Spring 2023 Newsletter

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PAGE 1 A Final Reflection with Mike Goorhouse PAGE 5 Global Concepts Enterprise, Inc. Founders’ Scholarship PAGE 13 Proactive Grants Help Build a Thriving Community GIVING MATTERS SPRING 2023


Diane Kooiker, Chair

Tom Den Herder, Chair-elect

Deborah Sterken, Past Chair

Scott Brooks, Secretary

Erin Avery Zylman, Treasurer

Ed Amaya

Jim Bishop

Leslie Brown

Bret Docter

Sue Franz

Mark Harder

Jasmine Irish

Jonathan Padnos

Jean Ramirez

Lucia Rios

Margaret Van Grouw

Jim Wiersma


Mike Goorhouse President/CEO

Colleen Hill

Vice President of Development and Donor Services

Elizabeth Kidd

Vice President of Community Impact / People and Culture

Rob Arnold Director of Finance

Yah-Hanna Jenkins Leys Director of Community Impact

Stacy Timmerman Director of Scholarships

Sydney Santa Ana

Donor Services and Events Officer

Yadah Ramirez

Program Officer / College Success Coach

Brian Buchman Finance Associate

Ellie Davis

Communications Associate

Beth Powers Administrative Assistant


Kolin Van Fossan, Chair

Rogen McLean, Chair-elect

Lauren Fischer, Treasurer

Matthew LaPorte, Distribution

Committee Representative

Georgia Crandell, Secretary

Jacob Anagnostopoulos

Megan DeVisser

Samantha DeVries

Jackson Field

Brooke Lewis


Mike Goorhouse has a long, remarkable history with the Community Foundation. His involvement with the Youth Advisory Committee as a high school student sparked a passion for philanthropic work and helped develop a natural gift for leadership. Mike returned to CFHZ as the VP of Donor Development in 2012 and stepped into the role of President/CEO in 2014.

He’s led the Foundation through a season of growth that has seen assets increase from $41M to $116M and the number of charitable funds increase from 422 to 685.

Mike finds great value in reflection. For his final newsletter column, we sat down with him and invited him to reflect upon some of the significant moments and relationships from his time at CFHZ.

You have been involved in some capacity with CFHZ for more than two decades. What compelled you to invest so much of your time and energy in this organization?

For me, the Community Foundation is the perfect blend of working with people and numbers. It is a philanthropic financial institution dealing with complex charitable gifts, investments, and high-level stewardship. At the same time, it is a highly relational organization. CFHZ engages with a wide range of community members, listening to their hopes and dreams for our community, empathizing with their current struggles and working to build bridges between private, public, and philanthropic efforts seeking a long-term thriving community. That blend of technical and relational is a perfect fit for me.

How would you describe the core work of CFHZ?

Lourdes Manderfield

Karinna Martinez

Anna Novakoski

Jack O’Brien

Jaquelin Romero

Sterling Shepard II

Thy Tran

Atif Usmani

Olivia VanVliet

It’s my favorite four words! Community’s Endowment, Donor Service. We build our Community’s Endowment to ensure that the Holland/Zeeland area always has the resources to respond to whatever needs and opportunities arise, and we provide services to donors to help them achieve their unique charitable goals. This really encapsulates the core work of CFHZ, and it was a privilege to help the organization adapt its messaging to better articulate our work, align our strategies, and communicate our impact within this frame.

Photo credit: Cody Scanlan Kavy Lenon, Mike, and Reyna Masko

From your perspective, what was one of the most impactful things that CFHZ did during your time as President/CEO?

I believe the Today, Tomorrow, Forever Campaign for our Community’s Endowment will in the long run be the most impactful thing we accomplished during my time as President. The campaign meaningfully raised the profile of the Community’s Endowment and why it matters.

The long-term growth that will come from the more than 100 new estate gift commitments will be transformational for this community for generations.

I do want to personally recognize some of the individuals who were critical to the campaign’s success: Judy Smith was critical as we discerned the community interest and feasibility of the campaign, Jim Bultman contributed an immense amount of time and energy to the campaign over 2+ years, and two local families believed in the vision that having a “match” for new estate gift commitments would be key to opening people’s hearts and minds to the possibility of making a legacy gift to our community.

to launch Care Ottawa County as our community’s coordinated philanthropic response to the pandemic. I will never forget getting a call within 5 minutes of launching the Emergency Human Needs Fund with a generous gift.

I am forever grateful to all those who generously partnered with us to deploy more than $1 million through the Community Stabilization Fund and the donor family who helped us launch a local Direct Cash Assistance program that reached many of our community members who were suffering most.

We all know leadership isn’t always easy, what was something you found challenging about leading CFHZ?

One of the hallmarks of the Community Foundation is being a “big tent” organization. Unfortunately, society is trying to push us into smaller and smaller camps, only engaging with people who agree with us on everything. The Community Foundation desires to be a place where people with a broad range of opinions see themselves as still part of the same team. Maintaining that “big tent” approach was the most challenging part about leading CFHZ. While we weren’t perfect by any means, I do think we were overall successful at maintaining a thoughtful, empathetic, and listening posture, even when there were differences in position.

The campaign was clearly a multi-year effort planned carefully in advance, but some of the biggest challenges community organizations face come with no notice. What unanticipated moments stand out from your time leading CFHZ?

