Fall 2018 Georgia Communities First Magazine

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GeorgiaCommunitiesFirst Official Publication of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia

FALL 2018

INSIDE 2018-2019


DIRECTORS Meet the New

President & CEO

Announcing 2019


Lifetime SERVICE

AWARDS Member:

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contents FALL 2018

f e at u r e d

C B A S TA F F John McNair President & CEO john@cbaofga.com




Lori Godfrey Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs lori@cbaofga.com


Lindsay Greene Vice President Marketing & Member Services lindsay@cbaofga.com Jeremy Thomens Graphic Design & Member Services Coordinator jeremy@cbaofga.com Cassie Conklin Marketing Specialist cassie@cbaofga.com Peake Wilson Vice President Corporate Events & Leadership Division, CBA Corporate Secretary peake@cbaofga.com


Community Service is a Timeless Tradition That’s Core to Every Community Bank


General Counsel Corner: A Bank’s Role in Protecting the Elderly


A Letter from Lori

f e at u r e s

e d u c at i o n


23 2019 CBA University Schools

Jodi Swilley Director of Education & Professional Development jodi@cbaofga.com


Meet the New President & CEO: John McNair


2018-2019 Board of Directors

Kristi Greer Director of Professional Development kristi@cbaofga.com

10 Fond Farewell to Jodi Swilley & Donna Coutant

Tammy Maass CFO tammy@cbaofga.com

18 Lifetime Service Awards


A Fond Farewell to Rob Braswell

Connie Shepard Education Associate connie@cbaofga.com

13 2018 Leadership Academy 17 CBA’s Leadership Division

l e g i s l at i v e


Donna Coutant Education Coordinator donna@cbaofga.com

c o r p o r at e e v e n t s

25 BSA Training member services

26 CBA’s 2019 Scholarships 31 Endorsed Member Spotlight: John Gianacaci of BFS Group

11 Kristi Greer Named Director of Professional Development

s ta y connected



@company/ cbaofgeorgia

Community Bankers Association of Georgia | 1900 The Exchange, Suite 600, Atlanta, GA 30339 (770) 541-4490 or (800) 648-8215 • Fax (770) 541-4496 | www.cbaofga.com • cba@cbaofga.com Fal l 2 0 1 8 | G e org i a Co m m un i ti es F i rs t | 1



Community Banks

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Music City Convention Center

Turn Up the Volume!


COMMUNITY SERVICE IS A TIMELESS TRADITION THAT’S CORE TO EVERY COMMUNITY BANK As I work on this column, I’m in Santa Fe preparing to speak at the Independent Community Bankers Association of New Mexico’s annual convention. I was chairman of this great organization 10 years ago, and the theme of that convention was “Independent Community Banks—A Timeless Tradition.” When I think back on that theme and look at the amazing banks profiled in this issue for their outstanding community service, I’m reminded yet again how unique our industry truly is. Community service is a timeless tradition that’s core to every community bank. That’s something we should be incredibly proud of and continue to celebrate. That’s exactly why ICBA names its National Community Bank Service Award winners every year and why we share their stories in Independent Banker every September. I’m struck by the uniqueness of each of these service projects and how they all tie back to the community bank business model and the success they find in serving the needs of their communities. Community banking is not a one-size-fits-all industry!

Rebeca Romero Rainey President & CEO Independent Community Bankers of America

Take for instance, Midwest BankCentre, which has so far brought mainstream banking services to more than 1,200 previously unbanked or underbanked families in the St. Louis metro area. Kennebec Savings Bank is focusing on the renovation, repair and rebuilding of downtown waterfront properties to revitalize arts and culture and business development. That’s community banking at work! Community service and volunteerism are the hallmarks of community banking. I commend and thank these outstanding community banks and their employees for their unwavering commitment to ensuring the vitality of their communities and the financial health of the residents who call those communities home. I know every community bank out there is doing the same—in their own way, every day. Thank you, community bankers—every one of you—for making the world a better place, one community at a time.

There is so much inspiration to glean from this month’s issue. Look at BayCoast Bank’s efforts to transform lives and communities through its “Get on the Bus” education initiative, which allowed the bank to donate more than $800,000, launch a financial education program with 14 area schools, and bring 800 seventh-graders on college tours to the University of Massachusetts. This community bank is changing lives! Our national award winners, Midwest BankCentre and Kennebec Savings Bank, along with our honorable mention winners, are doing great work too—each initiative as unique as the communities they serve.

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Fall 2018

A Bank’s Role in Protecting the Elderly

legal news and updates for cba members Have a topic you would like to see covered in “General Counsel Corner?” Email us at generalcounselcorner @ jamesbatesllp.com


@ jamesbatesllp.com

Michael N. White

Attorney (478) 749-9921


John W. Sillay

Attorney (478) 749-9923


By Michael N. White and John W. Sillay The nation’s population is aging. According to an article by the U.S. Census Bureau, there will be more citizens at least 65 years old than citizens 18 or younger by the year 2035. This is largely because all baby boomers will turn 65 by the year 2030.¹ As our population has aged, financial institutions have experienced an increased emphasis on protecting elderly customers from financial exploitation and abuse. Legislative bodies, regulators, and consumer advocacy groups have focused intently on the role banks play in preventing financial exploitation of elderly customers. Many states, including Georgia, require bank employees to report suspicions of financial exploitation of elderly customers. This focus is appropriate, as banks are uniquely situated to serve as gate keepers over their customers’ finances. In many ways, this is the very heart of the service a bank offers to its customers, no matter their age. However, issues of financial exploitation of the elderly sometimes place a bank and its employees in the very uncomfortable position of telling their customers “No.” If you have received this response from your bank or have an elderly friend or family member who you expect to assist in the event of their declining health, this article is for you. If you currently meet the definition of “elderly” (generally, persons 65 years of age or older), or expect to someday meet this definition, this article is for you. This article is intended as both an apology and a rallying cry, because being told “No” by your financial institution is incredibly frustrating—until it stops your life’s savings from being stolen by an ill-intentioned ‘caregiver.’ You would likely agree that one of the most important services a bank provides is the peace of mind in knowing that only authorized persons can access your deposited funds. But what are banks and their customers to do when a customer is no longer capable of deciding who should be authorized to access his or her account? Better yet, what are banks and their customers to do when a customer disagrees with people who were previously authorized? Unfortunately, applicable law on this topic largely depends on the specific facts of a given situation, and there is little definitive guidance to offer banks a firm leg to stand on in preferring one person’s direction over another. The common result is that the wheels of commerce grind to a halt in order to prevent a customer’s money from falling into the wrong hands—even if those hands are the customers’ own. To the bank customers reading this article, we offer a sincere apology for the inconvenience this causes. To the bankers reading this, we offer validation and support. Not

only are you likely acting in accordance with applicable laws on the subject, you are standing strong in the face of an incredibly difficult situation. No matter your perspective, you may feel that the only solution is to resign yourself to uncertainty regarding your ability to manage your financial relationships as you age. As lawyers who frequently manage these issues for banks and their customers, our advice to the readers of this article is to take pro-active steps now to limit the difficulty and inconvenience that comes with these problems. Banks and their customers should discuss these issues and develop relationships that allow for better monitoring of accounts that are managed by persons other than the direct customer. While banks cannot help customers with estate planning, they can discuss the different options a customer has to address third-party access to accounts, such as joint account ownership, powers of attorney, conservatorship accounts, and trust accounts. After consultation with an attorney, customers can then implement an account management strategy that is least likely to disrupt their finances. This has the additional benefit of narrowing the bank’s focus to allow it to differentiate between suspicious activity and normal activity. If you are a bank customer, it would be prudent to have your attorney review any powers of attorney you have executed in the past reviewed by counsel in light of recent changes to the law, which we discussed in the General Counsel Corner in the Summer 2017 publication of Georgia Communities First. These changes provide much-needed clarity on how to create powers of attorney that meet the requirements of O.C.G.A. 10-6B-5. If you find yourself having to transact business with the bank through a personal representative or as a personal representative for a family member, have patience. Although it can be frustrating, contention only adds to the bank’s concern over the account. To the extent you are able, develop a plan among your family members and caregivers so communications with the bank are uniform and direct. By maintaining clear and consistent communication with your bank as you age, you can ensure that your bank is ready to offer both the support and autonomy you need.

¹AN AGING NATION: PROJECTED NUMBER OF CHILDREN AND OLDER ADULTS, https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/2018/comm/ historic-first.html(last visited Sept. 18, 2018).


