Jana's Campaign, Inc. 2009-2012 Progress Report

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OUR STORY WE BELIEVE IN THE ‘POWER OF THE STORY.’ Many great social movements have been driven and motivated by a series of stories, or one single story that moves people to action. We believe it is our responsibility to share the story of Jana’s life and the story of Jana’s death to reduce gender-based violence. This story is about who Jana was,

her beliefs, how she lived her life, her efforts to protect women, and her pursuit of social justice. Her powerful story is also about how she died as a victim of dating violence. We have given Jana’s name and face to the global movement of reducing violence against women. We see her as a

symbol of the millions of women worldwide who have, and continue to, suffer from this social disease. We believe in the power of the story. We believe in the power of Jana Mackey’s story to move people.

“THE WAY WE SEE IT, WE HAVE TWO CH CAN EITHER GRIEVE, OR WE CA Of the 1,197 people who died as a result of domestic and dating violence in the U.S. in 2008, one of them was Jana Lynne Mackey. Rather than celebrate the 4th of July weekend with family and friends, the Brungardt and Mackey families planned Jana’s funeral.

“If our work can help educate, encourage, or motivate just one person to stop or get out of a dangerous situation, I feel like we have honored Jana’s life and have done our job in continuing her work.” » Jennifer Berry Board Member

Since meeting that goal, Jana’s family, friends and supporters decided to narrow their future work to Jana’s passion of working to reduce gender-based violence. It was their deep desire to turn Jana’s tragedy into something positive for others. So, on December 10, 2009, and as part of the International 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, Curt and Christie Brungardt officially announced the creation of Jana’s Campaign Inc.. At a Topeka, Kansas, press conference, the Brungarts’ laid out their plans on how they intended to create a movement to reduce domestic and dating violence.

On July 9, 2008, speakers at “Jana’s Celebration of Life” service called on the 1,100 people in attendance to pick up her fallen torch and find the courage to carry her work forward. “It is our hope that her single torch will soon become eleven hundred torches,” said speaker Curt Brungardt. “Eleven hundred others making a difference in our world.” Jana’s Campaign’s first, and most important Moments after the funeral, people began work, started immediately with encouraging sharing their ideas of service in honor of the Kansas Legislature to support the Jana. Days later, friends started a website “domestic violence designation (tag) bill.” and created an organized effort to document Three months later, Kansas Governor Mark stories of community service and Eleven Parkinson, signed the bill into law. In the Hundred Torches: Jana’s Call to Action spring of 2011, Jana’s Campaign established campaign was born. The mission of this its national board of directors, adopted its campaign was simply to encourage hundreds current organizational by-laws and received of people to serve others in her honor and federal 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable status make a difference in their communities. by the IRS. Later that year, the board of The goal was to record 1,100 stories of directors drafted and established the community service. On October 12, 2009, strategic direction and program focus areas. the campaign documented its 1,100th story. Most recently in 2012, a capital campaign These stories of community service came was launched to raise the resources we from 19 states and 4 foreign countries. need to establish a strong organizational Over 1,300 acts of service were actually foundation. recorded by the end of 2010.

O CHOICES. WE E CAN GRIEVE AND ACT. WE CHOSE THE LATTER.” » Drs. Curt & Christie Brungardt Jana’s Campaign Founders

ABOUT JANA The most unlikely of domestic violence victims, Jana Mackey, was found dead in her ex-boyfriend's home on July 3, 2008. The 25-year-old KU law student was an advocate for women's rights and had spent years volunteering to aid victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. As a passionate social and women's activist, Jana fought for equality and social justice at every turn. Jana's young life was filled with examples of a young successful activist. As an undergraduate women's studies student, she organized the Kansas delegation of Kansas women who marched on Washington D.C. in 2004. She served as a staff member on both state and national campaigns for female candidates. She actively participated in the Kansas Commission on the Status of Women. From 2004-2006, Jana served as a lobbyist at the Kansas State Capitol, where she represented the Kansas National Organization for Women. Despite being one of the youngest lobbyists in the State Capitol, she effectively promoted a pro-women's agenda. Time and time again, Jana showed her courage and her ability as a skilled negotiator fighting for issues most important to women. Finally, Jana's short career included six years of volunteerism at the GaDuGi Safe Center. There, Jana was described as "honey on steel," working to reduce all forms of violence against women. In March of 2008, Jana attended a women's leadership conference where she was asked to prioritize her top personal values. Jana identified her most important value as "equality for all persons," and her second most important as "the courage to stand up for her own beliefs." Jana 'walked' her values. With these values, coupled with her years of activism, lobbying and political experience, Jana believed that a law degree was the next step in her journey to become the most effective advocate possible for women and other underrepresented groups. Jana Lynne Mackey was the kind of woman that inspired others. She inspired through her words, her song, her actions. Jana was beautiful, intelligent and kind. She was an advocate, a friend, a sister, a daughter. She was magnetic. She was a bright spot in an ordinary day. She was a hero.


