Winter Issue

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Larishia S. Johnson Editor In Chief

Love God. Love People. That’s the title of Israel Houghton’s latest CD project released in August 2010. From the moment I read about the project I was awed. It was something I knew we had to embrace as a theme for this last issue of the year. What a simple, yet incredibly radical concept. The lyrics go something like this: How can I thank You for the way that you freely gave Love so beautiful unconditionally Had to stop take a break feelin’ good today Everything’s wonderful You didn’t have to do this for me But then I look and see all of the suffering I wanna do something But something’s gotta start with me I can’t give it ‘til I live it Now that my eyes are open Teach me how to love Love God love people Love my neighbor as myself My brother, my sister Everybody love somebody

For those of us who profess to be followers of Christ, our mandate is quite simple. In essence, we are to love God, and love people. That’s it. Everything else in between tends to work itself out when we genuinely do those two things. It’s all the extras we tend to add that can many times fog our effectiveness as we go about or Father’s business. In fact, the word simple means to be, “free from all additions or embellishment.” (Selah) This issue, our last issue of 2010, seeks to highlight and celebrate what it means to love God and love people. On the cover is our Centered Living staff: real people who love God and others every day. Inside you’ll read stories about the homeless right here in our own region, and the strides made to combat homelessness through the efforts of Mayor Kevin Johnson with the Sacramento Steps Forward organization. As well as the progress we have yet to see. Dr. Ronn Elmore goes right to our address as he sheds light on the crutches we don’t need anymore. We’ve also got a powerful one on one with gospel recording artist Melinda Watts; she shares with us her passion to reach back for our youth. As with every issue, there’s plenty of goodness packed inside. As I reflect back on 2010, I must say that it has been a phenomenal, ground breaking year for Centered Living and the Center of Praise family. God has been so gracious to us, and I deeply thank you all for your support! We serve a Big God who has Big things that await us in 2011, but we must remember to keep our love of God center to all that we are. It is only then that we can love others with authenticity and continue to proclaim His redemption, justice and empowerment for all people. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Contents Features

Justice Center

6 Dr. Ronn speaks on: The Crutch You Don’t Need Any More 12 Many Faces of Homelessness 13 Somber’s Story 14 Mayor Kevin Johnson and the City of Sacramento Move Forward 18 The Dr. Is In 19 Who’s Retirement Are You Planning, “Yours” or “Uncle Sams”?

Empowerment Center

Redemption Center

On The Cover:

4 Center of Melinda Watts 5 Brown Bag Project

8 You’ve Been Fired, Now What? 9 Living the Love that God Gives

16 World Aids Day 17 In the Eye of the Storm

Top Left to Right: Randal Ogans, Eric Creer, Tracey Jacobs, Ray James, Daphne Harris, Thurman Watts, Louise Pugh, Djuan Perry, Fanita Polk-Reeves, Rhonda Boglin, Marie King, Judy Rasberry, Cheryl Jackson, Larishia Johnson, Vicki Mongan

Centered Living Staff Contributing Editor Bishop Parnell M. Lovelace, Jr. Russell Nichols Marketing Consultant Antoine Clark Health and Wellness Editor Dr. Sidney Bean Financial Empowerment Editor Eric Creer Copy Vicki Mongan, Copy Editor Fanita Polk-Reaves

Design Rhonda Boglin, Design Editor Louise Pugh, staff designer Ray James, staff designer

Contributing Writers Ronn Elmore Psy.d Paul Phillips, Esq. Charleia Price

Photo Tracey Jacobs, staff photographer Judy Rasberry, staff photographer

Online Presence Randall Ogans, staff member

Writers Thurman “T” Watts, staff writer Daphne Harris, staff writer Marie King, staff writer Cheryl Jackson, staff writer Djuan Perry, staff writer Nancy Alicea, staff writer

Administration Cheryl Jackson, admin. asst. Nancy Alicea, admin. asst.

For more information on becoming involved with Centered Living Magazine, to submit story ideas, comments or to purchase ad space contact us at: Join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. The views in Centered Living Magazine do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of Center of Praise Ministries, Inc., its leadership or staff. Center Of Praise Ministries Inc. The Cathedral 1228 23rd Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 441-3305



Melinda Watts

By: Thurman “Tee” Watts

This issue’s music feature is Sacramento’s acclaimed gospel songstress, Melinda Watts. A singer from her childhood in New Jersey, Ms. Watts came to Sacramento, California to teach school. She was then led by God to minister to young women through programs she created: Project Sunday, Heaven’s House and The About Face Network. At you’ll find many audio and video clips that are both motivational and instructional for any artist seeking insight into music production. Melinda Watts’s star continues to shine. In addition to her third CD that will be dropping soon, she has added acting to her résumé with a part in the film “Stand,” premiering February 2011. She is able to successfully juggle her music ministry, young women’s ministry, wife and mother ministry and theatrical pursuits. Here is Melinda Watts 101 in her own words.

month old when I auditioned for the Gospel Dream contest. I was really going back and forth about it, but through the encouragement of my older sister, I went for it.

Philanthropic Pursuits

Project Sunday, Heaven’ House and The About Face Network are projects that I started at a high school here in Sacramento. I saw a big need in raising the self-esteem of high-school and middle-school girls. I started a class that was held at the end of the school

The Rise Of Melinda

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I graduated from Rutgers University and started teaching high school in Sacramento. I had always been singing, but it wasn’t until I auditioned for Gospel Dream that I was able to receive a recording contract. At that point, I stopped teaching in the public schools, but I still have the mentoring programs that I started. It’s really my passion and I thank God that I was able to teach and mentor in the community. Singing has always been important to me, but not as important as getting my education and becoming a teacher. I knew that I was called to work with youth and to work in the ministry. That was more of my focus as a teenager. I figured okay, I’m going to college! I can always sing in the church and travel on weekends. I wanted to be grounded in something that was secure. In the back of my mind, I would’ve loved to have been an artist first, but God is so wise in how he structured the timing for me. I was married and had just had a daughter. It was the perfect time for me to branch out as my life was in order. My daughter was only about a

now, everything is turned around. But we knew these times were coming. The Word says that. But it also says that we cannot be a light that’s hidden under a bushel, nor can we be salt without any savor. So, I believe the more wicked things become, the more I am challenged to regenerate, revive and resurface those principles of the word of God that are really going to be the difference in the world today. I can’t blame these young women of today. Many of them are not being taught in church the way I was. I believe it is my responsibility to give my entire life to the kingdom of God. Because I know The Way, I am committed every day of my life to bringing this message of salvation, not only through my music, but also the knowledge that in Christ you really have options. You don’t have to live according to this world. It’s our job to teach the youth that there is a better way. I also believe it is our duty to love people unconditionally; no matter who or what they are, where they may be from, or what they do. Sometimes as believers, we just love the people that are all right in our eyes. But that’s not what love is.

day. We covered topics like etiquette, self-esteem and problem resolution. From that, I’ve been blessed to take these programs all over the country in conjunction with my artistry.


It’s quite challenging trying to dispel some of the myths and mindsets that some young women have today. For example, one myth that I’ve observed is that the more ignorant you are, the cooler you are. I thank God that I was raised in a time when there was still a feminine factor, where there was a beauty in being a young lady and knowing that traditions were very important. The demarcations between men and women are very important and in these times we are living in

For more information on the music and ministry of Melinda Watts go to

Our interview ends here, but this is certainly not the last we’ll experience from Melinda Watts, so we’ll just call it an intermission.

Thurman “T” Watts is your cybersoul man. He’s the Music Director at KPFZ FM 88.1, Lake County Community Radio; check him out at In addition Tee is a noted music journalist and writes regularly for, The Post Newsgroup and Much of his work is archived at . “T” has been attending the Center of Praise Ministries since the summer of 2009, and his lovely fiancé, Gwen Windham, has been attending since 2008.

The Brown Bag Project

By Nancy Alicea

tell he was appreciative and thankful for not only food and money, but for the simple fact that we acknowledged him. My friend and I were humbled and started discussing various ways we could help the homeless community. That night we put our generosity was put into action and decided to create “The Brown Bag Project.”

