4 minute read


Welsh-born fashion model exudes style, charm, and wit. Along the way, he shares his resiliency, confidence, wellness, diversity, and what it’s like to be on top of your game.





CSM: The last couple of years were labeled as a roller-coaster ride with full of twists and probably surprises. How did you show your resiliency?

ISAAC: They have indeed been some tough times but I had a lot of support from family and friends, especially from my sister. We go through things in life to make us learn and realize those times we’re all a test to see how strong we are as individuals. I know it’s important whenever you may not feel 100% is to get the best people around you.

CSM: What’s the best course of action to take in the face of uncertainty?

ISAAC: Take into account all of your options and then figure out where to go from there, asking for help and being vocal about so much going on a day to day is so important as they say ‘if you don’t ask, you don’t get’.

CSM: Professionally speaking, how can you exude being decisive?

ISAAC: It’s important you realize to start thinking positive with many things that may happen in life.

CSM: What comeback goals do you want to achieve in 2022?

ISAAC: It’s been difficult with school/ college being shut down due to the pandemic. However, I decided to go out and find a job rather than continue in education as I felt I’d lost my focus. With this amazing opportunity I’ve been given with EMKAI Models being able to be a model, my goal for 2022 is to be the most successful I can be.

CSM: Define confidence and being sexy.

ISAAC: I have struggled with confidence in the past but am I working hard on that, being now recognized as a model doing what I love and enjoy is definitely something that helps me understand how important it is to love yourself.

CSM: How do you standout in a fastpaced and competitive industry?

ISAAC: I know I have a unique look compared to others due to my heritage and should hope this will give me a slight advantage going forward in the modeling world I want to be successful in.

CSM: Career-wise, how can someone be a good influence to others?

ISAAC: I think being positive is essential, no matter what we may all go through it’s important to be one to stand out, speak for yourself, take care of the mind/body on a daily and not think negative because no one wants to be around negative people.

CSM: What vital lessons can you share to young people?

ISAAC: Being young myself, I would say to take every opportunity that is offered to you. Face it head on. Not every day you get given an opportunity. When it comes, take it and make it the best you can.

CSM: What do you think is role of food or nutrition in healthy living?

ISAAC: A balanced diet is essential to healthy living but it doesn’t hurt to have something that you really enjoy occasionally, for me I could live on rice and peas that’s my favourite meal to eat.

CSM: How can you maintain your consistency of weight or shape?

ISAAC: My job is very physical and I love to walk, especially with my sister and her dogs. I do believe when you eat and drink well and do what’s needed to stay in shape your mind is more free and able to maintain that same energy.

CSM: What fitness goals do you want to attain?

ISAAC: Well, I’m still growing but I know I would love to start the gym work on my body and get it to a shape and style that will gain me more opportunities for me as a model. As long as I eat and train well, it should be a first step.

CSM: What exercises do you consider fundamental?

ISAAC: Walking is a must, it’s important to clear my head especially when I’m stressed. I think nature is something that just takes everything out and it releases so much out of me.

CSM: What gym etiquette that people must follow?

ISAAC: I think having a strict routine, wake up and train, it’s important to focus on this and always have rest and that’s important.

CSM: When you’re stressed, how do you manage it?

ISAAC: I like to walk and talk, again it’s usually with my sister - she’s my rock. Get out and about, in lock-down was tough but she moved in with us and made everything just better. It’s having that supportive group around you that can really help you and push you to get to where you need to be. I do think speaking about some emotions can really help and release a lot too.

CSM: Expound why mental matters in the digital age.

ISAAC: Social media isn’t for me fully, I share what I want but don’t take too much notice personally. I know though it does affect many others out there with this type, but don’t let it dictate your life.

CSM: Simplify if mental and physical health are connected or not.

ISAAC: There is a definite connection, how you feel and think is how you result in as a person. The minute you start thinking negative, everything just changes and becomes negative. Why surround yourself by people who drain your energy out of you and get you nowhere.? The more physically you are connected to the good things in life, more good things come to you. Positive mental attitude or mind over matter.

CSM: In achieving fitness goals, what do people should remember?

ISAAC: Have your goal in mind, make sure it’s achievable don’t set your expectations too high, when you don’t hit them you will then feel bad. It’s always important to stick to what you love and enjoy the most in life and making sure what you do is down to you and no one else. There are many situations where sometimes you may want to achieve something big but taking those baby steps is what it’s all about.

CSM: What stereotypes should people break when it comes to physical and mental?

ISAAC: There are all kinds of people on the earth and no one should be ‘labeled’. You should be recognized for how you treat people.