OUR MISSION In honor of the late Jana Mackey and other victims of domestic violence, a committed group of activists created Jana’s Campaign Inc., with the single mission of reducing domestic and dating violence. “We believe it is our responsibility to use the story of Jana’s life and the story of her death to help reduce violence against women.” Through program activities, Jana’s Campaign aims to play a significant role in breaking the cycle of domestic violence and aspires to be a catalyst for social change. Partnering with other advocates, victims, educators, the criminal justice system and lawmakers, Jana’s Campaign seeks to reduce and respond to domestic violence by pursuing a dual strategy. First, through public awareness related activities, the campaign encourages thousands of ordinary citizens to get actively involved in this serious issue. Secondly, Jana’s Campaign activists focus on the key issues of prevention and education, intervention programs, and public policy advocacy.

"Jana's Campaign is a group of advocates committed to reducing domestic violence and all forms of gender-based violence at every level– locally, nationally and globally." » Luo Zhai Board Member

The life of Jana Mackey was about equality, love and justice. Jana’s Campaign, Inc. was created by her family and friends to help make Jana’s values become reality. We are confident that we are heading in the right direction in building a strong, caring and impactful organization that has the capability of producing powerful results. We are a national group of activists, advocates and volunteers who are committed to continuing Jana’s work of protecting women. At the heart of our movement are Dr. Christie Brungardt (Jana’s mother) and Dr. Curt Brungardt (Jana’s stepfather). Both Christie and Curt are professors of leadership studies at Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas. Dr. Christie Brungardt’s expertise includes women and leadership and women’s studies, while Dr. Curt Brungardt specializes in political leadership, social change, and community organizing.


Jennifer Berry

Dr. Christie Brungardt

Dr. Curt Brungardt

San Diego, CA

Hays, KS

Hays, KS

“Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in total of all of those acts will be written the history of a generation…. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage that human history is thus shaped.” » Robert Kennedy 1966

OUR PHILOSOPHY Our vision is that Jana’s Campaign will play a significant role in reducing domestic violence. We believe that working with thousands of other passionate advocates from around the world, this social disease can be eradicated in a single generation. Simply, we plan to do our part to build a safer world. The massive scale of social problems like domestic violence is often viewed as so overwhelming that it hinders our ability to act. The magnitude of the problem often discourages many of us and lends us to believe that we are helpless in making a real difference. We at Jana’s Campaign view this situation differently. We recast the larger social problem of domestic violence as a series of manageable issues; each with identifiable opportunities and solutions. In essence, gender-based violence can be effectively addressed by tackling smaller related issues, one by one, over an extended period of time. Many smaller incremental changes and improvements equals transformational change.

» Dr. Curt Brungardt Jana’s Campaign President

We at Jana’s Campaign endorse a strategy of pursuing smaller victories to address this massive social disease. To us, many small victories equals substantial progress. From doing prevention work at Hays High School, to expanding batterers intervention programs in Kansas, to lobbying for the national Violence Against Women Act, to our international public awareness videos, we believe the sum total of many minor improvements can substantially contribute to reducing gender-based violence on a large scale.

Jana’s Campaign has an unwavering commitment for results and impact that produces a series of small victories. Like building blocks, these improvements and program successes build on each other and reinforce positive change. We are a group of grassroots activists who have built an organization that focuses on producing results and creating real impact.

Sara Brungardt

Samantha Butler

Dr. Heather Lambert

Kelly Parker

Mark Russell

Luo Zhai

Hays, KS

Hays, KS

Lincoln, NE

Manitou Springs, CO

Houston, TX

Boston, MA

Supporting the Brungardts are dozens of advocates, including Jana’s Campaign staff members, active board members, college interns, and volunteers all working at the local, state, national and international level to reduce gender–based violence.