“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” 1 John 3:18 After an afternoon of shopping with my best friend, we started to feel hungry. I was craving a burger, while she felt like eating some tacos, so we ended up going through two drive-thrus. I had received my food first and we were waiting for my friend’s when I saw a man gentleman sitting at the end of the drive-thru. It was obvious he was hungry and in need. He seemed apprehensive and hesitant. He looked dazed and appeared to have a mindset that no one would offer him a thing. My heart sunk and I felt the need to buy this man something to eat. Unfortunately, we had already ordered and paid for our meals, so I told my friend to offer the man my food. Sheila put a few bucks in with the bag of food and we gave it to him. He was immediately taken aback. His demeanor changed to alert and uplifted. He smiled, thanked us, and said, “God bless you.” Even though our gesture wasn’t much, I know it made a difference to him. I could

That evening was a blessing. God put everything and everyone in just the right places for this creation to emerge. The Brown Bag Project, or BBP, has been in operation for about six months. Our core idea was to take brown lunch bags and fill them with individually wrapped snacks, bottled waters, toothbrushes, and sanitary products. Since the Lord is our foundation, we would also staple tracts to the front of the bags referencing Him because, as we all know, He gets all of the glory BBP is a nonprofit organization formed for the sole purpose of giving and helping anyone in need. We desire to commit our bodies and souls to God’s calling. Jesus laid down His life for us and taught us to love one another, even our enemies. He wants us to give generously to people in need. BBP currently passes out brown bags to the homeless around the community, talks with them, and offers prayer. We also volunteer at shelters, give our recyclables to the homeless, and donate toys, books, and clothing to family shelters. We are in the process of getting more information on various organizations that help provide food, shelter, housing, job placement, and various counseling services to the homeless Our last BPP project was “Christmas in November.” At this event, we passed out 400 to 500 brown bags full of goodies, as

well as Christmas cards to the homeless community. We figured, why wait until December to share and celebrate God’s grace ? We’re currently accepting ideas, informa tion, and donations such as packaged food, sanitary products, bottled water, lunch bags, cards, etc. We are not accepting cash donations, but will in the near future. Anyone who feels they would like to help, feel free to contact BBP cofounder Sheila Thompson or me. We welcome your help in this wonderful endeavor. The Brown Bag Project is a vision that will flourish into an abundance of possibilities. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). God instilled Sheila and I with the quality of giving. We have been through learning lessons in life that have enabled us to see God’s blessings more clearly. Now, we want to help others as Jesus helped us. He is the example we should follow and we should remember that our giving should reflect the love of God and be based on His generosity. God will provide for all our needs if we seek the love of Christ. Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.” 2 Corinthians 9:9 Peace and Blessings -Nancy The Brown Bag Project Nancy Alicea 916-247-9871 (Founder) Sheila Thompson 916-247-0088 (Founder) Nancy Alicea considers herself to be a loving and caring follower of Christ, with a heart for those in need. She fell in love with COP a little over a year ago and has been attending ever since. She is starting to get her feet wet in learning and trying out new things. Currently on the agenda is learning a new language, learning how to play the piano. She also has plans on attending Bible college for further knowledge, clarity, and empowerment to better serve God’s people.

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The Cru tch you don’t need anymore

…the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves. --Walter Anderson, Editor, Parade magazine The old saying goes, “What has the most power to hurt us is the very thing we were most certain would help us.” No doubt the one who made that observation was intimately aware of the fact that we all love our “crutches.” We can easily find ourselves overrelying upon anything from friends and love ones, to bad habits, or material possessions to get around hard effort or disappointment. Our crutches tempt us to believe that we absolutely need someone else or something else to prop us up or we’ll completely fall apart. Though it is not at all true that we need them, we are often scared to death of facing obstacles to our success without them. Sometimes it feels just too scary to stand on our own two legs. To achieve something as gigantic as your success goals means you’ll need to know what it’s like to take a nasty fall or two. More importantly, you’ll need to know just how possible it is to get up and get moving again. Our crutches--emotional, psychological, relational or material--rob us of that valuable life lesson. Naming the self-sabotaging dependencies you’ve acquired over the years is a necessary step for those Page 6

intent on achieving their biggest goals in life. You’ve got to know what, over time, you have learned to lean on so heavily that it has weakened your will and stalled your momentum. Otherwise you’ll go on thinking you’re progressing under your own steam, when in reality you’re only being carried along, wholly dependent on someone or something that’ll wear out-or leave you hanging--when the heat is on. To identify your crutches, throw them down and yell “Hallelujah, I can walk again!” is by no means a simple task. We’ve dressed up our favorite crutches up so that they look like virtues, or even blessings. It may be supportive friend or lover, a trusted mentor, a fresh new credit card, a rich old aunt, endless excuses or your uncanny ability to make others feel guilty enough to do for you what you really could do for yourself. Whatever it is, it’s what you instinctively rely upon when you become frustrated or impatient en route to what you treasure most. Notice how your crutch initially appeared to be as handy and helpful as a guardian angel. Completely deceived by its comforting promise to remain at our beckon call, we never even notice when our “angel” slithers away on its belly.

By: Dr. Ronn Elmore

© Ronn Elmore, Psy.d. For information about his relationship enrichment products and private counseling practice for individual and couples call (916) 760-0401

Take a rigorously honest look at who and what you’ve over-used, as “life insurance.” Though your well-worn crutches may seem to be so perfectly molded to your contour that you can hardly distinguish your own strength from that of your crutch, you must learn to walk without it. Forget about instant perfection here. Attempting complete recovery by coldturkey withdrawal, all in a day, is the quickest way to build terror, not selfreliance. Instead, make an oath to yourself that you will not seek the comforting, stabilizing assistance of your crutch as quickly as you have in the past. Weaning yourself from a beloved crutch is best attempted in stages--and with the help of someone else who knows you in and out. It starts with a willingness to tolerate increasing levels of painful struggle before you fall back on your safety-net. TODAY, make a list of at least 10 “strengths” at your disposal, which you consistently employ to accomplish challenging goals. Look at them objectively (unemotionally) to determine which really are personal strengths, and which may be things you habitually rely upon to avoid the risk of failure or disappointment.

You've Been Fired, Now What? Paul Phillips has been an attorney since By: Paul Phillips, Esq. 1987 and has represented both employees and employers during his career. He can be reached at

By: Paul Phillips, Esq. Being fired, unfortunately, unfortunately,can canhappen happentotothe the best of us, even even when when it's it'snot notyour yourfault. fault.Because Because it’s a confusing confusing time time for formost, most,I’ve I’vepresented presented some questions questions fired fired employees employeescommonly commonlyask ask employment lawyers. lawyers. Q: How Q: How do do II know know ifif my myfiring firingwas waslegitimate legitimate or or my firing could be considered wrongful or if itifcould be considered? illegal? A: Generally, employment is considered “at A: Generally, is considered “at will,” meaningemployment that the employee and employer will,” meaningemployment that the employee can terminate at anyand timeemployer and for can employment anymany time and for any terminate reason. However, thereat are exceptions anythe reason. are many to at-willHowever, doctrine. there You cannot be exceptions discharged to theemployment at-will doctrine. You cannot be discharged from for illegal reasons, or if from employment for illegal reasons, or if company policy was violated. company policy was violated.

Q: When is it illegal to fire someone? Q: When is it illegal for an employer to fire someone? A: California laws protect workers from being fired, from having job opportunities withheld, or A: California laws protect workers from being from being otherwise unfairly treated because of: fired, from having job opportunities withheld, or from being otherwise unfairly treated because of: • Race • Disability • Race • Disability •• Sex Sex •• Pregnancy Pregnancy •• Color Color •• Medical Medical condition condition •• National National origin origin •• Language Language (or (or accent) accent) •• Ancestry Ancestry •• Marital Marital status status •• Religion Religion • Sexual orientation •• Sexual Genderorientation identity (such as transgender • Gender identity (such asstatus) transgender status) •• Being Being over over age age 40 40 (This protects older (Thisonly. protects older workers only. workers Young people do experience age Young people experience discrimination, but who are not protected by California law.)discrimination are not protected by California law.) Q: Are there other protections against being Q: Are there other protections against being wrongfully fired? wrongfully fired? A: Yes. You are protected if the firing was A: Yes. Youofare protected if the was in violation a contract (such as firing a written in violation ofagreement). a contract If (such written employment you as areacovered by a union contract, you might employment agreement). If youhave are additional covered protections. Get a copy your union contract and by a union contract, youofmight have additional find out. YouGet areaalso you contract were fired protections. copyprotected of your if union in retaliation legal rights and find out. for Youasserting are alsoyour protected if you(such as filing a claim for unpaid because were fired in retaliation forwages), asserting your you reported your employer to aa government agency legal rights (such as filing claim for unpaid or to the because police, oryou forreported whistle-blowing. wages), your employer to a government agency or to the police, or for Q: What about negative job references? whistle-blowing. A: A former employer bad, but not Q: What about negativecanjobsayreferences?

