fall 2012

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EDITOR IN CHIEF Cara Livermore flavors.me/caralynne

CO EDITOR Bob Lawton hooah.tumblr.com

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25, 79

YUAN yishuai






SHELLY WESTERHAUSEN vegetarianventures.com




















JEN bardekoff






kelsey davis


ashley keys


mary councell












Fall book review






portraits of rescued farm animals












1 cup wild rice 2 cups water 1 medium-large red onion, diced 3 medium cloves garlic, sliced thin 3/4 cup finely chopped carrot 1-2 cups loosely chopped brown button mushrooms 1 large acorn squash ——————— To taste: Nutritional yeast Olive oil Iodized salt Ground peppercorns 1. Bring rice, a pinch of salt, and water to a boil, then simmer, partially covered, for 20-30 minutes or until tender. 2. Chop up the onion and garlic, then place it in a pan with 1 tsp olive oil. Heat on medium low for 5-10 minutes, or until the onions are translucent. Stir every so often. 3. Chop up the carrot and mushroom and add it to the onion pan. Let cook for ten more minutes or until the carrot is softened. 4. Cut the top off your squash and carve out the insides. Separate the seeds from the usable squash flesh. Place the 1 cup of squash in a blender with 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp iodized salt, 1 tsp ground pepper, and 2 tsp nutritional yeast. Blend until consistently and thoroughly creamy. 5. Stir some of the squash into the vegetable mix and add more salt & pepper to taste. When the rice is done, stir in a bit at a time, adding in more squash as you go.


PUMPKIN CHAI FRENCH TOAST makes enough for 6-10 slices

1 cup pureed pumpkin 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice dash ground cloves dash ground nutmeg 2 tsp nutritional yeast (optional) —————————— 2 cups coconut milk (canned preferred) 4 bags chai spice/tea whole cinnamon sticks —————————— 1 large loaf crusty Italian bread (no thin sliced white bread!) Agave or maple syrup Sucanat (sugar in the raw) Earth balance or coconut oil Flour or egg replacer powder 1. Put the coconut milk, chai bags, and cinnamon sticks in a pot on medium heat. Tie up the bags so they don’t get in the liquid, then let heat for about ten minutes or until the bags have steeped throughout the milk - the longer the better. 2. While the milk is heating, mix together the pureed pumpkin, vanilla extract, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, cloves, and nutmeg until combined. 3. Take the tea bags and cinnamon sticks out of the milk and whisk in the pumpkin mixture. Turn off the heat. Whisk in about 1 tbsp flour/egg replacer and agave to taste. (Whisk in the nutritional yeast too, if you’re adding it. It adds a lot of flavor and helps thicken the liquid.) 4. Cut the bread into 1-2 inch slices. The thick, crusty bread stays much less soggy than standard sliced bread. 5. Put a skillet/flat pan on medium-high heat and coat it with some Earth Balance. 6. Lightly dip each side of the bread in the liquid and place it on the hot pan. Flip each slice when the bottom is golden brown. I like to sprinkle raw sugar on each side to help it crisp up as well as give it more sweetness. 7. Serve hot with apples, pears, toasted hazelnuts, or maple syrup and enjoy!






This is one of my favourite meals to make, especially when the nights are drawing in and there’s a sudden chill in the evening air! I use seasonal produce for this lasagne, in summer red peppers and courgettes but in autumn I love to use butternut squash and fennel. This lasagne doesn’t use the classic bechamel for it’s white sauce, but offers a much quicker, fool proof and I think more delicious alternative that takes minutes to make!

Butternut Squash and Fennel Tomato sauce: 1 small butternut squash peeled, de-seeded and cut into rough 2 inch cubes 1 fennel bulb chopped into cubes -----------------------------------------1 green pepper chopped into cubes 1 medium red onion chopped into cubes 2 sticks of celery, chopped into cubes 2 cloves of garlic, chopped fine 3 cups spinach, washed ----------------------------------------3 cups chopped tomatoes 1 tsp brown sugar 1 tsp balsamic vinegar 1 tsp vegetable bouillon pinch thyme or mixed herbs 2 tbsp tomato purÈe salt and pepper to taste glug of olive oil --------------------------------------vegan organic pasta sheets Cashew Nut Bechamel Sauce: 1 pack Mori Nu Silken tofu 1 cup cashews 1/2 cup nutritional yeast flakes 3 sundried tomatoes 1 tbsp tomato infused oil 1 tbsp lemon juice 1/4 cup water (may need a bit more if the mixture is too thick) 1/2 tsp mustard salt to taste


1. Place the butternut squash cubes and fennel in a roasting dish and drizzle with olive oil salt and pepper. Place in a hot oven for 30 minutes until browned and roasted. 2. Next heat the oil in a pan and add the onion, garlic, pepper, spinach and celery. You can use any other veggies in this dish and it’s a great way to use up any leftover veggies in the fridge! .Carrots, aubergine, sprouting broccoli, courgette would all be great in this! 3. Once they have sweated down a bit add the tomatoes, sugar, bouillon stock, balsamic, herbs, tomato purÈe, salt and pepper. Then add the roasted squash and fennel to the pan. 4. Give it a taste, is it seasoned enough? Has the sugar taken away the acid from the tomatoes? If not add a touch more. Can you taste the herbs? When you are happy, turn the heat down to gently simmer until the veg is just cooked through. 5. Now for the cashew bechamel. In the food processor add the tofu, cashews, yeast flakes, sundried tomatoes, oil, lemon juice, mustard and water. Blend for a minute or two until there are no lumps of cashew nut left. It should be a thick creamy sauce but if you feel it is too thick add a touch more water. Add a pinch of salt, blend some more and taste, adding more salt if needed. 6. Now to assemble the lasagne, so get our dry lasagne sheets ready. I always go tomato sauce, pasta, cashew nut sauce, tomato sauce, pasta, cashew nut sauce. I find this best as you are left with a creamy topping that goes gratinated and the pasta goes slightly crispy at the edges and I LOVE that! 7. Pop it in the oven at 190c to 200c (375f to 390f ) for 30 mins then check. If it’s not brown enough pop in for another 5mins. Serve a big plateful straight away!!!!!!!!






CUMIN CHICKPEAS & COUSCOUS recipe by carmen varner

makes 4 servings

1/2 medium onion, diced 3 cups chopped zucchini 1 can garbanzo beans (aka chickpeas) 1 tbsp tomato paste about 1 tsp cumin A pinch of turmeric, salt and pepper.

1. Add olive oil to a pan and sautĂŠ your onions. 2. Once the onions begin to cook and look slightly transparent, add zucchini. Cover and let it simmer for about 7 minutes, stirring occasionally. 3. Make the couscous. Add 1 cup couscous to 1 cup water. You can do this in a pot or even in the microwave. When done, fluff with a fork and add salt, pepper, vegan butter, etc to taste. 3. When the veggies appear cooked or are beginning to brown, add strained garbanzo beans into the zucchini-onion mixture. 4. Once garbanzo beans are heated through, add tomato paste and seasoning. Stir until paste is evenly distributed. 5. Add the cumin chickpeas over the couscous or mix them together. Enjoy!





QUICKIE SQUASH BRUSCHETTA Makes more than enough for a party of 8-10 (or one.) This is a meal I make often because it’s very flavorful, and looks like I spent a lot of time on it even though I really didn’t.

