Homefront magazine October 2013

Page 16

family time

wo r s h i p

overflowing love Without love, our faith becomes futile. As an act of worship this month, spend some time focusing on the love that God pours into us, and how as a response to that love we can pour that love out onto those around us. Begin this worship activity by calling your family together. Find somewhere comfortable to sit—this might be around the table, on your sofa, or even on the floor. Each family member will take turns verbally sharing one or more things they love about another family member. Explain to your children that in doing this, they’re both receiving and giving love.

We often think of worship as singing, but we can worship God in many different ways.

Remind your family that as followers of Christ, we’re called to love others out of the overflow of the love God has given to us. Then read 1 John 4:19–20. After reading, take turns sharing again, but this time have family members recognize one or more ways God has shown His love to them. Then, as a response to God’s love, encourage your family to brainstorm and choose one or more people upon whom God might be calling you to pour out His love. As an act of worship, find at least one tangible way for your family to show God’s love to this person. This might be taking a meal to a sick or elderly neighbor, offering babysitting for a couple in need of a date night, writing a note of appreciation for a teacher, or any number of other acts of love. Pray together as a family, thanking God for His overflowing, neverending love. by Alyson Crockett


LOVE AND RESPECT | HomeFrontMag.com

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