it, it is important that you talk to your GP and also pharmacist, to understand more. If your doctor has chosen Perindopril for you, it is okay to continue if you have not experienced any adverse effects or allergy with it. Other things that you can do to reduce your high blood pressure are: have good routine exercise, a balanced diet, have a normal body mass index (BMI) and try to lose weight if you are overweight. These will all help you to reduce the high blood pressure.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


I have suffered from accidental bowel leakage ever since my first baby was born and I am too embarrassed to see my doctor. What can I do? It is very common to have bowel or urine leakage after delivering a baby. This is because during pregnancy and after delivery, our female pelvic muscle and surrounding structure have been affected and altered due to the pregnancy. When you are experiencing urine or bowel leakage, it is important to remove the feeling of embarrassment and see your GP or gynaecologist for a check-up to assess the severity of it and to recommend management methods.


I think it is safer to wear a mask in public space during this Covid-19 period. Can I wear a mask when I am doing exercise in the gym? Wearing a mask in a public crowded space can help in managing and minimising viral infection via the air. However, when doing exercise in the gym, it may be difficult and unsafe to wear a mask, depending on the activeness of the exercise that you are undertaking. This is due to the fact that we may need more inhaled air due to increased lung expansion during exercise. So, for example, if we are doing only weight training, it may still be okay for a mask. However, if you are doing more active exercise, like aerobic dancing or one that increases the respiratory rate and breathing, you may need have the mask off while exercising. Hence, during this current Covid-19 outbreak, it is important to assess your exercise venue and exercise activity type while maintaining fitness and avoiding catching Covid-19 in public space, e.g. in a gym.


寻 医 问 药 Mira医生于2006年毕业于墨尔本大学医学系。Mira医生对她的全科医学以及美容医学工作充满热情。 她能说流利的英语和普通话,并拥有多年参与各个多元文化社区的医护经验,并且享受与不同类型和 年龄段的患者进行互动,给他们提供帮助。


我感到苦恼,无缘无故哭 泣,我怀疑我可能有抑郁 症的症状。在这种情况下我 该怎么办? 如果您感到沮丧并且无缘无故地哭泣,则 意味著您可能会有开始轻微的忧郁症的前 兆。发生这种情况时,您可以先试试与亲 密的家人或朋友交谈,以释放您的感情和 可能遇到的麻烦。但是,如果没有人可以 与您交谈,那么您的下一个最佳方式是去 尝试看一名全科医生进一步讨论。如果症 状严重到需要治疗的程度,我们也可以分 享我们的意见,并为您提供从认知行为疗 法到药物治疗的各种选择。


在过去的两年中,我经经 期疼痛也排了很多血。我 现在40岁,我的肚子每个月 都感到很大还有疼痛。以我 目前的年纪,我的经期不是 应该慢慢的减轻吗?

尽管每个人的绝经时间可能会有所不同,但 大多数女性在40多岁和50多岁时会有更年 期的症状。如果您仍处於非常良好的生殖 阶段,您的月经可能不会这么早就提前结 束。因此,重要的是您要让您的全科医生或 妇科医生进行进一步检查,例如超声骨盆 检查,宫颈抹片检查,以排除经期疼痛和排 血量多的由疾病引起的原因。一旦清除了疾 病的原因,就可以考虑使用有从自然疗法到 药物,例如简单的止痛消炎药,到宫腔荷尔 蒙子宫环药物治疗,以减少出血。每个人可 需要治疗的方案不一样,因此可以与您的全 科医生或妇科医生讨论,以决定最佳治疗。





我40多岁了,最近我一 直感到非常疲倦。 B12 注射会有帮助吗?或有任何 补充建议吗? 作为正常的衰老过程,年龄越大,我们可 能会感到虚弱,容易疲劳并增加疲劳感。 因此,我们可以考虑以下的建议帮助我们 提高精神和能量。例如保持均衡饮食,每 天服用维生素补充营养素。也或者有适当 的工作生活量、社交生活和运动,以保持 良好平衡的健康生活。通常,如果疲劳开 始影响您的日常生活功能,请务必让您的 GP进行检查,例如血液检查,以排除任何 病理性引起的疲劳。如果您的血液检查中 缺乏维生素B12,您的医生可能会建议您 增加维生素B12。医生可以跟您讨论您是 否需要口服或注射维生素B12去改善您维 生素不足。