Jana’s Campaign believes in the power of speaking out about the issues of domestic violence. We are committed to bringing awareness to the seriousness of relationship violence and encouraging a larger conversation. Jana’s Campaign further believes that community volunteers can be mobilized in various ways to reduce domestic violence.

Jana’s Campaign believes that major educational efforts at all levels are needed to end the cycle of violence against women. Furthermore, we believe that effective offender intervention programs can help reduce the cycle and escalation of domestic violence.

» Bringing awareness to domestic and dating violence, board members, Curt and Christie Brungardt, have provided over one hundred presentations and workshops throughout the United States. Presentations were conducted throughout many communities in Kansas, as well as in the states of Missouri, Colorado, Nebraska, Texas, New Mexico, Rhode Island, California, Florida, the city of Washington D.C. and the U.S. Virgin Islands. (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012)

» Jana’s Campaign has partnered and supported Options (the domestic violence and sexual assault service agency of northwest Kansas) and other related organizations and agencies, by hosting the annual Northwest Kansas Domestic Violence Summit. This conference is designed to provide the most up-to-date information on domestic violence for those in law enforcement, the criminal justice system and advocates. (2011, 2012)

» We have developed, produced and distributed the video, Jana’s Story. The goal of this video is to bring awareness to domestic violence and to call people to action. As of December 2012, tens of thousands of people from 174 countries have viewed the video. (2011, 2012)

» Through our work in distributing the Jana’s Story video, we have supported efforts to include this video in educational programs. These efforts include state, regional and national educational conferences and the training of domestic violence advocates. Currently, the FBI uses the video as a part of its firearms retail certification training. (2011, 2012)

» Jana’s Campaign has actively participated in the United Nations Say No-UNiTE to End Violence Against Women campaign. We contributed to this international action campaign by submitting the Jana’s Story video with Chinese captions and have worked with others in developing a worldwide network of engaging men’s programs around the world. (2010, 2011, 2012) » Jana’s Campaign has actively participated in The16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence sponsored by Rutgers University. Our activities included the establishment and kickoff event of Jana’s Campaign (2009), The Chinese translation of 16 days of Activism material (2011), and the translation of Jana’s Story video into Chinese and Spanish. (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012). » Through our own work with the Eleven Hundred Torches campaign, we have recruited over 400 volunteers to work in both the prevention and service side of the domestic violence field. These volunteers come from 17 states and 4 foreign countries. (2008, 2009, 2010)


» Working in conjunction with the Kansas Women’s Leadership Conference, Jana’s Campaign assisted with the implementation of a two-year women’s clothing drive to assist victims of domestic violence and others in need. (2009, 2010) » In recognition and support of Jana Mackey’s Day of Service, we have coordinated community service volunteer events in both Hays and Lawrence, Kansas. Activities included bringing awareness to domestic violence, public policy advocacy and providing service information. (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) » In collaboration with the University of Kansas Community Toolbox, we have developed and distributed a volunteer toolkit and “take action” material for those in the general public who are interested in working in the domestic violence field. (2011) » Through our various social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, Mailchimp, etc.), we have built an online community of nearly 5,000 supporters who assist us in bringing awareness to gender-based violence. (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) » Jana’s Campaign has actively promoted the new initiative, Jana’s Closet, established by Trinity Lutheran Church of Hays, Kansas. In honor of Jana, this church has created a free women’s clothing shop for those in need including domestic violence victims. (2011, 2012)

» Jana’s Campaign board members have worked closely with middle and high school teachers, administrators and students on important dating violence prevention activities in the Kansas communities of Hill City, Hays, Wichita and Overland Park. Our activities also include working with and presenting at the northwest Kansas regional and state FCCLA conferences. (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) » As co-chairs of the Kansas Domestic Violence Batterers Intervention Program Advisory Board, board members, Curt and Christie Brungardt, have worked closely with the Kansas Attorney General to improve and expand Batterers Intervention Programs (BIP) throughout Kansas. These actions include the development and enforcement of certified standards for BIP providers and the expansion of these programs throughout the state. (2010, 2011, 2012) » In partnership with Women’s Leadership Project at FHSU, Jana’s Campaign board members, Luo Zhai, Christie Brungardt and Curt Brungardt, conducted a state-wide assessment of the Kansas judicial system’s perception, understanding and use of domestic violence intervention programs. This comprehensive report was submitted to the Kansas Attorney General’s Office. (2011, 2012) » Board member, Curt Brungardt, has worked directly with BIP providers in Kansas and Missouri by personally addressing domestic violence offenders in group therapy sessions. He shares Jana’s story and appeals to them to continue their work of addressing their abusive behaviors. (2010, 2011, 2012)

