Year Three - External Positioning Portfolio

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Chloe Anderson Graphic Design External Positioning Student Number:0802725 Unit: EGRD 3013

ISTD - It Happened On This Day:

The images above show in the left hand corner the car that diana was in after it had crashed and on the right side is the last photo ever taken of Diana by the paparazzi while she was in the car right before she drove through the tunnel that she crashed in. The bottom picture is on the newspaper headlines on the morning after she died.

I choose the day Princess Diana died in a horrific car crash on 31st August 1997. I was seven years old at the time and I remember watching the news all day being intranced by how everyone around me was affected by this womans death. For this brief I researched it throughly through means of the internet and news footage. I looked at past newspapers that were printed on the day that contained the nations shocked responce. I watched reports from CNN and Fox which are news channels on youtube. I watched a documentary called ‘Princess Diana’s Death & Controversy. - Princess Diana: “Chasing Diana” it talked about how the public felt at the time and looked into the question of how Diana died and was it by murder or was it an accident. For this brief I looked into the newspaper headlines and articles but found the quotes that people were giving to be more interesting and most of all more emotionally moving. Once which stuck out was “There was no conspiracy, there was no cover-up” which was said by former Police Commissioner Lord John Stevens who was the head of the investigation into the deaths of Princess Diana and her friend, Dodi Fayed at the time of their deaths. This quote created alot of controversy as people were both desperately wanting answers and convinced that the police were lying to them directly. I played around with how the quote would look on a page but then went further into experimenting with how it would look if it was infact a police report, I took this idea from how sometimes pages of an fbi police report can be found missing or blacked out for unknown reasons. I felt that this linked into how secrative the reasons behind Diana’s death were at the time and still are today but also because of the acusations of a cover up and people wanting to know who was responsible. So I created the design of having some of the typeography covered up and crossed out with thick black pen in the idea that it would create the illusion that it would stop reporters or anyone else ever finding out the truth.

These two set of images are posters designed to be from the perspective of the public on how they feel about Princess Dianas death. I created the one above first and then experimented with it a little more to create the one on the right hand side, I highlighted certain words to draw emphasis onto the gravity of the raw emotion surrounding the days after Princess Dianas death.

Freelance: These set of three advertiments were created for the local pub that I work at the first two are New Years eve and Christmas eve tickets. The one above it for a charity fundraising night that was held in memory of a customer who died from cancer recently. The restrictions I was given were that it had to be in black and white, show certain information and they wanted it hand drawn so I created it on my graphics tablet.

Internet Competitions: The Renaissance Photography Prize is an international photography competition which raises money to support younger women with breast cancer. All of the money that you pay for the entrance fee goes straight to charity. The catagory that I chose from the 5 choices given was expression. I submitted an older peice of work that I felt fitted the criteria.

The Google Photography Prize is open to students in higher education aged 18 years and older from all over the world. There are ten catagories to choose from and you can enter up to eight photographs and its all done through your own personal google+ account.

Previous pieces of work carried out by students in design and architecture usually disappear into drawers and are hardly ever seen again but Output allows you to show off previous pieces of work via many ways such as either creating a portfolio on their website or by entering work into the national Output award. Output has its own curating team so that it makes sure that you can easily spot the highlights amongst thousands of projects and portfolios, this allows you the oppertunity to have your work shown in the Output ‘wall of fame’ via your peers choosing your work as one of their favourites.

Buisness Cards:

Chloe Anderson Graphic Designer (+44) 7850 334750

Chloe Anderson Graphic Designer (+44) 7850 334750 chloeandersongraphics Tinylittlehummingbird.

Chloe Anderson Graphic Designer (+44) 7850 334750 chloeandersongraphics Tinylittlehummingbird.

Chloe Anderson Graphic Designer (+44) 7850 334750 chloeandersongraphics Tinylittlehummingbird.

These images are a selection of the business card’s that I have created for myself. As I have a real interest in lomography at the moment and it holds a large theme within my independent pratice I thought it best to include the images to show who I am.

Chloe Anderson Graphic Designer (+44) 7850 334750 chloeandersongraphics Tinylittlehummingbird.

Chloe Anderson Graphic Designer (+44) 7850 334750 chloeandersongraphics Tinylittlehummingbird.

Chloe Anderson Graphic Designer (+44) 7850 334750 chloeandersongraphics Tinylittlehummingbird.


I have been updating my tumblr page each time I create a new piece of work and have found the progress to be a very useful form of medium as it allows me to reflect upon peieces of my current and past work easily. The archive button allows me to see my entire portfolio all on one page and the random button picks any single piece of work and shows it. I have found this form of media useful in sharing my work with my peers and friends outside of uni. Having pieces of my work liked or re-posted onto their own blogs by other tumblr users has given me a more informative idea on what pieces of my work are stronger than others. Next I plan to create my own website to hold my work as a more formal way to display my work online.

Stamp Research: From the 21st August 2006, a new system was started, where by two different types of 1st and 2nd Class mail are charged. Royal Mail introduced a new Large letter stamp to cover the cost of 1st and 2nd class mail. The Royal Mail uses a system which prices letters via proportion, it is a system that has revolutionised the way they charge for letters and packets. The change means that the price of postage will now be based not just on weight, but on size as well.