我 今 年 5 8 岁 ,最 近 因 高血压服用了培哚普利 (Perindopril)。这种药物 有副作用吗?我还能做些什 么来降低血压? 任何药物都会产生副作用。因此,在开始 之前,您需要与您的GP以及药剂师交谈以 了解更多信息。如果您的医生为您选择了 培哚普利,如果您没有感受到任何不良反 应或过敏,可以继续服用。您可以采取其 他降低血压的方法:例如进行规律性的日 常运动,均衡饮食,保持身型体重在健康 范围内。如果您的体重超重,则需要尝试 减轻。这些都会帮助您降低高血压,避免 恶化。

自从我的第一个孩子出 生以来,我就一直遭受肠 外漏的困扰,而且太尴尬而无 法去看医生。我能做什么? 分娩婴儿後大便或尿液漏出是很常见的。 这是因为在怀孕期间和分娩後,我们的女 性骨盆肌肉和周围结构由於怀孕而受到很 大影响和改变。当您遇到尿液或肠漏时, 重要的是要克服尴尬的感觉,去找您的全 科医生或妇科医生进行检查以评估其严重 性并推荐治疗方法。

在COVID-19期间,我 认为在公共场所戴口罩 更安全,在健身房锻炼时可 以戴脸部吗?

在拥挤的公共场所戴著口罩可以帮助控制 和减少由空气中散播的病毒感染。但是, 在健 身房锻 炼 时,根 据 所从事运 动 的 种 类,戴著口罩可能会很困难且不安全。这 是因为在运动过程中,由於肺部需要扩张 才能吸入空气。打比方,如果我们若只是 仅仅进行肌肉重训,戴著口罩可能还勉强 可以。但是,如果您需要要进行一些有氧 的剧烈运动,例如跳舞,您可能需要摘下 口罩做运动。因此,在当下这种COVID-19 暴发期间,您需要评估您的运动场地和体 育活动类型,同时保持健康并避免在公共 场所(例如健身房)中感染到COVID-19。

If you would like Dr Mira to answer your medical question, email it to before 10 August 2020. 如果您想要Mira 医生回答您的医疗问题,可以在8月10日之前把问题发到 的电邮地址。 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊春季版



家园 Home and Garden

Shiah Lam CHIN

Experienced volunteer cook for multiple non-profit organisations including Chung Wah.


多家非营利机构包括中华会馆 的义务厨师,烹饪经验丰富。

文◎Shiah Lam CHIN 陈夏兰 | 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

inger has a long history. not only in food, but also for medicinal use in China and other parts of the world. Traditionally, it has been used to remedy colds and coughs, aid in digestion, and highly effective against nausea. According to traditional Chinese “confinement” practices — also known as “the sitting month” — new mothers must rest for a full month after giving birth. Ginger is one of the most popular ingredients used in the preparation of food for confinement mothers. Chinese people believe that “wind” is the element that brings negative effects to a new mother’s body. Therefore, the mother is protected from the “wind” as well as being helped to dispel the “wind.” Ginger is a popular ingredient that is used to achieve this purpose and keep the body warm.



姜 不仅 是 一 种 历史 悠 久 的 食 材,也在中国和其他国家用作 药疗功效。传统上,它常被使用于治 疗感冒和咳嗽,促进消化,并且有效于 止呕吐。根据华人传统的习俗,所谓 的“坐月子”,就是新妈妈在分娩后必 须休息一个月。生姜是产妇膳食中, 最受欢迎的一种食材之一。华人普遍 认为, “风”是一种不利元素影响新妈 妈的体质。因此,要保护产妇免受风 寒和把体内的“风”排出。生姜是一种 十分常见的“祛风”食材,可用于达到 此目的并给身体保暖。

Ginger wine chicken Ingredients:

• 2-3 tbsp ginger strips • 2 pcs black fungus

(soaked, cut into strips)

• 6 tbsp sesame oil

• 4 chopped chicken drumsticks • 1 tbsp salt • Water


1. Fry ginger strips with sesame oil till dry and fragrant, add in seasoned chicken drumsticks and fungus, fry till drumsticks are slightly brown. 2. Add in 2 cups of water and 1 cup of ginger wine (can add more to your own liking). Bring to boil over high heat. Cover, reduce to low heat and simmer till chicken is cooked.

