Patea & Waverley Press August 2019

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Patea & Waverley Press Te Karere o Patea me Te Wairoaiti


Circulating in Patea, Waverley, Waitotara and surrounding districts

Patea RSA turns 100 years old this year – and it needs your help The Patea RSA was established 100 years ago this year, by returned servicemen from WWI. Originally their main objective was to provide companionship and support for returned soldiers. As time went on, they provided financial assistance to convalescing soldiers, those that returned with major injuries, and widows of those killed in action. During the first world war, Patea had a very strong Patriotic League, and Red Cross Fund, raising money and sending goods to local Soldiers overseas. The whole town did all they could to show solidarity for the sacrifice their soldiers had made. This solidary continues in Patea today, at every well attended ANZAC Day. But the executive committee of the Patea RSA is down to very low numbers and the newly elected President; Tom Matiaha is asking for your help to keep this valuable organization going. Membership is open to everyone and it is only $20 per year, this entitles you entry to any RSA in NZ. More executive committee members are also needed They currently meet quarterly, and more people mean less work! To give you an understanding of where this organization has come from, we have to go back to the time when Patea was welcoming its surviving WWI Soldiers home. RSA’s were being established in towns all over New Zealand. The Roll of Honour we have of Patea people that served in WWI has over 260 names on it. The sense of wanting to help and stay in touch with each other was strong. Norman Mitchell was first President of the newly formed Patea RSA in 1919. The minute books from the early years have been lost, but the AGM was always held in April, so April 1919 may have been when Patea RSA was established. They held their monthly meetings in the Supper room of the Borough Council Chambers at the Patea Town Hall. Norman had gone to WWI at the age of 21 at the end of 1915. He went from the rank of Corporal to Sergeant in the two years that he served, but by the end of 1917 he returned to NZ wounded, unfit for military service. He returned to the family farm on Rakaupiko Rd at Whenuakura. Norman’s four brothers also went to WWI, one brother; George was killed at Passchendaele at the end of 1917 just after Norman had returned home. On 24 April 1922 the first Poppy Day was held in New Zealand. A total of 245,059 small poppies and 15,157 larger versions were sold, earning £13,166 (equivalent to $1.3 million today) They had been made by Madame Guérin’s French Children’s League. Of that amount, £3695 ($365,000) was sent back to the French Children’s League; the remainder went to unemployed New Zealand returned soldiers and their families. The New Zealand RSA began producing their own poppies in 1931, with disabled former servicemen in Auckland and Christchurch making them. Dr Wilfred Simmons was the third Patea RSA President and the longest serving, 12 years 1933-45. He had arrived at the Patea hospital was as Medical Superintendent in 1904 only one year after he had finished medical school. Dr Simmons held this position until 1953, a record 49 year’s medical service to Patea. He was married in October 1911 to Rubinetta (Ruby) Jane Brewer from Waitotara. They lived in a large home at 8 Hadfield Street, with a surgery attached. Dr Simmons war experience began in March of 1917 at the age of 37 with the NZ Medical Corps. Leaving behind his wife and two daughters (another daughter and son arrived after the war). Firstly he spent about three months at No.2 New Zealand General Hospital Walton on Thames in Surrey, England. The Stately Villa, and huts on its grounds had approximately 1,500 beds. Then off to France in various Casualty Clearing Stations near the Front, then convalescent hospitals. He came back from the War in June 1919, working his way back on hospital ships. He was the only Doctor in Patea when he returned, until 1945 when Dr Houghton was appointed assistant medical superintendent. After the War Dr Simmons returned to his civic work in Patea. He had been a driving force in getting the Patea Town Hall built in 1912. He was vice president of the Patea Golf Club, back when it was on Patrick Gilligan’s farm opposite Whitehead Lane. And like his friend from Waverley Dr Harvey, he was a keen horseman, and member of the Egmont Wanganui Hunt Club. He was often master of the Hunt. He also played a large role in the Borough Council, he was on the council for 10 years between 1907 and 1917, being Deputy Mayor, but never actually Mayor even though he did run for it – townsfolk probably wanted him to have some time to be a Doctor!! When the Patea Gentlemen’s Club started in February 1923 Dr Simmons was inaugural President of the committee. It was known as Carlyle Club and was situated above the Deans Book Shop in the old wooden building on the corner, known as Lester’s Building in later years, now an empty section opposite Four Square. Dr Simmons was a passionate champion for the rights of returned servicemen and along with other RSA committee members dealt on a monthly basis with the Dept of Internal affairs – asserting rehabilitation for their local men, setting them up with houses, businesses, farms etc. He fully valued the principles of the RSA, as the minutes 20th April 1940 state: “Referring to the Balance Sheet the President (Dr Simmons) remarked that the Finances of

the Association had shown a definite increase, surplus assets having risen to £205-1.6, this being very desirable in view of the fact that the Empire was now a participant in another War, which in due course would add to the ranks of the RSA and thereby increase the Association’s liability. In conclusion the President appealed to members to be loyal to the Association and by so doing assist in carrying on a very valuable work among Ex-Servicemen”. As WWII was declared 20 years after the end of the first world war, it would have been harrowing for these returned WWI men to watch another generation of young men leave Patea to fight again in foreign fields. In 1945 the Patea RSA Woman’s Section was formed, they had of course played a large part in the organisation over the years already. In 1947 the Patea RSA established an area for Soldiers in the Cemetery on Scotland Street, they spent many weekend working bee hours planting shrubs, trees, and tending it over the years. They had a Hospital Committee to visit returned servicemen and a Distress Committee, for local cases of temporary distress among ex-servicemen and their dependants, payments not exceeding £10 were made when needed. There were many cases of returned servicemen’s children needing operations or glasses etc, these were always dealt with in a prompt, compassionate way. For over 50 years, the Annual Patea RSA Ball was held in the Patea Town Hall. These were huge affairs, 600 tickets easily sold, Orchestra or Dance Band procured, Debutantes presented, past war heroes, Public figures, and well-dressed citizens in attendance. This was a fundraiser event but also provided the chance to have a good get together. Another social event was a day out at the Races. RSA members all over NZ would get free entry to most Race meetings, from after WWI until a couple of decades ago. The hardworking, productive Patea RSA, after many years of fundraising got their new purpose-built RSA Hall at 39 Stafford St. It was opened on 3rd September 1955 with an evening of speeches, songs and dance. It was built by local man Mr Cal Bird. And as they still do today, the Patea RSA organized the ANZAC Day parades. Ruth Merrigan told me services were at 2pm in the afternoon in the early years, and then moved to 11am, followed by refreshments provided by CWI. They would meet at the ‘triangle’ where the Boer War Lamp was (it’s now by the museum), which is where the public toilets are today. Returned Servicemen, Firemen, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides all in uniform, would march down Egmont Street lead by the Patea Municipal Band or the Patea District Pipe Band to the Domain, through the War Memorial Gates. Speeches, wreath laying, and bugle call, followed by a fine selection of savouries and cakes at the Town Hall. The plaques with names of WWI Soldiers killed in action, were moved from the Domain to a new purpose built memorial by the Town Hall in 1954. The RSA were instrumental in this specially designed area. It was opened on Opening of new War Mem Nov 1954 Mayor Guy Corbett Anglican Church Minister Simpson officating. Milton Fleet standing at attention on the far left.

DEADLINE: all copy to be handed in by 27 August for September 2019 issue. All deadlines on inside back cover.

Continues on page 10

2 - August 2019


COMMUNITY MINISTRY A Partnership between the Presbyterian, Methodist and Anglican Churches in Southern Taranaki

Parish Mission Statement

“In the Spirit of Christian Community to coordinate the life of the Parish for the involvement of all.” St Patrick’s 29 Egmont St, Patea Parish Sec: Linda Towers Ph: 06 273 8241 Fax: 06 273 8242 email:

Acting Regional Dean – Southern Taranaki: The Rev’d Mele Prescott M: 027 555 1290 E:

St Luke’s, Patea - Sunday Services Times: 4th August, 10am combine with St George’s, Patea Rev. Tipene Anaru 11th August, 9.30am - Rev. Shirley-Anne Flynn 18th August, 9.30am - John Hill 25th August, 10am combine with Church of the Good Shepherd - Chester Burrows St Luke’s Op shop: Tues, Weds, Fri 10am-12.30pm. Judi. Ph. 06 273 8929. St George’s, Patea - Sunday Services Times: 4th August, 10am - Rev. Tipene Anaru 11th August, 9.30am - combine w/St Luke’s - Rev. Shirley-Anne Flynn 18th August, 9.30am - combine w/St Luke’s - John Hill 25th August, 10am - Howard Anderson Morning Prayers, every Fridays from 9.30am. Church of the Good Shepherd, Waverley - Sunday Service Times: 4th August, 10am - Ven. Pat Scaife 11th August, 9.30am - combine w/St Luke’s - Rev. Shirley-Anne Flynn 18th August, 10am – Roy Hotter 25th August, 10am – Chester Burrows Tainui Day Centre, every Tuesdays from 9.30am.

