Elections handbook 2017

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STUDENTS’ UNION ELECTIONS 2017-2018 On 27th Feb voting will open for the Students’ Union Annual elections. This is your chance to pick the team of students that will run your Union next year; every student can vote so it’s really important you have your say. Voting can seem confusing so here are some common questions and answers about UCSU elections. How do I vote? Unlike voting in general elections you won’t see ballot boxes and voting papers around, that’s because voting is entirely online. Simply log in to Moodle and you will see a banner at the top of the page saying ‘SU Elections’ click on that banner and you will be taken to the online voting system - log in with your normal University username and password. When do I vote? Voting is open from 10am 27th February to 5pm 2nd March. How do I find out more about the candidates? The candidates will be out campaigning for your vote from Friday 24th March, so if you see them make sure you say hello and ask what they will be doing for you next year. They will also be putting up posters and distributing other publicity so keep an eye out. Every candidate has also produced a statement of who they are and why you should vote for them and there’s a link to this on the voting page, so you can make sure you’re fully informed before you vote. I want to ask the candidates questions in person, how can I do that? The SU will be holding ‘Election Question Time’ on Chichester campus (28th Feb 2017). The evening will be streamed live on social media. Come along and listen to the candidates speeches and ask them questions about their plans for your Students’ Union. I’ve heard UCSU uses an unusual voting system, how does it work? If you’ve ever voted in a general or local election you will find that Students’ Unions’ voting systems are a little different. For each position rather than just voting for one candidate, you rank the candidates in order of preference (number 1 for your favourite number 2 for your second favourite number 3 for your third favourite and so on). If one candidate receives more than half the 1st choice votes they are elected, but if no candidate does (say there are four candidates and they each get roughly 25% of the vote), then whoever comes last will be removed and their votes reassigned to the number 2 choice. This continues until one candidate has more than 50% of the votes. This is much fairer than the other system and means that nobody can be elected without the support of highest number of the voters. If you don’t agree with what the candidates are saying, or think you could do better – vote RON to reopen nominations.

Will giving somebody a second preference harm my first choice in the election? No, the only way your vote will be transferred away from your first choice is if they could not possibly win, so you can’t harm your first choice by picking a second. It’s a very good idea to put second and third choices as they can often be the deciding factor in an election and even if your favorite doesn’t win it might mean a candidate who shares many of their views will. When will the results be announced? The results will initially be announced at the Elections Party in The HUB - Thursday 2nd March, then posted on the SU website. Results will be announced from 8pm onwards. Come along and support the candidates by celebrating with the winners or commiserating with the unsuccessful candidates.

The Roles: President Vice President (Education) Vice President (Welfare)

P5 P9 P13

Black & Minority Ethnic Students’ Officer


Disabled Students’ Officer International Students’ Officer Lesbian Gay Bisexual Queer+ Students’ Officer RAG (Raising & Giving) Officer Societies Federation President Sports Federation President Trans* Students Officer Women Students’ Officer NUS Conference Delegate

P19 P23 P25 P27 P29 P31 P33 P35 P37

The President General Responsibilities • Act as the nominal head of the SU • Co-ordinate the work of the Vice-Presidents • Be responsible for the effective implementation of the democratic structures of the SU as outlined in the constitution • Oversee the strategic development of the SU • Have overall responsibility in ensuring the SU’s compliance with the constitution • Act as the principle spokesperson of the SU, and have overall responsibility of external communications of the SU • To represent the views and interests of the SU to the NUS, ex officio delegate to NUS Conference • Have overall responsibility for all SU finance, staffing and health issues as directed by the Board of Trustee’s • Be responsible for relations with, the local authorities, and the community • To direct the work of the SU’s bars and other commercial services • To lead on organising the SU’s Fresher’s Week • Be responsible for ensuring the SU provides a wide range of activities that meet the needs of its diverse membership • Support the development of all Sports Clubs and Societies

Committee Responsibilities

The President shall be a member of the following SU committee’s: • • • • • • • • • •

Activities Committee (Chair) Operations Committee (Chair) Trustee Board (Chair) Board of Governors Academic Board Campus Development Project Boards Student Arrivals Group Start of Year Group Student Forum Appeal and Disciplinary Panels