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(916) 797-2232 or

false, you when giving reference. A: A things formerabout employer can say bad,abut not false, This means you apply job and your things aboutthat youifwhen givingfora areference. This former that employer contacted reference, means if youisapply for a for job aand your former that employer is legallyfor able to say bad that things employer is contacted a reference, about you is orlegally your work as long employer ableperformance, to say bad things about as theoremployer’s are as truthful. you your work comments performance, long asOnthe the other hand, your former employer employer’s comments are truthful. Oncannot the other knowingly false information about your hand, your give former employer cannot knowingly workfalse performance to tryabout to prevent you from give information your work getting a new to job. Codegetting Section performance try(California to prevent Labor you from a 1050). Also, your former employer can give his new job. (California Labor Code Section 1050). opinion about youremployer work performance (such as Also, your former can give his opinion “he was unreliable”) but cannot provide false about your work performance (such as “he was factual statements (such provide as “he was stealing”). unreliable”) but cannot false factual Because there is such a fine line between what is statements (such as “he was stealing”). Because

there is such a fine lineemployers between what legal a legal and illegal, many haveisadopted and illegal, employers have adopted policy not tomany provide any information other athan policy notoftoemployment provide anyfor information other than the dates former employees. the dates of employment former employees. Although these policies areforwidespread, they are Although these policies are widespread, they are not required by law. not required by law. Q: Will I be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits? Q: Will I be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits? A: Generally, you are eligible for unemployment insurance if youyou qualify (you have a A: Generally, are eligible for worked unemployment sufficient number for the (you employer) and werea fired insurance if you qualify have worked for reasonsnumber other than misconduct. youwere are fired sufficient for the employer)Ifand for “misconduct” (showing or intentional fired for reasons other than serious misconduct. If you disregard for“misconduct” your employer’s interests), you will are fired for (showing serious be intentional disqualifieddisregard from benefits. Repeated tardiness or for your employer’s or unexcused from work may interests), youabsences will be disqualified fromqualify benefits. as misconduct, but poor performance is not from Repeated tardiness or unexcused absences misconduct and should not disqualify work may qualify as misconduct, but you. poor

Q: What if I quit? I still get and unemployment performance is notCan misconduct should not insurance benefits? disqualify you. A: What If youifquit a jobCan forIastill goodgetreason, you can Q: I quit? unemployment still collectbenefits? unemployment. But first make all insurance reasonable attempts to notify your employer and A: If you quit atjob for a good reason, he problem before youyou quit.can If attempt to solve still collect unemployment. Butcircumstances first make allare that doesn’t help, the following reasonable attempts“good to notify your usually considered cause” to employer quit a job:and attempt to solve the (leaving problemyour before quit. If • Domestic reasons jobyou to maintain that doesn’torhelp, thesituation) following circumstances a marriage family are usually considered “good cause”wages, to quit a • You are offered a better job (better benefits and potential), but the job falls through job: reasons (before quitting, • Health Domestic reasons (leaving youryou job must to inform your employeroroffamily the health problem and maintain a marriage situation) forare a leave of absence) •askYou offered a better job (better wages, • Intolerable working conditions safety, benefits and potential), but the job(such fallsasthrough significant demotions paymust cuts) •harassment, Health reasons (before quitting,oryou inform your employer of the health problem and Q: Ifforthere is evidence that I was the victim of ask a leave of absence) what should •employment Intolerablediscrimination, working conditions (such asI do? safety, harassment, significant demotions or pay cuts) A: If you believe you have experienced employment Q: If there isdiscrimination, evidence that Iyou wasshould: the victim of •employment Document the harassment or discrimination. discrimination, what should I do? • Learn about your rights and the law. You may wishIftoyou speak with you an experienced employment A: believe have experienced attorney. employment discrimination, you should: supportthe from church, family and friends. •• Get Document harassment or discrimination. •• Talk to your supervisor. You can bring a may Learn about your rights and the law. You supportive person with you if you want. wish to speak with an experienced employment • Look for witnesses and other victims. attorney. • File a complaint with your employer-—you • Get support from church, family and friends. cannot legally be punished or fired for filing a • Talk to your supervisor. You can bring a complaint supportive person with you if you want. • Look for witnesses and other victims. If the situation is not resolved, file a complaint •with Filethea complaint with your employer-—you Department of Fair Employment and cannot legally be fired for filing Housing. Complaintspunished must be or filed within one a complaint year from the date of the alleged discrimination.

If thePhillips situation not resolved, filesince a complaint Paul hasisbeen an attorney 1987 and with the Department of Fair Employment and has represented both employees and employers Housing. must filed within during hisComplaints career. He can be be reached at (916)one 797year the date of the alleged discrimination. 2232from or The provided as asaacourtesy courtesyofof The information information isis provided The Law Offices, Offices, and and constitutes constitutesonly only The Phillips Phillips Law a brief brief summary summary of of some some general generalemployment employment law, discrimination discriminationissues issuesand andrelated relatedlegal legal rights under underCalifornia Californialaw. law.AsAssuch, such,ititdoes doesnot not constitute legal legal advice, advice,and andyou youshould shouldcontact contact an attorney attorneytotodiscuss discussspecific specificemployment employmentissues issues you may have.

Living Living the theLove LoveThat ThatGod GodGives Gives By: By: Charleia Charleia M. Price M. Price