Jim Haywood South Taranaki Cleaning



St Francis de Sales Brassey St, Waverley

2019 Mass Timetable

Weekday Masses Wed 3 July, 9.30am. St Francis de Sales, Wav Wed 10 July, 9.30am. St Patrick's Patea Wed 17 July, 9.30am. St Francis de Sales, Wav Wed 24 July, 9.30am. St Patrick's Patea Wed 31 July, 9.30am. St Francis de Sales, Wav Sunday Mass Times: Sunday 7 July, 9.30am. St Patrick's, Patea Sunday 14 July, 9.30am, St Francis de Sales, Wav Sunday 21 July, 9.30am. St Patrick’s, Patea Sunday 28 July, 9.30am. St Francis de Sales, Wav

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One of the most astounding books in the Bible is Isaiah, astounding because it was written almost 800 years before Jesus was even born. It prophecies about God’s impending will being done right up till now, nearly 3000 years after Isaiah’s speaking all he heard from God. A lot of these prophecies have happened, the Jewish people were going to be taken into captivity, and God mentions a King’s name to be the one to rescue His people from slavery, a nonbeliever, King Cyrus of Persia. But the most profound of all is God’s declaration to all mankind, Jesus! To be born of a virgin, to grow into being the Saviour of the world, His death on a cross for our sins and to be raised from the dead! Over 500 people at that time were witness to His resurrection. God spoke also to Isaiah concerning the end of time, he said, many people will come and say, “come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of Jacob. The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations (people) and will settle disputes for many people. They will beat their swords into plough shields, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore”. Isaiah 2: 3&4. God will succeed where man has failed, because God’s will be done, He will settle the nations (people), no more wars! Makes me wonder why we have not realised by now that God’s ways are right, but stubbornly we continue with what’s broken, thinking we can fix it? Jesus spoke to the crowds and said. “I am the way, the truth and the light”, God had already prepared the way for Jesus, all that was prophesied about Jesus has happened – there are several more to come into completion, the boldest of all is Jesus returning back here onto earth – we will hear and see His arrival. Now as mentioned every prophecy up till today about Jesus has come true, do you suppose therefor, that His return will be a moment of truth that a lot of people will be unable to bear! This day to come is a reality – not a religious statement! What do you think about this? Does this speak to you? How will you handle that it.

Come Lord Jesus - Ted Reeves, Patea

Be an Everyday Hero this Breathe Better September

The Breathe Better September campaign is open for signups now, with five-year-old Sapphire being the first to get involved. Breathe Better September is the annual campaign run by Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ to increase awareness for the over 700,000 Kiwis who live with asthma or other respiratory illnesses, and gather some vital funds to support them. The Everyday Hero Better Breathing Challenge encourages people to get out, get active, and improve their respiratory health. This could be as simple as walking around the block once a day, practicing some daily yoga, or running a marathon; whatever pushes you to raise awareness and improve your own health. Schools, companies, families, or individuals like Sapphire can set up their own Better Breathing Challenge fundraising page on ‘Everyday Hero’. Digital Better Breathing Challenge packs are also available to help promote your campaigns, including posters, images, factsheets, and more. ARFNZ CEO Letitia O’Dwyer participates every year and says that seeing someone like Sapphire leading the way is nothing short of inspiring. "This campaign not only encourages Kiwis to think about an active lifestyle, but also educates and informs the public about asthma and other respiratory conditions,” says Letitia. “One in six New Zealanders have a respiratory disease, and it’s the third most common cause of death. This campaign is huge for us to help the country understand how serious these illnesses are. “A young child like Sapphire recognising the importance of this is both heart-warming and inspirational, and we hope that many others follow her example.” Erin Simpson, media personality and ARFNZ Ambassador, says that the Better Breathing Challenges are the highlight of her year. “Having lived with asthma for most of my life, I know how serious it can be, and how important this campaign is. I can’t wait to run the Auckland marathon under the Foundation’s banner and, if I can do it, others can too!”

Jesus Christ said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." There is Salvation in NO other name.

Without Love, we are nothing.

Per average room (Max. 14sqm, min 2 rooms)

• • • • •

A Christian Word

Waverley Bap�st Church

63 Weraroa Road, Waverley. Sunday services at 10am Contact Ted and Linda Reeves (06) 273 8855 Mainly music:

Tuesday mornings at 10am. February – December (during school terms). 0-5yr old children with adult. Cost: $3:00 per child or $4:00 per family (under 1yrs free). Contact Sue Williams (06) 273 8628

“For God so loved the Cooking on a Shoestring every 2nd Monday of the month unless world, that He gave His otherwise stated. Contact Carolyn 273 8443. only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Men’s Home Group. Him should not perish, but A place to have bible study, discussion and prayer! have eternal life.” Every fortnight. Contact Colin Pren�ce 06 273 8358 for �me & dates. Open to all men. John 3:16

HUGE c lothing sa e v e r y item 5 le; Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays, 0 c . 6-8th M 9:30am – 1:30pm. arch Op – shop:

Come and take a look, or bring along any items you may have to donate. Contact Cindy Burgess (06) 346 6424.

Pensioner meals:

First Wednesday of the month; Feb to Nov. November: two meals, first Wed as normal and last Wednesday is our Christmas meal. 12:00pm onwards. Dona�on for meal. Contact Colleen Smith (06) 346 5997

August 2019 - 3


Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Cheral Anne MacKenzie, Lola Ellen De La Haye, Lloyd Noel (Dobbie) Dobson, and Grahame Hubert (Spider) Lance.

Patea Lions Club The Patea Lion Club will be celebrating 50 years of Lions on the 14th of September. A meeting was held to form a Lions Club in Patea in August 1969. The Club was chartered in September 1969 with 29 members. Our club will be holding a social evening on the 14th of September and we would like to hear from any past members by contacting 273 8738 or 273 8661. Our small club has a number of projects on the go and would love to hear from people interested in becoming a Lion.

Pātea Community Board Meeting Notes from the Pātea Community Board meeting on Wednesday 10 July 2019, 4.00 pm, provided by the Board Members. The fourth meeting for the year was held at the Pātea Old Folks Hall, Egmont Street. Present were: Pātea Community Board members; Ruth, Olivia, Dianne and Jacq, Robert Northcott (Pātea Councillor), Claire Symes (Community Development Manager), Deputy Mayor Phil Nixon, Fiona Greenhill (Community Services & Infrastructure Manager), Ian Wards (Pātea Councillor), & several members of the public. Open Forum: Laurie Mildenhall pointed out the newly painted Waka has not been sealed properly and is already showing signs of leaching. Leaching or Lime weeping is caused by water leaking through the concrete and dissolving calcium hydroxide, which will cause deterioration to the concrete. He has requested the Council act on this quickly, which they have assured us they will. Doug from Waverley Community Patrol gave us a report of the current situation in his area, and it is very positive at present, crime has dropped in the last 12 months. Tom Matiaha is the new President for Patea RSA and he spoke of his concerned about the low numbers of membership and wants help from the people of Patea. Membership of this valuable organisation is only $20, and is hoping the town will respond to his request favourably and join up. Tere Diamond spoke about the funding application he has submitted to the Community Board for the trip to Wellington for the Patea Junior Warriors League team to play Dannevirke Tigers before the Auckland Warriors play the Sharks on 19 July. The Community Board is very proud of what Tere has done for Patea League in such a short time, and gave him $1500 for the trip. General Business: Claire Symes gave a brief account of activities that have happened lately. The Volunteers Day at the Patea Old Folks Hall and the Museum was a great success. Ross Dunlop ran the morning event and Rob Northcott ran the afternoon one. The Welcome to Waverley sign has been knocked down by a car and will be repaired soon, The Patea Library Garden will be rebuilt soon and the drinking fountain installed. Nominations for local body elections close on 16 August. Full minutes of this and all Council meetings can be found on the South Taranaki District Council Website, under the heading ‘Council’ then go to ‘Meetings’ or view them at Pātea or Waverley LibraryPlus. Your Community Board Members are: Ruth Mackay (Chair) Olivia McQuillan (Deputy) Dianne Lance, & Jacq Dwyer. Robert Northcott (Pātea Councillor) The meeting times & venues for this year are: Wednesday 21 August, 4pm, Pātea Old Folks Hall, Egmont Street Elections: Saturday 12 October, no PCB meeting Wednesday 13 November, 4pm, Hunter Shaw Building, Egmont Street, Pātea

78 Weraroa Rd, Waverley

4 - August 2019

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Kia Ora Koutou Everyone, What a great term we’ve had! Thanks so much for your support with the firewood raffle. We have drawn the raffle this morning and are pleased to announce Michael Steele as the winner. Our three classes have been busy over the last few weeks; The Senior class have made some fantastic flight dioramas during art and have completed an author study about their favourite author. The Middle class have made yummy mince pies after reading the book ‘Emily’s pies’ and the Junior class made bright and colourful fish carp kites and have been writing descriptions. Our School speech competition was a success. The Children should be commended on how well they wrote and performed their speech to the whole school. Mrs Parsons and Mrs Ellett had a tough time choosing winners from the Year 7 and 8’s and the Year 5 & 6’s. Maddison Parkes, Toby Corcoran, Maddie Buchanan and Pippa Buchanan made it through to the Cluster Speech competition at Faith City School- a big congratulations to them! Well done Maddison for coming third in the Year 5 and 6 competition and Toby for coming second in the Year 7 and 8’s. Next term we are having a change from Friday clubs, instead we will be holding whole school team sports from 1.45 - 2.45 every second Friday. We welcome parents to come and be a part of this with the students. This will encourage good teamwork skills and incorporate our key competencies of participation, relating to others, thinking, contributing and managing. We say goodbye to Mrs Ellett in the Middle class today, the children have had a great learning experience with her guidance. We know she’ll still be part of our School community.

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Bulldozing Excavating Auger & Breaker Phone Darren Luff 06 342 3877 or 027 449 5597 Awards

Principal’s award - Dylan Terrey, for showing initiative and working hard in reading. Senior Class award - Makayla, for always trying her hardest in class. Middle Class award - Marcus, for writing more independently. Junior Class award - Matiu, for huge improvements in his reading. Virtue award - Shelby, for always using his initiative and being helpful. DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL


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August 2019 - 5 An Interview with...


