2022 Annual Report

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Annual Report


Mission Statement

The Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area seeks to ensure that our community thrives today, tomorrow, and forever by building our Community’s Endowment to support high impact charitable projects, helping donors achieve their charitable goals, and leading and partnering in community-level initiatives.

Vision Statement

We envision a fully thriving community where all who live or work in the Holland/Zeeland area equitably experience:

• Physical, mental, and emotional health and safety.

• Financial stability.

• High quality education.

• Access to opportunities to achieve one’s full potential.

• A sense of belonging – are respected, connected, and have a voice in community decisions.




Table of Contents


Our hearts are full of gratitude as we reflect on another incredible year at the Community Foundation. In our annual report, you will read both the data behind our work and inspiring stories of generosity and impact. It is an honor that so many of you choose to partner with CFHZ, investing in our work and extending our reach.

We build our community’s endowment to support high-impact charitable projects. We launched the Strengthening the Nonprofit Sector (SNS) campaign to support the overall health of our nonprofit sector, with a particular focus on leadership of local organizations. CFHZ increased our investment from the Community’s Endowment to $150,000 per year for at least ten years, and generous donors who believe a healthy nonprofit sector is vital for a healthy community helped us raise $1.7 million for this work!

In 2022, we deployed a new, two-pronged grantmaking strategy using our Community’s Endowment funds. Responsive grants continue our commitment to invest in opportunities across a broad range of issues and organizations. Focusing on challenges and opportunities identified by community data and feedback, proactive grants distribute funds to three targeted areas of investment: increasing access to and availability of mental health services, leveraging out of school time to mitigate the education opportunity gap, and increasing the consistency of healthy parent or other caring adult relationships in kids’ lives. We also updated our list of lenses by which we prioritize proposals to include a lens of addressing inequities.

We help donors achieve their charitable goals. Generous donors made 2022 a record-breaking year for CFHZ. We received over $20 million in gifts - the largest gifting year in our history! It is a privilege to help steward these contributions and create lasting, positive impact for the community. We celebrated those who give where they live with 800 guests at our annual Celebration of Philanthropy event, honoring the gifts of time, talent, and treasure that help make Holland/Zeeland a thriving community for all.

2022 was a tough year for the markets, but we are pleased to share that CFHZ’s returns were in the top quartile of our Foundation peers. We closed the year with $113 million in assets. What a privilege to live and work in a deeply generous community. Thank you for investing in our vision of a thriving community for all, today, tomorrow, and forever.



$113 Million

Total Assets

$20.1 Million

Gifts Received

The biggest year of gifts in our history!

$12 Million Total Grants

$2.2 Million Gifts to our Community’s Endowment


$822,000 Granted from our Community’s Endowment

$900,000 Distributed in Scholarships


12 New scholars 44 Current scholars 95% Graduation rate

Invested in Housing Next to support efforts to improve housing affordability and access.


Towards local efforts to strengthen the nonprofit sector, and another $1.7 million raised to enhance and sustain this work through our Strengthening the Nonprofit Sector Campaign.



in Community

Contributions to our Community’s Endowment help ensure that there will always be philanthropic resources available to respond to future needs and opportunities in Holland/Zeeland. CFHZ uses a portion of these funds each year to invest in our community through grantmaking.

Unrestricted Funds

The flexibility of unrestricted gifts allows the Foundation to use the expertise of our staff and Board to make the best possible investments across all issue areas for generations to come.

113 Funds

Field of Interest Funds

67 Funds

$500,000 2022 Grants $220,000 2022 Grants

$17.66 Million Total Assets $10.28 Million Total Assets

$640,000 2022 Gifts $1.09 Million 2022 Gifts

These funds allow donors to benefit from the expertise of Foundation staff while also allowing them to identify an area of personal interest, such as the arts, economic development, education, the environment, health, housing, human services, seniors, or youth.


CFHZ can work with donors to process gifts of cash; stocks, bonds, and mutual funds; real estate; 401k and IRA accounts; bequests; and life insurance policies. We’re ready to handle the administrative details so you can focus on the joy of giving.



Helping Donors Achieve Their Charitable Goals

Our donor services help you make a positive impact. Our team is here to support your giving, so you have confidence your dollars are being used in the most effective way possible.

Donor Advised Funds

A flexible, low-cost solution to charitable giving, donor advised funds allow you to take an immediate tax deduction when you make your gift and enjoy the flexibility to make grants over time while CFHZ handles the administrative work.

197 Funds $38.50 Million

Total assets

$6.93 Million

2022 Grants

$10.35 Million

2022 Gifts

Nonprofit Funds

Nonprofit funds benefit a predetermined nonprofit by providing the organization with ongoing support. CFHZ handles the investment management and administrative responsibilities, allowing the organization to focus on its mission.

209 Funds $32.47 Million Total assets

Scholarship Funds

114 Funds $12.06 Million Total assets

$2.22 Million

2022 Grants $4.13 Million

2022 Gifts

Established to honor loved ones and inspire young people, scholarship funds invest in the community’s future.


2022 Grants $1.58 Million 2022 Gifts

Fiscal Sponsorships (Community Project Funds)

As a fiscal sponsor, CFHZ accepts donations and makes distributions on behalf of local charitable initiatives.

13 Funds $1.39 Million Total assets


2022 Grants $1.82 Million 2022 Gifts



Balance Sheet

DECEMBER 31, 2022

Liabilities and Net Assets

Cash and Cash Equivalents $12,489,195 Accounts Payable and Other $85,647 Without Donor Restrictions $98,161,243 With Donor Restrictions $1,627,924 LIABILITIES NET ASSETS Investments $97,604,331 Grants Payable $397,645 Pledges Receivable $1,627,924 Split-Interest Agreements Payable $154,862 $ 12,377,516 Funds Held as Agency Reserve Funds Loans and Notes Receivable $142,976 Total Assets Property and Equipment $694,411 Assets Held For Sale $246,000 $112,804,837 Total Liabilities $13,015,670 Total Net Assets $99,789,167 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $112,804,837


2022 Confirmed in compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations
Expenses Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $(5,935,456) Net Assets – Beginning of Year $105,724,623 Contributions $17,774,638 Grants $10,959,937 Management and General $543,301 PROGRAM SUPPORT SERVICES In-Kind Donations and Services $267,771 Program Services $579,790 Fundraising $311,893 Special Event and Other Revenue $312,504 Net Realized and Unrealized (Losses) Gains on Investments Fund Related Program Services $116,688 Investment Income $1,428,363 Total Revenue, Gains, and Other Support Net Assets – End of Year Change in Value of Split-Interest Agreements $46,383 $6,576,153 $(13,253,506 ) Total Expenses $12,511,609 $99,789,167 6
Revenue, Gains, and Other Support


For Steve and Lauri Sisson, a shared passion for hard work, family, and sailing sparked a lifelong commitment to building community and giving back.

Both Holland High graduates, Steve and Lauri knew of one another through their overlapping social circles. They were officially introduced by mutual friends at Pereddies restaurant, where Lauri worked and Steve frequently attended business dinners with his family.

Steve moved to Holland in the second grade when his father took a job at Haworth. An engineer by trade, but an entrepreneur at heart, his father founded Karona Door in 1980. “As the youngest child, I had a uniquely close view into the trials and tribulations of running a business,” said Steve. “My parents worked a lot to grow the company, so it was time on the water that was our family time.”

Steve’s father was instrumental in founding the non-profit Macatawa Bay Juniors Association (MBJA) Sailing School, which promotes junior sailing and creates opportunities for youth in the Holland community to learn how to sail. Steve, who served many years on its Board, including a term as Chair, was among its first graduates.

Born in Rhode Island, Lauri lived with her grandparents in the Castle Park neighborhood for part of her childhood while her father served in the Navy. Her connections to West Michigan trace back several generations. Her great-grandfather built the Central Park Summer Chapel, and in a nod to that history, Steve and Lauri chose the chapel as the location for their wedding ceremony.

Lauri has two children from a previous marriage, Shari and John, and she and Steve welcomed a daughter, Caroline, together. “Our weekends were spent with youth sports, and sailboat racing.” An active family, their children all played numerous sports, which included swimming, soccer, water polo, and more.

About 15 years ago, MBJA began fundraising for a building for the Junior Sailing Center program. At the same time, Steve was working with Don Wassink, the President of Karona Door. Don had a close relationship with CFHZ, and recommended Steve get involved both for the success of the MBJA campaign and his personal philanthropy.

“As we became more successful in life, we found ourselves with more to give. Through our involvement with sailing and other sports our kids were engaged in, we realized there were many children in the community who could benefit from extra resources and support,” Steve commented.


The Sissons started with causes closest to their hearts - funding junior sailing, swimming, and water safety classes.

Lauri’s successful career in real estate allowed the Sisson’s to expand their philanthropy. In 2015, they established the Steve and Lauri Sisson Family Fund, a donor advised fund at CFHZ, to organize their personal philanthropy. “Our motto is work hard, play hard, give hard, and the Community Foundation makes the giving part easy,” Lauri said. “One check a year funds our balance, and we know CFHZ will handle all the administrative details and make it easy to give to the causes we care about.”

Through their fund, Steve and Lauri have supported several youthserving organizations like Children’s Advocacy Center, Kids Food Basket, Holland Aquatic Center, and the Holland/Zeeland Promise program. Lauri said of the Promise, “The program speaks to our hearts. I put myself through school and remember how hard it was. I worked three jobs in the summer and a full-time job during school. We know hard work is important, but it’s not the only key to success. It’s meaningful to provide opportunities that might be out of reach for these students despite their hard work and make sure their talents can continue to grow and benefit the community.”

