A Trip Worth Taking by Wayne Patrick Johnson

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A Trip A Trip Worth Worth Taking Taking

Wayne Patrick Johnson Wayne Patrick Johnson

African Proverb

The ConTextos Authors Circle was developed in collaboration with young people at-risk of, victims of, or perpetrators of violence in El Salvador. In 2017 this innovative program expanded into Chicago to create tangible, high quality opportunities that nourish the minds,,expand the voices and share the personal truths of individuals who have long been underserved and underestimated. Through the process of drafting, revising and publishing memoirs, participants develop self-reflection, critical thinking, camaraderie and positive selfprojection to author new life narratives.

Since January 2017 ConTextos has partnered with Cook County Sheriff's Office to implement Authors Circle in Cook County Department of Corrections as part of a vision for reform that recognizes the value of mental health, rehabilitation and reflection. These powerful memoirs complicate the narratives of violence and peace building, and help author a hopeful future for human beings behind walls, their families and our collective communities.

While each author’s text is solely the work of the Author, the image used to create this book’s illustrations have been sourced by various print publications. Authors curate these images and then, using only their hands, manipulate the images through tearing, folding, layering and careful positioning. By applying these collage techniques, Authors transform their written memoirs into illustrated books.

This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number ALN 21.027 awarded to Cook County by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Until the lion learns to write their own story, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter

Wayne Patrick Johnson A Trip Worth Taking

It was 2015 in Chicago. I was 29 years old with no kids and a good job at this restaurant called M Burger. I’ve been there for three years since I came home from boot camp with the first six months of working there, they made me a supervisor and told me they don’t hire a supervisor or manager. They train people in the company for

DaysbeforeI sat athome googlinghowlongthedrive willbe andhow much money and gasit wouldbe,sotwodays after quittingmyjob,I packed upmyImpala and turned on myGPS andtypedinPhoenix,Arizona.Iforgothow manymilesit said,but it said26hoursin mymind.I’mthinkingoneday,plus allIknowisthatit gets realhot thereinthe summer.I'm gladit’s onlyMay.

Doingthedrive,IdrovethroughrainstormsinthecountrypartofIllinoisandsawalot ofroadinfrontofme.Icouldn’twaittogetoutofIllinois.AsIlookup,Iwasbeing welcomedtoMissouribythatGreensidewaitingtoseetheirlandmarkanditwasbig rightofftheexpresswaylikeyouseeonTVplusitwasgettingdarksoI’msleepingin STLtonightrightbytheSixFlagsinmycartosavemymoneywhileI’monthisroad.

Right before the sun came up, I was back on the road determined to make it to OKC by 12 noon. I was just driving and knocking the miles down. I’ve never been to the states that I was driving through and I was excited to see them. I swear OKC was so hood where I got gas at.

So I was back on the road trying to get to Texas before night hit and I did. Amarillo, Texas was where I spent my night in a Walmart parking lot. Plus, it was the first McDonald’s I ever saw with no cashier only pay boxes that was crazy. I check my car, my oil, my tires and fill the car up so when the morning came I didn’t have to worry about it plus I had one more state before I was in Arizona and that was New Mexico.

When I woke up in that hot ass car the next day, the only thing that was on my mind was to make it to Arizona. Plus I need a shower to drive us more on the interstate, but it was scary driving through Texas thinking about Texas chainsaw as I drive past, all the slaughter houses and praying nothing bad happened. On the border of New Mexico I saw a rest stop and pulled in for a second to rest my legs, the surrounding area with beautiful mountains everywhere I walked to the cliff to look over and the drop was deep. That’s when I felt to get back on the road. New Mexico was crazy. The highway had signs that said falling rock when I got gas out there the scene I remember was on Goonies when he was on the bike looking for his brothers. That’s how it look.

Arizona was in the air and the heat was on its way. As soon as I saw Arizona I thought I was there. I was there, but it wasn't Phoenix. It was some town called Flagstaff, Arizona and it was in the mountains.

Three more hours to Phoenix and I’m not going to stop until I make it. I went up, down and around the Mountain. Cars went around me, they blew their horns, but I didn’t care. I was finally here and it was the first week of May and I had just drove 26 hours by myself. I was here to start a better life and it was so hot like 117° it felt like hell on earth and you can see the heat coming off the ground.

I needed water fast. The sun was so hot it felt like the sun was burning the hair on my arms as I smoked my square it felt like fire in my lungs. I was so tired from that long drive I booked myself a room at the first motel 6 I saw to get some rest for the next day cause my goal was to find a job quickly then find an apartment. So I went on my phone and found the nearest temp agency and I was there nice and early to apply. I knew they weren't going to send me out the same day but I applied now. I was driving around applying at every job I saw until someone called me.

Now weeks are gone by and I’m working at Five Guys. When I was at work at Five Guys this white guy came in and made an order. I took his order and made his food and he asked me where everybody was and I told him their in the back of the restaurant. He said ok and got to asking me questions like how long have I been in the restaurant business.