The COVID-19 pandemic was the most unexpected and complex by far. While I hope we never have a moment like that again, I do consider it an honor to have led CFHZ during that historic time. I will cherish the memories of working so closely with Patrick Cisler from Lakeshore Nonprofit Alliance / Community SPOKE and my friends at Grand Haven Area Community Foundation and Greater Ottawa County United Way

“I am forever grateful to all those who generously partnered with us to deploy more than $1 million through the Community Stabilization Fund”
Jim Bultman and Mike Mike and Juanita Bocanegra


You spent a lot of time working with donors, are there any gifts or donor conversations that stand out from your time at CFHZ?

How many pages do I get? I could go on for days with stories of amazingly generous people in our community, but for now I will highlight three. Bob and Colette DeNooyer’s passion and commitment to supporting young people’s dreams through the Promise Scholarship has inspired me to go above and beyond for people I interact with. We had an anonymous donor who gave a very generous matching gift as the cornerstone of our Strengthening the Nonprofit Sector Campaign, and their belief in the power and importance of our local nonprofit sector was a huge vote of confidence for this work. Lastly, Frank Kraai’s “gift of a lifetime” committing the vast majority of his resources to launch the City of Holland’s Ice Rink campaign will warm my heart and energize me to be generous with my own resources for the rest of my life.

You’ve talked a lot about how the purpose of growing the Community’s Endowment is to have more resources to grant in the community. Which grants stand out from your time at CFHZ?

There are so many impactful nonprofit partners we’ve supported over the years, but the grant round that stands out the most for me is our racial equity grant round in the summer of 2020. The Community Foundation stepped up to help our community fight against racial injustice and try to address racial disparities by providing early funding to I AM Academy and Women of Color Give while also providing additional support to existing partners Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance and Ottawa County DEI office. All four organizations led by leaders of color working hard to remove barriers so our community can be a place where all can thrive.

Mike and Jeff Elhart Mike, Bill Vanderbilt, and Janet DeYoung Sue Den Herder, Ann Query, Mike and Judy Smith

In addition to grantmaking, the Community Foundation is at the table as a convener or partner for many community conversations and initiatives. Which community initiative do you think will have an outsize impact on our community’s future?

In terms of my involvement, it has to be Housing Next. I am proud of the fact that we had the public, private, and philanthropic sectors all at the table committed to making housing more affordable in our community. I am also grateful Ryan Kilpatrick aligned with our efforts and was willing to use his time and talents to help our community tackle this very important issue.

Do you have any highlights from internal work you helped lead?

You’ve heard me talk a lot about a “thriving community,” it’s in our mission statement. It was hard work, but it was an honor to help the CFHZ Board work to describe the “thriving community” we are seeking:

We envision a fully thriving community where all who live/ or work in the Holland/Zeeland area equitably experience: physical, mental, and emotional health and safety; financial stability; high quality education; access to opportunities to achieve one’s full potential; and a sense of belonging – are respected, valued, connected and have a voice in community decisions.

Is there anything else you’d like to highlight from your time at CFHZ?

I just want to thank all of those who believed in me as a young leader. My predecessors Bill Vanderbilt and Janet DeYoung both gave me opportunities and invested in me. Sue Den Herder and Ann Query were in leadership positions on the Board when they decided I was ready to lead a key community institution. My executive coaches Rodger Price and Paul Doyle, along with many other informal mentors, have helped me be the best leader I can be. It is truly humbling to think about all the people who were willing to take my call, meet with me, listen, and give me counsel and wisdom along the way.

Sharing the Thriving Community Vision Statement
out flowers at
vaccine clinic
Mike with former Holland/Zeeland Promise students Lydia Prus and Julian Lugo Handing


Guided by principles of hard work and honesty, the founders of Global Concepts established a scholarship fund to support the post-secondary education of their employees’ children and honor the legacy of their late partner.

Hard work and honesty. Those were the guiding principles when Rudy Broekhuis, Jay Kang, and Bob Rynbrandt founded Global Concepts in 1995. The three men met through their professional network and shared a passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. Jay had prior experience with import and export from overseas countries. Bob and Rudy were well-connected with West Michigan office furniture companies and medical suppliers. After identifying an opportunity to fill a market niche of global purchasing, logistics, and supply chain management, Rudy, Jay, and Bob formed Global Concepts.

Using their extensive network of contacts, the business took off quickly. Their guiding principles of hard work and honesty steered the process, and many of their first customers remain customers to this day. It's not just their customers who have been loyal to Global Concepts. The company also enjoys high employee retention rates. “We have always been very clear with our employees that they are our greatest asset,” said Jay. “We don’t just tell them that, we show them in every action the company takes.”

During the economic downturn in 2008, business volume at Global Concepts dropped by 40% overnight. The company used innovative strategies that included job sharing to keep people employed. When employee bonuses were affected, the company made up that loss the next year through a special gift. Bob explains, “We’ve

always looked at our company’s success as entirely based on our employees’ satisfaction with their work and their success in their roles.”

Their corporate philanthropy program is another way Global Concepts benefits both their employees and the community. The three founders were active in sharing their time, talent, and treasure, and hoped to inspire others to find the joy in giving back. All team members spend 16 hours annually (40 hours for leadership) on community service, with the company compensating them for this time.

In 2021, Global Concepts experienced a tremendous loss when Rudy unexpectedly passed. The impact of his death was felt throughout the company and the community. Global Concepts had lost one of its three founding partners.

