Programme Highlights 2017/2018

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一 人 一 A Little From All, Together It’s More 点 社 心会 更 温 馨


第26届华助会常年大会 主席报告


周年。在这个具有里程碑意义的一 年里,华助会的各个项目让21,000



更有需要的家庭的援助。这项策略 可称为“种草”和“植树”。









8,800名学生在华助会的助学金和 华助会2017年的总运作收入

华族社群的华助会基金月捐,440 元是活动收费和其他收入。总运作 支出为2,420万元,用于推行各个 援助项目和计划。净盈余为640万 元。



华助会重点关注来自弱势家 过去两年来,童心学生托管中




补习计划和益智课程的工作小组, 检 讨 工 作 已 经 完 成 。我 们 将 做 出

调整,加强这些项目的学习成果和 包容性。其中一项举措是推行差异 教学模式,为需要额外帮助以跟上

学校教学的学生,提供学习支援项 目。学习项目将以小班制进行。此 外,贫困学生在参加课程时,可获 得更多津贴,不过,来自较高收入






先考虑招收来自低收入家庭的学 午的时光,完成作业和温习功课。







力 度,帮 助 家 长 更 有 效 地 履 行 责





的难度也相应提高。由于国人重视 国家团结,因此,我们很关注社会 分层所带来的问题。



将 继 续 通 过 广 泛 的 援 助 项 目,如 补习计划和经济援助,给予家庭支

青年启发计划,为继续升学的中学 115万元给来自直通车学校、初级 学院、工艺教育学院、理工学院、新

加坡体育学校、艺术学校等学府的 1,600名学生。青年启发计划也提

供职场体验项目、业界参观和软技 能学习坊,帮助青年们发掘自己的 兴趣与志向。

任,包括培养孩子具有正确的价值 会在2017年共举办了15场讲座和

学习坊,参与的家长人次有1,100 名 。华 助 会 也 在 今 年 三 月 推 出 了


长掌握知识和技能,培养孩子的韧 性和积极心态。







“ 陪 你 看 报 纸 ”/“ 陪 你 知 天 下 ”和


供更有效和全面的支援。这一年,我 案的负责职员会向工友与求职者了 解他们的就业需求,以及他们的家 庭所面对的挑战。


目,以便更好地帮助面对特定难题 的家庭。


婚姻家庭、单亲家庭和面对债务问 题的家庭。华助会也扩大促进家庭


了两场家庭日,参与的家庭有1,100 户。


的 计 划 和 活 动,包 括 每 周 举 行 的

“乐龄加油站”,以及学习之旅,参 与的年长者超过2,700位。


企业也鼎力协助举办活动。华助会 对大家深怀感激。



顺“Vibrance @ Yishun”是首个自




分 种 族 为 所 有 国 人 服 务 。位 于 义

助团体联合中心,已于今年一月开 助团体所提供的活动。


助项目中扮演至关重要的角色。对 于义工与合作伙伴这些年来的鼎 力支持和贡献,华助会十分感激。





服务带给我们的服务对象。 每年,约





师、合作伙伴、委员会成员、董事会 在大家的支持下,华助会将继

续秉持自力更生的精神,全力以赴, 竭尽所能促进社会流动性,建立一 个互助关怀的社群。




26th CDAC Annual General Meeting Chairman’s Message Last year, 2017 was an important milestone for CDAC as it marked our 25th anniversary. During the year, about 21,000 households benefitted from CDAC’s programmes. A total of 42,500 places were offered under CDAC’s tuition and enrichment programmes and 8,800 needy students received bursaries and subsidies from CDAC.

a changing social landscape. We will continue to support students and families with broad-based programmes such as tuition and financial assistance. At the same time, we will deepen our support for the more vulnerable families. We call this strategy ‘planting grass, and growing trees.’

Our total operating income in 2017 was about $30.5 million, of which $23.6 million were contributed by members of the Chinese community through monthly donations to the CDAC Fund, $4.4 million comprised government grants and subsidies and $2 million came from programme fees and other income sources. We incurred operating expenses totalling $24.2 million in implementing the various programmes and schemes, resulting in a net surplus of $6.4 million.

The focal point of our work is students from more vulnerable families.

Over the years, Singapore has achieved social mobility by ensuring inclusive growth, giving students broad access to good education and families effective social support. However, there remains families who find it hard to move up because of the more challenging circumstances that they are facing. As Singaporeans who cherish our unity, we are concerned about the risk of social stratification. CDAC is therefore refreshing its strategies to remain relevant amid

Deepening Support for Students

One of the most significant new initiatives in the past two years is the set-up of Self Help Groups Student Care Limited by the four Self-Help Groups to operate Big Heart Student Care (“Big Heart”). Since its operation in 2016, Big Heart has expanded to 21 school-based student care centres, serving more than 2,000 students, with priority given to students from low-income groups. Such centres provide a conducive environment for students to spend their afternoons, revise their work and complete their assignments. To help students cope with education expenses, we launched the Youth Empowerment and Aspiration Programme (“YEAP”) in April 2017 to provide support to needy postsecondary students. YEAP has disbursed $1.15 million to 1,600 students in IP Schools, JCs, ITEs, Polytechnics, Singapore Sports

School and Arts Schools. YEAP also organised work experience programmes, industry visits, and soft skills workshops to help the young discover their passion and aspirations. We formed a task force in 2017 to review the existing Tuition Programme and Enrichment Programmes for students. Changes will be introduced to enhance the learning outcome and inclusiveness of these programmes. One approach is differentiated learning, by rolling out a learning support programme for students who need additional help to keep up with school lessons. These students will be taught in smaller groups. Subsidies will also be differentiated so that needy students will receive more help while those from higher income families will pay full fee.