2 cups well diced yellow squash 2 cups chopped tomato 1 tsp olive oil 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar Onion & garlic powder 3/4 cup beans Finely minced basil, dried or fresh Salt & pepper -----Baguette Earth Balance or olive oil 1. Chop all the vegetables, then place them in a pan with the balsamic, olive oil, onion & garlic powders, and basil. Cover the pan and let cook on medium heat for 5 minutes. 2. Uncover the pan and add in the beans and salt & pepper to taste. Add in more balsamic to taste if needed. Stir and let cook for 10 minutes, or until the squash is softened. 3. While the topping is cooking, slice your baguette, then coat both sides in Earth Balance or olive oil. Place on a medium-hot pan and let brown on both sides.



SWEET & SPICY BUTTERNUT RAVIOLI Makes 1-2 dozen ravioli, depending on how thin you can get the dough. Start making the filling first, then the pasta when the filling is done. Make the butter sauce when the completed ravioli are cooking. For the filling 3 cups diced butternut squash 1-2 tbsp ground cinnamon Dash of cayenne (to your own taste, really) 1 tbsp oil 2 tsp sea salt 1 tbsp raw sugar 1. Mix together all ingredients in a pot, then heat on medium low, covered, for 20 minutes or until the squash is soft enough to easily stick through with a fork. 2. Using a potato masher, mash everything until there are no big lumps left. For the sweet butter sauce 1/2 cup Earth Balance 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp maple cream or maple syrup 1. Melt everything together in a small pan until it’s consistently creamy.

For the pasta 1 cup all purpose flour 1 cup semolina flour Dash salt 1 tbsp olive oil 1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp water 1. Mix together with your hands until it can all stick together in a ball. 2. Lay the dough out on the countertop, and using a heavy rolling pin roll the dough until very thin. It should be a little thicker than paper but not nearly as thick as sugar cookie dough. (I used a marble stone rolling pin, and it helped a lot!) Try to keep the dough in a rectangular shape as you thin it out. 3. Using a knife or pizza cutter, slice lines two inches apart from one another until you’ve made squares of the flat dough. Feel free to use a ruler, but it’s not at all necessary.

Make the Ravioli 1. Scoop out a 1/2 tsp of filling and place it in the center of a square. 2. Dip your finger in a cup of water, and trace it around two adjacent edges of the square, like making an “L”. 3.Take the non-watered corner and fold it over to the other, then press the newly-made triangle together. 4. Using a fork, gently crimp the joined edges on both sides. Make sure none of the filling gets out! 5. Drop 3-4 ravioli into a pot of boiling water, stirring often to keep them from sticking. Once a ravioli floats to the top of the water, let it cook just a minute longer, then you can take it out. 6. Pour the hot butter over the freshly cooked ravioli.










Article & recipe by Erik Källman, art by Taylor Hultquist After finishing this year’s preparation for the growing season, the first attempt to still my fermentation obsession was the simplest of brews, but also one of the most refreshing: ginger ale. I like mine as potent as a burning beehive. But why is it a good idea for you to ferment ginger, and what gives it nutritional value? The rhysome of Zingiber officinale has a long relationship with humans and has seen use all over earth to treat a multitude of symptoms ranging from the “common cold” to stomache ache and motion sickness.[1] So great is our dependence on this wonderful little nodule that India alone produced 370 thousand tonnes of it in 2007![2] That number alone speaks for how much we appreciate it in our diets. From a nutritional and medicinal point of view we’re interested in the non-volatile compounds (gingerols, shogaols, paradols and zingerone): Not only are these potent antioxidants, but few cases of gingerdrug interactions have been reported. That means that they most likely wont inhibit the effect of other kinds of medicine. They also have proven blood-pressure lowering and anti-inflammatory properties found in in-vitro experiments, which are summed up quite well in a recent review (if you skip the parts containing animal studies).[3] No wonder my great grandma got to the age of 90 chewing a nice chunk of ginger every day. While all that may sound incredible, it can be made better through the work of fermentation. Fermenting ginger requires little effort, and it pays off in spades. There are loads of recipes on the net for making it, but this article will provide you with all the guidance you need to get started. The key question to all things that deal with using micro-organisms for dietary benefit is “who am i feeding?”. Ginger ale is a simple fermented mixture of water, grated ginger, sugar and a little lemon or lime juice. Thats it. The environment you have created is perfectly suited for wild yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to start growing, as long as the temperature stays around indoors ambient. The optimal temperature is at 37 degrees, but being totally accurate on that parameter is not necessary. Depending on wild yeast instead of simply punching down a pack


of bakers yeast will give you your own unique ginger ale breeding ground (with a unique taste too, if you’re lucky!). To get started take half a liter of water, two tablespoons of sugar and one deciliter of grated ginger (preferably organically grown) and put it into any vessel that enables air circulation while still keeping insects out. A jar with some kind of cloth strapped on top works great for this purpose. If this culture is kept at room temperature for a couple of days up to a week the yeast will start to break down the sugar chains and release carbon dioxide that will bubble to the surface. This marks the birth of your very own ginger mother culture! As always, these wonderful creations feel their best only when given a name. Now is a good time to go ahead and do that. Continue to feed it with the same amount of ginger and sugar every two days to keep it alive. When you have time to bottle the ginger ale, strain off the fluid from the mother and mix it with ginger decoction of your desired strength. Pour this into airtight resealable glass bottles and store it in your root cellar or refrigerator. Keep the grated ginger from your mother culture and add fresh water, ginger and sugar in the same proportions as earlier mentioned to keep the culture going. You now have a peppery refreshing beverage that is packed with antioxidants! Serve it with ice on a hot summer day to stay cool and energized. Add lemon or lime juice to the decoction before bottling the beverage or use different kinds of sugars (agave sirup, muscovado or brown unrefined) to find your personal taste preference. Remember that the longer you ferment the ginger, the higher the alcohol content will be. If that is a concern always check the alcohol percentage before serving just to be on the safe side.


A plant that often gets forgotten in the garden as the beans start blooming and the pumpkins swell up is Reum rhabarbarum – commonly refereed to as Rhubarb. Not only is this plant excellent ground cover but its stems have a fresh sour taste as long as you stick to the smaller stalks. What most people probably don’t consider is that it’s also a wonderful plant to ferment, especially by using the following recipe!

Red Herb Sour

Ingredients medium (about 15cm in diameter) size rhubarb stalks (5-10 pcs) cinnamon (0.5 tablespoon) blackcurrant leaves (1 dm in diameter) (4 pcs) water (1L) spices to taste: oregano, thyme, mint, red tea, sliced ginger

Preparation You can either mix these by chopping up everything and tightly pack it in a 1 or 1.5L airtight jar or simply by putting in the stalks as they are and stuffing herbs, big slices of ginger and the rest of the ingredients in between them. Add the water to your jar and make sure nothing is in contact with the surface. Various techniques for this can be found online; any sauerkraut recipe is your friend here. Yeast and Lactobacillus will start working on the buffet you’ve created for them and the first fizzling signs of fermentation should be noticeable within just a few days if the mixture is kept at room temperature. As with all fermentations the best way of telling if something is done is to simply open it up every second day and have a taste! Let your own senses decide what is desirable. Personally I prefer really long ferments and don’t add any salt to my recipe, which would make the vegetables crispier. Using different herbs and teas is a good way to find new tastes for your cultures. The spiky taste of the rhubarb complements the ginger very well, and a flowery red tea along with mint and oregano teams up with the blackcurrant to create a sweet and multi-faceted final product. Grab some and put it on top of your tofu ice-cream for some healthy afternoon degeneracy. You deserve it. Diving into the vast sea of knowledge and recipes that use fermentation as a process to increase the nutritional quality of food you realize how much this minimal effort can yield very interesting results! Every vegan should give it a shot at least once, perhaps even make it part of their weekly menu. Maybe you’ll end up like me, trying to squeeze in a new jar of ferments wherever I can find or make space in my cupboard. Or living room. [1]: Update on the Chemopreventative Effects of Ginger its Phytochemicals, Manjeshwar Shrinath Baliga, Raghavendra Haniadka et. al. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 51, pp.499–523 (2011) [2]: An Impression on Current Developments in the Technology, Chemistry and Biological Activities of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), I. Rahath Kubra & L. Jagan Mohan Rao, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 52, pp.651–688 (2012) [3]: Some phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe): A review of recent research, Badreldin H. Ali, Gerald Blunden, Musbah O. Tanira, Abderrahim Nemmar, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, pp.409–420 (2008)