“Rudy would have been front and center on this idea. He valued education highly and encouraged everyone to experience college – not just for the learning but the personal growth. I can imagine him telling the recipients how proud he was for them to pursue the next step in their future.”
L to R: Linda and Bob Rynbrandt, Diane and Rudy Broekhuis, and Jay and Sue Kang pictured together in 2001.

At the time, the partners were transitioning to the role of advisors as the company had been acquired by Jay’s brother, Sang. Bob began to consider a meaningful way to leave a legacy of the founding partnership and acknowledge and honor the employees. He and his wife Linda decided on a scholarship to benefit Global Concepts employees’ children who were pursuing post-secondary education. Bob invited Jay to support the scholarship and together they reached out to Diane Broekhuis, Rudy’s widow, to ask if she was also interested.

Diane agreed and said, “Rudy would have been front and center on this idea. He valued education highly and encouraged everyone to experience college – not just for the learning but the personal growth. I can imagine him telling the recipients how proud he was for them to pursue the next step in their future.”

When it came time to establish the scholarship, Jay and Bob asked Diane Ybarra, HR Manager at Global Concepts since 2004, for advice.

She recommended CFHZ. “It was natural to recommend establishing a relationship with the Foundation for this scholarship,” said Diane Ybarra. “It is a trusted community organization with the experience and expertise to do this well.”

In its inaugural year, the Global Concepts Enterprise, Inc. Founders’ Scholarship Fund supported one student and will continue to grow to support up to five students each year. Bob, Diane, and Jay are grateful that the scholarship simultaneously prioritizes the employees and honors Rudy’s legacy. “We truly care about our people. The scholarship allows us to invest in their futures and the community in which they live and work. We are so fortunate to have the resources to do this,” they said.

The founders and a small group of employees pictured at the groundbreaking for the Global Concepts headquarters in 2000.


These funds are established to honor loved ones, inspire young people, and invest in the community’s future. Higher education has long been seen as one of the surest paths to increased opportunity. Unfortunately, many people who could benefit the most from higher education are the least able to afford it. In setting up a Scholarship Fund, not only do donors show local students they believe in them, but they create a lasting legacy in the name of a loved one.

Dr. Tai Afrik Memorial Scholarship Fund

Aschbrenner-Spencer Music Scholarship

Marnie Assink Art Scholarship Fund

Sue Bailey Service Scholarship Fund

Carolyn L. Ballard & Beverly J. Schoch Scholarship Fund

Batts Family Scholarship Fund

Gerald and Jeannette Bekken Giving Hearts Scholarship Fund

Gerald Bekken Industrial Arts Scholarship

Colleen DeVore Bekken Visual Arts Scholarship

Irv and Irene Boersen Scholarship Fund

Randy Boileau Storyteller Scholarship Fund

J. Russel and Julia Bouws Scholarship Fund

The Bridge Youth Center Student Education Scholarship

Roger and Louise Brinks Elementary Education Fund

Roger and Louise Brinks Holland Christian Schools Scholarship Fund

Briones Family Adventure Projects Scholarship

Brooks Family First Generation Scholarship Fund

Careerline Tech Center Scholarship Fund

Centennial Coatings Scholarship Fund

Charles Schwab Holland Scholarship Fund

Coastal Container Scholarship Fund

Jessie F. Dalman Scholarship Fund

Lillian Mulder Dalman Memorial Scholarship Fund for Resthaven Employees

DeLong & Brower, PC Scholarship Fund

Thomas and Susan Den Herder Education Scholarship Fund

DeWeert Family Scholarship Fund

Jack and Marlies DeWitt Scholarship Fund

John C. DeWitt Scholarship Fund

Lawrence F. and Barbara J. Dickman Scholarship Fund

Anne E. Dirkse Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund

Martin J. Dykstra Memorial Scholarship Fund

Eagle Scout Community Service Award Fund

Justin (Jup) Elhart Memorial Scholarship Fund

Pamela Elhart Memorial / Zeeland Rotary Scholarship Fund

Charles C. and Celeste Y. Ferrell Memorial Scholarship Fund

Fifth Third Promise Scholarship Fund

Franz Family Scholarship Fund

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 104 Police Academy Scholarship Fund

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 104 Undergraduate Studies Scholarship Fund