Supporting Family and Parents Beyond the students, we need to reach out to parents, as family conditions could influence a student’s well-being profoundly.

We are putting more emphasis on parent education, so that they can play their part effectively, in inculcating values and ensuring the emotional well-being of the children. We organised a total of 15 talks and workshops in 2017 for about 1,100 parent participants. We also launched the “Walk with Me” Parent


Education Series in March this year to equip parents with the knowledge and skills to develop resilience and a positive mindset in their children. In 2017, we integrated the worker and family programmes, to provide more effective and holistic support for needy families. We supported about 7,100 households in the year. Case officers were assigned to support workers and job seekers in addressing their employment needs, as well as other challenges that their families could be facing. We also expanded the Support Group programme to better engage and encourage families facing specific challenges. These include transnational families, single-parent families and debt-ridden families. We scaled up the activities to promote family bonding, which included the organising of two Family Bonding Days in 2017 for 1,100 needy families.

Connecting Seniors, Better Outreach

Singapore society is ageing and the

number of seniors is rising. We want our seniors to age actively, healthily and with dignity. Hence, in 2017, we launched the Fulfilling Ageing Programme to engage seniors in the Chinese community. We developed a wide variety of programmes and activities, such as the weekly news sharing programme, senior learning kiosk and learning journey, which benefited more than 2,700 senior participants. While each Self-Help Group (“SHG”) has its unique focus, they also collaborate in their outreach to Singaporeans of all races. ‘Vibrance @Yishun’ is the first combined SelfHelp Groups Centre, and commenced operations in January this year. It runs programmes originating from the four SHGs, for participants of all races. Volunteers and partners play crucial roles in CDAC’s programmes and CDAC is very grateful for their support and contribution over the years. Including ‘Vibrance @Yishun’, CDAC operates 13 centres island-wide in

partnership with the community to bring our programmes closer to our target groups. About 1,300 volunteers contribute over 30,000 man-hours every year to support our initiatives and programmes. About 250 organisations and corporations have also stepped forward to help organise programmes and events. CDAC is deeply grateful to all of them.


On behalf of CDAC and all our beneficiaries, I would like to thank our contributors, donors, volunteers, tutors, partners, committee members, Board members and staff for your contributions. We shall continue to uphold the spirit of self-reliance and hard work, and with your support, we will do our best to enhance social mobility and build a caring community.

Ong Ye Kung

Chairman Board of Directors



当大多数24岁的年轻人仍在摸索 自己的未来时,王家宇已知道他 将来想要从事什么职业。这位就读 新加坡管理大学商业管理三年级 的本科生说: “ 我想从事有关财富 管理的工作和有份稳定的收入。 ”

来自单亲家庭的家宇和哥哥家伟 (宇 航 工 程 系 二 年 级 学 生)自 小 懂事乖巧,平日不乱花钱,周末和 学校假期都打兼职工应付自身开 销。 在工厂当操作员的母亲蔡女士 (5 4 岁)每 月 领 取 不 到 两 千 元 的 薪水,坚强的她是家里的唯一经 济支柱 。蔡女士有一次从华助会 当义工的朋友那里了解到华助会 有多项援助计划,可以帮他们度 过 这 段 艰 难 时 期 。通 过“ 跃 升 计 划”和其他援助计划,他们一家获 得了教育补助及购物礼券以应付 日常需求。

“ 我 想 扛 起 养 家 重 任,好 让 母 亲 可以退休。”他解释说。

生活的挑战让家宇更加坚定地朝 目标前进 。他到会计师事务所和 银行实习,获取相关工作经验。在 华助会协助下,他即将到韩国参 与学校暑假交流计划,开拓国际 视野。在这繁忙的日程中,他常感 到疲惫不堪。

蔡女士眼眶含着泪说: “ 我不介意 长时间工作,但看他这么努力工 作让我感到很心痛 。他是非常负 责任和懂事的孩子。” 家宇知道这困境是暂时的,家里 情况会变得更好。 “从困境中脱 离,让生活好起来,会蛮有成就感 的 。有 稳 定 的 工 作,生 活 安 定 下 来,我就有更多时间陪伴妈妈和 哥哥了。”

“从困境中脱离,让生活好起来,会蛮有成就感 的。有稳定的工作,生活安定下来,我就有更多 时间陪伴妈妈和哥哥了。”

“There is satisfaction from achieving success from scratch. With a proper job and uncertainties settled, I will be able to spend more time with my family.” 王家宇 Mr Derrick Ong


While most 24-year-olds are still figuring out their future, Derrick Ong already knows what he wants. The Year 3 business management undergraduate at Singapore Management University says: “I want a job in wealth management and a stable income.” Coming from a single-parent family, Derrick and his elder brother, Brandon (a secondyear student studying aircraft engineering), are prudent. They keep track of their expenses and spend most school holidays working part-time to earn pocket money. Their mother, Madam Chua, 54, is a factory operator who works 12 hours every day and, as a result, experiences shoulder and joint pains. She has been the sole breadwinner for the family, and to support her children, she often works overtime and brings home less than $2,000 a month. Madam Chua learnt from a friend (who is a CDAC volunteer) that CDAC’s programmes could help tide them over this difficult period. Through Project RAISE (Realising Aspirations through Skills & Education) and other schemes, the family received grants for education, as well as grocery vouchers to cope with daily needs. Derrick is hoping to start work quickly to make life easier for his mother. “I want to support the family so my mother can retire,” he explains. The challenging situation has made Derrick very determined.