“General Counsel Corner,” a recurring column featuring legal news and information of interest to CBA members, is brought to you by James-Bates-Brannan-Groover-LLP. Visit us at GeorgiasLawFirm.com




Lori Godfrey Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Community Bankers Association of Georgia

They always say time flies when you are having fun…and I truly believe that. This year has been a fun year! It is hard to believe that summer has come and gone and football season is now upon us. Our 50th Anniversary Convention and our Silent and Live Auctions were a huge success. Our Silent and Live Auctions raised over $13,000 for our Political Affairs Committee and Public Relations Funds (PAC/PR). I would like to give a big thank you to everyone who participated in our auction— whether you contributed money, items, or purchased packages at our event. Together, we can make a difference! And remember that, collectively, we as community bankers, can have a strong voice and influence shaping our industry through the legislative process. As I am sure you have noticed within your communities, this year is an election year and requests from legislators for contributions to their campaigns come in daily. It is your donations to the PAC/PR fund that help us to build these relationships and support legislators who understand the importance of community banking. There is still time for you to submit your bank’s annual PAC/PR donation for the year if you have not done so already. I will be making bank visits much of the remainder of the year. I have already seen a number of our bankers during my treks throughout the state; however, there are many more bank visits to come. I hope that I have the opportunity to speak with you to find out how things are going at your specific institution. In addition, I would love to receive feedback on how the implementation of Senate Bill 2155, signed into law in May 2018, may have helped your institutions or how the tax relief bills have impacted you or your customers’ behaviors. Anecdotal information is critical to providing feedback to our legislators on the

actions they have taken for our industry. One example that I would like to share relates to the proposed changes to the Bank Secrecy Act in the hands of the House Financial Services Committee. Congressman Barry Loudermilk’s office asked for feedback from our bankers on beneficial ownership. During one of my bank trips, I talked with a number of bankers about the difficulties of implementing the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s (FinCEN) customer due diligence rule. I provided this feedback to Congressman Loudermilk’s office. During the Financial Services Committee’s hearing with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on July 12th, Congressman Loudermilk shared numerous anecdotes from Georgia banks about the challenges of implementing this rule with the Secretary, and asked him what financial institutions should do to get more clarity on how to comply with the rule. It is rewarding to hear issues from our bankers being asked in such a public forum. That is the importance of building relationships with our legislators—both state and federal. When issues arise that may impact our industry, the legislators know that our bankers are willing and/or able to provide them with much needed information to make an informed decision. As always, please let me know if there is a legislative or regulatory issue in which I may provide assistance. I would love the opportunity to work through the specifics of your situation and help you find a solution. I look forward to seeing you soon in your communities! Until next time…

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A Fond Farewell to


In October of 2017, Rob Braswell, President & CEO of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA), announced his plans to retire in the fall of 2018. Since then, the Executive Committee of CBA’s Board of Directors undertook an extensive search to select a new President/CEO. Rob’s retirement will take effect October 31, 2018. “Although I still have a fervent passion for community banking and all the wonderful people in the industry, retirement will allow me to spend more quality time with my parents in North Carolina and other family members as they transition to the next phase of their lives,” stated Mr. Braswell.

Rob joined CBA in June 2013 following his retirement as Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Banking & Finance. During his 35year career in the banking industry, Rob worked vigorously to preserve and protect the interests of Georgia’s Community banks. “It’s been a great privilege to spend my entire career working in an industry that is comprised of such friendly, helpful and community-oriented people. I will always cherish my time as part of the community banking family.” The CBA staff would like to thank Rob for his dedicated service, and we wish him well on his retirement.

Thank you, Rob!

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Meet the New President & CEO

JOHN McNAIR Scott Tomlinson, CEO, Flint Community Bank, Albany, and 2017-2018 Chairman of the Board of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA), has announced that ICBA Executive Vice President John McNair has been named President & CEO of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia. Mr. McNair will succeed Rob Braswell, former Georgia Department of Banking & Finance Commissioner and CBA President & CEO, who is retiring October 31, 2018. “It is my honor and privilege to welcome John McNair as our new CBA President and CEO,” commented Chairman Tomlinson. “John is a dynamic and engaging gentleman who I believe will be a tremendous asset to our association. Please join me in welcoming John to our team!” “I am extremely excited this wonderful association will be in such good hands for years to come. John’s background, skill set and personality will be of tremendous benefit to all of our members. I look forward to working with him to ensure a successful transition,” said Mr. Braswell. Mr. McNair comes to the Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) from the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA). He started his career with ICBA in September 2004 as a regional calling officer. His charge was to personally engage with community bankers throughout the greater Northeast region. His mission was (and still is) simple: help community banks flourish by introducing business and educational services commensurate with the needs of each community bank. Additionally, Mr. McNair engaged community bankers in the government and regulatory relations process via grass roots advocacy. Because of this philosophy and overall success, John was promoted to Executive Vice President in 2016. He was selected to take over leadership of all

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member relations for ICBA and implement his philosophy, vision and execution strategies. Mr. McNair graduated from The University of Delaware with a B.A. in Economics. He also holds a Master’s degree in Human Resources Management from Wilmington (DE) University. Prior to ICBA, John worked for a variety of firms serving the community banking industry. He and his wife Lisa also owned a small business serving community banks and their small business customers. He has been married for 29 years to his college sweetheart, Lisa (Cimino) McNair. Lisa holds a B.S. in Accounting, a MBA, and is a Certified Public Accountant (PA license). Their daughter, Lauren, is a recent graduate of the University of Georgia (DEC 2017). Lauren holds a B.B.A. in Finance and now works for EY in Atlanta as part of the Transfer Pricing division.

The McNairs: Lauren, John, and Lisa




Chairman-Elect/ Committee Chair: Nominating & Political Affairs

Vice Chairman/ Committee Chair: Audit

Tim Jones Ron Quinn Marc Greene Citizens Community Peach State Bank & Mountain Valley Bank, Valdosta Trust, Gainesville Community Bank, a div. of The Piedmont Bank, Cleveland Division 2 Chair

Division 3 Chair

John Trammell Elliott Miller Community Bank Georgia Banking of Pickens County, Company, Atlanta Jasper Member at Large

Member at Large

Division 4 Chair

Immediate Past Chairman

At Large/ Banker Regulatory Forum Moderator

Division 1 Chair

Scott Tomlinson David Lance Greater Community Flint Community Bank, Albany Bank, Rome

Clark Hungerford Vinings Bank, Smyrna

Lenny Bateman Calumet Bank, LaGrange

Division 6 Chair

Division 7 Chair

Ex-Officio/ ICBA

Corey Gibbs Community Banking Company of Fitzgerald

Chuck Harwell Community Bank of Dublin – Laurens County

Bran Thompson South Georgia Bank, Glennville


Division 5 Chair

Leonard Moreland Ray Muggridge Heritage Bank, Bank of Camilla Jonesboro

Member at Large

Member at Large

Member at Large

Stephen Lewis First National Bank of Coffee County, Douglas

Paul Bennett Pineland Bank, Alma

Ty Bettis Bank of Dawson, Albany

Lee Clark First State Bank, Wrens

Bill Easterlin Queensborough National Bank, Louisville

Member at Large

Member at Large/ 2018-2019 LD Chairman

Member at Large/ President & CEO

Committee Chair: Member Services

Derek Williams Century Bank & Trust, Milledgeville

John McNair Debra Weil CBA of Georgia, Community Banking Company Atlanta of Fitzgerald


Brad Serff Providence Bank, Alpharetta

Tim Jones and Scott Tomlinson at CBA’s 50th Anniversary Convention.

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Fond Farewell to Jodi Swilley & Donna Coutant Jodi Swilley

Donna Coutant

The Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) has announced the planned retirement of long-time Director of Education & Professional Development Jodi Swilley. A former banker, Jodi has led CBA’s Education Department for nearly 17 years, training thousands of community bankers through CBA University’s numerous schools, conferences, seminars, roundtables and webinars. Jodi will retire effective December 31, 2018. “CBA has long been recognized as a preeminent education provider on a national level and Jodi deserves the credit for continuously enhancing and building upon that legacy,” stated Rob Braswell, former President & CEO of CBA. “From teller training, to the popular Compliance Program, to the various Roundtables, to Bank Directors’ programs, Jodi has done a tremendous job ensuring our member banks have access to the best programs and instructors to meet their always evolving educational needs.” “CBA’s commitment to professional development for community bankers made me strive even more to make the CBA University the best it could be for our members,” commented Ms. Swilley. “Although I am excited about the future, I depart with mixed feelings. I will cherish forever the relationships I have developed with the community bankers, associate member companies, instructors and the CBA staff who have been so instrumental in the success we have enjoyed with the CBA University.” CBA has also announced the retirement of long-time Education Coordinator Donna Coutant. Donna has been with CBA for 20 years, joining the Association in 1998. She has been a key part in overseeing and directing the planning, organization, and implementation of CBA’s educational programs and events. Donna will retire effective December 31, 2018. “Donna has never been one to seek the spotlight, but she has been an integral member of the CBA Team for over 20 years,” stated Braswell. “Donna’s devotion to customer service and her sunny disposition have made her a favorite among members and coworkers.”

Jodi and Donna were recognized at CBA’s 50th Anniversary Convention.