Freedom Village Residents Endowed Scholarship Fund

Freedom Village Residents Non-Endowed Scholarship Fund

Cathy Geerlings Indomitable Spirit Scholarship Fund

Julie Genzink Memorial Scholarship Fund

Global Concepts Enterprise, Inc. Founders' Scholarship Fund

Ian Guarr Memorial Scholarship Fund

Haworth Scholarship Fund

Helton Family Scholarship Fund

Holland Doctors of Audiology Scholarship Fund

Holland Friends of Art Scholarship Fund

Holland High School Class of 1966 Promise Scholarship

Holland/Zeeland Promise Scholarship

Holland/Zeeland Promise Scholarship Endowment Fund

John T. and Esther M. Hoogland Educational Scholarship Program

Tracy Houting Scholarship Fund


IFR, Inc. Employee Scholarship Fund

Karri B. and David E. Jasperse Scholarship Fund

Kaminski Family Scholarship Fund

Angie Kammeraad Nursing Scholarship Fund

Dr. J.H. Kamps/Louis Roberts Speech Awards Endowment Trust

The Woman’s Literary Club Kate Garrod Post Scholarship Fund

Larry and Jeanie Koops Family Scholarship Fund

Gene Kraai Memorial Scholarship Fund

Franklin D. Kraai Scholarship Fund

Charles and Beatrice Kulier Scholarship Fund

Lakeshore Dental Scholarship Fund

Marcia K. and Arlyn J. Lanting Family Scholarship Fund

Latin Americans United for Progress Dream Scholarship

Jack and Thelma Leenhouts Scholarship Fund

Bernard and Jerene Lemmen Memorial Scholarship Fund

Chris Martin Memorial Art Scholarship Fund

Samuel Meengs Scholarship Fund

Michigan Lakeshore Aquatics Boosters Scholarship Fund

Ian Miskelley Be Better Scholarship Fund

Karen and Larry Mulder Scholarship Fund

Neydon Scholarship Fund for Children of Widows

Herbert F. and Mabel L. Olney Memorial Scholarship Fund

Ruth Westerman Oren Nursing Scholarship Fund

Jayne Britt Parish Nurse Educational Fund

Grace Piersma Memorial Scholarship Fund

Ploeg-Fynewever Nursing Scholarship Fund

Ann L. Query Scholarship Fund

Frances Reinecke Memorial Scholarship

Alice O. Rydell Interior Design Scholarship

Joe Schuler Environmental Impact Scholarship

Slotman Family Scholarship Fund

Tai Anne Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund

Bob and Brenda Soeters Family Scholarship Fund

Shelley Speet-Mills Scholarship Fund

Wayne A. Streur Family Scholarship Fund

Mike Torrey Swimming Scholarship

University of Michigan Club of Holland Scholarship Fund

Benjamin H. Van Andel Promise of Excellence Award

Donald J. and Lileeth Brouwer Van Ark Scholarship Fund

Jack W. and Michael W. Van Dyke Memorial Scholarship Fund

Angie Van Hoven Nursing Scholarship

Van Putten Scholarship Fund

Margaret Van Vyven Music Scholarship Fund

Ted Vanden Bosch Scholarship Fund for Children of Firefighters, Police Officers and Rescue Personnel

Patricia Winchester Vanderbilt Scholarship Fund

Van't Hof Scholarship Fund

Russell and Lillian Veldheer Scholarship Fund

Wagner Catholic Scholarship Fund

Catherine Bosch Wasson Family Scholarship Fund

Peter and Huberdina Weller Scholarship Fund

West Michigan Dental Scholarship Fund

West Ottawa High School Class of 1999 Scholarship Fund

Willis and Ella Weymon African American Scholarship Fund

David Wiersema Memorial Scholarship Fund

Shawn D. Wiersma Memorial Scholarship Fund

Mark F. Winia Memorial Soccer Scholarship Fund

Roger and Wilma Winkels Hope College Scholarship Fund

WL Dream Fund

Ted and Yuki Yamaoka Scholarship Fund

Zeeland Education Foundation Fund for Shawn R. Jacob Scholarship

Zeeland Rotary - Don Morgan Memorial Scholarship Fund

Zeeland Area Seminary Scholarship

Agnes Zuverink-Norman Nursing Scholarship Fund

* Highlight indicates new fund



Nonprofit Funds Strengthen Community

Since 1969, Community Action House (CAH) has led local action to provide food, clothing, shelter, and opportunity for our most marginalized neighbors. In the years since their founding, the organization has evolved in response to community trends and opportunities, refining and expanding their services to build a thriving community for all.

From the beginning, CAH has been proactive and strategic about its financial wellness. Nearly 30 years ago, the organization established two nonprofit funds at CFHZ – a permanent Endowment Fund, and a BoardRestricted Reserve Fund designed to provide regular access to the capital needed to update key organizational assets.

The Community Action House Endowment Fund helps sustain their mission by providing annual income. Using a balanced approach to the organization’s financial wellness, CAH relies upon annual fundraising efforts, earned income, and endowment income to support their daily work in the community.

In 2021, CAH opened its Food Club & Opportunity Hub. Since then, over 3,060 low-income families have accessed fresh, healthy food, been connected to other community resources, participated in financial wellness programming, or connected with advocates who helped them move into safe, stable housing.

During the capital campaign for the Food Club & Opportunity Hub, CAH focused on their Board-Restricted Reserve Fund. They worked with campaign donors to

grow the fund and ensure it was sufficient to keep pace with the expanded level of capital renewal needs that would result from a much larger facility and fleet of vehicles.

In 2022, CAH once again partnered with CFHZ to establish a third fund – the Community Action House Operating Reserve Fund. This fund offers a level of flexibility that is vital both now and in the future. It could help the organization navigate unforeseen revenue changes like those experienced during the pandemic, or provide the financing needed to move quickly when presented with program and service opportunities.

“There are many investment options available,” said Scott Rumpsa, CEO of Community Action House. “We decided the

Community Foundation’s track record with our original funds made them the clear choice to partner with for the Operating Reserve Fund. They not only steward assets well, but they’re a critical partner of ours, and of so many of our peers, in our shared commitment to a fully thriving community for all.”

“They not only steward assets well, but they’re a critical partner of ours, and of so many of our peers, in our shared commitment to a fully thriving community for all.”


Nonprofit Funds are established to provide ongoing support or long-term savings for a nonprofit organization. These funds can be established by a nonprofit organization to benefit themselves, or by a donor to benefit a select nonprofit.