BRYONY DUNK Manifesto Points 1. Raise awareness of the Bognor Campus, dedicating a week to different events happening at Bognor; this is due to the fact that I Believe IN a Better Bognor. It is already a lovely campus, but it is quite quiet, however, with the new Tech Park, Bognor has the potential to be as vibrant as Chichester. I will work with the University to ensure that services and support for students is developed to make Bognor a truly brilliant experience. 2. 24 hour library all year round, I will take the work that this year’s officers have done with the 5 weeks of a 24hr library and with the Head of Library Services work to roll this out throughout the year. Alongside this, I will make sure that the ‘study well’ is kept at the forefront to make sure students are looking after themselves and getting to and from the library safely.. 3. Continue the printing allowance to make sure students do not struggle with paying for printing. I will work to keep the printing allowance for students to be able to afford printing, but also carry on the work of Mikki VPE to help move the University towards online submission, so there is less need to print and thus less cost to students 4. Hand-in dates for assessments for triple-threat MT should not be at Chichester, but at Bognor instead. As well as the big picture I will work on area specific issues, such as Triple-threat MT assessment hand-in moving from Chichester to Bognor, hidden course costs of fine art, Dance facilities for dance, sports facilities for sports degrees, placement checks and quality assurance for Business and education, etc.

The Vice-President (Education) General Responsibilities • Be responsible for the co-ordination and development of the SU’s advice and casework services with regards to academic issues • To represent the academic needs of all SU members within the university • Oversee and be responsible for the Student Voice Programme • To organise SU campaigns on academic issues • To represent the students views to the university on issues around Learning and Teaching and Academic Standards • To attend NUS events related to Education • In the absence of the President, exercise the powers and responsibilities of the President

Committee Responsibilities

The Vice-President (Education) shall be a member of the following SU Committees: • Academic Committee (Chair) • Operations Committee • Student Voice Council (Chair) • Trustee Board • Academic Board • Academic Standards Committee • Learning and Teaching Committee • Student Forum • Intranet Steering Group • Appeal Panels


Sophie Blanks

Vice-President of Education

Drawing Blanks? Let me help you.

 During my last two years of being the academic representative I have noticed a few things that need to change. The first thing is that I believe that joint honour students should have a less stressful fresher’s week, instead of having to pick or prioritise events that each different course puts on, they should have a timetable catered just for the; making their week more enjoyable.  Secondly, the student voice programme should be recognised more widely and used for its full potential as many don’t realise the power that it holds.  Postgraduate students should be able to have their own study space; this is beneficial to them because they would be able to mix with other students going through similar situations as them. As well as this I wish to campaign for longer and more consistent opening hours to the LRC during the summer so that these students are able to access resources to continue with their studies effectively.  Finally, I would like to move forward to only have online submissions, the benefits of this would be the decrease of printing costs and not having to travel in from a distance to hand in a piece of work.

BOB DAVIS Bob’s Manifesto 2017 Slogan “Leadership, Experience & Credibility” • SU Engagement to further enrich the Student Experience • Enhanced the effectiveness of the SU Organisation • Increased SU influence within University Policies • SU Leadership on National Political Issues With forty years of business, education and work experience – I am the perfect Vice -President candidate who can help and support the new Union President as well as the other new members of the SU team. I have the experience of being educated at four Universities (Open, Southbank, UCL and Birkbeck) as well as being a staff member of the University of London and both Centre and Regional Manager for the largest private education PLC company in the UK. This unique knowledge, not only within the student union but moreover, the University of Chichester staff members – will allow me to develop strategies and new processes that will enhance both the education for the Students and the continued success of the University as a whole.