D ACTIONS PUBLIC POLICY ADVOCACY Jana’s Campaign believes that traditional government and other non-profit agencies should improve and expand their efforts to reduce domestic violence. Government actions, and the work of related non-government organizations, have a profound effect on how women experience freedom from domestic violence.

» Jana’s Campaign partnered with other key stakeholders in Hays, Kansas, to improve that community’s response to sexual assault. This action resulted in the Hays Medical Center providing Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) for northwest Kansas. (2009, 2010) » Board members partnered with the Kansas Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board and the Office of the Kansas Attorney General to spearhead Kansas House Bill 2517-Kansas Domestic Violence Designation Law. This bill passed the Kansas Legislature and was signed into law by Governor Mark Parkinson in April of 2010. (2010) » In support of the Kansas Attorney General’s Office, Jana’s Campaign lobbied for Kansas Senate Bill 304- The Batterers Intervention Certification Act. This bill passed the Kansas Legislature and was signed into law by Governor Sam Brownback in May of 2011. (2011) » Board members actively participated in the Rules and Regulations Process authorized by HB 2517 and SB 304 under the direction of the Kansas Attorney General’s Office. (2010, 2011, 2012) » Board members, Curt Brungardt and Mark Russell, encouraged the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) with the Kansas and Texas Congressional Delegation on Capitol Hill (Washington, DC). As of December 2012, Congress has not passed this national legislation. (2011, 2012) » Board member, Mark Russell, of Houston, Texas, was elected to the state-wide Texas Domestic Violence Public Policy Committee in 2012. This statewide task force provides recommendations to the Texas Legislature and Governor on policies related to domestic violence. Also in 2012, Mark was elected president of the Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA) board of directors. This organization provides direct services to families victimized by domestic violence by providing legal support, education and batterers intervention programs in Houston, Texas. (2011, 2012) » Board member, Curt Brungardt, is serving on the Kansas Justice Reinvestment Working Group. Under the direction of the Council of State Governments, this task force provides recommendations on reducing correction spending, while at the same time, looking for innovative ways to make our community safer. (2012) » Jana’s Campaign board member, Heather Lambert, of Lincoln, Nebraska, has served as board president of the domestic violence and sexual assault service agency of southeast Nebraska from 2007-2013. As part of her work, Heather has worked to improve state and local government response to gender-based violence. (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) » Jana’s Campaign encouraged and supported the South Hutchinson (Kansas) Police Department in organizing a coordinated community response team designed to involve the entire community in the response to domestic violence. (2012)



Jana’s Campaign believes that men and boys should be actively engaged in confronting male violence against women and girls. We believe “real men” take a stand and speak out against inequality, sexism, and violence against women. While only a small minority of men harm women, we recognize the importance that all men and boys should participate and be proactive in preventing such violence.

Jana’s Campaign believes that colleges and universities should be mobilized to reduce gender-based violence. This includes (A) encouraging higher education to improve their response to gender violence on campus, and (B) encouraging higher education to play a more active role in using their resources to reduce domestic violence in the communities and states in which they reside.

» Board member Curt Brungardt has provided numerous presentations to men’s groups on the role they can play in reducing violence against women. (2010, 2011, 2012) » Working with the U.S. Office on Women’s Health (Region VII) board member Curt Brungardt has provided both a keynote presentation and a conference workshop on the important role men can play in reducing gender-based violence. (2011, 2012) » Board member Curt Brungardt provided the lead-off address to the International Y Factor Conference in San Francisco, CA. The Future’s Without Violence Summit brought men’s groups, who work on reducing violence, together to build an international coalition and share best practices. (2012) » Jana’s Campaign representatives have actively participated and provided presentations at the all-male public awareness community event Walk a Mile in Her Shoes in both Hays and Great Bend, Kansas. (2010, 2011, 2012)