If the fund is established by a donor, they specify how the funds are to be distributed (over a period of years or permanently endowed) and used (restricted for a specific purpose or unrestricted). CFHZ provides ongoing stewardship and oversight to ensure the donor’s intentions are fulfilled. CFHZ also handles investment management and administrative responsibilities related to the fund, allowing the nonprofit organization to focus on its mission.

Alvin J. Elders Charitable Fund

American Red Cross of Ottawa County Endowment Fund

Lana Renee Antvelink Endowment Fund for Camp Sunshine

Autism Support of West Shore Endowment Fund

Bacino / Wehrmeyer Fund

Barnabas Ministries Endowment Fund

Beal Family Young Life Camp Scholarship Fund

Gerald and Jeannette Bekken Fund for Saugatuck

Township Fire Department

Gerald and Jeannette Bekken Fund for Saugatuck Public Schools Athletics

Gerald and Jeannette Bekken Fund for Saugatuck

Public Schools Arts and Industrial Arts

Gerald and Jeannette Bekken Fund for the Saugatuck

Public Schools Community Recreation

Belay Youth Ministries Reserve Fund

Benjamin’s Hope Endowment Fund

Janet C. and Ruth B. Beukema Fund for Hospice

Black River Public School’s Excellence in Education Fund

John G. Bouwman Camp Sunshine Endowment Fund

Boy Scouts of America - Gerald R. Ford Council #266

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holland Endowment Fund

Bridge Ministry Center of Zeeland Endowment Fund

Jaxon Brower Memorial Fund

Charles and Penney Buhler Fund for Holland Museum

Calvin Christian Reformed Church Reserve Fund

Camp Geneva Endowment Fund

Camp Sunshine Endowment Fund

Darcy Komejan Fluharty Endowment for the Children’s Advocacy Center

Christ Memorial Church Reserve Fund

City of Holland Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund

City of Holland Ice Rink Fund

City of Hudsonville Gary Byker Memorial Library Fund

City of Zeeland Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund

City of Zeeland Howard Miller Library Endowment Fund

City on a Hill Hilltop Reserve Fund

Classis of Holland of the Reformed Church in America Endowment Fund

Community Action House Endowment Fund

Community Action House Operating Reserve Fund

Community Support Fund

Compassionate Heart Ministries/Winstrom Family Legacy Fund

Betty D. Cook Endowment for Christ Memorial Church

Rich and Marilyn Cook Designated Fund

Robert H. and Elaine K. Cooper Fund for Hospice

Corpus Christi Foundation Endowment Fund

DeGraaf Nature Center Endowment Fund

Janet DeYoung Fund for Community Leadership

Disability Network/Lakeshore Endowment Fund

Drenthe Christian Reformed Church Christian Education Endowment Fund

Monon Dunn Homeless Prevention Fund

Wayne J. Elhart Memorial Fund for Project Clarity

Evergreen Day Center Endowment Fund

Evergreen Endowment Fund

Evergreen In Home Care Endowment - Gertrude ten Hoor Memorial Fund

Faith Reformed Church of Zeeland Fund

Family Hope Foundation Endowment Fund

Fellowship Reformed Church of Holland Reserve Fund

Friends of Felt Estate Endowed Fund

Forward in Faith Reserve Fund

C. Norman Fry Fund

The Glory Project Fund

Good Samaritan Ministries Endowment Fund

Campus Ministry @ GVSU Endowment Fund

Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity Endowment Fund

Harbor Humane Society Endowment Fund

Harvest Stand Ministries Endowment Fund

Holland Area Arts Council Endowment Fund

Holland Chorale Endowment Fund

Holland Christian Schools Endowment Fund

Holland Community Health Center Endowment Fund

Holland Community Health Center Support Fund


Holland Deacons’ Conference Endowment Fund

Holland Early College Sustainability Fund

Holland Friends of Art Endowment Fund

Holland Museum Reserve Fund

Holland Museum Conservation & Acquisition Endowment Fund

Holland Public Schools Edna Mae Haworth Scholarship Reserve Fund

Holland Public Schools Educational Foundation Endowment Fund

Holland Public Schools PTO Endowment Fund

Holland Rescue Mission Endowment Fund

Holland Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund

Holland Youth Leadership Development Fund

Holland Youth Leadership Development Fund For HYAC

Homelessness Prevention Endowment Fund

Jerry and Dee Horne Fund for the Holland Rescue Mission

Hospice of Holland, Inc. Endowment Fund

John E.N. & Dede Howard Fund

Hudsonville Library/Community Center Building Campaign Fund

Hudsonville Public Schools Education Foundation Endowment Fund

Eugene and Louise Huyser Fund

Dr. J.H. Kamps/George & Dena Kamps Family Academic Award

Dr. John H. and Mrs. Mary R. Kamps’ Zeeland Bridge Ministry

Center Youth Fund

George B. and Joyce E. Keen Fund

LaVerne and Dorothy Koning Fund for Holland Christian Schools

Calvin and Yvonne Langejans Fund for Holland Chorale

Life Services System Endowment Fund

Jay and Jeanne Lindell Young Life Capernaum Fund

Macatawa Bay Junior Association Endowment Fund

Maple Avenue Ministries Outreach Endowment Fund


Dan and Julie Bourbon Family Fund for the MSU BI

Bradford Company Fund for the MSU BI

Brenner Oil Company Fund for the MSU BI

Brooks Family Fund for the MSU BI

Lee and Linda De Visser Fund for the MSU BI

Lee and Cheryl Dell Fund for the MSU BI

Katherine S. Donnelly Fund for the MSU BI

Frey Foundation Fund for the MSU BI

Ron and Joan Griffith Fund for the MSU BI

Haworth, Inc. Fund for the MSU BI

HEDCOR Fund for the MSU BI

Herman Miller Foundation Fund for the MSU BI

