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Our feelings or passions are stemmed from inspiration and fuelled creativity. There is no single reaction or feeling exclusively favorable for innovation. The real secret is in how we utilize the good and bad events towards creativity.

Your passion is the fuel of life. It should be propelled with consistency and persistence. Sometimes, people put their passions on hold or leave it behind. You do not have to neglect it; you just have to refuel it. Passionate people tend to use their momentum to be motivated regardless if they will be happy or won’t be satis ed. This desire and commitment will allow individuals to maintain long-term goals. They are no strangers to setbacks or frustrations because levels of stress are part of creative work. Passion is complex and it is anchored with intensity which goes beyond feelings, work ful llment and engagement.

Rediscover that desire and fuel it by nding out what made you passionate about your passion. Go back to the beginning and remember why it all started. Discover your why to help you nd what motivated you which will get you back in the game. Next, master and manage your emotions. Being responsible for your emotional state plays a vital role to refuel your passion.

Then, feed your soul and mind. To keep your creative juices owing, read books, watch movies, and get inspiration from other people, things or other places. Be consistent and patient. You have to commit and have patience. This will keep you driven and help you in the long run. Do what you love instead of forcing yourself to do something you do not like. Embrace the journey to keep your spirits high. To fuel your passion: Play your strengths, improve weaknesses, use your gi s and talents, and above all, celebrate your successes – both big and small.

IAN CARLO BAJADA Editor-in-Chief


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