Steve shared, “My perspective is different. I have been very lucky in life and was provided with a lot of opportunities. I know that not everyone has the same access, which is why it is important to us to support the Promise program.”

Now the Sisson’s find joy in watching their legacy continue as their children become philanthropic themselves and share their time, talents, and treasure with causes that are important to them. Their daughter Caroline has a friend who teaches elementary school at West Ottawa. For many years Caroline would buy Christmas gifts for the entire class of students. This became a tradition that the family participated in every year. “It’s moving to watch them contribute to their community,” they said. “Knowing that our passion for giving back will continue through our children is one of the greatest gifts as parents.”


LAKESHORE LEADERES Responsive Grant Highlight

Economic development partners, area employers, and educators have been clear; there’s a need to support and invest in growing the diversity of individuals who serve as community leaders. When Carlos Sanchez moved to West Michigan 25 years ago, he quickly noticed a lack of representation from the Latinx community in positions of leadership in the business, civic, and nonprofit sectors. In partnership with Ferris State University, he created the LEADeres program to increase the diversity of Latinx leadership in West Michigan. The LEADeres pilot program was based in Grand Rapids, where it garnered strong interest from local employers and Latinx community members.

LEADeres is structured for a cohort of 15-20 individuals who meet once a month on Saturdays from 9am-5pm for a total of six months. The program includes reading and team projects focusing on identifying and developing leadership skills, networking with local Latinx leaders, and empowering participants to think about the next steps in their professional journeys. Professional facilitators lead the sessions, most of whom have been with the program since the pilot. All but one of the facilitators identify as Latino or Latina.

Reyna Masko participated in the LEADeres program when it was offered in Grand Rapids. A resident of Grand Haven, she works for Ottawa County and is also the co-founder of the Tri-Cities Puentes Initiative (TCPI). Founded in 2019, TCPI’s mission is to build connections (puentes translates to bridges in English) between Latin American residents and the broader Lakeshore community. The organization creates opportunities for Latin American culture to be celebrated and for Latin American individuals to be equipped to lead, collaborate, serve, and thrive.

*Why did we use ‘Latinx,’ ‘Latin American,’ and ‘Latino/Latina’ in this article?

All of these terms are used to describe individuals of Latin American descent. Latinx is gender-neutral, while Latino/Latina are gendered. CFHZ is committed to honoring our community partners and following their lead in how they choose to identify themselves.


“I’ve been living in this community for about 25 years,” said Reyna. “There was a market on the Lakeshore for a leadership program that gives Latin Americans a space to be authentic, to connect with one another to share struggles and successes, and grow the diversity of representation in local spaces.” After completing the LEADeres program, Reyna kept in touch with Carlos. She reached out to him in 2019 to begin the conversation about establishing a Lakeshore cohort that would include individuals from Muskegon, Grand Haven, Holland, and Zeeland.

Carlos’s proven success after 10 years of running the Grand Rapids cohort and Reyna’s connections made it possible to bring the LEADeres program to the Lakeshore, with TCPI providing the initial funding. In 2022, the Community Foundation supported the expansion of the LEADeres program to the Lakeshore with a grant of $28,000.

Between the Grand Rapids and Lakeshore cohorts, over 200 people have graduated from LEADeres. Carlos is thrilled to see so many graduates flourish in both their professional and personal lives. “This program is not the sole catalyst for a person’s success, but it is one of the tools that helps them focus on and develop their existing skill sets. Many of our participants use what they learned in LEADeres to negotiate promotions or move into new positions, bringing their unique cultural competence and adding to the diversity of leadership in our community.”

An additional benefit of the LEADeres program has been the relationships that form during the program, with graduates continuing to build on the network they form during their cohort. As Carlos explained, “It’s a place for Latinx individuals who are from different countries and have different experiences to develop professionally, but they also find a sense of belonging and a path to feeling included in the Latinx community and the West Michigan community.”

In 2022, CFHZ distributed 18 competitive/responsive grants totaling $394,800. Projects and initiatives that supported community/economic development, education, health, housing, human services, and youth all received funding from the Foundation.

To view a complete list of competitive/ responsive grants in 2022, scan the QR code.



The Bridge Builder Society recognizes individuals and couples who have named the Community Foundation as the beneficiary of any type of planned or deferred gift. Planned gifts to any fund at CFHZ qualify for Bridge Builder Society membership. The purpose is to acknowledge and thank those who have made these gifts, and to encourage and inspire others to do the same.


Robyn Allison

Char Amante

Ed and Tina Amaya

Tom and Deann Baumann

Ken and Patti Bing

Jim Bishop

José and Juanita Bocanegra

Roger and Ruth Borr

Jane N. Bos

Ed and Judy Bosch

Mary Bouwens

Mark and Robin Bouwman

Caddie Bradford

Jim and Donna Brooks

Scott and Amanda Brooks

Leslie Brown

Jim and Martie Bultman

Patrick and Elyse Cisler

Al and Barb Dannenberg

Brian W. Davis

Lee and Linda De Visser

Jean De Weert

Donald J. and Brenda J. DeBruyn

Doug and Deb DeLeeuw

Tom and Sue Den Herder

Colette Volkema DeNooyer and Robert DeNooyer II

Chuck and Barb DePree

Garth and Mary Deur

Scott and Kathy DeVries

Marlies DeWitt

Roger and Janet DeYoung

Bret and Erin Docter

Stelios and Leslie Dokianakis

Edna Doyle

Ron and Nancy Eding

Alan and Marcia Elgersma

Jeff and Cherie Elhart

Kathy Elhart

Tom and Tami Elhart

Sally Farabee

Bruce and Susan Formsma

Judy Gaydos

David and Linda Geerlings

Scott and Jaclyn Geerlings

Joan L. Geurink

Mike and Rachel Goorhouse

Jeffrey and Karen Goorhouse

Jim and Janet Hagel

Craig and Karen Hall

Mark and Angela Harder

Don and Jodi Heeringa

Nancy Hendricks

Mike and Colleen Hill

Les Hoogland

Doug and Mary-jo Iverson

Shawn and Lindsay Jacob

Charley and LeaAnne Janssen

Dave and Barb Janssen

John and Sally Janssen

Micki Janssen

Bruce and Margie Johnson

Jim Jurries

James Kaminski

Steve and Norma Knoll Hook

Cal and Nancy Kleinheksel

Larry and Jeanie Koops

Joyce Kortman

Randy and Sue Kortering

Karl and Lynn Kotecki

Jeanette Layman

Thelma (Tommye) Leenhouts

Marcia M. & Richard M. Lievense

Jim Lilly

Sarah Lilly

Scott and Stacey Lubbers

Sam and Jean Martin

Bruce and Linda McCombs

Glenn and Barbara Meyaard

Michael and Theresa Meyer

Robert and Pamela Molenhouse

Mary Emily Mouw

Dick and Susan Muzzy

Evelyn de Vries Myaard

David and Carol Myers

Mary Nagelkirk

Paul and Anne Nemschoff

Eileen Nordstrom

Thomas M. and Marilyn J. Norman

David and Liz Nyitray

Judith Nykamp

Scott and Mary Nykerk

Kevin and Dawn Olney

Jeffrey and Rachel Palmer

Timothy Pennings

Christa Perez

Kathleen Stewart Ponitz

Richard and Barbara Poppe

John and Ann Query

Kevin and Wendy Rebhan

Elsie Redeker

Peter and Jill Rhoades

David Roossien

Mike and Dee Dee Rose

David Schipper

Jim and Janet Schoettle

Fred and Rosemary Sotok

Randy and Arla Spaman

Scott and Jan Spoelhof

Steve and Valerie Spoelhof

Marvin E. and Suzanne M. Stawicki

Robert and Deborah Sterken

Robert Swierenga

Merrill Taylor

Patrick Thompson

Carol Tien Winslow

Marilyn Torborg

Paul Trap

Jay and Adelle Van Daalen

Richard and Pamela Van Dorp

Margaret Van Grouw

Brian Van Kley

Kurtis Van Koevering

Ellen Van Raalte-Frieswyk

Jerry (Ike) and Norma Vande Wege

Jim and Marcia Vandenbrink

Ron Vander Schaaf

William and Rita Vander Vliet

Susan Lantz Vanderbilt

Robert A. Vanderkamp

James and Anna VanderWoude

Donald Van't Hof

Julie and Howard Veneklasen

Greg and Suzanne Visser

Nate and Heather Volkema

Doug and Ginny Vos

Ron and Mary Voss

Doris Welling

Gary and Marilynn Wickens

James and Gail Wiersma

Daniel and Sally Zwier

Erin Avery Zylman



We remember the Bridge Builders who recently passed and honor them for their legacy gifts to our community.

Chris Tracy Spencer 1943-2022

Charles Aschbrenner 1936-2016

Charles Aschbrenner and Chris Spencer married just days before Charles’s death in 2016, following 39 years of companionship. Charles was a professor emeritus of music and taught at Hope College for 53 years. Chris worked for the Michigan Department of Corrections for 20 years before retiring in Holland alongside Charles. Together, they enjoyed music and traveling the world exploring art, history, and music. Charles performed as a soloist and collaborative pianist throughout Michigan and the Midwest as well as in Mexico, Portugal, France and Russia. Chris had a zest for life that shined through his love and laughter with his family and friends. His compassionate spirit guided him to advocate on behalf of the elderly and differently abled. Charles and Chris established the Aschbrenner-Spencer Music Scholarship at CFHZ to carry-on their legacy and commitment to Hope College, music, and diversity. This scholarship recognizes and financially assists graduating high school seniors from the Holland/ Zeeland area who will major or minor in music at Hope College. Charles and Chris made a final gift to the fund through a beneficiary designation of Charles’s IRA.