APPLE HAND PIES FOR THE CRUST FOR THE FILLING 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour 1 cup unbleached flour 1 tbsp sucanat 1/2 tsp fine sea salt 1/2 cup vegan butter, cold 1/2 cup shortening, cold 6-8 tbsp water, ice cold

Instructions In a large bowl stir together the flours, sucanat and salt. Using a pastry cutter or two knives cut the butter and shortening into the flour until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Stick the bowl in the freezer for 15-20 minutes to get the ingredients nice and cold. Once chilled add water 1 tablespoon at a time and mix the dough using your fingertips. Once all of the water has been added knead the dough for a full minute. Divide the dough in half, pat it into discs, wrap with plastic and refrigerate for at least an hour, up to two days. While the dough is resting prepare the caramel by heating the coconut milk in a small saucepan over medium heat. Once boiling whisk in the sucanat then place a wooden spoon across the top of the pan. Let the mixture boil for about 20 minutes then remove the spoon and whisk vigorously for 20-30 seconds. Allow to cook for an additional 2-3 minutes, and remove from heat. Let cool for 30 minutes. If not using immideately you can store it in an air tight container in the fridge for up to two days. Once you’re ready to assemble the pie remove the dough from the refrigerator and set aside. Peel and core the apples, slicing them as thin as possible and chopping into small pieces. Toss with lemon juice in a large bowl and set aside. In a small bowl stir together the cane sugar, tapioca starch and cinnamon. Toss with CHICKPEA MAGAZINE FALL 2012

1 cup coconut milk 1/2 cup sucanat 2 medium apples 1/2 tsp lemon juice 1 tbsp cane sugar 2 tbsp tapioca starch 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 2 tbsp vegan butter, melted Vanilla bean sugar apples to combine. Pour cooled caramel over the apples then toss to evenly coat. Chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350˚F. Line two large baking sheets with silicon mats or parchment paper and set aside. Line a flat surface with parchment paper and lightly sprinkle with flour. Roll out one of the discs of dough until it is 1/8” thick -- the thinner the better. Using a round 3” coking cutter cut the dough and transfer the rounds (you should have 16-18) to the prepared baking sheets. Make sure they’re spaced evenly. Place a heaping tablespoon of the caramel apple filling onto each round. Repeat the rolling/cutting process with the second disc of dough. Before sandwiching the caramel apple filling make sure you carefully stretch each round (this ensures that it will fit over the filling). Carefully place the stretched rounds over the filling, then press the edges with your fingertips to seal. Chill in freezer for 15-20 minutes. Once chilled use a fork to press the edges of each pie. You must press them completely or else the filling will seep out while baking. Trim the unsightly edges with a pair of scissors. Brush each pie with melted butter, then sprinkle with vanilla sugar. Using a toothpick poke holes in the top of each pie (if you don’t to this, they will explode). Bake at 350˚F for 18-20 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool, then store in an air tight container for Yield: 16-18 3” pies up to three days.


RAW APPLE PIE For the crust

For the filling

Ingredients 8-10 medjool dates, pitted 1 1/2 cups walnuts

Ingredients 8 medjool dates, pitted 3 medium apples, different varieties 1 cup filtered water (plus more for soaking) 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp fine sea salt

Instructions Line the bottom of an 8” tart pan with parchment paper and set aside. Using a food processor fitted with the S blade blend the walnuts into a fine meal. Add the dates and process for 20-30 seconds or just until the dates are combined. Press the dough into the prepared pan, then cover with plastic and freeze until ready to use.

Instructions Add the dates to a small bowl and cover with water. Allow to soak for 10-15 minutes. While the dates are soaking, prepare the apples by peeling and coring them. Cut the apples into 1/4” thick slices then chop into small chunks. Transfer to a small bowl and cover with a damp towel. Discard the water when the dates have finished soaking. Add the dates, water, cinnamon and salt to a high speed blender and blend until smooth or for about 15-20 seconds. Pour over apples and toss until the chunks are evenly coated.

To assemble Remove the pie crust from the freezer and pile with apple filling. Freeze for at least 45 minutes before serving. Pie will keep in an air tight container for up to 6 weeks, though if you’re anything like me it won’t last that long!











STORY & PHOTOS by Shelly Westerhausen, LETTERING BY CARA LIVERMORE The Midwest may be known for its barbecues, Chicago style hot dogs, and pork farms, but Bloomington, Indiana continues to be a breath of fresh air for any vegan trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the heart of the Midwest. If you have ever passed through the Midwest on a road trip, you probably encountered the frustration of living off french fries (which were probably deep fried in the same vat as those chicken nuggets the person across from you is eating - bummer) because of a lack of vegan options available in a small town. Bloomington is one of the few Midwestern citys that brings you as many vegan options as Chicago with a fraction of the population. With dozens of vegan-friendly restaurants, year-round farmers’ market, and international grocery stores, this town caters to all types of diets.

Growing up in a suburb of Chicago, I took for granted that vegan restaurants and ingredients, cooking staples such as nutritional yeast and tempeh, were always a quick train ride away. The variety available in the city was an asset that was nerve-racking to lose when I moved to Bloomington, IN -- a significantly smaller town farther in the the heart of the Midwest. My intentions were always to move to Portland or Austin after college and work my way up at a small vegan bakery or coffee shop. But opportunities arose and both my boyfriend and I scored exciting and engaging full-time jobs at a small independent record label in Bloomington. Both being creative people - me with my food blog and him with his music - I was apprehensive of being able to find inspiration in such a small city. However, five years later Bloomington is still proving me wrong. With the help of a young, diverse crowd pulled in by the university and 3 indie rock labels that call Bloomington home, there are constantly new, young artists and foodies coming through to settle or revel in this small Midwestern city. There is no shortage of public art here and it’s inspiring to take a walk downtown every day and find something new. As for the food, between the 500-bin bulk section at the local co-op and dozens of international grocery stores (ranging from Asian to Turkish) there is always somewhere to pick up of any of those ‘hard to find’ items on your grocery list. Another thing that sets Bloomington apart is their eco-friendly transportation system and gorgeous surrounding wilderness. A 3 mile bike trail runs through the center of downtown so you can access any of your favorite places by skateboard, bike, or walking. This trail has partnered with Bloomington’s local arts council so you will find an array of amusing sculptors and murals as you mosey on to dinner. The city is surrounded by a National Forest and a 16 square mile lake so you don’t have to enjoy all that vegan fare inside. I suggest checking out some of the places below to pick up some grub to take on a waterfall picnic, a hike down to the lake, or a weekend camping trip. Here is a short list of places that any vegan needs to check out when traveling through Bloomington. This list only touches the surface of the food culture but is a good starting point for anyone visiting or coming through.