• Ginger wine

姜酒鸡 材料:

• 2-3汤匙姜丝

• 2个黑木耳(浸泡,切成细条状) • 6汤匙麻油

• 4个鸡腿,切块备用 • 1汤匙盐

• 适量水及生姜酒 Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue


1. 将姜片用麻油炒至干香,加入调味的鸡腿,木耳,炒至鸡 腿略呈褐色。 2. 加入两杯水和一杯姜酒(可以根据自己的喜好添加更多)。 用大火煮沸。 盖上锅盖,小火煮至鸡肉熟透。

Ingredients: • • • • •

3 cups plain flour 120g butter chopped 2 tsp bicarbonate soda 2 tsp ground cinnamon 2 tsp ground ginger


1. Preheat oven to 160c (fan-forced). Line baking trays with baking paper.

2. Cream the butter and brown sugar till creamy. 3. Add golden syrup and egg and beat till combined. 4. Stir through the plain flour, bicarbonate soda, ground cinnamon, ginger and cloves.

5. Knead the mixture until smooth into a ball. Wrap in cling wrap and place into the fridge for about 1 hour.

• • • •

½ tsp ground cloves ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup golden syrup 1 egg

6. Place dough between two sheets of baking paper and roll out until 3-4mm thick. Use cutter to cut out shape. 7. Place onto the prepared trays and bake for about 8 minutes or until lightly brown. 8. Allow to cool on trays for 10 minutes, before transferring to wire rack to cool completely.

9. Once they have completely cooled, decorate with icing. 10. Store in an air-tight container at room temperature for up to 1 week.


• 3杯普通面粉 • 120克小块状 黄油 • 2茶匙泡打粉 • 2茶匙肉桂粉 做法:

• • • • •

2茶匙姜粉 ½ 茶匙丁香末 ½ 杯红糖 ½ 杯黄金糖浆 1 个鸡蛋



Gingerbread Man Biscuit

1. 首先预热至160摄氏度(热风加热)。 同时用烘焙纸铺垫在烤盘底部。 2. 将黄油和红糖打成奶油糊状

3. 加入黄金糖浆和鸡蛋,并搅拌均匀

4. 拌入普通面粉、泡打粉、肉桂粉、姜粉 和丁香末

5. 把混合物慢慢揉搓成为面团,直至光 滑成球。用保鲜膜封好,并放入冰箱 冰镇约1小时。

6. 将面团放在两张烘焙纸之间,并擀平 至大约3-4mm的厚度。用刻刀切出姜 饼人形状。

7. 放在准备好的托盘上,继续烘烤约八 分钟,或直至变成浅褐色 8. 让考好的姜饼在托盘上静置10分钟, 随后后再转移到铁架上让其完全凉却 9. 在完全冷却后,用糖霜装饰

10. 在室温下于密闭容器中,可以存放长 达一周




Chung Wah Association 110th Anniversary Card Design and Essay Competition

中华110周年庆系列活动 - 贺卡设计和征文比赛作品


Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


Chinese Tea

The origins of Chinese tea dated back over 5000 years ago. It was discovered by accident in China when Seng Nung discovered tea when leaves of a tree fell into his boiling water. After drinking it, he immediately felt pleasure and interest towards this newly discovered drink.

