Establishing Professional Practice Week 3

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Charlotte Birchall 08/10/12

Establishing Professional Practice Creating a Blog

Create a blog using the website

Once you have created the blog then you will need to set out your blog and set up the appearance and your posts.

This is where I customise my header.

Charlotte Birchall 08/10/12

Establishing Professional Practice This is where I customise my background.

Then to create my first post I went on to hairy lipsum and copied a text from there and then published it to my blog.

Charlotte Birchall 08/10/12

Establishing Professional Practice I upload all my post on the dashboard in new posts.

For my blog I needed to add pages so I could put my posts into orders of weeks I had posted them in. By doing this I went onto ADD NEW PAGES into DASHBOARD and made a new page called EPP (Establishing Professional Practice) and published. Once I had done that I then added a new page in EPP called week 1 and published that and now it will be saved under EPP.

Charlotte Birchall 08/10/12

Establishing Professional Practice Click on to upload a media from your computer

Upload your media from your computer.

Charlotte Birchall 08/10/12

Establishing Professional Practice Click on to the upload and click on the insert link.

Go on to the website where you need to upload your work and embed that address.

Charlotte Birchall 08/10/12

Establishing Professional Practice Paste it into the link and click on the box (open new‌) and then update. Once you have done that update it again and it should look like this‌

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.