Rockit’s If you are into late night munchies and classic rock- this is the place for you. Their specialty pizzas are named things like The Hendrix, The Supremes, The Ramones and The Rat Pack (not to mention a few newer artists like The Red Hot Chili Peppers). The best part about this place is they have soy cheese and vegan pepperoni so you can make almost every combination vegan.

BloomingfoodS This is the local co-op and conveniently has 3 locations throughout town. I

highly recommend hitting up their deli for vegan salads, sandwiches (my favorite is the tofu reuben), sides, and desserts. The best part about picking food from the delis is that they have all the containers listed as ‘vegan’, ‘contains dairy’, etc., so you know exactly what is going into your lunch. I recommend the ‘No-Tufo Salad’ or the ‘BBQ Seitan’…both go fantastically with a side their warm pita bread and freshly made hummus. This is a good stop to grab some ‘to-do’ grub if you are planning to spend the afternoon swimming at Lake Monroe or want to do a lunch picnic at the local waterfall (Cascades Park).

Soma Cure your hangover with a Tchaicoffsky (chai + coffee) or a triple shot soy latte. Soma is lined with maps and christmas lights so be prepared to be inspired as you enjoy your drink and search the internet. This eccentric coffee shop happens to be located in the basement of a huge old limestone mansion that also houses a vintage clothing store, record shop, and vegan friendly burrito shack. One stop shop? I’d say so.

The Owlery Think 50’s diner meets your hipster college friends. This joint serves vegan and

vegetarian versions of your favorite Diner staples. Anything from fries topped with gravy and dairy-free cheese (poutine) to fried “chicken” with mashed potatoes and vegan mac and cheese. My favorite are the homemade pierogies with a side of sweet potato fries. This is also a great place to stop if you are looking for a local beer and a piece of vegan pie (or ice cream or cake).

Chocolate Moose The local walk-up ice cream stand is the home of a variety of HOME-

MADE vegan ice cream options made from coconut milk. As for flavors, they switch back and forth between a refreshing mint chocolate chip and a delicious cookie dough in addition to the standard vanilla and chocolate options (I am anxiously awaiting to see what vegan flavors will be added to the menu in the future!). A must-stop if you are in Bloomington in the dog days of summer.

HONORABLE MENTIONS 4th Street This is a strip downtown that is

lined with international restaurants. It goes beyond the traditional chinese take-out and has eateries ranging from Ethiopian to Turkish to Cajun - the options are endless. And luckily for us- many of the dishes served are vegan and always well marked on the menus!

Roots This is the type of place your yoga instruc-

tor hits up on the regular because of the extensive juice bar. All the food here screams healthy (and local and organic) and mostly vegan. Don’t forget to stop here if you are looking to get your daily wheat grass shot in!


The Runcible Spoon In a small house

on the edge of town, this place has the best homemade spicy black bean burgers and their bathroom has a tub filled with exotic fish. Need I say more?

Boxcar Books You won’t find dinner here

but this local book store has shelves full of independently distributed recipe books and vegan zines. Head here if you are looking for a publication that you won’t find in your local Barnes and Nobles.









recipe & photo by Sonja Gaedicke, lettering by cara livermore Ingredients ( for one big bowl of soup) 1 broccoli head 1 Tbsp of sesame oil 1 garlic clove 1 tsp curcuma (turmeric) 1 tsp curry 1/3 cup veggie broth 250 ml of coconut milk salt and pepper to taste lemon juice nutritional yeast (optional)


Instructions Put the sesame oil in a pot on medium heat. Add the chopped garlic, curcuma and curry. Meanwhile chop the broccoli into florets and wash those. Put the broccoli in the pot and roast it for a few minutes together with the spices. Add the coconut milk and veggie broth and bring it to a boil. Cover the pot with a lid and let it cook on low heat for about 20 - 25 minutes. Add salt and pepper. Blend everything with a stick blender (add more coconut milk if you like) and sprinkle some lemon juice and nutritional yeast on top. You can add carrots or chickpeas for variety (in this case make sure to add more liquid, too). Enjoy!



H Eat The City is billed as a history of New York urban farming. That brand new local food movement you’ve heard so much about? Author Robin Shulman traces its predecessors and puts those looking for a lazy narrative on notice: there’s nothing new about it. Eat is certainly not a vegan text. It shouldn’t be; even adherents to a plant-based lifestyle have much to learn of a history that sees names like Rockefeller and Roosevelt putting their weight behind plans to “put things where they belong”; a direct quote (p 126) from the organizers of a 1929 campaign to move food production out of an increasingly cosmopolitan city. The wealthy slowly abandon the city as a place to make food while the rest persevere with or without the city’s blessing. The book is split into chapters on a variety of foodstuffs: honey, veggies, meat, fish, beer and wine. Each chapter follows one or two modern New York food producers, interrupting their stories to delve into the local history of the trade they ply. It’s a good formula that makes for a fun read. It can let a flashy, larger-than-life figure overshadow rich history, though, as with the first chapter (honey) as it follows the exploits of one Andrew Coté. After this initial disappointment I was tempted to skip the non-vegan portions of the book entirely. Indeed, the meat chapter follows a New York Times certified “rock star butcher”, another groan-worthy man’s man, I was sure.*


By Robin Schulman Available Now $26.00

I was wrong, though, and I’m glad I stuck with it, because the meat section gives the most insight into New York’s transformation from farming community into gleaming, sterile citadel. From the first chapter I’d feared this would be a pop history lesson punctuated by hyper-masculine caricatures like Andrew Coté, but one got the impression that even the author’s sympathy for him had begun to wear thin, and the other men in the book were more nuanced and reasonable. Shulman takes us through huge shifts in the city’s history -- racial changes in Harlem, labor struggles in the meatpacking district, even the use of slavery in New York’s early sugar monopolies. There are some really fascinating stories about the anti-immigrant bent of prohibition/temperance movements, urban gardeners confronting Giuliani after the bulldozing of community gardens and the designation of the creek separating Brooklyn and Queens as a superfund site. The incredibly diverse range of urban foodcraft Robin Shulman describes in Eat the City should be an inspiration to any of us who dream of planting a garden on our city apartment’s balcony or checking out a local microbrewery. What we’re doing in cities right now certainly isn’t new, she reminds us, but part of a proud tradition. The vegetable chapter specifically serves up a poignant warning not to forget the poor blacks and immigrants who started that tradition -- the same people that have been forced out of the city by rising rent.

* Full disclosure: Tom Mylan’s butcher’s shop The Meat Hook is part of the Brooklyn Kitchen, a Chickpea stockist.



GLUTEN-FREE & VEGAN By Jennifer Katzinger BREAD Coming October 2012 Who this book is for


gluten-free friends, wannabe bakers, bread lovers

What this book is for exploring and discovering the joy of bread-making, whether you’re gluten-free or not

the Best part the sheer amount of unique and fulfilling gluten free breads (ALL of them are gluten-free!)