Tea can be used in a variety of ways. Back in China, people used it as remedies and as medicine to treat the wounded. Tea is made by brewing the tree leaves in with boiling, hot water and letting it infused for some time. The result of tree leaves being brewed by boiling hot water is what you call tea. How is tea good for your health? Tea is good in multiple ways. It contains antioxidants, it can reduce your risk of a heart attack and stroke and it could potentially help protect your bones. There are different types of tea all around the world. Black tea is the most common type of tea and is about 85% of the western word’s consum ption. Black tea is oxidised and is darker in appearance, a stronger favour and a higher content of caffeine than other different types of teas. Next is green tea. Green tea is unoxidised.The leaves are heated soon after picking in order to destroy the enzymes that cause oxidation. This type of processing preserves a high level of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals accounting for the various health benefits of green tea. Finally we have Oolong tea. The oolong tea is kind of a mix between black tea and green tea as it is half-oxidised. The amount of oxidation affects the flavour and appearance of the tea. Longer oxidisation makes it more like black tea, while less oxidisation Maes it more like green tea. When steeped, Oolong tea produces golden or light brown tea with a very delicate flavour resembling neither black nor green tea. In conclusion, tea is a universal drink that is consumed by people throughout the world. Nowadays, it’s on elf the most consumed drink after water. Tea comes in different variations to suit different people! - Yongyi MA 马永一

Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival occurs every year on the 5th day of the 5th month on the lunar calendar. This traditional festival has been occurring for thousands of years and commemorates the death of the famous Chinese poet and minister, Qu Yuan. On that day, many Chinese people eat ricedumplings and attend dragon boat races. When I was 11 years old, I wanted to go watch the annual dragon boat racing down at Cannington River. I had heard so much about it, but I never had the opportunity to see it. So, my parents took me there to watch the race for the first time.

Usually, during May, the weather would be chilly and windy. However, I distinctly remember looking up at the blue sky that opened to all four corners and felt the warm breeze that tickled my face as I got out of the car. The water was calm and was clear enough so you could see the bottom if you'd tried. It was a truly, a beautiful day. Then I saw the boats floating on the water, and my heart had lifted. Each boat was bursting with colour; red, orange, yellow, blue, gold and green. The rowers were clothed according to the theme of their boat, flamboyant and full of confidence. All of the eight boats lined up at the starting line, tense and competitive. 3, 2, 1,GO.

The rowers furiously paddled, and the audience cheen;d. I was so excited to see which boat would win and locked my eyes onto the race. They disappeared from my sight for a while, but it seemed like only a minute before the first boat came around the bend and began racing towards the finish line. Then another boat came racing towards the first boat and they both competed for the win. The second boat had wonthe race. Three years later, I still remember the sunshine, festivity and my first Dragon Boat Festival. - Emma Zhang 张彤


马来西亚是个多元种族的国家,有华人、马来人和印度人。 听爸爸、妈妈说,我的祖 先是来自中国的。虽然我的父母都是马来西亚出生的,但我们还是有多多少少 保留一些 华人的传统。在马来西亚的大多数华人都会遵循中国传统,但是每个城 市的风格都稍微 有一点不一样。

在春节时,大部分的中国人都会吃饺子,可是马来西亚华人基本上在春节时 都不 会吃饺子。虽然每个城市都有各自的庆祝方式,我们还是多多少少保留 一些中国的传统 文化。例如团圆饭、守岁、拜年、舞狮等等。中国新年除夕的时候,大部数的小 孩都会兴奋 到无法入睡,看着美丽的烟花灿烂了整个夜空。 饮食生活起居改变,也随着当地的文化有所改变。 不像在中国,马来西亚华人倾向 于道地的美食。就比如马来人和印度人的食物,我们都会常常吃。最常见的就 是马来西 亚的椰浆饭,我们都会经常吃。 虽然我们都来自不一样的国家,但是我们的文化价值观还是很相似的。 - 郑凯菱


家投 资 南京 博物 院是 中国 第一 座国 零九 年完 工; 兴建 的大 型博 物馆 。它于 二零 它共分为六个馆 总建筑面积84800平方米。 数字 馆、非遗 馆 1历史 馆、特展 馆、艺术 馆、 上 其中一共有43 余万件展品, 和民国馆。 全国性的又 到旧石器时代,下迄当今!既有 ,又有 考古 发 有地 域性 的既 有宫 廷仿 世品 集及捐赠。 掘品,还有一部分 来源于社会征 民族文化艺术 它可以说是一座巨大的中华 牙角、漆器、丝 宝库。青铜、陶瓷、金银、竹木