who has sat under ing giving in the business for a living. She was ofnotservwho has sat under others person, his teachings for concerned ing others for a money living. She not about andwas often his teachings for any amount of allowed concerned about money and often her patients to come to their any amount of time knows and appointments allowed herwith patients to come to their payment being a time knows and understands that appointments with payment being a sandwich for lunch. understands thatLyons Tonya Hunteraccepted Christ at a young age. Pastor Vernon’s sandwich for lunch. Pastor Vernon’s She a member of “The Word “Church and a wonheart iswas dedicated In one instance she accepted as payheart is dedicated person. She touched the lives ofaccepted so many people In aone instance to derful helping those in dessert traysheput togetheras payby toahelping thoseand inment as Marriage Family Therapist and Instructor at ment a dessert tray put together need. His ministry she encouraged to start bya need. His ministryain client several Colleges Northeast Ohio. She was a giving client she Tonya’s encouraged to start is isdefinitely that newa business. desire was ato definitely thatbusiness person, in the of serving others for a living. business. of of outreach. outreach. makenew sure that herTonya’s patientsdesire were was seento She was not concerned about money and often allowed make sure that her patients were From giving and could continue on their roads toseen From giving to come her patients to their appointments with payand could continueofonmoney. their roads to away homes, cars recovery in regardless away homes, cars ment being a sandwich for lunch. In once instance she recovery in regardless of money. andandestablishing establishing accepted as payment a dessert tray put together by a savings accounts She spent her life counseling couples savings accounts client she encouraged to start a new business. Tonya’s spent her life helping counseling to to spiritual spiritual and She individuals daily, themcouples desire was to make sure that her patients were seen and individuals daily, helping them and find guidance, guidance,Pastor Pastor find ways to mend their broken hearts, could continue on their roads to recovery in regardless ways to mend their broken hearts, cope gives to the entire gives to the entirecope with their issues and get the of of money. withthey theirneeded. issues Everyone and get thehas healing city Cleveland. city of Cleveland.healing they needed. Everyone has the same He’sHe’s even donated even donatedthe same memory of Tonya, her smile She spent her life counseling couples and individuals memory of Tonya, her smile would newnew athletic athletic would light a room and she genuinely daily, helping them find ways mend genuinely their broken light roomtoand uniforms to uniforms to two two cared for apeople. Evenshe to her last cared hearts, cope with their issues and get the healing they for people. Even to her last highhighschools schools in breath, Tonya put the lives of herbreath, has the same of patients Tonya, her Tonya put thememory lives of her theneeded. area. He,Everyone along the area. He, alongpatients before her own. Even with smile would light a room and she genuinely cared for before her own. Even with the threats withwith thethe members membersthe threats allegedly made against her people. Even to her last breath, Tonya put the lives of allegedly made against her life by ohn 3:16 3:16 tells tells us “TheWord” Word”Church Church have have teamed life by her estranged husband, Tonya her ohn us that, that, “For “ForGod Godsoso of of“The her patients before her own. Even with the threats alestranged husband, Tonya refused to loved the the world, world,that thatHe Hegave gaveHis Hisonly only upupwith news station, station, refused withFox Fox8,8, aa local news to leave her home, displace loved legedly made against her her lifehome, by herdisplace estranged husband, leave her son or son…”. As I sit and think about this, to Pay It Forward, where Northeast to Pay It Forward, where Northeast her son or take off from work because son…”. As I sit and think about this, take off from work because so many Tonya refused to leave her home, displace her son Ohioanssubmit submit letters letters about about those those so many people depended upon and or II ask ask myself, myself, what what are arewe wewilling willingtoto Ohioans people depended and counted on take off from because so manyupon people depended give the the world world as as an an affirmation affirmationofofour our who whohave havetouched touchedtheir their lives or or the thework counted on her support. give her support. and counted on her support. love for for others livesofof others. The one the most Theupon onewith with the love others inin order ordertotoexemplify exemplify lives God’s love lovefor forus? us?Could Couldthere therebebesuch such most compelling storystory receives $400.$400. On July 25, 2010 Tonya Hunter-Lyons’ compelling receives God’s On July 25, 2010 Tonya Hunter-Lyons’ On July 25, 2010 Tonya Hunter-Lyons’ body was found a person who would dedicate their life bodybody was was found slainslain in theingarage a person who would dedicate their life found the garage slain in the garage her home in the city of Cleveland, to loving loving others? others? II have Pastor Vernon truly lives the example Vernon truly lives the example of of of her home in theincity to have crossed crossed paths paths Pastor of her the of cityCleveland, of Cleveland, reportedly at the hands of home her husband. with two such people in my journeys: of God’s unchanging, unconditional God’s unchanging, unconditional love reportedly at the hands of her with two such people in my journeys: reportedly at the hands ofhusband. her husband. Pastor R.A.Vernon, and and forlove for by others by helping peoplethe others helping people bridge Pastor R.A.Vernon,Founder Founder Although her life on this earth ended tragically, SeniorPastor Pastorofof HYPERLINK HYPERLINK"http:// "http:// gap bridge gaprough duringeconomic these rough duringthe these times. Although her life on this earth endedthe Senior Although her life on earth ended will always be this grateful to and" “The economic times. many lives she touched tragically, the many liveslives she touched" “TheWord” Word” tragically, the many she touched for her. Her legacy will continue to live on through the Church in in Warrensville Warrensville Heights, Heights, Ohio Ohio Tonya Hunter- Lyons accepted Christ will always be grateful to and for Church will always be grateful to and for multiple scholarships that have been established in her and Tonya Hunter- Lyons, Founder HunterLyons Christ a young age. She wasaccepted a member of her. her. Her Her legacy will will continue to live and Tonya Hunter- Lyons, Founder at Tonya livehow name. Tonya lived entirelegacy life as ancontinue exampletoof and CEO of Success One Marriage and “The at a Word young“Church age. Sheand wasaa wonderful member of on her through the multiple scholarships and CEO of Success One Marriage on through the multiple scholarships God and living His word, empowers one to love Family Counseling Services. They both “The Word “Churchloving and a wonderful havehave beenbeen established in herin her and Family Counseling Services. They person. She touched the lives of so that that established and help people. illustrate what it means to love God person. She touched the lives of so Tonya lived her entire life as an both illustrate what it means to love many people as a Marriage and Family name. and love others. many people a Marriage Family name. Tonya lived her entire life as an Therapist and asInstructor at and several example of how loving God and God and love others. example of how loving God living and living Therapist and Instructor several Colleges in Northeast Ohio.atShe was a His His word, empowers one to love and and word, empowers one to love Anyone who knows Pastor Vernon or giving Colleges in Northeast Ohio.ofShe was a person, in the business servhelphelp people. Anyone who knows Pastor Vernon or people.


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Loving God Loving People

CENTERED LIVING STAFF ESPRESSING GODS’S LOVE AND EFFECTING CHANGE IN PEOPLE’S LIVESin lives of people Centered Living Staff expressing God’s Love and effecting positive change By: Larishia S. Johnson

This issue’s theme is Loving God; Loving People. The idea came from the title of Israel Houghton’s latest CD, Love God. Love People. I was smitten with the idea of how everyday people go about their lives, expressing their love for God by pouring out that love on others. I couldn’t think of a better way to show real-life people who do just that, than by showcasing the Centered Living staff on the cover of our last issue of 2010. I have the privilege of working with men and women who, in addition to having incredible gifts and talent, have a genuine fervent love for God. It’s an amazing thing to see, and I’m humbled to be apart of it. When we first started this endeavor, my deepest desire and prayer was God send the people. I didn’t want to have to beg anyone, or convince anyone of anything, I needed God to send who He saw fit to be apart of this team. Folks with a heart for ministry and serving others. Sure I wanted those with talent, skills and abilities, and God has been so gracious because our team is overflowing with all of that. But if there is no passion for God, then it really all is in vain. We could not honestly hold true the name, Centered Living, if we didn’t do just that: live lives centered on God and His Word. I have watched this group grow from a handful of people, to team 19 members strong and we continue to expand! We’ve grown together over this year and I consider them all my family. Some of us have shared many late nights together; with that, I have to say that I owe the families Page 10

of our team my deepest gratitude. Our families have shared their greatest part of themselves, their loved-ones, with us for the sake of this cause; thank you does not seem to be enough, but I truly thank you. Without your support we could not do what God has graced us to do. Centered Living is on a mission. This magazine is called to be a catalyst, a change agent that helps people of all backgrounds to live their own God-centered lives. With this magazine we have an opportunity to effect positive change within lives. To connect with people from all walks of life like no other magazine ever has. To help people redeem back their purpose, engage in acts of justice, and facilitate opportunities for empowerment. For us, loving God and His people means to help people embrace their whole self, and to enjoy a centered life. It’s been a magnificent start to an incredible journey. I thank you, our readers, for your support. You all have been so inspirational and undeniably instrumental to our growth and development; what a year it has been. This is a dynamic, interactive partnership, so I encourage to you contact us! Find us on Facebook and Twitter (most of you are there anyway) and email me with your ideas for the future; we’re here for you. 2011 will be a year like no other. We’re not only going to bring you more of what you love, but bigger and better. We’ve

Dr. Sidney Bean

Nancy Alicea

Antoine Clark

CENTERED LIVING STAFF got some exciting partnerships ahead of us, including expanding in the area of church communications and something that’s sure to empower our youth – it’s so “out the box” it’s sure to knock your socks off!

As we grow, change as well as expand, what will not change is our commitment to God, this ministry and to you. You will continue to know us by our love.

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Many Faces of Homelessness By: Marie King

Our city faces another challenge this winter in providing shelter for those made homeless by the economy. We read of their misfortunes in the media and our hearts cry out to God for families displaced by sad financial circumstances and facing such hard times. As awareness grows, so does public desire to help. Thankfully, the array of social services is expanding for those who are dispossessed. We don’t read as much about another group, the chronically homeless. We see them as we drive by in our cars or walk down the sidewalk. They wander the streets with their carts or bundles, looking for a place to rest because they are not welcome inside many places. This group includes the mentally ill, the drug addicts, those recently released from jail or prison, and those who just can’t seem to get a leg up. For them, the ability to obtain and maintain a residence is much harder. There are steps to help guide men and women toward permanent housing, but gaining access requires diligence; a diligence many find difficult to maintain. Downtown, the Salvation Army Page 12

and the Union Gospel Mission offer shelter and programs, but many find it tough to stick to the rules of residency. The line sometimes blur between the mentally ill and drug or alcohol addicts. Mental health support services offer a hand to the ill, but they must remember their appointments and have the wherewithal to get there. The trials of maintaining medication compliance while homeless are manifold. Circumstances may prevent those with mental illness from getting their medication, and the effects exacerbate their illnesses. Street drugs offer a way to self-medicate, but make returning to the mental health system even more challenging.