The Vice-President (Welfare) General Responsibilities • Be responsible for the co-ordination and development of the SU’s advice and casework services with regards to welfare issues • To organise the SU’s welfare and diversity campaigns • To represent the students to the University on issues of welfare, personal safety, accommodation, transport and equality and diversity • To support the liberation officers in their roles • To annually review the SU’s Equal Opportunities Policy • To attend NUS events related to Welfare and Equal Opportunities • To ensure the SU’s equal opportunities policy is adhered to in all areas of the SU’s work • In the absence of the president to exercise the powers and responsibilities of the president

Committee Responsibilities

The Vice-President (Welfare) shall be a member of the following SU Committees • • • • • • • • • • •

Welfare Committee (Chair) Operations Committee Trustee Board Academic Board Accommodation Project Board Transport Review Group Disciplinary Panels Student Arrivals Group Start of Year Group Equality and Diversity Committee Student Forum


ILBERT ANKUMU • Creating a working group to target homophobia and racism at Chichester university (LGBT) • Student voice led events organised at the zee bar ( Music, non alcohol events, societies control • Integration between campuses initiatives • Improve awareness of transport between the two campuses • Working to create a relaxing environment around the campus (safe spaces) • Create a way for international students and British student’s to better integrate – culture awareness • Awareness of culture appreciation and appropriation • Encourage students to disclosure personal issues such as medical health, mental or physical ( safe personal) • Working with the council to increase street lights on students nights out in heavily populated areas • Accommodation should be based where your course is • Food should reflect the university activity lifestyle / students course profile • Library more access for computers and desk spaces •My aim is to increase the diversity of chi uni and further develop the health and being of all our students


Manifesto not submitted. For more information visit ucsu.org/elections

BETH HUTCHINSON Hello, I’m Beth Hutchinson. I am currently in my third year studying Sport Development and Coaching, and I am running for Vice- President of Welfare. Over my three years at university I have actively been involved in the sports side of the student union. Having been a member of Ultimate Frisbee for the duration of my time at university I have held the committee roles of social secretary and president this year. The last three years have given me opportunities to see how the Student Union works through my roles as both a Welcome Rep and an Election Ambassador. Within my course, I have had an influential role as course representative communicating with lecturers on behalf of the student body. I feel I am now ready to fulfil this role, ensuring student’s welfare and continuing the university's sense of community through my following campaigns:

Easier Housing Scheme Finding houses for your second year can be stressful. I want to make it easier to find houses while at university. I also want to bring in a ‘Rate your landlord’ scheme, where each landlord is rated so students can be assured the landlord is right for their group.

Off-Campus Safety I want to carry on and improve the safety bus service by listening to your feedback. Adding to this is to improve the lighting and safety in the areas around university where students live.

Health and Mental Health Matters I want to encourage and promote the healthy lifestyle of every student in any way possible, including mental health, healthy living and sexual health. I wish to carry on the accessibility to student and local services, and raise awareness of mental health and sexual health. I will do this with the aim of recognition around healthy living.

Promoting Diversity I want to ensure that all students are involved in all SU activities and feel part of the university community, by celebrating diversity events. I also wish to make sure underrepresented groups of students are supported.

Black and Minority Ethnic Students’ Officer General Responsibilities • To represent the views and interests of Black & Minority Ethnic Students on Student Council and to the University • To hold the SU Officer Team and Trustee’s to account on issues of concern to Black & Minority Ethnic Students • To attend NUS events on behalf of the SU related to Black & Minority Ethnic Students

Committee Responsibilities • Welfare Committee • Student Council • Student Forum • Equality and Diversity Committee




Manifesto not submitted. For more information visit ucsu.org/elections

Disabled Students’ Officer General Responsibilities • To represent the views and interests of Disabled Students on Student Council and to the University • To hold the SU Officer Team and Trustee’s to account on issues of concern to Disabled Students • To attend NUS events on behalf of the SU related to Disabled Students

Committee Responsibilities • Welfare Committee • Student Council • Student Forum • Equality and Diversity Committee



JACK SPENCER-JONES Disabled sport as I want to make sure everyone has equal opportunity to feel welcomed and part of the WSIHE experience I also want to make sure that everyone gets all the provisions and help they need while they are at university Everyone is equal so I don’t want to make people feel left out and that they can go around the campus feeling happy and wanted and that they can go to the bar whenever they want to. I also want to make sure that disability national events (months etc.) are supported and heard about across university

Kayleigh Millar for UCSU Disability Officer 2017/18

“With A Wheel, There’s A Way!� As disability officer, I will dedicate my time to: 1. Improving access to campus and university services by creating a panel of disabled students who monitor campus life and campaign to make changes. 2. Running a web campaign for students, to improve awareness of the spectrum of disabilities and the importance of equality and diversity. 3. Raising awareness of the connections between disability and mental wellbeing, and how this can impact on university life. 4. Ensuring the university recognises mental illness as a viable issue for absence, and improve access to support and understanding. 5. Improving access to societies in order to provide more extra curricular activities for students with additional needs.