Joan Lalley 1929-2022

Born in Kalamazoo, Joan later moved to Holland where she raised her two children, Craig and Julie. She was blessed with two wonderful marriages, her first to Robert Hall, until his early death in 1983, and her second to William Lalley, until his death in 2009. Her biggest joy was being with her family and friends. A nature lover and outdoor enthusiast, she enjoyed hiking, bird watching, and exploring the wonder and beauty of creation and had a deep appreciation of music. She was an active and faithful member of Hope Church for over 64 years. She was always thoughtful and generous, and lived her faith. Jo has supported the Community Foundation for more than 30 years, giving faithfully to the Community’s Endowment since 1990. In 2001, she established the Robert G. and Joan T. Hall-Lalley Fund for Affordable Housing. She established this fund to support the local efforts of organizations providing temporary housing for families in crisis and to invest in foreclosure prevention to help keep families out of crisis. At the time she established the fund, Jo said, "I know that the community will continue to change, and this is my way of investing in the future vitality of the place I love.” Continuing her commitment to community and philanthropy, Jo named the Fund and several other local nonprofits as a beneficiary of a portion of her estate.




Jerry Redeker 1934-2022

Jerry was born and raised in Wisconsin before moving to Holland to attend Hope College. He graduated from Hope College in 1956 and then served in the US Army before starting a successful career in banking. Jerry was President of First State Bank of Charlevoix, then People’s State Bank of Holland, and Old Kent Bank of Holland for over 20 years. What mattered most in life to Jerry was his wife of nearly 70 years, Elsie, his family, and his faith. Jerry and Elsie helped countless people and organizations through their selfless generosity. He led capital campaigns for Holland Hospital, Hope College, and Christ Memorial Church, where he and Elsie were active together for more than 40 years. Jerry is remembered for his generosity and kind spirit. Jerry and Elsie have supported the Community’s Endowment with generous gifts for more than 30 years and established two unrestricted funds of the Community’s Endowment, the Sam and Laura Redeker Fund to honor Jerry’s parents and the Jerrald H. and Elsie Redeker Family Fund. These funds will continue to bless our community for generations and honor Jerry’s and Elsie’s legacy of giving.

Thelma Johnson 1919-2022

A lifelong resident of Zeeland, Thelma married her late husband, Alvin Johnson, in 1944 and raised a family. Thelma was a lifetime member of North Street Church, where she was very involved in the Zeeland Christian School Circle and the Ladies Aid Society. She gave generously of her time volunteering for several community organizations. Thelma modeled generosity in many ways, including supporting the Community’s Endowment for more than 20 years and naming the Community Foundation as a beneficiary of her trust. CFHZ established the Thelma Johnson Fund to honor Thelma for her years of support and her final gift to the community.

Mary Assink 1950-2022

Mary was a lifetime Holland resident. She graduated from West Ottawa High School and had a successful 38-year career at Herman Miller, working her way from the plant floor to being the first woman in an office position. Mary excelled in training and development and traveled all over the country working in new product development. When Mary was passionate about something, she was all in. Mary was passionate about Hope College Woman’s Basketball and with her gift of building relationships became close with many players over the years, even treating the entire team to a steak dinner at the end of the season. Mary supported multiple organizations during her lifetime and continued that support by naming several local nonprofits as the beneficiary of a portion of her trust. The Mary Assink Fund will be established to honor Mary’s legacy gift to the community.

Jack Bouman 1942-2022

Jack was a lifelong resident of Holland and his love for his community was evident through his illustrious real estate career. Jack’s passion for real estate and giving back to his community was rewarded by many accolades and awards. Through all his accomplishments Jack gave credit to those surrounding him and enjoyed watching others succeed. Over the years, Jack served on community boards and volunteered his time and resources to several non-profits including United Way, Boys & Girls Club, Resilience, Outdoor Discovery Center, and Ottawa/Allegan Wildlife Association. Jack was also a longtime member of Christ Memorial Church. Jack gave generously to CFHZ for more than a decade establishing the Jack Bouman Family Fund, a donor advised fund, and the Jack Bouman Community Fund, an unrestricted fund of the Community’s Endowment. As a part of CFHZ’s Today. Tomorrow. Forever. campaign Jack named CFHZ as a part of his estate.


Ellen C. Anderson

Vera Arendsen

Charles Aschbrenner and Chris Tracy Spencer

Mary Assink

Gerald and Jeannette Bekken

Margaret Beukema

Ruth Beukema

Ruth Boeskool

Melvin and Alice Boonstra

Thomas G. Bos

John Bouma

Jack Bouman

Howard Bouwens

Julia Bouws

Judson T. Bradford

Clara Mae Brown

Fred and Helen Bulford

Mildred Campbell

Rose Chevrolet

Edwin Comstock

Betty D. Cook

Elaine K. Cooper

Phyllis Cox

Laverne "Curly" Dalman

John de Vries

John De Weert

Robert DeBruyn Family

Barbara Den Herder

Hugh and Phyllis DePree

Jack DeWitt

Bernard and Virginia Donnelly

Howard and Gertrude Douwstra

Monon Dunn

Wayne Elhart

Marilyn Feininger

Rudy and Kay Frundt

John Gaydos

Gladfeldter Family

Mildred Green

G.W. and Edna Haworth

John and Phyllis Hays

Eric and Melinda Heiberg

Jack Hendricks

Edward and Maxine Herpolsheimer

Karl Herpolsheimer

Elizabeth Hillegonds

John and Esther Hoogland

Vivian Hoogland

Eugene and Louise Huyser

M. Jay and Hazel M. Janssen

Alvin and Thelma Johnson

Ginger Jurries

Angie Kammeraad

Bill and Joan Lalley

Jack and Thelma Leenhouts

William Layman

Charles and Sheila McLean

Sharon V. McManus

Daniel Meengs

Bernard and Louise Meeuwsen

Barbara J. Meyer

Betty R. Miller

Thomas and Virginia Nickel

John Nordstrom

David Nykamp

James F. Ponitz

Jerry Redeker

Carol Rickey

John and Ada Rooks

Vern and Isla Schipper

Della Mae Schippers

Dorothy Sheets

Bob and Lois Sligh

Bruce Sturing

Joan Swierenga

Thomas M. Taylor

Albertha M. Teusink

Camy Thompson

James and Corrine Townsend

Ione Trap

Benjamin Van Andel

Donald and Lileeth Van Ark

Evelyn Van Dorp

Geneva Van Dyke Hansen

Donald J. and Petronella "Nell" Van Dyke

Hermina "Mickie" Van Eyl

Howard Van Raalte

Robert Dale Vanden Bosch

Adrian VandenBosch

Alice R. Vander Ploeg

William R. Vanderbilt Jr.

Gordon and Harriet VanPutten

MaryAnn Van't Hof

Thomas Wagner

James M. Watt

Clark and Shirley Weersing

Thyllis Williams

Paul and Dorothy Winchester

Marie K. Woldring

Dwight and Cynthia Yntema



Founded in 1948, Haworth was born in a Holland schoolteacher’s garage. Today, the company has a global reach and enriches spaces with award-winning furniture, interior architecture, luxury lifestyle products, knowledge, and technology solutions to help create beautiful rooms and achieve business goals. In 2022, Haworth had $2.5 billion in global sales and 8,000 employees worldwide. While the company has grown exponentially, Haworth remains family-owned with its headquarters in Holland.

Since the beginning, Haworth has been a company that invests in communities. “We recognize that our success is intrinsically linked to the health and vitality of the communities where we live and work. It is an honor and a privilege to use the assets, capabilities, and resources that help make us successful to also help our communities prosper,” said Dick Haworth.

Dick, who now serves as Chairman Emeritus of the company, formalized Haworth’s commitment to community by drafting a foundational values statement in 1975. Those values have been refreshed in response to a changing world and an evolving business environment. The core values remain consistent and have helped guide Haworth through its three generations of family leadership.

“Our values play an important role in the company, acting as a blueprint for today’s activities and tomorrow’s growth both locally and globally,” said Dick. “We believe we create the greatest value by providing employment to quality people as a company of good character. Haworth’s foundational values are listening to our customers, relying on our members, honoring integrity, embracing continuous learning, leading with design, creating value, and working to make the world better. “

From those foundational values, Haworth has defined three areas of corporate investment and responsibility. The company is committed to supporting and strengthening communities, creating economic value, and protecting and restoring the environment. Haworth employees are encouraged to contribute their time and talents through service projects with local nonprofits. Each year, members are encouraged to volunteer during their paid business hours.

Haworth has been charitably investing in the communities in which it operates for decades. In 2021 the company named their corporate giving program “Haworth Helps.” Haworth Helps is a non-endowed Donor Advised Fund through the Community Foundation of Holland/Zeeland. “We are excited to partner with CFHZ for the Haworth Helps Fund.

They have a demonstrated ability to handle the administrative side of grant making and reporting, knowledge of the local nonprofit sector, and commitment to helping their community flourish,” said Diana Sprik, Director of Philanthropy for Haworth Helps.

Haworth Helps has ensured the company’s foundational values are at the heart of every decision made to benefit our communities. Amongst the nonprofits that have recently received support are Greater Ottawa County United Way, Children’s Advocacy Center, Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holland, Junior Achievement of the Michigan Great Lakes, Outdoor Discovery Network, Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity, and many more.

In addition to the positive change created by funding nonprofit work, Haworth is also building stronger relationships with local community members. At a time when attracting and retaining talent is challenging, programs like Haworth Helps create a sense of purpose and fulfillment for current employees and demonstrates to potential employees that the company is committed to a community in which all its members can flourish.

“We want to contribute to projects that cultivate hope for the future,” said Matthew Haworth, Chairman. “Providing financial assistance to local nonprofits in the West Michigan area through Haworth Helps is one part of Haworth’s commitment to making the world better.”