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Kristi Greer

Named Director of Professional Development On August 1, 2018, Kristi Greer joined CBA as the Director of Professional Development upon Jodi’s retirement December 31, 2018. Kristi, former Vice President of Education & Engagement at Oconee State Bank in Watkinsville, had been with the bank for 20 years. She holds both a B.S. in Family & Consumer Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Adult Education from The University of Georgia. At Oconee State Bank, Kristi managed bank-wide employee education, working with senior management and supervisors to determine educational needs while supporting the bank’s strategic plan. She developed and maintained training curriculum, resources and records as well as supervised and empowered bank team members. “Kristi has spent the vast majority of her career as a bank educator and instructor. She has been extremely active with the Leadership Division Board of Directors for many years and is one of the most energetic, enthusiastic and motivated individuals I have ever met,” said Rob Braswell, former President & CEO of CBA. “She has always been one of the first to volunteer for a leadership role and always does a great job in ensuring her

committee exceeds its goals. In fact, she spearheaded the Leadership Academy Committee that recently revamped the Leadership Academy to better meet the needs of our young bankers. CBA is delighted to have Kristi join the team and her experience in bank training and professional development will be a true asset to our member banks.” “I am honored to join CBA and serve Georgia’s community bankers with their professional development and education needs. I have a passion for helping people evaluate their individual skills and talents and provide resources for knowledge building and career enablement,” explained Mrs. Greer. “My bank training experience, along with my active participation with CBA’s Leadership Division, has allowed me to stay in tune with changing regulations, technology advances and policies which will be helpful in providing curriculum needs. I am thrilled to be a part of the CBA of GA Team!”

Kristi Greer, CBA’s Director of Professional Development, was formerly elected as the 2018-2019 CBA Leadership Division Chairman at CBA’s 50th Anniversary Convention. As a result of Kristi joining the CBA staff, CBA is pleased to announce its new 2018-2019 Leadership Division Board of Directors.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair: Debra Weil – Community Banking Co. of Fitzgerald

Div. 1 Chair: Casey Smith – Calumet Bank, LaGrange

Chair - Elect: Greg Proffitt – Newton Federal Bank, Covington

Vice Chair: Trudy Eller – American Commerce Bank, N.A., Bremen

1st Vice Chair: Paul Black – Vinings Bank, Smyrna 2nd Vice Chair: Brian Bazemore – Community Bank of Dublin-Laurens County Immediate Past Chair: Jason Rooks – Flint Community Bank, Albany

Div. 2 Chair: Daniel Lopez – United Community Bank, Jasper Vice Chair: Michael Underwood – Peach State Bank & Trust, Gainesville Div. 3 Chair: Kelly Johnson – The Piedmont Bank, Norcross Vice Chair: Chris Cochran – Affinity Bank, Atlanta


Div. 4 Chair: Jonathan Pope – Exchange Bank, Milledgeville

Ryan Budzinsky – Farmers & Merchants Bank, Valdosta

Div. 5 Chair: Michael McGahee – Bank of Camilla

Chip Davis – Family Bank, Bainbridge

Vice Chair: Joey Magaddino – PeoplesSouth Bank, Albany

Lee Dubberly – South Georgia Bank, Glennville

Div. 6 Chair: Thomas Bennett – Pineland Bank, Alma

Dave Fain – Commercial State Bank, Donalsonville Josh Osborne – Oconee State Bank, Lawrenceville

Vice Chair: Jonathon Guthrie – The Peoples Bank, Willacoochee

Kyle Ray – First Bank, Dalton

Div. 7 Chair: Steven Rigdon – Spivey State Bank, Swainsboro

Lisa Shrader – Citizens Bank & Trust, Trenton

Vice Chair: Jim Cowart – Durden Banking Company,

Eli Tinsley – Planters First Bank, Cordele

Peake Wilson – CBA of Georgia, Atlanta

Ex-Officio: John McNair – CBA of Georgia, Atlanta

Twin City

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Building Leaders Today Ensures Success for Tomorrow

The fourth and final session of the 2018 Community Bank Leadership Academy took place in Macon on Tuesday, September 11, 2018, and ended with the students earning a certificate of completion. CBA’s new Director of Professional Development Kristi Greer facilitated the reconstruction of the Academy and shared, “We are extremely proud of the first group of graduates of our retooled Leadership Academy. It’s been my privilege to work closely with CBA’s Leadership Division to update this outstanding leadership program, and I am honored to have observed this engaged group of bankers. The graduates finished up the fourth session by building their individualized action plans using the tools they obtained during the first three sessions. I look forward to hearing how they will continue to build and grow while positively influencing and leading their teams.” “The CBA Leadership Academy has made a significant impact on me both professionally and personally. During our time, we discovered things about each other, but more importantly, about ourselves. Each session was enlightening and offered me time to reflect as a leader. No matter our role, we lead by our actions and the CBA Leadership Academy helped me realize that. Leadership is an investment and I am grateful to both the CBA and the Senior Management Team at Newton Federal Bank for allowing me to take part in a much needed program.” – Aimee Corcoran, AVP/Training Specialist, Newton Federal Bank, Covington To learn more about the 2018 Sessions, their schedule and trainers, visit www.cbaofga.com/the-community-bankleadership-academy.html. More information on the 2019 Sessions will be available soon!

“I genuinely looked forward to every session and I would have loved even more of them.”

The CBA thanks everyone involved in promoting this program especially the generous sponsors!


– Taylor Jenkins, Consumer Lender and Assistant Banking Officer, Flint Community Bank, Albany Lunch

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12 Gauge Sponsors

On Thursday, October 4th, CBA’s Leadership Division hosted another successful PAC/PR Clay Shoot. The event was held at Burge Plantation in Mansfield. To view photos and see the list of winners, please visit https://www. cbaofga.com/pacpr-clay-shoot.html. For the Spring 2019 Clay Shoot, we will return to Albany’s Wynfield Plantation on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. Watch for more information!

20 Gauge Sponsor

28 Gauge Sponsors

The Spring Clay Shoot has been renamed in honor of our late friend and supporter, Charlie Curry. Shotgun Sponsor

Drink Sponsor

Station Sponsors

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LEADERSHIP DIVISION The purpose of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia’s (CBA) Leadership Division (LD) is to promote the advancement of tomorrow’s financial industry leaders and to encourage and foster additional relationships between the CBA and its member banks. Membership in the LD gives representatives an opportunity to expand personally and professionally through networking, educational opportunities, political activism and awareness and community service. To learn more, please visit www.cbaofga.com/ leadership-division-membership.html. On this page, you will gain Debra Weil Executive Vice President a better understanding of the Leadership Division, what its Community Banking benefits are and what the group accomplishes year after Company of Fitzgerald year. We invite all CBA member banks to designate a Leadership Division Representative and join in the fun and be a part of a tremendously active and meaningful society. Membership in the Leadership Division is complimentary for CBA member banks. 2018-2019 LD Chairman Debra Weil shares, “I am truly honored and privileged to serve as this year’s Chairman for the CBA’s Leadership Division. Our board is made up of some of the brightest leaders and talent in community banking in Georgia. We are excited about this upcoming year and plan to continue to promote the advancement of our financial industry leaders with professional education as well as successful fundraising for meaningful causes.” The CBA reminds all bankers across Georgia that it’s not just about the LD Board of Directors…it’s about all CBA Leadership Division Representatives and members…every banker throughout Georgia is invited to join and participate in all the LD’s activities. The LD’s initiatives are PAC/PR fundraising, Children’s Healthcare’s Aflac Cancer & Blood Disorders Center – Childhood Cancer Research, Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship participation, Leadership Division Membership, and the Community Bank Leadership Academy.

BANKER REGULATORY FORUM WITH COMPLIANCE FOCUS Thursday, November 1, 2018 CBA’s Headquarters, Atlanta At the November Forum, we will focus on Compliance issues. We invite you and your Compliance Officer to attend and join the discussion. As always, attendance is free to CBA members. The goal of this forum is to establish a dialogue with the state and federal regulatory agencies in furtherance of the following objectives: obtain timely, useful information from the regulatory agencies regarding their policies, procedures, techniques, and objectives; communicate information obtained from the regulatory agencies to the CBA members through timely publications; serve as a clearing house for the CBA member bank concerns, receiving information from members regarding regulatory and agency problems and issues; and, assist in the development of the CBA positions on pending, as well as existing regulations, interpretations and rules. We will cover the Agencies’ hot topics first with questions from the attendees welcome at any time. Have questions to pose to the Agencies? Contact Lori Godfrey, Director of Legislative & Regulatory Affairs, at lori@cbaofga. com or 770-541-4684.

Please contact Peake Wilson at CBA’s office to learn more: (770) 541-0379 / (800) 648-8215 or peake@cbaofga.com.




Raise $25,000

Raise $50,000 for Childhood Cancer Research

Receive at least one scholarship application from each member bank.