He sought internships with an accounting firm and a bank to gain experience. With CDAC’s assistance, he will attend summer school in South Korea to gain international exposure. With this busy schedule, he is often exhausted. In tears, Madam Chua says: “I don’t mind working long hours, but it pains me to see him working so hard. He is very responsible and sensible.” Derrick knows that this is temporary and things will get better: “There is satisfaction from achieving success from scratch. With a proper job and uncertainties settled, I will be able to spend more time with my family.”


请扫描QR码观看“与您度过 25年” (补习教师)短片。 Please scan this QR code to watch“Our 25 Years with You” (tutors) short video.

补习与益智课程项目 华助会每年在学校和所属中心开 办超过1,300个补习班和益智课 程,年级涵盖小一至高中。

假期活动 华助会在年中和年终学校假期 间举办超过70项假期活动,其中 大部分是以体验式学习和活动为 主,让学生们在玩乐的同时学习。 此外,我们也举办亲子活动,促进 家长和孩子的关系。 YEAP青年启发计划 1,600名来自低收入家庭的青年 于2017年获得“YEAP补助”,减 轻 教 育 费 负 担 。其 中 2 2 7 名 青 年 也参与了“YEAP激励”活动,包括 巴克莱银行和中国银行的职场体 验 项 目、参 观 凯 发 集 团、GYMMBOXX、 新加坡岛屿俱 乐 部 等 公 司, 以及理财知 识学习坊等 等。

童心校内学生托管中心 童心校内学生托管中心已迈入第 三年,目前管理21所校内学生托 管中心 。华助会与其它自助团体 也为中心的贫困学生和他们的家 庭,提 供 额 外 援 助,包 括 学 费 津 贴 、特 别 课 程,以 及 其 他 适 当 援 助。






42,537 places in tuition and enrichment programmes offered


名学生在助学金与 津贴等援助项目中受惠

8,823 students received bursaries and subsidies



1,126 participants attended 15 parenting talks


Tuition and Subject-based Enrichment Programmes More than 1,300 classes are conducted at schools and CDAC centres a year, and they cover Primary One to A-level.

我们通过各项教育和援助计 划,帮助学生取得进步并发挥 最大潜能。我们也协助家长掌 握教育孩子的知识,扶持孩子 Holiday 的全面发展。 Programme More than

We help students level up and maximise their potential through education programmes and assistance schemes. We also help parents to better support the holistic development of their children.

70 holiday programmes are conducted during mid-year and year-end. The majority are activity-based and experiential to let students have fun while learning. There are also parent-child programmes to let mums and dads spend quality time with their children during the holidays.

Youth Empowerment and Aspiration Programme (YEAP)



In 2017, 1,600 needy postsecondary students were helped with their education expenses under YEAP Grant, while 227 young people participated in YEAP Inspire programmes, which included work experience at Barclays and Bank of China, visits to various industries, and workshops on career-related topics and financial literacy.

Big Heart Student Care

“我和姐妹们都上过华助会补习班,得到很多 帮助。升上理工学院后,YEAP补助和活动让我 减轻学费负担,并开拓视野。”

“My siblings and I benefited from CDAC’s tuition programmes. Now I am in polytechnic, YEAP Grant helps me in my school fees while YEAP Inspire enriches my life.” 邱馨平,理工学院学生 Ms Khoo Xin Ping, polytechnic student

In its third year of operation, Big Heart Student Care manages 21 student care centres at primary schools. CDAC and other selfhelp groups provide additional support to the centres’ needy students and their families through fee subsidies, customised programmes and other appropriate assistance.

10 家庭资源计划 这项计划通过讲座与学习坊,分 享财务管理、健康生活、婚姻关系 管理及生活技能等课题,帮助各 个家庭更好地应对生活挑战 。我 们也主办亲子活动,促进家庭凝 聚力。我们还为单亲家庭、跨国婚 姻家庭和面对财务问题的家庭设 立支援小组,为家长们提供教育 贴士和财务管理建议。

“准备开学咯!”活动 “准备开学咯!”是华助会每年十 二月的重点活动,目的是帮助家 中有孩童上学的受惠家庭为新学 年做好准备 。2017年,该计划在 800名义工和29个合作伙伴的支 持下,为6,500户低收入家庭及其 1万2350名上学孩童提供援助。

在“家庭与工友支援”项目下,我们 协助低收入家庭: •通过就业达到自力更生 •应付生活、 教育和技能培训的需要 •加强家庭凝聚力和适应力

Under this scheme, we assist low-income families to: • be self-reliant and self-sufficient through employment • cope with living, educational and skills training needs • strengthen family bonds and be resilient



求职者工作坊 2017年,华助会为求职者举办了 四场工作坊 。其中的三场与社区 发展理事会联办,为108名工友提 供技能创前程培训补助的最新信 息,以及个别培训需求辅导。华助 会也在去年九月推出一场为期两 天的“了解自己,寻求更好职业” 工作坊,通过DISC性格测试了解 自己,并加强沟通能力。

“我很感谢华助会就业援助计划在我失业时为 我家庭提供经济援助,帮我们渡过难关。我也参 加了专为求职者开办的工作坊,学会写更好的 履历表。上完课不久后,我就找到工作了, 生活变好了。”

“I am thankful that the CDAC Workfare Programme provided financial assistance for my family’s basic daily living expenses and helped us through a difficult period when I was out of a job. I also attended a two-day workshop for unemployed individuals where I learnt how to better write a resume. Shortly after, I found a job and am now back on my feet.” 陈清顺(后排左一) Mr Tan Cheng Soon (top left, with family)




户低收入家庭 在家庭与工友支援计划下获得援助

7,098 households supported by Family and Worker Support Programme



660 families participated in Family Resource Programme



1,100 families participated in CDAC Family Bonding Day 2017

Family Resource Programme

Talks and workshops focusing on financial management, healthy living, marriage and life skills are conducted to help families better manage their challenges. Family bonding activities are also organised to foster family cohesiveness. We also run support groups for single parents, transnational families and families with debts, and provide them with parenting tips and financial management advice.

