The Patea & Waverley Press May 2020

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Patea & Waverley Press Te Karere o Patea me Te Wairoaiti

MAY 2020

Circulating in Patea, Waverley, Waitotara and surrounding districts

Patea, Waverley, Waitotara area - united against COVID-19 in 2020 When Tony and I took over the newspaper 20 plus years ago we never imagined a worldwide pandemic would mean we had to stop printing the paper. I was well into making the April issue when we realized many of our advertisers were no longer working and then central government banned all community newspapers – decision made! Our fear was this community newspaper, which has served the area in various guises for so many decades, would be gone. We are immensely grateful to all the advertisers we have spoken to who have either said “we’re still working, of course we need our advert” or “we’re getting up and running again, so let’s do this”. It would have been sad to see the loss of this area’s only free truly local paper, so thank you all for your support. I won’t go into all the grim statistics here, because we see enough of that every day. But it’s worth repeating that our hard work means there have been few cases in Taranaki, and even fewer in South Taranaki. People have, generally, followed the rules and it has kept us safe. People have also been kind and generous in supporting one another and we can all be proud of that. Of course, COVID-19 has had a huge impact on our communities, as it has throughout New Zealand and the world. Some people haven’t worked for weeks now – or have worked from home, children haven’t been to school and many businesses have been unable to trade. Now more than ever before it’s vital we support local businesses where possible so we can get our communities working again - together, we can do this. Stay safe and protect your bubbles! Cath and Tony, Editors

COVID-19 is a new virus that can affect your lungs and airways. Adopt these simple practices to protect yourself and your whānau. COVID-19 symptoms

Symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to a range of other illnesses, such as influenza. Having them does not necessarily mean that you have COVID-19. Symptoms include: • a cough • a high temperature (at least 38°C) • shortness of breath • sore throat • sneezing and runny nose • temporary loss of smell. These symptoms do not necessarily mean you have COVID-19. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu. Shortness of breath is a sign of possible pneumonia and requires immediate medical attention. If you have these symptoms please call Healthline for free on 0800 358 5453 or you can call your doctor immediately. We don’t yet know how long symptoms take to show after a person has been infected, but current World Health Organization assessments suggest that it is 2 to 10 days.

How COVID-19 spreads

Like the flu, COVID-19 can be transmitted from person to person. The scientific evidence confirms that COVID-19 is spread by droplets. When an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, they may generate droplets containing the virus. These droplets are too large to stay in the air for long, so they quickly settle on surrounding surfaces. People may get infected by the virus if they touch those surfaces or objects, and then touch their mouth, nose or eyes. That’s why it’s really important to use good hygiene, regularly wash and thoroughly dry your hands, and use good cough and sneeze etiquette.

How we're uniting

Simple but effective. These simple steps can slow the spread of the virus. Wash your hands Wash often. Use soap. 20 seconds. Then dry. This kills the virus by bursting its protective bubble. Cough or sneeze into your elbow It keeps the virus off your hands, so you won’t spread it to other people and make them sick too. Stay home Staying at home is the best thing we can all do to stop the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. Looking after others Kindness is an incredibly powerful way to show we are united against COVID-19. You can make a huge difference by: • checking in on older relatives or vulnerable people over the phone, to make sure they have everything they need • talking to friends, whānau and neighbours over the phone to see how they are and if they need support • dropping essential supplies, like food or medications, to those at home. You can leave them at the door. These kinds of connections and offers of help will go a long way to getting others through COVID-19. Your emotional and mental wellbeing is important. Physical distancing Physical distancing is an important way we can unite against COVID-19. What is physical distancing? Physical distancing, sometimes known as “social distancing”, is about keeping a safe distance from others. This is about physical distance. For your own mental health you can, and should, keep in touch with friends and family via the phone, or online. How to physically distance; it’s best not to shake hands, kiss hello or hongi for now. Where you can, keep a bit of space. Hongi and harirū We are all being asked to play our part to refrain from physical contact to prevent the spread of COVID-19. COVID-19 can spread from person to person through physical contact. As well as the impact on New Zealanders generally, this will have an effect on particular areas of tikanga Māori (including kawa), as we move to protect our whānau, hapū and iwi. It will particularly affect those who are more vulnerable such as our kaumātua — our koroua and kuia. In practice, this means suspending our customs of hongi and harirū, alongside stopping kissing, hugging and other forms of close physical contact. Alternatives include waving, smiling or other non-physical contact greetings. Cleaning surfaces Now is a good time to be extra vigilant with cleaning. Why it's important; like the flu, COVID-19 can be transmitted from person to person. The scientific evidence confirms that COVID-19 is spread by droplets. This means that when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, they may generate droplets containing the virus. These droplets are too large to stay in the air for long, so they quickly settle on surrounding surfaces. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs. COVID-19 can remain on plastic and stainless steel surfaces for up to about 3 days and less than that for other types of surfaces. This will depend on the surface. If surfaces look visibly dirty, they should be cleaned first. It’s best to use a disinfectant. Disinfectants; use a disinfectant that is antiviral and follow instructions. Remember to store cleaners and disinfectants safely.

DEADLINE: all copy to be handed in by 27 May for June 2020 issue. All deadlines on inside back cover.

2 - May 2020


“In the Spirit of Christian Community to coordinate the life of the Parish for the involvement of all.” St Patrick’s 29 Egmont St, Patea Parish Sec: Linda Towers Ph: 06 273 8241 Fax: 06 273 8242 email:

St Francis de Sales Brassey St, Waverley

2020 Mass Timetable

In the current COVID-19 emergency all public Masses and Liturgies for our Parish of Patea and Waverley are suspended until further notice. This is both weekday and Sunday Masses. Parishioners you can go on-line each day for the 9.30am daily Mass, including Sunday in Whanganui, just click on to. and



Nick Smith

022 015 2806

A Christian Word

Well, we have survived! Weeks of being semi-detached from all the things we take for granted. We’ve had to stay home and spend lengthy time with our loved ones ... was it easy? Did you make the most of every moment? Have you found out more about your loved ones? Admittedly hard on those of you who were alone. It was a scary experience knowing that all the world is in lockdown, for our safety surely. People guess as to why this virus became so rampant and destructive to over ¼ of a million people, kinda is within our nature to want to hold someone accountable for this. Financial losses of business, social and recreational, our lives being put on hold … we’re not happy! Some even believe this is God’s doing. It’s not, this is not His doing! God will judge the world one day but it will be His time and place, and by His knowledge, not through some manmade debacle! But the one thing I notice through this experience is fear, reasonable under these circumstances, because it is all so mysterious, and we have no control over this. Reality is that you could get this virus and you may survive – thousands have – but it does not help to improve the constant nagging thought that this is serious enough to include you, so worry or fear fuels the underlying sense that you or a loved one could get it. Fear has to be the strongest emotional assault upon our sanctuary … our peace. It’s a robber and it successfully achieves most times what it sets out to do – destroy our equilibrium if you like! We wobble and become unbalanced, not quite so confident, fear steals the joy right out of our hearts and replaces it with doubts and what ifs etc. We become, to a degree, controlled by this fear, it becomes almost a mountain. Jesus told His disciples prior to His death and His glorious victorious resurrection from the dead, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. Jesus knows we will be troubled and grow afraid, but He has given us His peace, peace that can withstand any trials or whatever man can throw at you. When God’s peace abides solidly within – then nothing else can get in and rob you of it. Why? Because God’s peace comes out of His love for you and me. Notice Jesus said “my peace” not a brief flitting experience of what the world may give, but His peace. When you experience God’s peace, you will be at peace…rest. So, whatever this life may throw or distract or distort within you, rest assured that Jesus is your Saviour therefor you will automatically receive His peace. We will experience all kinds of trials and tribulations in this life, it is inevitable, but we can rest assured in the peace of God Almighty, not worry at all about anything. Like that old song says, “He’s got the whole world in His hands…” You and me, safely covered from everything. No worries! NB: God is and always will be in control of this world … but He is not responsible for Man’s behavior. Come Lord Jesus Ted Reeves, Patea