Thursday, February 14 Idle Hour Country Club, Macon Focus on Compliance Thursday, May 2 CBA Headquarters, Atlanta Focus on Safety & Soundness Thursday, August 1 Idle Hour Country Club, Macon Focus on Safety & Soundness



At least one LD Rep at each member bank

Educate and empower future bank leaders

Thursday, November 7 CBA Headquarters, Atlanta Focus on Compliance Fal l 2 0 1 8 | G e org i a Com m un i ti es F i rs t | 17



LIFETIME OF SERVICE The Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) is proud to honor community bankers who have served 30, 40 or 50 years in the banking industry. Most of the 2018 Lifetime Service Awards were presented during the Chairmen’s Banquet held at CBA’s 50th Anniversary Convention (a combined meeting of the Leadership Division and CBA’s Annual Convention & Trade Show). This year’s honorees are featured below.

The CBA is extremely grateful to these individuals who have served as role models to the banking community. Honoring them is a small token of the CBA’s appreciation for their efforts to the banking industry.

women who have served the banking needs of their communities and lent their expertise to a new generation of community bankers throughout their careers,” stated Rob Braswell, former President & CEO of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia.

“Georgia is fortunate to have such an impressive number of community bankers who have reached these milestones. It’s our pleasure to honor the men and

Jay T. Jones, Sr. Bank of Dade, Trenton – 50 years Jay has had a long and distinguished career in banking and has served in many management roles. He graduated from the Georgia School of Banking in Athens and is a graduate of the LSU Graduate School of Banking. Jay joined Bank of Dade in Trenton on September 5, 1967; he was elected to the Board of Directors in 1977; and, he was later promoted to Senior Vice President in 1978. His most recent and current role is Executive Vice President. He is also a 1960 graduate of the Detroit Institute of Technology. He served as the Dade County campaign manager for Congressman Larry McDonald and was a member of the Congressman’s military academy selection committee. He is also a former member of the Dade County Optimist Club. Jay serves as a deacon at Edgewood Baptist Church as is a former member of the Finance Committee of Baptist International Missions, Inc. Jay, who is from Fyffe, AL, married Linda Killian, who is from Ft. Payne, AL, on April 3, 1957. They have three children, six grand-children and 6 great-grand-children. The beginning of his career at Bank of Dade got off to an interesting start due to having to delay reporting to work by one day due to the birth of his youngest daughter.

Becky Powell Community Banking Co. of Fitzgerald – 50 years Becky is a native of Fitzgerald, Georgia. She obtained her General Banking Diploma from South Georgia College. She attended the Georgia Banking School in Athens and was the top graduate in 1985. Throughout her banking career, Becky has served in various capacities, including Bookkeeping, Proof, Teller, Head Teller, Assistant Cashier, Assistant Vice President of Operations, Branch Manager, Vice President-Chief Operations Officer, Senior Vice President – CFO/COO, Executive Vice President, CFO/COO/BSA Officer. Becky has been very involved in civic and community organizations and events throughout her career. Due to the unique formation of Community Banking Company of Fitzgerald in early 1996, directors had a very limited window of time to raise capital and establish the core infrastructure of the bank. Once approval was granted, Becky Powell was instrumental in quickly and efficiently establishing the backbone of an operational bank. She created general ledger accounts, assisted in implementing core functions and established an operations department. Due to her knowledge in the financial and operational areas, the bank was opened in a very short period of time.

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Billy Ray Burkett Georgia Heritage Bank, Dallas – 50 years Billy Ray Burkett started his career in banking in 1968 as an examiner with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. He had a fifteen year career with the OCC with assignments in Knoxville, Mobile, Washington, DC, London, England and Atlanta. Since then he has served as the Senior Credit Officer for several Atlanta area banks including National Bank of Georgia, First National Bank of Cobb County (Barnett Bank), the original Vinings Bank, The Bankers Bank, Riverside Bank, and Bank of North Georgia. Please note that these banks are no longer active under those names…another example of the old adage “the only constant is change!” After retiring from Bank of North Georgia, he has worked on a part time basis for Georgia Heritage Bank in Dallas, GA.

Charles Rooks Family Bank, Pelham – 39 years Charles is a graduate of Georgia Banking School in 1983, LSU Graduate School of Banking of the South in 1987, and GBA Commercial Lending School in 1990. He was elected President, CEO, and a member of the Board of Directors of Family Bank in 1998. Under his leadership, the bank has grown from $30,000,000 in assets to currently just under $95,000,000. Prior to joining Family Bank, Charles was President of the Pelham Division of SunTrust Bank. He began his banking career at Alma Exchange Bank & Trust in 1979 with the Bennett family. Charles has been a member of the Community Bankers Association for 21 years, having the privilege of serving on the Board of Directors numerous times during those years. Charles has served in numerous civic capacities throughout the years as well. Charles and his wife Stacy have 2 sons and are the proud grandparents of 5. They attend First Baptist Church of Leesburg, where Charles plays the guitar in the Church band.

Lisa Shrader Citizens Bank & Trust, Trenton - 30 years Lisa G. Shrader began her banking career with Citizens Bank & Trust, Inc. in Trenton, Georgia in January, 1988. She began employment two weeks prior to the bank’s opening day. During her 30 years at the bank, Lisa has held many positions within the bank; teller, loan secretary, loan review officer and internal auditor. She is currently serving as the Executive Vice President & CFO. Lisa holds a bachelor degree from Covenant College and is a member of the 1999 Georgia Banking School graduating class. Lisa also attended Graduate School of Banking at LSU where she served as president for the class of 2002. She has also joined CBA’s Leadership Division Board of Directors and will serve the 2018-2109 term. Over the years, Lisa has served in many civic organizations in Dade County, Georgia and is a member of White Oak Baptist Church. Lisa has two sons: one is a First Lieutenant with the USMC. Andrew and his wife, Amelia, are stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina; she also has an 11-year old who resides with her in Trenton, Georgia.

Joyce Steptoe Persons Banking Company / Spivey State Bank, Swainsboro – 55 years On Feb. 1, 2018, Joyce E. Steptoe celebrated her 55th year of service with Spivey State Bank and Persons Banking Company. Joyce began her career in 1963 as a teller in Swainsboro and, years ago, was promoted to vice president of Spivey State Bank. During her tenure, she has assisted thousands of customers with a variety of deposit accounts including certificates of deposit, IRAs, checking and savings accounts, loans and other banking products. In 1995, Spivey State Bank became a part of Persons Banking Company and in 2006, Joyce accepted the role as Branch Manager. In her pastime, Joyce devotes her time to her family and church family. Joyce has been a faithful active member of Mt. Shady Baptist Church where she serves as church treasurer. Over the years, she has volunteered with church fundraisers and numerous civic fundraisers. She is a truly dedicated employee who has been an incredible asset to the bank and its community.

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AFFORDABLE, PROFESSIONAL TRAINING, WHEN AND WHERE YOU CHOOSE! CBA is committed to superior customer service and has been a leader in webinar training for over a decade. Webinars are designed for most positions in a community bank from the teller line to the board room. Speakers are industry experts with long-term, real-life, hands-on experience. Benefits of participating in a CBA webinar are: • Easy to use, time effective, cost effective, convenient, interactive • Current topics delivered by experienced speakers OCTOBER 2018 2 Proper Preparation of the TRID Loan Estimate & Closing Disclosure 3 The Fair Labor Standards Act: Dos & Don’ts of Exempt & Nonexempt Pay Issues





7 ACH Liabilities & Warranties for ODFIs: Reducing Your Exposure

28 Managing & Mitigating Card-Not-Present Fraud

14 Special Edition: Commercial Appraisal Review: Income & Sales Approach

23 Roles, Responsibilities & Liabilities of Community Bank Directors

4 Medallion & Signature Guarantee Rules & Risks 5 Special Edition: Handling Subpoenas, Summonses, Garnishments & Levies

29 Special Edition: Stop Payment Versus Written Statement of Unauthorized Debit (WSUD): Which Is It?

10 New Accounts Series: Opening Accounts for Nonresident Aliens

30 Compliance Series: Job-Specific Compliance Training for Deposit Operations

12 Special Edition: Commercial Real Estate Basics: MultiFamily, Commercial Rentals, Hotels (Morning Webinar) 16 Payment Systems Rules & Regulations for ACH, Cards, Wires & Checks 17 Understanding Title Insurance Policies, Commitments & ALTA Endorsements

Register today for a webinar training option that best meets your training needs! For the most current listing of webinars, visit www.cbaofga.com.

18 Cyber Series: Cyber Threats: Prevention, Detection & Response

25 Call Report Series: Complex Call Report Lending Schedule Preparation

11 Mortgage Lender Training Part 2: Mortgage Life-ofLoan: Processing, Underwriting & Notices

• Continuing Professional Education Credits • Take-Away-Toolkit (consists of an employee training log and a quiz to measure staff learning) • Webinar series for Bank Directors, Compliance Professionals, Risk Managers, Leaders, and much more!

