CWA 2016-2017 Annual Report

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Chung Wah Association


2016 -2017

中华会馆 年度报告

CONTENTS 目录 1) Organisation Structure 组织结构 2) President’s Message 会长的话 3) Operations Report 运营报告 - Committee Report 2016-2017 中华会馆理事会 2016-2017年度报告 - Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 2016-2017 Annual Report 中华社区与长者服务中心 2016-2017年度报告 - Chung Wah CAC Radio Program 2016-2017 中华社区及长者广播节目 2016-2017 - Chung Wah Chinese School Council 2016-2017 Annual Report 中华中文学校管委会 2016-2017年度报告 4) Financial Statements 财务报告 5) Independent Auditor’s Report 独立审计报告


Through promoting harmony, preserving our heritage, and practicing humanity, we serve as the bridge between the Chinese community and mainstream society. 凝聚融合 • 文化传承 • 人道关怀


To service, and uphold the interests and welfare of, the Chinese community in Western Australia by promoting our culture, speaking up on our views, and dealing with social issues affecting our community. 通过推广中华文化,发出华人声音,和关注民生问 题,来服务和维护华人社会的利益和福利。


The name of the Executive Committee Members as at 30 June 2017 were as follows: President Senior Vice President Vice President

Mr Shao Ping DING Mr Eddie HWANG Mr William CHI (Resigned 8.9.2017) Honorary Secretary Dr Ting CHEN Assistant Secretary Ms Jiping ZOU (Resigned on 29.3.2017) Acting Assistant Secretary Ms Jen Nie CHONG (Appointed on 29.3.2017) Honorary Treasurer Mr Yew Chuan KO Assistant Treasurer Ms Qi LIU

Committee Member 成员

Ms Jen Nie CHONG (Appointed as Acting Asst. Secretary on 29.3.2017) Ms Jiping ZOU (Appointed on 29.3.2017) Ms Sheila REJEK Mr Mark SUN Mr Eddie KWAH Mr Andy YUAN Mr John HONG

会长:丁少平 高级副会长:黄恩瑞 副会长:齐金龙 (2017年9月8日辞去副会长) 秘书长:陈挺 博士 副秘书长:邹纪平 (2017年3月29日辞去副秘书长) 代理副秘书长:张娟妮 (2017年3月29日担任代理副秘书长) 财长:高耀泉 副财政:刘琦

张娟妮 (2017年3月29日担任代理副秘书长) 邹纪平 (2017年3月29日担任成员) 蘇翠妹 孙为民 柯雅柏 袁浩波 洪泉龙

COUNCIL OF ELDERS 元老会 Chairperson Secretary

Dr Bob TAN Ms Esther CHANG

主席:陈振发 秘书:郑婉婉

Mr James CHONG Ms Trinh QUACH

信托人: 张仕煌 洪淑贞

Mr Bill TEH Dr Yit Seng YOW

成员: 郑乾坤 饶逸生

Trustees Members

CHUNG WAH ASSOCIATION OFFICE BEARERS 中华会馆办公事物负责人 President Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Honorary Administrator Senior Finance & Admin Officer Admin Assistant Project Co-ordinator

Mr Shao Ping DING Dr Ting CHEN Mr Yew Chuan KO Ms Doreen CHIN Ms Abbie CHEN Ms Lynn Lee Ms Lesley WONG

会长: 丁少平 秘书长: 陈挺 博士 财长:高耀泉 荣誉秘书:陈清灵 高级财务行政人员:陈薇 行政助理:黎群燕 项目协调人:黄小娟

CHUNG WAH COMMUNITY & AGED CARE 中华社区与长者服务中心 Independent Board of Management 独立委员会 Chairperson Ms Esther CHANG Secretary Mr Jeff HUGHES Treasurer Mr Thomas GOH Board Members Beth THOMPSON Maria BUNN Shao Ping DING Yew Chuan KO

Office Bearer 办公事务负责人 Chief Executive Officer Manager – Operations Manager – Financial Services

Theresa KWOK JP Ms Sue WHITE Mr John FOLAN

主席:郑婉婉 秘书:Mr Jeff HUGHES 财长:吴立政 委员: Beth THOMPSON Maria BUNN 丁少平 高耀泉

行政总裁: 郭郑素雯 太平绅士 运营经理: Ms Sue WHITE 财务经理: Mr John FOLAN

CHUNG WAH CHINESE SCHOOL 中华中文学校 School Council 学校管委会 Chair Senior Vice Chairman Vice Chairman

Ms Sheila REJEK Mr Leo CHUAH Mr Suardi SUMIATI

School Campus 校区

Leeming Campus 黎明校区

SMC Chairperson 校务管委会 Principal 校长

Mr Wee En CHU 周伟恩 Dr LI Hua 李华 博士

主任:蘇翠妹 高级副主任:蔡文良 副主任:林温祥

Morley Campus 摩利校区 Ms Anne Marie WONG 黄意玉 Ms Emily TAN-EMERY 陈水玉 校长


Rossmoyne Campus 乐思校区 Ms Sheila REJEK 蘇翠妹 Dr MA Xuanli 马烜历 博士

Cultural & Activities Chairperson Ms Jen Nie CHONG

文化 & 活动组 主任 张娟妮

Women Activities Chairperson Ms Jiping ZOU

妇女部 主任 邹纪平

Dragon & Lion Troupe Chairperson Mr Stephen KUM

龙狮团 主任 甘尚君

Sports Activities Chairperson Mr William CHI

体育部 主任 齐金龙

Chinese Orchestra Teacher Mr Zhi CHEN

民乐团 老师 陈志

Dragon Boat Captain Mr Zhi TANG

龙舟队 队长 唐智

Legal Advisory Chairperson Mr Tien Shang SU

法律顾问 主任 徐天送

Line Dancing Activities 排排舞 Chairperson 主任 Ms Doreen CHIN 陈清灵

Contact Details 联系方式 Chung Wah Association Head Office 中华会馆办公室 Address地址 Postal 邮政地址 Telephone 电话 Email 电邮

128, James Street, NORTHBRIDGE, WA 6003 P.O. Box 73, NORTHBRIDGE, WA 6865 08 9328 8657