Name: Shelby Age: 8 Favourites: Colours: Light Green Book: Captain Underpants TV Show/Movie: Simpsons Song/Artist: Old Town Road I like Waitotara School because it is fun.



06 273 8424

An Interview with...

Name: Temanea Age: 6 Favourites: Colours: Gold Book: The Avengers TV Show/Movie: Batman I like Waitotara School because I have fun in the classroom and playground.






Taranaki Indoor Sheep Dog Trials This annual event is held in July with more than 120 competitors and 200 sheep dogs taking part to show off their skills at the Egmont A&P Showgrounds. The event attracts a broad audience each year and is a must for famers, vets, animal trainers and psychologists. But the sport also expanded its audience over the past few years with more and more passionate dog lovers competing in the Trial. The entrants and their dogs must run three sheep within 10 minutes through seven obstacles on the showground floor. But it’s not all about time! Flair, obedience and skill of both, the trainer and the dogs are judged, with points deducted for biting the sheep or causing them to do a full 360-degree turn. The Taranaki Indoor Sheep Dog Trial held their first event in July 2009 with the main aim to encourage more young people to the sport of sheepdog trialling. From there on the event grew continuously until this year and last year the event registered a total of 220 dogs for the competition from all over the North Island. For the Community: The club started off from scratch with no funds but has grown enormously with the ongoing support of Hawera and Taranaki wide businesses. And the Club is giving back to the community who support the event so generously each year. Since 2014 the club has supported each alternative year the Taranaki Rescue Helicopter and St John Hawera, though which a total of $12,000 has been donated to these two vital services. The Club would like to give a huge big thank you to our Sponsors: TSB Community Trust, Might Mix Dog Food Ltd, Tasman Toyota, Taranaki Steelformers, Ingrams Bin & Hire, Sandfords Rural Carriers, Farmlands Hawera, Todd Energy, Wanganui Farm Supplies, palaMountains, Denis Wheeler Contracting, Eltham Vet Services, Farmers Mutual Group, G J Sole Transport Ltd, Mark Nicholas Real Estate, New Plymouth Veterinary Group, NZ Advertures 4WD Tours, NZ Farmers Livestock, Jane Davies Perfur, Ravensdown Fertiliser, Action Moto, ANZ Bank Hawera, Bunnings, Carac Couplings, Claas Harvest Centre, Pennie Sands - Environmental Products Ltd, Gallagher Electric Fencing, Garden Edge, McFall Fuel,, New Zealand Wine Society, Norwood Farm Machinery Centre, Peta M Home & Gifts, PGG Wrightsons, Placemakers, Power Farming, Reumers Trim & Upholstery, Saddlery Warehouse, Shads Buffet & Function Centre, Silver Fern Farms, Skellerup, Stihl Shop, Stratford ITM, Taranaki Veterinary Centre – Hawera branch, Tasman Marine, Richard & William Brewer, Kerry Lane Motel, Moore Stephen & Markhams Accountants, Waverley, Opunake Dairy, Red Rock Café, Patea, Keady & Brenda O’Leary, Karen Lee, Shadow Downs Hereford – D & R and I & N Smith, Wendy Schmidt, Jan Wilson, Cindy & McKenzie WilsonHann, Waverley-Waitotara Sheep Dog Trial Club, and Ag Challenge Wanganui.


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6 - August 2019

Sheep keep trialists on their toes

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The annual Taranaki Indoor Sheep Dog Trial Championships attracted a record of more than 200 entries. The event took place in the TSB Stadium at the Egmont A&P Showgrounds in Hawera on July 5-7. Despite a small attrition rate with bitches coming in season and people wanting to attend Wanganui Centre Secretary Joanne Parkinson's funeral on it was still 2 ½ days of solid competition and long days for the Judge Andrew Savage from Gisborne. Taranaki was well represented with 17 competitors and about 25 dogs. Ken Lobb (Stratford) making the final run off on the Sunday. Wanganui was also well represented with Don White from Mataroa, Lindsay Schmidt from Feilding and Ian Burling from Turakina making the final runoff on Sunday. The club was very pleased with the number of new people to the event, particularly maiden and novice competitors. The club is in awe of the wonderful support they get from the many sponsors who support the event both from within Taranaki and even as far south as Wanganui, the event would not be what it is without the many businesses that support it every year. This year the club donated $3000 to the Taranaki Rescue Helicopter and next year will be supporting St John Hawera. The sheep were a real challenge for man and dog in the runoff for the major prize money and, while not ideal, provided some visual entertainment for the crowd who came in for the final. John Foss from Wairoa with Gem won the event with previous winner and now runner up twice Anna Hardwick-Smith from Eltham with Rip. Anna was the only lady to make the final however in the qualifying rounds Sheena Martin and Troy from Wairoa was the top lady and Howard Ingles from Hawkes Bay was the top man with Lou. Open results: 1st John Foss and Gem, Wairoa, 90.5 2nd Anna Hardwick-Smith and Rip, Eltham 84 3rd Lindsay Schmidt and Jed, Wanganui 80.5 4th Bob Berger and Lad, Waikato 76.5 5th Ken Lobb and Scott, Stratford 69 6th Howard Ingles and Lou, Hawkes Bay 63 7th Chris Redmond and Watch, Hawkes Bay 60.5 8th Bob Bruce and Susan, Hawkes Bay 59 9th Laurie Horsfall and Raid, Hawkes Bay 56.5 10th Rod Mead and Gem, Gisborne, 50 11th Don White and Gale, Wanganui, 46.5 12th Colin Jay and Tracey, Northland 44 13th Bernard Arends and Parker, Hawkes Bay 33.5 14th Ian Burling and Goose, Wanganui 10 Open/maiden: Ian Burling Goose 96.5 Open person/intermediate dog: Lindsay Schmidt Jed 94 Intermediate person/intermediate dog: Katrina Crowe Scout 86 Intermediate person/maiden dog: M Kjestrup Twine 77.5 Maiden person/maiden dog: Christiane Schmidt Marley 85.5 Novice: S Gaitau Spark 83

Right: John Foss from Wairoa, winner of the event, with John Walker Mighty Mix CEO (Major Sponsors)

Below: Lindsay Schmidt, with Jed at pen, best performed Wanganui dog.

Finalists (l to r) B Arends, L Schmidt, D White, C Jay, A Hardwick-Smith, I Burling, J Foss, Timekeeper Katie, Judge Andrew Savage, Mighty Mix CEO John Walker, Club President Ian Smith, Taranaki Mighty Mix Rep Jan Wilson, B Bruce, R Mead, L Horsfall, B Berger, H Ingles and C Redmond.

August 2019 - 7

Turi Indoor Bowls Championship Results The Finlay family has dominated the Turi Indoor Bowling Championships. In the Fours final Ray Finlay skip, Dave Gullery three, Bridget Dwyer two, Tom Wishnowski lead fought out a close game with Ella Smailes skip, Win Finlay three, Jaime Miller two Luke Barnett lead the winning margin being 10-7. Rays team went on the Champion of Champion’s playoff and finished second to P Midgely’s Otakeho’s team. Win Finlay won all the other championships. Win Finlay skip, Dave Gullery two, and Carol Baldwin lead won the triples Championship’s with four wins and Doris Brunton skip, Bridget Dwyer two, Apryl Crowley lead were runners up with three wins. Win Finlay skip and Apryl Crowley lead won the Pairs championships with fours wins and Roger Parker Skip, and Luke Barnett lead were runners up with three wins. The Championship singles was a very close battle between Win Finlay and Ella Smailes and Win won the singles title playing the winning shot with her last bowl to win 10-9. Classic Fives competition The Classic fives competition is a South Taranaki Indoor Bowls competition played on Monday nights playing fours and singles one night and then triples and pairs on the next night. The Turi team of Ray Finlay, Win Finlay, Roger Parker, Dave Gullery, Rose Cowley and Apryl Crowley were the winners for 2019 and the Turi B team finished third. Well done to our club teams. Turi Open Pairs Tournament The Turi Open Pairs tournament was played on Tuesday 9th July 2019 and thanks to our sponsors we had a full hall of 22 teams. Teams travelled up from as far south as Wanganui and to the North from Pihama and Stratford to participate. Thank you to our Sponsors who were Anzco Eltham, McCarthy & Hunger, Patea Tyre Centre, Patea Four Square, Mobile Smiles Patea, The Warehouse, Arabica Café, Cut & Dried Salon. With the generous sponsorship we were able to provide very good tournament prizes. Twenty raffle prizes and four lucky skip and lead prizes. Thank you to our members who provided a very nice supper. Results were: 1st Paul Midgley and Steven Vince 4 wins and 22 ends 2nd Wayne Berry and Dale Mitchell 4 wins and 18 ends 3rd Ella Smailes and Jaime Miller 3 wins and 16 ends The Lucky Skips were J Smailes, R Fredrickson, R Finlay, G Chisnall and the lucky leads were in the teams skipped by S Dimock, D Brunton, M Unka and N Picard. Thank you to Wayne Scown for being hall controller and to all members for their contributions toward a successful and well run tournament. Upcoming Events Aug 6th Handicap singles Aug 13th Handicap singles Aug 20th 9 Bowl Triples Aug 27th 2 x 4 x 2 Pairs Sept 3rd Closing night. Presentation of trophies.

Book Sale

We are right on your doorstep

The Book Sale held on behalf of the Anglican Parish was very successful. Many thanks to all the people who came along. We got rid of quite a few of our old books. We intend to have another Book Sale over Labour Weekend (October 25, 26, 27 & 28) so keep the dates free. We still have many books to dispose of. So remember the dates and come along with your bags and have a browse at the books on show.