Jim and Ginger Jurries Family Fund for the MSU BI

Richard M. and Marcia M. Lievense Fund for the MSU BI

John R. & Carolyn S. Marquis Family Fund for the MSU BI

Larry and Karen Mulder Fund for the MSU BI

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Muzzy Fund for the MSU BI

Louis Padnos Iron & Metal Company Fund for the MSU BI

Slikkers Family Foundation Fund for the MSU BI

ZFS/Meeuwsen Family Fund for the MSU BI

OAISD CTC Public Safety and Security Services Reserve Fund

OAISD Education Fund - Patrick A. Thompson M Tech Center Endowment Fund

Oakland CRC Adoption Reserve Fund

Oakland Christian Reformed Church Christian Education Reserve Fund

Oakland CRC Mission Endowment Reserve Fund

Ottagan Addictions Recovery (O.A.R.) Endowment Fund

Ottawa County Farm Preservation Endowed Fund

Ottawa County Parks Nature Education Center Endowment Fund

Outdoor Discovery Center Macatawa Greenway Endowment Fund

Esther R. and Seymour K. Padnos Fund for Boys’ and Girls’ Scouts

Parkview Home Endowment Fund

Pillar Church Baptismal Vow Fund

Pillar Church Capital Fund

Pillar Church Endowment Fund for Organ Maintenance

Pillar Church Mission Fund

Pillar Church Vision Fund

Fred and Shirley Porter Memorial Fund for League of Women Voters

Randy and Debbie Price Fund for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Lakeshore

Merle and Arnola Prins Family Fund

Project Clarity Maintenance Fund

Ready for School Fund

William Reinecke Family Fund

Renew Therapeutic Riding Center Fund

Ride with Renew Fund

Resilience Endowment Fund

Resthaven Endowment Fund

Resthaven - Resident Life Enrichment Reserve Fund

Volunteer Center - Holland/George W. Romney

Herrick District Library - Lynn Rydell Memorial Endowment Fund

Saugatuck Harbor Natural Area (SHNA) Endowment Fund

Turning Pointe School of Dance Endowment Fund

Ione Trap Vocal Music Fund

United Way’s Alice C. Webb Endowment Fund

Unity #191 Masonic Lodge Endowment Fund

Van Grouw Family Fund for Education

H.N. Veneklasen Charitable Fund

Michigan West Coast Chamber of Commerce Foundation Reserve Fund

Rob Welling Memorial Young Life Scholarship Fund

Windmill Island Maintenance Endowment Fund

Marie K. Woldring Fund for Harbor Humane Society

Dwight B. and Cynthia S. Yntema (Herrick Library) Fund

Zeeland Christian Schools Endowment Fund

Zeeland Historical Society Endowment Fund

Zeeland Public Schools Education Foundation Legacy Fund


*Highlight indicates new fund


Annual Luncheon 2023


05 25 23

More information available here:

Join Us!

The Community Foundation invites you to join us for a special Annual Luncheon as we welcome our new President/CEO. Our Board of Trustees and staff look forward to connecting with you as we begin this exciting new chapter in our organization’s future.


150 W. 8 TH ST., HOLLAND, MI 49423




11:30 AM



The Community Foundation commits resources to targeted areas of investment through our proactive grant program as part of our commitment to build a fully thriving community. Recently, we distributed $150,000 to five nonprofit partners who are committed to providing mental health services for the community, and especially for those who face the greatest barriers to accessing care.

City on a Hill Ministries Health Clinic

Behavioral Health Integration

Amount Awarded: $50,000 over two years

Purpose: To increase access to mental health counseling and mental health medication management for the uninsured and underinsured. City on a Hill Ministries Health Clinic will pursue a multilayered approach to serving some of the most vulnerable community members by offering mental health counseling alongside medication management from a psychiatric nurse practitioner.


Ladder Home 6

Amount Awarded: $30,000

Purpose: To add a home to house 3-4 unsheltered community members with mental illness. Participation in Ladder Homes’ Supported Independent Living Program offers a level of security over a sustained period while working with residents to set and meet goals, navigate community resources available to them, and move on to more independent living environments in an average of 12 months.


PEARLS Mental Health Program for Seniors

Amount Awarded: $20,000

Purpose: To provide new tools and pathways to meet the mental health care needs of seniors in our community through the PEARLS program. Evergreen Commons has served adults 55 and over in this community since 1985 and currently supports over 4,500 annual members. In coordination with local partners, they will provide access to an evidence-based program that improves the quality of life for older adults by addressing mental health problems that are often compounded by social isolation, disability, polypharmacy, or financial concerns.


Expanding Affordable Mental Health Services to Uninsured and Underinsured Hispanic/Latinx Community Members

Amount Awarded: $30,000

Purpose: To provide bilingual, culturally sensitive mental health services and clinical trauma assessments to the Hispanic/Latinx population in the greater Holland/Zeeland Area. Currently, 37% of the clients served through general counseling at Bethany identify as Hispanic/Latinx. Bethany Christian Services has recognized the need to adapt and deliver services in culturally appropriate ways, including providing co-located services to reduce the stigma and barriers of accessing mental health services, offering therapy services in Spanish, and hiring an additional therapist.