Chung Wah Community & Aged Care Services Hub 中华社区与长者服务中心 Northbridge Hub 北桥办公室

Balcatta Hub Balcatta中心

Willetton Hub Willetton 中心

Address 地址 1/98 Lake Street, Northbridge WA 6003

Address 地址 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta, WA 6021

Address 地址 58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton, WA 6155

Telephone 联系电话 08 9328 3988

Telephone 联系电话 08 9440 0265

Telephone 联系电话 08 9328 3988

Email 电子邮箱

Leeming campus 黎明校区

Morley campus 摩利校区

Rossmoyne campus 乐思校区

Address 地址 Aulberry Parade, Leeming WA 6149

Address 地址 Bramwell Road, Noranda WA 6062

Address 地址 Keith Road, Rossmoyne WA 6148

Telephone 联系电话 0401 686 306

Telephone 联系电话 0406 492 944

Telephone 联系电话 0424 322 979

Principal : Dr LI Hua 校长:李华 博士 Email 电子邮箱

Principal : Ms Emily TAN-EMERY 校长:陈水玉 校长

Principal : Dr MA Xuanli 校长:马烜历 博士

Email 电子邮箱

Email 电子邮箱

Chung Wah Chinese School Campus 中华中文学校

President’s Message Dear Members, Time flies in the blink of an eye, the biennial Election AGM is here. I was elected President of the Association on the 29th of August, 2015. Since then, the elected Executive Committee and I have collaborated effectively and carried out a lot of work in the development and expansion of our association. Over the past two years, in accordance with our Association’s policies and objectives, the Executive Committee have worked extensively in the community services, promotion of Chinese culture and Chinese language education. In the area of the Association Development: • We re-activated the Chung Wah Women Subcommittee, Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe, Dragon Boat Team and various cultural groups, so that more members could participate in the development and embracement of Chinese culture. • The Chung Wah Chinese School Council was re-established to effectively coordinate the work of the three Chung Wah Chinese School campuses. • The advancement of the development of the Chung Wah Autumn Centre. The overall development and construction concept was carefully designed and consulted with the City of Stirling Planning Department to move the project forward to enable construction as soon as possible. In the area of Community Services: • Our Community and Aged Care centre, as always, have provided quality services for the elderly of the Chinese community; and continued to improve the scope of services reflecting the traditional Chinese virtues of respect and care for the elderly. • Worked in unity with other associations to serve and build a harmonious Chinese community of Western Australia. In the area of Cultural promotion: • Organised numerous large-scale traditional and artistic cultural activities that brought a rich and colourful essence to both the Chinese and the local community in Western Australia. • Initiated and coordinated a series of Chinese New Year events and activities which became very well-known and received by the mainstream society. • Encouraged and supported the regular activities carried out by the Association’s sub-groups and cultural groups. In the area of Chinese Language Education: • We strengthen the professional training for our teachers and established a distance teacher training programme with The Chinese Education Foundation in China. • Organised various extra-curricular activities, such as Chinese recital competition and winter camp in Shandong, China. Over the past two years, the work that we have accomplished and the achievements attained are the result of the participation and contribution of many of our members. Your performances on the stage, efforts behind the scene, hard work and team work of every activity fully demonstrated the harmonious cooperation and infinite vitality of the Chung Wah family. We are deeply motivated by and proud of the volunteers and team members’ selfless contributions. I would like to thank all the members of the Executive Committee for their cooperation and support. To the members of the Council of Elders, the Chinese Community and all our members for your trust, support and the opportunity to serve and contribute to the Association and the community. To the staff at the office and various departments for your hard work. Finally, let us wish our association will continue to hand down the more than 100 years of values, carry forward our culture and virtue, and forever be the home for the Chinese community. Wish you all the best. Thank you.

DING Shao Ping 丁少平 President 会长

会长的话 亲爱的会员们 时光荏苒,白驹过隙,转眼又到了两年一次的换届年会。自2015年8月29日我当选为中 华会馆会长以来,与新一届理事会有效配合,为中华会馆的进一步建设和发展做了大量工 作。在此我要特别感谢广大会员、元老会和华人社区对我及这一届理事会团队的信任和支 持,让我们有机会为广大会员们服务,为中华会馆的发展尽一份心力。 两年来,理事会遵循中华会馆的宗旨,在社区服务、中华文化传播和中文教育等方面开 展了大量的工作。 在会馆建设方面: • 我们重建了会馆的“妇女部”、“龙狮团”、“龙舟队”等多个文化活动团体,让更多的会员参与 中华文化的发扬和传播。 • 重新成立了中文学校管委会,有效地协调中华中文学校三个校区的各项工作。 • 积极推进会馆的“中华秋园”建设,精心设计了“中华秋园”和中华会馆Balcatta的整体开发与 建设概念,并一直在与Stirling市及州政府建设计划部沟通,争取尽快让“中华秋园”的建筑早 日动工。 在社区服务方面: • 我们的中华社区长老服务中心一如既往地为华人社区老人提供优质服务,并不断地提高服 务业务范围,体现了华人敬老护老的传统美德。 • 中华会馆积极团结各兄弟社团,致力服务西澳华社,携手共建和谐华人社区。 在文化传播方面: • 举办了多场大型传统文化和艺术活动,为华人社区以及西澳当地带来了丰富多彩的文艺生 活。既推进中华传统文化的传播,又促进当地社会多元文化的建设。 • 推动和协调华社在中国新年期间的系列庆祝活动,使得中国新年系列活动成为西澳家喻户 晓的新年节庆文化,同时融入当地主流社会。 • 鼓励和支持中华会馆各文化和部门组织开展日常活动。 在中文教育方面: • 加强学校的师资培训,与中国华文教育基金会建立远程教师培训机制。 • 开展多样课外活动,如中文朗诵比赛、中国山东冬令营等活动 两年来,我们所开展的工作和取得的成绩都离不开广大会员的参与和付出;无论是舞 台上光芒四射的演出、各单位幕后的努力或者日常的会员小组活动和练习,都充分表现出我 们中华大家庭融洽的合作力和无穷的生命力。我们被所有义工与队员无私的贡献而深深感 动,并引以为荣。 在此,我还要感谢所有理事会成员两年来对我工作的支持和相互协作的团队精神;感谢 办公室职员的辛勤付出;感谢会馆各职能部门的努力工作,感谢中华会馆元老会的关爱和支 持。 最后,让我们祝愿中华会馆在将来运行中,继续传承中华会馆一百多年来的价值观, 发扬中华文化与美德,让中华会馆成为永远的“华人之家”。祝大家事业蒸蒸日上,生活幸福 安康! 谢谢大家!