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Track Maintenance Land Development


Jesus Christ said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." There is Salvation in NO other name.

Competitive Rates

Without Love, we are nothing.

13 T Excavator

63 Weraroa Road, Waverley. Sunday services at 10am. Contact Carolyn Anso (06) 273 8443

22 T Excavator 190 HP Tractor & 16 T Tip Trailer 15 T Grader (12ft blade) 4 T Twin Drum Vibrating Roller 19 T Bulldozer on request Tilt buckets Root Rake Laser Level Thumbs on Excavators

Waverley Bap�st Church

Mainly music:

Tuesday mornings at 10am. February – December (during school terms). 0-5yr old children with adult. Cost: $3:00 per child or $4:00 per family (under 1yrs free). Contact Sue Williams (06) 273 8628

Op – shop:

Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays, 9:30am – 1:30pm. Come and take a look, or bring along any items you may have to donate. Contact Cindy Burgess (06) 346 6424.

Cooking on a Shoestring

every 2nd Monday of the month unless otherwise stated. Contact Carolyn 273 8443.

Men’s Home Group.

A place to have bible study, discussion and prayer! Every fortnight. Contact Colin Pren�ce 06 273 8358 for �me & dates. Open to all men.

Pensioner meals:

First Wednesday of the month; Feb to Nov. November: two meals, first Wed as normal and last Wednesday is our Christmas meal. 12:00pm onwards. Dona�on for meal. Contact Colleen Smith (06) 346 5997

May 2020 - 3


Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Jillian Dawn Lennox, Dene Nicholas Taunoa Kershaw, Patricia Millar, Beverley Fay Wakeling, Peter Michal and Arthur James Neil Dunning. We wish to acknowledge the Level 3 and 4 restrictions have made the loss of loved ones especially difficult and hope people have found some measure of peace at this very sad time.

Patea Golf Club March 2020 Oakes Memorial The 2nd round of the Oakes Memorial was played on 22nd February. This was a combined Stableford competition and after 2 rounds Steve Honeyfield and Nick Williams had combined totals of 83 points and Steve was winner on countback. Josh Paerata, Jeff Bright and Roger Edgecombe all finished with 79 points. Watt Cup This was an 18 hole nett competition played on 21st March. Steve Honeyfield was in good form again and was 1st scoring a nett 66. Gerald Rutten was 2nd scoring a nett 68 and three players all scored nett 69s. Josh Paerata, Phil Cassidy and Roger Edgecombe. Holes in One Two members have recently scored their first hole in ones. On the 14th March Robert Bourke used a five iron to hole out on the 10th hole at Patea and on the 19th March Carolyn Davidson used a driver to hole out on the 13th hole at the Stratford Golf Club. Well done and congratulations to both of you. Business House Golf The final round of Business House golf was played on the 11th March. Thank you to all the sponsors for the night prizes each night. If you could not win a raffle you still had a very good chance to go home with a prize thanks to the generous sponsors. Thank you to our ladies who worked in the kitchen to provide the fresh burgers and pudding each night and to Steve for looking after the bar. The winning team this year was Hooper Engineering and regular players were Barb Hill Willie Harris Wade Newbold and Pipi Ngarewa. Their aggregate score was 115 points and they were 3 clear of last year’s winners Vetfarm on 118. Third was Moyes boys on 119 and 4th was Manutahi on 120. Fourteen teams entered the competition and we hope some new members fill out there application forms and join our club. Challenge Ladder With the dry summer conditions there have been some very good scores entered on the Challenge ladder and Nick Williams is in top place on 327 nett followed by Roger Edgecombe on 343 and then Steve Honeyfield on 344. Many other players are around the 350 to 356 mark so the will be all hoping to get one of the other 7 spots for the shootout. Covid-19 At Covid level 3 Golf will resume but we must follow the set of 20 rules. The main rules are: • A person may play golf by themselves or with people with in their bubble. Golfers must be in the same region. • All players must fill out the register in the green fees cupboard for traceability records before they tee off and players can only tee off number one tee. • Two meter spacing applies at all times. • Club house facilities and the course toilet remain closed. • No scorecards will be used at level three because NZ Golf with not accept scores during this level. The pins and flags on the course have been removed. At least we can get out and get the dust off the clubs.

78 Weraroa Rd, Waverley

4 - May 2020

Waverley Primary School Exciting things have been happening at Waverley Primary School:

Waverley Primary School welcomes new Principal from Term 3 On 10 March, Waverley Primary BOT Chairperson, Rita Ellis, announced the appointment of Abu Dhabi based Tim Marriott as the school’s next Principal. Currently completing his time as Head of English and Literacy Leader at ADNOC School, Madinat Zayed Campus, Abu Dhabi, Tim takes up the role from Term Three this year. He is an experienced educator and leader, having taught in four countries with four curricula, spending time in Oman and Beijing prior to Abu Dhabi. Tim describes himself as having “an open and energetic teaching style that promotes leadership within learning”. He adds “I am dedicated to the development of children, teachers and staff in my care ... and to inspire children to develop to their very best potential”. Tim is also a keen cricketer and golfer and believes in the value of sport in education. He is married to Ciara (an Irish born teacher) and they have two young daughters. The Marriott family will live in Waverley and look forward to joining the community in early July. Acting Principal, Clive Rennie will continue to lead Waverley Primary School in Term Two.

Tim, his wife Ciara and their two daughters.

Manuka Hub: The beginning of 2020 saw us welcome many new friends into Manuka Hub. We show our ‘Respect to Others’ by helping them to settle in and modeling our school expectations. We are working hard to wear the correct uniform, stay on task, follow instructions, include others and speak and act kindly to all our friends. These are all important skills that will help us to be successful throughout our school years.

In Tawa Hub we have been having fun writing about our favourite parts of our school playground. We started with a labelled picture plan that included at least five descriptive words and then used these words to write our sentences.

A big thank you to our school community members who had a working bee at Waverley Primary School cutting down some old trees. The wood will be available to purchase through a school raffle.