» Jana’s Campaign has participated and supported the University of Kansas Emily Taylor Women’s Resource Center in the establishment of the Jana Mackey Distinguished Lecture Series. This speaker series was developed in 2009 for the purpose of bringing speakers to the KU campus to discuss important issues related to gender equality. (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) » Board members and FHSU faculty members, Curt and Christie Brungardt, have established the Women’s Leadership Project (WLP) at Fort Hays State University. The purpose of the WLP is to promote gender equality and empower women and girls to be leaders of tomorrow. (2010, 2011, 2012) » Board members, Curt and Christie Brungardt, have provided numerous presentations on college campuses about dating violence and abusive relationship behaviors in the states of Kansas, Nebraska and Texas. They also provided a state-wide presentation to the Kansas College Counselors Association on the issues of campus response to gender-based violence. (2010, 2011, 2012) » In partnership with the Women’s Leadership Project at FHSU, Jana’s Campaign has co-sponsored events on campus to educate and bring awareness to the issues of gender-based violence. These activities have included a campus-wide forum on international violence against women, and the issue of human trafficking in Kansas (U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom). (2010, 2011, 2012) » Jana’s Campaign has supported and encouraged the establishment of new policies, protocols and the training of university personnel on the FHSU campus to better respond to gender based violence. This support helped establish a part-time sexual assault advocate by Options at FHSU. (2011, 2012) » In collaboration with the Women’s Leadership Project and the Department of Justice Studies, Jana’s Campaign has established and promoted a series of self-defense classes for Fort Hays State University students and members of the Hays community. (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) » Board members, Curt and Christie Brungardt, have provided several regional and national academic conference presentations on the role higher education can play in reducing gender-based violence. They also provided a national webinar with Campus Compact for college faculty on improving campus response to these issues. (2010, 2011, 2012) » Partnering with the Women’s Leadership Project, Jana’s Campaign has participated in the collegiate Red Flag Campaign on the FHSU campus. This activity brings awareness to dating violence on college campuses and encourages students to look for warning signs (or red flags) in their relationships. (2010, 2011, 2012)

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Launched in 2012, Jana’s Capital Campaign is our first fundraising effort that is designed to provide us with the financial resources needed to build a strong, caring and impactful organization. Separate from our annual membership drive, the purpose of this fundraising campaign is to give us a jumpstart in building a solid financial foundation. This campaign seeks initial financial gifts from our current friends and supporters, as well as those new individuals and organizations just now learning about us. To complete our capital campaign, we hope to raise an additional $30,000 in 2013. All donors to our capital campaign are recognized through our annual report. Founding Members are part of our permanent record and are recognized through our website. All contributions, large and small, are highly appreciated. Jana's Campaign is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization and all contributions are tax deductible under section 170 of The Internal Revenue Service. Jana’s Campaign has been successful in raising resources to build a strong organizational foundation and to enhance our programming impact.


$103,570.21 *Contributions recieved in 2013 are not included here.

FOUNDING MEMBER & VISIONARY CLUB $5000 + Curt & Christie Brungardt » Hays, KS Lawrence Community Event » Lawrence, KS Marcella Patterson » Anthony, KS Mark & Sylvia Russell » Houston, TX Omer G. Voss Jr. Family Fund » San Francisco, CA FOUNDING MEMBER $1000 – $4999 Eastman Fund » Houston, TX Heather & Korbin Lambert » Lincoln, NE Mass Mutual Financial » Stuart, FL Morgan Stanley Financial » Andover, MA Stan & Joyce Newell » Hays, KS Leanne Olson-Memorial » Wichita, KS Randy Patterson » Anthony, KS Sharon & Don Schinstock » Nickerson, KS Soroptimist-South Central Region » Dodge City, KS Cathy Spicer » Anthony, KS Cindy Summers » Kiowa, KS Ellen Sward » Lawrence, KS Luo (Jessie) Zhai » Boston, MA Zhuping Zhai & Xuihua Wan » Jiangsu, China GOLD RIBBON CLUB MEMBER $500 – $999 Gail Agrawal » North Liberty, IA Verda Belle Base-Memorial » Kingman, KS

