2 minute read


On September 30, 2021, Catholic High School celebrated the Bicentennial Anniversary of the founding of the Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, commemorating the event in 1821 in Lyon, France when the first Brothers of the Sacred Heart took their vows. Our celebration joined celebrations around the world as both Brothers and partners in mission celebrated he beginnings of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart.

Our commemoration on September 30th began on the football field as the entire school community gathered with flags from all of the countries where the Brothers minister to young people. After music from the band and a prayer service led by Brother Ray Hebert, S.C., everyone processed into the gym to celebrate mass as one school community. The celebration continued after mass with birthday cake for students and faculty. Displays throughout the school commemorating the Bicentennial continue to form our students on the rich history and tradition of the Brothers. We will continue to celebrate and recognize the founding of the Institute in various ways throughout the remainder of the school year.


The Superior General of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Brother Mark Hilton, wrote a circular titled Sheer Grace recognizing the Bicentennial. In the circular, he notes that the General Chapter of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in 2018 “took up the celebration of our Bicentennial with energy and enthusiasm. All of this is one part of a jubilee.” Three years of celebration were planned with events taking place around the world, culminating on September 30, 2021.

Brother Mark continues, “As 2020 opened before us, inklings of a life-altering change were already emerging across our world. An event that would profoundly mark this generation was unfolding. An illness, COVID-19, became a pandemic, touching each of us and all of us…But this has enabled us to also see the other side of a jubilee, one we might have otherwise missed…a blessing of sorts…This pandemic has revealed our limits and our blessings as individuals, as communities, as institutions, as nations, and as Church. Echoing through it all, for each of us, is Father Coindre’s consistent exhortation to have ‘courage and trust.’ The goal of this time is not simply self-protection and self-absorption but to set out again faithfully and joyfully into the future.”

Just as the pandemic limited the planned Bicentennial celebrations, it has limited many of the normal day-to-day activities of our school over the past two years. But within those limitations, we have found new, different, and exciting ways to continue to engage our students and give them a high school experience that is in keeping with the tradition of Catholic High School and in the spirit of Father André Coindre. The biggest blessing of all has been the resilience and resolve of both our students and faculty as we have all “set out again faithfully and joyfully into the future.” I am so proud of our school community, proud of our students, and grateful beyond words for the blessings of these past two years and joyfully look forward to a positive conclusion to our school year.