Our five favorite recipes Raspberry-Rooibos Tea Bread, Quinoa Salt & Pepper Crackers, Apricot Kuchen, Potato Rosemary Bread -----Jennifer Katzinger’s book is a great resource for finding really interesting variations on traditional breadmaking. It goes beyond the typical yeast breads we’ve always known and puts a neat twist on every recipe. A whole section, even, is dedicated to breads leavened with wild starters, something you can read a bit more about in this issue’s article, Ginger as Self Defense. Even the included yeast-based breads are something special, like the Caraway Potato Bread or the Quinoa Sandwich Bread. For those new to baking bread, there are great descriptions and explanations of the ingredients and techniques she’s used throughout the book. On top of that, the photos are so beautiful you can almost smell the bread through the pages. Oh, and did I mention all the recipes are gluten-free and vegan?! CHICKPEA MAGAZINE FALL 2012

The Vegan Slow Cooker By Kathy Hester Available Now $19.99

Who this book is for beginner vegans: your parents, your college-aged sibling, or your super busy best friend

What this book is for using your slow-cooker to its fullest potential

the Best part saving time and money while making amazing meals, especially in fall and winter

Our five favorite recipes Pear & Cardamom French Toast Casserole, Apple Sage Sausage, Sweet Potato & Chard Dal, Chick’n & Dumplings, Maple Pumpkin-Spiced Latte -----Full disclosure, Hester has written articles for Chickpea in the past. We, however, begged her to let us review this book, and I’m glad we did. Any book that inspires me and makes me want to cook more, like this book did, is a winner to me. It includes over 200 pages worth of a diverse and simple to understand recipes that will inspire and, of course, feed you well. Inside you’ll find recipes ranging from staples like seitan or ketchup, to breads, stews, fondues and much more. The recipes are open-ended, making it really easy to substitute and make it fit to your exact lifestyle. Most importantly, this is the kind of book that will change the way you cook & eat on a daily basis, giving you more time, energy, and money at the end of a busy day.


Creating Vegan Communities



story & photos by dianne wenz, illustration by caitlin keegan

My high school art teacher used to encourage her students to look to other artists’ work for inspiration by saying “Artists cannot work in a vacuum.” Those words have stayed with me for many years, and I believe they ring true for vegans as well. Being vegan in an omnivorous world can be tough, so it’s important to have other vegans around for inspiration and support. When I first went vegetarian many, many years ago, I was in art school, and although a lot of my fellow students were vegetarian, I wasn’t close friends with any of them. The people I was close to tolerated my diet, but they didn’t understand it. This was in the early days of the internet, so there weren’t websites like ThePPK and VeggieBoards for me to turn to for support. Years later I met my VeggieGuy Dennis and we decided to go vegan together. Going vegan with another person made it much easier than it would have been if I had tried to do it on my own, and I’m not sure if I could have broken my cheese addiction without his support. We knew other vegans, but again, they weren’t people we were close to. Living in suburban NJ, we occasionally trekked into Manhattan for vegan events, but we felt disconnected from the vegan movement. Enter Montclair Vegans. I had an idea to create a MeetUp group for vegans in my area and to call it Montclair Vegans, since I was living in Montclair, NJ. I procrastinated, thinking no one would join and that my apartment would be too small to have gatherings. While I was dragging my feet, someone else started up a vegan group and actually named it Montclair Vegans. How strange!


After about a year, she stepped down and closed the group, and I immediately jumped up and restarted it. I valued the gatherings and potlucks I had been attending with like-minded people and didn’t want to see it end. I had also finally mustered up my own courage to run a social group. My original plan for Montclair Vegans was to create a community where vegans could meet, share food, exchange recipes and support each other out in the non-vegan world. The idea was to have potlucks and restaurant nights so vegans could gather in a safe environment without being harassed about their protein intake. To my complete surprise, after just two years with me at the helm, the group has grown into so much more than that! We have over 450 members and while we still have our potlucks and restaurant nights, we now do so much more. We have hosted events with such vegan visionaries as Gene Baur from Farm Sanctuary and Jasmin Singer and Mariann Sullivan from Our Hen House. We’ve had book signings with authors such as Victoria Moran, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau and Terry Hope Romero. We’ve had massively successful bake sales where we earn money for local animal charities. We were the top fundraising team at the 2011 Walk for Farm Animals in NYC. And we’re earning a name in the rapidly growing vegan world. Organizations in both the local and vegan communities now ask for our help with fundraising and events. Communities are needed to not only support people who are already vegan, but to help those who are on the fence and need a little nudge in the vegan direction. I’ve met many of my good friends through Montclair Vegans and I’m not sure how I survived without the group for so long. To join a vegan community in your area, check online. If there isn’t anything nearby, start your own group! You can start your group though sites like MeetUp. com or Yahoo Groups.






I recommend that the group’s first event be a potluck. It might be tempting to meet at a restaurant, but people can’t mingle and chat with each other when sitting at a large table. At a potluck, everyone can move around freely and talk to each other. If your home isn’t big enough to host a large group, ask local community centers if they have a space you can use, or have it in a nearby park if the weather is nice. Other members of your group can host potlucks at their homes too, if they like. (I do not post anyone’s home address online. That can lead to all kinds of trouble. Instead I email the people who have RSVP’ed yes a day in advance with the host’s info.) Everyone loves a good potluck because not only are they good for socializing, they’re an excellent way to try new foods and swap recipes. You can get really creative planning potlucks with different themes. Some theme ideas are taco night, a pie potluck (for Pi Day March 14th), pizza night, and green food for St Patrick’s Day to name a few.

Once the members of the group have gotten to know each other, ask local veg-friendly restaurants if you can have a dinner or lunch in their space. It’s pretty rare for a restaurant to say no to a large group of hungry people! They will probably suggest having the event during off-peak hours, so it’s good to be flexible. Even if it’s not a vegan restaurant, the owners will most likely be happy to adapt their menu a little. A few months ago a new veg-friendly pizza place opened in my town, and I asked the owners if they would be willing bring in Daiya cheese for a lunch with 20 hungry vegans. They said yes and the lunch was so successful that they’ve kept Daiya on the menu!



Have fun planning a variety of events. Some ideas are book discussion groups, animal sanctuary visits, outdoor hikes and vegan cookie swaps during the holidays. Look for local vegan experts and ask them to hold a workshop or give a talk to the group. If you can’t find anyone, do one yourself ! Teach a cooking class, talk about how you went vegan or just share your hobby. People love to learn and you probably know more than you realize.

Reach out to local businesses like tea shops, cafes and bookstores in the community about using their space for different events. The chances are that they will say yes. What business owner wouldn’t want a large group frequenting their establishment? Not only will you be helping their business, but you will be planting tiny vegan seeds out in the world because people will hear you talking and want to know what it is that you’re so passionate about.

Bake sales may sound very 1970’s suburban PTA, but they’re an excellent form of activism. Not only is it showing the world how delicious vegan baked goods are, but it’s an opportunity to raise money for animal charities in the community. My group’s bake sales bring in around $1,000 each and we donate the money to local animal shelters and rescue groups. World Wide Vegan Bake Sale has been taking the world by storm over the past few years, and their website has great resources for people just starting out.

Don’t be afraid to set up ground rules for the group if necessary. Sometimes things run better with a few rules in place and it can take some of the stress out of dealing with difficult members. (And unfortunately, you’re bound to have one or two difficult members.). There will always be people who will RSVP yes to every event and not show up, so tell your members that if something comes up, they should let you or the host know out of courtesy.

I always remind people that my group is supposed to be a safe haven for vegans, as well as non-vegans who are curious about the vegan lifestyle. I’ve had vegetarians come to potlucks and try to argue about dairy with vegans, and once an omnivore tried to debate the subject of “carbs” with me. And I also became aware of some vegan members lecturing non-vegan spouses of members about their diet. I believe that vegan communities should be inclusive and welcoming in order to show how joyful a vegan lifestyle can be. I now have a disclaimer that I put into event descriptions stating that lecturing and debating is not allowed, however, healthy discussion is always welcome. The goal of my group’s potlucks is to relax, eat delicious food and enjoy each other’s company. A community is greater than the sum of its members. Community can provide companionship, solace, and inspiration. We have helped animals in need, hosted some fantastic speakers, eaten amazing food, laughed with each other, and built lasting friendships.