织剌绣、书画印玺等文品类。 服务 中 一进 博物 馆大 门,就能 看见 能听到关千每 心,那里可以租—个收音机, 人山 人海 人多 件展 品的 来历 和历 史。经常 须从 人们 中 的连 展品 都看 不见 。有时 候必 间挤出来才能看到。 我参观过 上次回中国的时候,爸爸带 深刻 。我们参观 一次南京博物院,令我印象 品让 我眼 花 了所 有的 展馆 。琳琅 满目 的展

缭乱,目不暇给。 中国 历 我通 过参 观学 习如 此众 多的 眼界 和加 深了 史文 化精 品,从而 拓展 我的 让我 更加 喜爱 我对 中国 文化 的见 解。今后 并致力对中国文化的学习。 - 王和


去年年底,我参加了由 中国侨联组 织的冬令 营, 去了河南,我一直盼望的少林之行终于来到了。 少林寺是中 国河南省登 封县的禅宗 佛教寺 庙。据说少林寺 始建于北魏 太和十九年,至今1500 多年了。 少林寺是少林佛教学校的主要寺庙。 我从 很多电影中都听说过少林寺、少林足球。 这一天,我们很早就醒了,吃完早餐, 然后上 车。一路上,我们大家都 很兴奋和好 奇。三个小时 后,我们到达了少林寺。 我非常兴奋. 我们走进了少林寺的大门, 看到 了很多寺庙和古老的建筑,最精彩的是看到了少林 武功表演。表演武功的 都是和我们 一样大的孩 子, 可是他们的武功好极了,就像电影里一样。 我很想跟他 们打功夫,但是我現在 没沒有机 令,也许将来吧。 少林寺,我会再回来的。 - Joshua Wylie 万里思明


小的 时候,爸爸 妈妈 经常 会带 我回 去马 亚探望爷爷,奶奶 来西 ,和我的堂弟堂妹。 有一天,爷爷带 着我到了附近小贩 中心的一家摊位, 说要 请我 骨茶。 吃肉 肉骨茶是南洋特有 的美食,也是爷爷 最爱的一 道美食。 每当说起了关于肉 骨茶的事,爷爷的眼 会两眼发光,充满 睛就 了喜悦。 传统的肉骨茶都会 放些胡椒的辣味和 在汤里 蒜头的香味, 但我 却喜欢汤里那 一块块鲜美的排骨 。

爷爷跟摊位老板打 了招呼,点了两碗 肉骨茶, 并带着我找了座位 ,等着我们的美食上 桌。 这时爷爷开始讲起 肉骨茶背后的故事 在十八世纪,马来 。他说, 西亚被英国统治期 间,许多在矿里 工作的苦力都因为 矿里的寒气,导致 他们的身体状 态都不是很好,积劳 成疾。 但这些苦力连看医 补药的钱都没有。 生或买 后来,有一位仁慈的 锡场老板,他 很体恤矿工们辛苦 ,而且还懂得一点中 药医 理,于是 就吩咐厨房熬一锅 药材肉骨汤给员工 们驱寒。这碗 用肉骨熬制药材的 汤成了矿工们驱寒 ,消除疲劳最 美味的一餐。不仅 如此,这碗汤不但营 养丰富,并汤 清味浓。 肉骨茶这道美食本 身不包含茶叶,因为 通常被人们称为药 药汤 茶,于是这碗用肉 骨熬制药材的 汤被称为肉骨茶。 它从最初属于穷人 的食物,被不断 的改进,并发展成 为今日无论贫富或 男女老幼都爱 享用的著名美食之 一,叫人赞不绝口 。 说完故事,我们点的 肉骨茶就来了。那汤 美味,风味独特,让人 香浓 赞不绝口。 还有,汤里一块块的 排骨更是让我回味 无穷,一次又一次的 想再吃,肉骨 茶真不辜负了世界 美食之一的声誉。 - Ashley Hii