We can do WOF inspections while you wait Our hourly rate is lower than dealer workshops because we have less overheads You know our guys

Information Day for Election Candidates The Local Body Elections, for District and Regional Councils, Community Boards and the Taranaki District Health Board will be held by postal vote on 12 October 2019. Nominations for candidates open on 19 July and close at 12 noon on Friday 16 August 2019. If you see yourself as a potential leader and are passionate about your community then now’s your chance to give local politics a go and have a say in your community’s future. An Information Day for anyone contemplating being a candidate is being held at the Hawera Administration Building, Albion Street on Saturday 20 July from 9:30am – 11:30am. The session covers a range of things about local government which will be very useful for candidates to know – ranging from governance roles and responsibilities to current and future issues, to expectations and commitment and how the organisation operates. "Standing for your local council and community boards is a great way to have real influence over the issues affecting your communities, and I encourage anyone thinking about standing to come to the Information Day to find out what it’s all about,” says South Taranaki District Council chief executive, Waid Crockett. If you are interested in finding out more about standing as a local body election candidate contact the Electoral Officer, Dale Ofsoske, on 0800 922 822 or email dale.ofsoske@ Or Jan Johnston, at the South Taranaki District Council on 0800 111 323 or email

We can service and repair almost anything We do callouts (no travel charge within 10km radius of Patea) We are locals & support locally We are MTA assured

Rob, Leighton, Chresten, Arna & Caryl 06 273 8288 next to the BP 2 Go in Patea


Authorised WOF inspectors

8 - August 2019

Waverley Playcentre



Nick Smith

022 015 2806

Specialising in Rural Earthworks Tree Work Drainage

Track Maintenance Land Development

Competitive Rates 13 T Excavator 22 T Excavator 190 HP Tractor & 16 T Tip Trailer 15 T Grader (12ft blade) 4 T Twin Drum Vibrating Roller 19 T Bulldozer on request Tilt buckets Root Rake Laser Level Thumbs on Excavators

Last term we made our way to Wanganui to the Boys & Girls Gym Club, where we had lots of fun jumping around!! Before the end of term 2 we had a few quieter sessions at centre, which we have been pretty lucky with the weather. It’s been nice enough for the kids to still enjoy playing outside in the sandpit, on the swings, slide, and bike track. With the change of farming season we have lost a few families, which we wish all the best to them on their new adventures. We have also gained some new ones, who we know will enjoy coming to Playcentre as much as everyone else does. The children are loving being back at Playcentre after the holidays. We’ve got some exciting activities planned for the term, which the children are going to love! We started the term with a bang! We welcomed Whenuakura Playgroup to our centre the first Wednesday, as they were having alterations done, and couldn't be there. The children all played so well together and had lots of fun exploring the new place they had come to. The next session we had some fluffy friends come to visit us! Some baby chickens. They were only 4 days old and so little and fluffy! The children loved watching them and giving them a little pat. Thank you to everyone who purchased some frozen cookies or croissants off us for our fundraiser. We really appreciate your support! We love seeing new families at our Playcentre, everyone is welcome! If your interested in joining us come and take advantage of our THREE FREE SESSIONS to see if it’s for you. We are open Wednesday’s & Friday’s 9am - 12pm. We also have Free Day Friday.

August 2019 - 9

Maxwell and Districts Kindergarten This week the children returned to Kindergarten to a full sandpit filled with fresh sand to explore. Our outside sandpit is a very popular area at Maxwell Kindergarten, with many children choosing to spend a lot of their time there throughout the day. We often see different groups of children working together, negotiating and developing their social skills whilst playing in the sandpit. Lots of problem solving and communicating naturally happening too. Our children love to get stuck in, building rivers and filling them with water from the hose, creating mud puddles to ride their bikes through and more recently, connecting the hose to our mud kitchen to use the tap at the sink, filling, ‘baking’ and constructing ways in which the water flows away in the drain pipes to different parts of the sandpit. Our children’s imaginations are enhanced, their ideas are actively explored and theories can be tested in the sandpit. Exploring these, like the concept of gravity and water flow are always a lot more interesting and meaningful when tested by a three-year-old trying to fill a puddle using gutter pipes with their friends. I’m sure many more experiments and concepts will continue to be explored in the coming weeks. I always love to watch the children’s enthusiasm and engagement in the sandpit each day and their satisfaction of hard work being done as they brush the sand off themselves as they venture to their next activity. Arohanui, Michaela, Katherine and Annie


Hawken Contracting now has available short-cut self loading silage wagons. Able to do complete job from paddock to stack. 40mm short-cut grass length for better compaction. For further information ring Gary: 06 346 5929.

10 - August 2019

continued from front cover Armistice Day 1954, and included new granite plaques with the names of soldiers killed in WWII from Patea and surrounding settlements. The Patea RSA Hall became a liability as membership numbers declined and the building was sold. The Patea Girl Guides purchased the RSA Hall in September 1981 and then they on sold it to Raumano Health in September 1998. Patea RSA has always had a close bond with Returned Service Personnel from the surrounding districts including as far away as Maxwell, Waitotara, & Waverley, sending representatives to march in each towns Dawn Parade. A fine turnout of 28th (Maori) Battalion veterans came from these areas, and for many years marched every ANZAC Day in Patea. A vast number of impressive Soldiers have come out of Patea over the years. They have given their time and often their life in the selfless way that military service dictates.

Above: Fitzwater Charles, unknown, William

Right: Len Wilson WWII Norman H Mitchell WWI at the Patea RSA

In April next year ex Patea man Wiremu Moffitt will step up to the position of Sergeant Major of the NZ Army. A remarkable achievement, a long way from his 1970’s childhood in Victoria Street. If you can contribute in some way to the fine tradition the Patea RSA holds please contact Tom Matiaha, phone or text: 027 234 7509 or email

Councillor Clem Coxhead announces his entry into the election of Mayor for South Taranaki District Council Clem sees the following issues as important for the Patea Waverley area: Patea Town

Patea has primarily pulled itself up from the devastation of the community following the closure of the freezing works. As a result, they now have a very caring and tightly bound community that needs moral and practical support from people like myself as Mayor. Patea now has some of the smartest kids from the age of five upwards in New Zealand. Thanks to some caring teachers developing new ways of learning. Thanks to parents and grandparents who have had a positive role to play in this journey as well. Over the past few months I have been putting together a relationship between the Patea Area School and Fonterra. The aim here is to cross benefit everyone as we set out a future employment plan for these youngsters. I have asked Fonterra to start this process as they are a leading industry here that is currently drawing employees from other places to fulfil specialised jobs. Patea will have that expertise within the next ten years so we need to work together so we can adapt our children’s learning to fit the ever-changing demands of work and career requirements. It will be so exciting to see our young people totally prepared for a work career. Compare that to my generation who learnt a certain amount and found ourselves ill-prepared for not only work but life in general. (How about an office in Patea operating robots at Whareroa) With luck we will see other businesses in South Taranaki taking up this exciting challenge. I see some challenges ahead as to how we create a town centre strategy in Patea. We need to create a centre that will encourage people to stay. A lot will depend on NZTAs efforts to slow traffic right down right the country. I personally see a nice new toilet block closer to the library to augment the present one as being a big help to the town.

Waverley Town

I enjoyed the town centre strategy meeting held in Waverley. It became apparent that we need to hurry up mine and the rest of the town’s concerns around the speed of traffic and the lack of a pedestrian crossing. I see some big benefits in creating a cycle way around the ring of the town that will eventually extend to Whanganui and Hawera. I have for some time shared concerns with some residents about the Wind farm and its operation especially around the power lines in town. I think we need to do some more work in this area as I know that some families have out laid a large amount of their life savings to try and improve a situation that the wind farm could easily fix.

Waverley Rural

I have some very real concerns about the way the Waitotara Valley area has fallen into fractured state over the new Wainui Road. In hind sight we as Council should have handled this better and lead from the front. I will make it a priority to bring this community back together as our roll is to keep our communities united. We need to work together at all times in our small communities for the best outcome.

The future

I would like to see us develop a better relationship with Whanganui as I believe we will all benefit. I am very aware that the southern end of our District is close to Whanganui and in many cases our people will feel closer to Whanganui. I see big benefits for South Taranaki to have a big city on either end of our district that we work closely with. We would get the benefits of a city that is close to everyone and New Plymouth and Whanganui would have very strong rural links to support them as well. I, as Mayor, will need to serve your area better and I look forward to the opportunity to do so. Please vote this year and show democracy at work for all of us.

Clem Coxhead - 027 422 3890 or email

Authorised by Clem Coxhead -- 3 Disraeli Street, Hawera.

August 2019 -11

Our Open Morning for our community members to join us. Our students and staff thoroughly enjoyed having visitors in our classrooms this morning. Many thanks to everyone who came along to our Open Morning. We love showing off our wonderful school.

Waverley Primary School Exciting things have been happening at Waverley Primary School:

We have been celebrating our wonderful contributions from our fruit monitors!

Manuka Hub: Manuka Hub’s Inquiry this term has focused on Water Sustainability. We started out our learning journey with some ‘Wonderings’... • What is water? • Where does it come from? • Where do we find water? • What does water look like? • Why is water important? • How do we use water at school? In our homes? • What happens when there isn’t enough water? • How can we conserve water? We explored different properties of water and the water cycle through hands-on experiences. We shared our understanding at both our school assemblies. We understand that water is important so we are learning to conserve it. We hope that you will too because we are all Kaitiakitanga - Caretakers of the Planet!! Our week 10 Term 2 award winners!

