2023-2024 Caves International Curriculum Catalogue 敦煌國際課程目錄

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International Curriculum Catalogue


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For more information, please feel free to contact Ms. Christine Tseng at ChristineTseng@cavesbooks.com.tw

Formerly known as Pearson K12 Learning, Savvas Learning Company carries on a longstanding tradition of innovation and leadership by providing the highest-quality content, including core curriculum, supplemental content, intervention programs, and professional development spanning all K-12 grade levels and disciplines. Caves Books is the sole distributor of Savvas Learning Company in Taiwan.

We connect to the Partner School Global Network with the British Council

British Council Partner Schools is a network and support from British Council for partner schools that deliver an international UK curriculum leading to exams such as the Primary, Lower Secondary, International GCSE and A level. British Council has cooperated with partner schools through introducing and administering those international exams. It is a global community with over 2,000 schools in the network across 34 countries around the world.

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K-12 Portfolio Continuum: Core Product





Open Court Reading©2016

enVision Mathematics©2024

Open Court Reading©2018

Reveal Math©2022

My Math©2018


elevate Science©2019

Inspire Science©2020


Corrective Reading©2008

enVision Mathematics©2024

enVision Mathematics©2024

Reveal Math©2020

Glencoe Math©2016

Glencoe Math©2018

Experience Chemistry©2021

Experience Physics©2022

Environmental Science©2021

Miller & Levine Biology©2019

Inspire Science: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science©2020

Inspire Science: Physical Science, Physical Science with Earth©2021

Glencoe iScience©2017


myWorld Interactive©2019

myWorld Interactive: American History, World History, World Geography©2019

Economics, US History, World History©2022 Magruder's American Government ©2023

Civics Interactive ©2024

Networks: US History, World History, World Geography, Civics and Economics©2018


Networks: US History & Geography, World History & Geography, Economics US Government, Geography©2018

GRADE LEVEL K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

myView Literacy™ International ©2021

Savvas Learning Company

Grades K–5

myView Literacy™ International ©2021 is a comprehensive K-5 English Language Art solution. It balances student-centered learning with teacher modeling, minilessons, and small group guidance. It's flexible, it’s creative, it’s made for you. myView Literacy adapts to your needs, your students and your view.

myView Literacy™ International was built to help you reach those light bulb moments. It allows you to teach integrated literacy grounded in the science of learning, and inspires creativity to teach from your heart and be yourself. At the same time, it empowers your students to learn from the world around them as their stories begin to unfold.

The modern and manageable classroom

The contemporary instruction in myView Literacy™ International helps you address literacy, content areas, social-emotional learning and – most importantly — student curiosity every day.

 The All-in-One teacher’s Edition has everything you need for planning and instruction.

 Minilessions take 10-15 minutes, so your students have more time to apply what they’ve learned.

 Editable lessons, assignable playlists and Google Classroom integration make quick work of tasks.

Differentiation that is doable Engage all students with high-interest resources and just-in-time support.

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 Comprehensive, targeted English Language Development resources provide support for all proficiency levels.

 Clear, actionable data shows how students are performing on assignment or specific standards.

 New Leveled Readers captures students’ interests during guided and independent reading.

A Priority on Caring and Kindness

Create the classroom you’ve always imagined with the perfect balance of academics and social-emotional learning.

 Collaborative and Independent Activities develop critical social skills and and self-awareness.

 Inquiry Activities get students working together, planning and problem-solving in your classroom.

 Social-emotional Education activities like goal-setting fit in your daily instruction.

Technology that works for you myView Literacy™ International is on the award-winning Savvas Realize™ digital platform, where you can share content and rosters seamlessly with Google Classroom™.

Literacy 4

Open a world of ideas and prepare students for college and career

myPerspectives ELA Program ©2022

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 6–12

myPerspectives is a brand new English language arts curriculum for Grades 6–12 that values the perspective of the learner, collectively and individually, and provides next-gen learning experiences that promote higher achievement and develop the competencies needed for college and career readiness. Interactive learning blends print and technology in a student-centered, teacherinspired classroom. This dynamic Savvas program creates an interactive, engaging, and relevant learning environment through readings, meaningful activities, and purposeful performance tasks. myPerspectives encourages social collaboration as well as student ownership of learning through goal setting, choice, and reflection.

Cultivate students’ voices and perspectives. Open a world of ideas using literary and informational texts to prepare students for college and careers. Open Minds.

In myPerspectives students:

 read classic and contemporary texts that span time periods and cultures;

 engage in meaningful activities that inspire thoughtful conversation, discussion, and debates;

 share ideas and collaborate on projects;

 and develop lifelong skills to help them think critically, build knowledge, effectively communicate, and strategically use technology in order to formulate and defend their own perspectives.

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The future is bilingual

Accelerate English language proficiency and academic success!

New Cornerstone ©2019 New Keystone ©2019

Pearson Education

Grades 1–5

New Cornerstone, designed for children aged 6 to 12, is a program supports young learners where the English curriculum is extensive, as they strive for academic success and full English proficiency in a global environment. It offers scaffold, sustained instruction combined with an explicit focus on language development. This proven approach accelerates language acquisition, literacy, and transferable academic skills simultaneously. Academic rigor is assured through alignment to the Common Core State Standards.

What makes New Cornerstone great?

 Key concepts and vocabulary: each unit is organized around a big question and provides a starting point for building understanding.

 Systematic skills development: three readings per unit develop academic skills and literacy.

 Vocabulary acquisition: accelerate acquisition through explicit instruction.

 Understanding by design: develop transferable academic skills through connected learning.

 Grammar rules: clear explanations with examples and rules introduce key grammatical concepts.