DING Shao Ping 丁少平 President 会长

Committee Report – Honorary Secretary’s Report In 2016-2017, Chung Wah Association did a lot of work to serve our members, working proactively with all Chinese community associations to promote cultural exchange between Australia and China, multicultural affairs, as well as protecting members’ benefits and rights. In 2016, the Association successfully organised a series of activities for Chinese New Year in collaboration with other WA Chinese associations. With the joint efforts of Chung Wah Association, the Members of State Parliament and Councillors of City of Perth, the WA State government allocated one million dollars to celebrate the 2017 Chinese New Year to attract tourists from China and Asian countries. It iwas the first time that WA government provided such a large amount of funding for activities to celebrate Chinese New Year. The Office of Multicultural Affairs of the State government took a leading role to coordinate the Chinese New Year activities. The Chinese Consulate General in Perth warmly welcomed the initiatives and strongly supported all the activities. 1.Chung Wah Association: • During December 2016, the Balcatta Cultural Centre hall floor was given a make-over, where it was sanded, polished and finished with three layers of coating. This made the Cultural Centre looked fresh and new which made the users very happy. This project was supported by Chung Wah Community and Aged Care. • The Cultural Centre was built nearly twenty years ago and a lot of things needed to be replaced. The neglected toilets and wash basins were thus replaced. • In June 2017, we received special funding of $25,000 from the State government “Local Projects Local Jobs” through our application. Our application was strongly supported by Mr David Michael, Member of Legislative Assembly of Balcatta. This funding was used to repair and upgrade the Balcatta Cultural Centre. • For fire and safety reasons, with agreement from Perth Chinese Consulate General, the Balcatta Cultural Centre Dragon was handed over to the WA State Museum to look after and preserve for the Western Australian community. This Dragon was given to the Chinese community by the Chinese government in celebration of its 50th National Day. The WA State Museum has done some repair work to the Dragon and they will display it to the public in due time. • The Beijing Opera group was established to attract fans of Beijing opera from our members. Also, through our Women Subcommittee, the Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe, the Dragon Boat team and Line Dancing and other dance activity groups, more and more members had joined the association. These activities have enriched the cultural life for our members and friends. • We re-established the Chinese School Council. Under the leadership of Sheila Rejek, it had effectively coordinated the three Chung Wah Chinese school campuses, which successfully held the Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival Concert. The Executive Committee, many of our members and businesses supported the event. We would like to show our appreciation to all those participated in the school concert, the students, parents, teachers, volunteers and sponsors. • We actively pushed for the development of the Chung Wah Autumn Centre. The development plan and concept plan for the Autumn Centre and Balcatta Cultural Centre have been carefully designed. We have been communicating with the City of Stirling, State Department of Planning as well as some of the owners in the neighbourhood.

We would like to move Autumn Centre to start construction at the earliest time to provide short term accommodation for our senior members and those who are physically disadvantaged. 2. Cultural Promotion: • Apart from our traditional Perth Chinese Festival, Chung Wah Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese school Mid-Autumn Festival Concert and our Chinese New Year Dinner and Dance, we had also organised many large scale traditional cultural activities to enrich the cultural life for our community. In this way we had not only promoted traditional Chinese culture but also promoted the development of multicultural affairs for the main stream society. • The Association had warmly welcomed many cultural groups from China - the Cultures of China Hua Xing Gala Night performers sent by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council Office, National Chinese Drama Theatre, Hong Kong student exchange group, China South Shaolin Exchange Delegation from Putian. We had also organised a series of seminars on CBD investment and residential loan, legal seminars conducted by Lily Chen and Lex Legal, Australian Bureau of Statistics, and Yiching seminars by Ms Zeng Yuqi from China. 3. Community and Aged Care: • Due to changes in government funding scheme, aged care industry has undergone tremendous changes in the past one year. The aged care services has shifted their marketing direction. Nonetheless, we continue to provide a range of government funded community services to more than 747 customers of various cultural background from the entire metropolitan area of Perth. • In addition, we have applied for the Western Australia Government’s National Disability Insurance Program (NDIS), and approval was given to begin our services for the young people with disabilities. 4. Chinese Schools: • June 2017, Chung Wah Chinese School, Leeming campus has successfully obtained special funding of $20,000 from the “Local Projects Local Jobs” to upgrade the schools’ hardware facilities. The funding was strongly supported by Mr. Yaz Mubarakai, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Jandakot. • Raised the professional standard of our teachers, as well as established a distance teacher training programme through the Chinese Language Education Foundation. • Carry out various extracurricular activities such as interschool recitation competition and winter camp in Shandong, China, etc. 5. Government Collaboration: We established a greater rapport with the Federal and State governments and the Overseas Chinese Affairs of the various State Councils. • On 7th September 2016, , the Chinese Consul General of Perth, Mr LEI Ke Zhong and his wife Ms XING Chao visited our seniors at the Balcatta Cultural Centre and presented them with moon cakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival. • On 14th October 2017, Mr Michael Keenan, Minister for Justice, visited the Community and Aged Care at the Balcatta Centre on behalf of Mr Christian Porter, the Minister for Social Justice. • On 11th May, 2017, Mr Paul Papalia, the new Minister for Multicultural Interests visited Chung Wah Association and met with leaders of the Chinese Associations for intercultural communication and understanding. • In April 2017, the Shanghai Overseas Chinese Affairs held a meeting to brief the latest policy on overseas Chinese affairs. • On 24th July, the Director of Culture Exchange of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas China. Mr LIU Qi visited the Association. He praised the services we provided to the Chinese and other ethnic community and welcome the Association to organise the Chinese community in the cultural and economic exchanges.

• On 31st July 2017, the Hon Julie Bishop MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs, who is accompanied by Mr Ben Morton MP, Federal Liberal Member for Tangney who paid a very special visit to Chung Wah Community and Aged Care and met members at the Willetton Sports and Community Centre. Highlights of 2016-2017: • 11th September 2016 – Cultures of China, A Stellar Night by Huaxing for overseas Chinese. • 17th September 2016 – Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival • 29th January 2017 – Perth Chinese New Year Fair of nearly 100 stalls. It has attracted 80,000 visitors to the fair. The Western Australia Chinese Associations, our Cultural Groups, Women Subcommittee, Chinese Orchestra and Dragon & Lion Dance Troupe have provided a wide range of support for the success of the event. In particular, Dr. Julia Fu of the Women Sub-committee, had successfully organised a multicultural parade in less than 2 months. The 15 participants include ethnic organizations of Indonesia, Mauritius background. • 11th February 2017 – Chinese New Year Dinner & Dance at the Balcatta Cultural Centre. This was a Chinese New Year event for our members. Many of our formal members returned to participate. • 4th June 2017 – Chung Wah Dragon Boat Festival 2017. In conjunction with Dragon Boating WA, we celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival, by holding the 2nd “Chung Wah Cup” dragon boat race at Champion Lake. This event was supported by the Department of Multicultural Interest. • 2nd July 2017 – Chung Wah Association hosted the celebration of the 45th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relation between P. R. China and Australia and the Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong Returning to China with Perth Huaxing Arts Group Inc. and Hong Kong Australia Business Association. • 16th September 2017 – Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival. Over 800 guests with 200 volunteers attended the festival. We appreciated the effort put in by the parents, teachers, students, volunteers and performers from our Cultural Groups, Women Subcommittee, Chinese Orchestra and Dragon & Lion Dance Troupe and external groups. Special appreciation to Mr Suardi SUMIATI and Mr Wee En CHU who spent over 10 hours to install about 100 lantern in the Balcatta Culture Centre. The Chung Wah Association will continue to work together with other Chinese Associations to promote multiculturalism, stand up against racial discrimination, serve and improve security for the Chinese community. We hope to progress with the construction of Chung Wah Autumn Centre that provide short-term accommodation for the elderly and the physically disadvantaged as soon as we possibly can.

Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺 博士 Hon Secretary 秘书长

中华会馆理事会2016 – 2017 年度报告 2016-2017 年度会馆服务广大会员,积极团结各华人社团,致力服务西澳华社, 在促进澳中 文化交流、弘扬多元文化、维护会员权益等各个方面开展了大量的工作。 2016年会馆协调西澳华人社团成功地举办了中国新年的系列活动后,经过中华会馆和州市 议员的共同努力下,西澳州政府特别拨款一百万元来庆祝2017农历新年,吸引中国乃至亚洲国 家的游客。这是西澳政府首次对中国新年的相关活动投入如此巨额的资金,并且由州政府多元 文化办公室协调组织了农历鸡年的一系列的活动。这个由州政府组织的庆祝活动得到了中国驻 珀斯总领事馆的大力支持。 1.会馆事务: • 2016年的圣诞节期间我们将礼堂的木地板进行抛光油漆,让文化中心看起来焕然一新,让使用 中心的会员十分满意。这个项目得到中华社区及长者服务的支持。 • 建设近二十年的Balcatta中华文化中心里的一些设施已经年久失修, 需要更换,例如厕所和洗 手盆。 • 2017年6月我们申请到了$25,000的州政府的“Local Projects Local Jobs”的特别拨款,此项拨款得 到了Balcatta选区的州议员David Michael先生的大力支持。我们将用此项拨款对文化中心进行修 理和升级。 • 由于安全的缘故,我们将中国政府赠送给华人社区的舞龙经总领事馆同意转赠给西澳州博物 馆,由他们看管并对西澳人开放。这条龙是由中国政府送给西澳华人用来庆祝中国国庆50周年 的活动。西澳博物馆专门对舞龙进行了修葺,将在适当的时间对西澳民众开放欣赏。 • 我们组建了“京剧票友会”,吸引了爱好京剧的会员朋友。更多人加入会馆并参与到 妇女部、龙 狮团、龙舟队以及排排舞等多个文化活动团体组织的活动,丰富了会员朋友的业余生活。 • 重新成立了中文学校管委会,在主任Sheila Rejek的领导下有效地协调中华中文学校三个校区的 各项工作,成功地举办了中文学校中秋音乐会,不仅得到了理事会成员的大力赞助,而且得到 了众多会员和商家的支持。我们对参与中文学校中秋音乐会的同学、家长、老师、志愿者和赞 助商表示衷心的感谢。 • 积极推进会馆的“中华秋园”建设,精心设计了“中华秋园”和中华会馆Balcatta的整体开发与建 设概念,并一直在与Stirling市政府、州规划部以及周边的业主沟通,争取尽快让“中华秋园”早 日动工,为老年会员提供短期的住宿场所。 2. 文化传播: • 除了我们传统的珀斯新年文化节、“中华杯”龙舟赛、中文学校中秋音乐会和中华会馆新年联欢 舞会外,我们还举办了多场大型传统文化和艺术活动,为华人社区以及西澳当地带来了丰富多 彩的文艺生活。既推进中华传统文化的传播,又促进当地社会多元文化的建设。 • 我们会馆接待了来自中国的多个文化团体,如中国国务院侨办“文化中国·华星之夜”艺术团、中 国国家话剧院、香港西澳学生交流团、中国莆田南少林赴澳文化交流团等,以及组织了一系列 的讲座如:联邦银行投资和住房贷款,陈莉莉和骏驹律师事务所的法律咨询,澳洲统计局的人 口普查,来自中国的曾钰琪女士的易经等。 3. 长者服务: • 由于政府修改了拨款计划,长者及社区服务行业在过去的一年发生了的巨大的变化,长者服务 行业将向市场主导方向转变。尽管如此,我们持续地为超过747位来自多元文化背景 的客户提供 一系列由政府资助的社区服务项目,范围覆盖珀斯整个都市区。 • 此外,我们申请了西澳政府的国家残障保险计划 ( NDIS)并获得认证,开始为年轻的残障人 士服务。

4. 中文教育: • 2017年6月中华黎明中文学校月申请到了$20,000的州政府的“Local Projects Local Jobs”的特别拨 款,用来升级黎明中文学校的硬件设施。此项拨款得到了Jandakot选区的州议员Yaz Mubarakai 先生的大力支持。 • 加强学校的师资培训,与中国华文教育基金会建立远程教师培训机制。 • 开展多样课外活动,如与其他团体合作举办中文朗诵比赛、中国山东冬令营等活动。 5. 政府联系 我们加强与联邦、州、市政府以及中国省市侨办之间的联系。 • 2016年9月7日中秋节期间中国驻珀斯总领事馆总领事雷克中先生及夫人刑超女士专们前往中华 文化中心看望老人并赠送了月饼。 • 10月14日,联邦律政部长Michael Keenan 先生代表联邦社区服务部长Christian Porter先生拜访 了位于Balcatta的中华社区及长者服务中心。 • 2017年4月,上海侨务办公室在会馆大厅举办了侨务最新政策的通报会。 • 2017年5月11日新任的西澳多元文化部长Paul Papalia先生拜访中华会馆,了解中华会馆和华人 社区的情况,并和华人社团的侨领进行了交流。 • 2017年7月24日 “亲情中华越洋之约”艺术团团长、中国侨联文化交流部部长刘奇先生拜访会 馆,赞赏我们社会养老、教育等方面为侨胞和其他族群的服务,并欢迎会馆组织侨胞参加中国 侨联的文化、经贸等交流活动。 • 2017年7月31日,澳大利亚外交部长Julie Bishop女士在西澳Tangney区自由党联邦议员Ben Morton的陪同下拜访中华会馆位于Willetton的中华社区与长者服务中心,并与前来参加见面会的会 馆会员进行了交流。 一年来,我们的主要活动如下: • 2016年9月11日“文化中国·华星之夜”大型慰侨文艺演出。 • 2016年9月17日中华中文学校中秋音乐会,庆祝每年一度的中秋佳节。 • 2017年1月29日珀斯中华新年文化节,近百家的摊位,吸引了80, 000人到场。西澳华人社团、 会馆文化部、妇女部、华乐团和龙狮团为活动的成功举办提供了多方面的支持。特别是妇女部 傅绪琼医生在短短不到两个月的时间组织了15个团体参加的大游行,而且吸引了印度尼西亚、 毛里求斯等少数民族社团的参与,这是我们组织的第一次多元文化大游行。 • 2017年2月11日在中华文化中心为会员举办了中华会馆新年联欢舞会,许多久违的老会员出现 在舞会的现场。 • 2017年6月4日在Champion Lakes的西澳州水上运动中心与西澳龙舟俱乐部和上海联合会联合举 办了第二届 “中华杯”龙舟友谊赛,庆祝一年一度的端午节。本次活动得到州多元文化办公室的 赞助。 • 2017年7月2日和珀斯华星艺术团及西澳香港商会联合主办了中澳建交45周年暨香港回归20周年 纪念活动。 • 2017年9月16日中华中文学校中秋音乐会,800余来宾包括200多志愿者参与了本次活动。我们 感谢家长、老师、学生、志愿者以及来自会馆文化部、妇女部、华乐团和龙狮团的表演者。特 别感谢学校管委会的林温祥和周伟恩花了十几个小时将近百个灯笼挂在文化中心的大厅。 中华会馆将继续和其他西澳华人社团在推广多元文化,反对种族歧视,服务华人社区,提高 华人安全等方面共同做出努力。我们希望尽快建设“中华秋园”为老年人以及残疾人士提供短期 的住宿。

Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺 博士 Hon Secretary 秘书长

Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Services (CAC) 2016 – 2017 Annual Report In the past 12 months, we have been continuously delivering a series of government funded com munity care programs to more than 747 customers from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background in the Perth metro areas. Our customers are mainly on-going and new care recipients or primary carers assisted under PANDA Home Care Packages, Home and Community Care program, Day Long Respite Care centre through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. In addition, CAC is aware of the difficulties that people with disabilities and their family in our community are facing and importance of receiving culturally appropriated service. To support them, CAC has applied the WA NDIS program and been successfully selected as an official Provider delivering services for younger people with disability. Although at this stage, our NDIS service only cover Kwinana and Success trial areas, very soon, it will be expanded to wider Perth metro areas in accordance with the NDIS roll out process. Other than regular service customers, over 1500 community members engaged with us through different formats. Customers come to CAC through community interest classes, phone call or email enquiries, one to one enquiries, or participating to community events and outings, as well as attending community information sessions or our open day. Most of our customers are from Chinese, Vietnamese and other Asian communities and over 95% of them do not speak English. However, we do continue to provide services to customers from the wider community in the past year. Aged and Community Care industry has been undergone tremendous change in the last year which have great impact on us as a community and aged care provider and a recipient of government funding. Aged care industry is going to be a market driven one. More private providers are stepping into the market. In the coming period, we would be facing intense competition in the new environment. In order to get ready for this new environment, in the past year, under the direction of our Independent Board of Management, a series of measures have been adopted including strategies, business plans, work structures and staff training with the objective of adapting to the new requirement and changes with a view for long term sustainability of our services. The new “Consumer Directed Care” approach was commenced for all 106 consumers under our funded Panda home packaged care. To go hand in hand with the “Consumer Directed Care” principle, our “Continuous Improvement Approach” and “Wellness Approach” continue to play the key roles to ensure the quality of our programs and encourage consumer independence. The famous Evergreen College provides choices to enhance individual customer’s wellbeing through various interest classes held at centre as well as small group activities in the community. More than 380 participants have been attracted to our Evergreen College in one year! Training is an essential tool to not only equip our employees but also our volunteers with updated community and aged care knowledge and skills. Staff, support workers and volunteers are continuously encouraged to attend in-house and external work related training to ensure they are able to deliver quality work at the front line of working with individual customer. Our efforts in promoting “A Better Community for All” and delivering customer-centred care have also been acknowledged by the continuous growth in volunteer development. To date, CAC has a total of 224 registered volunteers, who are actively involving our centre kitchens, Evergreen College, radio programs, transport, interest classes, visiting nursing home residents, home care packaged customers and participating in community events. This year, CAC continue the development of brokerage service. Because of CAC’s good reputation in providing culturally appropriated services to CALD people, a few mainstream service providers, including Royal Perth Hospital, Osborne Park Hospital, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Red Cross, etc., have contracted us to deliver services to their clients with CALD background. In total, we have helped 71 clients through this model.

CAC would also like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the support of the Chung Wah Executive Committee, President Shao Ping Ting and our Independent Board of Management, our staff, volunteers and all our customers throughout the past year. If not for your belief to build “A Better Community for All” together, we would not be able to achieve such an excellent result.

Service statistics for 01/07/2016- 30/06/2017 BROKERAGE SERVICE Number of clients serviced: 69 Total No. of hours provided: 9227 hours Total mileage covered: 21,020 km

COMMUNITY VISITORS SCHEME (CVS) 22 volunteers visiting 27 residents at 19 Nursing homes. 4 volunteers visiting 8 residents at 4 Nursing homes so there are 4 group visits. 23 volunteers visiting 35 packaged clients.

PANDA AGED CARE SERVICE (Home Care Package) Number of clients serviced: 106 Total No. of hours provided: 14,861 hours Total mileage covered: 29,557km CHUNG WAH HOME & COMMUNITY CARE (HACC) Number of clients serviced: 542 Domestic assistance: 5666 hours provided Personal Care: 1169 hours provided Respite care: 780 hours provided Social support: 14301 hours provided Centre based day care: 40,671 hours provided Number of one-way trips: 14,212 trips

COMMUNITY: Total number of community events participants: 1800 Total number of community interest class participants: 260 Total number of enquiries: 111 Total duration of enquiries: 2,626 minutes Average duration of enquiries: 11.36 minutes Subject of phone call enquiries: ➢ Aged care:18.02% ➢ Centrelink: 9.91% ➢ Settlement: 0.90% ➢ Immigration & legal: 1.80% ➢ Health: 3.60% ➢ Employment: 5.41% ➢ Volunteer: 0.90% ➢ Groups & communities: 2.70% ➢ Chung Wah matters: 5.41 % ➢ Others: 51.35 %

DAY LONG RESPITE CARE (DLRC) Number of customers serviced: 84 Total no. of hours provided: 29,180 hours