Our new sandpit toys have arrived! Term 3 Events Mon 5 Aug Mon 12 Aug Mon 19 Aug Tues 20 Aug Wed 21 Aug Fri 23 Aug Mon 26 Aug Mon 2 Sept

Tech session 1 - 11.30 – 2.15 Tech session 2 - 11.30 - 2.15 Tech session 3 - 11.30 – 2.15 BoT Meeting 5.00 p.m. in principal’s office Yr 7&8 sevens @ Springvale Park Wanganui Contributing Schools’ Football Y4-6 School cross country School cross country postponement date Tech session 4 - 11.30 – 2.15 Tech session 5 - 11.30 – 2.15

Mon 9 Sept Mon 16 Sept Tues 17 Sept Wed 18 Sept Thurs 19 Sept Wed 25 Sept Thurs 26 Sept Fri 27 Sept

Tech session 6 - 11.30 - 2.15 Kakaramea interschool cross country Y1-6 Bot Meeting 5.00 p.m. principal’s office School Production Dress Rehearsal School Production 6 p.m. Wanganui inter-intermediate cross country School Production 11a.m. & 6p.m. Taranaki cross country SCHOOL PHOTOS Term 3 finishes

12 - August 2019

Whenuakura School ‘Growing Personal Excellence’

Engaged Learners At the end of last term we had a fun excursion to the pop up ice skating rink in Hawera. It provided a great challenge for some of our learners (and adults!!), but they were great support to each other.

The new term is well underway and the progress already made by our learners in the first half of the year has been impressive. The ‘C’ in our CORE school values is ‘collaboration’ and the high quality teaching and learning is the result of a community effort. Thank you to our staff, BOT, whanau, and wider community for your support. We are pleased that this term, we are able to offer small classes with three classrooms and welcome Amanda McAree back to Whenuakura School. A warm Whenuakura welcome also to our newest learners – Vienna Hollingsworth and Amara Baggott. We have a busy term planned so keep updated with our latest news on our Facebook page. Our inquiry this term is ‘Around the World - Explore, Dream Discover!’ with our pet day coming up and a showcase planned as part of this learning.

Sporting Success - Bhana Cup Our year 5 and 6 learners had a great day out in the sunshine at the Bhana Cup Winter Tournament. As a Southern Cluster we joined Kakaramea School, Mokoia School, Patea Area School and St Joseph’s Patea and we did really well in all sporting codes. Our top placing was 2nd in the Rugby Competition. Sportsmanship, determination and high levels of skill where on display from all. A special thank you to our coaches Naiomi (Netball), Joe and Andrew (Rugby), Jo and Alice (Hockey) and Nikhil and Darren (Soccer). We really appreciate your time and effort during our lead up practices and for our tournament. Thanks to all of our supporters who came to cheer us on and got into the spirit!

Community Minded - Next Gen Our community is our classroom and we are teaming up with the Carlyle Women’s Institute for our new programme NEXT GEN - learning a skill and building inter-generational relationships in our community. Thank you Rose Cowley and the Carlyle Women’s Institute for your time.

Environmentally Conscious - Green Team The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will look after it. Our green team planted the trees we were awarded for our recycling efforts in the Paper for Trees programme along our fence line.

We are Leaders - Reader Leaders We have established our first ‘Reader Leaders’ at Whenuakura School. Already this team have visited the Patea Kindergarten and Ngati Patea Kohanga Reo to read to the younger children. We look forward to sharing our reading with you all over the year.

Would you like to enrol your child at Whenuakura School? We encourage you to come and see us if you are looking to enrol your child in school. We are happy to show you around and discuss our learning programmes. Individualised transition dates can be organised.

Thank you Nicky Gray Photography for our fantastic school photos!

August 2019 - 13

Our Mission Statement Our intention is to provide an Education in a Catholic environment, which will best enhance the wairua, the whole being, of each individual. For more detailed information check out our school website: http://www.stjoespatea. You can also find us on our Facebook page: Special Character He Hīkoi Whakapono: A Journey of Faith Our school recently featured in Welcom, a newspaper for the Wellington and Palmerston North Catholic Dioceses that our local parishes and school are a part of. It highlighted and mentioned the history of our school, which was first opened in 1904 with the Josephite Sisters right through to our present day. Our school has a close, positive relationship with the local parishes in our community of St Patrick’s and St Francis de Sales. St Joseph’s has a high percentage of Māori students from a very strong Māori Community. Our school fosters the importance of Māori culture and language in a safe and happy environment. Everyone is welcome and whānau involvement is strongly encouraged, whānaungatanga, which brings families together. There are plenty of opportunities for the community, parents and extended whānau to participate, celebrate and promote learning at the school including Kapahaka performances in the community, to link teaching and learning to gospel values and the Catholic Special Character dimensions which are: Te Whakaatu Kairaitiana – Christian Witness Te Tutaki ki a Te Karaiti – Encounter with Christ Te Whakatupu ma te Matauranga – Growth in Knowledge He Mihi Maumahara Kua hinga te tōtara i Te Waonui-a-Tane. He mihi aroha ki te whānau o Matua Nephi Prime. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time, he will be truly missed. What’s Been Happening at St Joseph’s Patea... Hākinakina / Sport Carlyle Netball Club This season four of our girls played Netball in Hawera playing for Carlyle Netball Club (Kakaramea Primary School). They have recently had their prizegiving to round up the season. Congratulations to all the girls, it was great to see the progress and improvements throughout the season. While a hard decision for Whaea Paygeen and Whaea Te Atawhai to choose, the following were the recipients of awards: Most Valuable Player: Leeward Vaimoso Sportsmanship: Charley Perrett Most Improved: Isabella Muncaster & Adeezoa Wiki-Thompson Patea Warriors Junior League A huge congratulations to our Patea Warriors Junior Rugby League Club who got the opportunity of a lifetime to play at Westpac Stadium in Wellington. A shout out to the tamariki that took part in this awesome opportunity: Under 11’s: Nohotia & Iraia Under 9’s: John, Dixon, Manaia, William & Stephanie Under 7’s: Hamuera & Heremaia They got to participate in Drills and Skills with some of the Warriors players and then on the Friday the Under 7’s & Under 9’s against the Dannevirke Tigers before the Warriors game. Congratulations to Manaia Thompson for receiving Player of the Game, chosen by the Warriors commentator. A huge mihi to Matua Tere and Whaea Te Ruinga Diamond, the coaches, whānau, supporters and all those behind the scenes. Without the drive and commitment to our tamariki this exciting journey and experience would not have been possible. We are proud to be part of the Patea Warriors Whānau. Bhana Cup Some of our students were also involved in the combined teams for Bhana Cup. Our tamariki were part of the football (soccer) competition. Fabulous effort by all players. Kaupapa We are already off to a busy start this term and our tamariki have been involved in lots of kaupapa since the last issue. Enviroschools This term our key focus is on “Zero Waste”, we are learning what this means and have some exciting workshops and projects coming up throughout the term. As an enviroschool we are teaching our tamariki about what waste is and looking at it in multiple contexts and waste affects us not only in school, but the wider community and globally. We have also just finished planting our herb garden. We have been learning about these herbs last term and caring for them, preparing the gardens ready to plant out this week. The tamariki are really interested in this kaupapa and some are beginning their own gardens at home. The tamariki are learning skills which promote sustainable practices and “real life” learning. Crafts We have been able to offer a variety of arts and crafts this term with members of the community coming in and working and teaching our tamariki new skills using a variety of mediums. Patea LibraryPlus Every Wednesday our tauira (students) have been going to the Library. A huge thank you to Matua Ricki for sharing his skills with our tamariki. If you are interested in joining your tamariki or yourself up at the Patea Library, it is a free and easy process. There are so many services available both in the Library and online. The also offer some great holiday programmes for the tamariki. Check them out. God bless you all, Saint Joseph’s School – Patea

Hamuera and his team mates at Westpac Stadium, Wellington Patea Warriors Junior Rugby League Club meeting some of the Warriors players

Marley and Nohotia representing at Bhana Cup Tamariki with St Patrick’s Food Basket

14 - August 2019

Kakaramea School - 'together we achieve' The Kakaramea school community would like to welcome and introduce our new teacher Mrs Natalie Tai. She is teaching in Room Manuka and comes from Hawera with a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm. Mrs Tai enjoys netball, singing and spending time with her family and friends. We are all excited for you to join our school whanau Mrs Tai.

Thank you to the Patea LibraryPlus for coming in and delivering an amazing race for our students who won the Summer Reading Programme. The winning team, pictured, loved receiving their new books! Here’s to a lifetime of great reading! WHAT’S ON AT KAKARAMEA SCHOOL Week 2 & 3 term 3 2019 Friday 2nd August School Assembly hosted by Kauri Classroom Monday 5th August Sport Taranaki in at school. Thursday 8th August Step Up 4 School Friday 9th August Teachers Only Day Monday 12th August School Photos

On the last day of term two Kakaramea School had a fun day where the children built towers, made jewellery and painted their own or each other's faces. Here is a sample of their artistic creations.

STEP UP 4 SCHOOL Term 2 dates for our Step Up 4 School Programme for 4 year olds. When: Thursday 8th August Week 3 Term 3 Thursday 22nd August Week 5 Term 3 Thursday 5th September Week 7 Term 3 Thursday 19th September Week 9 Term 3 Venue: Room Koru, Kakaramea School Bring mum or dad along! We cannot wait to see you.

Thank you to the STDC for the opportunity for Kauri classroom to slide and glide. The children had so much fun testing their balance, coordination and grace!