There are unsung heroes downtown called Downtown Navigators, an arm of the Downtown Sacramento Partnership, a collaborative effort between downtown and midtown businesses, nonprofit organizations, government social services, law enforcement agencies and Sutter Health. The navigators walk the downtown streets, giving hands-on caring assistance to those who need help finding the right path to the services they need. Reasons for chronic homelessness

are many and varied, as are the consequences that result. George was living in a singleroom-occupancy (SRO) hotel until a mix-up with his social security payments put him out. He has been sleeping outside for a year and a half. In poor health, lonely and depressed, he gets weekly medical check-ups and counseling at The Effort. Kevin says a culmination of past mistakes landed him on the street, but he is motivated to overcome his past and is now a guest of the Salvation Army shelter and seeking God’s help. Doug has struggled with drugs, but has been clean for about a year and is working toward returning to his career as an LVN. While their stories are different, they share the bond of being God’s children. Each of them, and those providing help, deserve our prayers and support. Marie King is a native of Washington State has been a Sacramento resident for fifteen years. She is a mother of two and grandmother of five. She had the blessing of growing up in a Christian home with loving parents who are still vibrant and alive. A midtown resident, she found Center of Praise in her walks and began attending services only a few months ago, finding a church home that feeds her soul.



omber woke up every morning wondering what adventures she would experience for the day. Very well dressed and eager to get to school, she often ate her breakfast in a hurry; scurried out the door with the last piece of bacon dangling from her mouth, while attempting to balance her back pack, lunch box and jacket. Somber was favored at school by many. She loved to read and often sat at the front of the class and usually finished her lessons and assignments first. She was rarely absent. Her parents participated in PTA, parent conferences, made sure all her homework was completed, and always had her in bed by a reasonable hour. If only this story were true. Thousands of children are with out permanent shelter daily. According to a 2004 article published in Principal Leadership Magazine, produced in cooperation with the National Association of School Psychologists, federal law states, “…homeless children include those who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. McKinney-Vento [Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, currently known as the McKinney-Vento Act] recognizes a wide range of living situations as homelessness, such as frequent mobility or living in shared housing (often a crowded residence with several other families), motels, cars, parks, makeshift housing, or shelters”. The population of homeless children in Sacramento is alarming. In their 2007 annual statistics report, the Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance Homeless Programs estimates that on any given night

in Sacramento County, about 2,500 people are homeless, and nearly 300 children are homeless every day in Sacramento County. Unfortunately, unless these students are directly referred to schools as homeless students, they miss a prime opportunity to have some of their basic needs met, like daily meals, temporary shelter and healthcare screenings. Many times, school staff have to make judgment calls to identify homeless students in order to offer assistance - walking that fine line between protecting a student’s right to privacy and making sure their legal rights are met in offering every opportunity to attend their school of origin, as well as providing access to all services that will help them to achieve in school. All too often, a child who is homeless is forced to grow up too fast due to life’s hardships. It is our responsibility, as parents, teachers, administrators, and as a community, to do what we can to help eradicate the pressure and stress these children may feel. A child’s coping mechanisms vastly differ from that of an adult. More often that not, they lack the skills to be able to cope effectively and resiliently. In order for us to help these children, we can no longer afford to think of them as “these” children, they must become “our” children. Remember little Somber? Oh, how wonderful it would be, if all the children in Sacramento, our state and nation could wake up every morning to a story like hers.

By: Djuan Perry

nation as well as tips on how to educate children about homelessness, visit these great sites below. Resources Web sites: - Center for Adolescent Health and the Law: - National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth: - National Alliance to End Homelessness: References - Mizerek, E. A., Hinz, E. E. (2004) Counseling 101 Column: Helping Homeless Students. Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 4, Number 8, May 2004 - Sacramento City and County Ten-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness (2006 – 2016)

Dujan Perry has been a long time partner with the Center of Praise Ministries. She’s been a regular attendee for many years and recently in 2010, joined her brother, COP musician, Jabari Seku and his wife Christina, and became a member of the ministry. Outside of being an accomplished writer, she has an extensive career in the field of education, and is the founder of: FOOOCUS Consulting Services PO Box 581311 Elk Grove, CA 95758 916.346.5302

For more information on the plight of homeless children in Sacramento and the Page 13

Mayor Kevin Johnson and Sacramento Steps Forward: One City’s Fight And Committment To End Homelessness By: Larishia S. Johnson Homelessness has been considered a silent epidemic in the Sacramento region, and the definition of what it means to be homeless, and who is homeless are varied and blurred. No longer is there one particular face or image of homelessness; there truly never has been. Homelessness effects all people of all walks of life and will take a collaborative comprehensive effort to combat. Centered Living was among many of the local news and media outlets invited to a press conference over the summer, to witness Mayor Kevin Johnson announce a ground-breaking coalition in our area looking to find, create and offer real solutions to this real problem. What follows are excerpts from Mayor Johnson’s speech.

Sacramento, CA, August 24 2010. Mayor Johnson opened his speech by reminding us of the looming facts of the day, “We have a down economy, which we all know. We have furloughs, high unemployment rates, we have foreclosures.” In spite of all of this, the highlight and purpose of the day’s gathering was to show how our community has been combating homelessness in Sacramento. Around April 2009, Oprah Winfrey shined a very bright light on hundreds of people living in less than sub-standard conditions in what has become known as Tent City. It brought national and international attention to what was happening in Sacramento. From this, a crisis turned into the opportunity to face and deal with a real challenge that could no longer be ignored. Johnson stated that by, “working together we immediately found 152 beds and sheltered people who were camping out during the winter along the river. Secondly, we acquired an additional 650 winter shelter beds for the coming winter months.”

One effort in particular was the One Day to Prevent Homelessness program, spearheaded by the faith-based community in Sacramento, thought of by many as taking steps toward a real solution.

But this isn’t only about Tent City or winter shelters; it’s about creating a comprehensive vision for what needs to be done to solve Sacramento’s homeless problem. So in response, an organization called Sacramento Steps Forward was created. It’s to be a broad and comprehensive approach to combat homeless with five main goals: permanent housing, empowering services (a hand up, not hand out), regional advocacy, sustainable funding (more than one funding source), and real accountability.

For more information on Sacramento Steps Forward, the One Day to Prevent Homelessness program and or if you are in the Sacramento area and need assistance or know someone who does please visit the resource list below.

A goal was set in November 2009 to secure 2,400 permanent housing units over the next three years. That mapped out into 800 units per year through the year 2012. Mayor Johnson was proud to announce, “that the 2010 goal has not only been met, but has been exceeded. We have acquired 1,160 permanent housing units, and this was done four months ahead of schedule; immediately benefitting roughly 2,900 people. It really must be said that it was a collaborative effort that helped make this particular difference in people’s lives.”

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Local churches took one day’s worth of rent or mortgage for the course of a month, and in one Sunday raised $400,000 which enabled access to $1.6 million from the federal government in matching funds. Johnson considered this an amazing example of a public and private sector partnership, which has now been made into a national model. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has created a case study around seven communities throughout the country; Sacramento and the One Day to Prevent Homelessness program is among the communities studied. Johnson exhorted us all to remember that, “while we celebrate this victory today, we recognize there is still more work to be done. Every night there are still individuals who sleep outside. There is the immediate need for more transitional and permanent housing, as well as “safe ground” locations.” With great projects it’s important to remember to celebrate every victory along the way, let’s take this moment to recognize such a monumental achievement in Sacramento.


Sacramento Steps Forward: One Day to Prevent Homelessness: Sacramento Self-Help Housing: Sacramento Area Emergency Housing: Transitional Living & Community Support: Larishia Johnson is a Sacramento resident by way of Longview TX, and Los Angeles, CA; she is the editor-in-chief of Centered Living magazine. She’s been a member of Center of Praise for over 15 years, serving within the worship and fine arts ministry, as well as serving as the Missions Study Educator for the Global & Cross Cultural Ministry. In addition to her passion for creative writing and teaching, she’s a talented singer, avid cook, proud wife and mommy. She’s currently working on a novel and hosts a weekly blog entitled Black Girls DO Swim. Larishia believes that loving God and loving people is all there is to do.

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World Aids Day!

December 1 was World AIDS Day; an important reminder that the fight against HIV is far from over. World AIDS Day inspires us all to do more—as individuals, communities, and a nation. Health care providers in particular, can play a critical role in stopping the spread of HIV.

Disclaimer: While it is the position of Centered Living that we do not

condone a Christian lifestyle that is contrary to the Word of God, we do understand and face the reality that HIV/AIDS is still a pandemic that affects the lives of millions daily, irrespective of race, religion, color, age, sex or nationality. To not report what’s happening would not undo what’s happening. Our position is not to pass judgment, but to continue to proclaim the message of redemption, justice and empowerment to all people, in any circumstance. So, in recognition of World AIDS Day, we have decided to report accurate information that we believe is helpful in assisting those living with the virus and that would educate the the families and friends that love them.

