7 minute read



CSM: The last couple of years were labeled as a rollercoaster ride with full of twists and probably surprises. How did you show your resiliency? Along with the pandemic, I was also going through a divorce. It could have been the worst time in my life, but I made the most of it and started training for my 6th bikini competition. I woke up every day and made the decision to have a great day. I know a lot of people dealt with mental health issues at that time, but I refused to let depression get a hold of me. Fitness has always been an outlet for me. I did my cardio outdoors and my workouts in my living room. I made health and fitness my priority at that time. I also was thriving with my meal prep business. I believe that if you keep a positive attitude that things will always go your way. Attitude is everything!

CSM: What’s the best course of action to take in the face of uncertainty?

The best course of action to take in the face of uncertainty is to keep a positive attitude and a positive mind. Writing in my journal has helped me a great deal when I am struggling with life. For me, if I write down all of my thoughts, prayers and goals I am more likely to achieve the things that I want in life. I love speaking to the universe and telling it what I want. It is incredible how it is working for me at this time in my life.

CSM: Professionally speaking, how can you exude being decisive?

With my professional experience, I believe that a leader and a competitor always make a decision quickly and I am slow to change one’s mind. When I know what I want to achieve, I make it my priority and do not stop until I achieve it.

CSM: What comeback goals do you want to achieve in 2022?

My comeback goals for 2022 are to build an empire with my health and wellness business. I have been building my brand for my whole career (for 20 years) and I am at a time in my life where I am ready to spread my wings and fly. Health, nutrition and wellness are my passion and I want to spread my knowledge throughout the world. 2019-2021 were extremely hard years because of my divorce and the pandemic, but I know 2022 is going to be amazing.

CSM: Define confidence and being sexy. Being confident and being sexy is being secure in your own skin and being yourself. Self-care is so important to feel confident and sexy. Women need to invest in themselves. I always say when life gets hard, practice self-care harder. I know when I feel good about myself, I am more productive and I attract positivity around me. I love building other women up and making them feel confident. Being confident makes a woman sexy.

CSM: How do you standout in a fast-paced and competitive industry?

I will compare this to the WBFF. I got my pro card with the WBFF in 2017 at the age of 40. Competing can be very intimidating. When I go into a competition, I never compare myself to others; I only compare myself to my previous self. I think being yourself and telling yourself you are amazing and beautiful is the best thing that you can do. Women especially can be self-destructive. You have to talk positively to yourself to be successful.

CSM: Career-wise, how can someone be a good influence to others?

I will compare this to my career. I strive to practice what I preach and preach what I practice. Every day I continue to post my healthy living on social media to inspire and influence others. I also cheer all of my friends, family and followers on when I see them living a healthy lifestyle. I believe that health is wealth. It is so important that we invest in our health. If you are rich and unhealthy you will not be able to enjoy your health. When you are active and healthy I you will be more productive and a better overall person.

CSM: What vital lessons can you share to young people?

I have a seventeen year old daughter so I will share the vital lessons that I try to instill in her. I have taught her that if you want something you have to work for it. Nothing in life is free and nothing comes easy without hard work and dedication. The young people of today have so much pressure on them. My daughter deals with anxiety and trying to get too much done in a day. I tell her not to stress about getting so much done. Just do your best and get as much done as you can. No one is perfect and everyone has strengths and weaknesses.


CSM: What do you think is role of food or nutrition in healthy living?

Food and nutrition is 80% of staying in shape and healthy. I have a meal prep business and I always have my food prepared for each week. If you are prepared you will succeed, if you fail to prepare you will fail. I believe that food is medicine and health is wealth.

CSM: How can you maintain your consistency of weight or shape?

To maintain weight and shape, you have to be consistent with nutrition and your workouts. As long as you are consistent, you will be successful. The way I have been able to stay on my plan for so long is that I stay 100% on my diet all-week. I allow myself one cheat meal a week.

It’s actually good for your metabolism to cheat once a week. Not a cheat day, just a cheat meal. My favorite cheat meal is sushi.

CSM: What fitness goals do you want to attain?

To maintain weight and shape, you have to be consistent with nutrition and your workouts. As long as you are consistent, you will be successful. The way I have been able to stay on my plan for so long is that I stay 100% on my diet all-week. I allow myself one cheat meal a week.

It’s actually good for your metabolism to cheat once a week. Not a cheat day, just a cheat meal. My favorite cheat meal is sushi.st a cheat meal. My favorite cheat meal is sushi.

CSM: What exercises do you consider fundamental?

I consider weight training, yoga and moderate cardio fundamental exercises. Weight training is the best type of exercise to change your physique. I weight train 6 days a week on a three day rotation. Quads and inner thighs on day 1, glutes and hamstrings on day 2 and all upper body on day 3. Yoga is essential to keep the joints healthy and your muscles stretched out. Yoga is also a great way to keep yourself focused and centered. I practice yoga at least 1-2 times a week. I am an advocate for cardio for heart health. I try to get in 3-4 sessions 30-45 min sessions a week. Either walking on an incline, interval running or the stair master, although I prefer to do outdoor cardio, especially when the sun is out. Every day I set a goal to get at least 10,000 steps a day. I do not care how I get them in I just try to hit the goal every day. I typically take Sundays off as my rest day and I use that day as a self-care day and to meal prep for the week.

CSM: What gym etiquette that people must follow?

Gym etiquette is extremely important when using a public gym. If you are using a piece of equipment and someone needs to use the same piece, ask them if they would like to work in with you. Also, it is extremely important to stay off your phone when working out. It is a distraction and takes away from your workout. With COVID-19 going around, you should also wipe down your equipment when you are finished.

CSM: When you’re stressed, how do you manage it? Ever since I was in college, fitness is how I have always managed my stress. When I was young, I was an avid runner. I would just go run 5-10 miles when I was stressed. Now that I am older and more educated, I take out my stress and anxiety in the weight room. Lifting weights is more beneficial for your body and your physique. When I was going through my divorce in 2019, weight training is one of the things that got me through it, along with getting extremely close to god. As a matter of fact, I would blast Christian music and weight train all at the same time. I always post on my social media that the gym is my happy place.

CSM: Expound why mental health matters in the digital age.

In this digital age, it is very easy to compare yourself to other people on social media. We have to remember that when people post they usually are using filters or posting the best pics of themselves. We have to continue to give ourselves gratitude and tell ourselves how amazing we are. Never compare yourself to anyone else, only compare yourself to your past self. We have got to love ourselves before we can love anyone else.

CSM: Simplify if mental and physical health are connected or not.

I believe that mental and physical health go hand in hand. If you are mentally unhealthy, it will affect you physically and if you are physically unhealthy it will affect our mental health. To prevent this, we have to use good nutrition and exercise to keep our body healthy. I am also an advocate of supplementation.

CSM: In achieving fitness goals, what do people should remember?

When achieving fitness goals, I always tell my clients that progress does not happen overnight. It takes time and you have to be patient. Being consistent with nutrition and weight training will definitely pay off. The way I hold myself accountable and my clients is I take progress pictures every week and compare from the last week. You may not see the results in the mirror but the pictures will show the progress. Pictures will always show your progress.

CSM: What stereotypes should people break when it comes to physical and mental?

Stereotypes that people should break when it comes to physical and mental health are assuming that everyone is perfect. Social media and television manipulate our views of the world around us. What we need to remember is that we are all human and no one is perfect. Everyone has flaws and has made mistakes in our lives. We have to remember to love one another and support each other rather than tearing each other down. That goes for tearing ourselves down by as well. We have got to love ourselves so we can love others. The world would be a much better place if we stopped believing the media.