31 Form 1099 Reporting: Third-Party Vendors, Foreclosures, Debt Forgiveness & More

NOVEMBER 2018 1 Analyzing Common TRID Compliance Violations 2 Special Edition: New HMDA Partial Exemption: Analysis, Implementation & Answers (Morning Webinar) 6 Lending to Churches & Other Nonprofit Organizations

8 Consumer Debt Series: Proper Repossession, Notice & Sale of NonReal Estate Collateral 9 Special Edition: Board Secretary Basics: Agendas, Meeting Records & Board Package Assembly 13 Special Edition: How to Obtain & Perfect a Security Interest in Unconventional Collateral 14 Mortgage Lender Training Part 3: Mortgage Life-ofLoan: DecisionMaking, Appraisals, Post-Closing Requirements 15 Special Edition: Cash Management: How Sales, Operations & Technology Can Collaborate to Generate More Fee Income 20 IRA Series: Top 10 IRA Rollover Mistakes 27 Compliance Series: Robbery Preparedness: Requirements & Proven Strategies

29 Your Borrower Has Died: Actions to Take, Mistakes to Avoid 30 Special Edition: New Focus on InHouse Real Estate Evaluations (Morning Webinar)

DECEMBER 2018 4 Improving Teller Performance: Head Teller Development

17 Special Edition: Managing the ForcePlaced Insurance Process 18 Handling Government ACH Payment Returns & Reclamations 19 Closing or Changing Deposit Accounts for Consumers & Businesses

5 Cyber Series: 20 BSA Officer Reports to Compliance Questions the Board & Issues in Deploying Mobile Remote Deposit Capture Director Series webinars 6 Auditing for HMDA are scheduled from 11:00 Compliance, Including am -12:30 pm EST New Data Collection Most webinars are Rules scheduled from 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm EST unless 11 Call Report Series: otherwise indicated. Improving Efficiency Please visit www.cbaofga. in Call Report com for webinar details. Preparation: Documentation, Accuracy & Common To learn more or to Errors register, visit www.cbaofga.com or 12 Your Depositor Has contact Kristi Greer at Died: Actions to Take, kristi@cbaofga.com or Mistakes to Avoid 770-541-4495. 13 Dealing with Joint Signers in Consumer & Real Estate Lending

Note: Dates/topics subject to change.

Be sure to check www.cbaofga.com for upcoming webinars in 2019! Fal l 2 0 1 8 | G e org i a Com m un i ti es F i rs t | 21









1 - BSA Officer School - The Basics (February) in Atlanta; 2 - Commercial Lending School (March) in Atlanta; 3 - 2017 Compliance Lending School in St. Simons; 4 - Advanced BSA Officer School in St. Simons; 5 - Mortgage Lending School in Atlanta; 6 - The Fundamentals of Mortgage Lending School in Atlanta 2 2 | ww w.cbaofga.co m | Fal l 2018 6


rough Kn le ow dge.



THE 2019 CBA



Monday-Friday, February 11-15 Tuesday-Thursday, February 26-28 Monday-Friday, March 18-22

Consumer Lending School | Atlanta Bank Secrecy Act Officer School - The Basics | Atlanta Commercial Lending School | Atlanta

Tuesday-Thursday, April 16-18

Advanced Commerical Lending School | Atlanta

Tuesday-Thursday, July 23-25

Training the Credit Analyst School | Atlanta

Monday-Friday, August 5-9

Advanced BSA Officer School | St. Simons Island

Additional schools be announced soon! Dates/locations subject to change. For most current listing, visit www.cbaofga.com or contact the CBA.

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Savannah December 4

Tifton December 5

Macon December 6

Duluth December 10

Rome December 11

Daily Lunch Sponsor The federal regulatory agencies continue to rely on financial institutions to take “every reasonable step” to identify, minimize, and manage any risks that illicit financial activity may pose to the individual institution and to the industry. This one-day seminar, held in five cities and led by Mark Dever, Vice President, ProBank Austin, Louisville, Kentucky, will assist you in meeting the annual training requirements imposed by the BSA regulations. “Beneficial Ownership”,

and the ever-increasing importance of Customer/Member Due Diligence standards will be discussed along with the latest guidelines on account management, ongoing monitoring, and due diligence expectations for Money Services Businesses (MSB), “Third-Party Payment Processors” (TPPP), and other “High-Risk” Clients! To learn more and to register for a city most convenience for you, visit www. cbaofga.com. 2017 Compliance IV Program in Macon

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2 4 | ww w.cbaofga.co m | Fal l 2018

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Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) Training Have You Met Your Annual Training Requirements?

4TH QUARTER 2018 BSA CLASSROOM PROGRAMS Compliance Program IV – Ensuring Compliance with BSA/AML 12/4 - Savannah 12/10 - Duluth 12/5 - Tifton 12/11 - Rome 12/6 - Macon

2018 BANK SECRECY ACT (BSA) WEBINARS Each year, the CBA provides a variety of BSA webinars to help you meet your annual training requirements. For previously held webinars, the webinar is available via a recording. To learn more and to order a live or recorded 2018 BSA related webinar, please visit the CBA University at www.cbaofga.com or contact the CBA Education Department. The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) is the primary U.S. anti-money laundering (AML) law. This law requires every bank to have a written, board approved program that is reasonably designed to assure and monitor compliance with the BSA. This required program should consist of an annual BSA training plan for all community bankers. To help you meet this important requirement, the CBA provides several BSA training formats designed to meet the BSA training needs of all of your staff from the teller line to the board room. If you have new or seasoned employees who still need

to complete BSA training before year-end, we invite you to consider one or all of the BSA training opportunities listed below. The CBA has been a leader in BSA training for decades and I am sure you will find the content and the faculty for our programs to be exceptional. Certificates of Completion and CPE credits are available to participants. For the most current training calendar and to register, please visit the CBA University Calendar at www. cbaofga.com or contact the CBA Education Department at education@cbaofga.com.

TESTIMONIALS “Mark is a terrific presenter. I received a stellar audit in BSA because he gave us such great training!! The most beneficial of the training for me was the Appendix portion, references to the Appendix pages as we went through the manual.” Karen Bitler, VP/BSA/ISO Compliance/Risk Officer, The Piedmont Bank, Norcross “Mark (Dever) is always great!” Melody Halloran, BSA & Compliance Officer, Thomasville National Bank “Great instructor; knowledgeable and easy to listen to.” Kathryn Smith, Compliance, Vidalia Federal Savings Bank


Completing the CTR Lineby-Line Effective May 28, 2018: Technical Changes, New Data Fields & Alternate Model Reporting


BSA Special Risks: Policy, Law Enforcement & Regulator Issues


Understanding the New SAR Filing Format Requirements: Batch Submissions, Text Fields & Cyber Event C


Newly Released Guidance on CDD Requirements Effective May 11, 2018: FinCEN FAQs


New BSA Officer Training: Requirements & Real-Life Scenarios

SAVE THE DATES! BSA Officer School – The Basics February 26-28, 2019 Julian Hester Training Center at CBA Headquarters, Atlanta Advanced BSA Officer School August 5-9, 2019 The King & Prince Beach Resort & Spa, St. Simons Island

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CBA’s Memorial Scholarship

APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE! The Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) is proud to announce the 2019 Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship and the J. Steven Walraven Scholarship! The Hester Scholarship is open to Georgia high school seniors who will be entering a Georgia college, university or technical school (two year program or more) in the fall semester of 2019. The scholarship is named after the late Jan Hester, daughter of Lalia and the late Julian Hester, long-time CEO of the CBA. hi p cholars The four winning recipients will S r e t s 2019 He be awarded a $1,000 scholarship. “CBA is pleased to assist deserving students in their first year of college while honoring the memory of Jan and Julian Hester,” stated Rob Braswell, former President & CEO of Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA). “Thanks to the generosity of our bankers and associate members, the Education Foundation is fully funded which means the Scholarship Program is completely self-sufficient, giving support to generations of Georgia’s students in the future,” explained Mr. Braswell.

The Walraven Scholarship is awarded in the amount of $500 to a bank employee who desires to continue their education while working full-time at a CBA member bank. The scholarship is named after the late J. Steven Walraven, an active 2019 Walraven Scholarship community banker who exemplified professionalism and community involvement. To compete, employees must write a short essay on how community banking has impacted their life and how it will enable them to give back to their community. Applications for either scholarship should be returned to the bank no later than Friday, April 5, 2019. All completed applications should be submitted by the bank to CBA no later than Friday, April 12, 2019. Only complete applications will be eligible. A panel of independent judges will review the applications and winners will be announced in late April 2019.

CBA’s Leadership Division proudly assists with this initiative. Please visit www.cbaofga.com to download the scholarship application and encourage participation from your community. For more information on the Hester Scholarship, please contact Peake Wilson at peake@cbaofga.com. For more information on the Walraven Scholarship, please contact Jeremy Thomens at jeremy@cbaofga.com.


