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The Office of Advancement would like to thank all our alumni, parents, and friends who have supported the school during the 2021-22 financial year. We have had tremendous success and in meeting with many in our community we have learned the following lessons:

• Keep the Spirituality of the school as the highest priority,


• The students educational experience must be excellent,

• Listen more,

• Have clear communications,

• Ask people for support,

• Make the process of giving simple and efficient.

The Brothers of the Sacred Heart’s spirituality is alive and well at Catholic High School and our students are flourishing in the classroom and beyond. Your investment into Catholic High School is producing incredible results and there is an opportunity to make even more of an impact through the power of consistent giving.

Please see the chart on the opposite page to learn how a recurring gift to Catholic High School by a large percentage of our community can completely change the opportunities for our students. We are asking our alumni, parents, and friends who want a simple and impactful way to help the school to begin contributing as a recurring gift donor. The QR code below and the link provided allows the process to be completed in less than three minutes, please become a recurring supporter of Catholic High School today!