It was national world book day on Thursday 5th of March. Tawa Hub and Manuka Hubs went for a trip to visit our local Waverley LibraryPlus, we enjoyed reading some new and interesting books.

Important up and coming dates: Fri 3rd April- Teacher only day Mon 6th April- Tech session 6 Fri 9th April- School term finishes

May 2020 - 5

Pātea Community Board Meeting Notes from the meeting on Wednesday 11 March 2020, 4pm, provided by the Board Members The second meeting for the year was held at the Hunter Shaw Building, Pātea. Present were: Pātea Community Board members; Dianne, Jo & Maria, Brian Rook (Pātea Ward Councillor), Janine Maruera, (Community Development Officer), Liam Dagg (Group Manager Environmental Services), Darleena (minute taker) 22 members of the public. Apologies from Jacq, Robert Northcott (Pātea Ward Councillor), Phil Nixon (Mayor), Open Forum: Sue Weeks re speeding spoke to Dan Taite from NZTA. Feedback from last hui: Infringement problem NZTA re speeding in our towns. Rookie spoke to this: there has been more police presence in town over the last few weeks, he was not sure what results have come of this. Andrew from NZ Police had spoken to them, communication will be kept going to make them aware that this is a continuing issue, keep writing letters and reporting, Fonterra have GPS worth continuing pursuing.... Also brought up, about gardens ie 70 km zone ... NZTA LTSA. Update due by the next meeting from Phil Waite. Laurie Mildenhall spoke about the continuing problem of the leaching stain coming through the base of the Waka, it is a waterproofing problem that the Council are working on, but we appreciate his continued input, as it is such an important monument. Liam spoke to this and after the hui Liam and Jo went and had another look at this and he is putting some requests in with staff in regards to this. Gillian Rio - Mentioned that “Huffer” were here doing a photo shoot promo for their line of clothing under the Waka the other day. Alan Cable PC Patrol - police are stepping up their presence - spoke to senior sergeant in Hawera. Need resident police in town Bikey has been helping with this situation New Plymouth. Doug - Patrol Not much happening in Waverley, in close contact with Whanganui Police regarding any reporting or matters of concern. Gary Murphy is a resident of Gibson Place and had requested a ‘no spray zone’ round hs property. Unfortunately this is being ignored and Council contractors sprayed all of the street recently on a windy day, this has killed part of his gardens. Suggested - why don’t we employ locals do fulfill these contracts? Gary is not happy. Excessive herbicide spraying seems to be an on going problem in Town. Melva Tucker - Thanks to Board and Council re Paepae in the Park and what a great day it was, appreciate our support. We also thanked them. Kate Murdoch Patea Rugby and sports club tennis courts at domain, has amalgamated with squash courts from squash cricket junior running and rugby. Funding to put towards a feasibility study, club room upgrade working with sport Taranaki and strategic planning , ideas re redevelopment - Relocate tennis courts? One combined facility works in with golf club also TSB community trust and NZ lotteries are coming to the party with assistance. Ruth Mackay – asked why do we have paepae sign in front of Hunter Shaw building – she would like it moved. Melva Tucker addressed this and said they have discussed it in their hui and are currently in the process of securing a new location and removal of the sign from in front of the Hunter Shaw building. Ruth also spoke about Noel McColl offered a large rock - use as a signpost at the top of the beach Lookout, for areas of interest, do we still want it? He has the rock....will discuss, Council were in agreeance, will give feedback once we have had a discussion ie PCB will discuss this and make a decision moving forward, we are happy for it to go ahead but wanted to have some more discussion as not all of us were in the loop. Sue McKenzie - Ian Burroughs re tiles vibration of trucks, insurance won’t pay out, or will council foot bill, Rookie will approach again re this issue, culverts. Clarification of location of culverts - down primary school end (caused by speeding trucks and uneven road). Alex Herbert – spoke re speeding , paper run people at risk, continue to follow up. Full minutes of this and all Council meetings can be found on the South Taranaki District Council Website, under the heading ‘Council’ then go to ‘Meetings’. Or view them at Pātea or Waverley Library. Your Community Board Members are: Dianne Lance (Chair), Jacq Dwyer, Jo Peacock, Maria Ferris, Robert Northcott (Pātea Councillor). The meeting times & venues for this year are: Wednesday 3 June, 4pm, Hunter Shaw Building, Pātea Wednesday 15 July, 4pm, Waitotara War Memorial Hall, Kaipo St Wednesday 26 August, 4pm, Hunter Shaw Building, Pātea Wednesday 7 October, 4pm, Waverley Community Centre, Chester St Wednesday 18 November, 4pm, Alton Coronation Hall, 355 Ball Rd

Carlyle Women’s Institute

President Rose Cowley welcomed 8 members to our March meeting. Business discussed regarding the Federation AGM, 16th March at Kapuni Hall. Our guest speaker was Luana Paamu from Aotea Utanganui Museum. Luana gave an interesting talk on her journey at the museum and updates about future exhibits, also changes that will be occurring over the next few years. Come and see what we are all about, competitions are not compulsory. We meet the first Thursday of each month, 1.30pm at Patea Old Folks Hall.

Pātea Community Board Members of the public are welcome to attend community board meetings which are held around the ward on a six-weekly cycle. At the beginning of a meeting members of the public are invited to speak in the open forum. Five minutes is allocated for each speaker. The Pātea Community Board has a Local Discretionary Fund which can help support your community projects. The application forms and our contact details are on the Council’s website Wednesday 3 June Hunter Shaw Building, Egmont Street, Pātea. 4pm Wednesday 15 July Waitotara War Memorial Hall, Kaipo Street, Waitotara. 4pm Wednesday 26 August Hunter Shaw Building, Egmont Street, Pātea. 4pm Wednesday 7 October Waverley Community Centre, Chester Street, Waverley. 4pm Wednesday 18 November Alton Coronation Hall, 4pm Councillor Robert Northcott, Maria Ferris, Jacq Dwyer (Chairperson), Dianne Lance and Joanne Peacock

6 - May 2020

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South Taranaki LibraryPlus at or

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Waverley-Waitotara Sheep Dog Trial Club: Trial Results Held on properties of D McGee & S Waugh and L & M Harrop, Kohi Road, Waverley, on 21st & 22nd February 2020. EVENT – Long Head Judge: Sheena Martin, Wairoa OPEN 1st Ken Lobb, Whangamomona Kris 97 2nd Ian Burling, Turakina Jay 96.5 3rd Graham Wellington, Wanganui Rachel 95 4th Morgan Monk, Wanganui Tough 94.5 5th Lex Gratten, Owhango Brook 94.25 INTERMEDIATE 1st Loyd Bishop, Stratford Tia 94 2nd M Williams, Raetihi Flash 93.5 3rd Bernie Gower, New Plymouth Phillip 93.25 MAIDEN 1st Steve Murphy, Whangamomona Trick 89.5 2nd Jason Peat, Waitotara Valley Madam 89 3rd Garry Walker, Kimbolton Lace 88 EVENT – Short Head and Yard Judge: Peter Williams, Hawkes Bay OPEN 1st Howard Ingles, Otane Lou 2nd Bernie Gower, New Plymouth Phillip 3rd Chris Journeaux, Raetihi Jess 4th Geoff White, Hunterville Tramp 5th Katherine Oliver, Raetihi Shy INTERMEDIATE 1st Bernie Gower, New Plymouth Phillip 2nd Geoff White, Hunterville Tramp 3rd Robyn Stephens, Te Kuiti Knight MAIDEN 1st Laurie Horsfall, Hastings Jed 2nd Murray Elliot, Wanganui Jay 3rd Garry Walker, Kimbolton Lace