Sponsorships and advertising through the Community Bankers Association of Georgia is a smart way to boost your organization’s visibility among our member banks. Let CBA customize a sponsorship and advertising package for you. CBA will host over 50 in-person programs in 2019 which include the 41st Annual Leadership Division Convention & Mini-Trade Show, the 51st Annual Convention and Trade Show, golf tournaments, clay shoots, Women in Banking, compliance programs, Banker Regulatory Forums and numerous schools, conferences and seminars. Each program offers the chance to develop new business leads as well as meet and network with Georgia’s community bank decision makers. CBA can customize an advertising and sponsorship package for you designed to target your specific audience and budget. Don’t wait! Sponsorships are available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, contact Lindsay Greene at (770) 541-0376 or email lindsay@cbaofga.com.

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2019 Barret School of Banking


Deadline to apply is December 1, 2018! CBA Associate Member Elliott Davis is pleased to sponsor a scholarship for a Georgia community banker to attend the 2019 session of the Barret Graduate School of Banking as a first-year student. The Barret School of Banking is a non-profit independent school created by and governed by a Board of Regents, whose members are executives from banks and other firms involved with the financial services industry. The mission of the School is to provide an adult learning experience for the career-oriented individual in commercial banking or a related financial services industry business. The scholarship includes both tuition and housing for for a student for the first year at the 47th Annual Graduate Session of the Paul W. Barret, Jr. School of Banking which will be held May 19-24, 2019 at Christian Brothers University in Memphis, TN. “Building a strong banking foundation is something we should all take an interest in,” stated Robert Stevens, CPA, Shareholder of Elliott Davis. “Successful community banking drives our local economies and we are thrilled to support the Barret School of Banking and the CBA of Georgia.” For more information visit www.cbaofga.com/barret-school-of-banking. The deadline to apply is December 1, 2018.





Check out our new #TestimonialTuesdays Submit yours for a chance to win a $25 gift card!



The Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) would like to welcome new Associate Members who were recently approved by the CBA Board of Directors. Throughout the year, CBA’s Board approves quality vendors who provide products and services to CBA members. Make sure your vendors are CBA members – please refer any potential Associate Members to Lindsay Greene at lindsay@cbaofga. com.

Financial Institution Strategies Group, LLC Ms. Holly Logue Consulting Ridgeland, ND MatchKey Consulting, LLC Ms. Jennifer Finkelstein Hall Bank Education & Training Johns Creek, GA PCBB Ms. Beth Abrams/ Mr. Brad Reeves Correspondent Banking Walnut Creek, CA The Peachtree Group Mr. Tracy Willis Smyrna, GA Printing Services Renovate America Mr. Craig Braun Consumer Lending San Diego, CA Retail Benefits Inc Mr. Michael Russo Computer Software Palm Beach Gardens, FL Southern Bank Equipment & ATMs Ms. Beth Hausmann ATM Services Duluth, GA W.H. Bass Mr. Frank Zari Consulting Johns Creek, GA Fal l 2 0 1 8 | G e org i a Com m un i ti es F i rs t | 27






In this issue, CBA is pleased to feature John Gianacaci, Southeast Regional Managing Director for BFS Group in Boca Raton, Florida. CBA invited John to participate in a Q & A so you can learn more about this Endorsed Member Company and a little more about John. John Gianacaci

Tell us about BFS Group and your role with the company: BFS Group is a national leader in providing Bank Owned Life Insurance (BOLI) and Non-Qualified benefit programs exclusively to community & regional banks. BFS Group supports the management of BOLI portfolios with the primary goals of providing unparalleled customer support, increasing the bank’s bottom line earnings, enhancing shareholder value, and creating additional earnings to offset the cost of meaningful benefits for all bank employees. BFS Group delivers unmatched expertise in the design, implementation, and servicing of Non-Qualified top executive benefits to reward, retain and attract key employees. We have over 525 community bank clients and service over $7.3 Billion of BOLI cash surrender value via our proprietary MINTS Administration System. We also understand the importance of Community and Regional Banks and how they are an integral part of supporting and growing communities they serve. BFS also believes in the importance of supporting local communities and has donated over Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand dollars to local charities on behalf of banks all across the country. I am the Southeast Regional Managing Director for the BFS Group and have over 25 years of experience working with community banks. How do you help Georgia’s Community Banks? I believe that there is a misconception with bankers and board members that you need to provide new Non-Qualified executive benefits in order to purchase BOLI, when in fact the regulatory guidance specifically states that BOLI can be purchased to help offset the cost of a bank’s existing employee benefit expenses. If a bank needs to provide supplemental benefits for their key employees BFS Group awards Oconee State Bank donation check to or board members, they can the American Heart Association do so without the purchase of in 2017. 2 8 | ww w.cbaofga.co m | Fal l 2018

Nothing like traveling and spending time with the little one.

BOLI. However, BOLI can be an attractive asset to not only help offset the expense associated with the benefits and also provide life insurance benefits that can be shared with the key employee’s beneficiaries. We recognize that large regional banks are generally more profitable than smaller community banks. One key reason is that regional banks generate more noninterest income than community banks. We have been working with community banks throughout Georgia to educate them on how BOLI can be a consistent, recurring, cost efficient and low risk source of noninterest income to improve their bottom line earnings. We place great value in understanding the initial and long term objectives with each bank and designing appropriate strategies based upon the bank’s specific needs. Whether its objective is to improve bottom line earnings through the purchase of BOLI or to provide supplemental retirement plans to reward, retain and attract new talent for the bank’s executive team, we take the time to fully educate the bank on the various alternatives that are available in the marketplace. What’s new? Any hot products? Our proprietary MINTS Administrative Platform provides state of the art administration for BOLI and Non-Qualified benefit plans. Our MINTS system enables our clients to have: •

A secure vault containing a repository of all documents, fully indexed, immediately available for Regulatory inquiry or challenge regarding carrier reporting and storage

Customized reporting in any format, at any time

NO COST to bank for any administration services Dinner with the family.


Interesting facts about you – Education, family, hobbies, etc. I am a graduate of the University of Dayton class of 1977. My wife Jean & I have been happily married for 33 years. Our son John and his wife Jenn have a daughter Jocelyn age 8. Our daughter Christine was 22 when she tragically lost her life in 2010 on a mission trip to Haiti. A student at Lynn University, she along with 5 others lost their lives in the earthquake. In her honor we created a foundation, Christine’s Hope for Kids and since its inception we have donated nearly $1 Million to underprivileged children here in the USA. Our foundation not only has been able to help children in need, but we have also been able to engage other children to understand the meaning of giving back to kids less fortunate. We love the fact that Kids are helping Kids!!!

Jean and I love to travel and last year had the great experience of going on a river cruise in Europe. My hobby for over 50 years has always been golf. I have been fortunate to have made great friendships though this game and have won my golf club’s Club Championship a record 11 times over 4 decades. I just recently fulfilled a lifelong dream of visiting Scotland, the Home of Golf and playing some of the world’s oldest and greatest golf courses. As a side note to golf, our company is one of the sponsors for Kevin Kisner, a Georgia Bulldog on the PGA Tour. For more information on BFS Group, contact John at (609) 915-9168 or JGianacaci@bfsgroup.com.

Christine’s Hope for Kids donates to the YMCA.

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Thousands of times each week, you may be missing an opportunity to make more money at your bank or credit union through greater net interchange income. The loss is a slow drip gradually robbing your debit card portfolio of its potential. It’s time to take a closer look at your card programs to understand how and why partnering with the right network will maximize your net interchange income. Even fractions of a penny per transaction can add up to make a big difference to the profitability of your debit card portfolio. In recent years, the bold lines that once defined strict boundaries in the payments world have blurred. Ask people who grew up in the payments industry and most will tell you: Signature (dual message) debit transactions route to one of the global networks using their credit network “rails”. PIN debit networks are used by financial institutions and merchants for processing PIN-based debit (single message) transactions. That’s changed. The lines are blurring Today’s technology, and the continued competition between payment networks, doesn’t discriminate along those old boundaries. It allows both sides to venture into the other’s territory. Today, PIN debit networks

handle signature transactions and the global networks … well, they’ve been making incursions into PIN debit territory for years. Increased competition creates a tug of war over debit card transactions, and it’s an opportunity for you. Financial institutions and merchants now have more choices and greater influence over which network is used to process any given transaction. Consumers can use their cards in dozens of different ways and at hundreds of different merchants, locally, nationally and in the e-commerce world. In order to maximize net interchange income, it’s important to understand how your choices as a card issuer impact your net interchange income.

Example: Calculating net interchange income on a $50 purchase Interchange rate

$0.05 + .75% of transaction amount

Gross interchange


Network expense (Switch fee)


Net intechange income


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In the past, single-message transaction types were used by merchants typically for PIN-based transactions. Dual-message transaction types were used for in-store signature transactions when the cardholder opted not enter their PIN. Dual-message transactions are also required when a completion message is necessary to confirm the final amount of the transaction. Think about adding a tip at a restaurant, making an e-commerce purchase that is fulfilled with multiple shipments, or checking out of a hotel and charges for room service or parking might be added. In each of these instances, the transaction amount initially authorized is not the final amount of the transaction. The completion message ensures the correct amount is posted to the consumer’s card and account.


