CPinC Mothers Day Edition

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THE ANDROGYNOUS MODEL On March 27th, Charlotte PinC attended The Androgynous Model Season 3 Live Finale at the Mint Museum in Uptown Charlotte. The evening was filled with fashion, performances, and even live audience interactions among participants, and spectators. The first of its kind in Charlotte, The Androgynous Model is exactly the kind of representation the Queen City has been looking for. Nikki Eason founded The Androgynous Model in 2013 because of obstacles she faced as an Androgynous model and person. Many timep Eason was overlooked for jobs and roles she was highly qualified for simply because of how she dressed. She noticed that there were rarely models who looked like and dressed like her and that there was no pre-existing entity made for androgynous people. Today, it is Eason’s mission to ensure that brands include androgynous models in campaigns, movies, and everything in between. ӓCes`opeqv [k_ ek^hrpelk d[s` j[kv a[^`p ]`vlk_ frpq o[^` [k_ c`k_`oҼ Td` @k_olcvklrp Ml_`hҿ lo T@Mҿ al^rp`p lk [hh qdlp` [o`[p la [k ek_ese_r[h aolj qd`eo a[pdelkҿ [mm`[o[k^`ҿ lo hea`pqvh`Ҽ W` mh[k ql ^d[kc` qd` ^lks`op[qelk ]v pdlt^[pekc td[q [k_olcvkv hllgp heg` [k_ dlt eq ^[k d`hm ]`k`aeq loc[kex[qelkp td`k rqehexekc T@MҼӔ Eason says. Elo qd` m[pq qdo`` v`[opҿ D[plk d[p mol_r^`_ [k_ _eo`^q`_ Td` @k_olcvklrp Ml_`h YlrTr]` pdltҼ Td` ^ljm`qeqelk p`oe`p alhhltp qd` flrok`v la jl_`hp aolj [^olpp qd` ^lrkqov ^ljm`qekc alo qd` qeqh` la Td` @k_olcvklrp Ml_`hҼ ӓI p`h`^q jl_`hp aolj ekӣm`oplk ^[pqekc ^[hhp [k_ ^ljmh`qelk la qd` ekeqe[h T@M Blkq`pq[kq @mmhe^[qelk qd[q ^lkpepqp la _ep^ls`ov [k_ qdlrcdqӣmolslgekc nr`pqelkp ql rk_`opq[k_ tdl [k_ td`o` qd` [mmhe^[kq ep ^roo`kqhv ek qd`eo hea`Ҽ I_`[hhvҿ qd` [mmhe^[kq jrpq mlpp`pp qd` pgehhp la ]`ekc [k [_sl^[q` la [k_olcvkvҼ Td`v jrpq ]` []lrq plj`qdekcҿ [k_ d[s` [ tehhekck`pp ql ӓ]` qd` ^d[kc`ҿӔ p[vp D[plkҼ Td` p`[plk qdo``

C`peck`oҾ S[ekq M[og Vekq[c`

aek[h` d[_ qtl finalists, Antoinette Beeks and Daffne Cruz, competing against each other in three different challenges. For their first challenge, the pair had to recite a memorized PSA Commercial representing the TAM agency. After that, it’s time to rip the runway. The two strutted their stuff wearing outfits from several different designers who were also in attendance, and a part of the final voting process. The last phase of the competition was a live Q&A Interview. Both competitors put their best foot forward throughout the evening. Why? For the grand prize of course. Actually, it’s more like grand prize(s). All of which would certainly change the winner’s life, propelling them to the next level of their modeling career.

C`peck`oҾ Td` Hlrp` la M[kk


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