2-3pm 2-3pm 2-3pm 2-3pm

August 2019 - 15

The Experts In Provincial Real Estate Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited was born from the desire of everyday farmers to work to get themselves a better deal. More than 50 years later, that desire has grown into one of New Zealand’s largest cooperatives, helping rural shareholders nationwide get the most from their business, at the fairest possible price. From this, grew our Real Estate business and we hold the same values - to get the best possible outcome giving dedicated service, local knowledge and customer care. With 38 Real Estate offices plus a large, dedicated team of salespeople nationwide, as well as our Farmlands stores and shareholders throughout New Zealand, we reach far and wide, and will profile your property to this huge database of customers. A Better Deal - we are good at what we do. Our team are highly regarded, successful salespeople who have specialised knowledge within their field - whether it be residential, lifestyle, rural, commercial, or property management. We believe that by utilising our local, national and international network, Farmlands Real Estate has the ability to reach the widest possible purchaser base, in order to achieve the optimum, realised value for your property. Our objective, is to market your property in the most professional manner, in order to achieve the highest possible sale price, on the most advantageous terms for you. Farmlands Real Estate has appointed Paddy Bolger to their Bell Block Branch and Mark Nicholas to their Hawera Branch. Paddy has 42 years’ experience and has sold over 2,000 properties New Zealand wide. He leads the team as Branch Manager. Mark is primarily associated with the Hawera branch over South Taranaki and Whanganui. The Nicholas family have farmed in Hawera since 1874 and he has extensive business and community involvements over the past 40 years throughout the regions. Together, Paddy and Mark will specialise in rural and lifestyle property and will cater to residential clients as well. Mark and Paddy are seeking listings now. Call today for a free, no obligation appraisal of your property. Farmlands Real Estate are also seeking salespeople who are looking for a change or are considering a career in real estate. Call Paddy for a confidential discussion if you’re interested in learning more. 0800 200 600 Licensed under REAA 2008



and selected jewellery in cabinet Come on in and have a look! Check out our FaceBook page 71 EGMONT STREET, PATEA

Wanted, Wanted

Sheep and Cattle units Several clients requesting Dairy farms all sizes Many clients requesting Lifestyle properties Strong enquiry, always in demand.

Gelli Print Class 7-9pm, Wed 21 August Waverley Community Centre 2nd night - Sept (to be confirmed)

$15 per night, all materials supplied. Can be messy - please wear old clothes. To book email or txt 021 247 8193

16 - August 2019

Mills & Gibbon We put you first

Anne Robertson O: 06 278 0360 M: 021 400 801 H: 06 273 8117



Kelly Baldwin O: 06 278 0360 M: 022 186 4539 H: 06 273 8944


12 Leicester Street, Patea

15 Suther Street Waverley

Three double sized bedrooms with built in wardrobes.. New dining kitchen with built in oven and hob. New bathroom with shower and deep bath. Laundry/bathroom with second toilet. Heat pump, fully insulated, ideal for investors. Outside is a single garaged, fully fenced, new border plantings. A feature retaining wall and steps create fantastic views of the river and rural vista as well as a patio area to catch the sun.

This 1970’s home has great bones to work with and offers 3 double bedrooms, a large attached garage and workshop, open plan kitchen, dining room and a separate living room. Insulation in the ceiling and under floor and a new heat pump will keep you warm in the cooler months. A good sized corner section offers plenty of scope for the garden enthusiast. A fixed tenant is in place until 9/2/2020 paying $210.00 per week.



LIFESTYLE IN TOWN 40 Bear Street, Waverley - Enquiries Over $369,000 Where do you start with what this property offers... The extremely well presented family home consists of 4 bedrooms plus office, with spacious living, single garaging plus carport. Move outside to the entertainment area, hot house, 2 workshops, glass house and raised vegetable gardens. Don’t forget the Kirsten Kiernan paddocks for your lifestyle babies. So much to offer... M: 027 296 8500

SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME 203 Egmont Street, Patea This large 4 bedroom home has space to spare with a large living room, a large conservatory overlooking the garden, open plan kitchen and dining room, an office nook and garaging galore. A double garage has a large workshop attached with a 2nd toilet + an attached double carport gives ease of access to the house. The roof was replaced on the home in the last 10 years and a heat pump is a new addition. The 1733sqm of land is fenced and private and just had a clean up ready for a green thumbed enthusiast to make use of the greenhouse.

Cnr High & Victoria, Hawera

DELIGHTFUL FAMILY HOME 43 Wilson Street, Waverley This much loved family home is waiting for its new family. This villa consists of 3 bedrooms plus sleep-out, modern kitchen, bathroom, open plan lounge and dining. Good outdoor flow to covered seating area and mature gardens. This home has a log fire plus heat pump. Double garage with workshop, well fenced and good off road access to this corner site.

06 278 0360 Licensed under REAA 2008

August 2019 - 17

Godderidges Pharmacy Ltd 62 Weraroa Rd. Waverley. Ph 346 5008 Supporting your immune system against colds We are still seeing many people present with colds in the pharmacy. Customers may want to consider Buccaline, (a pharmacist only medicine) which is a Swiss pharmaceutical grade product used to help prevent complications of colds and support the immune system. It is taken as a course of seven tablets each which contains the following bacteria - 1000 Million Pneumococcus I, II, III, 1000 Million Streptococcus, 1000 Million Staphyloccous, 1500 Million Haemophilus Infuenzae and 25mg Fel Bovis Sicc. We generally recommend a course in the autumn and another course 3 months later in late or mid-winter. Customers often ask us how this product works and what is the evidence? Buccaline contains inactivated bacteria which are very often the same bacteria that invade the respiratory system when we have colds and chills. When our immune system encounters these inactivated bacteria, it is stimulated to produce antibodies which are the ready to protect us when they come across actual bacteria and thus provide some protection against the bacterial complications of the flu or a cold. The manufacturer suggests that a course of Buccaline tablets can boost your body's natural immunity for up to three months. It is important to note that Buccaline will not prevent you getting the ‘flu or a cold as colds and ‘flu are caused by viruses. It is to help to prevent a secondary bacterial infection resulting from the viral infection. So, what is the evidence? Apart from anecdotal evidence from many of our customers claiming that Buccaline has worked for them, most of the evidence for Buccaline comes from observational studies in the 1960’s involving employees of the Italian National Railways. For example, in one study 1,550 employees took Buccaline and 1,415 employees received a placebo (a dummy tablet) over a 5 months period. In the group given Buccaline, 16.4% contracted a respiratory condition compared with 29% in the group treated with placebo. Currently we are offering Buccaline at a very competitive price of $12.00 for August and September only.

Draft Town Centre Plans Available for Feedback

Draft Town Centre Masterplans for Opunake, Manaia, Eltham, Patea and Waverley are now on display at the local LibraryPlus centres and on the Council’s website. Consultants from Rationale, Veros and Landlab have worked together to develop the draft documents after hosting workshops, speaking to local members of the community, business people, schools and iwi in the towns. South Taranaki District Council (STDC) Community Development Manager, Claire Symes says the scope for the plans was to look at improvements for the towns’ central business areas and linkages to significant areas such as the beach at Opunake. “The consultants are now returning to see if they are on the right track and will be in the towns at the following times (see below) to check in with the communities,” says Claire. Comments on the plans can also be left at the local LibraryPlus centre, on the Council website, emailed to or phone 0800 111 323 until 2 August at 4pm. South Taranaki Mayor Ross Dunlop says the aim of the master planning exercise is to develop a suite of actions for each town’s CBD which can be included in the Council’s next Long Term Plan in 2021. “The town centre masterplan work is part of the Council’s vision to make South Taranaki the most liveable District in New Zealand,” says Mayor Dunlop. “We know we can’t afford to do everything at once, but by making these masterplans we can start looking at ways of budgeting for and realising the communities’ needs over time.”

Carlyle Women’s Institute President Mrs Rose Cowley welcomed 7 members to our July meeting, business was discussed. Our project for institutes is to” teach a skill”, this term members will be going to St Joseph’s and Whenuakura Schools to teach knitting, crocheting, maybe cross stitch or French knitting etc. Our guest speaker this month was, Gabriele Belz from Patea Gallery. She explained how the gallery came to be in Patea and showed us some of the work from artists who display their work in the gallery. It is really interesting to see the different types of artwork. Come and see what we are all about, competitions are not compulsory. We meet the first Thursday of each month, 1.30pm at Patea Old Folks Hall. Competition results July: Cooking: 1st – Liz Hill

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18 - August 2019

PUKOROKORO AHU WHENUA TRUST Notice of 2019 Annual General Meeting


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Trust will be held on Saturday 21st September 2019 at the Patea Old Folks Association Hall, 137 Egmont Street, Patea commencing 10.00am. All Beneficial Owners of Taranaki iti 3C2, Otautu 15E and Otautu 16B are invited to attend. Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Apologies 3. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting 4. Presentation of 2019 Annual Report a) Chairs Report ) b) 2019 Financial Report ) c) 2020 Business Plan ) A resolution is required to adopt each Annual Report item a), b) and c) 5. Trust Review A review of the Trust by the Maori Land Court is due on the 11th May 2020. Trustees have reviewed the Trust Deed and recommend the following variations; a) “13.1 The number of Beneficial Owners required to be at a General or Special meeting in order to conduct the business of that meeting (“Quorum”) is 15 Beneficial Owners of this Trust present in person for the duration of the meeting or by proxy. If a quorum is not present within one hour after the appointed time the meeting shall be adjourned to a new time and date. If at the new meeting a quorum is not present, then the meeting shall lapse.” Recognition of proxy votes and dealing with lack of quorum. b) “14.1 (a) voting will be by being present in person or by proxy.” New item clarifying proxy votes. c) “14.1 (b) …20 percent….” Was 14.1 (a). Percentage reduced from 40 percent for calling a poll to better reflect position of Beneficial Owners with larger shares. d) “ 14.1 (c) “ Was "14.1 (b) " e) “ 14.3 The Chairperson shall not have a casting vote “ New item clarifying voting by Chair. A resolution is required to adopt each of the items a), b), c), d) and e) above 7. General Business 8. Close of Business NOTE Proxy votes will be accepted at the meeting. For proxy forms please contact the Trust Secretary, Narlene Ioane at 0275 666 433 or email Proxy forms must be in the hands of the Chair or Secretary at least 30 minutes before the meeting begins.

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Gardening Weeding, pruning and planting. One off clean-ups and on-going maintenance. For more information contact Janet at

Patea Market

Next market is 11thAugust - 9am to 1pm Egmont Street (butcher's end of town) Contact Cris 027 485 6174

Plants For Sale

Wholesale Prices

Honey Manuka Seedlings, Flaxes, Karo, Tenuifolium, Pohutukawa, Dodonaea (Ake Ake), Lemonwood WILLOW GARDENS NURSERY 45 Fookes St, Waverley

Planet-Janet Gardening Services

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PATEA STANDBY For medical and non-medical appointments book transport by ringing 273 8329 9am-12 noon weekdays. Emergencies only 273 8661, 273 8325 and 273 8665. Kindly sponsored by Patea Pharmacy.

WAVERLEY STANDBY To book cars for a medical reason only Phone 346 5021 9am-11.30am daily. AFTER HOURS 346 5050 or 346 5149 Try to book appointments a day or so before.

St Luke’s OP SHOP

behind Patea Pharmacy - something for everyone Open Tuesday 10am-12 noon Wednesday 10am-12 noon Friday 10am-12 noon Donations of clothes and household goods appreciated

Phone 06 278 4786 Patea, Waverley, Waitotara

August 2019 -19

Patea & WaverleyPress The Patea & Waverley Press is printed by Beacon Print EDITORS: Tony & Cath Sheard p: 06 273 8600 m: Tony 021 247 8194, m: Cath 021 247 8193 e: Patea & Waverley Press is published on the first working day of each month and is the only paper sent exclusively to every household in Patea, Waverley, Waitotara & surrounding districts. DEADLINES - late copy may not be published

Sept issue Oct issue Nov issue Dec issue

Deadline 27 August Deadline 25 Sept Deadline 25 Oct Deadline 27 Nov

WAVERLEY SERVICES Patea Health Centre: ph Patea 273 8088, Freephone 0508 472 832 Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm An answerphone outside these hours will give you the Doctor on call and emergency service directions. Dental services -Victoria Dental (Waverley): 45 Gloag St, Waverley. Phone 346 5491 opening hours Wednesday 9.00am - 3.30pm Thursday 9.00am - 4.30pm Plunket The Plunket nurse attends a Waverley clinic every 2nd Wednesday of month & Patea clinic every Friday. Also available for home visits; for appointments phone Waverley 06 346 5095 & leave a message for Plunket Nurse Alice and Plunket Kaiawhina Shellay or Patea 06 273 8329. The Patea Clinic is in the Health Centre. Waverley LibraryPlus Monday to Friday Saturday

9am-12.30pm, 1pm-5pm 9.30am-noon

Abbotsford Health Centre Waverley - 3465021 Standby 9.30-11.30 Daily Leo Brown Podiatrist Monthly District Health Nurse Daily Medical Equipment Hire Eg Wheel,Chairs Crutches etc Meeting Room Hire All by Appointment only

Taranaki’s only registered Monumental Mason WHERE YOU GO FOR HEADSTONES 33 High St, Hawera 06 278 5518 209 Coronation Ave, New Plymouth 06 759 9975 Exceeding the standard since 1914


Our family working for your family for over 100 years. 462 Somme Parade, Wanganui opposite the cemetery.

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August 2019 Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

am 10.10 10.02 11.51 1.04 1.54 2.47 3.44 4.46 5.52 7.00 8.01 8.54 8.38 10.18 10.54 11.28 12.01 12.33 12.45 1.10 1.59 2.44 3.38 4.41 5.51 7.02 8.06 9.04 9.56 10.45

pm 11.04 11.52 12.40 1.05 1.55 2.45 3.39 4.39 5.46 6.58 8.04 8.59 9.44 10.23 10.59 11.32 12.05 12.37 1.32 2.08 2.49 3.38 4.39 5.51 7.05 8.10 9.07 9.58 10.46 11.32

Pensioner Meals 1st Wednesday of each month at noon. Donation if you can afford it. Two course meal. Open to all pensioners. If new people would like to come then please ring Christine Standen 06 346 5661. Mainly Music each Tuesday at 10 am at church during school terms. Op-shop at back of the church opening Wed, Thurs and Friday from 9.30 am till around mid-day. Donations readily accepted.

Weekly Calendar It is the responsibility of the organisations below to advise any deletions, additions or alterations to this service. TUESDAY Waverley Bowling Club, names in by 1.15pm for 1.30pm start WEDNESDAY Walking Group St Stephen’s Hall 9am THURSDAY Waverley United Indoor Bowls, 7.15pm SATURDAY Waverley Bowling Club 1.30pm

Tide Table

KAKARAMEA Rainfall recorded by Kevin Ford, Spence Rd. Rainfall for June 2019 - 103.5mm over 12 days Rainfall for June 2018 - 134mm Average for June - 123mm over 49 years Total for 2019 - 607.5mm WAITOTARA Rainfall recorded by Marie Hawken, Waitotara Rainfall for June 2019 - 110.75mm in 16 days Rainfall for June 2018 - 145.75mm in 16 days Total for 2019 430mm WAVERLEY Rainfall recorded by Stu Buckman, Waverley Rainfall for June 2019 - 107mm in 16 days Rainfall for June 2018 - 94mm in 17 days Rainfall for June 2017 - 45mm in 8 days

Sponsored by


Mark Nicholas

High water at Patea / Waverley

Councillors & Justices of the Peace

Times are adjusted for daylight saving when necessary

Patea Ward Councillors Robert Northcott, ph 027 242 6130 Ian Wards, ph 278 4626 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (alphabetical order) Mrs Barbara Dallison JP Mrs M Dunlop JP Jacq Dwyer Mrs M Dwyer JP Mr S Kershaw JP V M Kershaw Mr J A Ngarewa JP Mr Mark Nicholas Mrs Margaret Prince JP Mrs H Rei JP Mr R L Symes JP Mr D J Towers JP Mrs S Walkinton JP

Herengawe Rd, Waverley. 346 5379 16 Egmont St, Patea. 027 484 9339 611 Hursthouse Road, Kakaramea. 2734494 10 Dale St, Alton. 273 8564 3 Elizabeth St, Patea. 273 8043 11 Leicester St, Patea 027 431 5053 7a Hadfield St, Patea. 273 8659 354 Garsed Road, Kakaramea. 027 474 0678 5a Fookes St, Waverley. 346 6008 4 Norfolk St, Patea. 273 8482 Manutahi Rd, RD2, Patea. 273 4246 23 Egmont St, Patea. 273 8625 Parahaki Rd, Waverley. 346 5548

20 - August 2019


ABBOTSFORD HEALTH CENTRE WAVERLEY Community owned. To enquire about our health services ph 346 5021 9-11.30am. Room available. ALCOHOLICS ANONOMOUS Patea AA Steps and Promises Meeting every Wednesday 7.30pm, Youth Trust Hall, 31 Cambridge St, Patea. Contact: Murray 027 647 7341 ALTON BOWLING CLUB President Eamon Hussey, ph 273 4276. Secretary: Richard Dwyer, ph 273 4048. ALZHEIMERS Taranaki Inc (supporting anyone affected by dementia). Shirley McGlinchey 06 278 8519. ALTON & DISTRICTS YOUNG FARMERS Contact: S Werder, ph 027 357 5589, K Hughes 021 102 8545 ALTON & DISTRICTS PLAYGROUP Tessa Tate, ph 273 4416, Erin Gibb, ph 022 020 8029. Sessions: Thursday 9.30-12.00 ALTON SCOUTS Keas / Cubs Monday night 6- 7pm. Gareth Read, ph 273 6033 ALTON MENS BOWLING CLUB Secretary: Ross Symes, ph 273 4246 ALTON CORONATION HALL Chairman: Harvey Gibbs, ph 273 4142 Secretary: Jacq Dwyer, ph 273 4494 ALTON OLYMPIC WRESTLING CLUB Contact: Graham Campbell, ph 273 4295 Club night – Friday 5.30pm BORDER RUGBY & SPORTS CLUB President: Guy Lennox, ph 346 5585 Secretary: Brittany Lupton Waverley Clubrooms, ph 346 5263 CARLYLE W.I President: Rose Cowley, ph 273 8014 Secretary: Carole Dalziel FEDERATED FARMERS Dave Hopkins, Station Rd, RD17. Ph 346 5802 HEALTH CONSUMER SERVICE If you have any concerns about any Health Service received, phone 0800 801 482. KAKARAMEA HALL SOCIETY Chairperson: Sue England, ph 273 4406 Secretary: Marie Dwyer, ph 273 8564 LIFELINE TARANAKI 24 hour phone counselling service, tollfree 06 758 6333 MAXWELL & DISTRICTS KINDERGARTEN Phone 342 3802, Open 5 days a week Teachers:Katherine Walker, Annie Wilkes and Michaela Luoni MANUTAHI HALL Chairperson: Emma Wards 027 768 2955 Sec/Tres: Rachel McDonald 027 359 4263 OLD FOLKS ASSOCIATION Hall Bookings: Noeline Kerrisk, ph 273 8217 Secretary: Ruth Mackay, 273 8162. Meets Tuesdays 1pm PAEPAE IN THE PARK INCORPORATED: Chairperson Christine Windle 0273 947 227 Stalls - Gloria Tui 0273 559 938 PARIROA PA LADIES COMMITTEE Treasurer: Huia Davis, ph 273 8675 PATEA & DISTRICTS BOATING CLUB INC Contact: Harley Ogle, ph 272 8010 PATEA BOARDRIDERS & SURF CLUB Secretary: L Niu, ph 273 8801 PATEA BOWLING CLUB INC Ph 273 8393. President: Joe Bourke, ph 273 8414, 273 8415 PATEA CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Margaret Needham 027 331 7844 PATEA COMMUNITY PATROL CPNZ Coordinator - Allan Caple 027 277 2624 PATEA FEDERATED FARMERS Secretary: Tim Honeyfield, ph 273 8411 PATEA KINDERGARTEN Pres: Marichen Honeyfield 021 0811 3558, Sec: Liz Cook 027 244 7811, Treas: Conna Smith 022 155 2517. PATEA & WAVERLEY GARDENING CLUB Convenors: Susan Gunn 273 8135, Karen Phillips 273 8397 M Prince 346 6008, C Rook 346 6366 PATEA GOLF CLUB Secretary: Moya Dunlop, ph 027 484 9339 Club Captain: R Finlay, ph 273 8335 Club Captain: Gareth Hughes PATEA HISTORICAL SOCIETY President: Jacq Dwyer, ph 273 4494

