January Extension Connection 2022 Teaser

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Greetings and happy new year! Once again we’re taking a breather from the full magazine in preparation for our Annual Report to the Community in February. We’re not taking a breather from our education and outreach mission, but we are in fact, taking some time to reflect on our offerings and the factors that drive what we deliver to the community. CCE Sullivan has been exploring multiple local and statewide partnerships in the area of public health to do our part in supporting a shift in our community’s wellness. We partner with Sullivan County Public Health Services (Public Health) to keep a viable and thriving Healthy Families program going in the county. The Ag & Food Systems team works with Sullivan Allies Leading Together (SALT) and CCE Orange County to bring locally sourced, fresh, wholesome foods across Sullivan County through the Nourish NY program, supporting healthy families and the local agricultural economy. Our Nutrition and Healthy Families team is working through Cornell University’s Public Health Essentials e-course with our friends at Sullivan 180, Public Health, Action Towards Independence, and SNAP-Ed to ensure our teams understand how to build public health concepts into all we do. At the same time, 4-H Youth Development staff is bringing project-based work right into school buildings, meeting youngsters where they’re at and reducing the burden on parents. And, we’re working on surveying the community at-large as a member of the Sullivan County Hands4Health Network to understand how best to serve disconnected residents through a Community Health Worker program. Network and coalition building is nebulous and fuzzy work. Sometimes it’s hard to translate it quickly into workshops and classes that are interesting to the community at-large. But these activities are also serving as feeder exercises into the development of CCE Sullivan’s next five-year strategic plan. So, while you may be missing a bit of the hands-on, experiential learning programs you’ve come to know and expect from CCE Sullivan, please rest assured that this period of reflection is necessary for us to understand the community at large, your needs, wishes, and interests, and that as a staff team, we will use what we learn to continue to bring you evidence-based programs and experiences that will support individual, family, farm, and community wellness in the months and years to come. This is just one set of reflections from 2021. I look forward to sharing more in February’s Annual Report to the Community. Until Until then, I wish you all the best in the new year.

Colleen Monaghan, Executive Director | cm638@cornell.edu

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