Theresa Kwok JP 郭郑素雯 太平绅士 Chief Executive Officer 行政总裁 21.09.2017

中华社区及长者服务(CAC)2016 – 2017年度报告 中华社区及长者服务(CAC)2016-2017年度报告 在过去的12个月中, 我们持续地为超过747位来自多元文化背景 的客户提供一系列由政府 资助的社区服务项目,范围覆盖珀斯整个都市区。这其中,大部分的客户及其主要照顾人使用 的是熊猫亚裔长者服务项目,家庭及社区服务项目,以及全国暂息照顾计划下的中华暂托护老 中心。 此外,我们也理解社区中残障人士及其家人所面对的困难以及接受来自相同文化背景的服 务之重要性,由此, 我们申请了西澳政府的国家残障保险计划 ( NDIS)并获得认证,开始为 年轻的残障人士服务。虽然到目前为止,我们的服务只在Kwinana 和 Success 实验区域开展,但 是, 随着NDIS的拓展安排,我们也将为更多区域提供这一服务。 更有超过一千五百位社区人士通过社区兴趣班,电话,电子邮件,参观我们在各种展会中 的摊位等方式同我们有相互沟通。 我们绝大多数的客户来自华人、越南及其他亚洲社区,超过 95%来自非英语背景。与此同时,我们也一直为来自其他社区的客户提供服务。 长者及社区服务行业在过去的一年发生了的巨大的变化,我们作为社区及长者服务的提供机 构及政府资助的接受者也不可避免的受到了影响。长者服务行业将向市场主导方向转变,可以 预见,来年将有更多的私营机构涉足这一市场,竞争也将更加激烈。 为了适应新环境,在独立管理委员会(IBM)的领导下,我们制定了一系列的措施,包括策 略,计划,结构重组及员工培训等,以适应公司长期发展的需要。新的“消费者主导”方式已经 为所有106位接受熊猫亚裔长者服务的长者开展起来。同“消费者主导”原则紧密合作,我们继续 推行“持续进步”和“身心健康”方式来保证我们的服务质量并增进顾客的独立。大家所熟识的常青 学院在中心及小组活动中举办多种兴趣班,促进顾客的身心健康。 另有超过380位社区人士在这 一年参加了常青学院。 培训不仅可以让我们的员工获得有关的知识和技巧,这同样也适用于义工。所以,我们一 直鼓励员工和义工参加内部和外部的工作相关培训,以保证他们可以在前线为顾客提供好的服 务。 在发展义工的过程中, 我们一直推广“为大家打造更美好的社区”愿景及提供以人为本的服 务。目前为止,我们一共有注册义工224位,他们积极活跃在我们的日间活动中心厨房,常青学 院,广播,交通,兴趣班,养老院探访,家庭护理服务组合顾客探访以及社区活动中。 本年度,我们继续发展了外判服务项目。 因为CAC 一直在照顾多元文化背景顾客方面享 有美誉,一些主流机构同我们签订了合同,请我们来照顾他们来自多元文化背景的顾客,这些 机构包括,皇家医院,红十字会等. 今年,通过这种模式,我们总共照顾了71位顾客。 籍此机会,CAC向中华理事会,丁少平会长,我们的独立管理委员会,全体员工、义工及 所有顾客表示真诚的感谢,感谢大家在过去一年里的支持。如果没有大家对“为大家打造更美好 社区”愿景的认同,我们不可能取得这样的好成绩。

Service statistics for 01/07/2016- 30/06/2017 外判/ 外派 服务



共有22位义工分别在探望居住在19间养老院 中的27位长者

服务时间:9227小时 公里数:21020公里

共有4位义工分别在4间养老院中以小组的 形式探访8位长者


共有23位义工探访35位位接受熊猫亚裔长者 服务的长者在其家中 社区







中华家居与社区服务 顾客人数:542 家居清洁:5666小时 个人护理:1169小时 暂缓服务:780小时 社交支持:14301小时 日间活动中心:40671小时

总共咨询时间:2626分钟 平均每次电话咨询耗时:11.36 分钟 咨询内容: ➢ 长者服务:18.02% ➢ 救济金及福利(Centrelink): 9.91% ➢ 安居安顿:0.90% ➢ 移民及法律事务:1.80% ➢ 健康相关:3.60% ➢ 职业相关:5.41% ➢ 义工:0.90% ➢ 小组和社区: 2.70% ➢ 中华相关:5.41% ➢ 其他:51.35%

交通次数:14212 程

顾客人数: 84

Theresa Kwok JP 郭郑素雯 太平绅士 Chief Executive Officer 行政总裁

服务时间:29180 小时



Chung Wah CAC Radio Program 2016-2017 As part of our commitment to continuously engage with multicultural communities in WA, we have pursued a clearer structure of our radio programs. Last year, our Cantonese radio continues to be available at 10.00am every Saturday through 6EBA FM 95.3. Meanwhile, every Sunday, the Mandarin program was on air through the Chinese radio station FM 90.5. The plan of shifting back the Mandarin programme to FM 95.3 is under process. Thus, the audience can listen to our two language radios from same channel. By consulting with radio broadcasters (volunteers), audience representatives and our management, we have also been continuously improving the content to make it more informative and interactive. Based on the discussion of staff, volunteers and the audience, recently, we have renamed our Cantonese programme name from “阳光安乐一站通”to “珀斯好日子” to emphasize the diversity of our audience. In addition, we always listen to audience’s feedback and adjust the content of our radio programme in according to their need. Just like all CAC programs and services, volunteers play an important role in our radio too. Up until now, we have built a team of nearly 20 bilingual volunteers who actively participated in this area news collecting, editing, script writing and broadcasting and so on. We are working hard to make sure every session is aired on time. In the past year, every program session was on time. You can listen to our radio programs at the following channels: The Cantonese program, FM95.3, every Saturday, 10.00am The Mandarin program, FM90.5, every Sunday, 10.00am

中华社区及长者广播节目 2016 – 2017 为了实现我们融入西澳多元文化社区的承诺,我们调整了广播节目的架构。我们的广东话 节目继续在6EBA FM95.3频道的每周六上午十点播出; 同样时间在周日, 普通话广播在FM90.5播 出. 将普通话节目转回FM95.3的计划仍在进行当中,这样,听众就可以在同一个频道收听两种语 言的广播了。 我们还广泛听取了播音员、义工、听众代表及管理层的意见,以增进广播内容的信息量和 互动。日前,经过同员工、义工和听众探讨,我们将广东话节目的名字自“阳光安乐一站通”改 为“珀斯好日子”以切合我们听众多元化的状况。而且我们好积极同听众互动,还针对不同听众 的需求,调整节目的内容。 同其他CAC的项目及服务一样, 义工在我们的广播节目中也充当了重要的脚色。迄今为 止,我们有一支近20人的义工团队,他们都讲双语,活跃在各个方面,如收集新闻、编辑、写 广播稿及播音。 与此同时,我们努力确保广播节目按时播出。去年,每一期广播节目都按时在空中同听众见面. 您可以在以下的频道和时间段收听我们的节目: 广东话: FM95.3, 每周六上午10点钟 普通话: FM90.5 ,每周日,上午10点钟 Theresa Kwok JP 郭郑素雯 太平绅士 Chief Executive Officer 行政总裁 21.09.2017

Chairperson of Chung Wah Chinese School Council’s Report  Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) Council operates three campuses located at Leeming, Morley and Rossmoyne. Its respective School Management Committees comprising parent volunteers continue to play a fundamental role in supporting CWCS. Evidently, parental involvement remains strong and contributes significantly to CWCS operations. Parent volunteer resources enable CWCS to operate and offer affordable school fee. This year’s Community Languages Program (CLP) per capita grant was $120. Year 11 & 12 students who were enrolled in the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) program were eligible for an additional $120 per capita amount. This government CLP grant has helped to subsidise CWCS’s operating expenditures such as insurance, audits and advertising including the use of the local government school classroom facilities. Learning and celebrating cultural activities involving chilDr en at the grassroots level increases knowledge and perpetuates heritage, language and traditions. Cultural extra-curricular activities (ECA) following classes enable students the opportunity to showcase their talents to a large scale audience especially during Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations. Choices of ECA offered include lion dance, martial arts, dancing, table tennis, abacus, diablo, calligraphy, Dr ama, rhymes singing, Dr awing, painting, sketching and Chinese musical instruments such as guzheng. Playgroup class was implemented at CWCS Morley at the start of 2017, a prelude to Kindergarten. Playgroup session at CWCS Leeming was introduced in 2011 and this delightful initiative has expanded to three classes this year in light of popular demand. Additionally, CWCS Leeming offers Hanyu Shuiping Koashi (HSK) or Chinese Proficiency Test. While HSK is being taught at CWCS Leeming, WACE program that complement mainstream school requirements is being facilitated at CWCS Rossmoyne. Chung Wah membership subscriptions through student enrolments continue to benefit parents and guardians who enjoy the privileges of Chung Wah’s support networks, discounted product offerings and services.

Sheila Rejek Chair, Chung Wah Chinese

Chairperson of Chung Wah Chinese School Council’s Report 中华中文学校(CWCS)理事会下辖黎明,摩利和乐思三个校区。由家长等志愿者组成的学 校管理委员会在支持学校工作方面持续发挥着重要作用。家长的参与对学校的运营作出了重大 贡献。家长志愿者的参与使得中华中文学校能够在低廉学费的基础上维持运作。 本年度社区语言计划(CLP)给予每位学生的补助金为120澳元。参加西澳大利亚教育证书 (WACE)课程的11年级和12年级学生有资格获得每人120澳元额外补贴。这项政府补助金被用 于补贴CWCS的运营支出,如保险、审计和广告费用,以及使用当地政府学校的教室设施。 参与传统文化活动不仅使儿童增加知识,而且在语言和文化传统的延续和传承方面发挥作 用。课外文化活动(ECA)使学生有机会学习传统文化及才艺并在农历新年和中秋节等大型庆 祝活动中向观众展示才华。课外文化活动包括舞狮、武术、舞蹈、乒乓球、珠算、扯铃、书 法、戏剧、儿歌、绘画、古筝等。 作为幼儿班的前期课程,中华摩利中文学校于2017年初成立了低幼班。中华黎明中文学校 早在2011年就开始推出低幼班课程,根据学生需求,今年这一课程已经扩大到了三个班。 此外,中华黎明中文学校还提供汉语水平考试(HSK)课程。中华乐思中文学校则致力于 提供西澳大利亚教育证书课程以补充主流学校课程提供之不足。 在学生注册时加入中华会馆会员的家长及监护人继续享有中华会馆社交网络及其所提供的 商品及服务优惠。

蘇翠妹 中华中文学校管委会主任

Financial Highlights – Honorary Treasurer’s Report THE CHUNG WAH ASSOCIATION INC. 12000 10000 8000 Year 2014 6000

Year 2015 Year 2016


Year 2017

2000 0 Revenue

Income Surplus

Revenue Income Surplus Cash and cash equivalent Net Assets

Cash and cash equivalent

Year 2014 $'000s 4,492 215 3,168 5,116

Year 2015 $'000s 4,552 80 2,120 5,196

Net Assets

Year 2016 $'000s 5,167 329 3,702 9,044

Year 2017 $'000s 6,365 648 4,555 9,692

Analysis on Statement of Profit or Loss Statement Revenue Revenue from operations activities of the Association and its business units increased by $1.198m compared to the previous year. The net increase was

Schools 9%

Revenue Association Service 9%

the result of revenue growth mainly from the community and aged care business amounted to $ 994,260 despite changes of government fundings on home care business

Aged Care 82%

to consumer directed care legislation that came into effect from 1 March 2017. This represent 82% of total reveune to the association.

Trends in revenue arising from sales The association services income substantial relied on the rental income and grants received from the state government and related authority is expected challenging times due to pressure from over supply of lease commercial property in Perth and tightening disbursement of grants from the state government. The chinese schools grants continue to maintain the same rate as at last year, the growth in revenue are mainly from increases in school fees rate especially from schools which undercharged school fees. We don't forsee any substantial increases unless the School Council would embarked to support creating new campuses at proposed designated school in the south of river where the growing population of Asian community and mixed race marriages with the asian community.

The community and aged care contribute an increase of $994,260 revenue mainly derived from increases in program and brokerage fee and CDC services. This very impressive despite the changes in fundings on home care business to consumer directed care, in fact over clientele has increased from 700 to 850 clients during the year. However, we foresee risks of substantial dropped in brokerage fees revenue that have possibility impact towards to revenue estimated to between $150,000 to $200,000 in the next financial year. Due to such intense competition ahead, the management has adopted various strategies such as marketing and re-branding plan, re-training and developing future young leaders towards diversified skills, enhancing staffs capability and business process improvements with implementing new system and embracing current technology such as CRM and mobile apps and perhaps corporatising this business unit might be a good strategy to consider.

