Global Vision Update 2022

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2022 Global Vision Update

We invite you to celebrate with us the amazing work God is doing through your prayers and support:

• New opportunities to serve the Middle East

• Missions to the unreached from Peru

• Changing the lives of Kenyan college students

• CMM changes

• Global impact

← Balcony view of downtown Cairo. Egypt is home to 3.5 Million Christians who live on the doorstep of some of the least reached people of the world.

Reaching the nations through the nations

One of the greatest joys from our career in ministry is when my wife Michelle and I decided to accept the offer to become the Executive Director of the Center for Mission Mobilization. Upon entering this new role in 2018, one of our top priorities was to streamline our strategy of mission mobilization in order to best steward the future growth of the CMM.

We remain laser-focused on mobilizing mission-send ing movements from 50 countries that have the greatest access to those who remain unreached with the gospel. While new doors are opening for us throughout Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, we see the need every day to bring clarity to who the CMM is and how we can best serve the global body of Christ.

Over the last 15 months, we’ve been working to integrate our five ministries and five websites into one in order to leverage a more unified approach to best

reach the unreached with the gospel. So, as much as we have loved being known as the Center for Mission Mobilization, we’d like to re-introduce ourselves as Via.

The same ministry, just more cohesive.

Why Via? Via means “through another” or “by way of.”

At Via, we’re reaching the nations through the nations, because who better to engage with the nations than the church God has established within those nations? He has blessed us as an organization with the resources, trainings, and ability to equip believers worldwide to lead a new era in mission sending, and this change will only allow us to better serve those roles!

This is a significant transition for our organization and will not fully launch until April 2023. As we transition to Via, we will keep you posted with updates leading up to the launch of our new website and newly revised resources.

We invite you now to take a moment and read with us how peoples’ lives are being refined and redefined by God’s heart and global purpose for all nations to know Him, and how you have personally supported reaching the nations through your generosity.

On behalf of the CMM, thank you for all the ways you support our staff families and ministries. It is through your prayers and support that we are able to multiply mission movements across the nations.


Egyptian churches mobilized to send missionaries and welcome refugees

↑ Dave Rofkahr and our long-time Egyptian Global Partner, Rafik capturing the story and necessity of strategic global partnerships to advance the gospel throughout the Arab world.

churches in Cairo, Egypt asked the CMM to help them develop their missions strategy—we said “YES!” This invitation was years in the making through the cultivation of CMM global partners, supporting local mission events, and making available Arabic-translated resources.

Today there are four million Christ followers in Egypt who are uniquely placed—they live alongside nearly 89 million Muslims, with 12.5 million of them being in unreached people groups.

leaders and continued our work of translating all of our strategic resources into Arabic. We praise God for the new strategic relationships that are flowing from investment with these leaders.

↑ To have our key resources (The God Ask, Xplore, & Parenting with a Global Vision) translated into Arabic is helping build trust with Christian Arab ministries.

Last year, we traveled to Egypt to train a group of 100 pastors that had access to a denomination of churches within 10 countries across northern Africa. During this trip, we equipped these pastors with the use of our Xplore study translated into Arabic. They were then charged to multiply this study with the purpose of establishing a heart for mission throughout their church (Discover),

Who better to reach the vast and beautiful Muslim people groups across the Middle East than those who were born and raised near these amazing cultures of people? By God’s grace we’re helping Egyptian Christians Discover, Develop, and Deploy into God’s mission.

Would you please be in prayer for the opportunity to influence Egyptian churches to send missionaries cross-culturally?

Lucy was introduced to our Lima City Team by her pastor when he learned of her passion for missions. We brought Lucy on as a CMM mobilizer to help her multiply her passion for missions within her church.

She participates in the potato harvesting season in the highlands of Abanca, Peru knowing that the villages around the city are unreached with the gospel. To help mobilize her church, she is now inviting her friends to join in the potato harvest in an effort to introduce them to unreached people groups while also teach ing them to plant and water the seeds of the gospel.

One of the ladies that Lucy has mobilized is her friend Zenayda, whose life was changed when she became aware

Unreached Peruvians receive Bibles during potato harvest

that there were people groups completely unreached with the gospel within driving distance of her home in Lima. Zenayda is now harvesting potatoes with Lucy, sharing the gospel with the unreached, and volunteering with our Lima City Team.

Through one person’s passion and the trust of a pastor, God is using our Lima Team to establish a mission movement of Peruvians to unreached people groups within their borders. It’s a blessing that the unreached people of Peru are now hearing the gospel, receiving Bibles, and learning to follow Christ.