 Research-based reading and language skills instruction: balances contentarea readings with age-appropriate, high-interest stories.

 Digital resources: Pearson English Portal puts Teacher and Student digital resources, including brand new videos, audio, EXAMVIEW® and Reader+ that accompany our courses in one place.

Pearson Education

Grades 6–9

New Keystone, designed for children aged 10 to 14, is a program supports young learners where the English curriculum is extensive, as they strive for academic success and full English proficiency in a global environment. It offers scaffold, sustained instruction combined with an explicit focus on language development. This proven approach accelerates language acquisition, literacy, and transferable academic skills simultaneously. Academic rigor is assured through alignment to the Common Core State Standards.

What makes New Keystone great?

 Drives student progress: a flexible reading and language development program that accelerates student achievement through scaffolded, sustained instruction and language development strategies.

 Thematic units: each level has 6 thematic units organized around a Big Question.

 Mapped to the Global Scale of English (GSE): provides focused learning objectives that facilitate greater precision in performance assessment.

 Reading is at the heart of every unit: each reading focuses on comprehension, reading strategies, and building fluency.

 Authentic readings: lessons center on a wide range of genres, including biographies, informational texts, and poems, as well as classic and contemporary literature.

 Digital resources: Pearson English Portal puts Teacher and Student digital resources, including brand new videos, audio, EXAMVIEW® and Reader+ that accompany our courses in one place.

Literacy 6
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Reach Higher

National Geographic Learning Grades 1–6

Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content with a global perspective. The program uses National Geographic science and social studies content and authentic literature to build content knowledge and develop English literacy through enquiry-based learning. Students work with the content to develop critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills needed to succeed in their academic studies.

Reach Higher provides students with the skills and strategies to understand stories and literature, and to work with more complex texts that include facts and background knowledge in the subject areas of science and social studies.

Reach Higher teaches the language students need – vocabulary, phonics, reading, writing, and conversations – to work with authentic academic content in English.

 Cross-curricular, six-level program showcases original fiction, science, and social studies content to develop English literacy skills.

 Academic skill-building with phonics support develops students' understanding of different cultures while fostering independent learning.

 All-in-one Classroom Presentation Tool provides the resources teachers need to prepare for, addresss, and assess a comprehensive range of instructional priorities and requirements.

 Read on Your Own phonics readers use fiction and non-fiction texts to reinforce the phonics and highfrequency words in Reach Higher through science and social studies content.

 Supports Common Core State Standard and WIDA Standard Framework

Literacy 7
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Academic language, literacy and content for an education in English

Open Court Reading Common Core Progress

McGraw-Hill Education

Grades K–5

An Elementary Reading Curriculum

English Language Art ©2014

Saddlier Education

Grades K–8

Effective Standards-Based Instruction & Practice

Open Court Reading is research-based comprehensive K–5 reading, writing, and language arts curriculum that aligns with what we know about how students learn to read. Using systematic, explicit instruction, Open Court Reading helps all students master the foundational skills needed not only to move to proficiency, but also to achieve greater goals of reading independently with confidence inside and outside the classroom.

Open Court Reading meets top tiers of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

This K-8 supplemental program provides standards-based instruction and practice in the Student Edition/eBook, plus, engaging online resources that support learning. You will:

 Boost students' reading proficiency by integrating reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language lessons and activities grounded in research

 Save time with organized literary and informational texts selected to enhance independence and proficiency

 Monitor student progress with a comprehensive assessment plan that includes Unit Tests, Performance Tasks, and Benchmark Assessments

Literacy 8 Learn More Learn More

elevateScience ©2019

Savvas Learning Company

Grades K–8

Designed for the next generation of innovators Learn More

elevateScience™ is a K-8 phenomenabased science curriculum immersing students in the inquiry process. This is science elevated for problem solving, critical thinking, and the NGSS performance expectations.

elevateScience™ engcourages curiosity, transforms learning, and promotes student innovation. This new program elevates teaching and learning to a new level with studentcentered activities based on the Next Generation Science Standards. Realworld problems, simple explanations, and best practices make teaching practical and rewarding. Share the wonder the wonder of science with your students as you promote inquiry and exploration in the classroom.

elevateScience™ encourages investigation, critical thinking, and reasoning—exploring science through phenomena-based Quests, engaging in STEM and engineering activities, while making interdisciplinary connections as they solve problems.

elevateScience™ is rich with assessment opportunities to inform teaching and improve learning. Assessments are downloadable, editable, printable and can be administered digitally through the Savvas Realize™ digital platform.

Science 9

Exploring Science ©2019

National Geographic Learning

Grades K–5

Developed specifically for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), National Geographic Exploring Science covers 100% of the NGSS for Grades K-5 to ensure students are mastering the Performance Expectations. Now with improved 3-Dimensional lesson support, more hands-on activities for students, enhanced assessment opportunities, and our MindTap digital platform including interactivity to support 3D learning.

 Introduce real-world science practices with National Geographic Explorers, scientists, and photographers

 Wide variety of lesson types keep students engaged in 3D learning from different perspectives

 Teacher support for phenomenonbased lessons, assessment, literacy integration, and differentiation to meet all student needs.


Exploring Science provides teachers with a range of formative and summative assessment resources include:

 Wrap It Up! questions for each lesson

 Unit pre-assessments, opening activities, and quizzes

 Student Science Notebooks are a formative assessment resource

 Unit tests, performance tasks, and rubrics

 ExamView test banks including varying question types searchable by NGSS standard

 Teacher rubrics are included to assess Performance Expectation activities. Student rubrics allow the opportunity for self reflection.


Turn the NGSS into an engaging student experience with the most interactive and powerful digital program available in MindTap.