Dianne Wenz, VLC, HHC, AADP is a Holistic Health Counselor, Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Plant-Based Nutrition Specialist. Dianne coaches people from across the country to help them improve their health and wellbeing, and she helps people make the dietary and lifestyle changes needed to go vegan. Dianne lives in New Jersey, where she runs the busy MeetUp group Montclair Vegans. Through the group she hosts monthly potlucks, runs charity bake sales and organizers guest speaker events. An avid cook and baker, Dianne also teaches cooking classes to local clients. She writes the weekly Meatless Monday column on the New Jersey website Hot From the Kettle and is a contributing writer on ChicVegan. com. To learn more, visit Dianne’s website and blog at VeggieGirl.com 50










Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It prepares you for your day, so it must include protein (beans), carbohydrates (cere als) and healthy fats (olive oil, nuts and seeds), as well as vitamins and minerals (fruits and vegetables). A vegan breakfast can be as varied, complete and balanced as you can imagine. That’s why I took on the challenge of preparing a different vegan breakfast each day for a year. One vegan breakfast at a time. CHICKPEA MAGAZINE FALL 2012




Orange apple carrot juice, strawberries and spelt bread with tofu, cherry tomatoes and homegrown young garlic. Pictured on page 55.

Cucumber apple juice, and soy okara and spelt flat bread with guacamole and cherry tomatoes. Pictured on page 53.

Orange apple carrot juice 4 apples 2 carrots 1 orange Peel carrots and oranges. Chop all the ingredients. Juice and serve fresh.

Spelt bread 500 grams spelt flour 300 mililiters water 12 grams fresh yeast 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 pinch sea salt Pour the flour into a large bowl. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Make a hole in the center of the flour and pour in the water. Add oil and salt. Mix everything with a spoon. Dump the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead until it is manageable (compact and non-sticky). Shape carefully. Let stand one hour covered with a cloth in a warm place. Bake at 180° C (355° F) for 30-35 minutes until crust is browned. Cool on a wire rack.

Tofu 1 liter soy milk 2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar Heat soy milk until it begins to boil, then remove from heat and add vinegar or lemon juice. If soy milk is homemade, add vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice while the milk is still hot. Mix very well so that the milk begins to curdle. Let it sit for a while, about 15 minutes, then pour it into a cloth colander. Let it strain. The more you strain it, the harder your tofu will be. Keep refrigerated.


CucumBer apple juice 1 cucumber 2 apples Chop the cucumber and the apples, and pass through the juicer. Serve fresh.

Okara spelt flat bread soy okara (remaining from making 1 liter of soy milk) 400 grams flour 1 teaspoon dried yeast Mix okara and dried yeast in a bowl. Add flour and mix until it is manageable and non-sticky. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin or using your hands on parchment paper. Bake at 180º C (355 ° F) for about 30-40 minutes until it is browned and the edges are crispy.

Guacamole 2 ripe avocados 1 ripe tomato 1/2 onion 2 tablespoons lime juice 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon coriander (leaves or seeds) 1 pinch chili powder Remove skin and bone of avocados. Peel the onion. Blend avocados with chopped tomato and onion, olive oil, lime juice and spices. Serve cool.








BREAKFAST #03 Lemon mint water, and red rice balls with gomasio

Red rice balls 1 cup red rice 3 cups water Boil rice with water until the water has all evaporated. Let it cool. Take a spoon of rice, put it on your hand and pressed to make a ball. Serve rice balls covered with gomasio.

Gomasio 1 tablespoon sesame seeds ½ teaspoon Himalayan salt Mix sesame seeds with salt. Roast on low heat for a couple of minutes (be careful not to burn them). Let them cool. Grind sesame seeds with salt, and save gomasio in a glass container. 58




BREAKFAST #04 Soy yoghurt with blueberry oatmeal and almond-date-coconut-lemon bars. Pictured on page 56.

Soy yoghurt 1 liter soy milk 1 natural soy yoghurt Heat soy milk to 38-45º C. Add the yoghurt and mix very well. Pour the mix into individual glasses and place them in the yoghurt maker, following the manufacturer’s instructions. If you do not have a yoghurt maker, placed them on the baking dish, cover them with a dish towel and put the tray in hot oven but turned off (after baking something, let it cool about 10 minutes and put the yogurt) for at least 8 hours. Refrigerate. Serve plain or with fruits, nuts, cereals…

Almond date coconut lemon bars 1/2 cup almonds ¼ cup dates (pitted) 2 tablespoon grated coconut 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest Blend all ingredients until they make a sticky dough. Shape bars with your hands. Keep refrigerated.


BREAKFAST #05 Gazpacho soup and Spanish “omelette”

Gazpacho 6 tomatoes 1 red pepper 1 green pepper 1 cucumber 1/4 onion 1 clove of garlic 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 1 pinch sea salt Chop the tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, onion and garlic. Grind all ingredients together in a blender. If too thick, add a little water until desired consistency. Serve cold with chopped vegetables and olive oil on top.

Spanish omelette 4 medium potatoes 1 spring onion 8 tablespoons of chickpea flour 1 cup water 1 teaspoon dried yeast plug 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 1 pinch black pepper 1 pinch sea salt extra virgin olive oil Peel potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Fry them on a pan with a bit of warm olive oil. When they are half done, add chopped spring onions and continue sauteing until tender throughout. Mix yeast, water over and chickpea flour, and whisk until the consistency of beaten egg. Mix in the apple cider vinegar and spices. Mix potatoes and flour mixture and pour into the pan with the hot oil. Flip using a lid or a plate when the edges begin to brown and repeat for the other side until golden. Serve warm.





Strawberry soup, and teff pancakes with banana and agave syrup

Strawberry soup 1 cup strawberries Cut off stems of the strawberries. Blend and serve cool.

Teff pancakes 1 cup teff flour 1 cup apple juice (juice of 2 apples) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil In a large bowl mix the flour with the baking powder. Add apple juice and oil and mix until smooth. Pour a spoonful of dough on a griddle or nonstick skillet over low heat. When bubbles are formed and the top is dry turn over to brown the other side. Served warm with fruit or jam.





Portraits of Rescued Farm Animals by sharon lee hart The few farm animals I encountered growing up always struck me as similar to our beloved dogs and cats. But I noticed that they were not treated with the same love and respect. In fact, I later learned that farm animals are among the most mistreated animals on the planet. What is even more heartbreaking is that these sentient creatures are acutely aware of their horrific plight. With this in mind, I visited ten farm animal sanctuaries, all passionately dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and lifelong care of abused and neglected farm animals. At the sanctuaries the animals can finally live in peace. They receive love and care, and for many it is the first kindness they have experienced in their entire lives. While spending time with the animals, I confirmed what I knew in my heart to be true: they are unique individuals, with emotions and characteristics as diverse as any human. I chose to make portraits of the animals to show their personalities and to depict them in the dignified manner they deserve. The animals you see on the following pages are the fortunate ones. They have been rescued from misery and torture, but startlingly, an estimated ten billion others each year will not escape. With unbelievably few laws protecting them, these living, feeling beings are forced to live in tiny confinement crates, mutilated, mistreated, and deprived of even the most basic necessities. The animals I photographed

are now thriving, but upon closer inspection, you can see evidence of their traumatic pasts. For example, you might notice a duck with a missing wing that was amputated after being kicked, or an unusually small older cow, her growth stunted by starvation. What surprised and continues to amaze me is that despite the horrible cruelty these animals have endured, their spirits are unbroken. My process for making these photographs was to sit and wait for the animals to approach me. Once they did, I was greeted in a variety of ways, memorably Amelia the turkey, who nuzzled my neck and gave me a “hug�, and Dee Dee the donkey, who rubbed her face on my cheek and rested her head on my shoulder. I saw first-hand just how wrong the stereotypes about farm animals are. I met many intelligent pigs (they are widely considered to be the fourth smartest animal on the planet), and exceptionally clean ones at that. I witnessed strong bonds between mother and child and deep friendships between unlikely pairs, such as Barbie the hen and Rambo the ram who were snuggling together when I visited Catskill Sanctuary. Each portrait of a safe, rescued farm animal is a plea to help those who are still suffering, and to see farm animals as the remarkable, emotional beings they truly are. I invite you to view these photographs with a compassionate eye and an open heart. My hope is that you will begin to see farm animals in a new light.