We are right on your doorstep We can do WOF inspections while you wait Our hourly rate is lower than dealer workshops because we have less overheads You know our guys We can service and repair almost anything We do callouts (no travel charge within 10km radius of Patea) We are locals & support locally We are MTA assured

Rob, Leighton, Chresten, Arna 06 273 8288 next to the Mobil in Patea


Authorised WOF inspectors

EVENT – Zig Zag Hunt Judge: Ali Reed, Turangi OPEN 1st Raymond Morris, Taihape Shade 2nd Trevor Rumbal, Taumarunui Charlie 3rd Steve Murphy, Whangamomona Savvy 4th Bryce Jensen, Inglewood Rebel 5th Craig Johns, Raetihi Rock INTERMEDIATE 1st Trevor Rumbal, Taumarunui Charlie 2nd Tim MacPherson, Kimbolton Arthur 3rd Steve Murphy, Whangamomona Braggy MAIDEN 1st Trevor Rumbal, Taumarunui Charlie 2nd Bruce Parkinson, Raetihi Holly 3rd Rachel Law, Taumarunui Miss

93.5 93 91.5 90 89 93 90 84.5 72 60 58

96.75 96.25 95.5 95 94.75 96.25 94.5 93.5 96.25 93.5 92

EVENT – Straight Hunt Judge: Trevor Rumbal, Taumarunui OPEN 1st Stuart Wind, Ohura Bear 98 2nd Bernie Gower, New Plymouth May 97.75 3rd Chris Journeaux, Raetihi Mac 97.5 4th Matthew McMurry, Wanganui Jed 97.25 5th Steve Murphy, Whangamomona Savvy 97 INTERMEDIATE 1st Stuart Wind, Ohura Bear 98 2nd Chris Journeaux, Raetihi Mac 96.75 3rd Bruce Parkinson, Raetihi Tex 96.75 MAIDEN 1st Chris Hay, Wanganui Storm 96 2nd Denis Smith, Waverley Ben 95.50 3rd P Smailes, Kimbolton Buttercup 95.25 Waverley-Waitotara Sheep Dog Trial Club would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the significant and ongoing support of Pub Charity Limited and all our very generous sponsors: Palamountains Exceed, ANZCO, Clint Bellamy, Carrfield Primary Wool, Eastown Timber & Fencing, E.C. Dallison & Sons, Elco Direct Wool Merchants Farmlands, Wanganui, Farmers Mutual Group, Farm Source Waverley, Godderidges Pharmacy, Greg Spence Plumbing & Gas, Tony Hewton, Howpine Trust, Hughes Family, Peter King Electrician, David Lawrence, Liquorland Wanganui, Marine Services Wanganui, Moore Markhams, K Payne Transport Ltd, Richard White, Property Brokers, Rimunui Station – Scott and Julayne Thompson, Shadow Downs Polled Hereford Stud - Ian, Nancye, Daniel & Rae Smith, Silver Fern Farms, South Taranaki Vet Group, Summit Electrical – Todd Cowan, Harold Symes, Tony Wilson Livestock, Wanganui Farm Supplies, Wanganui Veterinary Club, The Jade & Opal Factory -Arrowtown. The Club would also like to thank all the volunteers and helpers that help before, during and after our trials. These people loyally give up their time and energy to help us run our trials. Many thanks also to the property owners, sheep owners Danny McGee and Sutton Potts, Leith and Margaret Harrop whom we are truly grateful.

May 2020 - 7

Kia Ora Koutou Everyone, I can’t believe it’s March already! Beach day was a hit. We enjoyed the sand castle competition, swimming in the waves and the lagoon and sausages at Mrs Ellett’s house. We were really lucky with a great amount of parents who joined us for the day. We then had our community barbeque where the children enjoyed a twilight swim and Don cooked a delicious shared barbeque for us all. Year 7 & 8’s have started their ‘Growing Great Leaders’ course with Sport Whanganui. We have seen some great leadership initiatives starting in the senior room; Quinton has led rippa rugby practices/games during lunchtimes; Maddi, Torana and Ruby have led tee ball and the other seniors have plans for other exciting activities. Every term we conduct Fire, Earthquake and Lockdown drills with the whole school. The purpose of these are explained to the children as they need to know what they are practicing so they will be safe in an emergency. Staff are able to inspire calm and confidence in children through these drills. It’s good to talk to your children after the drills to emphasise the key message of keeping students safe at all times. Don’t we look great in our hats! Thanks Fonterra.

Super Award winners Assembly 14th February Principal's Award - Ashlee Duxfield, for showing great leadership qualities Values Award - Mellissa Burnard, for respecting and caring for others Senior class - Ava Philps, for working well and applying herself to tasks Middle class - Max Martin, for having courage in the pool Junior class - Sebastian Edwards, for making a great start at Waitotara School Assembly 28th February Principal's Award - Honor Parsons, for a fantastic beach trip recount Values Award - Harper Ferris, for showing humility to her classmates Senior Class - Kimberley Frewin, for showing determination in swimming Middle Class - Lachie Mackintosh, for showing determination in swimming Junior Class - Regan Hawken, for great sounding out, using his phoneme fingers We are proud to announce Kimberley Frewin as our School Leader for Term 1.

An Interview with... Name: Honor Age: 6 Favourites: Colours: Pink Book: Captain Underpants TV Show/Movie: Racing Stripes Song/Artist: Timber I like Waitotara School because I have lots of fun. An Interview with... Name: Vincent Age: 9 Favourites: Colours: Yellow Book: Dog Man TV Show/Movie: The last Marvel Song/Artist: Justin Bieber I like Waitotara School because it is cool.