Children and Family Outpatient Counseling Services

Amount Awarded: $20,000

Purpose: To strengthen outpatient counseling services for children and their families through the Holland office. Arbor Circle has experienced an increased frequency of youth seeking services for anxiety, depression, and trauma. They are one of few organizations that provides services to individuals who use Medicaid, helping fill a gap for vulnerable populations.



Expanding Mental Health Access

Mental health continues to be a critical health issue for Ottawa County residents. Our community’s mental health service providers report that clients are presenting with more severe mental health needs that require long-term intervention and care, but a shortage of behavioral health providers has resulted in long waitlists. These challenges have made it especially difficult for individuals, especially those experiencing poverty, to access the help they need in a timely manner.

Through our proactive grant program, the Community Foundation commits resources to targeted areas of investment as part of our commitment to build a fully thriving community. Local data and input from nonprofit and cross-sector partners identified mental health services as an area that would benefit from increased resources.

CFHZ awarded $50,000 over two years to City on a Hill Ministries Health Clinic. This grant will help increase access to mental health counseling and mental health medication management for uninsured and underinsured community members.

City on a Hill Health Clinic (COAHHC) opened its doors in October of 2006, and provides free mental and medical health services, health education, advocacy, and referrals. Since its founding, COAHHC has provided 23,964 visits to over 5,354 local residents, working collaboratively with other local partners to try and ensure that our most vulnerable community members have access to high-quality health care.

COAHHC has experienced a 40% increase in individuals seeking care for mental health challenges, with depression and anxiety among the most reported issues. Many of the clients served by COAHHC are living at or below the poverty line. According to research from the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration conducted

in 2021, adults over the age of 26 who live below the poverty line are almost 2.5 times more likely to experience a serious mental health issue than those who live above the poverty line.

Grant money from CFHZ will help COAHHC expand its current mental health counseling program by increasing the hours of the current mental health counselors and psychiatric nurse practitioner and expanding the number of Bachelor and Master level Social Work interns seeking clinical hours at COAHHC, allowing them to serve more clients. It will also help cover improvements to COAHHC’s counseling areas to make sure counselors and clients have a private, comfortable space to meet.

This expansion of services serves a greater goal for COAHHC –serving as a central hub where individuals can access a health care provider, mental health care counselor, connection to area resources, and case management all in one place.

“Through this funding, City on a Hill Health Clinic will be able to serve more individuals living with mental illnesses who do not have access to insurance. This grant allows us to get closer to our goal as a resource where individuals can receive assistance for all their mental and physical health needs,” said Christine Plummer, RN MSN, Health Clinic Director for COAHHC.




There are an elevated number of students with socioemotional and mental health needs and a higher need for targeted, intentional, and integrated academic interventions to help close the growing education opportunity gap. Additionally, many schools continue to struggle with teacher burnout and high attrition rates.

Testing for the most recent academic year confirms that student proficiency in both Math and English Language Arts has decreased, with Black, Hispanic, and students from economically disadvantaged households being most severely impacted.

The Community Foundation commits resources to targeted areas of investment through our proactive grant program. Recently, we distributed $130,000 to three organizational partners providing innovative solutions to help reduce the education opportunity gap. These grants focus on elementary age students with a particular emphasis on addressing learning loss in math skills.

West Ottawa Public Schools – Project Panther

Amount Awarded: $60,000 over two years

Purpose: To help address learning loss and mitigate gaps at the pivotal third grade year by providing after school programming and transportation. West Ottawa Public Schools will provide three free six-week after school program sessions during the academic year that include supports for students who have fallen behind or experienced learning loss in math. The program uses applicationbased problem solving models that make math fun and interactive. Current teachers, qualified community members, and aspiring teachers will provide the instruction. Transportation will also be included to ensure that any student who qualifies for the program is able to participate.

Hope College Children’s After School Achievement

(CASA) and Step Up – Academic Intervention Specialist

Amount Awarded: $50,000 over two years

Purpose: To assist Step Up and CASA in hiring an academic intervention specialist to implement personalized academic support during academic year and summer out-of-school time programming. Together, CASA and Step Up serve up to 145 Holland

Public and West Ottawa students from underrepresented and low-income households in need of additional academic supports in literacy and science. These funds will help increase capacity by bringing a new position to support both students and tutors in math and general study skills, including working directly with students in small group and individual sessions.

ODC Network – Summer Program Student Recruitment and Staff Training

Amount Awarded: $20,000

Purpose: To help fund a six-week summer program that combines outdoor education with academic interventions for K-5 students in the greater Holland area, prioritizing students from economically disadvantaged households who are behind in grade-level reading/ math expectations. Research shows that these students are most at-risk for experiencing learning loss during the summer school break. ODC’s program offers experiential learning combined with literacy and math activities led by trained contract educators. The program will take place at five sites across the community, with transportation and lunch made available in partnership with local school districts.

educators, educational institutions, and families within the Holland/Zeeland community continue to feel the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Project Panther

Research has identified third grade as a crucial time in student development. It is the year in which students take the principles of reading and math and begin applying them in more sophisticated ways.