Net interchange income As the following chart depicts, the real net interchange income you’ll receive on any transaction is not just about the interchange rate. Interchange alone determines what the merchant pays the card issuer. But that’s not the full story. You must subtract the switch fees charged by the payment network to get to the real, “net” interchange income. In this example, the $0.425 gross interchange actually nets the issuer only $0.27 after the switch fees are subtracted. Interchange rates and fees can vary greatly between networks which will significantly impact the real net interchange income you will receive.

Signature versus PIN The ecosystem continues to change Maximizing interchange revenue is If there’s one thing is for sure — the payalso about ditching some of your old ments landscape will continue to change. assumptions. The old Technologies such as When you consider belief that signature mobile payments, mul(dual-message) transac- interchange minus network tifactor authentication tions delivered more net and processing fees, and methods and programs interchange income than then take out the cost of aimed at reducing fraud PIN (or single-message) will continue to affect higher fraud losses, the is out the window. Higher the debit card issuer’s assumption of higher network (switch) fees and bottom line. It’s imperaincome from signature higher processing costs tive that banks and credit typically associated with (dual-message) transactions unions understand how continues to evaporate. a dual-message transacthese changes impact tion drag down the net net interchange income interchange you receive. and make decisions to maximize that aspect of a robust debit card program. Fraud losses Merchant routing Fraud losses are another important It’s time to choose. Will your card Merchants and their processors typically factor to consider as you try to maxi- program be a dynamic, deliberate and route transactions across the payment mize your real income. Dual-message customized contributor adding value to network that will cost them the least. (In transactions, with or without a customer your bank or credit union’s bottom line? the industry this is known as least-cost signature, incur significantly more fraud Or, will you allow outdated assumptions routing.) For each debit card transaction, losses than PIN transactions. Fraud loss- to drive your card program profitability the merchant typically has two rout- es in 2015, as reported by the Mercator into a blurred and uncertain future? ing choices. These routing choices are Advisory Group, were 0.080 percent of dictated by the payment sales volume for dualnetworks affiliated with When a merchant chooses to message transactions Dan Heimann is a leader in the payments industry for the strategy and direction of the the card. And you control route a transaction through versus 0.014 percent responsible SHAZAM Payment Network. He has worked with which payment networks one of the networks affiliated for single message financial institutions, merchants, processors, are affiliated with your with each card it encounters, PIN transactions. industry groups, payment innovators and debit netcards. When a merchant the financial institution that When you consider works around the globe to promote and implement products and services in the payment chooses to route a minus innovative industry. issued that card receives the interchange transaction through a network and processinterchange income dictated particular network, the ing fees, and then take by that particular network financial institution that out the cost of higher minus the network (switch) fraud losses, the asissued the card receives fees charged to the issuer. the net interchange sumption of higher inincome dictated by that come from signature network. While the interchange rates for (dual-message) transactions continues a particular payment network might look to evaporate. good on paper, you, as the card issuer, will only receive that interchange rate when the merchant chooses to route the Dan Heimann transaction through that network. That’s Head of Enterprise Brand Strategy why it’s so important for banks and credit SHAZAM unions to choose the right combination A CBA Endorsed Member Company of network affiliations that will maximize net interchange income.

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It shouldn’t come to much of a surprise that liquidity risk management is a major focus for all the regulatory agencies. Since the financial crisis of 2008, the economy has improved and banks have steadily added loans to their balance sheets. As a result of the increase in loan demand, overall liquidity levels have decreased as more liquidity is now tied up in loan portfolios. Additionally, banks need to consider how the vast amount of surge deposits in the industry might behave as the Fed continues to raise rates and deposit competition heats up. Is it possible those depositors will leave in search of higher rates? Or will they leave the banking system altogether? In April 2010, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) issued a policy statement to provide for sound practices for managing funding and strengthening liquidity risk management practices. This guidance is now eight years old; however, with the renewed focus on liquidity risk management, some banks are playing catch-up to ensure they are in compliance. For years, the concept of liquidity stress testing seemed irrelevant, as most banks were flush with deposits, cash liquidity, and tepid loan demand. Fast forward to 2018 and stress testing our liquidity levels seems much more plausible. The question becomes, “How do I stress test my liquidity?” First, take a look into the regulatory guidance. The aforementioned 2010 guidance states the following: “Institutions should conduct stress tests regularly for a variety of institution-specific and market wide events across multiple time horizons. The magnitude and frequency of stress testing should be commensurate with the complexity of the financial institution and the level of its risk exposures.” There are a few more sentences after those two, but all in all, the guidance doesn’t give us a whole lot of…well, guidance. Second, take a look at some ways to conduct liquidity stress testing. Here is where you need to start getting creative. A brainstorming starting point is to ask, “What would keep our ALCO up at night from a liquidity risk perspective?” Liquidity stress testing should address both institution-specific as well as market wide events. You should start with looking at the bank’s balance sheet and its potential seasonality. Some institutions experience more seasonality than others, and seasonality can come from both sides of the balance sheet. However, there is one area that will affect any institution: the loss of customer deposits. Modeling a scenario where you lose varying levels of deposits is a must.

Stress testing a loss in deposits is just one of many scenarios to consider when running a liquidity stress test. Once again, regulators want to see both institution-specific as well as market wide stress events. Examples of institution-specific events may include asset quality concerns, reputation risk, rapid growth, and regulatory restrictions. Market wide or systemic events may include capital market disruption, economic conditions, uncertainty in industry, and changes in interest rates. A scenario that needs to be considered is one where the bank has capital issues and they become “less than well-capitalized” per the Prompt Corrective Action regulation. Falling to the “adequately capitalized” rating limits a bank’s access to various contingent funding sources. Restrictions on brokered deposits and paying high rates on deposits now comes into play. Additionally, creditors such as the Federal Home Loan Bank, Federal Reserve, or Correspondent banks will demand more collateral, reduce availability, or terminate the borrowing line. Once you have your stress scenarios well thought out, you need to run those scenarios through a pro forma cash flow analysis and analyze whether or not your current liquidity levels can remedy the stress scenario. If not, you then need to look towards our contingent liquidity sources and see if they are sufficient to fund the shortfall in liquidity. Ensure the results of your liquidity stress tests are discussed by the asset-liability committee and the review is documented in the minutes. Lastly, don’t forget about your contingency funding plan. The results of your stress testing should also play a key role in shaping the institution’s contingency planning. Therefore, stress testing and contingency planning are closely intertwined. Remember to stress your liquidity and not yourself! Dale Sheller is Vice President in the Financial Strategies Group at The Baker Group. Contact: 800-937-2257, dsheller@GoBaker.com.

Dale Sheller

Vice President, Financial Strategies Group The Baker Group A CBA Endorsed Member Company

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For those thinking of buying a house in Georgia this year, here are the top 3 things first-time buyers need to know that will help make their dreams of homeownership become a reality. 1. It is likely easier to purchase a home than you think. I still hear the same mortgage myths that borrowers believe are an impediment to them being able to purchase a home. “You need a 20% down payment” and “My credit isn’t good enough”. In fact, most would be first-time home buyers cite lack of down payment as the main reason they cannot afford to purchase a home. The truth is Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac both offer loan programs with as little as a 3% down payment. FHA requires 3.5% down, while VA and USDA both have offerings with no down payment at all. Many of these programs allow a monetary gift from a family member if you still fall short of the minimum down payment. You need perfect credit though, right? Not so much. A 620-credit score is often the minimum required by lenders. This leads us to point 2: 2. First: Contact a mortgage lender, not a real estate agent. If you have heard that inventories of homes for sale is tight, you have heard correctly. That doesn’t mean there are no homes for sale, but if a “balanced” market is historically a 6-month supply of homes for sale, most counties in Georgia are now in the 2 to 3-month supply range. Sellers and realtors alike only want to deal with buyers who have been vetted or “Pre-Qualified” by a reputable mortgage lender. That is why smart buyers seek out a mortgage lender first. Find out what price range you qualify for; what the payments would be; and how much money you may need for down payment and closing costs. A mortgage lender can review your credit, income, assets and help you to avoid potential pitfalls when getting a mortgage. Then seek out a real estate agent and let them know you are pre-qualified; know exactly what price range you qualify for; and that you are ready and able to negotiate an offer.

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3. Promises of faster and cheaper don’t always mean better. Choose wisely. Let’s say you would benefit from LASIK eye surgery. Would you choose the doctor for this procedure based on who is the least expensive, or on who has had the most successful operations? Would you use a coupon, or prefer a recommendation from someone you trust? Would it be important to you to find the doctor who claims they perform this procedure the quickest? Not when something as important as your vision is at stake. It is also necessary to understand what is most important to you when shopping for a mortgage. Most purchase transactions take around thirty days. If the “cheapest” and “fastest” lender doesn’t deliver on its promises, or changes the terms of your offer the week before closing, where does that leave you? There is no doubt that price is an important factor when obtaining a mortgage. However, the best advice may be to slow down. Get more than one quote from more than one lender. Compare your options and ask a lot of questions. When it comes to your financial future, it’s time well spent. Authored by Fowler Williams, AMP, CMB, President & CEO of Crescent Mortgage. For more, please contact Ashli Matson at (770) 714-5417 or amatson@crescentmortgage.net.