“Ready for School!”

This is CDAC’s signature project that is held every December. It provides timely support for families to be better prepared for the new school year. 2017’s ‘Ready for School!’ reached out to 6,500 needy families and their 12,350 school-going children. The project was supported by 800 volunteers, 29 partners and sponsors.

Workshops for Job Seekers

Four workshops were conducted in 2017 for rank-and-file job seekers. Three of the four workshops were organised in collaboration with Community Development Councils to share with 108 workers information on SkillsFuture Credit Scheme and advice on their skills training needs. A two-day workshop on “Knowing & Understanding Yourself for a Better Career“ was conducted last September to help job seekers understand themselves better through DISC profiling and improve their interpersonal and communication skills.

请扫描QR码观看“幸福一家” 华助会家庭日2017的精彩画面。 Please scan this QR code to watch CDAC Family Bonding Day 2017 video.

12 陪你知天下 2017年,457名年长者参与了“陪 你知天下”活动,聆听了义工们导 读1,685篇文章。这群义工来自不 同背景(包括学生、教师、记者、退 休人士和工程师等),他们利用新 闻网站、社交媒体和报章,为每场 约30位年长者导读时事新闻,协 助他们掌握社会最新动态。

乐龄加油站 242名年长者在2017年参与了超 过40场“乐龄加油站”活动,内容 包括“身心与你”、 “ 职业达人”和 “美术艺术”等。活动特邀出席嘉 宾包括艺人沈炜竣、名厨张添来和 律师陈俊良。他们和年长者分享各 行业的苦与乐。另外,年长者也学 习各种新事物,例如木箱鼓、四弦 琴、用智能手机拍照、各种手工活 动、中医保健知识和简易体操等。

讲解会 华助会在2017年为640名年长者 和他们的家人举办了三场“公积 金讲解会” ,让年长者更了解公积 金 课 题,如“ 退 休 存 款 计 划 ”和“ 公积金终身入息计划”。为了帮助 年长者了解医疗及护理方面的课 题,华助会在2018年5月推出了新 系列“预先护理计划”讲解会。 乐龄学习之旅 2017年,华助会为586名年长者 主办了17场学习之旅,包括电影 欣赏、参观图书馆,以及其他由初 院和理工学院学生组织的活动。

随着我国人口迅速老化,华助会在2017年推出“幸福乐龄”项 目,通过乐龄学习、康乐活动和乐龄义工服务,帮助年长者度过 积极、有意义的晚年,以及培养社会尊重和关怀长者的意识。

CDAC introduced the Fulfilling Ageing Programme in 2017 to address the needs of a rapidly ageing population. Through senior learning activities and volunteerism, we aim to make ageing exciting and fulfilling, and also hope to nurture a society that respects and cares for senior citizens.


FULFILLING AGEING “我每星期会花几个小时,到华助会中心参加 为年长者举办的活动。这里活动丰富且有意义, 时间过得很充实,让我们优雅度过黄金年华。”

“I spend a few hours at CDAC every week, and there is so much positive energy when seniors come for activities. No one would feel alone, and there is always something meaningful to occupy our time. This is a good way to age gracefully.” 周蕾 Mdm Chou Noi

登高庆重阳 去年农历九月,华助会首次举办重 阳节庆祝活动,带领85名年长者登 上武吉知马山,并享用重阳糕点。 参与者了解了传统文化节日背后 的意义,也一起欢度美好的一天。

请扫描QR码观看“乐龄中秋同乐日” 的精彩画面。 Please scan this QR code to watch the highlights from "Seniors MidAutumn Sports and Fun Day".


News Sharing Programme

In 2017, 457 seniors participated in our programme with 1,685 articles read to them by volunteers at various locations. These volunteers are from different backgrounds, such as students, teachers, reporters, retirees and engineers. In every session, they read to about 30 seniors news and current affairs through websites, social media and newspapers.

Senior Learning Kiosk

This programme served 242 participants over 40 sessions in 2017. The topics covered include Health and Wellness, Everyone’s A Talent and Art & Arts. Special guests - celebrity Nick Shen, chef Eric Teo and lawyer Josephus Tan - were invited to share challenges they faced in their professions and lives. Our seniors also learnt to play Cajon drums and ukelele, smartphone photography, handicrafts, TCM tips and simple exercises.


Information Sharing Session

Three such sessions were held in 2017 and attended by 640 seniors and their family members. Topics such as Retirement Sum Scheme and CPF LIFE were covered to allow seniors to be better informed of these schemes. New topic on Advance Care Planning was introduced in May 2018 to provide seniors a better understanding on how to better manage their health and personal care matters.



2,760 seniors participated in Fulfilling Ageing Programme activities

Senior Learning Journey


位年长义工在幸福乐龄计划 活动中提供协助

192 senior volunteers helped out in Fulfilling Ageing Programme activities

In 2017, 586 seniors participated in 17 learning journeys. These journeys included movie screenings, visiting new libraries, and activities organised by JC and polytechnic students.

Chongyang Festival

For the first time, CDAC organised a Chongyang Festival celebration for seniors. Eighty-five of them trekked up Bukit Timah Hill and enjoyed Chongyang cakes. The participants had a better understanding of this traditional festival while enjoying the good company of their senior friends.