PROACTIVE GRANTS For a Thriving Community

Launched in spring 2022, our new proactive grant strategy focuses on challenges and opportunities identified by community data and feedback. Nonprofits who provide services within those targeted areas of investment are invited to submit proposals for funding, and CFHZ gives priority to those which are core to the organization’s mission; will have a lasting impact; address inequities; and demonstrate organizational capacity to successfully implement the proposed project or program.

Increasing access to and availability of mental health services was the first targeted investment area to receive funding under the proactive grant strategy. Three themes emerged during our research and conversations with local nonprofits and community partners.

The need for mental health services has increased substantially in recent years.

The 2020 Ottawa County Community Health Needs Assessment named mental health in general and access to mental health care/treatment as the top two most pressing health issues facing our community. The COVID-19 Pandemic exacerbated what was already a major area of concern.

The need spans all age ranges, and many layers of disparities exist.

The most recent data indicates that 19.8% of Ottawa County adults are considered to have mild to severe psychological distress; 22.9% of area adults have anxiety disorder; and 21.8% of adults have depressive disorder, up from previous surveys. Similarly, the most recent Ottawa County Youth Assessment Survey reports that nearly one in three teens have struggled with their mental health in the past year and one in five have seriously thought about suicide. Non-White community members are more likely than White community members to experience psychological distress. Those experiencing poverty are more likely to experience a serious mental health issue and financial, transportation, cultural, and language barriers add to the challenges of accessing help.

There is a staffing shortage of mental health care providers.

With demand for services at record highs throughout the state and nation, local agencies are struggling to recruit and retain mental health care professionals. Within Michigan, there are approximately 360 patients per behavioral health provider. Even with many efforts to expand mental health services already underway, local providers, hospitals, and schools have still been overwhelmed by the deluge of calls for help that continues to unfold, particularly given the stress and hardship of the past two years for so many people.

Local organizations continue to explore innovative ideas and best practices to address these challenges and provide high-quality care, especially to those who face the greatest barriers to accessing care. We distributed $150,000 to five nonprofit partners who are committed to providing mental health services for the community, with a focus on supporting programs that are centered on reaching high need populations in innovative and effective ways.


Proactively Investing in Mental Health Services

City on a Hill Ministries Health Clinic

Behavioral Health Integration

Amount Awarded: $50,000 over two years

Purpose: To increase access to mental health counseling and mental health medication management for the uninsured and under-insured. City on a Hill Ministries Health Clinic will pursue a multilayered approach to serving some of the most vulnerable community members by offering mental health counseling alongside medication management from a psychiatric nurse practitioner.

Bethany Christian Services of Michigan

Expanding Affordable Mental Health Services to Uninsured and Underinsured Hispanic/Latinx Community Members

Amount Awarded: $30,000

Purpose: To provide bilingual, culturally sensitive mental health services and clinical trauma assessments to the Hispanic/Latinx population in the greater Holland/Zeeland Area. Bethany Christian Services has recognized the need to adapt and deliver services in culturally appropriate ways, including providing co-located services to reduce the stigma and barriers of accessing mental health services, offering therapy services in Spanish, and hiring an additional therapist.

Ladder Homes

Ladder Home 6

Amount Awarded: $30,000

Purpose: To add a home to house 3-4 unsheltered community members with mental illness. Participation in Ladder Homes’ Supported Independent Living Program offers a level of security over a sustained period while working with residents to set and meet goals, navigate community resources available to them, and move on to more independent living environments in an average of 12 months.

Arbor Circle

Children and Family Outpatient Counseling Services

Amount Awarded: $20,000

Purpose: To strengthen outpatient counseling services for children and their families through the Holland office. Arbor Circle is one of a few organizations that provides services to individuals who use Medicaid, helping fill a gap for vulnerable populations.

Evergreen Commons

PEARLS Mental Health Program for Seniors

Amount Awarded: $20,000

Purpose: To provide new tools and pathways to meet the mental health care needs of seniors in our community through the PEARLS program. In coordination with local partners, Evergreen will provide access to an evidence-based program that improves the quality of life for older adults by addressing mental health problems that are often compounded by social isolation, disability, polypharmacy, or financial concerns.



Mike Goorhouse President/CEO Colleen Hill Vice President of Development and Donor Services Elizabeth Kidd Vice President of Community Impact/ People and Culture Yah-Hanna Jenkins Leys Director of Community Impact Stacy Timmerman Director of Scholarships Rob Arnold Director of Finance Ellie Davis Communications Associate Beth Powers Administrative Assistant Sydney Santa Ana Donor Services & Events Officer Yadah Ramirez Program Officer/ College Success Coach Brian Buchman Finance Associate


Scan here to view a list of the members of our Audit, Development, Distribution, Executive, Governance, Promise Program, Investment, Program Related Investment, and Scholarship Committees.

Jonathan Padnos Jean Ramirez Lucia Rios Jasmine Irish Bret Docter Sue Franz Mark Harder Leslie Brown Diane Kooiker Chair Tom Den Herder Chair Elect Deborah Sterken Past Chair Erin Avery Zylman Treasurer Ed Amaya Jim Bishop Scott Brooks Secretary Margaret Van Grouw Jim Wiersma Kolin Van Fossan Youth Trustee


Our Youth Advisory Committee is a group of local students from area high schools who meet once a month during the school year for grantmaking, site visits to local youthserving organizations, and to learn about community needs and philanthropy.

Kolin Van Fossan Chair Georgia Crandell Secretary Lauren Fischer Treasurer Matthew LaPorte Distribution Committee Representative Rogen McLean Chair Elect Jacob Anagnostopoulos Brooke Lewis Samantha DeVries Jackson Field Megan DeVisser Lourdes Manderfield Jaquelin Romero Anna Novakoski Jack O'Brien Karinna Martinez Atif Usmani Olivia Vanvliet Sterling Shepard II Thy Tran


Donors to the Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area include individuals, local businesses, and organizations who believe in the future of their community. Donors who contributed $50 or more are listed below.

make every effort to ensure donor names are listed correctly. If you have a concern related to this donor list, please contact our office at 616-396-6590.