Ashli Matson

Account Executive Crescent Mortgage A CBA Endorsed Member Company



This rate environment is unlike anything bankers have seen in almost a decade. Here’s how a bank’s board can approach the topic.

4. What new deposit products do we plan to offer, and how will we offer them only to our best customers? Not all customers or deposits have equal value to the bank.

One of the best ways to prepare for the changing environment is to make sure your bank has a written, well-prepared deposit strategy. We’re not talking about a 100-page document. In fact, the asset/liability committee (ALCO) of the bank may need a five- to 10-page report highlighting the rate environment, the bank’s deposit strategy, and alternative funding plans and projections. The bank’s full board may just need a three- to four-page summary of the bank’s deposit strategy, making sure that management is able to address key questions:

5. What is our funding plan? In other words, what are our alternatives if we need deposits to grow, and what will they cost? This is perhaps the most difficult question to answer.

1. Who are your bank’s top 10 competitors, and what are they doing with rates? What new products are they offering?

While it’s important not to be caught off guard in a rising-rate environment, rising rates can be a good thing for a bank with a solid deposit strategy in place. For the first time in a long time, the wind will be in the sails of bankers. They just need a plan for navigating the changing environment ahead. Coauthored by Steve Kinner, Promontory Interfinancial Network; Scott Hildebrand, Sandler O’Neill + Partners; and Dave Koch, Farin & Associates. For more, please contact Danny Capitel at (770) 630-6796 or dcapitel@ promnetwork.com.

2. How will the Federal Reserve’s expected moves in the coming year impact our rates, our margins and our annual net income? 3. What is our bank’s strategy for contacting our largest depositors and determining their needs?

Steve Kinner Senior Managing Director Promontory Interfinancial Network A CBA Endorsed Member Company

Scott Hildenbrand

Principal and Chief Balance Sheet Strategist Sandler O’Neill & Partners, L.P. A CBA Associate Member

Dave Koch President & CEO Farin & Associates

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It’s a hot topic nowadays – what consumer data is your company retaining, and how is it protecting that data? Given all the high-profile consumer data breaches lately, it may seem easier to focus on ensuring that your organization is retaining only the bare minimum of consumer data and disposing of the rest. Lately, many bank compliance departments have lost sight of the fact that many of the federal consumer protection statutes require retention of certain data – sometimes for several years after the data has been used. This short article reviews some of the more prevalent federal retention requirements affecting banks nationwide. Regulation B: Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) Applications for credit and solicitations for pre-screened offers of credit must be retained for 25 months and 12 months in the case of most business credit applications. Any written or recorded information regarding an adverse action or any written statement submitted by an applicant for violation of the ECOA must also be retained for 25 months. It is important to note that a creditor shall retain information beyond 25 months if it has actual notice that it is under investigation or subject to an enforcement proceeding under the ECOA. (12 C.F.R. § 202.12.) Regulation C: Home Mortgage Disclosure Act The Loan Application Register and modified Loan Application Register must be retained and available to the public for three years. The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) disclosure statement must be retained and available to the public for five years. (12 C.F.R. § 1003.5.) Regulation E: Electronic Fund Transfer Act Records of compliance must be retained for at least two years from the date disclosures are required to be made or action is required to be taken. (12 CFR § 205.13.) Regulation M: Consumer Leasing Act Evidence of compliance with lease requirement disclosures should be retained for two years after either 1) the date disclosures are required to be made or 2) an action is required to be taken. (12 C.F.R. § 213.8.)

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Regulation X and Z: Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and Truth in Lending Act (TILA) Generally, evidence of compliance with Truth in Lending Act (TILA) must be retained for two years after disclosures are made or action is required to be taken. Evidence of compliance with TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosure rule, also known as TRID, specifically, including Loan Estimates, must be retained for three years after the later of 1) the date of consummation, 2) the date the disclosures were made, or 3) the date action is required to be taken. Closing Disclosures and associated documents must be retained for five years after consummation of the loan. Documents related to Affiliated Business Arrangements under RESPA must also be retained for five years from the date of execution. (12 C.F.R. §§ 1026.15 and 1024.15.) Regulation DD: Truth in Savings Act Records of compliance must be retained for a minimum of two years after the date disclosures are required to be made or action is required to be taken. (12 C.F.R. § 1030.9.) Bank Secrecy Act Currency transaction reports and Suspicious Activity Reports, with supporting documentation, must be retained for five years. (31 C.F.R. §§ 1010.415; 1010.410; 1020.320.) Authored by Amy L. Hanna Keeney, a licensed attorney and Certified Information Privacy Professional with Adams and Reese LLP. Amy provides real-time regulatory counseling to financial organizations across the country and has also defended businesses in state and federal litigation throughout the Southeast. Amy earned the ANSI-accredited Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/US) designation through the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).

Amy L. Hanna Keeney Special Counsel Adams and Reese LLP A CBA Associate Member

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COMPANIES ACG | Refurbished ATMs/Currency Counting Phil Winn | Phil.Winn@acgworld.com | (770) 442-9800

Kasasa | Branded Suite of Banking Products Shanna James | shanna.james@kasasa.com | (512) 582-7174

Ameriprise Financial Institutions Group (Formerly Investment Professionals, Inc.) | In-Bank Retail Investment Services William J Lavender | william.lavender@ampf.com | (210) 288-1981

OnCourse Learning | Online Training Craig Johnson | cjohnson@oncourselearning.com (404) 476-3460

ATM Response | ATM Service & Cash Logistics Tony Webb | twebb@atmresponse.com | (770) 855-2989

Pentegra | 401k/Retirement Planning Wade Connor | wade.connor@pentegra.com | (704) 608-4563

Bahr Consultants, Inc. | Insurance Review Hank Bahr | hank@bahrconsultantsinc.com | (865) 694-6098

S&P Global Market Intelligence (Formerly SNL Financial) | Financial Data Colin Wyatt | Colin.Wyatt@spglobal.com | (434) 817-5475

BankTrends | Peer Analysis Michael Stinson | michael@bank-trends.com | (877) 717-6743

SecureWorks | Managed Internet Security Program Hourieh Clark | hclark@secureworks.com | (678) 225-8707

BFS Group | BOLI & Executive Benefits John Gianacaci | JGianacaci@bfsgroup.com | (609) 915-9168

SHAZAM | Debit Card/EFT Processing Alex Jernigan | jjernig@Shazam.net | (229) 220-0064

Computer Services, Inc. | Secure-Connect for Directors Andy Lapp | andy.lapp@csiweb.com | (800) 545-4274, ext. 16064

Staples | Office Supply Program Janet Cook | janet.cook@staples.com | (770) 454-0663

CRA Partners | Senior Housing Crime Prevention Sue Shaffer | sue.shaffer@shcpfoundation.org (901) 529-4787

The Baker Group | Portfolio Management & Asset/Liability Strategies Paul Clanton | pclanton@gobaker.com | (405) 415-7337

Crescent Mortgage | Secondary Market Mortgage Services Ashli Matson | amatson@crescentmortgage.net (770) 714-5417 The Eversole Group, LLC | Marketing Program Craig Eversole | craig@theeversolegroup.com (601) 977-5225 Executive Insurance Agency, Inc. | VSI Program Ryan Sower | ryan@executiveinsuranceagency.com (770) 474-2355 Fitech Payments | Merchant Services Matt Mingenback | mmingenback@fitech.com | (316) 518-8850 Genesys Technology Group, LLC | Vendor Renewal & Evaluation David Saylor | david@genesystg.com | (770) 729-4139

Travelers | Insurance/D & O/ Bond Program Diana Baker | dcbaker@travelers.com | (678) 317-7882 UPS | Overnight Delivery Program Monica Sterk | msterk@ups.com | (800) 531-7917 UtiliComm Solutions, Inc. | Telecommunications Mark Tressler | mtressler@utilicomm.com | (678) 965-2256 William Mills Agency | Public Relations & Marketing William Mills | william@williammills.com | (678) 781-7200 Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC Bank Assetpoint/Insured Cash Sweep (ICS) Danny Capitel | dcapitel@promnetwork.com | (770) 630-6796 *Cooperative Marketing Alliance

Harland Clarke | Check Program Ryan Busenitz | Ryan.Busenitz@harlandclarke.com | (678) 595-0625 For more information on these providers, special discounts for CBA member banks, or to learn about the endorsement process, contact Lindsay Greene at (770) 541-0376 or lindsay@cbaofga.com. Fal l 2 0 1 8 | G e org i a Com m un i ti es F i rs t | 37


1900 The Exchange, Suite 600 Atlanta, GA 30339 www.cbaofga.com

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