110th Anniversary Birthday Card Design Competition

110周年生日卡设计比赛荣誉榜 Group A Age 4-6







Group B Age 7-9







Group C

Age 10-12


Xiaoqian Ma


Livia Whang

Lawrence Liu 刘立心

Ashlynn Tek 郑静烑




Sophia Truong

Megan How





Charlton Siew


Vanessa Chong


Ethan Zhang

110th Anniversary Essay Competition

110周年征文比赛荣誉榜 Group A Age 13-14



Group B Age 15-17






Bing Hieng Cayden Chia 谢秉恒


Emma Zhang


Dragon Boat Festival

Anna Li



Joshua Wylie



Yongyi Ma He Wang

Ashley Hii

Kai Ling Tey

马永一 王和


Chinese Tea 南京博物院

肉骨茶 马来西亚与中国的文化

磕瓜子 - 我亲身体验的有趣的中华文

用舌尖轻轻托起,慢慢地向尾部磕去, 发出清脆的响声,然后用舌轻巧一卷, 从何时起,嗑瓜子已成为我的一种嗜好 瓜子仁自然地滑进嘴里。不知 ;享受琳琅满目的瓜子品种以及口味 变成了一种消磨时光的习惯。 从亚洲超市走出来,购物车里总会 每次我 装几袋葵瓜子。 然而, 瓜子在 一般澳洲的超市里却是极为少见, 些早已剥好了壳并且“毫无灵魂”的瓜子 即使有,也是那 。 很难想象,嗑瓜子居然是中国的传统国 粹,也是一种奇特的文化。 葵瓜 子的 历史 可以 从明 朝追 溯起 。中国 最早 记载 葵瓜 子的 文献 是康 熙年 间的《桃源 乡志》 花,又名向日葵,色有紫黄白,其子老 ,其原 文是 : “葵 可食。 ”事实上,西瓜子才是中国土生土长的 瓜子,而葵花跟南瓜都是属于美 洲的农作物,清朝才慢慢流入中国 的。 蔡澜先生曾评价过瓜子之所以如此 令人上瘾的原因: “第一,它不甜也不咸,不容易腻; 食用;第三,永远都吃不饱;第四,瓜子有 第二,要剥了壳才可 种令人上头的香味。 ”正是因为嗑瓜子是一个简短的“正反 深受老百姓的爱戴。中国人过年要 馈”的过程,才 嗑瓜子并把瓜子摆在糖果盘里招待 客人的习俗也是由来于古代。古时的 日里嗑瓜子叫做穷磕,而过年嗑瓜子 人平 叫做磕穷,寓意着来年会摆脱贫穷。 外国人无法理解为何要把唇齿舌尖 训练的如此精密,却只为获取一点点带 有香味的食物。 人的一种独有的文化,也只有中国人 因此瓜子是中国 优逸的性格才比较适合去慢慢享受 嗑瓜子的乐趣。

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

- 李敏嘉


要 从小,爸爸 一直 跟我 说,身为 华人 得到 会说 华语 和懂 得中 华文 化。为了 让我 校。 中华文化的熏陶,爸爸把我送到中文学 统节日 中文学校每年都会在不同的华人传 新年 举办 各种 各样 的文 化活 动。比如 农历 演,端 的时候,学校会安排舞龙舞狮采青表 活动 午节 时我 们也 有机 会学 包粽 子。这些 。 都让我对中华文化有进一步的了解 在华人的传统节日里,我最喜欢农历 我能和亲戚朋友团聚, 我们也会一 新年。 的就 是 起吃 火锅 。我们 这些 孩子 们最 开心 我们吃完团饭后,就一起 可以拿很多红包。 另—个 玩游戏聊天守岁,大家都会很开心。 日的 时 我喜 欢的 节日 是中 秋节 。到这 个节 会提灯 候,我妈妈会做好吃的月饼,我们也 我们都会玩得非常开心。 笼。 华人的传统食物也很有特色。例如汤 种各样 圆、粽子、月饼、饺子、火锅和很多各 甜甜 我最喜欢的传统食物是汤圆。 的食物。 黑芝麻 的汤圆有各种各样的馅,比如红豆, 既营 和花 生。我最 喜欢 的是 黑芝 麻因 为它 也有 很 养又 好吃 。我也 喜欢 吃月 饼因 为它 其他的馅有红 我最喜欢的馅是莲蓉。 多馅。 豆,绿茶,榴莲和豆子等。 神 我从 小就 常听 妈妈 跟我 说中 国的 嫦娥和后 话故事,比如嫦娥和后羿的神话。 。以前 我 羿的 故事 告诉 我们 中秋 节的 来源 射箭 高 希望 长大 后能 像后 羿一 样能 成为 这样我 来, 阳射下 —的太 天上唯 然后把 手, 嫦娥 了。 就可 以常 常看 到住 在月 亮上 面的 悟空,虽 我最 喜欢 的另 一个 神话 人物 是孙 。 然他很调皮捣蛋,但是却很聪明又机灵 中华文化有浓厚的特色,我为我们的 中华文化感到骄傲。