8 - May 2020

Rural Earthmoving Ltd • • •

Bulldozing Excavating Auger & Breaker Phone Darren Luff 06 342 3877 or 027 449 5597

Council Supports Covid-19 Relief Measures – Proposes Zero Rate Increase

In late April the South Taranaki District Council (STDC) released a number of initiatives it is working on, aimed at bringing relief to residents and businesses in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. South Taranaki District Mayor, Phil Nixon says; “Council has developed a range of measures aimed at bringing relief to residents and businesses, some of which can be actioned immediately while others are more long term and will require additional planning before being rolled out. In particular we are looking at initiatives and projects that can get the economy going by using, where possible, local businesses and contractors.” One of the key proposals Council is working on is achieving a zero % rate increase for the 2020 – 2021 financial year which begins on 1 July. “Following the Council’s Long Term Plan, rates were projected to increase by around 3.36%. However, given the financial burden COVID-19 will place on many families and businesses our Council is proposing to have a zero % rate rise,” says Mayor Nixon. “In addition to the zero rates increase the Council is proposing a freeze on fees and charges and is offering payment plans and remission of rate penalties for those experiencing financial hardship,” he says. STDC chief executive, Waid Crockett says the Council is able to achieve the zero rates rise due to the prudent and effective financial management of the organisation by staff and elected members over many years. “As a result, this council is in a sound financial position and we are able to look to our Long Term Investment Fund to realise this proposal.” “There will be no planned drop in levels of service and we will continue to meet our current and future infrastructure needs without compromising future plans or our financial position,” he says. Mr Crockett says these measures are just the first of a number of initiatives the Council will look to develop over the coming months. “These are just our initial measures. We will look to work closely with businesses, Iwi and other partners to develop further measures that will support the ongoing welfare of our district,” he says. Ratepayers can contact the Council about rate relief payment plans on 0800 111 323. Key measures the Council is implementing include: Zero % rate increase: We propose to reduce our projected 3.36% rate increase for the 2020 – 2021 financial year to a zero % rate increase. Nil Increase to Fees and Charges: We are proposing to freeze Council fees and charges for the new financial year. Payment Plans and Rate Penalty Remissions: We will set up payment plans and remit penalties for those experiencing financial hardship (providing a payment arrangement has been agreed in advance). Rent Relief: Council will excuse tenants of commercial properties it owns from paying rent while they are unable to open. Pay Local/Smaller Suppliers Faster: Standard practice in the industry is for payments to be made on the 20th of the month following an invoice but we can help local, smaller businesses by paying weekly. Government Financial Assistance: We have applied for Government financial assistance for six significant ‘shovel ready projects’. Business Support Service: We’ve strengthened the support we can offer business through advice, information, networking, advocacy and co-ordination etc. Professional Services Grant for SME’s: Through Venture Taranaki we have assisted with funding a professional services grant to support our district's small-medium enterprises (SMEs - those with fewer than 50 staff ) giving access to much-needed professional services advice and support. Ongoing Economic Recovery Measures: Working with businesses, Iwi and other partners we will look at how we can support longer term economic recovery by doing things such as bringing some of our capital projects and other development initiatives forward (such as the Hawera Business Park, associated infrastructure and the smaller town centre upgrades) and using, where possible local businesses/ contractors, to stimulate growth and employment.

Other relief measures include: Cancelled Library Fines: Until normal services resume, we’ve decided to remove fees on overdue items at our libraries and extend current loans. Green waste Extension: Green waste stickers will remain valid for five weeks past their original end date of 30 September 2020, up to and including 4 November 2020.

May 2020 - 9

Businesses urged to operate safely, or risk being reported Civil Defence is reminding local businesses of their responsibility to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Taranaki. “We've heard concerns from the Mayoral Forum on businesses not pulling their weight when it comes to safe operating, and that’s just not good enough,” says Group Controller Craig Campbell-Smart. “If a business is unable to operate in accordance with the Level 3 guidance, it should not open,” says Craig. “Heightened activity during Level 3 means a greater risk of Covid-19 transmission in our community, and it is critically important that businesses are following the health measures in place.” Taranaki people are being encouraged to shop local to support our economy, but businesses need to play their part and ensure the safety of their staff and customers remain a priority for this to succeed. “It’s important to get as much trading underway as we can in Taranaki, but it must be done safely,” says Craig. Businesses must self-assess their ability to meet health and safety rules just as they would normally to meet their duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act. They need to operate in a contactless environment, meaning customers can pay online, over the phone or in another contactless way. Delivery or pick-up must also be contactless. “Most importantly businesses need to adhere to basic hygiene measures such as physical distancing, regular cleaning of surfaces and hand washing - these are so simple, and they save lives,” says Craig. If businesses are found to not be operating safely, they can be reported to the COVID-19 Compliance Centre online. Remember where possible stick to having one person from your bubble do the shopping. The more people businesses have outside their premises at one time, the harder it is for them to maintain physical distancing and safety. “Shop local, but shop safely,” says Craig. Information for businesses: · Doing business at Alert Level 3 guidance: · The website has more information about what you can and can’t do under Alert Level 3 as a business. · The WorkSafe website has general and sector specific guidance that will help businesses determine how they can operate safely. As a part of this, businesses are required to complete a COVID-19 Work Safe Plan which has had staff input and is shared with staff. · If businesses have further questions, they can call their industry body or WorkSafe for advice.

Wanganui Aero Club Learn to fly Trial flights from $95 All ages welcome For bookings ph: 06 345 0914


Sorensen Transport locally owned & operated * * * * *

Hay, silage (grass & maize) Cartage on farm and road Spreading Livestock All general cartage needs

Call Maurice today on 06 346 6099 or 0274 454 790


Hawken Contracting now has available short-cut self loading silage wagons. Able to do complete job from paddock to stack. 40mm short-cut grass length for better compaction. For further information ring Gary: 06 346 5929.

10 - May 2020

Kakaramea School - Together We Achieve Autumn is upon us but Kakaramea kids are still making the most of the lovely weather. We had our annual school camp up at the Patea Dam - what a rich playground for learning, teambuilding, challenges and building relationships. The tamariki are getting stuck into their learning and having lots of fun along the way.

May 2020 -11

Your Local Electrical & Security Specialist for all Domestic, Commerical & Rural Requirements * Breakdowns & Repairs * Water Pumps * Cowsheds * Alterations & New Homes * Alarms & Security Cameras Call Gareth & Arna Read 029 7701874 / AH 06 273 6033



Mobile 0274 998 610 Ph/fax (06) 345 0241 A/hrs Email


12 - May 2020

Jim Haywood South Taranaki Cleaning



Per average room (Max. 14sqm, min 2 rooms)

• • • • •

Regular cleans Rental cleans Window cleaning Carpet & upholstery cleaning Commercial & domestic cleaning

Competitive rates. Servicing Waverley, Patea, Hawera & Normanby

Call Jim Haywood now Mobile: 027 635 4749 Email: Please leave a message

Harete Hipango MP for Whanganui Harete Here to Help Whanganui 06 348 9150 Hawera 06 278 4059 Stratford 06 765 8464

Authorised by Harete Hipango MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

Our Tug O War fundraiser was a cracker, with everyone enjoying flexing their muscles on the rope. Thanks to all our wonderful sponsors and the strong and determined competitors!

May 2020 -13


CONTRACTING LIMITED 7 FOOKES STREET, WAVERLEY Agricultural Contractors since 1971 Owner Operators Haybaling Cropping McHale Baler Combo Wrapper 4 Furrow Reversible Plough (Soft Hands available if needed) Power Harrowing New Holland Baler


Claas Mowers Scatter Rakes Kakaramea School held its own triathlon one sunny afternoon this term. All participants gave it their best shot, showing grit and determination within all swimming, running and cycling sections. Ka pai kids, well done to everyone involved! Thanks to the adults who lent a hand with the event, helping to keep everyone safe and in high spirits.

