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Father André Coindre, filled with compassion for the suffering young people of his time, established a religious institute in 1821 to serve their needs and provide for their well-being. A group of men, initially 10 in number, took vows in the Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and dedicated their community to these young people. Today, Coindre’s charism thrives in the eleven Brothers of the Sacred Heart schools in the Province of the United States.

Though separated geographically and culturally and serving locales with different needs and challenges, these schools share a common vision of education: the evangelization of young people. As genuine partners in mission, the Brothers and lay men and women who work in these schools strive to embody Coindre’s charism in various educational settings while recognizing that local circumstances demand creative adaptation, not mere imitation.

2021 was a special year for the Brothers of the Sacred Heart and all of the partners in mission as we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Brothers in Lyon, France. The bicentennial celebration at Catholic High on September 30, 2021, honored Fr. André Coindre’s wisdom, sacrifice, compassion, and vision in his founding of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart and paid tribute to the Brothers who have responded to the call to carry out his mission over the past two centuries. Catholic High School strives to be a sanctuary for the young men on our campus, dedicated to teaching gospel values in an environment of academic excellence according to the Catholic tradition and the spirit of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart.