Plan de emergencia ingles

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Medical Emergency 1. Medical emergency in the classroom Evaluate how serious the injury is and immediately call the doctor at extension 225 (or cell phone). Assess the initial state of the patient and the severity of the injuries or conditions by determining: •  Is he/she breathing? (Yes or No) - Clear the airway. •  Is he/she conscious? (Yes or No) - Answers to your call, has his/her eyes open, or opens them when called. •  Can he/she talk? (Yes or No) – Does he/she have problems speaking? •  Can you recognize and locate any pain? (Yes or No) – Does the subject specifically complain about anything? Clearly state the symptoms. •  The school doctor takes care of every accident or illness. •  Stay with the patient; reassure him or her, and administer first aid only if you know how. •  Ask the people who are standing around to step back from the injured person. •  The doctor will follow the necessary procedures. •  The doctor can ask for support from a member of the school brigade if necessary.

2. Transportation of ill students and/or employees The following procedure must be followed in the following cases: •  When parents or an authorized adult (guardian) cannot pick up the student at school.

•  When it is not possible to locate the parents or guardian and the student requires medical attention. •  The doctor or his or her delegate will accompany the student in an ambulance. •  If the parents cannot be located, the doctor will determine whether the student should or should not remain in the doctor’s office until there is available transportation. •  The doctor will continue trying to locate the parents or the guardian. •  In case the ambulance takes more than 30 minutes to arrive, the doctor will determine if he/she or his or her delegate will take the student to the hospital. •  Under the doctor’s criteria, a car will be used to transport an injured person only in grave cases where there is no other solution and time is critical. •  The doctor or the individual accompanying the student will not leave the patient alone until a guardian arrives.

3. CEM Contact (Medical Emergency Service): 524 5454 or cell 315 366 0140

•  Emergency medical care upon the school doctor´s request. •  In case someone needs medical care and the doctor is not at the school, the principal or his delegate should be informed. •  In case it is necessary to transport a student to a medical center by ambulance.

Case of Injury in School Activity

Fire or Explosion or Gas Leak 1. The teacher or adult supervisor must:

2. In case of fire, follow these recommendations:

•  Interrupt all activities immediately. •  Instruct all students to remain calm and get them away from the danger zone. •  Communicate with the school principal to report the emergency. •  Tell the students, in a calm and measured manner, all the instructions they must follow. •  In case of an evacuation, take the emergency clipboard and cell phone. •  Take students to the meeting point following the established evacuation route, unless it is considered dangerous. •  In this case, use common sense to guide students to the meeting point. •  Never leave students alone without adult supervision. •  Once they have been evacuated, the brigade will assess the situation. •  If any student or personnel member is seriously injured, the indicated procedures for these situations must be followed. See Medical Emergency Procedures. •  Teachers must wait for instructions from the school principal.

•  A fire in a trash can which can turn into a major one must be reported to the brigade (contact the Emergency Committee by telephone). •  No member of the school personnel must try to fight major fires unless they are duly trained. •  If your clothes catch fire, do not run. If you do, the fire will spread. What you have to do is stop, lay on the floor or ground, and roll. This will help put out the flames. •  If it is necessary to enter a closed room in a building on fire, first put your hand against the door. If it is hot, do not try to open it. •  Once the fire has been extinguished, wait for instructions from your principal.

Fire or Explosion or Gas Leak

Bomb Threat or Suspicious Device 1. Instructions for the person receiving the threat: All threats must be considered real. If you receive or identify a threat through a phone call, follow this security procedure: • Keep calm. • Listen carefully. • Be courteous and do not show fear. • Inform the security chief of the call at: Cell phone 317 646 1617 or Extensions 236, 237 or 275 (Emergency CommitteeContacts).

2. Teacher or adult supervisor:

If you find a bomb or a suspicious object: •  Observe your surroundings carefully. Do not approach or touch the bomb or suspicious object. •  Get away from the place and notify the school director through another adult or by using any other communication device (cell phone if possible). •  Avoid creating vibrations. They could set off the bomb. •  Do not use any electrical switch since it may be the detonating device.

In case you need to take shelter: •  You will hear a specific alarm that will indicate you need to take shelter. Keep calm. •  Avoid walking in the halls and stay in rooms. •  Keep the students away from doors and windows. •  Never leave your students unsupervised by an adult. •  Remain in the classroom until the emergency has been controlled. Await instructions from the school principal. In case of evacuation: •  You will hear a specific alarm that will indicate an evacuation. Remain calm. •  Take your emergency clipboard and guide your students toward a place that is far from the suspicious object, and follow the indicated emergency procedures. •  Never leave your students unattended without the supervision of an adult. •  Remain at the meeting point, and await instruction from the school principal.

Terrorist Threat

Electrical Storm or Flash Flood 1. General recommendations

3. Floods, landslides and intense rain storms

•  Lightning is produced even when there is no rain and can originate up to 15 Km away from the rain. It is considered dangerous when you can hear thunder. Cancel or postpone any outdoor activity if there is an electrical storm. •  If you hear or see an electrical storm, go into a closed area or refuge. If you cannot enter a building, tell your students to crouch and put their arms on their knees and lower their heads. Everyone must stay away from trees, towers, fences, telephone or energy poles, since they attract lightning. •  Never stand under a tree in an open field, since lightning usually hits the highest points. Stay away from metal elements like umbrellas or baseball bats. •  Water is an excellent conductor. Turn off all electrical devices; avoid the use of mobile phones, and stay away from running water and electrical sockets until the storm has passed.

•  Keep away from flooded areas. Do not try to walk, swim, or play in the flooded area. •  In case of power outage, disconnect all electrical devices to avoid damage when power is restored. •  In case there is danger of landslides or falling debris, the school director, or the designated person, will consider evacuating the school and relocating students. •  The school director or the designated person assigned by the school director will notify the school principals if it is necessary to send students home or if they should remain at school. •  Await instructions from the school principal. Keep calm. •  Get rid of any food that might have been in contact with the flood.

2. Response in case of strong rain •  If your room floods, call the maintenance coordinator: Cell 315 562 05 30 or extension 260 / 291. •  Disconnect all electrical devices. •  Move furniture away from the affected area. •  Place students in a safe area within the classroom or the building. •  When there is a storm at the end of the school day, it is possible that bus departures will be delayed until it is considered that students can leave in a safe manner. In those cases, a text message will be sent to every family letting them know what is happening.

Floods / Thunderstorms

Tremor or Earthquake If the evacuation alarm is activated or if you see or feel signs of an earthquake (the earth is shaking, hanging objects start to move), follow this security procedure: •  Keep calm. •  Always adopt a fetal position, protecting your head with your hands and elbows. •  Only evacuate if the evacuation alarm is activated.

5. Parking lot

1. Hallways

6. If you are under rubble

•  Move towards an interior wall, preferably one that has no windows.

•  •  •  •

2. Classrooms •  Seek protection under a desk. If there are no desks, divide the students into groups and place them next to a wall that is away from any windows, lamps, electrical outlets, shelves or objects that might fall. •  Inform them that they must remain in this protective position until the earthquake has ended. •  When hearing the evacuation alarm, take your clipboard, your cell phone, and follow the emergency procedures.

3. Labs and kitchens •  Order students to crouch under lab tables or against a wall without any windows, lamps, electrical outlets, shelves, or objects that might fall. •  Tell them they must remain in this protective position until the earthquake is over. •  Stay away from food that might spill, hot oil, or dangerous chemicals. •  If it is possible, turn off the burners and close the gas cylinders before leaving. •  When hearing the evacuation alarm, take your emergency clipboard, your cell phone, and follow the emergency procedures.

•  If you are inside a vehicle, stop until the earthquake has passed. When it is over, park your vehicle. •  If you are walking after having parked, stay away from buildings, walls, windows, electrical cables or other objects that might harm you. Stay there until you receive new instructions.

Do not light matches or lighters. Do not move too much or try to remove dust. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or rag. Hit the pipes or the wall in order for the rescuers to be able to locate you. If you have a whistle, use it. •  Only yell as a last resort (yelling will make you inhale great amounts of dust).

7. After the earthquake •  After the earthquake, additional tremors are likely. For this reason, it is possible that weakened buildings might collapse. Stay alert and get away from places that might collapse. •  Do not use water from the tap. It might be contaminated. •  Do not flush toilets. Always verify that pipes are in good condition. •  Gas stoves cannot be used until authorities have established that it is safe to use them. Tell your students they cannot touch any cable while exiting. •  Do not smoke or light any matches, lighters, or torches during or after an earthquake.

4. Sport fields and play areas •  Place yourself in the middle of the field or move to an open space. Keep away from buildings, walls, posts, electrical cables, windows and other elements that might harm you. •  Sit on the ground. •  When hearing the evacuation alarm, go to the nearest meeting point and report yourself. Await new instructions.

Tremor or Earthquake

Chemical or Biological Threats •  A chemical incident is defined as the release of toxic industrial chemicals and/or other agents that are capable of causing bodily harm or death. •  A biological incident is defined as the release of bacteria, viruses, and/or toxins that are capable of causing bodily harm or death. (These could include anthrax, smallpox •  and/or SARS). •  A radiological incident is defined as the release, exposure to, and/or dispersal of radioactive materials that are capable of causing bodily harm or death.

When students, staff, or other individuals in the building need emergency medical attention, the principal will notify the doctor who will follow the necessary procedures and can solicit support from a member of the school brigade if necessary. •  As the incident progresses and further analyses are made, information is channeled to the principal and instructions are given to the teachers. •  Once released, students and staff do not return to the school until the director orders it.

Response plan in dealing with the biological, chemical, or radiological incidents: After notification of a suspected biological, chemical or radiological incident, the following steps and actions are initiated immediately to reduce the risk of bodily harm: •  The principal gives instructions to follow either the Secured Room Procedure or an Evacuation Procedure. •  Upon receiving the Secured Room order, all students and staff who are involved in outdoor activities must return to their designated room/office. •  Initially all students and staff are kept in their designated room until the principal assesses the situation and advises the best course of action, such as moving to a particular on-site or off-site safe haven.

Chemical or Biological Threats

Evacuation and Shelter Procedures 1. Procedures for evacuation •  The school director or his assigned designate will activate the alarm (PA system or door to door) and give the order to evacuate. •  The emergency committee is activated. •  The principals and their delegates must move to the meeting points and take their radios with them.

2. Rules to evacuate rooms Once the alarm is activated or a teacher identifies an emergency, he/she must: •  Interrupt all activities. •  Instruct all students to remain calm. •  Tell students the instructions they must follow in a clear and measured manner. •  Take your emergency clipboard and your cell phone with you. •  Do not lock the room. •  Lead the evacuation of students to the meeting point, following the established evacuation route, unless it is dangerous. In this case, use common sense to guide students towards a safe meeting point. •  Never leave your students alone without adult supervision at the moment of evacuation; keep students from wandering. •  As soon as conditions are favorable, inform the school principal, his/her delegate, or brigade personnel about injuries.

3. Rules for the meeting point •  •  •  •

Remain calm. Dismiss rumors. Take roll immediately after arriving at the meeting point. If your group is complete, inform the school principal or his/ her delegate by raising the green card. If you are missing someone, raise the red card and inform the principal of the name and possible location of the missing person. •  Evaluate students’ physical condition and, when possible, the brigade will provide first aid. •  Always remain with students, and do not leave the meeting point until the director has given the order to end evacuation. •  Await instructions from the school principal or his/her delegate.

4. Procedure for shelter There are cases in which you must remain inside the building to protect students and personnel from external threats. The school principals or their delegates are the ones who will mandate students and staff to stay inside the room (classroom, office, gymnasium, or cafeteria). In these cases, the teacher or adult must follow these instructions: •  Lock your room and windows. •  Keep students away from doors and windows. •  In case you hear shots or explosions, order everybody to lay on the floor. •  If there is an emergency inside the classroom, contact the school principal immediately. •  Remain in the classroom until the school director or his/her delegate gives new instructions.

5. Total evacuation Principals, or their delegates, will issue instructions to evacuate to the parking lot in order to leave school. 1. All monitors and drivers should line up with their bus number card. 2. Children are sent to the corresponding line of their bus. 3. In case of an evacuation procedure, those students who do not use the transportation services on a regular basis are sent home on a bus according to the emergency bus routes (indicated in the transportation data base, corresponding to the neighborhood where the student lives). 4. Teachers will accompany students on the bus routes. 5. All staff and visitors not assigned to a bus route with students remain in the school waiting for instructions. No one should leave in their vehicle until duly authorized. 6. A cellular text message is sent out to parents informing them of this decision.