Swather Conventional Baler –


Picking up can be arranged

Cattle Yards Construction

Contact Peter on 027 448 9221 or

Dylan on 027 871 7769 or

after hours 06 346 5468



Waverley Social Club Waverley Social Club meets on the first Monday of every month, except January, at 1.30pm at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Weraroa Rd, Waverley. We play cards, board games, bowls & housie, and enjoy afternoon tea with friendly company. Anyone is welcome to join us, and there's a $3 charge to cover costs. If you are interested in joining us contact Ruth on 06 346 5178 for more information.

06 273 8424


And remember, our car/suv/ute tyre prices are fitted & balanced on the car prices including GST (no hidden costs)

14 - May 2020

DEADLINES Deadlines are shown on the front cover each month - late copy may not be published. Deadline for June issue - May 27 Deadline for July issue - June 26

SHORT TOP & SIDES Hedge, Shelter & Tree Trimming Clean up service available Hedge Mulching Damon Owner / Operator Ph: 027 368 5959

Male, 45 years, Euro, blue eyes, 95kg, 5ft11in. Looking for caring, understanding female for long-term relationship. Ph/txt 027 232 9654

MAG FENCING • • • • •

For all: conventional & electric fencing all timber / rail fencing electric fence fault finding general repairs postrammer available

MIDWEST HELICOPTERS For all your helicopter needs Spraying / Lifting / Bucket / Scenic Flights / Flights into bush

Ph Peter Larsen 06 346 5747

MICKEY BEATSON 027 204 2578

member of fencing association NZ (for quotes)

SHELLEY MUIR M: 027 444 0611 Health & Safety consultant E:


Buy Sell and swap through the classifieds email

25 years service Waverley Patea & Districts

Temporary closure of the informal access routes through the Waipipi Wind Farm site to the Tasman Sea and the Whenuakura River will take effect from 14 October 2019. Access through the site is closed due to the health and safety risks associated with the construction activities. All non-construction related traffic will not be permitted on the site for the duration of the 18 month construction period.


Round Baleage * Individual & Tubewrapping Available * 6 Layer Plastic * Round & Conventional Hay * Buy/Sell Standing Grass, Baleage & Hay * Direct Drilling * Boom Spraying

Phone Jason 027 527 7231


Waipipi Wind Farm Access Closure


Grant Sanson, your local painter, for interior & exterior work and waterblasting jobs.

Ph 06 346 5649 Waverley or 027 659 1946

PATEA STANDBY For medical and non-medical appointments book transport by ringing 273 8329 9am-12 noon weekdays. Emergencies only 273 8661, 273 8325 and 273 8665. Kindly sponsored by Patea Pharmacy.

0508 424 723 .

Gardening Weeding, pruning and planting. One off clean-ups and on-going maintenance. For more information contact Janet at

Planet-Janet Gardening Services

on 021 043 9060 or

WAVERLEY STANDBY To book cars for a medical reason only Phone 346 5021 9am-11.30 Monday to Friday AFTER HOURS 346 5050 or 346 5149 Try to book appointments in advance.

St Luke’s OP SHOP

behind Patea Pharmacy - something for everyone Open Tuesday 10am-12 noon Wednesday 10am-12 noon Friday 10am-12 noon Donations of clothes and household goods appreciated

Phone 06 278 4786 Patea, Waverley, Waitotara

L&J Devane Contracting

Lance Devane Fencing Contractor jess.lance

0274125251 4 Porritt Street Whanganui

May 2020 - 15

Patea & WaverleyPress The Patea & Waverley Press is printed by Beacon Print EDITORS: Tony & Cath Sheard p: 06 273 8600 after hours & weekends only m: Cath 021 247 8193 e: Patea & Waverley Press is published on the first working day of each month and is the only paper sent exclusively to every household in Patea, Waverley, Waitotara & surrounding districts. DEADLINES - shown on the front cover each month late copy may not be published

WAVERLEY SERVICES Patea Health Centre: ph Patea 273 8088, Freephone 0508 472 832 Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm An answerphone outside these hours will give you the Doctor on call and emergency service directions. Dental services -Victoria Dental (Waverley): 45 Gloag St, Waverley. Phone 346 5491 opening hours Wednesday 9.00am - 3.30pm Thursday 9.00am - 4.30pm Plunket The Plunket nurse attends a Waverley clinic every 2nd Wednesday of month & Patea clinic every Friday. Also available for home visits; for appointments phone Waverley 06 346 5095 & leave a message for Plunket Nurse Alice and Plunket Kaiawhina Shellay or Patea 06 273 8329. The Patea Clinic is in the Health Centre. Waverley LibraryPlus Monday to Friday Saturday

9am-12.30pm, 1pm-5pm 9.30am-noon

Abbotsford Health Centre Waverley - 3465021 Standby 9.30-11.30 Daily Leo Brown Podiatrist Monthly District Health Nurse Daily Medical Equipment Hire Eg Wheel,Chairs Crutches etc Meeting Room Hire All by Appointment only

Taranaki’s only registered Monumental Mason WHERE YOU GO FOR HEADSTONES 33 High St, Hawera 06 278 5518 209 Coronation Ave, New Plymouth 06 759 9975 Exceeding the standard since 1914

WAVERLEY BAPTIST CHURCH Pensioner Meals 1st Wednesday of each month at noon. Donation if you can afford it. Two course meal. Open to all pensioners. If new people would like to come then please ring Christine Standen 06 346 5661. Mainly Music each Tuesday at 10 am at church during school terms. Op-shop at back of the church opening Wed, Thurs and Friday from 9.30 am till around mid-day. Donations readily accepted.

Our family working for your family for over 100 years. 462 Somme Parade, Wanganui opposite the cemetery.

Tel (06) 343 8708

Email: Showrooms on Feilding and Palmerston North

Weekly Calendar It is the responsibility of the organisations below to advise any deletions, additions or alterations to this service. TUESDAY Waverley Bowling Club, names in by 1.15pm for 1.30pm start WEDNESDAY Walking Group St Stephen’s Hall 9am THURSDAY Waverley United Indoor Bowls, 7.15pm SATURDAY Waverley Bowling Club 1.30pm

Rainfall KAKARAMEA Rainfall recorded by Kevin Ford, Spence Rd. Rainfall for April 2020 - 51.5mm in 8 days Rainfall for April 2019 - 203mm Average for April - 105mm over 50 years Total for 2019 - 161mm; this is the lowest (equal with 2016) year to date for 50 years WAITOTARA Rainfall recorded by Marie Hawken, Waitotara Rainfall April 2020 - 24.25mm in 6 days Rainfall April 2019 - 188.75mm in 12 days WAVERLEY Rainfall recorded by Stu Buckman, Waverley Normal rainfall records for Waverley will resume in the next issue.

Sponsored by

0800 LAND AGENT May 2019 Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fru Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

am 3.59 5.14 6.22 7.23 8.17 9.08 9.56 10.44 11.31 12.19 12.42 1.30 2.21 3.19 4.23 5.29 6.30 7.21 8.05 8.45 9.22 9.57 10.33 11.09 11.48 12.30 12.55 1.43 2.39 3.42 4.48

pm 4.32 5.44 6.53 7.53 8.48 9.37 10.25 11.17 11.56 12.34 1.08 1.59 2.54 3.55 4.59 6.05 7.04 7.54 8.37 9.15 9.51 10.25 11.00 11.35 12.13 12.34 1.14 2.10 3.09 4.13 5.20

Tide Table

Mark Nicholas

High water at Patea / Waverley

Councillors & Justices of the Peace

Times are adjusted for daylight saving when necessary

Patea Ward Councillors Robert Northcott, ph 027 242 6130 Brian Rook, ph 027 942 2757 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (alphabetical order) Mrs Barbara Dallison JP Mrs M Dunlop JP Jacq Dwyer JP Mrs M Dwyer JP Mr S Kershaw JP V M Kershaw JP Mr J A Ngarewa JP Mr Mark Nicholas JP Mrs Margaret Prince JP Mrs H Rei JP Mr R L Symes JP Mr D J Towers JP

Herengawe Rd, Waverley. 346 5379 16 Egmont St, Patea. 027 484 9339 611 Hursthouse Road, Kakaramea. 2734494 10 Dale St, Alton. 273 8564 3 Elizabeth St, Patea. 273 8043 11 Leicester St, Patea 027 431 5053 7a Hadfield St, Patea. 273 8659 354 Garsed Road, Kakaramea. 027 474 0678 5a Fookes St, Waverley. 346 6008 4 Norfolk St, Patea. 273 8482 Manutahi Rd, RD2, Patea. 273 4246 23 Egmont St, Patea. 273 8625

16 - May 2020


ABBOTSFORD HEALTH CENTRE WAVERLEY Community owned. To enquire about our health services ph 346 5021 9-11.30am. Room available. ALCOHOLICS ANONOMOUS Patea AA Steps and Promises Meeting every Wednesday 7.30pm, Youth Trust Hall, 31 Cambridge St, Patea. Contact: Murray 027 647 7341 ALZHEIMERS Taranaki Inc (supporting anyone affected by dementia). Shirley McGlinchey 06 278 8519. ALTON & DISTRICTS YOUNG FARMERS Contact: S Werder, ph 027 357 5589, K Hughes 021 102 8545 ALTON & DISTRICTS PLAYGROUP Tessa Tate, ph 273 4416, Erin Gibb, ph 022 020 8029. Sessions: Thursday 9.30-12.00 ALTON SCOUTS Keas / Cubs Monday night 6- 7pm. Gareth Read, ph 273 6033 ALTON CORONATION HALL Chairman: Harvey Gibbs, ph 273 4142 Secretary: Jacq Dwyer, ph 273 4494 ALTON OLYMPIC WRESTLING CLUB Contact: Thomas Werder ph 273 4473 Club night – Friday 5.30pm BORDER RUGBY & SPORTS CLUB President: Guy Lennox, ph 346 5585 Secretary: Brittany Lupton Waverley Clubrooms, ph 346 5263 CARLYLE W.I President: Rose Cowley, ph 273 8014 Secretary: Carole Dalziel FEDERATED FARMERS Dave Hopkins, Station Rd, RD17. Ph 346 5802 HEALTH CONSUMER SERVICE If you have any concerns about any Health Service received, phone 0800 801 482. KAKARAMEA HALL SOCIETY Chairperson: Alistar Cole, ph 273 8777 Secretary: Marie Dwyer, ph 273 8564 LIFELINE TARANAKI 24 hour phone counselling service, tollfree 06 758 6333 MARRIAGE CELEBRANT Cris Morrison, covering South Taranaki and Waverley, ph 027 485 6174 MAXWELL & DISTRICTS KINDERGARTEN Phone 342 3802, Open 5 days a week Teachers:Katherine Walker, Annie Wilkes and Michaela Luoni MANUTAHI HALL Chairperson: Emma Wards 027 768 2955 Sec/Tres: Rachel McDonald 027 359 4263 OLD FOLKS ASSOCIATION Hall Bookings: Noeline Kerrisk, ph 273 8217 Secretary: Ruth Mackay, 273 8162. Meets Tuesdays 1pm PAEPAE IN THE PARK INCORPORATED: Chairperson Melva Tucker 022 092 5019. Sec: Gillian Rio. Stalls - Gloria Tui 0273 559 938 PARIROA PA LADIES COMMITTEE Treasurer: Huia Davis, ph 273 8675 PATEA & DISTRICTS BOATING CLUB INC Contact: Harley Ogle, ph 272 8010 PATEA BOARDRIDERS & SURF CLUB Secretary: L Niu, ph 273 8801 PATEA BOWLING CLUB INC Ph 273 8393. President: Joe Bourke, ph 273 8414, 273 8415 PATEA CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Margaret Needham 027 331 7844 PATEA COMMUNITY PATROL CPNZ Coordinator - Allan Caple 027 277 2624 PATEA FEDERATED FARMERS Secretary: Tim Honeyfield, ph 273 8411 PATEA KINDERGARTEN Pres: Marichen Honeyfield 021 0811 3558, Sec: Liz Cook 027 244 7811, Treas: Conna Smith 022 155 2517. PATEA & WAVERLEY GARDENING CLUB Convenors: Susan Gunn 273 8135, M Prince 346 6008, C Rook 06 346 7070 PATEA GOLF CLUB Secretary: Ev Gibbs ph 027 537 3708 Club Captain: R Finlay 273 8335 Ladies Club Captain: Ev Gibbs PATEA HISTORICAL SOCIETY President: Jacq Dwyer, ph 273 4494 Secretary: Jim Baker, ph 278 4344 PATEA HORSE GROUP