Surplus Income Costs of operations activities of

Income Surplus

the Association and its business units increased by $879,450 compared to



the previous year. The net increase was mainly influence on the following operating

Association Service

expenses :-

Aged Care

(1) Employee expenses which has an increase


by $786,727 compared to last year. This is due an expected growth in revenue from Aged Care business which the business units need to


employed additional 14 fulltime staffs and 30 part time and casual staffs to service influx of clients. (2) Rental expenses remains the same as last year. This is due to substantial spending on repairs and maintenance of both Balcatta Centre and Chung Wah Hall, such as Balcatta centre flooring repairs $18,000 and toilets repairs $2,500 and roofing replacement and repairs at Chung Wah Hall storage areas at the car park, $2,000. All costs are funded by income from operation from both Aged Care and Association Service, no contribution or donation received to fund such expenses. (3) Other expenses which has an increase by $88,474 compared to last year. This is due to substantial expenses incurred by Aged Care for vehicle running costs, advertising and marketing to stay ahead in the intensive competition promotion from other established aged care provider.

Yew Chuan KO Honorary Treasurer and Audit and Risks Committee

财务总结 综合损益表分析 收入 会馆和其业务单位的营运收入比往年增长了$1.198m. 这个增长主要是由于中华社区与长者服务中心 的收入增加了 $994,260. 长者服务中心的收入占总收入的82%。 销售收入的趋势 会馆的收入主要来自租金和州政府有关机构的津贴。由于珀斯的租赁商店物业过剩和州政府消减拨 款,我们将面对一个挑战的时机。 中文学校的津贴保持与去年同样的水平。其收入的增长主要是因为调整了学费。我们预计将来的收 入不会有大幅度增长,除非学校管委会支持拟议在南部地区指定的校址开办新的中华中文学校。那 里的亚裔和与亚裔异族通婚的人口持续增长。 中华社区与长者服务中心的收入增加 $994,260,主要来自其扩展计划,护理费和CDC 服务。在政 府更改了对津贴对家庭护理的情况下,这是非常可观的。其实,这一年来客户也有增加,由700人 增加到850人。但是,我们预计佣金收入大幅度下跌的风险,并可能影响下一年的总收入,估计在 $150,000 至 $200,000 之间。 由于市场竞争激烈, 管理层采取了各种对策,例如:促销和品牌计划、 培训新生代领袖、采用新科技来促进营运系统和巩固员工的能力等。或许,将这个业务企业化是 值得考虑的策略。 盈余收入 会馆和其业务单位的营运成本比往年增长了 $879,450. 这项增长是因为受到以下的营运成本影响: (1)雇员开销比去年增加了$786,727. 由于长者服务客户大量增加,需要多聘请14名全职和30名兼 职雇员为客户服务。 (2)租赁费用和去年保持一样。没有津贴或赞助,费用的来源主要来自长者服务部和会馆的收入, 用在维修文化中心和会馆。例如:修补文化中心的地板 $18,000 和卫生间 $2,500,会馆后面的储藏室 $2,000。 (3)其他开销比去年增加了$88,474. 这是长者服务部汽车消费的增加,还有为应对激烈竞争而展开 的广告和促销活动消费。 资产负债和利润表分析 现金及现金等价物 社区与长者服务部拥有现金及现金等价物共 $4,890m, 是现金总额的77%。其中 $2,083m 是客户信 托的资金,为现金总额的42.5%。 今年给予与地方政府和其他有关组织合作的长期发展措施的现金津贴也有增加。 净资产 产业,设备与器材 净资产增值,是由于重新评估了会馆礼堂,文化中心和空地的产业, 价值共 $3,518m,占总净资产价 值 $9.704m 的 36%。 会馆主要的净资产主要是土地和房产,以及在 Willetton 长者服务中心的固定设备和器具。 中华学校的主要资产为电脑,办公器材和储存库。 社区和长者服务部的资产主要是载客户用的汽车共17辆, 办公器材和其他固定的设施。 对整体业务的表现,社区和长者服务部在同行竞争中努力保持领先。 独立管理委员会积极采取各 种策略和计划来减低业务风险,改善内部操作系统,提供和谐安全的工作环境。 在中华学校方面,恢复的学校管委会把三校的校务结合起来。但是还未能达至策划的目标,例如: 规划同一标准的内部操作流程和校务程序,还有开办新校所。 会馆重组了各个文化活动小组,例如:龙狮团、龙舟队、妇女部和交际舞活动组。由于缺乏经费和 赞助,翻新中华礼堂和文化中心的计划改去下一财政年度。

高耀泉 财长 审计兼风险委员会


2017 $

2016 $

Revenue 4 6,365,030 5,166,759 Employee benefits expenses




Administrative expenses



Depreciation and amortisation expenses Rental expenses

Other expenses

(164,557) (242,158) (884,709)

(5,716,958) Surplus before income tax Income tax expenses Surplus for the year

(208,236) (267,114)



648,072 -





Other comprehensive income, net of income tax Gain on revaluation of properties



Other comprehensive income for the year, net of income tax





Total comprehensive income for the year

The above Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.



2017 $

2016 $


Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents




Other assets






Trade and other receivables




Total Current Assets 5,010,921 4,319,226 Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment


Total Non-current Assets 6,220,274 6,162,390 TOTAL ASSETS




Current Liabilities

Trade and other payables








Other liabilities


Total Current Liabilities




















Non-current Liabilities


Total Non-current Liabilities


Reserves Retained surplus






The above Statement of Financial Position is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

STATEMENT OF CHANGES OF EQUITY For the year ended 30 June 2017

Reserve $ Balance at 1 July 2015








Gain on revaluation of properties


Balance at 30 June 2016


Reserve $ Balance at 1 July 2016






Retained Surplus $


Total $









Surplus for the year

Total comprehensive income for the year Balance at 30 June 2017

Total $


Surplus for the year Total comprehensive income for the year

Retained Surplus $




The above Statement of Changes in Equity is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW For the year ended 30 June 2017

Cash flows from operating activities


Receipt from member subscriptions Receipt from rental

2017 $ 27,981


2016 $ 34,128


Receipts from various activities



Receipts from government funding for welfare services



Payments to clients, suppliers and employees



Purchase of property, plant & equipment



Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities



Receipts from government funding for schools and school fees Interest income received Net cash flows (used in)/from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities


Proceeds from disposal of property, plant & equipment Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning year Cash and cash equivalents at end year


463,740 40,321



435,087 52,325









The above Statement of Cash Flows is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

STATEMENT BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE In the opinion of the Executive Committee, the accompanying concise financial report of Chung Wah Association Inc.: (a) gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs of Chung Wah Association Inc. as at 30 June 2017; i. gives a true and fair view of the result of Chung Wah Association Inc. for the year ended 30 June 2017; ii. comply with Accounting Standards and the Associations Incorporation Act 2015; and (b) at the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Association will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable. Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Executive Committee. On behalf of the Committee

Mr DING Shao Ping President

Mr Yew Chuan KO Honorary Treasurer Date: 7 October 2017



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