当48岁的李全兴获悉第三级驾照考试失败 时,他非常失望。在华助会职员的鼓励下, 他重新振作,决心再次尝试考取驾照。他在 受访时回忆道: “ 我告诉自己一定行!因为 那攸关我的前途。” 李全兴再次尝试,终于顺利考获第三级驾 照。他很感谢华助会的支持,因为这驾照协 助他获得更多工作,薪金也增加了。他受访 时说: “ 我知道我不是孤立无助的,在需要 时,华助会将伸出援手。”

另一位克服困境的是独自照顾三个女儿的 郑生华(49岁)。他去年申请并获得华助会 “跃升计划”的资助,短短三个星期内成功 考获第四级驾照,并因此获得更好的工作 机会。

郑生华目前在一家物流公司担任重型货车 司机,薪金也增加了。这位谈吐温和但意志 坚定的工友说: “ 为了孩子们,我会继续努 力。”

和郑生华一样坚毅的陈萍萍(63岁),在工 作40年后于2016年被裁退。对前途感到迷 茫的她向华助会和全国职工总会就业与培 训中心(e2i)寻求援助,但仍旧失业超过半 年。 不久前,陈萍萍报名参加华助会举办的两 天求职工作坊。更有信心的她找到了行政 助理的新工作。可惜由于健康理由,她必须 放弃这份工作。乐观的她说: “ 我曾受过与 婴儿按摩有关的培训,正在找这方面的工 作。我会继续努力的。”

“为了孩子们,我会继续 努力。”

“I will continue doing what I can to take care of my children.” 郑生华 Mr Tay Seng Hua

“我知道我不是孤立无 助的,在需要时,华助会 将伸出援手。”

“I am comforted to know I am not in this alone. CDAC will help me.” 李全兴 Mr Lee Chuan Heng


“我曾受过与婴儿按摩 有关的培训,正在找这 方面的工作。我会 继续努力的。”

“I am on the lookout for jobs related to baby massages, an area that I am trained in. I will continue to work hard for it.” 陈萍萍 Mdm Tan Pheng Pheng

When Mr Lee Chuan Heng, 48, failed his Class 3 driving test last year, he was disappointed. But thanks to the encouragement of his CDAC case officer, he drummed up his confidence and was determined to try again. He recalls: “I told myself I could do it – that this was for my future.” Mr Lee passed his driving test at the second attempt. The licence helped him tremendously in that he has been given new assignments using the skills he acquired, thus improving his pay. He is thankful for the support. “I am comforted to know I am not in this alone. CDAC will help me.” Another determined individual is Mr Tay Seng Hua, 49. A single parent with three teenage daughters, he applied for funding under CDAC’s Project RAISE (Realising Aspirations through Skills & Education) last year. After approval, he pursued better employment opportunities by obtaining a Class 4 driving licence. He got the licence within three weeks of enrolment.

Now a heavy-vehicle driver at a logistics company, his salary has increased. The soft-spoken but strong-willed man says: “I will continue doing what I can to take care of my children.” Like Mr Tay, Mdm Tan Pheng Pheng, 63, has an unwavering character. After being employed for 40 years, she felt lost when she was retrenched in 2016. Despite seeking help at the Employment and Employability Institute and CDAC, she was jobless for more than six months. But after attending a two-day workshop by CDAC for unemployed individuals, she gained confidence and got a job as an administrative assistant. Unfortunately, she had to resign due to health reasons. However, she is optimistic. She says: “I am on the lookout for jobs related to baby massages, an area that I am trained in. I will continue to work hard for it.”

16 华助会合作伙伴奖颁奖典礼 华助会于2017年6月23日举办 第四届华助会合作伙伴奖颁奖典 礼。共有350名合作伙伴、义工、捐 助人和利益相关者受邀出席 。当 晚共颁发91个奖项给华助会的合 作伙伴和捐助人,表彰并感谢他 们的贡献。我们也颁发“尚信奖” 给四个自华助会1992年成立以来 就紧密合作的伙伴 - 人民协会、新 加坡印度人发展协会、欧亚裔人 士协会和回教社会发展理事会, 感谢他们过去25年来给予的大力 支持。 开放日 2017年,位于丹戎加东和盛港的 华助会中心分别举办了开放日, 让居民进一步了解华助会和中心 所提供的不同项目和服务 。开放 日活动获得社区伙伴和当地基层 组织大力支持,居民也踊跃参与 其中。

路演 / 社区拓展 / 交流会 华助会通过与学校、基层组织和福 利团体合办活动,把各项目和服务 介绍给更多公众。2017年,华助会 和合作伙伴们共办了21场交流会, 同时也参与由学校和基层组织等 伙伴举办的78场社区拓展活动。 去 年11月,我们在吉丰民众俱乐部举 办路演活动,让更多居民认识及了 解华助会的活动和服务。 与伙伴携手合作 伙伴如华侨中学、莱佛士书院、圣 淘沙发展局和国家图书馆管理局 主办各项活动与合作项目,支持 华助会的受惠人士。

华助会为了方便居民获取援助和服务,已在全岛设立13所中 心。中心也和各别社区伙伴合作,为华助会受惠者和居民主办 相关活动。

CDAC has 13 centres conveniently located across the island, bringing its programmes and services closer to people. The centres also work with partners in the community to organise relevant programmes that engage CDAC beneficiaries and the residents.