Please pray for the Peruvian church and the communities they are now serving as they continue ministering and advancing the gospel throughout Abanca.

Astounded by the state of the world and the seemingly insurmountable number of unreached people, Gladis would stay long after our Xplore studies to discuss and absorb more information with our Nairobi City Team.

One evening, after a lesson, Gladis told us that God had spoken to her, telling her to become a missionary. She had formerly believed that only Americans could be missionaries and that, as a Kenyan, she would never be able to do the same kind of work. This is a very common misconcep tion across the world. We encouraged our friend that not only can she evangelize around the world, but that she can also mobilize others to help complete the Great Commission. We helped her understand that God has a role for every believer to

Muslim refugees have a new advocate from Kenya

help advance the gospel to every tribe, tongue, and language (Rev. 7:9).

Gladis now intends to use her vocation as a catalyst for ministry in a country with a large population of Muslim refugees. She’ll use her extra time and resources to start/join an outreach to these people and begin sharing the gospel. Before depart ing, our team prepared her with CMM resources to help lead others to join her in reaching the unreached.

Please pray that God would use Gladis to raise up many more missionaries.

The CMM is becoming Via

We’re following God into 50 countries where He has raised up at least one million Christians. In doing so, we must be sensitive to multiple cultures and their worldviews. This is a significant factor in what has led us to consider a name change. Our name, Center for Mission Mobilization (CMM), carries some terms that pose challenges as we grow globally. The word “mission” is a red flag to many countries and “mobilization” is often viewed as a military term. Also, we seek to come alongside the global church with humility and meekness; there is value in placing less emphasis on words that would position us as the “Center.”

Another factor in the name change is bringing clarity to our mission and ministry. Our desire is

to eliminate any confusion surrounding how Support Raising Solutions, Weave, and Campus Ministry Today relate to the CMM. To best steward this amazing ministry that God has given us, we are becoming Via!

As you know, Via means “through another” or “by way of” and serves as a reminder that our focus is on advancing the gospel through the global body of Christ—through His church. It is not by our strength, but by the strength of God through the churches and ministries that He has placed on the doorstep of the least reached people of the world. We want you to know that a new name does not change our mission. We're simply moving from 10 sylla bles to two! Our name needs to be memorable and repeatable and Via

does just that. Via brings all of our ministries together under our central mission: to mobilize the global church to send missionaries to the unreached.

There is much more to share in the weeks and months ahead, but for now, here is a glimpse of our new name and logo that you will begin to see in January.

We will officially launch our new name, website, and updated resources in April 2023.

↑ Introducing the new Via logo

↑ The story of our brand mark: The wave within our new Via brand mark represents a current of water, air, or the Holy Spirit moving from the nations to the nations. The current is moving freely through the other elements showing that nothing can stop the mission of God. Each element is cropped from the shape of a globe, symbolizing God’s world.

2022 Impact across the nations

At the CMM, our 3D mission-sending model of Discover - Develop - Deploy is propelling missionaries from local churches to the doors of the unreached in numbers like never before. Praise God that He has opened up the minds and hearts of believers across the world to take part in His global purpose and plan!

Each number represents a fellow brother and sister in Christ in 50 different countries who are becoming “world Christians.”

What is a world Christian? People who understand God’s heart for the world and strategically live their lives in such a way to see Him glorified among all nations. We are helping people across the world incorporate world prayer in their church groups, give generously to national missionaries, welcome refugees with the love and message of Christ, or answer the call to go as a missionary to another culture.



Helping churches in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East Discover how they can play a significant role in world missions.

Providing training and discipleship to Develop believers for their role in God’s global mission.

Connecting believers with opportunities to Deploy as full-time mission workers.

People exposed to God’s global mission: People developed through trainings and discipleship: New missionaries deployed by our staff and partners:

80,355 66,442 2,826
to the unreached. T You We’re grateful for you! Your continued support of our staff is helping mobilize churches worldwide. We’d like to introduce our Staff Care and Development Fund Would you consider joining a monthly team of individuals who invest in our Staff Care and Development Fund? This fund provides you the opportunity to invest in the spir itual health and ministry development of our staff helping ensure the strength of our teams worldwide. We invite you to visit to learn more. NEW GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: CMM ministries include: Support Raising Solutions, Weave, Campus Ministry Today, and CMM Press. PO Box 3556, Fayetteville, AR 72702 800 595 4881 + 479 587 9598 + CMM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All gifts to CMM are deductible as charitable contributions for federal and state income tax purposes. As required by law, gifts are solicited with the understanding that CMM has com plete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. ©2022 CMM | C 10/19/22 M November 22, 2022 12:43 PM

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