Voice of chuaydek 2013

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Voice of ChuayDek 2013 – The Fourth Edition

Highlights -

Protection Wall & Dormitory completed Rice4Kids 2013 In memory of Stefano OUR ACTIVITIES

Our Greetings Another year has gone, and yet we still live in the joyful memories and trips we made to the Buddha Kasettra School in 2013. The hours and days spent traveling to get to School felt like we were going back home to see our family. 120 mouths to be fed, 240 hands to hold, yet our heart is one, filled in with the love of conserving our planet by supporting self-sufficiency and organic farming. The Buddhakasettra School also this year has been a home for 120 children in need. ChuayDek – Raising Greener Generations Onlus is entering into its 3rd year assisting the School to improve the quality of life of its students and to enrich their nutrition and transfering knowledge and technology to the teachers.

2013 highlights in Pictures

Top: Inauguration of the Renovated Domitory for Girls – supported by Area Solidarietà Alitalia Lower Right: Family of Stefano Manzardo, who will always be remembered by children and teachers of the Buddha Kasettra School as well as by ChuayDek onlus, together with Kru An (the manager) Kru Wanlop (the principal) of the School. The family donated new set of sport uniforms (t-shirt, trousers, socks and shoes) to all the students in memory of their beloved son Stefano.

In (short) Words January: Fund raising through the Christmas lucky draw “Food.Love.Happiness” 2012 edition. We thank again the Sukhothai restaurant (Rome) for their support February: Fasting For Food group, Rome (FFF) contributions helped the School moving forward for their self-sufficiency through the project "Food and knowledge, today and for the future". The teachers travelled to schools and farms experienced in organic agriculture and marketing of their products, to learn and bring back that knowledge and experience to the School. Thanks to FFF for the sponsorship, encouragement and continuos support, thanks to Arunee for her guidance. March: helping the Karen refugee camp (situated only 20 km away from the School), after a fire that nearly destroyed it and left dead people and injured. ChuayDek got organized to help the survivors, delivering 17 bags of clothes and other essentail items. We deeply thank everyone for the support received. The teachers and the kids of the School decided to donate 120 kg of their rice to the survivors, an amazing example of the kindness of their hearts; they do not have much, but the little they have, they share it with other people in need. June: Fund-raising event thanks to the Revolution radio, which hosted ChuayDek onlus for another night of good music and good actions; helping spreading the voice about our hope for the kids of the Buddha Kasettra School. In the same month and until mid July Rice4Kids t-shirts were designed and used for raising funds to support Rice Project. 100 were given as a token of appreciation for donations received July (15 to 20): Rice4Kids 2013 edition! Twelve people, between 18 and 60 connected by a common dream to help children in need, while learning from them and from their teachers, experiencing their lives and getting to know them better. We helped planting rice and organized a day trip for students to visit the nearby park, hot spring and waterfall. It was with no doubt an experience that ChuayDek and its volunteers will never forget (visiti: facebook album or photostory) August: From tradition to fashion; ChuayDek helped in the selling of fabrics produced by women in Pan Uung (one of the villages from where some students of the School come from) to a Supporter passionate with cloth designing and producing. We believe that is important to support whom who need it, but to encourage them in working and boosting their economy. Novemeber: Another unforgetable visit to the School, inauguration of the dormitory, protection wall and touching moments of donations

Above: Fabric in Pan Uung – more pics Right: A moment of the day tour of the November visit

Thanks for all your contributions – we made all of this only because of you! Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Chuaydek.HelpKids Visit our webpage: www.chuaydek.org

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