December 1 was World AIDS Day; an important reminder that the fight against HIV is far from over. World AIDS Day inspires us all to do more—as individuals, communities, and a nation. While it is the position of Centered Living that we do not condone a Christian lifestyle that is contrary to the Word of God, we do understand and face the reality HIV/AIDS is still a pandemic that affects the lives of millions daily, irrespective of race, religion, color, age, sex or nationality. To be silent about the facts would not undo what’s happening. Our position is not to pass judgment, but to continue to proclaim the message of redemption, justice and empowerment to all people, regardless of their circumstance. So, in recognition of World AIDS Day, we have decided to report accurate information that we believe is helpful in assisting those living with the virus and that would educate the families and friends that love them.

WHAT YOU CAN DO Everyone can GET THE FACTS. Know if you are at risk, how HIV is spread, and take action to protect yourself.

o Abstinence, followed by mutual monogamy with an uninfected partner, is the most effective way to protect yourself. o For sexually active individuals, correct and consistent condom use can significantly decrease risk. o If you inject drugs, don’t share needles. o Discuss these issues with a health care provider or other public health professional.

GET TESTED Testing is an essential first step in protecting yourself and others from HIV infection. o You can get tested at your provider’s office – ask your provider about getting tested. o For additional testing sites, call 800-CDC-INFO or visit o If you are HIV-positive, you can then take steps to protect your partners, and receive life-extending treatment.

SPEAK OUT Talk about HIV with family and friends to reduce the stigma that prevent too many from seeking HIV testing, prevention, treatment and support. GET INVOLVED In your communities to help prevent HIV or help those in need of services find them. RESOURCES

HIV in the United States: Still a Deadly but Preventable Disease

Every nine-and-a-half minutes, another person in the United States becomes infected with HIV; this means 56,300 new infections each year. More than 14,000 people with AIDS still die each year in the United States. 1 in 5 of the more than one million people in this country living with HIV is unaware of their infection. Many may be unknowingly transmitting HIV to others. The impact in the United States is most severe among gay and bisexual men, African Americans, and Hispanics/Latinos: • Men who have sex with men (MSM) account for more than half of new HIV infections

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and nearly half of people living with HIV. • African Americans are 12% of U.S. population but make up nearly half of both new HIV infections and people living with HIV. The rate of new HIV infections for black men is 6 times that of white men; for black women, it is 15 times that of white women. • Hispanics/Latinos are 13% of the U.S. population, but make up 17% of new HIV infections and 18% of people living with HIV. The rate of new HIV infections for Hispanic/Latino men is more than twice that of white men and the rate for Hispanic/Latina women is 4 times that of white women.

• • • •

White House World Aids Day 2009 Press Conference Proclamation on World AIDS Day from President Obama CDC HIV/AIDS CDC Global HIV/AIDS

Find out information on the U.S. response to the Global AIDS epidemic, as well as care, prevention, treatment, and partnership programs. • CDC Basic HIV Information Learn about HIV/AIDS, how it is and is not transmitted, the risk factors for HIV transmission, preventing transmission and the symptoms of HIV infection. • CDC Fact Sheets: HIV/AIDS in the United States

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o HIV/AIDS in the United States o HIV/AIDS in the United States en espanol (VIH/SIDA en los Estados Unidos) CDC National HIV Testing Database Find an HIV test site near you from the National HIV Testing Database, a CDC-sponsored service available 24 hours a day. Act Against AIDS Be a Part of the Solution.’s mission is to improve access to Federal HIV/AIDS information programs serving minority and other communities most at-risk for, or living with, HIV, through a variety of new media channels, and to support the use of new media tools by Federal and community partners.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

In The Eye Of The

Storm Reflecting on the year brings back several significant dates January 12, 2010, the Earthquake in Haiti, April 20, 2010, the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana and August 29, 2010 the 5th anniversary since Hurricane Katrina hit the coastal region of New Orleans, Louisiana and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. In Ship Island, off the Mississippi Gulf coast, there’s a live oak tree that’s lived, for the past 500 years, just a few hundred yards from the gulf. It was believed to have been planted by the Native Americans and has never been cropped or touched by man. It has grown and continues to sustain itself through many storms. With its strong roots and good foundation, it’s reminiscent of Psalm 1:3, like a tree planted by the water and it shall not be moved. In a small community in New Orleans called Pontchartrain Park, there’s a group of people that have displayed these same characteristics. Wendell Pierce and several residents in the community have established the Pontchartrain Park Community Development Corporation (CDC) and have decided to restore their community after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The roots of Pontchartrain Park are strong and sturdy. Therefore, this community will also not be moved; much fruit has been birthed out of this community in the form of people who understand the necessity to come back and re-build. Individuals such as Wendell Pierce, the CEO of the Pontchartrain Park CDC, and Lisa Jackson, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator, who is also the daughter of a resident in Pontchartrain Park have taken significant leadership roles in the re-building process. Other Pontchartrain Park sons and daughters who are military leaders, political leaders and educators, have also come together to restore their community. It’s a group of people commonly alluded to by Mr. Pierce as the Joshua Generation. They’re following the Moses Generation, their parents, who in the 1950’s and 1960’s

settled with their families in a stable community to raise their children shortly after the Jim Crow era. The disasters of Hurricane Katrina (Pierce’s current focus) and the BP Oil Spill (Jackson’s responsibility) have joined them together showing us how to rise from adversity and place your faith and future into something that plans for the future. Just as Pierce’s and Jackson’s parents planned for their children’s future, Pierce and Jackson are now cornerstones in the fight for economic development, equality, public safety and restoration after a disaster. The key principles displayed on the road to recovery and restoration has been resilience, synergy and prevention. The people of Pontchartrain Park have set plans in motion to re-create their neighborhood in a time of recession by mobilizing their efforts and calling on their federal, state and local representatives to allow them to build 556 homes on the 1,025 acre site which formerly existed in the neighborhood. As land is purchased by the federal government and the New Orleans Redevelopment Authority (NORA) and is released to the Pontchartrain Park CDC, homes are being built. Thus far, only two model homes and eight lots have been released. The Pontchartrain Park CDC effort, in co-operation with SRP Development (a development firm), has the capability to build 25 to 50 homes per month and has approximately 300 pre-qualified prospective residents waiting for the opportunity to purchase their homes. The homes being developed are designed to be energy efficient with 21st century solutions and they will potentially consume 20 barrels of oil compared to the average home today which consumes 105 barrels of oil. Additionally, these homes are on the cutting edge of geothermal and solar technology. These improvements come at no greater time. Currently Administrator Jackson

By: Daphne Harris

is attempting to restore and enforce the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts while measuring the impact the BP Spill has had on the Gulf Coast of Mexico. During the ASPEN Environment Forum 2010, Ms. Jackson, Mr. Pierce and other panelists from Tulane University, Shell Oil and National Geographic discussed the results and impact of the BP Oil Spill. They also discussed the lessons learned which would lead to greater enforcement of current regulations and the potential implementation of new regulations that would prevent an event such as the BP Oil Spill from occurring in the future. Ms. Jackson recommended those working at local and state levels to, “Engage the citizenry”, noting they were educated and intelligent, and to “engage in dialogue without the expectation of already having the answers”. Centered Living is committed to bringing you the very latest in the Pontchartrain Park and Gulf Coastal region recoveries, so look for follow-up articles in upcoming issues. See the reference list how to participate or contribute to the Pontchartrain Park CDC.

RESOURCES Web sites: Pontchartrain Park CDC: References: O’Brien, Soledad (2010) Rebuilding after Katrina honors a generation. http://articles. Daphne Harris is a home-based business owner in the City of Elk Grove, CA focusing on art, home decor and real estate and she’s served at Center of Praise for the past 3 and a half years. She has continued to serve her community by holding an appointed and hired position with the City of Elk Grove and the United State Census Bureaus spearheading the participation and follow-up efforts for the 2010 Census campaign. Writing is a passion she enjoys and she loves lending her gifts to the Centered Living team. She looks forward to seeing how the Lord will continue to use her

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The Doctor Is In By: Dr. Sidney Bean have one or more thyroid nodules for several years before they are determined to be cancerous. People who have recieved radiation treatment to the head and neck earlier in life, possibly as a remedy for acne, tend to have a higher-than-normal tendency for thyroid cancer. January is Thyroid awareness month. Over 27 million Americans have overactive or underactive thyroid glands, but more than half remain undiagnosed. The thyroid gland is a small, butterflyshaped gland found directly below the Adam’s apple. The thyroid gland is considered the master gland of metabolism and energy within the body. This gland produces hormones that influence every organ, tissue and cell in the body. Women are more likely than men to develop thyroid disease. The incidence of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) increases with age; by the age of 60, as many as 17% of women and 9% of men have and underactive thyroid. The same is said for hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid or Graves Disease). It is also more prevalent in women than men. Although it can occur at any age, it is most likely to occur after the age of 15, and more so to those in their 30’s and 40’s. The annual incidence of hyperthyroidism in the United States is about one per 1,000 women. Cancer of the thyroid gland is quite rare and occurs in less than 10% of thyroid nodules that are examined. You might Page 20 18

If the gland is not functioning properly as in the case of an individual who has hypothyroidism it can cause such symptoms as weight gain, exhaustion, depression, constipation, heavy menses, and forgetfulness. In those that have hyperthyroidism they may experience weight loss, impaired fertility, changes in vision, tremors, fatigue, muscle weakness, and thyroid gland enlargement (goiter). Diagnosis of a thyroid problem is made by a doctor or medical professional. There are four main methods of diagnosing thyroid abnormalities:

1) Biopsy - this is done to

determine if cancer is present.