 Highly engaging, content-based activities at point-of-use

 New animations and videos featuring Explorers, scientists, and photographers

 New Virtual Labs allowing students to change variables and observe different outcomes

 Teacher gradebook and data analytics for detailed assessment

 Correlation tool allows easy search for content and activities by NGSS standard

Science 10 Real Science. Real World.
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Glencoe iScience ©2017


Grades 6–8

Glencoe iScience is the most effective, innovative, and inspiring middle school science curriculum that meets both NGSS and local science standards. For educators who would like to leverage technology to drive personalized student success while engaging and motivating students with hands-on, project-based activities and realworld applications, Glencoe iScience is the best partner.

 With Glencoe iScience you are equipped to meet science standards performance, integrate Science and Engineering Practices into science classroom, apply the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) and correlate the lessons to NGSS.

 With PBLs you can help students develop problem-solving skills, the understanding and application of engineering design process, 21st century research competency and confidence, motivation, and excitement about science.

 Use diverse lab activities, like launch labs, minilabs, inquiry labs, virtual labs, to bring science to life.

Programs for Glencoe iScience

・Life iScience

・Earth & Space iScience

・Physical iScience

・Integrated iScience Course 1, 2, 3

Also available...

Glencoe High School Science 2017

Grades 9-12




Earth Science

Physical Science

Physical Science with Earth Science

Science 11
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Inspire Science


Grades K–12

Inspire Science helps students build innovative thinking skills by empowering them to explore and learn from our world’s amazing natural phenomena in exciting, hands-on ways, and prepare students for a future fullof STEM opportunities.

 Proven and research-driven 5E instructional model enhanced, to align with the demands of the NGSS for three-dimensional, phenomena-driven learning.

 Our close collaboration with the NGSS writers, and educators just like you has resulted in a tried-and-true approach to NGSS that you’ll love.

 24/7 professional learning when you need it, with an expansive library of relevant, self-paced, professional learning courses to support implementation, instructional progression and mastery.

 Open eductional resources for high school series offers the opportunity to curate your own content. With our partners such as The Smithsonian, SpongeLab, and PhET you are able to find the resources you need when you need them.

Big Science

Pearson Education

Books 1–6

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Explore, learn and discover science through English

Science is everywhere. From your backyard to a tropical rain forest; from your pets at home to creatures in the sea; from your bike to a space station. With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways. They will ask questions, gather information, test ideas, and record their findings. In no time, your students will be thinking like young scientists!

 Trusted Content: Big Science aligns to Common Core Standards and Next Generation Science Standards, building both core language skills and scientific practices.

 Big Thinkers: The 5E methodology is a systematic approach to discovering, exploring, questioning and understanding the world around us.

 Support and confidence: ELL support in the Teacher's Book, means all teachers can teach science with confidence. Language practice in the Workbook, means Students develop

the language skills they need to engage with the science content.

 Flexibility: The modular structure of Big Science allows teachers to choose which units to teach, based on what is right for their class.

 Skills for life: Students learn essential skills for success in school and future life - critical thinking, collaboration, communication and self-direction.

Science 12
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Miller & Levine Biology ©2019

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 9–12

The new Miller & Levine Biology developed for the modern biology classroom. This innovative and fresh program focuses on new standards, making sense of phenomena, STEM integration, and three-dimensional learning. Respected biology authors Ken Miller and Joe Levine bring an accessible writing style to the narrative that engages students of all levels.

 Ignite Curiosity

Authentic case studies and laboratory investigations drive inquiry-based learning. Students directly interact with science phenomena. They engage in real-world problem solving, science and engineering practices, and data analysis.

Experience Chemistry ©2021

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 9–12

Promote Understanding

Science textbooks challenge many students. Miller & Levine Biology provides critical reading support, visual aids, ELD strategies, performance-based assessment and self-monitoring tasks to improve understanding and enjoyment. The student text and eText are available in English and Spanish.

 Inspire Learning

Problem-based learning inspires students to seek out solutions. Every unit focuses on a long-term problem that will engage students in analytical thinking, collaboration, and self-directed learning. A new CISD Instructional Model (Connect, Investigate, Synthesize, Demonstrate) creates a learner-driven environment based on 21st century competencies.

Experience Chemistry gets students to investigate real, compelling phenomena – and experience how chemistry relates to their everyday lives. Is there chemistry in water, food, medicine, or the latest sports shoe? Hands-on and digital activities encourage students to figure things out.

Phenomenal experiences drive Inquiry

Real-world phenomena engages students in evidence-based ideas and practices. The program organization implements the three dimensions around Anchoring, Investigative, and Everyday Phenomena.

 Flinn Labs take inquiry to a higher level

Direct from the leading lab solution provider! Four versions of every lab offer unequaled breadth and depth. With Engineering Design Challenges and Performance-Based Assessments, students design, test, and evaluate solutions.

Experience creates real learning opportunities

It’s authentic…it’s compelling…it’s REAL science. A wide variety of hands-on and virtual experiences create lines of inquiry in every lesson.

Science 13
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Experience Physics ©2022

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 9–12

Experience Physics implements a learning model that organizes learning around phenomena giving students an authentic, real-world experience. Experience Physics includes a variety of hands-on and digital activities designed to reach every learner, and partners with Flinn Scientific to deliver high-quality inquiry labs, engineering workbenches, and performance assessments.

 Phenomenal experiences drive student inquiry

Experience Physics uses phenomena to engage students in scientific inquiry through its organizational structure and real-world storylines.

 Flinn Scientific takes inquiry to a higher level

An exclusive partnership with Flinn Scientific, the leading classroom lab solution provider, gives students access to its labs and activities directly in Experience Physics.

 Virtual Explorations support the understanding of phenomena

In addition to digital versions of the Student Handbook and Teacher Guide, find a wealth of resources that enhance the student experience.

Science 14 Learn More

enVision Mathematics Common Core ©2024

Savvas Learning Company

Grades K–5

enVision® is the first math series that combines problem-based learning with visual learning. enVision® focuses on deep conceptual math understanding aided by visual models, student-centered projects, 3-act tasks, and personalized learning. enVision offers comprehensive vertical alignment from Kindergarten through Algebra 2, ensuring schools and districts address all mathematical standards in the most effective way.

 Focus on student understanding enVision Mathematics packs a unique one-two punch. Lessons start with Problem-Based Learning, where students must think critically about a real-world math problem, evaluate options, collaborate, and present solutions. This is followed by Visual Learning to solidify the underlying math concepts.

 Make assessment part of differentiation

Meet Common Core Standards with intervention activities and resources for all learning levels

 Improve your math teaching practices

enVision Mathematics helps you improve your teaching with embedded strategies, methods, and practices. Math background for every topic and lesson is an anytime source for ideas and inspiration. Watch PD videos and lesson videos. Access online training Learn

24/7. Get a fresh new perspective on teaching.

 Make every lesson easier and better savvasrealize.com is home to enVision Mathematics digital content, assessments, student data, and management tools. Students can even access content offline and Realize will sync automatically to the online version.

Part 3 of each lesson combines lesson quick checks, observational assessments, and auto-generated reports to inform your teaching.

Mathematics 15 Kids See the Math. Teachers See the Result.


enVision Mathematics Common Core ©2024

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 6–8

enVision Mathematics Common Core

2024 for Grades 6-8 is a problembased learning plus visual learning. It’s digital, print, and differentiated learning. All-new enVision Mathematics for Grades 6-8 makes math relevant to students, helping them see how it works for them in their everyday lives. Students see and experience mathematics with exclusive visual models, animations, 3-act tasks, Desmos graphing, and student-centered projects.

enVision Mathematics Common Core

2024 for Grades 6-8 empowers every teacher and learner through:

 Conceptual Understanding

Invite students to explore, collaborate, and visualize math to develop deeper understanding

Personalized and Adaptive Learning

Build confidence and understanding by meeting students’ individual needs.

 Blended or One-to-One Approach to Technology

Students see mathematical situations that are relevant to their lives and use technology that excites them.

Mathematics 16
See the Math. Teachers See the
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enVision A|G|A Common Core ©2024

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 9–12

enVision A|G|A Common Core ©2024 is a brand-new high school mathematics program. It’s built from the ground up for the Traditional Pathway of the Common Core State Standards. enVision A|G|A helps students look at math in new ways, with engaging, relevant, and adaptive content. For teachers, the program offers a flexible choice of options and resources. Customize instruction, practice, and assessments. Re-energize students and help them become more selfdirected and independent learners.

 Personalized by Design Mathematical modeling, adaptive practice, and individual study plans make learning more personal and relevant.

Learning for What’s Next

Create critical thinkers, problem solvers, and collaborators for future jobs and careers. enVision A|G|A balances conceptual understanding, procedural skills, and application.

 Harness the Possibilities

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Mathematics takes on new meaning and becomes personal through relevance, engagement, and individualized learning pathways.


Mathematics becomes a lifelong tool when curriculum balances conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application.


Gain meaningful insights and leverage the powerful technology to make every lesson and assignment perfect for you.

Mathematics 17 NEW
enVision A|G|A Common Core ©2024 is a high school mathematics program built from the ground up for the Traditional Pathway of the Common Core State Standards. 1, Geometry, Algebra 2
Leverage technology and save hours of time on administrative tasks. Use ready-made assessments, practice, remediation, and reports. enVision A|G|A makes it easy to customize everything.

McGraw-Hill My Math ©2018


Grades PreK–5

McGraw-Hill My Math is giving you the rigor, personalization, and student engagement you and your students need to be successful with the Standards– and have fun while achieving that success! This completely reimagined approach to elementary math learning is fully aligned with Standards and Mathematical Practices, so you can focus on what you love most: inspiring a love of learning.

 Challenges and engages your students in a way that inspires them to embrace the power of mathematics through real-world applications and experience just how fun math success can be.

 Students communicate mathematically by beginning each chapter with a hands-on content with visual vocabulary cards, Talk Math opportunities, and Dinah Zike’s Foldables right in their own book.

 You can optimize, customize, individualize your classroom planning, presentations, and differentiated instruction for every student.

Reveal Math


Grades K-5 ©2022

Grades 6-12 ©2020

Reveal Math, a GK–12 core program, empowers educators to uncover the mathematician in every student through powerful exploration, rich discourse, and timely insightful differentiation.

 Math classes become exciting starting from here! Reveal Math supports both low-tech and high-tech classrooms. The blended print and digital instructional model captures the best of both modalities and brings them together in a seamless experience that makes math meaningful for your students.

 In Reveal Math, the Teacher Edition centers around opportunities to

promote mathematical discourse, collaboration, and a positive student mindset with student-centered instructional tools.

 Reveal Math empowers teachers with powerful tools to differentiate instruction and English language support, allowing teachers to deliver insightful instruction that reaches every learner.

Mathematics 18 Learn More Learn More

Glencoe Math ©2016 Course 1, 2, 3


Grades 6–8

Glencoe Math Course 1, 2, 3 is a powerful Grades 6-8 math program that makes math real for students.

The three components of rigor are supported throughout the program and are embedded in resources, lessons, and practice assessments.

 Rigor is built-in and supported throughout the program. The three components of rigor — conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application — are embedded in resources, lessons, and practice state assessments.

 Interactive resources available with every lesson, the tools are used to support instruction, practice concepts, and reinforce learning.

 The adaptive learning technology of ALEKS® paired with the rich content of Glencoe Math provides a curriculum solution that is differentiated for every student.

Also available...

Glencoe High School Math series:

*Glencoe Alegbra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2

©2018, Grades 9-11

*Glencoe Precalculus

©2014, Grades 11-12

Mathematics 19 Learn More

myWorld Interactive Social Studies ©2019

Savvas Learning Company

Grades K–5

myWorld Interactive is a K-5 social studies curriculum that encourages active inquiry while introducing civics, economics, geography, and history concepts. Students develop critical thinking, problem solving, and communicating skills for engaged civic life. The program includes strong ELA instruction to support social studies inquiry and new literacy standards. myWorld Interactive is both comprehensive and adaptable, so it fits a wide range of classrooms and schedules. It’s the student-centered social studies curriculum that helps teachers achieve their instructional goals.

 Inspire Active Learning

Project-Based Learning creates active inquiry experiences that develop skills for active, responsible citizenship. myWorld Interactive focuses on inquiry skills and key concepts that support your state standards and the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies.

 Inspire Literacy Engagement

Integrated ELA lessons helps students read text closely, analyze information, and construct well-defended arguments. Build vocabulary and language skills, support your reading block.

 Inspire Your Classroom

Multiple options and resources support culturally responsive teaching, differentiation, and delivery approaches.

Aligned to the College, Career, and Civic Life Framework and the Common Core Standards

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Interactive Worktext
JumpStart Activity

myWorld Interactive World History ©2019

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 6–8

myWorld Interactive World History applies the latest research and technology to effectively engage students in social studies through civic involvement and literacy. Students will learn about their world while covering the core social studies standards. A highly flexible blend of print and digital materials maximizes student learning and classroom time.

myWorld Interactive World History encourages students from diverse populations to explore their world, expand their thinking, and engage with the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework. The curriculum is flexible and easily adapts to every classroom.

 Inspire Active Learning

Project-Based Learning creates rich inquiry experiences that develop skills for active and responsible citizenship.

 Inspire Flexible Classrooms

Teaching Options and Resources provide access and equity for culturally responsive teaching, differentiation needs, delivery approaches, and time constraints.

 Inspire Literacy Engagement

Lessons help students read closely, analyze information, and communicate academic, well-defended ideas.

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B Take students on a Quest! These long-term projectbased learning opportunities, engage students in rich inquiry experiences that

C Shift to online anytime! Digital Resources offer amazing ways for students to delve into the Topic.

Also available...

myWorld Interactive American History

2019 Grades 6-8

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Social Studies 21
A The Active Journal encourages inquiry, writing, and application of concepts. Create self-motivated learners! develop important analysis and citizenship skills.

Social Studies

World History Interactive ©2022

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 9–12

Savvas’ new World History Interactive brings history forward to the present. History is more than the “story” of our past—it’s the story of people, decisions, moments and inventions, which in turn shape the story of our present and future with a focus on inquiry and active learning, technology, and current events to help prepare students for college and career. New World History Interactive is a modern, inquiry-based social studies curriculum that promotes critical thinking, immersive experiences, and informed action. It leverages the C3 Framework to make world history experiential and culturally relevant for all students.

World History Interactive was created for teachers, by teachers. Key features include:

 Connections to Today

See the connective tissue between the past and present.

 Listenwise Current Events

Integrated current events for each topic, and a news story every day.

 Project Imagine

Project Imagine uses immersive experiences and diverse primary resources to tell the stories of ordinary people in the past.

 Quest Inquiries

Inquiry in every topic through projectbased learning, civic discussions, and document-based questions.

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 9–12

US History is more than the “story” of our past. Its consequences can be felt today, and may impact our future. New US History Interactive is a modern, inquiry-based social studies curriculum that promotes critical thinking, immersive experiences, and informed action. It leverages the C3 Framework to make US History experiential and culturally relevant for all students.

US History Interactive was created for teachers, by teachers. Key features include:

 Connections to Today

Each topic contains a thematic connection to the past, and provides teaching suggestions to bring the pass into today.

 Listenwise Current Events

Integrated current events for each topic, and a news story every day.

 Project Imagine

Project Imagine digital activities immerse students in the past through role play, decision-making activities, and more.

 Quest Inquiries

Take students on Quest through the content with topic inquiry assignments. Students will learn history while building real-world skills, such as developing a website.

History Interactive ©2022
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Magruder's American Government ©2023

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 9–12

myWorld Interactive World

Geography ©2019

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 6–8

For over 100 years, Magruder's American Government has been the premier high school textbook for American Government classrooms. In this innovative new edition from Savvas Learning Company, Magruder's American Government Interactive becomes the first high school program with a foundational textbook plus digital resources that are continuously updated. With each election cycle, each change of policy, and every passing year, Magruder's American Government Interactive will remain fresh, new, and current. Students can focus on our nation's founding principles and the core functions of government while actively debating policies that affect their lives.

Connections to Today

See the connective tissue between the past and present.

Listenwise Current Events

Integrated current events for each topic, and a news story every day.

Case Study Connections

Students will become informed on current issues and the government's role, then take action by developing and sharing their views.

Inquiry Center

Focus students on the duties of an active, informed citizenship. Use the Inquiry Center to help students find a project idea, then use the inquiry-based project materials so they can turn their projects into action. Learn More

Inspire students to develop global competencies for active, informed citizenship. myWorld Interactive emphasizes project-based learning to explore the world’s places, systems, and cultures. The program is available as World Geography Survey, or Eastern and Western Hemisphere editions. Each includes strong ELA/literacy connections and multiple teaching options. Lessons promote critical thinking, problem solving, evidence-based reasoning, and communications skills. myWorld Interactive is the student-centered world geography curriculum that helps you implement your state’s standards and the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies.

 Inspire Active Learning

Project-Based Learning immerses students in real-world inquiry that introduces geographical topics, ideas, and figures.

 Inspire Literacy Engagement

Integrated ELA lessons helps students read text closely, analyze information, and construct well-defended arguments.

Inspire Your Classroom

Multiple options and resources support culturally responsive teaching, differentiation, and delivery approaches.

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Social Studies 23

Social Studies

Economics ©2022

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 9–12

Savvas Learning Company's Economics 2022 program helps students build an essential, life-long understanding of core economics principles, Savvas Economics features motivating, hands- on activities, interactive graphics, animations, and videos to help build relevant economic literacy. The program bridges time-tested best practices, curriculum standard expectations, and technology to help prepare students to be college and career ready. Savvas' Economics program uses a research tested fourpart learning model to enhance teaching and understanding.

 Connect Students make learning personal as they connect to content through a story and activate their prior knowledge, personal experience, and perspective.

 Investigate Students actively learn, investigate, and acquire key content knowledge through a variety of components both in print and digital.

 Synthesize Students extend their understanding by applying what they just learned in a quick recap and "pull-it-all-together" exercise before they move on to the next lesson.

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 Demonstrate Students demonstrate their understanding through a variety of authentic, formative, and summative assessments.

Interactive features:

 Extend the learning, reinforce and provide new learning opportunities

 Reach students where they are, leverage technology for investigation and learning

 Include primary sources at point of use and provide scaffolded props to support ability to do in-depth analysis and supports key skill of analyzing sources

Savvas Learning Company

Grades 6–12

Civics Interactive was created to help today's learners develop important life skills and an innovative mindset they will need to address global changes and ways to actively participate in making a better world. To help students understand how Civics applies to their lives through a skills-based approach.

Listenwise® Current Events provides a news story every day.

Mini lessons that allow teachers to Teach their way with modular digital content that provides short, flexible, and interchangeable lessons.

Each topic has a slide deck that allows the teacher to kick off the topic and walk through lesson activities.

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Civics Interactive ©2024

IMPACT Social Studies


Grades K–5

With IMPACT Social Studies, students will gain building blocks for critical thinking and analysis as they use inquiry to learn about history, geography, economics and civics.

 IMPACT Is Inquiry

Curiosity is at the center of inquiry. Students who collaborate in inquirybased learning experiences become deeper thinkers and stronger communicators.

 IMPACT Builds Language

IMPACT Social Studies ensures that the language learning in social studies is especially valuable for English Learners because it expands their language development in new directions as they engage with the content.

 IMPACT Is Literacy

Literacy skills provide the foundation for inquiry. Students apply literacy tools— strategies for close reading, writing, and speaking and listening—to comprehend, critique, and synthesize social studies content.

McGraw-Hill Networks


Grades 6–12

McGraw Hill Networks is a multiple award-winning program for middle school and high school, bringing the people, issues, and events of yesterday to life for the students of today. It boasts the first truly integrated print and digital curriculum, with a full suite of teaching and learning tools to provide a flexible, customized learning experience.

 Rigorous, age-appropriate content highlights diverse perspectives, integrates primary sources, and makes relevant connection to bring subject to life.

 Inquiry activities ignite curiosity and facilitate critical thinking, teaching how to analyze sources, cite evidence, and take informed action.

 Customizable lesson plans and classroom management tools save time, while point-of-use differentiation strategies and authentic ELL support meet every student where they are.

 Stimulates collaboration, problem solving, debate, action, and draw connections to today by demonstrating relevancy.

Digital Resource: ConnectED

All Networks titles come with builtin revolutionary adaptive technology, LearnSmart® + Smartbook which determines precisely which learning objectives a student has grasped and provides personalized instruction, practice.

Smartbook® is an adaptive ebook that utilizes LearnSmart® technology to guide students through the interactive challenge format highlights content and helps each student identify content they know, don’t know, and are most likely to forget.

Social Studies 25 Learn More Learn More

McGraw-Hill AP®, Honors & Electives and CTE


Grades 9–12

McGraw-Hill AP®, Honors & Electives programs provide students at every proficiency level purposeful lessons, extensive practice, and a variety of opportunities for concept mastery to develop the academic and real-world skills and knowledge they need to make the successful transition from high school to college and beyond.

 AP Advantage supports students with accessible, engaging, and fully aligned resources designed to support them from pre-course skill mastery, through comprehensive core curriculum, to targeted and adaptive test prep. AP advantage tailors the learning experience to students’ diverse needs and learning styles.

Onboard: Pre-course skill mastery

 Self-paced, diagnostic, interactive AP course prep

 Builds prerequisite skills and knowledge to ensure equity in the classroom

 Great for first weeks of school assignments

APCore: Comprehensive core curriculum

 Robust online teaching and learning platform that extends class instruction

 Interactive, engaging pedagogy tied to the text

 Powerful reporting tools and customizable content

SCOREboard: Adaptive test prep

 Personalized, adaptive AP content review

 Auto-graded AP practice exams

 Builds mastery and confidence for AP exam success

 SmartBook is an adaptive ebook that utilizes LearnSmart® technology to guide students through the interactive challenge format highlights content and helps each student identify content they know, don’t know, and are most likely to forget.