Black Penny Stamp: In the year 1840, the United Kingdom introduced the Penny Black, the world’s first adhesive postage stamp. It was followed one day later by the 2d blue and at the beginning of 1841 the 1d red appeared. But before 1840, the post service was prohibitively expensive for most people to use. In fact the cost of sending a single letter could cost of much as a working man’s daily wage. Postage was charged by the sheet and the distance travelled.

Marion Deuchars:

The set of stamps to be issued on 12 April celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Royal Shakespeare Company, Britain’s most famous publicly funded theatre company. The six counter sheet stamps highlight six famous productions of Shakespeare plays, in most cases showing living actors who are eminently recognisable, albeit in character. They also include quotations from the relevant play. Philip Parker of Royal Mail Stamps said: ‘We wanted to mark this important anniversary by producing stamps which reflect the drama and excitement generated by RSC productions over the past five decades. I found these set of stamps to be inspiring as Marion Deuchars has created such a contrast to the everyday first class stamp and this allowed myself to think outside the box when creating my own series and also to not be afraid of creating something a little quirky and eye catching.

RSA Brief: Firsty when choosing from the two choices I picked brief A: Social Mail which involved getting people into writing. I set out with the thought of incorporating story books into the brief and created these images above from experimenting with type and paint. After a tutorial with Bev we talked and I realised that these stamp ideas were more for getting people to read a book rather than to write a letter. I decided that it would be best if I swapped briefs and choose brief B: World with a future with involved encouraging customers to make positive enviromental changes and to educate future generations. I choose to look into researching ecology quotes and then to use the same cut and paint technique to display the new quotes.

I experimented with how the prints would look when intergrated with colour and found the outcomes eyecatching and vibrant. I did not do this for all of the prints as even though I think the colour ones are interesting I prefer the black and white prints as final pieces.


2011: Skill Set


Stencils Design





2012: Skill Set


Type as image

Hands on Design




Illustration + Images

Apply for job internships.

Get job opportunity.

Go and stay with dad and look for work in Los Angeles.


Degree Show.

Go traveling to different destinations.

Come back home.

Given offer from degree show.



Experience gained.


Volunteer in Africa or India.

Italy. China. Russia.

Gain life experience.

Evaluation: When looking into my future within the graphic design industry I see myself within a design studio similar to Mirko Ilić Corp as I find their work new, vibrant and inspiring. Once graduating I would first like to travel around Europe which would allow me to experience several different cultures and countries and grant my an eye opening experience to take inspiration from forever more. I have been thinking hard about the opportunity to go and live with my father for a while in Los Angeles and to see what I could gain from that experience especially within working out of my comfort zone. This could allow me to meet new contacts and learn more thoroughly into where I stand within graphic design as a business. Last year I was given the opportunity to talk to Patrick Burgoyne and he gave some great advice such as “simple is always best” “freelance is hard and lonely” and “working abroad looks good on your cv”. I came away feeling that I had a little better of an understanding of how the design industry works but that I still have a lot to learn and experience. This past term has given me a greater insight into how a competition brief works such as the experience with working within time restraints and set targets. Both briefs took me a little while to get into but after a few ideas I found it easier to experiment with different outcomes, I feel that both briefs are still works in progress and that out of the two the stamp brief is closer to looking like a finished outcome. I have a keen interest in photography and more specifically lomography or any type of film cameras at the moment but its hard to fund the constant processing of film. I have had a darkroom workshop but will be looking into learning more into the details of film development. I aim to combine my interest in photography with my travels so that upon my return I should of improved my skills through my experimentation abroad. When looking at the skills that I currently have I can use adobe computer programs such as photoshop, illustrator and indesign to a high standard. My photography skills are progressing daily with my collection of cameras and my experimentation of film. I find that my design process is very hands on and creative and that is shown in the end results of my work, I admire Stefan Sagmeister’s hand on approach also and often find his work inspiring. When looking back over my past work I see a large amount of photography, hand drawn typography, stencils and lino prints. I choose the ISTD brief which is typography based because I wanted to improve and experiment with my typography skills. I found the brief daunting at first but after some thorough research I was able to experiment with some varied ideas, even though my work is still in the progress stages I can see that there are some good ideas for final outcomes. I know that I need to improve my knowledge on typography and have started by reading ‘Just My Type: A Book About Fonts’ by Simon Garfield which has been a very interesting and informative read.

Bibliography: Princess Diana Documentary Videos: Books: The Murder of Princess Diana - Noel Botham. Diana: Her True Story - In Her Own Words - Andrew Morton. Just My Type: A Book About Fonts - Simon Garfield Exhibitions: Vincent Van Gogh Museum - Amsterdam - November 26th 2011. V&A Beatrix Potter Illustrations - London - November 10th 2011. Design Museum - London - December 3rd 2011. Websites: Ecology Quotes and References: “The earth is what we have in common.” - Wendell Barry. “Nature always strikes back.” - Rene Dubos. “I’m not an environmentalist. I’m an Earth warrior.” - Darryl Cherney. “Love the earth as you would love yourself.” - John Denver. “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson. “A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and lift is after all a chain.” - William James. “We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.” - Thomas Fuller.

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