社区拓展 与联系

COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENT “我们自2012年就邀请华助会受惠学生参与一年一度 的公司慈善社区回馈活动Sentosa Gives。 很多来自低收 入家庭的孩子没有机会到圣淘沙游玩。 通过这合作项目, 我们把欢乐带给更多孩子。 我们期待和华助会 继续合作。 ”

“Since 2012, we invite beneficiaries of CDAC to participate in our annual community-giving initiative, Sentosa Gives. Many underprivileged children have not been to Sentosa. Through the partnership with CDAC, we bring joy to more children. We look forward to continuing this partnership.” 陈文伟(右一) 圣淘沙发展局企业策划署署长 Mr Chan Mun Wei (right, with colleagues) Divisional Director, Corporate Planning Division Sentosa Development Corporation

请扫描QR码以观看“与您度过25年” (合作伙伴)短片。 Please scan this QR code to watch "Our 25 Years with You" (partners) video.


Partner Awards Presentation Ceremony

The 4th CDAC Partner Awards Presentation Ceremony was held on 23 June 2017. A total of 350 partners, volunteers, donors and stakeholders attended the event. Ninety-one awards were presented to dedicated partners and donors, to recognise and appreciate their contribution. Distinguished Partner Awards were presented to People’s Association (PA), Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA), The Eurasian Association, Singapore (EA) and Yayasan MENDAKI (MENDAKI), for their unwavering support to CDAC since its inception in 1992.

Open House

CDAC@ Tanjong Katong and CDAC@ Sengkang held Open House events in 2017 to let residents have a better understanding of the programmes and services offered by CDAC and the centres. These Open Houses, which were organised with the strong support of partners and local grassroots organisations, received active participation of the residents.

Roadshow/Outreach/ Networking

CDAC reaches out to schools, GROs and VWOs so that they can support us by introducing

CDAC’s programmes and services to more people. We conducted 21 networking sessions with schools, GROs and VWOs in 2017, and participated in 78 outreach activities organised by our partners such as information sharing at school and community events. We also organised a roadshow at Keat Hong Community Club in November, which helped create awareness of CDAC’s programmes and services in the estate.

Collaborations with Partners Partners such as Hwa Chong Institution, Raffles Institution, Sentosa Development Corporation and National Library Board support CDAC programmes by organising activities and programmes for our beneficiaries.





250 partners supported CDAC’s programmes




An average of 565 activities were organised per week at 13 centres




An average of 6,500 participants were served per week at 13 centres





义工迎新会 为了帮助新义工更了解华助会所 推展的计划,我们主办了四场义 工迎新会 。我们欢迎新义工的加 入并感谢他们的支持!

新义工网站 2017年7月,为了更好地管理和与 义工们沟通,我们设立新的义工 网站 。义工可以通过该网站获取 招募详情、义工培训及活动资讯。 我们希望义工们的这趟助人之旅 会有更好的体验。 义工培训与活动 2017年,义工们接受培训的范围 包 括 情 绪 智 商 、沟 通 技 巧 、讲 故 事、新闻课题分享、与年长者建立 关系和急救技能等。通过培训,让 义工们掌握在服务时所需的技能 和相关能力,以便更好地完成任 务 。我们也主办端午节和中秋节 等庆祝活动,促进义工之间的交 流和友谊。

1,297 volunteers actively involved in all CDAC programmes




Volunteers served 32,000 hours



1,158 volunteers attended 56 training programmes

请扫描QR码了解华助会的各项 义务工作项目。 Please scan this QR code to find out more about CDAC's volunteering opportunities.


义工在协助华助会推展各个项目和提供服务方面,扮演着重 要的角色。我们欢迎各界人士,包括受惠者和企业,加入华助 会的义工行列,向有需要的人及家庭伸出援手。

Volunteers play an important role in supporting and delivering our programmes and services. We welcome all, including staff from corporate organisations and beneficiaries, to join our pool of volunteers to reach out to families and individuals in need.

义工联系 与发展


“我当义工最大的收获是了解到所做 的事,不论多么微不足道,都是有意义 的。受惠者脸上的笑容不但激励我成为 一个更好的义工,同时也让我成为 一个更好的人。”

“The greatest impact from my volunteering experience is that every little thing we do makes a difference. The smiles on our beneficiaries’ faces motivate me to not only become a better volunteer, but a better person too.” 义工郭秉璁 Mr Nick Kuek, Volunteer

Volunteers Orientation

Four orientation programmes were conducted for our new volunteers to help them understand CDAC and its programmes. We welcome all on board and look forward to your support!

New Volunteer Portal

This was launched in July 2017 for better management and communication with our volunteers. They can get information on upcoming events, training and activities. We hope volunteers will have a better experience in their journey with CDAC!

Training and Activities for Volunteers

In 2017, various training and courses in areas such as emotional intelligence, communication skills, storytelling, news sharing, connecting with seniors and first-aid skills were conducted. Through this, we build volunteers’ competency and equip them with skills to carry out their work more effectively. Bonding activities such as Dumpling Festival and MidAutumn Festival celebrations were organised to promote interaction and friendship among volunteers.



华助会基金捐款收入 Contributions to CDAC Fund




捐款/赞助 Donations/Sponsorships



政府机构拨款和津贴 Grants & Subsidies from Government Agencies





其他收入(收费和其他) Other Income (Fees & Others)


Total Operating Income




Income 53岁仓库主管陈振凯的家庭收入约 3,000元。陈先生早年患病曾获得华助会 协助,度过人生低潮。懂得饮水思源的他 如今把家庭安排妥当后,决定把卖屋所 得一部分款项捐出,将6,888元捐给华助 会,这使他的累计个人捐款总数达到1万 1315元。他的善举不仅给家人朋友树立 榜样,也为社会有需要人士带来温暖。

Warehouse Supervisor Mr Tan Cheng Hai, 53, earns about $3,000 a month. He received help from CDAC in the past. Now he is ready to give back to society. In the previous few years, he donated twice to CDAC. This year, he decided to up the amount – $6,888, which is from part of the proceeds from the sale of his flat, making his total donation to be $11,315. His act is a good example for his family and friends, in addition to helping the needy.