Current third graders were in kindergarten at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ripple effects are still being felt in local schools. Test results and anecdotal evidence from teachers, administrators, and other school staff confirmed that many third-grade students are struggling with socialemotional and mental health needs. They are also experiencing significant learning deficiencies when compared to grade-level expectations. Student proficiency in both Math and English Language Arts has decreased, with socioeconomically disadvantaged students being disproportionately impacted. While districts have seen reading and literacy rebound to some degree, math continues to lag and has become a major concern for local practitioners.

West Ottawa Public Schools serves over 6,500 students on Holland’s north side with comprehensive pre-K through 12 programming in eight elementary schools, two middle schools, a high school, an alternative high school, and a virtual academy. The district strives to develop students who are, “College, Career, and Life Ready.”

To address the growing education opportunity gap amongst its third-grade students, West Ottawa designed an afterschool program called Project Panther that will support students who have fallen behind in mathematics. This free, six-week program will use applicationbased problem solving models that make

math interactive and fun. The program will support and align with West Ottawa’s regular third grade math instruction, but in a way that is interactive and experiential for students.

Current teachers, young aspiring teachers, and qualified community members will be recruited to facilitate the program. Project Panther will run three cycles of the program to ensure as many students as possible can participate.

To help fund Project Panther and suppor t West Ottawa in addressing learning loss and mitigating gaps at the pivotal third grade year, CFHZ granted $60,000 over two years to West Ottawa Public Schools.

The grant funds will help pay staff to facilitate the program, purchase materials, host a culminating experience at the end of each six-week session for the students, and provide transportation. By offering free transportation and having Project

Panther coincide with a 4th - 6th grade Panther Pathways program, the district will share some of the transportation costs and remove a barrier that may have prevented some families from engaging their students in the program.

“We are thrilled to partner with CFHZ in supporting West Ottawa students through Project Panther. This program is consistent with our Strategic Plan core value of equity of opportunity by providing an afterschool program with no cost or barriers to students and families. This program addresses a critical need, and is part of our multi-faceted approach to addressing learning loss. We can’t wait to get started!” commented West Ottawa Superintendent Tim Bearden.



Our Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) is a group of students from local Holland/Zeeland Area high schools who are responsible for reviewing funding requests and recommending grants for programs that benefit our community’s youth. YAC members meet once a month during the school year for grantmaking, site visits to local youth-serving organizations, and to learn about community needs and philanthropy.

The YAC recently awarded $4,540 in mini grants from our Community’s Endowment to seven local organizations to fund college visits.

• Boys and Girls Club of Greater Holland

• Escape Ministries

• Hope College Step Up

• Hope College TRIO Upward Bound

• I AM Academy

• Latin Americans United for Progress

• West Ottawa Public Schools

These visits will provide first-generation students in grades 6-12 from low-income households with an opportunity to visit post-secondary education institutions. This helps students begin to visualize where they can continue their education and develop long-term educational goals. Over 250 local students are expected to participate in visiting 14 colleges and universities.

“During each of our visits, we intentionally connected our students with individuals/tour guides whose stories reflected their own. One of our tour guides at GRCC shared about her academic experience and mentioned dropping out of school and running away when she was younger. This story resonated with a lot of our youth! They were inspired by her story and the way in which she decided to turn her life around and pursue higher education.”

“During our visit to Hope College, we met with their DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) to hear about the various cultural organizations and support that they offered students of color on campus. One of our students remarked, ‘I love that they have students on campus that look like me.’ Our students received a tour of the campus and learned about the various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Programs.”



CFHZ distributes $198,000 in Vaccine Equity Grants to West Michigan Latinx Organizations

CFHZ was selected by the National Network to Innovate for COVID and Adult Vaccine Equity (NNICE) to help administer grants with the goal of increasing vaccination rates amongst our Latinx community members in Ottawa and Kent Counties. Funding was provided by NNICE to be distributed by CFHZ using our local, trust-built relationships with organizations supporting the Latinx/Hispanic community.

$198,000 was distributed to seven West Michigan organizations over two grant rounds in 2022. Funding was used to help broaden vaccine availability, increase education about vaccines, translate materials into Spanish, and sustain outreach efforts.

18 SPRING 2023 CFHZ NEWSLETTER Lighthouse Immigrant Advocates $30,000 Hispanic Center of West Michigan $30,000 Exalta Health $29,645 Latin Americans United for Progress $30,000 St. John’s Episcopal Church $18,355 City on a Hill Ministries $30,000 Ottawa County Department of Public Health $30,000

For good. For ever.


A Celebration of 11 years of Service & Leadership




Please join us as we celebrate Mike Goorhouse and his 11 years of service to CFHZ! This farewell event is open to all members of our community who wish to gather, reminisce, and celebrate Mike’s impact on CFHZ and our community. Light refreshments will be offered, and brief remarks will take place at 5:00PM.

Scan the QR code to register or visit www.tinyurl.com/a5m6tta8. Even if you can’t attend, we encourage you to send a personal farewell message to Mike through the link. We will be gathering messages and sharing them with him as a keepsake.

Mike’s journey with CFHZ began in high school as a member of the Youth Advisory Committee. Mike and his family established the Goorhouse Family Fund for Youth to forever contribute toward efforts to empower young people, involve them in the community, and teach them about philanthropy. If you wish to make a gift in Mike’s honor, we encourage you to support the Goorhouse Family Fund for Youth of the Community’s Endowment.

are also able to further the Foundation’s mission for our community


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