Kevin Brown

Lance Brown

Laryl Brown

Leslie Brown

Michael Brown

Sally Brown


Keith and Judy Boonstra

Johannes Boot

William and Karen Borgman

James and Karen Bos

Jane Bos

Curtis Bosch

Ed and Judy Bosch

Lee and Jane Bosko

Bradley Bosma

Ryan and Stacy Bosma

David and Diane Boss

William and Cheryl Bouma

Hope Bouphaphanh

Lila Bouwens

Tom and Teresa Bouwens

Bryan and Kathy Bouws

John and Bonnie Bouws

Robert Bouws

Ander Bowers

Timothy and Maria Bowers

Natalie Boyden

Deegan Boyles

Caddie Bradford

Jud and Kirby Bradford

Patrick Bradford

Tom and Kathy Bradford

Bradford Company

Jeremy Brander

Nathan Braun

Todd Brazys

Julie Breuker

Steven and Cheryl Brugel

Michael and Lynne Brumley

Roger Brummel

Mary Brummitt

Jerrie and Julian Brummitt-Arredondo

Scott Brundage

Jay and Christi Bruns

James and Cheryl Buist

Sandra Buller

Sydnee Bultema

Steve and Krystal Bulthuis

Jim and Martie Bultman

Clifford Burgess

Elizabeth Burgess

Harry and Mary Burgess

Jonathan Bush

Seth and Anne Bushouse

Robin Busman

Greg Bylsma


David Cabana

Anthony Calvert

Pablo Calvo

David and Sandra Cammenga

Zach and Joanna Cammenga

Campaign Resource Group LLC

John Canfield and Sharon Dwyer

CapTrust Financial Advisors

Abe and Mar Carrillo

Christine Carrothers

Christopher Carter

Jerry Carter

Kimberlee Cassell

Gloria Cavazos

Centennial Coatings - Zeeland

Ceres Solutions Cooperative

James and Dorothy Chamness

Shauna Champion

Michele Chaney

Gary Chanthavong

Nicholas Chase

Michael and Wendy Cheek

Henry and Lindsay Cherry

Matthew Chiodo

Choice One Bank

Joseph Chouinard

Peter and Emily Christensen

David and Yvonne Christian

David and Carolyn Christophel

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation

Anh and Dat Chung

Patrick and Elyse Cisler

City of Holland

A Matthew Abbott Genevieve J. Abisaab Roger and Susan Addelson Theophilus Adijei Ciarra Adkins Taiyoh and Robyn Afrik Vivian Afrik Agritek Industries Jaime Aguilar Benito and Hannah Aguilera Zahabia Ahmed-Usmani Oluwatobi Ajayi Dora Alaniz Stephen Aldrich II Chad Alexander Christopher and Kate Allen Theresa Allen Edna Almanza Judy Almanza Jose Almodovar Ramos Alpine Events Rebecca Altamirano Ed and Tina Amaya Aaron Ambrose Eric Angell Peter and Niecia Anjorin Apothecary Gift Shop Michael Archambault John and Nicki Arendshorst Thomas and Sharon Arendshorst Stacy Arens Paul and Meena Ariagno Dave and Jane Armstrong Mark and Kim Arnold Candice Arnwine Theresa L. Arredondo Estate of Charles Aschbrenner and Chris Spencer Kevin Ash Falan Austin Habeeb and Ellen Awad Scott Ayotte B Jerry and Kathy Baarman Rick and Wanda Baarman Christine Bachmann Bill and Emily Badran Laura Baer Brooke Bagley Charles and Margie Bagley Jerene Baker Josh Baker Lisa
Charles and Sue Ellen Bakker Steven and Rebekah Bakker Ryan Balili James Ballard Tyler Balster Jeremy
Dani Banks Barber Ford, Inc. Julie Barnes Karen Barnes
Francisco Barrios Jim Barry Bradley Bartels John and Gwen Bartels Adam Barton Clayton Bates Kathie Baumann Kelvin and Barbara Baumann Mark and Beverly Baumann Peter and Stacey Baumann Evan Baxter Kathleen Beal Maribel Becerra Dick and Lorrie Becker Douglas and Shirin Becker George and Fran Becker Beckfoley LLC David and Kathryn Becksvoort Rodney and Sharon Becksvoort Terry and Linda Becksvoort Carolyn Bedrosian Ev Beemer Michelle Behrenwald Gregory and Nancy Bekius Gerald & Jeannette Bekken Trust Frank and Judith Beltman James and Suzette Beltman Bradley Bennett Daniel Bennett Lisa Bensinger Joshua Benson Michael Berarducci Kari Bergman Robert Bergman Stuart Bergstrom John and Claudia Berry Richard A. Berry Ken and Laurel Beukelman Scott Beute Michael and Cynthia Beyer Bob and Jennifer Bieri Big Dutchman, Inc. John and Maureen Bilsky Tim and Laura Bindon Jim and Andrea Bishop Charles Blackmore Cody Blakeley Russel and Sandra Blanchard Brian Blanchet Maria Blas Tyler Bleeker José and Juanita Bocanegra Timothy Bochenek Thomas and Linda Bock Neil and Amy Boehm George and Sibilla Boerigter Marcia Boerman Carole Boers Lois Boersma Ron and Patience Boersma Terry and Cheryl Boetsma Ron and Sonja Boeve Steven and Judy Boeve Boileau & Co. Cynthia Bolt Dan and Kate Bolt David and Kim Bolt John and Nancy Bolt Serena Bonarski Amanda Bonsall David Bonselaar Brenda Bonzelaar Miriam Boogaart Nathan Boogaart Ronald A.
Eric and Linda Brown Gabe and Cara Brown James
Raymond and Nancy Brewer Courtney Brewster Brian and Allison Brink
Farms Inc. Dale and Sue Brisboe Juan and Joselyn Brisita Robert Brock and Laurie Scott Diane Broekhuis Timothy Broekhuis Ren and Elsa Prince Broekhuizen Robert and Pamela Brolin Roger and Janet Brondyke Michael and Lona Bronkema Emily Bronson Todd and Melissa Bronson Scott and Amanda Brooks Jim and Donna Brooks Brooks Capital Management,
Jeff and Amanda Brouwer Josiah Brouwer Charles and Anne Brower Gary Brower

City of Hudsonville

City of Zeeland

City on a Hill Ministries

Deborah Clanton

John and Raby Clark

Kylie Clark

Nancy Clark

Detrik Cleveland

Co-Alliance Cooperative Inc.

Janelle Coffey

James Collins

Lynnette Collins

Comerica Bank

Community Action House

Compassionate Heart Ministries

Consumers Energy

Consumers Energy Foundation

Continental Dairy Facilities, LLC

Richard and Marilyn Cook

Michael and Amy Cooke

Coral Gables Yachts

Scott Corley

Frank Coronado and Mary Awdey

Corporate Live, Inc.

Larry and Connie Corriveau

Lucas Crandle

Jeanne Crane

Curtis Croft

Ruth Cronk

Crown Motors Holland Ltd

Donna Culver

Cunningham Dalman, PC

Larry and Ruth Custer

Tim and Karen Custer


Tyler Dalpe

Al and Barb Dannenberg

Alexandra Darland

Frederick and Michelle Davison

Nicholas Davison

De Boer, Baumann & Co, PLC

Calvin and Elizabeth De Kuiper

De Leeuw Lumber Co., Inc.

Michael De Leon

Dean and Mary De Ridder

Larry and Linda De Roo

Lee and Linda De Visser

Chris and Pat de Vries

Thomas and Nancy De Vries

Nicole Dean

Brad Deane

Zachary DeBoer

Kenneth Debruyn

Cody Decker

Michael R. Deford

Jim and Barb DeHaan

Jonathan DeHart

Robert and MaryJo DeJong

Kenneth and Pamela DeJonge

Richard and Marlys Dekker

Kaycee Dekkinga

Doug and Sandy DeKock

Jeffrey and Tracey DeKraker

Liz DeLaLuz

Ted and Ellen DeLong

DeLong & Brower, PC

Timothy DeMarse

Michelle DeMott

Tom and Sue Den Herder

Randall and Dona Deneff

Judith DenHerder

Casey Dennis Garret Denolf

Dominique and Julie DeNooyer

Robert DeNooyer II and Colette Volkema DeNooyer

Nicole DeNooyer and Chris Taylor

Robert DeNooyer Chevrolet, Inc

Brittany Denton

Chuck and Barb DePree

Esther DePree

Nichole Derks

David and Lynne Devine

Dalton DeVos

Rick and Elly DeVries

Mike and Jennifer DeWaard

Shannon DeWeerd

Marlies DeWitt

Dewitt Conduit Foundation

Aaron and Teresa Deyoung

Roger and Janet DeYoung

Tina DeYoung

Kresta L. DeZwaan

Mary Dieleman

Phillip Diemer

Ashley Diersch

David Dirkse

David Dirkse

Jeff and Kathy Disher


Benjamin Dixon

William and Barbara Dobberteen

Adam and Lani Dohrmann

Stelios and Leslie Dokianakis

Cameron Dolbow

James and Sara Donkersloot

Joan Donnelly

John and Banba Donnelly

Moira E. Donnelly

Monica Donnelly

Don's Flowers & Gifts, Inc

Patrick Doornbos

Sengthavy Douangpraseuth

Mary Dougherty

Gary and Stacey Dozeman

Troy and Kimberly Dozeman

Stormie Drak

Robert and Bertha Drew

Chelsea Dreyer

Douglas and Pamela Dreyer

David and Lisa Driscoll

Kevin Drummond

Timothy Drummond

James-Vincent Duazo

Eric Dulmes

Michael Durland

Joseph Dyer

Kurt and Shelley Dykema

Danielle Dykgraaf

Jeanette Dykgraaf

Michael and Jodi Dykstra

Robert Dykstra


Sara Eade

Eagle Feather Foundation

Paul Eastway

Edgar and Elsa Prince Foundation

Thomas and Jane Eggebeen

84 East Inc.

Dustin Ekkens

Cynthia Elam

Kathy Elhart

Ken and Margaret Elhart

Thomas and Tami Elhart

Elhart GMC

Arena R. Ellis

James and Diana Elshoff

Karin Engel

Vicki Erdmans

Kenneth and Barbara Eriks

Thomas and Susan Ervine

Andrew Eshbaugh

Jessica Eskridge

Anita Equerra-Zwiers

Melvin and Joy Essendelft

EV Construction

Eva Eveleth

Rich Evenhouse

Peter and Marty Everts

Eric Fasse

Fair Haven Reformed Church

Clarence and Linda Falstad

Sally Farabee

Farm Bureau Insurance -

Nolan Kamer Agency

Farmers Co-Op Elevator Co.

Gus Feenstra

Monte and Jenny Ferguson

Claudia Fernandez Gonzalez

Dennis Festerling Jr

Sarah Fewless

Marlin Feyen and Ruth Posthumus

David and Nancy Field

Esther Fifelski

Fifth Third Bank

Janice Fike

Jerald and Pamala Finley

First National Bank of Michigan

Gary Fisher

Dale and Karen Flowerday

Kate Flynn

Patricia Flynn

Paul Flynn

Robert and Julie Ford

Todd Foreman

Bruce and Susan Formsma

Michelle Forner

David and Erin Foster

Foundation 180

Justin Franchville

Marcos Franco

Roxann Franklin

Magan Frantz

Berthold and Sue Franz

Bill and Jane Frauenheim

Alison Freas

Freedom Village

Ken and Lorma Freestone

Jackie Frens

Charles and Sue Freriks

Robert and Lynne Frey

Friends of the Felt Estate

Robert Frisbie


Kevin Fry


Michael and Cynthia Gale

Stephani Gallegos

Garrett Galli

Gretchen Galloway

Roger and Anne Gamache

Eduardo Gamez

Charlotte Garlough

Lisa Garren

Julie and Jay Garside

Benjamin and Mary Garvelink

Susan Garvelink

Kim Garza

Sandra Gates

Allen Gatica

Harold and Nancy Gazan

Mark and Susan Gazan

Charles and Julie Geenen

David and Linda Geerlings


Joel Geerlings

Kurtis and Heidi Geerlings

Paul and Janice Geerlings

Scott and Jaclyn Geerlings

Steven Geerlings

Sharon Gehrke

Fred and Gail Geiger

Heather Gendron

Gentex Corporation

Gary and Mary Genzink

Tom and Joan Genzink

Daniel and Mary George

Kelly George

George and Lucile Heeringa Foundation

Georgetown Animal Hospital

Leo and Sue Gerhardstein

Ryan Gerlach

Zach Gethin

Cheryl Getty

Ryan Geurink

Amy Gibbs

Joni Gibson

Shannon Gibson

David and Janice Gier

Tysha Gill

Punam Giri

Nick and Nicole Glaser

Tiffany Glaze

GMB Architecture + Engineering

Corrina Goding

Randy Goniwiecha

Leticia Gonzalez-Ortiz

Aaron Good

Aimee Goodman

Jeffrey and Karen Goorhouse

Mike and Rachel Goorhouse

Michelle Gordillo

George and Nancy Goris

Dale Gort

Tom and Sara Gortsema

Nova Gould

Autumn Goulet

Julianna Gracia

Lori Gramer

Grand Haven Area Community Foundation

Grand Valley State University

Sean Gray

Charles Grayson

Great Lakes Partners

Connie Green

Jeffrey and Catherine Green

Green Stone Farm Credit Services

Robert and Martha Greendonner

Taylor Greenfield

Greenmark Equipment

Mark Grenell

Ronald and Joan Griffith

Karen Groenhof

Stephen Grossman

Paul Groth

Dan and Lori Groustra

Sally Gruppen

Steve Guebara

Anthony Guillozet

Virgil and Kathleen Gulker

Tom and Kate Guthrie

Calvin Gutknecht

Hunter Guzman-Shaw


Jim and Janet Hagel

Dan Hagger

Craig and Karen Hall

Robert Halloran

Beth Hamlin

Ben and Debbie Hancock

Cathy Hansen

Amanda Harbison

Nicholas and April Harnish

Jennifer Harper

Kenneth and Berniece Harper

Abigail Harrell

David and Lisa Harris

Sophea Harris

Thomas Harsevoort

Daniel and Judith Hartung

Landyn Haskin

Ken and Nancy Haveman

Kevin Haviland and Patricia Griswold

Eliah S Hawkins

Timothy and Lynn Hawkins

Dick and Ethie Haworth

Matthew and Jennifer Haworth Haworth, Inc.