- 谢秉恒

First WA Chinese Guzheng Day promoting the Art of Chinese instruments

The first Western Australian Chinese Guzheng Day was held on Sunday, 20 September at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta. Due to an extreme weather advisory, the event venue was changed a day before. It was planned to be held at the outdoor space of Confucius Institute of University of Western Australia.

As part of the events for Chung Wah’s 110th anniversary, Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra had organised this performance with a few coorganisers, in order to promote the Chinese musical instrument guzheng. It was a magnificant sight to see 68 guzheng players playing together in bright red costumes.

Special guests, Honourable David Michael MLA, Honourable Bill Marmion MLA, Consul HE Yifan, Consul CHEN Ling Yan, ConsulateGeneral of the People’s Republic of China (WA), Dr Robert Faulkner, Dr Ting CHEN, Mr Shaoping DING, presented certificates to the participants who came from Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming, Confucius Institute of UWA, Methodist Ladies’ College, Zing Music Studio, Huaxing Art Group, WA Guzheng Ensemble and other individuals. We appreciate the efforts of the players and the valuable support from their families, co-organisers and volunteers, who had made this event a success.

推广古筝 美妙弦音的 首届西澳 中国古筝日

首届西澳中国古筝日于2020 年9月20日星期日在中华 Balcatta文化中心举行。由于 受到当天恶劣天气的影响,原 本在孔子学院户外场地,移师 到中华会馆文化中心的室内大 堂。适逢中华会馆110周年庆, 华乐团与几个协办单位组织 此次表演,高度推广中国乐器 – 古筝的美妙弦音。 当天有68 位穿着红色汉服的乐手一起弹 奏,场面壮观。 特别嘉宾 David Michael 议员、Bill Marmion 议员、 何一帆领事、陈玲燕领 事、Robert Faulkner博士、陈 挺博士和丁少平先生颁发证书 给参加者。参加者分别来自中 华会馆华乐团、中华会馆黎明 中文学校、西澳大学孔子学院、 卫理公会女子中学、孜音坊工 作室、华星艺术团、西澳筝艺团 和其他古筝爱好者。我们感谢 乐手的努力以及他们的家人、 协办单位和志愿者的宝贵支 持,使这次活动取得成功。

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Facebook Page 中华华乐团面书页

歌曲名单 Song Playlist

《战台风》 《渔舟唱晚》 《茉莉花》 《沧海一声笑》 《我和你》

‘Fighting the Typhoon’ ‘Fisherman’s Song at Eventide’ ‘Jasmine Flower’ ‘Laughter of the Sea’ ‘You and Me’ 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊春季版


文/译◎Teresa Tan王慧兰



Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动


Day 日期

Time 时间

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐

Sunday 周日

11:00am - 2:00pm

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

12:00pm - 3:00pm

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Thursday 周四

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Chung Wah Choir 中华合唱团

Sunday 周日

2:15pm - 4:15pm

Saturday 周六

Saturday 周六

Chung Wah New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

1:30pm - 3:30pm

Wednesday 周三

�:00pm -�:00pm

Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部

Sunday 周日

11:00am -2:00pm

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 12� James Street, Northbridge

4:00pm -�:00pm

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

Jen Nie CHONG 0� �32� ��57

Per term 每学期 $50

Teresa TAN 0� �32� ��57

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员

$1 for members 会员

Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心

1� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Contact 联系人

Each class 每堂课 $10 for members 会员 $1� for nonmembers 非会员

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员

(Beginner 11:30am - 12:30pm)