Biology / Chemistry / Environmental Science / Marine Science / Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology / Zoology


Human Geography / Economics

Traditions & Encounters: A Global

Perspective on the Past / The Science of Psychology


Elementary Statistics / College Algebra / Precalculus / Beginning Algebra / Intermediate Algebra


Language and Composition: The Art of Voice


The Art of Publics Speaking WORLD LANGUAGES

Avanti! Beginning Italian

MUSIC Tonal Harmony CTE*

Business / Family & Consumer Science / Criminal Justice

*Career and Technical Education (CTE)

AP, Honors & Electives and CTE 26
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Read On Your Own

National Geographic Learning


Read on Your Own phonics readers reinforce phonics and high-frequency words in Reach Higher. The readers feature decodable texts, including fiction and nonfiction, and cover a variety of science and social studies topics.

 60 fiction and nonfiction reads are benchmarked to levels 1-3 of Reach Higher

 Thirty-six additional phonics readers are available for students needing more phonics support when they start learning with Reach Higher

 Audio recordings of each reader are available for teachers and students

 Teaching support is available on the Classroom Presentation Tool and Companion Site

 Each reader provides additional practice in a phonetic sound and introduces related worlds from the corresponding level of Reach Higher

Word Study

Word Wisdom


Grades 3–6

Wordly Wise 3000® (Fourth Edition)

Educators Publishing Service Grades K–12

Available for grades 3–6, Word Wisdom is the only vocabulary program that teaches students to unlock word meanings in context, using vocabulary strategies. With these reliable, transferable strategies in hand, students can discover the meaning of unknown words in anything they read and expand their vocabulary over time.

Word Wisdom incorporates the most effective, research-based approaches for vocabulary development, including activating prior knowledge, using context clues strategies, and analyzing roots and other word parts. Students build literacy skills that

 increase reading fluency and comprehension.

 strengthen reading and writing across subject areas.

 improve overall academic success.

Wordly Wise 3000® 4th Edition provides direct academic vocabulary instruction to develop the critical link between vocabulary and reading comprehension.

 New engaging, research-based activities align with current state and national standards and assessments and provide a greater variety for students.

 Students engage with their peers during “Turn and Talk” activities by discussing and acting out word knowledge.

 Differentiated reading passages, and instructional support allow teachers to work with students performing below-grade-level.

 Wordly Wise 3000® partners with Quizlet. These study and game activities offer additional reinforcement for vocabulary words.

Supplemental 27
Unlocking Vocabulary in Context Learn More Learn More Learn More


Arrive Math Booster


Grades K–8

The Arrive Math Booster can be flexibly used to target any standard from kindergarten through eighth grade. This supplemental intervention program provides teachers with resources to meet every student at their level and provide the appropriate amount of support or challenge they need to be successful.

 With access to multiple grade-level of content in one subscription, teachers can easily integrate Arrive Math with any core program and select appropriate resources to support approachinglevel students and extend on-level instruction to challenge gifted and talented students.

 Teachers can easily assign a Take Another Look mini-lesson for individual students to complete during independent work time. Each student is supported with a three-part, gradual release activity that mitigates distraction and curbs potential frustration.

 Purposeful game play creates memorable learning experiences where students have fun and practice math with their peers. The Games Kit offers 54 unique, board or manipulative-based games that to build fluency of critical math skills.



Grades 3–12

ALEKS is an adaptive, online math program that uses artificial intelligence and open-response questioning to identify precisely what each student knows and doesn't know. Through truly individualized learning and assessment, ALEKS delivers a personalized learning path on the exact topics each student is most ready to learn.

 Students begin with an Initial Knowledge Check. The results are summarized in the ALEKS Pie. Within each pie slice (topic area), the colored section shows what a student knows.

 As students work through their ready-to-learn topics, ALEKS provides them personalized learning with immediate feedback, detailed explanations, definitions, and other tools for building mastery.

 Real-time reporting allows educators to:

 Measure progress at the student, class, school, and district levels.

 View progress and ready-to-learn topics related to a specific math standard.

 Gain insight on how students may perform on standardized assessments and remediate potential knowledge gaps.

Redbird Mathematics

McGraw-Hill Grades K–7

Redbird Mathematics solutions share the same vision of accelerating learning through personalized instruction, and both draw from pioneering research in adaptive learning technology. Originally developed at Stanford University, together they provide a common set of user experiences and reporting that can help elevate students in Mathematics.

 Redbird Mathematics solutions deliver what each individual student needs to accelerate math or writing skills.

 Empowering educators with data that is easy to understand.

 Redbird is easy to implement and is adaptive to the needs of any classroom.

Supplemental 28
Learn More Arrive Math Booster Learn More ALEKS Learn More Redbird Mathematics


STEAM Readers

Teacher Created Materials

Grades K–5

Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this dynamic series engages students with highinterest readers that highlight all aspects of STEAM: science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. Through hands-on STEAM activities, students will learn how the engineering design process is used to solve realworld problems.

 Challenge students to explore, collaborate, and solve problems through hands-on, minds-on learning.

 Strengthen literacy skills and content-area knowledge with highinterest readers and easy-to-implement lessons.

 Apply the engineering design process to solve real-world problems.

 Engage in student-centered activities that support makerspaces and projector problem-based learning objectives.

 Build skills to give, receive, and apply effective feedback and promote ongoing reflection.

 Make career connections with career advice from Smithsonian employees working in STEAM fields

FUNdamental Science

Ruby Tuesday Books

Key Stage 1

Science Essentials

Ruby Tuesday Books

Key Stage 2

Fascinating explanations of natural phenomena and handson opportunities to observe and investigate the world around them, will have readers excited and curious to do more and more science!

Key Features:

 High-interest, accessible text

 Brings STEM to life for young students

 Striking and beautiful images

 Close picture and text match

 Age-appropriate, informative diagrams

Each book gives readers the opportunity to:

 Observe and experience

 Ask questions

 Use simple scientific equipment

 Use their math knowledge

 Collect, record and analyze data

 Communicate their ideas

 Build their scientific vocabulary

This series will be supported with free downloadable teacher resources. www.rubytuesdaybooks. com/scienceKS1

Fascinating explanations of natural phenomena and handson opportunities to observe and investigate the world around them, will have readers excited and curious to do more and more science!