Gary & Diane Bolton » Council Grove, KS Brian & Samantha Butler » Hays, KS Council Grove Lake Association » Council Grove, KS Lawrence & Eva Gould » Hays, KS Andy & Joyce Hutter » Council Grove, KS Tiffany Muller » Washington D.C. Anne Munch » Denver, CO Pat & Chardell Parke » Hays, KS Kelley & Daryn Parker » Manitou Springs, CO Ronnie Patterson » Anthony, KS Steve & Betsy Six » Lawrence, KS Sam Spicer » Kiowa, KS Warren & Beverly Stafford » Hill City, KS SILVER RIBBON CLUB MEMBER $100 – $499 Susan Amrein » Hays, KS Mike & Jill Arensdorf » Hays, KS Sandra & Bob Bainter » Hays, KS Bank of Kansas » Anthony, KS Cari Jo & Jeff Base » Kingman, KS Elton & Wendy Beougher » Hays, KS Megan Bergling » Hays, KS Tammy Bohm » Scadia, KS Jeff & Joleen Briggs » Hays, KS Sara Brungardt » Hays, KS Jeff & Katherine Burnett » Hays, KS Chad Butler » Prairie Village, KS Jonathan Robbens & Autumn Butler » Hays, KS Jordan Calvery » Hays, KS Lou & Harriet Caplan » Hays, KS Tim & Mona Chapman » Hays, KS

Kristina Claar » Castle Rock, CO Corwin Friends » Anthony, KS Dennis & Ellen Delay » Council Grove, KS Shelia Doxon » Hutchinson, KS Jonathan Earle & Leslie Tuttle » Lawrence, KS Terra Eck » Andale, KS Cindy Elliott » Hays, KS Dorothy Fulton » Hays, KS Rod & Michelle Fairbank » Hays, KS Mike & Sarah Fleenor » Hays, KS Jackie & Wayne Gottschalk » Schoenchen, KS Justin & Pam Greenleaf » Hays, KS Mario & Karen Gutierrez » Hays, KS Steven & Dorthy Halley » Topeka, KS Gerry Heil » Hays, KS Daron & Heather Jamison » Hays, KS Rick & Gayle Johnson » Tulsa, OK Kathy Kelley » Hays, KS Jeff & Angie Klaus » Wichita, KS Marina Knudsen » Lakewood, CO LeAnn & Ivan Koblitz » Hazelton, KS William & Stephanie Kramer » Hays, KS Kerry Lannan » Kansas City, MO Randy & Sherry Leiker » Hays, KS Judi Lewis » Emporia, KS Todd & Sarah Mackey » Hays, KS Tisa Mason » Hays, KS Chad & Sarah McCarty » Hays, KS Debbie Mercer » Manhattan, KS Eric Meyer » Hays, KS Darrell Hamlin & Shala Mills » Hays, KS Jessica Mortinger » Lawrence, KS