International Students’ Officer General Responsibilities • To represent the views and interests of International Students on Student Council and to the University • To hold the SU Officer Team and Trustee’s to account on issues of concern to International Students • To attend NUS events on behalf of the SU related to International Students

Committee Responsibilities • Academic Committee • Welfare Committee • Student Council • Student Forum

The Candidate AGNES SAAREN



Manifesto not submitted. For more information visit ucsu.org/elections

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Queer+ Students’ Officer General Responsibilities • To represent the views and interests of LGBQ+ Students on Council and to the University. • To hold the Union Officer Team and Trustee’s to account on issues of concern to LGBT Students. • To attend NUS events on behalf of the Union related to LGBQ+ Students.

Committee Responsibilities • Welfare Committee • Student Council • Student Forum • Equality and Diversity Committee • Gender and LGB Committee




Manifesto not submitted. For more information visit ucsu.org/elections

RAG Officer General Responsibilities • To organise the SU ’s RAG events • To propose a chosen charity of the year to the RAG Committee • To encourage the development of new RAG events • To propose policies relating to RAG

Committee Responsibilities • Activities Committee • Student Council • Student Forum



ISOBEL NICHOLSON My name is Isobel Nicholson and I am running for RAG Officer. I am a second year English Literature and Media student and the current Vice-President of the Female Empowerment Society. It is my vision that the students of the University of Chichester can become more active and generous in their contribution and support of both national and local charities. If I am elected as RAG Officer I intend to: ● Collect student feedback in order improve the most popular fundraising event, RAG Race ● Increase the amount and frequency of RAG activity on both small and large scales across both campuses ● Encourage societies to make connections with and raise money for local charities relevant to their interests

Societies Federation President General Responsibilities • To direct the work of the Societies Federation • To promote participation in societies amongst students • To support and encourage the creation of new societies • To represent the interests of societies on Student Council • To propose policy relating to societies to Student Council •

Oversee the organisation of societies related events

Committee Responsibilities • Activities Committee (Deputy Chair) • Student Council • Student Forum

The Candidates MUSTI CHAM


Musti Cham

One Man……. One Student Voice……

Hello Students, this is Musti Cham and I would like to summarise my application for Societies Federation President. Here some things you need to know about me and my application! Personal information about me: Ø Currently a Second-year student Ø Doing my Degree in Primary Education with Mathematics specialism Ø Second Year Student Rep for my course and Currently chair of student council Ø I am also the President of the Poker Society and a member of the business society and Volleyball team What I want to do for you: I want to be your next societies federation president. I currently am part of a couple of societies and I want to help those and all the others become bigger and better. My main aim is to increase membership and to show how important societies are in the university. I will do this by working alongside Casper and the societies committee team to do this. I want to have more meetings with societies and society committee members, this will enable me to help out the societies to discuss any issues or anything that we can provide as a Student union. I think with my experience as a committee member and ordinary member of different societies, I can deliver results for you guys. We are one team, I have one dream and together we are one Student’s union. Vote for me, for a better outlook on societies! #MUSTIKNOWS. Voting opens 27th February to 5th march, please go to UCSU.ORG

Sports Federation President General Responsibilities • To direct the work of the Sports Federation • To promote participation in sport amongst students • To support and encourage the creation of new sports clubs • To represent the interests of sports clubs on Student Council • To propose policy relating to sports clubs to Student Council • Oversee the organisation of sports related events such as tours and awards evening • To oversee constant improvement in SU’s elite sport

Committee Responsibilities • Sports Federation Committee (chair) • Activities Committee • Student Council • Student Forum