10:00am -12:00pm

Fee 收费

$10 for members 会员

�:00am - 2:00pm

Line Dancing 排排舞

Sunday 周日

Location 地点

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Ben LIM 0424 153 �3�

Annie WONG 0� �32� ��57

Baohe LIU 0� �32� ��57 Jiping ZOU 04�� 700 572

Trinh QUACH 0423 5�7 �53 Jiping ZOU 04�� 700 572 Doreen CHIN

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

Leonard KHO 0411 745 2�5 Dong NHAN 0403 50� 052

$5 for members 会员 $7 for nonmembers 非会员

May KE 0434 14� 5�0 Maya 0435 425 ���

Activities 活动

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Day 日期

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Time 时间

�:00am �:00pm �:00am 2:00pm

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 1� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 5� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Various 商议待定

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

10:30am 12:00pm

Tai Chi Class 太极班

Wednesday (Northbridge)

10:00am 11:30am

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

11:00am 12:00pm

周三 (北桥) Community Talks 社区讲座

Location 地点

周四、五 (威乐顿) Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月一次

Fee 收费

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,�� Lake Street, Northbridge Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 5� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,�� Lake Street, Northbridge

Contact 联系人

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details


此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,�� Lake Street, Northbridge

Gold Coin donation 金币捐献

Please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务部 了解更多详情。 Phone 电话: 0� �32� 3���

Free 免费

Email 电子邮箱 : enquiry@chungwahcac.

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 1� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务


Chung Wah Services 中华服务

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 5� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Appointment Required 提早预约




中华中文学校 在校防疫措施

7月25日,2020年度下半年学期开 始,中华中文学校恢复返校教学。在这之 前,校方就根据政府部门的要求,制定并 提交了疫情期间的安全防护措施相关文 件。之后,在与学生及家长的书面和口头 沟通中,各校反复强调各项防疫要求,疫 情期间家长禁止进入校园;老师带领班 级排队到校门外接送区;学生在校上学 期间彼此保持足够的距离;避免肢体接 触、勤洗手、保证足够的洗手时间;学生 和教师如有感冒不适必须留在家中休息 等等。 中华会馆给中文学校的老师和学生 们发放了医用口罩,作为备用。每个班级 都领取了免水消毒洗手液,并在上课期 间保证师生随时可以取用。通过这些措 施,小朋友们养成了良好的卫生习惯,我 们的防疫效果也非常好。

Health measures at Chung Wah Chinese school during Covid-19 On 25 July 2020, the beginning of the school term for the second half of 2020, Chung Wah Chinese school resumed their face-to-face lessons for students at the school grounds. Before the commencement of classes, the school management had compiled with the necessary documentation regarding the health and safety measures during Covid-19, for the government department’s approval, to ensure they met all the requirements. After the approval, we notified parents and students of the commencement in writing, and in some cases, through verbal communication. All Chung Wah Chinese schools repeatedly emphasised the requirements of the health measures: parents were not allowed to enter the school ground; teachers will supervised children between classes and at the pickup/drop off points; social distancing was monitored during school hours; students were being advised to avoid physical contact, frequent hand washing and sufficient time for hand washing is encouraged; students or teachers should remain at home if feeling unwell or if any symptoms develop. Chung Wah Association provided medical-use face masks to teachers and students of our Chinese schools, to be used when necessary. Every class is supplied with hand sanitiser to ensure teachers and students have access to it anytime. Following all these health and safety procedures, our children are trained in keeping good personal hygiene, making sure our health measures are effective.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


The President and the Executive Committee would like to extend their deepest sympathy and condolences to: Mr Eddie Hwang (Past Senior Vice President) and his family for the recent passing of his wife, Brenda. May her soul rest in peace.

Mr Alex Hew (Past Senior Vice President, past member of the Council of Elders) and his family for the recent passing of his wife, Rosalind. May her soul rest in peace.

Mr Sew Huat Wee and family for the recent passing of his wife, Suzanne (Past Chairperson of Women Sub-Committee, Past Executive Committee Member and the first Chairperson of Chung Wah Chinese School, Leeming). May her soul rest in peace.



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2020 Annual General Meeting

二零二零年度 会员大会 2.30pm Saturday 24 October 2020 10月24日周六下午2点30分 Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中华文化中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Together, We make a difference


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