Aaron Muth » Scottsdale, AZ Regan Ochs » Hays, KS Kenton & Carol Olliff » Hays, KS Mark Ottley » Hays, KS Trevor Ottley » Hays, KS John & Pam Peck » Lake Quivira, KS Dennis & Ruth Perry » Anthony, KS AJ & Linda Pfannenstiel » Hays, KS Tonja Pfannenstiel » Henderson, NV John Raacke & Jennifer Bonds-Raacke » Hays, KS Phil & Beth Riley » Syracuse, KS John & Valerie Roper » Lawrence, KS Terry & Laurie Roth » Hays, KS Jerry & Renee Roth » Benton, KS Andrew & Kathy Rupp » Hays, KS Marvin & Shirley Rupp » Hays, KS Debra Schubert » East Norriton, PA Robert & Tina Scott » Hays, KS Leroy & Diane Seiler » Medicine Lodge, KS Gary & Mary Ann Shorman » Hays, KS Vi Simon » Garden City, KS Dave & Rae Smith » Hays, KS Shane & Stacey Smith » Hays, KS Soroptimist Hays » Hays, KS Hanna Spicer » Wichita, KS Mark & Rachele Strawn » Hutchinson, KS Rich Sieker & Patty Stull » Hays, KS Sunflower Bank of Hays » Hays, KS Brian Thomas » Dallas, TX Troy & Cathy Thompson » Hays, KS Ernie Thorne » Hays, KS THS Class of 1981 Reunion » Topeka, KS Mari & Mike Tucker » Topeka, KS Kathryn Nemeth Tuttle » Lawrence, KS Tim & Carol Tyner » Council Grove, KS Fred & Phyl Vance » Topeka, KS Rick & Barb Walz » Garden City, KS Travis Mackey & Erica Washburn » Hays, KS Dana Watts » Bethesda, MD Brett Whitaker » Hays, KS John & Marty White » Council Grove, KS Elizabeth Stuewe & Tanner Willbanks » Lawrence, KS PURPLE RIBBON CLUB MEMBER $25 – $99 Paul & Cheryl Adams » Hays, KS Abby Allender » Falls Church, VA Rose Arnhold » Hays, KS Marcia Bannister » Hays, KS Cindy Bauer » Hays, KS Darcy Berline » Lawrence, KS Doug Nehls & Suzi Bleumer » Hays, KS Tom & Debbie Bohm » Hays, KS KS Representative Sue Boldra » Hays, KS Korby Boswell » Hays, KS LeAnn & Jerod Brown » WaKeeney, KS Wes & Cindy Brungardt » Garden City, KS Charlie & Connie Busch » Manhattan, KS Tisha & Cade Carter » Colby, KS Randy & Karen Case » Wichita, KS Lorie Cook-Benjamin » Hays, KS Dennis & Betty Copeland » Spring Hill, KS Patricia Corley » East Setauket, NY Corey Crockett » Hays, KS Chandra Daffer » Kearney, NE Karla Davignon » Ellis, KS Andrew Dierks & Erin Curtis-Dierks » Lawrence, KS Emily & Laura Dougherty » Hays, KS

Sharon Dreher » Hays, KS Bob & Cheryl Duffy » Hays, KS Cole Engel » Hays, KS Jeff English » Louisville, KY Londa & Eugene Fischer » Hazelton, KS First National Bank (Hays) » Hays, KS Allen & Deb Francis » Anthony, KS David & Kay Fritchen » Manhattan, KS Brent & Jill Goertzen » Hays, KS Caryn Goldberg » Lawrence, KS Nicki Grauerholz » Kensington, KS Virginia Gray » Hays, KS Bill & Dee Hand » Hays, KS Cherri Harper » Manhattan, KS Barbara Jones » Hays, KS Leslie Elkins & Patty Kilkenny » Lawrence, KS Kate Kimball Melia Korbe » Hays, KS Amanda Kramer » Ingalls, KS Andrew & Wanda Kuhn » Hays, KS Jessica Lindshield » Lindsborg, KS Jessica Lowber » Everett, WA Mavis Kingsley » Hays, KS Jack & Brenda Kuhlmann » New Port Richey, FL Carol Mackey » Anthony, KS Gerald & Judith Marten » Scranton, KS Stan & Donna Maskus » Hays, KS Robert & Agnes Meier » Hays, KS Gilbert & Betty Meis » Hays, KS Betty Mills » Hays, KS U.S. Senator Jerry & Robba Moran » Manhattan, KS KS Representative Tom & Virginia Moxley » Council Grove, KS Frank & Kim Musalek » Hays, KS Dora Naughton » Astoria, NY Jolene Niernberger » Ellis, KS Kelly Nuckolls » Hays, KS Ed O'Malley » Wichita, KS Fern Ottley » Oakley, KS Denise Parker » Dodge City, KS Jason & Beth Ann Pfeifer » Russell, KS Eber & Joni Phelps » Hays, KS Tom & Carol Pitner » Hays, KS Debra Prideaux » Hays, KS Jen Rack » Hays, KS Pastor Lesley Radius » Hays, KS Jacklyn Ratliff-Biggs » Lawrence, KS Kari Rinker » Wichita, KS Eilenn & Erroll Roberts » Hays, KS Jean Rosenthal » Kansas City, MO Jordan Roston » Hays, KS Dennis & Mary Rotman » Cawker City, KS Rumbanana Salsa Group » Corvallis, OR Bill & Renette Saba » Hays, KS Chris Scafe » Lawrence, KS KS Attorney General Derek & Jennifer Schmidt » Independence, KS Gordon & Christine Schmidt » Inman, KS Greg Shuler » Hays, KS Tina Steffensmeier » Manhattan, KS Pastor James & Miriam Strasen » Great Bend, KS Deborah & Dave Storer » Hays, KS Students of “The Outrage” » Overland Park, KS Sunflower Electric Power Corporation » Hays, KS Amanda Thomas » Hays, KS Randy & Kay Unruh » Hays, KS