Wenhan He

Terry Heath

Carol Heemstra

Scott Heerema

Don and Jodi Heeringa

Jason Heeringa

Steven and Sandra Heerspink

Paul and Nancy Heineman

Rebekah Helder

Margaret Helton

Stephen Hemenway

Timothy and Anne Hemingway

David and Sally Hemmeke

Jason Hendges

Nancy Hendricks

Shelly Hendricks

Cory Henline

Bob and Marilyn Henry

Steven and Elva Henson

Herbruck's Poultry Ranch Inc

Jorge Hernandez

Lori Hernandez

Nataly Hernandez

Oscar Hernandez

Paige Hernandez

William Herpich

Robert Herppich

Gregory and Shannon Herrema

Sandra Hessel

C Gail Hibbard

Scott Hice

Jesse Higgins

Robert Hightower

Laura Hill

Michael and Colleen Hill

Benjamin and Amanda Hilldore

Bret Hoeksema

Paul D. Hoeksema

Andrew and Tess Hoekstra

Bill and Maria Hoekstra

Joseph Hoekstra

Elisa Hoekwater

Jeanette Hoffman

Zachary Hoffmann

Jonathan Hofman

Terry and Ruth Hofmeyer

Greg and Alison Holcombe

Holland Area Convention & Visitors Bureau

Holland Friends of Art Holland Garden Club

Holland Hospital

Holland Junior Welfare League

Holland/Zeeland Young Professionals

Jonathan Hollis

Jeffrey Holstege

Kurt Holstege

Melinda Holthus

Shaun Homrich

Benjamin and Sarah Hondorp

Sonny Hoogendoom

Frank and Debra Hoogland

Gregg and Kimberly Hoogland

Les Hoogland

Andrew and Leslie Hoover

Hop Insurance Agency Inc

Hope College

Horizon Bank

Martin Horn

Kenneth and Barbara Horner

Richard Horvitz

Robert Houting Estate

Howard Miller Company

Dianne Hoyt

Kay Hubbard

Hudsonville Public Schools

Educational Foundation

Diana Hugo

Andrew Huisman

Robert and Anita Huizenga

Laura Hulet

Huntington National Bank

Rick and Janet Hyken

Nina Hyma


Veronica Ibarra

IFR, Inc.

Janie Imes

Independent Bank

Indiana Packers Corporation

Inontime, Inc

Patrick and Jasmine Irish

Kerry and Mary Irons

Caleb Irvin

Jeffrey and Karen Irvin

Johnathan S. Irwin

Jack H. Miller


Larry and Whitney Jackson

Shawn and Lindsay Jacob

David Jacobs

Nancy Jacobs

Karen Jacobusse

Justin and Jamie Jansen

Charley and LeaAnne Janssen

Dave and Barb Janssen

Jay and Hazel Janssen Family Fund

John and Sally Janssen

Micki Janssen

Derek and Megan Jaromin

David and Karri Jasperse

Kathryn Jasperse

JCS Agency

Ivan and Barbara Jekel

Yah-Sheba Jenkins

Mario and Laura Jimenez

Vanessa Jimenez

John A. Van Den Bosch Co.

John and Judy Spoelhof Foundation

Bruce and Margie Johnson

David and Tiara Johnson

Jeanine Johnson

Jeff Johnson and Beth Peter

Josh and Mandee Johnson

Melinda Johnson

Robert and Cheryl Johnson

Robert Johnson

Stephen and Nicole Johnson

Steven Johnson

Tom and Cynthia Johnson

Felisha Johnston

John and Abbey Johnston


Bruce Jones

Stan and Mary Jones

Timothy and Jennifer Jongsma

JR Automation Technologies, LLC

William and Jennifer Juhasz

Lucie Julius

Kevin and Jillian Jurczyk

Jim and Ginger Jurries Foundation

Jim and Sheryl Jurries


Jim and Margie Kaat

Kalamazoo Community Foundation

Kathryn Kampen

Har Ye Kan

Jay and Sue Kang

Kevin Kar

Jon Karel

Jacklyn J. Karell

Brian Katerberg

Andrew and Lauryn Keizer

Kristin Keller

Christina Kelley

Patrick and Jeanne Kellner

Mike and Amanda Kelly

Kendall Group

Mark Kennedy

Alexis Ketchum

Kevin Key

Beverly Key-Sternberg

Laura and Saeed Khan

Elizabeth E. Kidd and David C. Hill

Wesley and Nellie Kiel

Kim Youngjun

Paul and Elaine Kimple

Randy and Michelle Kimple

Dave and Alysha Kirkwood

Mary Klaaren

David Klein

Chad and Nikki Kleinheksel

Dan and Cindy Kleinheksel

Jamie Kleinheksel

Joel and Lora Kleinsasser

Todd and Anne Klipp

Leroy Kloeppner

Calen Klopfenstein

Brad and Ellen Klow

Jim and Nancy Knap

Peter Knoester

Tiffany Knox

Alexis Koehl

Keith and Pam Koeman

Nathan Roggenbaum and Kimberly Koeman

Ted and Linda Koeman

Christopher J. Koleszar

Jonathan Konieczny

Mara Koning

Philip and Lillian Koning

Frederick and Susan Konynenbelt

Stan and Jayne Konynenbelt

Graydon and Sandra Kooiker

Larry and Diane Kooiker

Roger Koon

Brian and Cathy Koop

Lloyd and Linda Koopman

Larry and Jeanie Koops

Luke and Rebecca Koops

Matthwe Koppey

Chelsey Koster

Dan and Jan Koster

Joe and Sue Koziol

Bryan and Kathryn Kraker

Cory and Katie Kraker

C. DeClarke Kramer

Eric and Ashley Krupiarz

James and Sara Krupka

Benjamin and Elizabeth Kuiper

Brett and Darlene Kuipers

Charles and Beatrice Kulier

Bridgette Kunkel

LRyan Laarman

Lakeshore Family Chiropractic LLC

Lakeshore Glass and Metals

Lakeshore Human Resource Management Association

Lakeshore Internal Medicine & Pediatrics

Lakewood Construction

Jared Lambers

David and Janice Lamer

Hoyt Lampen

Land O'Lakes Foundation

Lankheet Pool & Spa, Inc.

Jack and Karen Lanning

Lanser Broadcasting Corp.