I told him like 10 years and the guy gave me his business card and a free meal and asked me do I want a better job and told me to stop by on my day off. So I did cause I needed all the money I can get at that time.

As soon I walked in I saw the guy his name was Kyle Crump and his uncle that own the place was Tony Crump. Tony interviews me and gave me the job starting off more than Five Guys and I can’t lie it was the best job ever and everyone treated me like family. Once I got my apartment Tony brought me a bed and a couch and the other employees donated dishes and other things. I never had that done before, it was different from Chicago I swear.

That's why I hate the police. I sat in that room for 2 days off morphine and couldn’t walk because my knee cap was the size of a melon. I had no one to come get me and I didn’t want to go back home. I was so high off meds that I posted a post on facebook letting people who cared about me know that I had got shot. I was feeling sad and angry that I was in Arizona with a bullet in my leg. I also called 2 women that I was talking to at the time. Only one showed up to see me, the other one will turn out to be my baby mother.

The day was here that I had to leave the hospital and I had no one to come get me cause I couldn’t walk. It was hot outside and nowhere to go or no love from anyone until I got a phone call on Facebook. It was one of my white friends that I work with. He saw my post on Facebook and he’s in Germany, he asked me if I was okay and I put my pride to the side and told him no and that's when he told me his father would come get me if I like and I said yes.

I stayed with his family for 6 and a half months until I was able to walk. They gave me my own room, tv, and ps4. They made me real comfy, they never asked me for anything, but to pay my thanks, I re-did the upstairs floor. I layed down the hardwood flooring for them in the lofT and yes I did have women coming over that’s how I got my baby mother pregnant so when I moved out to my own apartment I was about to be a father of my first son.

chest until we went home. At the time I was working overnight so every morning when I came in I heard him up calling and trying to say daddy. I was on the road to spoil my only son. We did everything together. I taught him how to sit up, crawl. He even loved standing on my head while I was sleeping, not knowing his mother was pregnant again.

The saying is true, wait the six weeks. I’m thinking in my head I don’t want anymore kids this soon but God works in a way you wouldn’t believe. Now we ’ re at the same hospital and it looks like the same room, as she was about to have my other son. He didn’t want to come out, he was playing lol. Now this was the scary part. This little baby looks just like me. They wrapped him in a little red hat and blanket and gave him to me. I was scared cause he was 5 pounds 3 oz and he was my little loaf of bread. I named him Keyceon Zireal Johnson. Now my boys are 11 months apart. The first day home with Keyceon, Keyden was happy and kept trying to touch the baby but I kept him away for a little. As Keyceon got a little older and was able to crawl, I would catch Keyceon on top of Keyden, and Keyden would be crying for help.

The crazy part I knew they was talking that baby language on me cause I be trying to stop the oldest from going up the stairs and stop the baby from rolling off the couch. Until this day I catch Keyceon standing on Keyden back in the snack closet trying to get the snacks I wonder if he sharing with his brother when they don’t get caught. For some odd reason they love playing in my shoes.

ThenextdayIgottheboysreadyfortheday.Thefirstthingwedidwasget breakfastthenIcleanedtheboysandgotthemdressed.

We went to the mall to buy the kids clothes and shoes for the summer then we took Keyceon to get his hair braided. Keyden got his haircut. That whole summer we did everything from the park to the jumpy house. All the women love the boys in Chicago. They met their Auntie and Uncle and their grandmother for the first time. They had a ball in Chicago and they loved the food. After that I took the boys back to Arizona. And that was the last time I saw my boys.

Wayne Patrick Johnson

I Am From

I am from The Windy City

From that side street 19th and Miller

I am from where the kids run to the ice cream trucks in the summer

And I’m from the gun smoke and crack smell and fried chicken in the air.

I am from that block with speed bumps.

I am from where the block becomes a party

Next to every pothole in the street

And where everyone keeps a clean cut and shave. And from being the fourth child that everyone hated.

I am also from the City of gangsters

And pimps and ballers and the best doctors

I am from where we come together as one.

I’m from Florine Johnson and Wayne P. Handy

From dice throwing and quarters being pitched on lines

I’m from where the dice hit 6 or 8, or 9 or 5

And from the Blue and Whites pulling people over for no reason.

I’m from the best paint jobs on old skool Chevys

And from the jails being over packed.

I’m from where Mike scored 61 points and got 6 rings.

I’m from the green river on St Patrick’s Day

From where you can see the Fireworks from Navy Pier on the 4th of July.

I’m from Pilsen

From where the carnitas smell good on Sunday and the Horchata is cold, ready to drink.

I’m from Jew Town.

From where Maxwells never close on them drunk nights. From where the grilled onions smell good

I’m from that street with the green house on the corner

From the block that gave me a nickname.

I’m from a single mother that works hard every day for her boys

Copyright 2023 ConTextos
Until the lion learns to write their own story, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter - African Proverb
I am Wayne P. Johnson
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