2) Blood test - Thyroid-

stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are measured. Elevated TSH levels may suggest an underactive thyroid function (hypothyroidism), while lowered THS levels may indicate overactive thyroid function (hyperthyroidism).

3) Radioiodine scanning -

Radioiodine, commonly iodine-123, may be used for imaging in order

to scan. Irregularities can point to thyroid problems: underactivity or overactivity, or even tumor or cancer.

4) Ultrasound - An ultrasound may be used to assist in determining whether thyroid nodules are cancerous. Once a diagnosis is made, the doctor may prescribe a method of treatment based on the type of thyroid disease faced by the patient, and any other factors involved. Treatments can range from prescription medication, to radioiodine therapy, to partial or complete removal of the gland. Thyroid disease is a very serious issue and should not be taken lightly, so please contact your health care provider if you feel you may be suffering from some of the signs and symptoms listed above.

Dr. Bean, D.C. is a native of California; he was born and raised in Modesto, CA, which is also where he practiced chiropractic prior to coming to Sacramento. He obtained his doctor of chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic West in San Jose, CA. Prior to chiropractic school; he attended Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, TX. He graduated from SWAU with a Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology and a minor in Biology. During his time at Southwestern he was also a four-year member of the men's basketball team. His interests include hiking, bowling, fishing, golf, football, and basketball. Dr. Bean and his family have been members of the Center of Praise Ministries since mid 2007. Sidney B. Bean, DC Bean Chiropractic, 2716 V Street , Sacramento, CA 95818 "" HYPERLINK ""

Whose Retirement Retirement Are Are You You Planning, Planning, Whose "Yours" or or "Uncle "Uncle Sam's"? Sam's"? "Yours"

You've Been Fired, Now What? By:Eric EricCreer Creer By:

By: Paul Phillips, Esq.

Paul Phillips has been an attorney since By: Paul Phillips, Esq. 1987 and has represented both employees and employers during his career. He can be Don’tbe beafraid afraidtotoconsult consultaafinancial financialplanner. planner. Many financial planners, Don’t Many financial planners, reached at