Kevin and Lynn Lanting

Juan and Concepcion Lara

Larry and Karen Mulder Foundation

Lavender Sage Photography

Andrew Le Vesque

Chorn and Chanthoeun Leak

Rich and Sharon LeBlanc

David Lee

Jae and Sung Lee

Nina Lee

Rachel Leenheer

Thelma (Tommye) Leenhouts

Greg and Jennifer Leenstra

Karen Leestma

Leestma Family Foundation- Little Flower Fund

Michael and Jennifer LeFebre

Josh Lehmkuhl

Kenneth and Esther Lemmen

Amy Leonard

Tara Leonard

Dick and Pat Leppink

Brady and Shelby Leslie

Martha Leslie

John Levendosky

Jeremy Levett

Ricki Levine

Nancy Lewis

Mark and Paula Lewison

Jared Leys and Yah-Hanna Jenkins Leys

Scott and Jill Leys

Ben Lichtenwalner

Donald Liebetreu

Rich and Marcia Lievense

Jimmie Liggins and Melissa Kamara Liggins

Sinisa Likic

Jeanne Lindell

Keith and Anne Lindquist

Judith Linn

Megan Linn

Nigel Lock

Robert and Barbara Lock

Paul Longoria

Laura Loomis

Brian Lorence

Bruce and Debra Los

Raymond and Ginny Lovett

Douglas and Bonnie Lowe

Glenn and Jane Lowe

Vince Lowell

David and Donna Lowry

Warren Lowry and Carolyn DeYoung Lowry

Mike and Jan Lozon

Donna Lubbers

Tracy Lucarelli

Dennis Lucas

Lugers Family Foundation

Theresa Lugo

Lauren Lunka

Matthew and Christina Lunn

Henry and Ratchaneekom Luten

Don Luy

LVZ, Inc

Jessica Lynch

Bill and Cindy Lyzenga M

M. W. Watermark LLC

M.E. Yacht Restoration

Aaron and Lauren Maat

Jeremy Maat

Meagan MacCready-Maas

Douglas and Nancy MacDonald

Julie MacKay

Chris and Angela Mackeller

Gregory MacKeller

Bradley and Christine Maclean

Audrey Macsuga

Adam and Kim Magoon

Robert and Janice Mahaney

Vilaiphone Mahasaded

Michele Malaski

Rosa Manifold

Khamtoun Manivanh

Mannaru Pujitha

Don and Mary Mannes

Rose Mannes

Carl and Judtih Manning

Ronald Marks

Marsilje Foundation

Angela Martin

Sam and Jean Martin

Marie Martineau

Brandie M. Martinez

Julian Sluyter and Cynthia Martinez

David and Mary Bosscher

Mary Free Bed Hospital and Rehabilitation Center

Brian and Dawn Marz

Meaghan Mascorro

Reyna Masko

Kevin Jon Mason

Maccius A. Mason

Bruce and Carla Masselink

Judith Mastenbrook

Joseph Matthews

Calvin and Nancy Matthysse

Connie Mattice

Maurice Mattis

Wayne and Diana Mavis

Nancy Mc Neil

Joshua McClure

Gregory McColley

Cynthia McCullick

David and Eleanor McDaniel

Jody McDaniel

Kevin and Kathy McDowell

Susan McGlamery

Bill and Ila McIlvain

Benjamin McKenzie

Michelle McKenzie

Mary McLoughlin

Jeffrey and Renee McParlan

Sandra and Robert McParlan

Mark and Bonnie Meengs

The Meijer Foundation

Eddie Mejias

Susan Mendoza

Steve and Susan Menken




Brian and Courtney Paff

Jeffrey and Rachel Palmer

Rodney and Michelle Palmer

Kristine Palosaari

Phoumy Pany

Dan and Laura Parker

Gerald and Tammy Parker

Parsnip121 Fund

Jennifer Pascua

Mark and Janet Pasma

Patricia Eldean Trust

Bruce and Jane Patterson

Jafer Patterson

Nicholas Pattullo

Tom and Vickie Payton

Mark and Karen Pearson

Jeffrey and Nancy Peerbolt

Drew Peirce

Kenneth and Jill Peirce

Steven Peirce

Gloria Pelon

Cynthia Pena

People IT, LLC

Rodolfo Perez

Hector Perez - Gonzalez

Glen and Karen Perkin

Perkins Malo Hunter Foundation

Patteron Perry

Christopher Peterson

Crystl Sue Peterson

Zachary Petroelje

Jame and Douangphathai


Picket Fence Designs

Stephen Pierce

Steve Piersma

Dar Piper

Thomas Plaggemars

Plascore, Inc.

Phillip and Jan Plasman

Joe and Dana Plowman

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

Rob and Cindy Pocock

R.J. and Marian Poel

Gordon and Jean Poest

Christopher and Rebecca Pollack

Polly Anna's Confectionary Shoppe LLC

Jeff and Laura Pomeroy

Kathleen Stewart Ponitz

Cliff and Nancy Ponstein

Anne Porter

Bryce and Ashley Porter

Eric and Lisa Post

Tim and Ana Post

John Posthumus

Alexis Postma

Linda Postma

Marcy Postma

Katrina Powell

Sabrina Preikszas

Ashley Prell

Jacob Pressley

Scott and Gina Prince

Thom and Jane Pritz

Jason Pruiett

Becky Puckett-Wood

Susana Puente

David and Rebecca Purnell

Wayne and Linda Pynnonen


John and Ann Query

Quinn Vise Design LLC

Daniel Quintanilla


Herman and Nancy Raad

Bradley and Elizabeth Rachoza

Mary Ralya

Gabe and Jean Ramirez

Rodolfo Ramirez

Yadah Ramirez

Shane and Lisa Ramsdell

Mike and Beverly Rannow

Robert Rapp

JJ Rattanasavanh

Udaykumar Raval

Lyn Raymond

Kate Reck

Jerry and Elsie Redeker

Heather Reeder

Jesse Reinke

Request Foods, Inc.

Bill and Maura Reynolds

Brad and Betsy Rhein

Rhoades McKee PC

Elliot Richards

26 Merle Boes, Inc. Darlynn Mesman Metal Flow Corporation Mark and Beth Meurer Glenn and Barbara Meyaard Christopher and Shanna Meyer John and Margie Meyer Kathleen Meyer Patty Meyer Hannes Meyers Hirene Meza Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc. Michigan Allied Poultry Industries, Inc Michigan State University Midwest Construction Group Inc. Aaron Miller Alan and Mary Miller Alexandra Miller Buzz and Lisa Miller Jack H. Miller Jennifer Miller MillerKnoll MillerKnoll Foundation George Milliken Karla Mingerink Paula Mireles Adam and Amanda Mishler Kurt and Erin Mishler Steve and Jill Miskelley Tom and Cathy Mitchell Kendra Molette David Molnar Kevin and Vicki Monroe Maria Morales Jesus Morales Jr Moriah Foundation Inc. Lorie Morris Daniel and Hilary Morrison Rich and Lisa Mosher Thomas and Sherry Moutvic Mary Mouw Don and Susan Mulder Haans and Anita Mulder James and Nancy Mulder Jeff and Marci Mulder Keith Mulder Larry and Karen Mulder Roger and Beverly Mulder Ron and Sandy Mulder Matthew Muskovin Jason Musthaler Conrad and Laurie Mutschler Dick and Susan Muzzy Christine Mwangi David and Carol Myers Julie Myszak N Allen and Gloria Naber Angela Nadeau Scott Nagelkirk Paula Nagelvoort Conner Navetta Michael Nawara Christine Nawrocki Brad Nederveld Joel and Susan Nemes Karla Nesbitt New Holland Brewing Restaurant & Pub Mitchell and Ruth Ann Newenhouse Douglas and Laurie Newhouse An Nguyen Kara Nguyen Mey horng Nhib John and Robin Nicely Pornphan Nichols Larry and Janet Nielsen Corey Niemchick Kylie Nienhuis Darlene Nies Anthony and Ann Nieuwkoop Jeremy Nise Matthew Nixon Corlins Nkede Jeffrey Nolan Eileen Nordstrom Nancy Nordstrom Norman Family Foundation William and Lori Notier Scott and Betsy Nuismer Heather Nyholt Gary and Bev Nyhuis David and Liz Nyitray O Oakland Christian Reformed Church Tim and Kelly Obbink Joshua O'Berski Phoebe O'Berski ODL, Inc. Jack and Anne Ogilvie Justin Olejniczak Bill Olney Jon and Kathy Olney Kevin and Dawn Olney Bradley Olthof Onequest Family Foundation Rosalinda Ontiveros Benjamin Oom John and Darla Oostendorp Matt and Nicole Orazem James Oren Albert and Jane Osman Rick and Linda Ossenfort Ottawa Area Intermediate School District Ottawa County Administrative Offices Ottawa County Farm Bureau Andy and Sabina Otteman Shannon Overbeek Ken Overway Al Overweg Tyler and Jodi Owczarski Zachary Owen P Pamela Padding Doug and Nancy Padnos Jeff and Peg Padnos Jonathan and Shani

Susan Richardson

Stephen Richlich

Josh Rietman

Guadalupe Rios

Lucia Rios

Kerri Ritsema

Guadalupe Roa

Alfred Roach

Breanne Roche

Brent Rockafellow

Erica Rodgers

Richard Roelofs

Kimberly Roetman

The Rolinski Family Fund

James and Kay Rose

Mike and Dee Dee Rose

Tom and Sharon Rosine

Justin and Mandy Ross

Keith and Sara Rothstein

Joseph Rotonda

Robert and Becky Roush

Tammy Rouwhourst

Brent Rowell

Dave and Jennifer Rozman

Melvin and Stacy Ruff

Yolanda Ruiz

Wayne and Shelley Rumsey

Gary Russ

Jill Russell

Kimberly Russell

John and Erin Rylaarsdam

Donald and Kathleen Rynbrandt

Robert and Linda Rynbrandt

Cornelius Rynsburger


Nellie Sabin

Suzanne Sachs

Luis Salazar

Wayne Sall

Jeremy Samora

Tabatha Sampson

Manuel and Kimberly Sanchez

David and Deborah Sanderson

Sydney Santa Ana

Han Savage

Richard A. Savola

Chrissy Scaccia

Christina Scarpino

Tom and Sharon Schaap

Mary Schakel

Jennifer Schall

Dave and Mary Schallert

Sengamphone Schalte

Dean and Ronda Scharphorn

Todd Schauder

Ed and Laurie Schierbeek

Kevin Schild

Danielle Schmidt

Jim and Janet Schoettle

Gary and Phyllis Scholten

Paul and Katherine Schoolmeester

Mary Kay Schoon

Jason and Robyn Schopp

Daniel Schreckengust

Mary Schregardus

Schreur Printing Co.