Secretary: Jim Baker, ph 278 4344 PATEA HORSE GROUP President: Tina DeJager-Rich, ph 027 6711370 Secretary: Sharon Besley, ph 027 276 1886 Treasurer: Claire Dawson, ph 027 676 5168 PATEA LIONS CLUB Pres: Kay Wallace, ph 273 8661. Sec: Linda Reid, ph 273 8334. Meets 2nd Monday of month, Red Rock Cafe. PATEA MAORI CLUB INC Secretary: ph 273 8339. Club practices every Monday night PATEA BRANCH CARLYLE PONY CLUB Contact: Sue Cole, ph 273 8777 PATEA PRIDE SPORTS CLUB President/Chairperson Tina Rio, 06 273 8693 Treasurer Stacey Marino, PATEA RUGBY LEAGUE CLUB President: Kevin Tutauha, Old Main Rd, Patea PATEA RUGBY & SPORTS CLUB INC. Chairman: David Collins, ph 06 273 4468 Club Captain/contact: Todd Wollett, ph 06 273 8282 or 0276 712 912. Secretary: Bronwyn Murdoch, ph 06 273 8483 Patea Clubrooms, ph 06 273 8747 PATEA R.S.A President: Tom Matiaha. Vice President: John Freer Secretary/Treasurer: Joan MacBeth, PO Box 68, Patea. PATEA SQUASH CLUB President: Noel Perrett, ph 027 785 6279 Secretary: Ainslie Alexander, 027 334 4831 Club nights Fridays, 6pm Club Captain: Jenny Kerslake, ph 06 273 8465 PATEA STANDBY ASSN INC Po Box 28, Patea. Ph 273 8329 9am-noon After hours 273 8661, 273 8325 and 273 8665 after midday PATEA SURFCASTERS CLUB INC Club Captain / Weigh Master: Nigel Austen, ph 344 8184 PATEA TAE KWONDO Training Mon, Wed 6-7.30pm, ex-Primary School Hall Contact: Bruce 273 8779 PATEA TENNIS CLUB President: Maria Schrider, ph 273 4063 Secretary: Alva Honeyfield PATEA WALKING GROUP Contact: D Newell, ph 273 8498 PATEA WAVERLEY WAITOTARA VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE Sec/Treas: Heather Huston, ph 278 1339 PATEA YOUTH TRUST Chairperson: Tairoa Neho. Secretary: Laura Kanara. POLICE – WAVERLEY Ph 346 7010 REACHOUT SUPPORT GROUP S Phillips, M Clark 273 8399 RNZ PLUNKET SOC. INC BALL RD SUB BRANCH Pres: Kate Murdoch, ph 273 4474 Sec / Treas: Irene Fowler, ph 273 4400 RNZ PLUNKET SOC. INC PATEA SUB BRANCH Pres: O Northcott, 273 8344. Vice Pres: S Mackay, 273 8185 Treasurer: R Nesbit, 273 8990, Secretary: J Gullery, 273 8669 SOUTH TARANAKI COASTGUARD Reachable Channel 83 VHF President: Gary Darnell 027 531 5565 Vice President: Gareth Read 029 770 1874 SOUTH TARANAKI DISTRICT MUSEUM TRUST President: Rosanne Oakes, Patea. SOUTH TARANAKI TIMEBANK PATEA & WAVERLEY Coordinator: Joanne Peacock, 021 400 735 Email: TANEROA WAKA AMA PATEA / PATEA WAKA AMA 191 Egmont St, Patea. Brian: 027 3899 270. Debbie: 027 3633 595 TARANAKI CARRIAGE DRIVERS (members NZ Carriage Driving Society) Fun informal club promoting sport of carriage driving. President: Colleen Rebay, ph 346 5815 TURI INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Pres: Raymond Finlay, ph 273 8335. Secretary: Doris Brunton, ph 278 3004, WAITOTARA HALL Contacts Dave & Gail Welch, ph 06 346 5906 WAIOTURI MARAE TRUST Chairman: Archie Hurunui, 278 7177 Secretary: Narlene Ioane, ph 273 8151 WAITOTARA-PATEA SURFCASTER'S CLUB President: Alan Hone, ph 027 452 8989

Club Captain: Gavin Coveny, ph 027 393 4496 WAVERLEY A&P ASSOC Sec/Treas: Brittany Lupton, ph 021 253 1480, PO Box 52 WAVERLEY ADULT RIDING CLUB Michelle Watkins, ph 346 6226. WAVERLEY BOWLING CLUB President: Wayne Berry, ph 346 5488 Treasurer: Pam Hurndell, ph 346 5622 WAVEREY BRANCH CARLYLE PONY CLUB Secretary: Janene Pope, ph 346 6416. WAVERLEY CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Margaret Needham, ph 027 331 7844 WAVERLEY CEMETERY BOARD PO Box 96, Waverley. Ph 346 7070 WAVERLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE President: c/- Brian Rook, 10 Okiwa Terrace, Waiinu Beach, RD 18, Wanganui 5488 WAVERLEY COMMUNITY PATROL CPNZ Coordinator - Doug Rosewarne, ph 021 109 0473 WAVERLEY COMMUNITY WEBSITE WAVERLEY CROQUET CLUB Chris How 346 5420, Marie Hawken 346 5929, Dianne Kennedy 346 5406, Rae Wilson 346 6149 WAVERLEY FIRE SERVICE A D Hickford, ph 346 5393. Hussey St, Wav. WAVERLEY GOLF Clubhouse, Box 76, ph 346 5672 Sec/treas: Jacqui Hooper, ph 346 5632 Club Captain: Warren Pope, ph 346 6416 Ladies Club Captain: Jacqui Boon, ph 346 5365 WAVERLEY GUN CLUB R Smith and T & C Symes, ph 346 5664. WAVERLEY LIONS CLUB President: Grant Gulliver, ph 06 346 5657 Secretary: L Zimmerman, ph 346 5384. PO Box 145, Wav. WAVERLEY MACHINE KNITTING CLUB Meets 2nd Monday of the month 1pm. WAVERLEY OLD TIME COUNTRY MUSIC ACOUSTIC Cindy & Cliff Burgess, 06 346 6424. Meet 1st Sat of month, Feb-Dec, 1pm at Baptist Church WAVERLEY PLAYCENTRE President: Megan How 027 384 8177 or 06 346 5225. Vice Pres Tashie Hoffman 027 758 3937. Sec; Sophie Lance 027 663 3664 Hours Wed, Fri 9-12 WAVERLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL Principal - Kerri McColl Chairperson - Belinda Price WAVERLEY RACING CLUB President: Sam Lennox, ph 346 5365 Secretary: Justine Alexander, ph 027 232 7763 WAVERLEY SPINNING & WEAVING Nell Hone, ph 346 5660 WAVERLEY SWIMMING CLUB Kylie Manson, ph 346 6220 WAVERLEY STANDBY Secretary: Chris How, ph 346 5420 WAVERLEY TENNIS CLUB President: Shane Alexander, ph 346 5150 WAVERLEY UNITED INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club Captain: Colleen Smith, ph 06 346 5997 Secretary: Dale Mitchell, ph 06 346 5488 WAVERLEY WAITOTARA RSA President: Brian Rook Secretary: Irene Avison WAVERLEY-WAITOTARA SHEEP DOG TRIAL CLUB President: Denis Smith, ph 06 346 5997 Secretary: Brenda Simson, ph 346 5124 WAVERLEY W.I President: M Huff, ph 346 5570 Secretary/Treasurer: Lyn Smailes WHENUAKURA HALL SOCIETY President: Trish Williams, ph 273 8351 Secretary: Claire Honeyfield, ph 273 8028 WHENUAKURA PLAYGROUP Contact: Kate Williams, ph 273 8371 Sessions: Wednesday 9.00-noon WANGANUI YOUNG FARMERS CLUB Samantha Bills,, ph 027 675 8768 WHENUAKURA HALL SOCIETY President: Trish Williams, phone 273 8351 WHENUAKURA PLAYGROUP President: Kate Williams, phone 273 8371

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