Key Features:

 Experiments and investigations

 Discussion topics & critical thinking questions

 Brings STEM to life for young students

 Beautiful images and a high impact designExperiments and investigations

 Discussion topics & critical thinking questions

 Brings STEM to life for young students

 Beautiful images and a high impact design

Each book gives readers the opportunity to:

 Ask questions and use scientific enquiries and evidence to answer them

 Set up simple practical enquiries and tests

 Make observations, take measurements, use scientific equipment

 Gather, record, classify and present data using scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams and charts

 Use results to draw conclusions, make predictions and ask new questions

The series is supported with free downloadable teacher resources and worksheets. www.rubytuesdaybooks. com/scienceKS2

Supplemental 29
Resources FUNdamental Science Resources Smithsonian STEAM Readers Resources Science Essentials


Rosen Publishing

Grades K–3

From Learning to Read to Reading to Learn

LevelUp is a robust adaptive reading platform that brings PreK–3 educators and students to one engaging resource to foster students’ literacy growth. Supporting small group and whole class instruction as well as individualized practice. Rosen LevelUp offers students both interactive online and printable activities to facilitate learning and encourage independent literacy growth.

Library of Over 2,400 Books include:

 Authentic fiction and nonfiction

 Actor narration to model fluency

 Engaging interactive phonics activities

 Adaptive personal libraries on interest and reading levels

 Engaging decodable books

State-of-the-Art Interactive Phonics


LevelUp follows a complete scope and sequence of phonics skills, including units on emergent letter-sound correspondence, multisyllabic words,

and more—all using 3D animation! The 250+ printable activities and writing practice sheets ensure mastery of these foundational skills.

Evaluations Made Easy

LevelUp incorporates low-stakes progress monitoring assessments and provides intuitive reporting for analysis. By incorporating the Lexile Framework® for Reading, students can meet standard grade and age level benchmarks.

Engaging Student Gaming Environment

LevelUp Land’s gaming environment maximizes student engagement without distracting from learning goals.

Find Titles Correlated to ELA/CEFR Standards

LevelUp recognizes ELA/CEFR standards correlations. Teachers can filter over 2,400 authentic texts to find those that tie to a particular standard and enrich their instruction.

Supplemental 30 Online
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Highlights Library

Highlights for Children

Grades K–8

Discover a Love of Reading

Highlights Library gives children instant access to thousands of stories and videos across a variety of genres that support their many interests. Spanning 10 content areas and 30 reading levels, the Library lets children choose what they read.

Highlights Library supports children’s many interests through stories, videos, rewards and so much more!

Learning Management System

A comprehensive Learning Management System that makes supporting student reading journeys simple, customized, and fun.

Student Progress Tracking

Detailed reports for individual students or whole classes provide more insight so educators can identify areas of improvement and celebrate student successes.

Assignments Made Easy

Curate assignments by theme and reading level or search by keywords to create a personal collection made just for your students.

Additional Educator Resources

Educators have access to hundreds of instructional resources to incorporate into lessons, in-class activities, or athome reading support.

Motivational Reading Tools

Highlights’ most popular Hidden Pictures puzzles are unlocked along each child’s personal reward path. As children reach reading milestones, they also earn reading badges and printable certificates to reward their progress!

Supplemental 31 Online Reading Program
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I Read to Write

Zaner-Bloser Grades 2~6

I Read to Write is a simple, flexible solution that helps students master the skills needed for close reading and responding to multiple sources on writing assessments.

With I Read to Write, students learn to

 read closely to analyze text structures and acquire a deeper understanding of content.

 cite text evidence as they respond to multiple sources in writing.

 write across content areas: Science, Social Studies, and Math.

 write within three text types: Narrative, Informative/Explanatory, and Opinion.

 practice skills essential to success on writing assessments.

Read, Think and Write Across Content Areas

Spectrum Series

(New Edition)

Carson-Dellosa Publishing Group Grades K~8

Proven instructional method teaches and reinforces concepts as students' progress towards mastery. Updated and optimized for today's college- and career-ready classroom.

 Math: Systematic instruction to help students master grade-specific math skills.

 Language Arts: Challenge students to be clear communicators and confident readers.

 Science: Encourage a love for science with fascinating facts and compelling passages.

 Phonics: This best-selling language arts workbook uses progressive lessons, strategies, and practice to help children form words with letter sounds, and blends.

Skill Sharpeners Series

Evan-Moor Grades PreK~6

Skill Sharpeners series motivates children to practice curriculum-based skills to get ready for the next grade level. These colorful activity books present must-know skills in fun thematic activities.

Skill Sharpeners series includes:

 Reading focuses on improving reading comprehension through fiction and non-fiction passages.

 Math targets math essentials like numbers, operations, data, measurement and geometry.

 Spell & Write incorporates reading and writing practice while reinforcing spelling, punctuation and grammar.

 Critical Thinking builds critical thinking skills with fun cross-curricular activities, puzzles, word and more.

 Science focuses on physical, life and earth science concepts and activities that also help to refine reading skills.

 Geography engages students in exploring the world while learning important map skills and geography concepts.

 Grammar & Punctuation helps students improve their writing with engaging stories and word games while learning important grammar and punctuation rules.

 STEAM to engage children in empathizing, thinking critically, collaborating, and coming up with solutions to solve real-world problems.

Supplemental 32 Learn More Learn More


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For further inquiries, please contact Ms. Christine Tseng at ChristineTseng@cavesbooks.com.tw


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