Jason and Krista Schrotenboer

Robert and Vickie Schuler

Paul Schulze

Christine Schumacher

Schwab Charitable

Jonathon Scott

Melanie Scott

Kenneth Scrues

William and Krista Seabolt

Melissa Sedjo

Robert and Barbara Selig

Larry Senabandith

Abelardo Serna

Chivone Serzynski

James Sexton

Carolyn Sharda

Ankit Sharma

Alexander Sharp

Andrew Shea

Mariah Shelden

Dick and Nancy Shepard

Dorothy Sherburne

Michelle Sheridan

Amanda Sherlip

Edward Shigwadja

Nicole Shosten

Penny Shuff

Lori Sides

William Sikkel

Christopher Simon

Jensen Simons

Stephen and Lauri Sisson

Paul Skelonc

Adam Skinner

Camden Skinner

Brad and Carol Slagh

David and Kara Slater

Kellie Slawson

Anna Slenk

Slikkers Family Foundation

Marc Smeyers

Gregg and Carol Smith

Henley L. Smith

Robert and Carolyn Smith

Timothy Smith

Tony and Holly Smith

Trevor Smith

Smith Gas Liquids Company

Smith Haughey Rice and Roegge

Jeffrey and Nancy Snay

Donna Snippe

Jason Snyder

Laura Snyder

Mary Snyder

Stephen and Cynthia Snyder

Bob and Brenda Soeters

Keith Solomon

Irasema Soto

Fred and Rosemary Sotok

Frank Soulinha

Thiphanat Souvanhnasy

Mark and Robin Spangler

Spectrum Health Zeeland Community Hospital

Speed Wrench Inc. All Phase Hydraulics

Gary and Linda Speet

Zachary Speet

Tracy Spencer

Alyssa Spicer

Craig and Wendy Spoelhof Foundation

Steve and Valerie Spoelhof

Erma Sprague

Nicholas St Clair

Paul St. Amour

Taran and Catherine Staal

Matthew Staat

Robert and Christine Stander

Tom and Marta Stanley

Gordon Stannis

Joseph Stanton

Kelly Starrine

Marvin Stawicki

Jeanne Steber

Cory and Lise Steeby

Brittany Steele

Joseph and Lisa Stefanovsky

Jim and Sheila Steffel

Henry Stegenga

Spencer and Wendy Steggerda

Jeffrey and Lavonna Stempin

Jane Stenger

Michael Stephenson

Jane Sterk

Bob and Deborah Sterken

Charles and Annie Sterken

Craig and Sara Stevens

Michael Stewart

Shandra Stewart

Tad and Cindy Stielstra

Mark and Julie Stinton

Doug and Melissa Stob

Ann Stone

Ronald S. Storteboom and Amanda Metternich

Joel Stray

Ed and Audrey Streng

Jim and Dolly Strikwerda

James and Carol Stroop

Erik Stroude

Nathan Stump

Lane Sturman

Craig and Susan Swanson

Marilyn Swart

Tristan Sweat

Marvin and Jodi Syens

Sue Symoungkhoune

Keith Sytsma

TKyle and Catherine Tait

Alexandra Tanis

Elaine Tanis

Michael Tate

Donald Taylor

TC Energy Foundation

Techno-Coat, Inc.

Richard and Rebecca Telgenhoff

Thomas TenHarmsel

Paul Ter Beek

Michael and Lisa TerBeek

Butch and Elizabeth TerHaar

David Terhaar

Beckah Terlouw

Thomas and Cindy Thielman

Brandon Thomas

James Thommen

Dave and Linda Thompson

P.J. and Kristen Thompson

Patrick Thompson

Scott and Lisa Thompson

Thomson Reuters

Andrea Thoreson

Brian and Ellison Timmer

Hubert and Tena Timmer

David and Wendy Timmerman

Rolfe and Stacy Timmerman

The Timothy Group Inc.

TNT Roofing, Inc.

Art and Tonya Tolsma

Nola Tolsma

Travis Tolsma

Tommy's Express LLC

William and Laura Tonar

Tiaron Tongol

Robert Toppel

Marilyn Torborg

Maria Torres

Mike and Kathy Torrey

Total Control Health Plans

Town & Country Group

Diana Cuc Tran



Paul Trap

Sonja Trent-Brown

John and Marieco Trumble

James Truszkowski

Tulip Time Festival

Jim and Leah Turner

Todd Tuttle


Alma Valenzuela

Jon and Susan Van Allsburg

Dawn Van Ark

Michael and Renae Van Ast

Jay and Adelle Van Daalen

Richard and Pamela Van Dorp

H. A. and E.H. Van Drie

Curtis and Sue Van Duren

Deanna Van Dyke

Daniel and Ann Van Eerden

Gary and Carol Van Farowe

Rodney and Ginger Van Gelder

Bev Van Genderen

Steve and Peg Van Grouw

Steven and Deb Van Heck

Van Hill Furniture, Inc.

Daniel Van Kampen

Nathaniel Van Lente

Ronald and Gloria Van Lente

Ellen Van Raalte-Frieswyk

Jim and Debra Van Schepen

Andy and Tracy Van Solkema

Jena Van Tatenhove

Van Tony's Enterprises

Jenny Van Veen

Glenn and Jackie Van Wieren

Roger and Betty Van Wyk

David and Patricia Van Wylen

Dirk and Ann Van Zalen

Jonathan Vanantwerp

Mary Vande Poel

Ike and Norma Vande Wege

Ross and Shelly Vande Wege

Tim and Nancy Vandebunte Family Foundation

Paul and Conni VandeBunte

Harvard and Laura Vanden Bosch

Brian and Tammy Vanden Brink

Ted Vanden Brink

David and Julie VandenBosch

Don and Jan VandenBosch

Herk and Linda Vandenbosch

Jeff and Lori Vandenbosch

Duane and Ginger Vanden Brink

Vaughn and Dawn VandenBrink

Aimee VandenElzen

Charlie and Laura Vander Broek

Barbara Vander Haak

John Vander Kooi

Ron Vander Schaaf

Robert and Sandra Vander Zwaag

Susan Lantz Vanderbilt

Carole Vanderbroek Scholten

A.C. and Melanie VanderKolk

Rich and Linda VanderKooi

Jane VanderMeer

Peter and Diane VanderMeer

Kathy Vandermel

Jack and Brenda Vandermeulen

Andrew VanderPloeg

Jesse Vanderski

Ron and Jacki VanderSlik

William VanderStel

Mike VanderWilt

VanderZee LLC

David and Cornelia Vandyke

Chris and Jennifer VanHekken

Barbara Lee VanHorssen

Mitchell VanKampen

Dean Vanliere

Jon Vannortwick

Kim VanOort

Marc Vansoest

Don and Coralynne Van't Hof

VantagePointe Financial Group

Mark and Catherine VanVuuren

Justin and Jennifer Varner

Belinda Vasquez

Melissa A. Veen

June Veldheer

Angelica Velez

Howard and Julie Veneklasen

Doug and Vivian Ver Hoeven

Alan and Carla Ver Schure

Ken and Pat VerDuin

Norm and Lynn VerHage

Scott and Abigail Verkaik

David and Jayne VerLee

Anthony and Monica Verplank

Calvin and Sally Versendaal

Gary and Ruth Veurink

Octavio Villegas

Cynthia Vincent

Cora Visscher

Robert and Marjorie Visscher

Marjorie Viveen

Thomas and Jean Vizithum

Dan and Andrea Volkema

Michael and Valerie Volkema

Phetmanivong Vongphachanh

Anouvong Vongprachanh

Dorothy Voss

Judy Voss

Mary Jo Voss

Ron and Mary Voss

Dawn Vredeveld

Loren and Lisa Vredevoogd

Gary and Bobbie Vruggink


Mark Wabeke

Jan and Carol Wagner

Beverly Walcott

Bryan Walenta

Brian and Colleen Walker

Margo Walters

Steven Walters

Walters Gardens Inc.

James and Grace Walz

Warner Norcross + Judd

Christopher Warners

Kurt and Kris Wassink

Marilyn Wassink

Catherine Wasson

Garrett D. Weber

Jamie Weber

Michelle Weenum

Dustin Wehrmeyer

Doris Welling

Rachelle Welling

Tom and Mary Welling

Wells Fargo Advisors

Barry and Judy Werkman

Michael and Cheth Werling

West Coast Chamber of Commerce Foundation

West Michigan Community Bank

West Michigan Transport

Jack and Mary Westrate

Westshore Mall Investors, LLC

WGVU Public Media - Grand Valley State University

Shannon Whitaker

Joshua and Anna White

Greg and Barb Widener

William and Diane Wieland

Chuck and Shannon Wierda

Curt and Christy Wierda

MeiLi Wieringa

Chad and Cindi Wiersma

Dr. Dale and Mrs. Ila Wiersma

Peter and Julie Wiersma

Robert and Gloria Wiersma

Whitney Wildeboer

Shyra Williams

Lee and Robin Williams-Voigt

Roger Winkels

Richard and Ruth Winkler

Alexander Winter

Cody Witt

Kristin Louise Woiteshek

Maureen Wolbers

Daniel Wolf

Gale Wolf

Joel and Susan Wolfe

Mari Wolfgang

Ron and Sherrie Wolthuis

Rusty and Jody Wood

Lyn Woods

Eric and Koree Woodward

Ryan Woodward

John and Lois Workman

Worksighted Inc

Geoffrey Wright

Wright Industries LLC

Dave and Rashelle Wynegar

Tony and Kelli Wyse


Yacht Basin Marina

Yanfeng Automotive Interiors

John Yelding

Young Yi

Elizabeth Yntema

Sharon Yonker

Sarah Yore-Van Oosterhout

Dylan and Kristen Young

Sophia Young

Kent and Carrie Ypma


Martha Zahn

Zeeland Farm Services

Zeeland Historical Society

Zeeland Vision

Zeeland Wood Turning Works, Inc.

David and Abigail Zeerip

Mary Zeiler

Ed and Ruth Zeilstra

Cassandra Zievel

David and Jan Zessin

Julie Ziemann

Joy Zomer

Rick and Carol Zuverink

David and Karen Zwart

Daniel and Sally Zwier

Robert and Jane Zwiers

Erin Avery Zylman

Doug and Ketzi Zylstra

U Craig

For over 30 years, VantagePointe Financial Group has been a leading wealth management firm in West Michigan. Providing financial guidance to individuals, families, businesses, and organizations is our passion. We value the trust and relationships we build with our clients as we help them achieve their financial dreams, goals, and legacies.

85 East 8th Street, Suite 110, Holland, MI 49423 www.cfhz.org | 616-396-6590

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