President: Tina DeJager-Rich, ph 027 6711370 Secretary: Sharon Besley, ph 027 276 1886 Treasurer: Claire Dawson, ph 027 676 5168 PATEA LIONS CLUB Pres: Kay Wallace, ph 273 8661. Sec: Linda Reid, ph 273 8334. Meets 2nd Monday of month, Red Rock Cafe. PATEA MAORI CLUB INC Secretary: ph 273 8339. Club practices every Monday night PATEA BRANCH CARLYLE PONY CLUB Contact: Sue Cole, ph 273 8777 PATEA PRIDE SPORTS CLUB President/Chairperson Tina Rio, 06 273 8693 Treasurer Stacey Marino, PATEA RUGBY LEAGUE CLUB President: Kevin Tutauha, Old Main Rd, Patea PATEA RUGBY & SPORTS CLUB INC. Chairman: David Collins, ph 06 273 4468 Club Captain/contact: Todd Wollett, ph 06 273 8282 or 0276 712 912. Secretary: Bronwyn Murdoch, ph 06 273 8483 Patea Clubrooms, ph 06 273 8747 PATEA R.S.A President: Tom Matiaha. Vice President: John Freer Secretary/Treasurer: Joan MacBeth, PO Box 68, Patea. PATEA SQUASH CLUB President: Noel Perrett, ph 027 785 6279 Secretary: Ainslie Alexander, 027 334 4831 Club nights Fridays, 6pm Club Captain: Jenny Kerslake, ph 06 273 8465 PATEA STANDBY ASSN INC Po Box 28, Patea. Ph 273 8329 9am-noon After hours 273 8661, 273 8325 and 273 8665 after midday PATEA SURFCASTERS CLUB INC Club Captain / Weigh Master: Nigel Austen, ph 344 8184 PATEA TAE KWONDO Training Mon, Wed 6-7.30pm, ex-Primary School Hall Contact: Bruce 273 8779 PATEA TENNIS CLUB President: Maria Schrider, ph 273 4063 Secretary: Alva Honeyfield PATEA WALKING GROUP Contact: D Newell, ph 273 8498 PATEA WAVERLEY WAITOTARA VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE Sec/Treas: Heather Huston, ph 278 1339 PATEA YOUTH TRUST Chairperson: Tairoa Neho. Secretary: Laura Kanara. POLICE – WAVERLEY Ph 346 7010 REACHOUT SUPPORT GROUP S Phillips, M Clark 273 8399 RNZ PLUNKET SOC. INC BALL RD SUB BRANCH Pres: Kate Murdoch, ph 273 4474 Sec / Treas: Irene Fowler, ph 273 4400 RNZ PLUNKET SOC. INC PATEA SUB BRANCH Pres: O Northcott, 273 8344. Vice Pres: S Mackay, 273 8185 Treasurer: R Nesbit, 273 8990, Secretary: J Gullery, 273 8669 SOUTH TARANAKI COASTGUARD Reachable Channel 83 VHF President: Gary Darnell 027 531 5565 Vice President: Gareth Read 029 770 1874 SOUTH TARANAKI DISTRICT MUSEUM TRUST President: Rosanne Oakes, Patea. TANEROA WAKA AMA PATEA / PATEA WAKA AMA Brian: 027 3899 270. Debbie: 027 3633 595 TARANAKI CARRIAGE DRIVERS (members NZ Carriage Driving Society) Fun informal club promoting sport of carriage driving. President: Colleen Rebay, ph 346 5815 TARANAKI TIMEBANK - LOWER SOUTH (Pātea / Waverley / Waitotara) Coordinator: Joanne Peacock Ph: 021 400 735. Email: Website: TURI INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Pres: Raymond Finlay, ph 273 8335. Secretary: Doris Brunton, ph 278 3004, WAITOTARA HALL Contacts Dave & Gail Welch, ph 06 346 5906 WAIOTURI MARAE TRUST Chairman: Archie Hurunui, 278 7177 Secretary: Narlene Ioane, ph 273 8151 WAITOTARA-PATEA SURFCASTER'S CLUB President: Alan Hone, ph 027 452 8989 Club Captain: Gavin Coveny, ph 027 393 4496 WAVERLEY A&P ASSOC

Sec: Janene Pope ph.027 453 5196, email waverleyshow@ WAVERLEY ADULT RIDING CLUB Michelle Watkins, ph 346 6226. WAVERLEY BOWLING CLUB President: Wayne Berry, ph 346 5488 Treasurer: Pam Hurndell, ph 346 5622 WAVERLEY BRANCH CARLYLE PONY CLUB President Amanda McAree, ph 027 208 9066 Secr/Treas June Lupton, ph 021 465 260 WAVERLEY CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Margaret Needham, ph 027 331 7844 WAVERLEY CEMETERY BOARD PO Box 96, Waverley. Ph 346 7070 WAVERLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE President: c/- Brian Rook, 10 Okiwa Terrace, Waiinu Beach, RD 18, Wanganui 5488 WAVERLEY COMMUNITY PATROL CPNZ Coordinator - Doug Rosewarne, ph 021 109 0473 WAVERLEY COMMUNITY WEBSITE WAVERLEY CROQUET CLUB Chris How 346 5420, Marie Hawken 346 5929, Dianne Kennedy 346 5406, Rae Wilson 346 6149 WAVERLEY FIRE SERVICE A D Hickford, ph 346 5393. Hussey St, Wav. WAVERLEY GOLF Clubhouse, Box 76, ph 346 5672 Sec/treas: Jacqui Hooper, ph 346 5632 Club Captain: Warren Pope, ph 346 6416 Ladies Club Captain: Jacqui Boon, ph 346 5365 WAVERLEY GUN CLUB R Smith and T & C Symes, ph 346 5664. WAVERLEY LIONS CLUB President: Gordon Kennedy, ph 027 603 6600. Sec: Michael Eddington, ph 027 887 1238. PO Box 145, Wav. WAVERLEY MACHINE KNITTING CLUB Meets 2nd Monday of the month 1pm. WAVERLEY OLD TIME COUNTRY MUSIC ACOUSTIC Cindy & Cliff Burgess, 06 346 6424. Meet 1st Sat of month, Feb-Dec, 1pm at Baptist Church WAVERLEY PLAYCENTRE President: Megan How 027 384 8177 or 06 346 5225. Vice Pres Tashie Hoffman 027 758 3937. Sec; Sophie Lance 027 663 3664 Hours Wed, Fri 9-12 WAVERLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL Principal - Kerri McColl Chairperson - Rita Ellis WAVERLEY RACING CLUB President: Harvey Wilson, ph 027 892 5486 Secretary: Justine Alexander, ph 027 232 7763 WAVERLEY SPINNING & WEAVING Nell Hone, ph 346 5660 WAVERLEY SWIMMING CLUB Kylie Manson, ph 346 6220 WAVERLEY STANDBY Secretary: Chris How, ph 346 5420 WAVERLEY TENNIS CLUB President: Shane Alexander, ph 346 5150 WAVERLEY UNITED INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club Captain: Colleen Smith, ph 06 346 5997 Secretary: Dale Mitchell, ph 06 346 5488 WAVERLEY WAITOTARA RSA President: Brian Rook Secretary: Irene Avison WAVERLEY-WAITOTARA SHEEP DOG TRIAL CLUB President: Denis Smith, ph 06 346 5997 Secretary: Brenda Simson, ph 346 5124 WAVERLEY W.I President: M Huff, ph 346 5570 Secretary/Treasurer: Lyn Smailes WHENUAKURA HALL SOCIETY President: Trish Williams, ph 273 8351 Secretary: Claire Honeyfield, ph 273 8028 WHENUAKURA PLAYGROUP Contact: Kate Williams, ph 273 8371 Sessions: Wednesday 9.00-noon WANGANUI YOUNG FARMERS CLUB Samantha Bills,, ph 027 675 8768 WHENUAKURA HALL SOCIETY President: Trish Williams, phone 273 8351 WHENUAKURA PLAYGROUP President: Kate Williams, phone 273 8371

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