Evacuation Procedures

Bus Routes Security Procedure Instructions for monitors and drivers

C. Security Incident

•  Keep calm. •  Do not put the safety of students or bus occupants at risk. •  In the case of a bus evacuation, give priority to younger students.

1. 2. •  •

A. Accident

Emergency or injury caused by an accident: 1. Communicate directly or through the main gate with CEM Medical Emergency Service 524 5454 or cell. 315 366 0140. 2. Request an ambulance to arrive at the buses location. 3. Provide first aid to individuals in need. 4. Communicate by radio or other means available with the transportation coordinator, school administrators, or main gate. 5. Report the current situation, the course of action, precise address, neighborhood, safety circumstances, and receive instructions. 6. Proceed with all security measures: parking lights, doors and windows closed. Check that no vehicles are beside the bus. Ensure safety. 7. Act without authorization only if strictly necessary. 8. Act calmly and do not unnecessarily risk the safety of the bus occupants’ wellbeing. If an ambulance is required 1. The monitor and the driver must note the name of the student(s), ambulance identification, and the location where the individual(s) will be transferred. 2. The monitor must go with the student and appoint a 12th grade student to support the driver with monitoring functions until support arrives, the bus reaches the students’ homes, or it returns to school. 3. If several students are to be transported by the ambulance, the monitor must accompany the youngest or most severe case.

•  3.


Prevention is vital. Always: Keep the door closed. Critical Areas: traffic lights, traffic jams, street vendors, proximity of strangers. Divert the route if there are protests, demonstrations, or threats. Be careful not to be followed by vehicles or motorcycles. If suspects follow the bus, go to the nearest police station or alert the police. Ensure that students enter their homes before continuing with the route. In case of any anomaly, always communicate by radio or other means available with the transportation coordinator, school administrators, or main gate. In the presence of robbers, do not look directly into their eyes; be polite; do not physically resist or disarm anyone; remain silent, and ask students to be calm and quiet. If interrogated, avoid being an easy informant: listen, analyze, and respond. Robbery: Give up all belongings and try to make the robbers leave the bus as soon as possible. If injuries occur, follow steps in A - Accidents. Kidnapping: Do not put the rest of the passengers in danger. Immediately after the danger is over, turn on the stationary lights and make noise to draw attention in order to find outside support. Take note of data such as vehicle ID, number of people, weapons, flight path, or any data of interest to help the authorities. Shooting: Order the students to lie on the floor covering their heads with their arms. If possible, leave the danger zone immediately. If injuries occur, follow A - Accidents.

B. Sickness

D. Fire or flood

Ask the sick student about his or her symptoms and determine the severity of the situation. See Medical Emergency Procedures. 1. Communicate by radio or other means available with the transportation coordinator, school administrators or main gate. 2. Report the incident. 3. Depending on the urgency, communicate with the school doctor for the student’s medical history. Assess the severity of his/her health status and the procedure to follow. 4. In a severe incident, or based on orders from the transportation coordinator, immediately divert the route to the nearest health center. 5. If the bus is going through an unsafe area, consider the safety of the bus and all its occupants. 6. Once the decision to go to a health center is made, the transportation coordinator must report the situation to the student’s parents. (If the decision is made to take the student home, reporting to the parents is mandatory so they know that their child is on his/her way home). 7. The monitor must accompany the student to the health center and stay with him or her until the parent or guardian arrives. 8. The driver continues with the bus route and solicits assistance from a 12th grade student to supervise young children.

1. Contact the main gate and report the situation. 2. Position the bus in a safe place to avoid being harmed during evacuation or while stopping. 3. In the case of fire, immediately leave the vehicle without any belongings and tell students to remove the emergency windows for a quick escape. Take the first aid kit. Once outside the bus, group students in a safe place far away from the bus until the arrival of support. 4. In case of floods, change the route if necessary to get to a safe place. If the vehicle cannot continue, remain calm in the vehicle until help arrives.

Bus Routes Safety

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