including myself, myself, will will provide provide you you with with aa financial financial analysis analysis FREE FREE ofof including (916) 797-2232 or charge. charge., back to our401(K) 401(K) discussion, our discussion, Q: What if I quit? I still get unemployment performance is notCan misconduct and should not false, about youback when giving reference. A: Athings, employer canto say bad,a but not false, insurance disqualifybenefits? you. This means you apply foraareference. job and your things aboutthat youif when giving This You might be asking yourself “Whatdoes doesmy mymortgage mortgagehave havetotodo dowith with former contacted aand reference, be asking yourself means employer that ifYou youismight apply for afor job your former“What If you ayou jobCan for goodget reason, you you can my 401(K)”. Think about thisA: way: when you purchase ahome, home, you Q: What ifquit I quit? Ia still that employer is legally ablea to say badabout things 401(K)”. 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However, there are many exceptions about your work performance (such as “he was highest federal tax rate is 35%, but remember that Congress has the power highest federal tax rate is 35%, but remember that Congress has the power factual statements (such as “he was stealing”). any reason. many •• Health reasons (before quitting, Domestic reasons (leaving youryou jobmust to to the at-willHowever, doctrine.there You are cannot beexceptions discharged unreliable”) butraise cannotthe provide false factual raise the topbetween federal taxrate anytime. time. Historically, depending on top federal tax any Historically, depending on Because theretoto is such a fine line what israteatat tofrom the at-will doctrine. cannot be discharged inform your employer the health problem and maintain a marriage oroffamily situation) employment forYou illegal reasons, or if statements (such as “he was stealing”). Because the degree of fiscal crisis, top federal tax rates have reached levels as high the degree of fiscal crisis, top federal tax rates have reached levels as high from employment for illegal reasons, or if ask for are a leave of absence) • You offered a better job (better wages, company policy was violated. 92%. As Asrecently recentlyasas1980 1980during during theand Reagan Administration, the top asas92%. the Reagan Administration, the top company policy was violated. •benefits Intolerable working conditions (such safety, potential), but the job fallsas through federaltax taxrate ratewas was70%. 70%. federal harassment, significant demotions or pay cuts) • Health reasons (before quitting, you must Q: When is it illegal to fire someone? Q: When is it illegal for an employer to fire your employer of the health problem and Greetings Centered someone? Living Readers. I would like to continue our Let’s look at an example of howinform future tax rates can negatively impact Let’s look at an example of how Q: future rates can impact Ifforthere is evidence thatnegatively I was the victim of ask atax leave of absence) A: California laws protect workers from being discussionCentered from the Living previousReaders. issue. Last time we discussed two wells Greetings I would like to continue our your employment discrimination, what should I do? your 401(K). Assume your 401(K) account value is $100,000 and your 401(K). Assume your 401(K) account value is $100,000 and your • Intolerable working conditions (such as safety, fired,we from having job opportunities withheld, or security: of financialfrom support that have come totime rely we onfrom for financial A: California laws protect workers being discussion the previous issue. Last discussed wells tax taxrate rateisis30%, 30%,that thatmeans meansyour yourharassment, mortgagesignificant onyour your401(K) 401(K)isis $30,000; mortgage on demotions or$30,000; pay cuts) from being otherwise unfairly treated because of:two Government and Business, are both broke. And we concluded taxes you fired,we from having job opportunities withheld, or that A: If you believeon you have experienced of financial support that have come to rely on for financial security: youowe owethe thegovernment governmentthat thatamount. amount. Based on the present deficitthat that Based the present deficit are the singleand biggest obstacle to building and keeping your of: money. I also we from being otherwise unfairly treated because employment discrimination, you should: Government Business, are both broke. And we concluded that taxes we have let’s assume that your tax rate has increased to 40% at the time have let’s assume that your tax rate has increased to 40% at the time ofof Q: If there is evidence that I was the victim Race Disability ended the article withobstacle very important ••aRace ••question: Disability Document the harassment orwhat discrimination. are the single biggest to building and keeping your money. I also your your “mortgage” isisnow $40,000. yourretirement. retirement. That Thatmeans meansthat that•employment your “mortgage” now $40,000. You discrimination, should IYou do? • Sex • Pregnancy • Pregnancy •the Learn about your and theand law.other You may ended the article with •a• Sex very deferred taxes atat40%. 401(K)s tax deferredatat30% 30%but butactually actuallypaid paidthe taxes 40%.rights 401(K)s and other tax Colorimportant question: Medicalcondition condition • Color •• Medical Did you know that your 401(K) has a mortgage on it? wish speak with an experienced employment A: Iftosimply you believe you have experienced qualified plans do not avoid tax, they delay tax and by delaying qualified plans do not avoid tax, they simply delay tax and by delaying • National origin • Language (or accent) • National origin • Language (or accent) attorney. Did you know that your 401(K) has a mortgage on it? employment discrimination, youmuch should: tax, the burden worse. tax,these theseplans planscompound compoundtax, tax,making making thetax tax burdenmuch, much, much worse. • Ancestry Ancestry • Maritalstatus status • Get support from church, family and friends. In this article we will •take a closer look•atMarital the “mortgage” on your 401(K). • Document the harassment or discrimination. • Religion Religion • Sexual orientation • • Talk to your supervisor. You can bring a let’swe talkwill about beginning the new year with our “financial house” How • keep Learn about yourour rights and the law. You may InBut thisfirst article take a closer look at the “mortgage” on your 401(K). of retirement nest egg? Gender identity Howdo dowe weavoid avoidthis thisproblem problemand and keepmore more our retirement nest egg? •• Sexual orientation supportive personofwith you if you want. in order. wisharticle. to speak with an experienced employment But first let’s talk about• beginning the(such new as year with our “financial house” That’s (suchidentity as transgender status) That’swhat whatwe wewill willdiscuss discussininour our• next next article. Gender transgender status) Look for witnesses and other victims. attorney. in order. Beingover overage age4040(This protects older •• Being • File a complaint with your employer-—you Ask yourself if the current methods you’ve been using to increase your • Get to support from church, family friends. (This protects older workers only. Again, I appreciate you taking the time my column and IIand hope Again, I appreciate you taking thecannot time toread readbe my column andfor hope that workers only. Young people do experience age legally punished or fired filingthat a income and/orif tothe save money have produced your desired results. • Talk to your supervisor. You a or Young people whonot experience Ask yourself current methods you’ve been using tofinancial increase your there is such a fine lineemployers between legal you have enjoyed Ifis you questions pertaining totocan this article legal and illegal, many have adopted a any discrimination, but are protected by California you have enjoyedwhat If youhave have any questions pertaining thisbring article or complaint If they and/or have not then money youdiscrimination should minddesired to by different concepts of tomany supportivefeel person with you if youme. want. areyour not your protected income to save have open produced financial results. and illegal, employers have a policy not provide any otherfinancial than would like totoget “free analysis” free totocontact law.) would likeinformation getaaadopted “free financial analysis” feel free contact me. Look for witnesses and otherfilevictims. planning. law.)your mind to different concepts policy provide anyforinformation other than If• the the dates former employees. Iffinancial they have not then you California should open ofnotoftoemployment situation is not resolved, a complaint • File complaint with yourEmployment employer-—you The firstplanning. thing that you should is protections take a “Financial Inventory”. the This dates these of Eric employment former employees. Although policies areforwidespread, they are Q: Are there do other against being financial Creer with thea Department of Fair and Eric Creer cannot Complaints legally be punished fired for filing means following: Q:should Are there protections against being requiredthese by law. Although policies are widespread, they are Housing. wrongfully fired? The firstdoing thingthe that you doother is take a “Financial Inventory”.not This must be or filed within one a Creer &&Associates Creer Associates complaint wrongfully fired? not required(916) by law. year from the date of the alleged discrimination. means doing the following: 834-6677 (916) 834-6677 A: Yes. Youmoney are protected if the firing List everything that you spend on during eachwas month. HYPERLINK "" If thePhillips situation not resolved, filesince a complaint Q: Will I be eligible for unemployment insurance Paul inA:violation ofare a contract (such aseach afiring written Yes. You protected if the was hasisbeen an attorney 1987 and List everything that you spend money on during month. withrepresented the Department of Fair Employment and benefits? agreement). you are inthe violation of adetermine contractIf(such as acovered written Q: Will eligible for unemployment has both employees and employers Take a realistic look atemployment list and which monthly expenses areI beRemember, plan toto fail”! Remember,“If “Ifyou youfail failtotoplan, plan,you you plan fail”! Housing. Complaints must be filed within one by a union contract, you might have additional employment agreement). If you are covered insurance benefits? during his career. He can be reached at (916) 797“wants”(things you at like and “needs”(things must have/ Take a realistic look thehaving/doing) list and determine which monthlyyou expenses are year from the date of the alleged discrimination. protections. Get aand copy of might your union contract and A: Generally, you are eligible for unemployment by a union contract, you have additional 2232 or do in order to take care of yourself your family). “wants”(things you like having/doing) and “needs”(things you must have/ insurance if youyou qualify (you have a find out. YouGet are aalso protected you were fired copy of family). yourifunion contract A: Generally, are eligible forworked unemployment do in order to take careprotections. of yourself and your sufficient number for the employer) and werea fired The The information informationisisprovided providedasasaacourtesy courtesyofof inand retaliation for asserting your legal rights (such find out. You are also protected if you insurance if you qualify (you have worked List all of the sources and amounts of your monthly income. Are you for reasonsnumber other than misconduct. If and you were are fired The The Phillips PhillipsLaw LawOffices, Offices,and andconstitutes constitutesonly only aswere filing a claim for unpaid wages), because you fired in retaliation for asserting your sufficient for the employer) tithing, paying I feel that these income. are the two most List all ofaretheyou sources andyourself? amounts of your monthly you for “misconduct” (showing serious or intentional reported your(such employer to aagovernment agency Are briefsummary summaryofofsome somegeneral generalemployment employment aabrief legal rights as filing claim for unpaid fired for reasons other than misconduct. If you important financial tithing, arekeys you topaying Iforfeel that these are the twodisregard most for your employer’s interests), you will orwages), toyourself? thesuccess. police, whistle-blowing. law, discrimination discriminationissues issuesand andrelated relatedlegal legal becauseoryou reported your employer are fired for “misconduct” (showing serioushas been law, Eric ininthe financial services and important keys to financial success. EricCreer Creer has beenrights theunder financial services and be disqualified from benefits. Repeated tardiness rights under California law. As such, it doesnotnot California law. As such, it does to a government agency or to the police, or for or intentional disregard for yourplanning employer’s industry over AAgraduate ofof industryfor for over10 10years. years. graduate Are you taking advantage of opportunities toreferences? eliminate debt, to accelerate or unexcused from workplanning may qualify Q: What about negative job constitute legal advice, andyou you shouldcontact contact constitute legal advice, and should whistle-blowing. interests), youabsences will be disqualified from benefits. Duke University with a degree in Economics, he is Duke with a degree in Economics, he is the you pay off of your mortgages, car loans, credit cards ordebt, othertodebts that Are taking advantage of opportunities to eliminate accelerate asso misconduct, but poor performance is University not tax preparer anattorney attorney discussspecific specificemployment employmentissues issues an totodiscuss aaregistered Repeated tardiness or unexcused absences from registered tax preparerand andaalicensed licensedlife lifeagent. agent. youpay canoff save money on interest payments in the future? misconduct and should not disqualify you. the of your mortgages, car loans, credit cards or other debts so that A: former employer canjob sayreferences? bad, but not you may have. you may have. Over the years he has been involved in a number of advanced planning Q: AWhat about negative work may qualify as misconduct, but poor Over the years he has been involved in a number of advanced planning you can save money on interest payments in the future? seminars seminarsand andworkshops. workshops.Eric Ericand andhis hisfamily familyhave havebeen beenattending attendingCOP COP Are you taking advantage of opportunities to reduce present and future for forover over44years. years. Being Beingfired, fired,unfortunately, unfortunately,can canhappen happentotothe the best bestofofus, us,even evenwhen whenit's it'snot notyour yourfault. fault.Because Because it’s it’saaconfusing confusingtime timefor formost, most,I’ve I’vepresented presented some somequestions questionsfired firedemployees employeescommonly commonlyask ask employment employmentlawyers. lawyers.

tax liability? Are you taking advantage of opportunities to reduce present and future tax liability?

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Page 19

Grilled Jerk Chicken with Mango Cilantro Salsa (recipe courtesy of Bobby Flay) Prep Time: 24 hr 0 min Level: Easy Serves: 4 servings

Cook Time: 15 min


To prepare the jerk chicken:

• 1/2 cup vegetable oil


• 1 onion, coarsely chopped

Puree all the ingredients, except the

• 2 scallion, coarsely chopped

chicken, in a food processor until almost

• 1 large Scotch bonnet pepper, stem and

smooth. Piece the chicken with a fork to

seeds removed

make tiny holes. Place the chicken in a large

• 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated

shallow baking dish and rub the marinade

• 3 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped

into the chicken. Cover and refrigerate for 24

• 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh thyme

to 48 hours, depending on how intense you

• 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

want the flavor to be. Preheat grill. Grill

• 1 tablespoon light brown sugar

chicken on each side for 5 to 6 minutes or

• 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

until cooked through.

• 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg • Pinch ground cloves • 1 teaspoon ground allspice • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice • 4 chicken thighs, skin on, bone in • 4 drumsticks, skin on

• MANGO-CILANTRO RELISH • (recipe courtesy of Bobby Flay) • 2 mangoes, peeled and diced • 1/4 cup finely chopped red onion • 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro • 3 tablespoons lime juice • 3 tablespoons fresh orange juice • Salt and freshly ground pepper Combine the mangoes, onion, cilantro, lime juice, and orange juice in a bowl and gently mix. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

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