to see more photos from this project visit farmanimalsanctuaryproject.com



Betty, Resident of Kindred Spirits Sanctuary



Little Jay, Resident of Woodstock Sanctuary



Russell, Resident of Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary



Thomas, Resident of Kindred Spirits Sanctuary



Amelia, Resident of United Poultry Concerns







How to get greens in a raw diet without resorting to salads! photo & story by Amber Shea Crawley, lettering by cara livermore I have a confession to make: I am a raw/vegan chef, cookbook author and high-raw foodist... and I don’t care much for salads. It’s true! For my entire life, I’ve been unable to stomach the bare taste and, especially, texture of most leafy greens, at least not in salad form. As much as I’d like to, I just can’t delight in a big pile of greens the way other raw foodies do. On the bright side, this “leaf aversion” of mine has led me to find numerous other ways to incorporate the stellar nutrition of greens into my daily diet. From the basics to a few unusual ideas, here are some creative ways to eat more leafy greens without chomping on salads all day long.



This one’s a no-brainer—every time you make a smoothie, be sure to throw in a handful of spinach or a couple destemmed kale or chard leaves. If you’re worried about altering the taste of your smoothie (especially when using tougher greens such as kale), include a handful of fresh or frozen berries. I find that seedy varieties, such as raspberries and blackberries, do a particularly excellent job of covering up the taste of greens.

When I first started juicing, I couldn’t believe how much I enjoyed green drinks! I love to make myself a tall glass of green juice first thing in the morning. My favorite blend is romaine lettuce, kale (stems and all!), cucumber, celery (include the nutritious leafy tops), green apple or pear, lemon, and ginger.

Is there anything better than crunchy, snackable raw kale chips? When encased in a delicious coating and dehydrated until crisp, kale morphs from a fibrous leafy green into delectable finger food. Eating a whole pile of greens can be as easy as picking up a storebought bag of raw kale chips, or – even better – making your own! (I included an entire chapter of kale chips in my cookbook Practically Raw.) Using cashews, sunflower seeds, or hempseed as a base and blended together with vegetables, herbs, spices, or even sweeteners, the possibilities for kale chip flavors are endless.

Discovering raw wraps was a green revelation for me. Dollop some of your favorite ingredients or fillings onto romaine leaves, destemmed collard or Swiss chard leaves, Belgian endive, or cabbage leaves and you have handheld party food at its finest. A couple of my favorites are raw taco nutmeat, nacho cheeze, and salsa in romaine leaves or raw hummus, sundried tomatoes, diced cucumber, and Kalamata olives in collard leaves.

Similar to smoothies, puréed raw soups and sauces are a great vehicle for leafy greens. Sure it’ll change the color a little, but the added nutrition will more than make up for that. Blend one or two destemmed kale or chard leaves into your next savory raw soup, or include a handful of spinach or beet greens in a batch of raw marinara sauce.



Pesto can be made with more than just basil! Replace half (or more) of the basil in any pesto recipe with the leafy green of your choice. I find that tender baby spinach leaves taste best to me, but feel free to get adventurous and experiment with stronger-tasting greens such as arugula, watercress, or mustard greens. (Hint: change up the nuts and herbs too! Instead of pine nuts, try walnuts or pistachios, and/or use parsley or even cilantro in place of basil.)

Just half a cup of spinach in your next batch of raw hummus will lend it a lovely green hue (not to mention bonus micronutrients) without adding any unwanted bitterness. Similarly, if you purée your guacamole (as opposed to fork-crushing it), a handful of leafy greens makes a great addition. I also love to use romaine or butter lettuce leaves in place of chips or crackers to scoop up my hummus and guac.

Cabbage definitely counts as a leafy green! Get your daily dose in the form of kimchi, an often-spicy fermented Korean condiment commonly made of napa cabbage. Scoop some into a wrap or on top of raw “stir fried” vegetables. Sauerkraut and coleslaw are two more great ways to enjoy this nutritious crucifer.

A great way to hide leafy greens in plain sight is to very finely shred them and sprinkle them into or on top of other dishes. I combine broccoli stems, watercress, and flat-leaf parsley in my food processor and pulse them to oblivion, then use them like a garnish. Include a bit of nutritional yeast, fresh garlic, and/or sea salt for extra flavor.

Yes, seriously! A mild green like spinach will blend seamlessly into chocolate desserts, where the assertiveness of the cacao will disguise any hint of leafiness. Try adding a handful next time you make chocolate mousse, a chocolate milkshake, or even raw chocolate frosting or ganache. As you can see, despite living a low-salad lifestyle, I still provide my body with plenty of leafy green nourishment on a daily basis. Even if you’re a salad lover, try adding a few of these ideas into your rotation—the fact is, when it comes to greens, there’s no such thing as too much!



recipes by Jen bardekoff, photos & lettering by Cara Livermore I grew up constantly snacking on my mom’s blondies and brownies. Her kitchen was never without a plate of them ready to be devoured. Here they are upgraded a bit for the adult crowd. Taking classic desserts and adding some booze is definitely a crowd pleaser at your next dinner party! For the chocolate-obsessed, these Chocolate Stout Brownies will be sure to satisfy any cocoa craving. Just be sure to have some chocolate milk handy. Cheers!

Chocolate Stout Brownies 1/3 cup canola oil 1 1/4 cup brown sugar 3/4 cup cocoa powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup soy yogurt 1/2 cup stout 3/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon flour 1/2 cup chocolate chunks 1. Preheat oven to 325’F. Line a 8x8 inch baking pan with foil or parchment paper. 2. Combine canola oil and brown sugar and mix until well combined. Stir in cocoa powder and salt. Stir in vanilla extract. 3. Add soy yogurt and stout and mix thoroughly. The batter should be thick and shiny. 4. Add flour and mix until just combined. Stir in chocolate chunks. 5. Pour into prepared baking pan. Bake for about 30 minutes. 6. Cool on rack for about 30 minutes before cutting.



These Whiskey Pretzel Blondies pack a whiskey punch and pretzel crunch with each bite.