Nicole Walz » Hays, KS Richard & Karen Waring » Council Grove, KS Charlotte & Leonard Wedman » Danville, KS Anabel Wernsman » Limon, CO Sabrina William » Hays, KS Jesse & Kim Williams » Lawrence, KS Women’s Fellowship Church of the Brethren » Garden City, KS Hsin Yen Yang » Hays, KS Brett & Julie Zollinger » Hays, KS IN-KIND & OTHER GIFTS Jill Arensdorf » Hays, KS Curt & Christie Brungardt » Hays, KS Chartwell's Dining Service » Hays, KS Crawford Supply » Hays, KS Brad Dawson » Hays, KS FHSU Athletics » Hays, KS FHSU Foundation » Hays, KS Hays Storage Systems » Hays, KS Jacobs' Graphics » Hays, KS Christina Holt & KU’s Community Toolbox » Lawrence, KS Luke Johnson » Hays, KS Mike Kisner » Hays, KS Travis Mackey » Hays, KS Shannon McDonald » Kansas City, KS N.E.W. » Hays, KS Stan & Joyce Newell » Hays, KS Kelley Parker » Manitou Springs, CO Pfeifer Brothers Auction » Russell, KS Rejuvenations Day & Med Spa » Hays, KS Don & Sharon Schinstock » Nickerson, KS Sears of Hays » Hays, KS Soroptimist International of Hays » Hays, KS Lance Stafford & Cloverton » Manhattan, KS Rachele Strawn » Hutchinson, KS Stremel Photography » Hays, KS Kristin Tardif » Lewiston, ME Andy Tincknell » Hays, KS Susan Whitfield-Harding » Lindsborg, KS AND MANY MORE


PLANS FOR 2013 In 2013, Jana’s Campaign will move to the next level of development. It is our desire to substantially increase our programming impact and scope, while at the same time, building a strong and sustainable organization to support that programming. Our plans include activities at the local, state, national Ou and international level. This programming includes wo orking in our local community of Hays, Kansas, with the e development of prevention and education programs forr middle and high school students. At the state-level, we e plan to remain active in the development of batterers inttervention programs and develop new prevention in p o pr ograms that engage men and boys in this work. At the e national-level, we will continue encouraging Capitol Hill to support and improve the Violence Against Women Actt and we plan to work with, and on, college campuses Ac to improve their response to gender-based violence. At the t international-level, we will continue to participate witth the United Nations on their global awareness cam ca mpaigns and we will enhance the Jana’s Story m y video b including new foreign language translations. by Ja J an na’s Campaign will also continue its efforts to build a strong and sustainable foundation that will guarantee p o pr ogram success. In early 2013, we will open our new ad a dm ministrative headquarters at the Hadley Office Center in n Hays, Kansas. Later in the spring, we will also be hiirring our first, full-time administrator to direct our po pr ogramming efforts. Other organizational development effo ef fo orts include finalizing our strategic and action plans and the completion of our capital campaign. and

"Jana's Campaign is a great way to honor and embody the life of a tremendous young woman, Jana Mackey. This organization has done a substantial amount of work in a very short amount of time and is building momentum with endless possibilities » Dr. Heather Lambert Board Member

BOARD PRESIDENT » Dr. Curt Brungardt BOARD VICE PRESIDENT » Kelley Parker BOARD TREASURER » Dr. Christie Brungardt BOARD SECRETARY » Luo Zhai PROGRAM DIRECTOR » Vacant SPECIAL PROJECT COORDINATOR » Nicole Walz ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST » Laura Dougherty LEGAL COUNCIL » Susan Whitfield-Harding ACCOUNTING » Karie Younger, CPA WEBMASTER » Matt Peters GRAPHIC DESIGN » Kaylene Jacobs, Alma Hidalgo, & Matt Niehues PHOTOGRAPHER » Stremel Photography VIDEOGRAPHER » 502 Media Group, Andy Ticknell, & Rebecca Kohl COMPUTING » Sicoir Computer Technologies


PO Box 647 – Hays, KS 67601 785.656.0324 janascampaign@gmail.com janascampaign.org janasstory.org

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