The Candidates DAISY SMALE


Daisy, a 3rd year student going onto a MSc next year. I am passionate about the WSIHE family and its legacy. I’m a current committee member and want to continue all our hard work this year. I’m also a team captain in Women’s Hockey Club. The two roles have given me perspective on how the Federation guides and co-operates with Clubs. This year I’ve organised and created the Naked Calendar and volunteered to co-organise Sports Awards. In my own club, I often aid other committee members, working alongside them to ensure the success of the club. When my own team has no game, I can be found on the sidelines supporting other teams and clubs in their own matches. All this I have done alongside my own studies, showing a dedication and passion for the community we call WSIHE. If elected my manifesto is: 1. The SU Games. To create an inter-club competition to run throughout the year, awarding of a Trophy to the winning club at the end of the year. 2. Club Kit. Work with clubs to solve any issues surrounding kit and simplify the kit ordering process for kit officers. 3. Equity and Equality. To ensure all clubs are treated fairly and have the same opportunity’s/policy’s. 4. Be Heard. Invite presidents and vice-presidents to bi-monthly meetings, giving them the opportunity to provide feedback and express any concerns/opinions. 5. Tradition. To continue the tradition of keeping WSIHE Wednesday afternoon’s free for as many students as possible, including post-graduates.

Once A Ranger, Always A Ranger.

Trans* Students Officer General Responsibilities • To represent the views and interests of Trans* Students on Student Council and to the University • To hold the Union Officer Team and Trustee’s to account on issues of concern to Trans* Students • To attend NUS events on behalf of the Union related to Trans* Students

Committee Responsibilities • Welfare Committee • Student Council • Student Forum • Equality and Diversity Committee • Gender and LGB Committee




Manifesto not submitted. For more information visit ucsu.org/elections

Women’s Officer General Responsibilities • To represent the views and interests of Women Students on Student Council and to the University • To hold the SU Officer Team and Trustee’s to account on issues of concern to Women Students • To attend NUS events on behalf of the SU related to Women Students

Committee Responsibilities • Welfare Committee • Student Council • Student Forum • Equality and Diversity Committee • Gender and LGB Committee

The Candidate HOLLY ALLUM


HOLLY ALLUM Offer more support for all survivors of abuse Continue to recognise influential and outstanding women in the university through the Women of the Year Awards Work to inform and advise students more on issues affecting women today Arrange feminist guest lecturers to empower students

The NUS Conference Delegate General Responsibilities

• Represent the interests of all Chichester students at NUS Conference • Reports back on areas of key concern raised at conference to the Students’ Union and the student body at large • Highlights trends in campaigning, national issues affecting students and best practice within Students’ Union • The NUS Conference Delegate is a part-time volunteer position which starts on the 14th September 2015. Volunteering accreditation is available for the post-holder.

The Candidate



PAULINE STEPHENSON Hello! My name is Pauline Stephenson, and as you may know, I am currently your Vice President (welfare) at the University of Chichester student’s union. Before my sabbatical role, I was very involved in working with the student’s union, such as being the BME officer and working at the bar. Last year, I had the great opportunity of attending the annual NUS conference as a delegate for UCSU and making decisions and choices for many student unions across the UK. This was an amazing experience as I felt that as students of our university, our voices were heard and we could make chances and decisions in regards to many situations such as voting in favour of a full time trans officer and many more. Conference is also a great way of networking with other institutions to work together and create many great ideas to ensure a great University experience for every type of student. So, If you vote for me, I will carry on my hard work and take it along to conference to help make decisions that will not only make all Universities better, but to make YOUR experience worthwhile.

LYDIA OWUSU-AFRAM Hi my name is Lydia Owusu-Afram. I’m currently in my second year and studying, sport development and coaching. I have been getting more involved in the Student union this year by attending meetings about changes relevant to current students and students to come, as well as recently attending a lunch with the University Governors. In getting involved with all this, I have seen the extent at which the student union take in account the student voice and opinion. I would like to be NUS Delegate as it is an opportunity for me to go to NUS conference and vote for what the National union believes and campaigns for. As an NUS delegate I will vote on reports, policy and national elections. As a current student I believe that I have the right experiences and mind-set to vote on the relevant issues. I promise that for every policy, report and national election I vote for and have a say in, it will make a positive change to your university experience and will benefit the students in any way possible. Please vote for me and I promise I will change your university experience for the better.

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