乐于助人, 不分你我! HELPING OTHERS

“饮水思源是种 美德。华助会帮我一 家人度过艰难的日 子,现在我有能力, 希望这份心意能 帮助其他的人。”

“Being able to give back is a virtue. CDAC helped my family in the past. And now that I have the means to help, I hope my contribution will in turn help other people.”



Expenses 2017

学生与家长教育计划 Student & Parent Education Programme 家庭与工友支援计划 Family & Worker Support Programme 工友提升与就业计划 Workers’ Upgrading & Employment Programme







幸福乐龄计划 Fulfilling Ageing Programme


社区拓展与联系计划 Community Outreach & Engagement Programme



义工联系与发展计划 Volunteers Engagement & Development Programme



华助会-宗乡总会贫困援助金与助学金计划 CDAC-SFCCA Hardship Assistance & Bursary Schemes





行政与监管费用 Administration & Governance Cost


Total Operating Expenses

20,817 2017 2016

户家庭受惠 households benefited

18,824 户家庭受惠 households benefited



22 社区合作伙伴 华助会需要合作伙伴们的 支持,才能落实各个援助项 目和活动。以下是华助会的 一些杰出合作伙伴,这些组 织和公司都为扶持社群作 出了重大贡献。

Community Partners CDAC alone will not be able to put in place all its programmes and initiatives. Partners play an important part in the success of our programmes. The following are some of our outstanding partners who have made significant contributions and supported us in uplifting the disadvantaged in our community.

武吉班让 政府中学

Bukit Panjang Government High School

“我们的学生明白,身为公民,他们可对社区做出贡献。一 群中三学生为华助会的小学受惠学生,构思和举办六月学 校假期活动。另一组学生则与华助会中心职员合作,策划 符合参与者需求的活动。”

“Our students understand that as citizens, they have a role to play in the community. Some Secondary 3 students took up work attachments at CDAC to plan and run June holiday programmes for primary-school pupils, while others worked with various centre managers to plan programmes that meet the needs of participants.” 王淑真 课程辅助部门主任 Mrs Ong Seok Jean Head of Department, Co-Curriculum Programme


Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

“滨海艺术中心与华助会合作已有八年,携手将艺术带入 社区。我们相信艺术的变革力量,并且很高兴华助会认同 我们的理念,鼓励社区参与艺术活动。与华助会的合作让 许多没有机会接触艺术的人,有机会感受艺术的魅力。”

“Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay has worked with CDAC the last eight years to bring the arts closer to the community. We believe in the transformative power of the arts, and are happy that CDAC shares our common understanding to engage communities-in-need in meaningful experiences. CDAC has been a great partner in our efforts to reach those who might not have had the opportunity to experience this.” 刘美君 社区活动策划主管 Ms Grace Low Head, Community Engagement

拉丁马士 民众俱乐部

Radin Mas Community Club

“拉丁马士民众俱乐部与华助会合 作已有四年了。我们为年长居民,尤 其是来自弱势背景的年长者,举办 多场资讯科技培训学习坊 。这项合 作计划十分成功,让我们能够协助 许多年长者跨越数码鸿沟。”

“Radin Mas Community Club has been collaborating with CDAC for more than four years. We have conducted a number of IT workshops for elderly residents, especially for the under-privileged. This partnership has been very fruitful and satisfying, providing us with the opportunity to reach out and help bridge the digital gap for the elderly.” 伍耀堂 民众俱乐部管理委员会副主席 Mr Fabian Ng Yaw Tong Vice Chairman, Radin Mas Community Club Management Committee


Fajar Secondary School

“我们的学生领袖享受策划和执行 活动的过程,以及和中心学生的交 流。学生们也从实际助人体验中收获 良多。校方和华助会都认同应该给予 学生领袖决策权,并相信他们能把活 动安排妥当并顺利执行。 ”

“Our student leaders enjoy working with children at the centre, while at the same time getting involved in planning and executing student-initiated activities, thereby getting an authentic learning experience on helping others. The school and CDAC believe in empowering our student leaders to take ownership of programmes. We trust and have faith in them to deliver these programmes well.” 陈维德 学生领袖委员会主任 Mr Chin Wey Thur Subject Head, Student Leadership Committee

23 自助团体联合中心



"Walk with Me" Parent Education Series

位于义顺11街第145座底层的自助团 体联合中心于2018年1月2日开始运 作。该中心是由华助会、新加坡印度人 发展协会、欧亚裔人士协会和回教社会 发展理事会等自助团体合办。中心提供 一个共同空间,让不同种族人士进行文 化交融以及为不同族群主办活动。中心 将于今年8月5日正式开幕。

“伴我行”家长教育系列于2018年3月 10日推出,由也是华助会义工的新传 媒艺人向云担任亲善大使。教育系列着 重帮助家长掌握扶持孩子社交和情绪 管理的技能,协助孩子应对四个学业过 渡阶段(幼稚园到小一、小学低年级到 高年级、小六到中学和中学低年级到高 年级)。

The ‘Vibrance @ Yishun’ Self-Help Groups Centre, a collaboration of the four Self-Help Groups: the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA), The Eurasian Association, Singapore (EA) and Yayasan MENDAKI (MENDAKI), started operation on 2 January 2018. The centre is located at Blk 145 Yishun Street 11. It provides a common space for different races to bond and integrate, and offers programmes to serve all ethnic groups. The official opening of the centre will be held on 5 August 2018.

