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We have all heard the quote, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” and of course, it is true. There are no short-cuts to greatness, and achieving anything great requires vision, patience, persistence, and sacrifice. It also requires collective effort. Individual contributions are important, but these are rarely sufficient in themselves to achieve a truly great outcome until many individuals join together in a collective effort.

What is true of Rome is also true of Catholic High School. Father André Coindre, and the religious community he founded, supplied the vision for Catholic High School to be great. However, it is the patience, persistence, sacrifice, and collective effort of literally thousands of parents, alumni, and friends as well as faculty and staff throughout the 126-year history of Catholic High School that has allowed it to achieve greatness.


So, in the following pages, we offer a printed “shout out,” a virtual “high five,” a well-deserved tribute, a salute for a job well-done—in other words, we proclaim an emphatic “Thank You” to all who have supported the Catholic High School mission in 2020-2021! Together, you have helped Catholic High School not only maintain greatness, but to adapt dynamically to the needs of young people today and achieve the vision passed down to us from Father Coindre.

The mission of Catholic High School is to teach Gospel values in an environment of academic excellence according to Catholic tradition and the spirit of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. That is truly ambitious! Because of your collective good will, your prayers, your trust, and your financial support, Catholic High School is thriving, and its mission is being achieved. Thank you for being partners in this great endeavor.


Gerald E. Tullier