Whiskey Pretzel Blondies 2 cups mini pretzels (salted) 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup Earth Balance 3/4 cup brown sugar 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup almond milk (or other non-dairy milk) 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds 1 tablespoon tapioca flour 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/4 cup whiskey 1 cup chocolate chunks 1. Preheat oven to 350’F. Line a 13x9 inch baking pan with foil or parchment paper. 2. Crush up mini pretzels and set aside (easily done by putting them in a Ziplock bag and crushing by hand). 3. In a medium bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, and salt. 4. In a large bowl, mix Earth Balance and both types of sugar. Add almond milk, flax seeds, and tapioca flour and mix until well combined. Mix in the vanilla extract. 5. Add the dry ingredients into the large bowl and mix until just combined. Stir in whiskey, chocolate, and crushed pretzels. 6. Pour into prepared baking pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes. 7. Cool on rack for about 30 minutes before cutting them.











story & photos by EMILY DIACZUN, kelsey davis, ashley keys, and mary councell lettering by cara livermore









The sun was hanging well above the horizon as we gathered to pack the back of the car. We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. The temperature was sublime and the sky was wonderfully diffused through a whisper of clouds. We each showed up with a camera, a dish to pass, and a box filled with of a few of our favorite props. It was time again for PopUp Potluck, our occasional eating excursion wherein we throw off the shackles of our professional lives and gather with one mission in mind: eat, shoot, and be happy. This month our location of choice was a secluded beach on the shore of Lake Michigan. The rocky landscape lent itself to amazing photo opportunities and provided a beautiful atmosphere in which to savor our edible delights. It was a quintessential venue for a band of grazing gypsies like ourselves. As professional stylists and photographers, our daily lives consist of cooking, propping, and


photographing all within the confines of deadlines, merchandise requests, and layouts. While we certainly appreciate the blessing that is doing what you love for a living, these sporadic adventures offer us a chance to rekindle our artistic spirit, challenge our culinary prowess, and free ourselves from the boundaries of commercial photography. It’s our opportunity to reconnect with the innocence of spontaneity, to truly be unedited and free to create the moments we want to capture. The energy of our collaboration is electric. Inspiration and beauty unfurls as we dine, drink and enjoy the pleasure of each other’s company. Scrolling through the imagery after each event, we can see the world through each other’s eyes, if only for a brief second. It’s a refreshing reminder that we all carry our own perspectives in life. This is how we feed our eyes, feed our bellies, and feed our souls.




Ingredients: 2 cups chickpeas - quickly pulsed in food processor 1 cups diced Fuji apples 2 scallions - minced 1 stalk celery - minced 1/4 cups blanched almonds - chopped Dressing: 6 ounces firm tofu juice from half of a lemon 2 tsp bavarian mustard 3 tbsp coconut milk (coconut milk beverage, not canned coconut milk) 2 tbsp olive oil 1/2 tsp curry power 1/2 tsp kosher salt 1/4 tsp cumin 1/4 tsp black pepper

Ingredients: 1 large zucchini - chopped 3-4 marinated artichoke hearts 2 tbsp olive oil 1/2 tsp greek oregano 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar salt and pepper to taste roma tomatoes for serving Directions: In a skillet, saute zucchini and artichoke hearts in olive oil. Once zucchini is soft, remove from heat, add balsamic vinegar and greek oregano and toss to coat all ingredients. Transfer to food processor and puree to a hummus consistency. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve with chopped tomatoes.

Directions: Mix salad ingredients together in a bowl. In food processor, pulse all dressing ingredients until smooth. Pour dressing over salad and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour to marry all flavors.



*Cookie recipe adapted from “Eat, Drink and Be Vegan” by Dreena Burton Ingredients: 3/4 cup + 2/3 cup stone-ground kamut flour 1/2 cup walnuts, finely crushed 3 tbsp sugar 1 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp kosher salt 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp pure maple syrup 2 tbsp brown rice syrup 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 1/2 tsp pure almond extract 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted 3 tbsp almond milk Approx 1/3 cup strawberry jam 1/2 cup pecans, crushed Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Line a baking sheet with parchment. 2. In a large bowl combine the flour, crushed walnuts, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt and whisk until combined. 3. In a separate bowl, combine maple syrup, melted coconut oil, vanilla, almond extract, brown rice syrup, and almond milk. Stir well. 4. Add wet mixture to dry mixture and stir until just combined. 5. Roll the dough into balls with slightly wet fingers and then coat each ball in the crushed pecans. The little bit of water helps the pecans adhere. Place each pecan covered ball onto the baking sheet. 6. With your thumb, press a dent into the center of each ball being careful not to press all the way through. Shape the cookie with your fingers, pinching the edges as you go around to create a hole for the jam. 7. Fill each hole with about 1/2 tsp of jam. Place cookies on sheet, about 1 inch apart. 8. Bake in the oven at 350F for 17-18 minutes. Cool for about 15 minutes on the baking sheet. Chill for 30 minutes in fridge, then serve.



Ingredients: 3 cup vegetable broth 3 large sweet onions - roasted 1 head garlic - peeled and roasted 2/3 cup coconut milk (coconut milk beverage, not canned coconut milk) leaves of 1 fresh rosemary sprig pinch of salt 1/2 tsp red pepper flake 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp cumin

Directions: Place all ingredients in a stock pot and simmer on low for 20 minutes. Using an immersion blender, blend soup until smooth. Serve hot with chopped chives.

No Knead Bread Recipe is adapted from Mark Bittman of NY Times who got it from Sullivan Street Bakery.

Ingredients: 3 cups all-purpose or bread flour, more for dusting Âź teaspoon instant yeast 1Âź teaspoons salt cornmeal or wheat bran as needed.

Directions: 1. In a large bowl combine flour, yeast and salt. Add 1 5/8 cups water, and stir until blended; dough will be shaggy and sticky. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let dough rest at least 12 hours, preferably about 18, at warm room temperature, about 70 degrees. 2. Dough is ready when its surface is dotted with bubbles. Lightly flour a work surface and place dough on it. Sprinkle it with a little more flour and fold it over on itself once or twice. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rest about 15 minutes. 3. Using just enough flour to keep dough from sticking to work surface or to your fingers, gently and quickly shape dough into a ball. Generously coat a cotton towel (not terry cloth) with flour, wheat bran or cornmeal; put dough seam side down on towel and dust with more flour, bran or cornmeal. Cover with another cotton towel and let rise for about 2 hours. When it is ready, dough will be more than double in size and will not readily spring back when poked with a finger. At least a half-hour before dough is ready, heat oven to 450 degrees. Put a 6- to 8-quart heavy covered pot (cast iron, enamel, Pyrex or ceramic) in oven as it heats. When dough is ready, carefully remove pot from oven. Slide your hand under towel and turn dough over into pot, seam side up; it may look like a mess, but that is O.K. Shake pan once or twice if dough is unevenly distributed; it will straighten out as it bakes. Cover with lid and bake 30 minutes, then remove lid and bake another 15 to 30 minutes, until loaf is beautifully browned. Cool on a rack.









Salad: homegrown mesclun lettuce and arugula butternut squash - roasted with cinnamon pepitas & walnuts avocado dried cranberries Vinaigrette: Classic 3:1 ratio of oil to vinegar, (we used apple cider vinegar) with the addition of a few spoonfuls of pure maple syrup, dijon mustard, and salt and pepper to taste.


We’d love to have exact measurements for the cocktail, but in all honesty we each mixed our drinks to taste! (some a little stiffer than others!) Options: vodka apple cider hard cider - from local Michigan winery - Lehmans Apple Raspberry Cider cranberry juice ginger ale


Adapted into muffins from the book “Skinny Bitch in the Kitch� by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. Ingredients: 1 tbsp refined coconut oil or safflower oil, melted 1 1/2 cups yellow cornmeal 1 1/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour 3/4 cup evaporated cane sugar 2 tsp baking powdr 1/2 tsp fine sea salt 1 1/2 cups soy milk - *for our version we used almond milk 1/2 cup silken tofu Directions: 1.Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line muffin tin with parchment paper squares, forming cups as you press the paper into the tin. 2. In a large bowl combine the cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. In a blender combine milk, tofu, and the 1 tablespoon of the oil, pureeing until smooth. Add the milk to the cornmeal mixture and stir until just combined. Pour batter into paper muffin cups. Bake until golden brown, about 20 minutes.











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