Bibliographies and Evaluations

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Bibliographies and Evaluations. Chloe Anderson.

Evaluation of Independent Practice: Over the summer I was at first excited with the chance to once again choose our own topic to go into but with so much choice I quickly because overwhelmed and wanted to go into every direction. I started with the idea of collecting destroyed beer mats over time as I had noticed while working at the pub the North Star that people do not normally care to look after things that do not have a material value for them. I quickly realised that it would be very hard to gather the outcome that I had in my head been aiming for as I just didn’t have enough time and nor was I getting the kind of destructed beer mats that I had been hoping for. After and one on one with Sophie I came home and began to look at the other topic that I had much interest in which is body habits. I quickly leaned more towards the habit that is ocd as a close friend of mine suffers from it quite severely. Something I believe is that everybody has a little bit of ocd. I think some of my small habits reflect the illness but don’t stop my daily life. I often have to touch a door a certain number of times after locking it or have to wash my hands after having been out when I get home. I enjoy using physical unusual materials to experiment and when thinking about how I could display ocd as a concept though experimenting I though of using soap bars to display messages or feelings of how someone with ocd feels inside. I went on a website and gathered information from people who suffered from ocd and choose six simple phrases to carve into the soap. From there my ideas flowed much easier as I had my concept finally.

Evaluation of Method of Madness: This semester has been an up and down roller coaster for me, I have went from having no motivation to going feet first into a brief. One of the main things I feel that I have learnt this semester is that you should not just stop a brief when you feel it can not go any further but instead try it again from a different angle. I am very shy went it comes to public speaking in either small or large groups but in the last few months I feel that I have started to enjoy the crit’s and really have gathered a great input from my peers. I have always enjoyed having a look at others work and have found this one of the biggest ways to giving me motivation to step up my game so to speak and found one of the most intriguing crit’s the day we had the two minute sessions where we all changed tables. The brief I found the most difficult was the persuasion brief as I am un-familiar with fimiling my work/experiments. I at first found it hard to feel like we had done a substancial amount of work even though we went up to London for a day and then spent another at uca filming it just didn’t feel enough. I feel more comfortable using photography than film which is strange as they are in many ways so similiar. Having done this brief I would like to take the opportunity now that I have gathered some experience to experiment with using film and come out of my safe zone. I am pleased with the final outcome of our video as I feel that it shows the hard work that was put into it and the varied outcomes achieved even if it didn’t feel like we had done enough while filming.

Bibliography Independent Practice: Keri Smith (2007). The Guerilla Art Kit. Princeton Architectural Press. 144. Faith Shannon (1987). Paper pleasures: The creative guide to papercraft. Weidenfeld & Nicolson in association with Il Papiro. 168. Stefan Sagmeister (2008). Things I Have Learned in My Life So Far. Harry N Abrams . 248. Sue Doggett (2003). Handmade Books. A & C Black Publishers Ltd. 144. Girl Interrupted (1999). James Mangold. 24 March 2000. Columbia Pictures. Creative Review Magazine. November 2010.

Bibliography Methods of Madness: Anna Gerber (2004). All Messed Up: Unpredictable Graphics. Laurence King Publishing. 208. Daniel Eatock (2008). Imprint. Princeton Architectural Press. 224. Lachlan Blackley (2006). Wallpaper. Laurence King. 192. Keri Smith (2009). Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy. Michael Joseph. 192. Hannah Hoch (2010). Hannah Hoch. The Green Box Kunstedition. 44. Gunda Luyken (2004). Hannah Hoch: Album. Hatje Cantz. 132. The Shawshank Redemption (1994). Frank Darabont. Columbia Pictures.

Independent Practice Proposal: The themes of graphic design that interest me are the images that once you see them they get stuck in your head. I like shock value art. I like to try and be different sometimes not knowing if I am different in a good way or a bad way, I think that you can only learn through making mistakes. The methods that I am interested in are collage, photography, experimenting freely with materials, stencil’s etc. In terms of what I have learnt from my peers, is that I think other people document a greater amount of research for their projects than I do and from seeing this it has really made me think of how I should start my projects in the future e.g. to start by using a wider variety of research techniques and by not only doing this but stating it in either my blog or sketchbook so that I can both look back at it and also use it to show where my thought process for the brief was at the time. Artists that I am interested in and admire are Stefan Sagmeister and Marion Deuchars. Keri Smith design’s guerilla type art books which are amazingly fun and thought provoking as they allow you to take an active part in her work. David La Chapelle intrests me greatly as his images are so vibrant in information and detail for you as a viewer to debate over. I like looking on blogs on the internet of people from around the world, ones which mostly have a large mixture of work of a couple of piece’s from each artist as it is like a never ending archive of information and inspiration. The area of work I like to explore in terms of graphic design is to improve my typography knowledge, such as to become more aquatinted with all types of typography in detail. I like looking at collections of objects or words. I am interested in visual graphics such as collections being documented, like the type of objects that normally go un-noticed on a daily basis and is quickly thrown away when not needed. I also like looking at human behavior such as emotions or people’s ‘habits’ such as things like the body movements people make when they are nervous. One of the main ideas that I have been focusing on is collecting beer mates. Firstly because I work at pub part time and seeing hundreds be used and thrown away in a single day and having inspected them to find there designs quite interesting and secondly because I like seeing how people dont care for things that dont have a material ‘value’ and how they rip them to shreds, draw on them or throw them on the floor for me to tidy up after them. I have been collecting them over time and at the moment am trying to make a piece of graphics with the discarded ones. The outcome that I am aiming towards is a poster of one with original pristine beer mat’s and the other with some of the most interesting destroyed ones. A secondary outcome could be me swapping the original beer mat’s for ones that I myself have designed and see if any of the customers notice the difference or simply can’t tell.

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