The "Walk with Me" Parent Education Series was launched on 10 March 2018. Mediacorp artiste Xiang Yun, who is also a CDAC volunteer, is the Ambassador for the series. The education series focuses on equipping parents with skills to support their child’s social and emotional needs/development during the four academic transition phases (K2 to P1, lower primary to upper primary, P6 to S1, and lower secondary to upper secondary). 请扫描QR 码观赏“ 爸妈伴我行: 向云篇”精华片段。 Please scan QR code to watch the highlights of Ms Xiang Yun's parenting experiences.



Granny Quilt Project

Volunteers’ Day

一群华助会年长义工缝制了150条百 纳被,准备在今年下半年送给社区内 的新生儿。每条百纳被由100块小布组 成,象征100个祝福。

华助会将于今年9月23日举行 第12届的华助会义工日。华助会借着 这项两年一度的义工日,感谢和表扬 杰出义工与长期服务的义工。

A group of CDAC senior volunteers have sewn 150 Bliss Blankets. They will be giving these to newborns in the community in the second half of 2018. Each blanket is made up of 100 pieces of cloth, each bearing a blessing.

The 12th CDAC Volunteers’ Day will be held on 23 September. This biennial event will recognise and appreciate outstanding and long-serving volunteers.


CDAC Family Bonding Day

2018年“幸福一家”华助会家庭日将于 7月28日在新加坡环球影城举办。对于 很多家庭来说,这可能是他们第一次 到访影城。真让人期待! CDAC Family Bonding Day 2018 will be held on 28 July at Universal Studios Singapore (USS). For many of our families, this could be their first trip to USS! We all look forward to the day.

关于 我们

About CDAC

华社自助理事会是个非盈利自助团 体,于1992年由新加坡宗乡会馆联 合总会和新加坡中华总商会联合发 起。我们为较弱势族群提供各项计划 和援助,通过自助与互助,协助他们 发挥潜能,力争上游。 Jointly set up by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) in 1992, the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) is a non-profit self-help group for the Chinese community. We offer programmes and assistance schemes to help the less privileged in the community, to maximise their potential and strive for social mobility through self-help and mutual support.





伸出你的援手 有困难大家相助 伸出你的援手 齐心齐力全心全意

(副歌) 一人一小步 一人一点心

词 / 曲:林少芬

一步一步向前走 有风雨你我同路 一步一步向前走 社会变得更美丽

社会大进步 社会更温馨

伸出你的援手 有困难大家相助 伸出你的援手 齐心齐力全心全意


一步一步向前走 有风雨你我同路 一步一步向前走 社会变得更美丽

A Little From All

Music by Lim Sau Hoong Lyrics by Edwin Chan & Lim Sau Hoong

Reach out a helping hand Let’s all do what we can When troubles fall we stand tall When storms come we heed the call Reach out a helping hand Let’s all do what we can With all our heart and soul We make this family whole (Chorus) Bit by bit from all Together we have more Hand in hand we stand Together we all can We all can

询问 热线

Enquiry Hotlines

一般询问 学生 家庭 年长者/工友 义工



6841 4889 6603 5555 6603 5599 6603 5566 6841 4889

General Student Family Senior/Worker Volunteer CDACsg CDAC_sg CDACMedia

开放时间 Opening Hours 星期一至五 Mon-Fri--------1pm-10pm 星期六至日 Sat-Sun--------10am-5pm

CDAC Centres

@ Ang Mo Kio Blk 201 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 #01-1648 S560201 T: 6456 4541

@ Tampines Blk 158 Tampines St 12 #01-77 S521158 T: 6783 4649

@ Bedok Blk 138 Bedok North St 2 #01-185 S460138 T: 6241 7994

@ Tanjong Katong 65 Tanjong Katong Road S436957 T: 6603 5577

@ Bukit Panjang Blk 270 Bangkit Road #01-22 S670270 T: 6465 4411

@ Toa Payoh 381 Lor 1 Toa Payoh L2 Building S319758 T: 6258 8339

@ Jurong Blk 421 Jurong West St 42 #01-1045 S640421 T: 6569 3573 @ Punggol Blk 512 Hougang Ave 10 #01-67 S530512 T: 6387 5455 @ Redhill Blk 83 Redhill Lane #01-85 S150083 T: 6475 6567

这支短片传达了“一人一 点心,社会更温馨”的信 息 —— 如 果 每 个 人 都 能 贡献出一点善心,来帮助 有 需 要 的 人 ,我 们 的 社 会,将会变得更美好,更 温馨。

@ Yew Tee Blk 627 Choa Chu Kang St 62 #01-160 S680627 T: 6765 3302 自助团体联合中心

@ Sengkang Blk 321B Anchorvale Drive #01-196 S542321 T: 6312 5329

华助会首支短片 《一人一点心》 华助会于去年六月制作 了首支短片——《一人一 点心》。短片根据华助会 一对义工夫妇的故事改 编,再现了退休教育工作 者引导邻里小孩向善向 上的真心。

@ Woodlands Blk 680 Woodlands Ave 6 #01-764 S730680 T: 6891 0992

Self-Help Groups Centre Vibrance @ Yishun Blk 145 Yishun St 11 #01-41 S760145 T: 6752 7760

CDAC's First Short Film, A Little from All CDAC produced its first short film, A Little from All, last June. The film was inspired by a true story of a retired CDAC volunteer couple, and it depicts their passion and commitment to guide neighbourhood kids towards goodness and be motivated to learn. It conveys the message of “A little from all, together is more” -- meaning each one can contribute to help those in need to build a better and warm community.

请扫描QR码观看华助会首支短片《一人一点心》。 Please scan this QR code to watch CDAC's first short film, A Little from All.

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